HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1915-4-1, Page 71TER►VOUS DISE SES IN THE MPMI Cured by Toning the Blood and. Strengt1ieninig the Nemo-- It is the opinion of the best medical .authorities, after long ob- servation, that nervous diseases are more connmon and more serious in the spring than at any other time of the year, Vital changes in the system, after long winter months, may cause much more trouble than the familiar spring weakness and weariness from which most people suffer as the result of indoor life in poorly ventilated and often overheated buildings. Official re- cords prove that in April and May neuralgia, St. Vitus dance, epilepsy and other fornix of nerve trouble are at their worst, and that then, more than any of lies time, a blood - making, nerve -restoring tone is needed. The antiquated custom of taking purgatives in the spring is useless, for the system really needs* streng Owning, while purgatives only gallop through the bowels, leaving you weaker, Dr, Williams' Pink Pills are the best medicine, for they actually make the new, rich, red blood that feeds the starved nerves, and thus cure the many forms of nervous disorders. They care also such other forms of spring troubles as he. dacrhes, poor appetite, weak- ness in the limbs, as Well a% re- mote unsightly pimples and erup- tions. in fact they unfailingly hriug new health and strength to weak, tired and' depressed men, women and children, ,. ,Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr, Wil- liams' Medieine Co.., Brockville, Ont. FROM ERIN'S GREEN IRE NEWS BY MAIL FROM 1it.l;• LAND'S SHORES. 13api'eninge Ill the Emerald Isle at Interest to Irish• Extensions are to be carried out to 1{ynoeh's factory, Wicklow, en- tailing the expenditure of over $150,000. Dr. Moure, attached • to Ardee Union has met with a severe acci- dent and is now suffering from a fractured rib. Owing to failing health, Samuel I}oary, C,P,S., Limavady, has re- signed after holding office for the past forty years. Jelin Ward of Davagh, near Emy - vale, died suddenly on the roadside at Tiraniel, while proceeding to Monaghan Market. An old woman named Bridget ]F)onncilly, who lived alone, was found burned to death in her house wt Druinmicik, Corcughan. In Dublin a laborer named Pat- till Higgins was sentenced' to ten years' penal servitude for throw- ing a police sergeant into the :river Liffey. The death is announced of Mrs. Maxwell, of Isserderan, the last re• presentative- of one of the Burke Ganiilies of the West of Ireland. Within the past week three army veterans have died in Belfast, James Jameson,Crimea veteran • James Moore, who o had 'been in the relief of Lucknow, and W. J. Dow- ling, another Crimea veteran. Most Rev. Dr. Walsh, Archbishop of Dublin, has sent a. cheque for $15,740, collected in the Dublin dice ee.se, to the Belgian Relief Fund. During blasting operations, John Giicreest, aged twenty-seven, of Meaghy. Ardstