HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1915-4-8, Page 1The Pirates are still sinking Allied and Neutral Merchantmen. Creat fight on in the Carpathians. RENEW kQUR SUBSCRIPTION Now is the time to renew your subscription, to The Advocate Help the editor by renewing early Help yourself by getting alive pa- per, Help the community by giv- g us all the News, TWENTY-SEVENTH YEAR RUPTURE EXPERT HERE SeeleS • Who Fitted the Czar of Rus- sia Called to Goderici' 3 F. H Seeley of Chicago and Phila- delphia elphia the noted truss expert, will be at the Bedford. Hotel and will re- zaaio in Godericlt Wednesday only Aprit 14th, Mr. Seeley says :"The Spermatic Shield as now used and ap- proved by the United States Govern- ment will not only retain, any case of rupture perfectly, affording ,namediate and complete relief, but closes the opening in 10 days on the average case The instrument received .the only award in England and' in Spain; producing results without surgery, harmful injections medical teeatments prescriptions. Mr Seeleyhas docte ment.: from the United tates Govern meet. Washington D. C. for 'nspect- ion All charity cases without charge if any interested call he, will be glad to shos same without charge or fit them i;: desired. Any one ruptured should remember the date and rake advantage of this opportunity, AGED LADY BROKE HIP/ Mrs Thos. Case who lived with her son Peter Case London Road North had the misfortune on Monday tofall aid. break her hip bone. As she ;s over r}inty years of age the injury is considered to be Of a serious nat- ure Her friends will hope for a speedy rteover►. TAMAN'S New Suits Like these in the ready to wear speak for themselves. at $10 $12 & $15 Made to Measure Clothing The new spring goods are very fine in colors in black, blue grays, brown. tan, green, and olives, in Worsteds, e'er- ges Cheviots, Vicunas and Tweeds made in the very newest spring styles, and workmanship of the best. Prices $18 to $28 8 • • ''Raincoats $s; $8, $10 Overcoats $10, $15. $18 T9ILOR & FIIIZNISHER CLUBBING When renewing your . Advocae remember that we chub with alp the City Daily, Weekly, and the lelo tthly papers and periodical;. Get the benefit of these clubbing rates, Call in, and see us. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1915 Boyer Vincent Stock Company Returns The Boyer Vincent Stock Company will play asecond return engagement in the p ra House Exeter, on Tues- day, .April 13th, when they will pre- sent for one night only, "Its a. Long Way to Tipperary". Admission 25e, 35c. 50e. Reserved Seats on sale at'. W. 5, Flowey's. Don't. miss it. The War Summary `'FRIDAY Russ9s has scored over her enemy in North and Central Poland. British airmen have driven the Ger- men submarines from Zeebrugge, des- troying two. King George and Kitchener agree not to allowliquor of any kind in their households during the war. Holland is calling out her reserves and situation is critical, SATURDAY The Russians have commenced the great drive over a front from, the t3al- tic to Roumaniia, The German offical list of casual- ties gives one and a half million men. Submarines sank a Dutch and a Nor- way vessel deliberately. German is said to propose{ an in- vasion of Holland. Botha has captured Aus, an =port - ant trading station in German' South Africa. 3,10NDAY Dry Canteens are to be established for each Canadian regiment. Bulgarians have invaded Serbia but were routed. A large German steamer is report- ed to have struck a mine and tank in the North Sea, The bad weather over the Dard- anelles are again being bombarded. Germany is preparing to flood Bel- giatn' to stop the Allies; advance. A Turkish cruiser was sunk by a mine in the Black Sea. Russia has been capturing Austrians rr the rate of 20,000 a week since the first of February. A Russian. Colonel has been hang- ed for treachery. S6C,000,000 worth of ordersfor shells have been placed in Canada, Women are being employed as, port els in Britain. TUESDAY The Russians are now in control of the Carpathian passes, A German Sub, has sunk an Ital- ian ship Japan and China are at strained re- lations 30,00G Allied troops have landed at the Dardanelles, . . . , Berlin claims Turks have sunk the, British Cruiser Lord Nelson. GREENWAY ACCIDENT, Mr Thos Sherritt of Greenway, ac- companied by his wife and family, met with an accident while driving, his car from Greenway to his home an Sun- day evening. Mr, Sherritt Having had. hie car only a few days was eat adept at handling it, and intending, to turn at Stone's bridge one way, he turned the other the car striking an abut - men:. and turning over all the occu- pants were thrown out. Luckily how- ever all escaped injury. Mr. Sherritt says ala will cover damages to the. cap although It had to he hauled home on a sleigh, AUTO TURNED TURTLE. Ezra Brenner of Grand Bend, ac- companied by Wilbert Dewey, ex- perienced a bad acident while driv- ing his automobile along the Lake Road north of Port Blake, on Sun- dae night. Losing control of the car on account o'f bad 'roads, the front wheeh• skidded into the ditch, drag- ging the machine with them and it. turned turtle. Dewey was thrown clear from the car, landing in the creek a few yards away, Mr. Bren- ner however, did not escape `so luck- ily being pinned under the car, which had to be lifted from, him. He° sus- tained numerous bruises about the face and body, while his companion suffered only a cold plunge. rhe car however.. was pretty badly damaged and had to be towed to Exeter on Tuesday to Snell's garage, where it will undergo repairs. EXETER 'SCHOOL REPORT FOR MARCH - Room 4 -Sr. 4, honors, M. Day 78, V. Hartleib 77, V. Janest 75; Pass I. Zuseifla 74 M. Caman 74, E. Doyle 73 C. Mallen73, (H. Boyle 72, M. Hardy 71 V. Mallett 70, VI Hill 70, H.WiI� Liam- 69..5. Cann 68, G. Bedford 67, W. 'Davis 65, C. Morley 64, B. Rivers 63 L. Blake 63, D. Knight; 62 R. Fletcher61. Jr.' IV., honors V.Jonee 8Z E. Davis 79, T. Connor •77, M.Har- vee 76. C. Heaman 75; Pass, C. Harri- es. 68 ,C Sanders 68, W. Hedden 67 W. Brown. 65,- E. Taylor! 62 V. Mar- shal 61 . Sweet 61. No, air roll 35 average 33.5.-C.Vosper, teacher. Room 5 -Jr. IV., honors, M. Harvey 85 B. Senior 82, A., Vincent"9, V. Rowcliffe 79, E. Yellow 78, P. Collins 76; Pass . S. Sanders 73, G. Harness 71 I. Easterbrook 69; Sr. III., honors, M. Kuntr 79. H. Horton 78, El Russell 76 I Davis 75, B. Acheson /5; Pass, L Hartleib 74, F. Vincent 73, B. Gould 73 J. Davis 72, V. Walker 70,. G Hinds 70, K. Hedden 68, D. Balks well 68, C. Ford 68, M, Johns o4, P. V. -farness 64, M. Wood 61, 'ti. Hotel - der 60 0 Bedford 60, No or roll 36; average attendance $5,-J S. Murray, teacher. Room 6 --Form III. Jr. -Honors, F. Barr 88 B. Brown 82, W. Lawson 80, �I Norry 78, G. Heddon, 77, C. Doyle 76. H. Cookson 76; Pass, V. Vale 4, R Taylor 73, W. Webster 68, G. Redford 68, J, Bradt 66, L. Harness 62 W . Ortwein 61, Form 'I., Sr.- Honcrs B. Russell 83, G. Bedford 82, NI Scott 81, F. Norryl 78, G. Creech ,L Statham 73, E, Mallett „2, C. Davis 71E. Houlden 67, M. .tel orthy 6: L . Brimacombe, Noon roll 37; average attendance 35.--H • :1i Kinsman, teacher, Room 7 -Sr. II., honors, S. Stan - burs 91 H, Seldon 89, R. Lamport 85 F. Hartleib 81, G. Jong 77, F, Has- v ay 75; Pass, al. Rowe. 74 NI. Glad - men 74 F. Heaman 73. Jr. II, --Hon- ors :ti Bissett 94, M. Harney 88, R. Northcott 83, A. Sanders 78, J. Barr 77, C Acheson 76, J. White 75; Pass, Ni. Ford 74, E. Kuntz 69, F. Walters e4 ..A. .Acheson, Sr. I. -Honors, Nelsot. 95, H. Gould 92. V. Coiling - wood 84 .E, Horsey 81, W. Makins 80,. E. Keys 79 L, McDonald 75, W. '-spew ccr• 75 Pass E. Hunkin 68, L. Fanson 64. on roll 36; average, attendance 35,-I Quackenbush, teacher. Room 8 -Pt. lI.B-l'lonors, I, Stew- art 95. K. Stanbury 90, V. Bloomfield 89 L M. Snell 86, F. Scott $5, J. Bright 85. I. Lamport 83, N. Linden- fell 78 D. Bedford 77; Pass, C. Glad - man 71. A -Honors, E. Sanders 88, C Mitchell 75; Pass, W. Von Was- cinskf 73 E. Mallett 70, H. West 67, R Creech 65, G. Beaver 60. Pt. I D. -Honors, R. Fanson 77; Pass, L. Mc- Donald 64. C. -Honors, O. Brown 85 M. Bissett 80, H. Nelson, 75; Pass, E, Northcott 68, H. lia,rtleib 65, I, Mitch- ell 64, R. Bloomfield 62. B. -Honors, 'ti. Murphy 90, J. Bloomfield 59; Pass, G. Brock H, Sanders 63, G. Webster 61 G Wells 60, L Lane 60. No on roll 43; average attendance 38.-1. Armstrong, teacher. EXETER COUNCIL Council met in the Council Chamb- ers March 30. Members all present. Minute: of previous meeting-onfirm- ed a; read. A communication from the General Accident Assurance Company of Ca- nada re liability under schedule' 2 of the Workmen's Compensation for ln- jurie; Act. Filed. °Roulston-Hind-That accounts as read be passed, -Carried. John ie'ydd, cemetery labor 3,50; Jos. 11cDonald 88c; W J, Heaman 45c.; J. A,' Stewart 12.07 Rasa " Taylor 'Co.;' 00; i?red Kerr brick and lumber $0.30; J.Rowe sand 1.50 • A. Cottle, acc L.25; T. Creed, 3.85; Taylor & Beavers, dele- gates to Hydro Electric at Toronto 17.60; Mr Win Creech interviewed the Council re removing the old :ence around the park as it had had 'te day and wae anything but sightjy. Beavers -Harton-The matter of removing the fence be left to the Public Works Committee. -Carried. Mr Wes. Snell waited on the coun- cil asking .to have a steel gasoline tank installed in the ground under the sidewalk close to his building. Rout- ston-Beavers-That the request be granted Mr. Snell to assumes all re- sponsibility, and in case tanll is ever removed the street to be�left in pres- ent condition. -Carried. Roulston-Hayton-That the re- commendation of the Cemetery Com- mittee re engaging of Me., Ford be accepted at a salary of $450. per annum, -Carried. Communications were received from The Consolidated Rubber Co., and the Dunlop ,Tire and Rubber. Goods Co re Fire hose. Hind-Harton-That communications re purchasing of Fire hose be turned over to the Fire, Light and 'Water Committee, •vith power to purchase which brand, they may see fit, the manna to be • pur- chased' to be 100 feet,HCarreed. The Special Committee beg, to re- port ap follows, --"That we recom- mend that the Milk By-law as pre- pared by the Local Board, of Health be accepted," -Dr. Roulston, chairman, The Milk By-law was read clause by clause and adopted, with `the follow- ing clause added, "All milk; shall be free from chemical preservation." Roulston-Beavers-That Milk By- law No 11, having had the third and final reading, be passed. -Carried. e " • No person shall engage in the sale of milk in the town of Exeter withou having first obtained a lic- ense therefor from 'the chairman of the Board of health." A petition was presented, signed by S ,Mfartin Nelson Stanlake and the Secretary oe the James Street Church Bored, asking to have a cement walk laid on north side ,of; James Street ens- of Albert to "Nelson Stanlce's gate, -Beavers and Rowiston - That the petitiion be left ire the hands of Publer Works Committee for future reference. -Carried. The clerk was authorized to tor - ward the Milk By-law . to the minis- ter of agriculture for his endorsation and approval. Adjournment. T. B. Carling, Clerk Local Items hr $fila Snail this weeks sold two Ford Touring cars to Thomas ,:1tur- docl' of Hensall and Fred Stolkopf t f Zeeich :Mise Grace Sanders, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Thomas Sanders, Huron street was married in North Battle- ford Sask. on Wednesday, April 7th, to Mr J. W. Maclnty re: of that place. Special music and special. Easter serwon: were the characteristics of services in the various churches on Sunday In the James Street 'Church Mr. Phillips sang a pleasing solo. In Main Street Miss Muxworthy of St. Thomas and Miss Jones of London rendered excellent solos. Mr. Thos Hawkins and ether rel- atives here received word last week of the death of Mrs. Chas. Allan of Elora The deceased's maiden name was Jane Hawkins, and she; had ar- rived as the great age of 82 tears. lits; J I. Allan, the eye sight expert, who visits Exeter is a daughter of the deceased. Aylmer the 10 year old. son of Mr. and Mrs John Kteinfeldt, con, 5, Us - borne, was kicked by a horse on Sun- day and sustained a broken leg, at :he ankle He was standing on a box cleaning the beast at the time and it is pot known just, how it- occurred. No one was near and the little fel- low had to manage for himself until assistance arrived. r. Centralia The finishing rehearsal has 'aeon ;nut on -the final touch -and everything is reedy for the big concert to -night, The play is a good one; and will last over two hours. The proceeds are for the Patriotic Fund, and as our boy: are always in need; of $,upplies the cause is a worthy one. Everya body,come and fill the church to ca- pacity. The Easter services were largely attended on Sunday last, Special ser mon; by the pastor, and, the choir rendered a special song service in the' e°s en•;ng which was greatly tppreciat- ed by the congregation, They were ably assisted by H. Duplanl and Percy Simpson of London and Ewart. Blat- chfotd of Toronto, Among the Easter visitors we no- tice the following, -All the Blatch- ford 1w : s \Mrs. Woods of London at Misses Wiisone; the Salton boys of Leamington the Hedden children cf Londor with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs R. Handford; Mr. and Mrs. Spencer of St. Thomas witht Mr, and Mrs H Mills; Mr. Leonard Moulten and sister of near Dresden with the Mitchell families; Mrs. Paisley of Lon- don with Mrs, F. Hicks; Mr. and Mrs Fred Ellerington of Lumley at Wm. Quinton's; Mr,'Fred Fairhall of Wind- sor B C. visiting at his name; Mr. and Mrs F. Sims with Mr, and Mrs. C Baskerville, Mr. Harold Young of Lucatr spent a few days with F • Colwill, Mrs J. Colwill spent the holiday with her mother and 'sister in London, Mr Herb Hanlon spent a fens. days visiting friends in London, Mr Alex Falls has returned, to the village again, after spending 'he win- ter in Clandeboye, Mr Wm Quinton is not recovering very rapidly, and a nurse has peen engaged to attend to him. airs A. Brook and daughters, spentt th.' holiday: with relatives at Belgrave Mr W Connor spent a few days vis:ittn,' at St:. Thomas and Union. Wm Boyle has gone to Shipka to woe], for a few months • with James Dannon Ie the reports 'from the O. A. C. Daire School at Guelph Lloyd Bayn- ham the youngest pupil ins the school passec with honors in nearly, all sub- jects He is to be congratulated c.n hi.:: success. • He has gone :o Berlin to work this season. We hear that Mr. Geo. Essery has sold the farm north oft the village to Mn. Hasketl of near Lutcan, who will take possession at once. The , price was about $7000. LMALEY The remains of the little daughter\ of Mr. and Mrs. George Fairbairn were interred irtt,. he cemetery here on Saturday. We extend our sympathy to the parents. -Mr. J. Harold Glenn of • the Commerce staff, Chatham, spent Easter under the parental roof. -The "Old Homestead" went to Brucefield on Tuesday evening ',esti and speak very highly of the kindness shown their by the good people of that place. -Mar. Last has got moved down and is busy getting ready for the spring work on his new farm.- Mist Freda Vincent of Dashwood, has commenced duties at; Mr. Win. Glenn's Sr. -Quite a number in this vicinity have had the pink eye. Though not: a serious infection it is nevertheless unpleasant. -Master Will Horton of Seaforth High School is holidaying at his home • here. • SHIPKA Ma .Chas , Finkbetiner of London vis ite.0 a few days at his home here: Ma• Will atr Switzer visited. in Windsor last week. -Mies Katie Pfaff is visit-. Ing ,he- sister Mrs. Isaaej Gowen -Mr. and Mrs. Ross McKenzie of Windsor spent the holiday with his parents here. -Mr. Sandy McEacheai and Pte: Danni ' Morrison of the 18th Battalion span' Sunday with the former's mo- ther here, -Mr. Fred Kading spent Easter with friends in Woodstock. M: A M. Wilson conducted the ser- vices here Sunday evening -Mr. jack Keough who has spent the past few months in Detroit has returned home -Mr. Thos O'Rourke of Detroit visitea his parents here. -Mr, and Mrs Peter MacKenzie attended 'he fun- eral of the latter's aunt in Arkona cin Monday aI HS Ford. -In Usborne, on April 4th, to Mr and Mrs. Harry Ford, a on, White. -In Stephen, on April 4th, to Mr and Mrs. John White, a son. Kerslake, -In Usborne, London Road on April 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. Char- les Ker..slake, a son -Howard W. J. Rau -At Zurich, on March 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. M. J'. Rag a son. M ARRIA G ES ames-.Wein-In Crediton, April nth Fred H James of London, to Carrie SANDERS & CREECH, daughter of Mrs. Louis Wein, of; Crediton. Chnson-Davia,.In the Ta'ivitt Mem . - orial church, Exeter, on ..April 7 t>s by Rev. Collins, George C. Clipsoni_ Ingersoll. to Miss Clara j., dauglat ter of Mr. and Mrs., Daniel Davis;. of Exet • Isaac--Simpson-In London, on Mar. 31, by Rev. Dean Davis at his res- idence Mrytle I. Simpson to Gar- net Isaac of Biddulph.. Mac Intyre--Sal ders-In the Presby-. teriar• Church, North Battleford ,ora - April 7th. by Rev. Mr. Munroe, Mn, J W Maclntyre to Miss Grace • Sanders daughter of Mr. and ;ire.. Thos Sanders of Exeter. DEATHS Taylor -In Exeter North, on April 3 John Taylor, aged 80 years, limon - the 19 days, Joynt,-In Hensall, on Aped let, Geon. Joynt. aged 41 years. Exeter bargain Store You are Invited To see the Spring Models of Suits and Overcoats which will be display- ed by MR, FRANK W, TWISS, reeiresentative of GREENE SWIFT', LIMITED LONDON, at our Store Wednesday, April 14th, 1915 A full range of sampled for MADE - TO - MEASURE CLOTH: IVC will be shown, and because of uncertain deliveries of woollens from the mills this season, it is mportant that you make your selection; early to avoid disappointment. Satisfaction Guaranteed Ps.ices Reasonable. Our Shoes are full. of Style and Especially Low Priced . B. W. F. Beavers R ESOLVED THAT WE LEAD 1T -1E PRo om IN OUR LINE OF BUSIINc4SS E3ECAVSE WE'VE"c of THE 'GODS AND WE "SELL IT RIGHT: i6 WE STRIVE TO PLEASE OUR PATRONS IN TWO BIG WAYS, - FIRST, BY CARRYING THE 'BRIGHTEST LINE OF DRY GOODS THE MARKETS AFFORD. SECOND, BY SELLING THEM AT PRICES AS LOW AS SUCH HIGH QUALITY MERCHANDISE CAN BE SOLD. COME, SEE OUR BEAUTIFUL NEW DRESS GOODS, HOSIERY, WAISTS, AND EVERYTHING THAT WOMEN WEAR. IT WILL PLEASE YOUR EYE, AND THE PRICES WILL PLEASE YOUR PURSE. RAINCOATS Splendid Raincoats for Girls in 6 to 10 year sizes in pretty Olive Shades far $5.00. Also colors of Grey Black :tnd Green for Ladies at $7.50. LACE CURTAINS We have a big assortment of 2'%' yard length Lace Curtains' far Bedrooms which we are selling at 50c., 75c., and $1,00, Elegant Parlor Curtains at. $2.50 to :$5.00 ROOM 'RUGS. No matter what size you want you 'will likely find 't here. Many new designs in Tapestries Brussels, Velvets and Witttons. The prices too are right. WOOL BATS They are the first we have been able toprocure for moon tbs. Absolutely pure .wool, scoured and cleaned at per lb. 85c. WALL PAPERS For any room iii your, home Good bedroom papers at 5t., and 10c, a colt. Splendid din- ing room and parlor papers at per roll 15c. and 25c. LINOLEUMS Nasv Lvnolewms have arriv- ed this week in 2 and 4 yd. widths. They are Nairn's quality,. See our patterns and get our prices before you buy NEW LAID EGGS 18c. CASH, 19c. TRADE, PHONE 16 J. A. STEWART PHONE 16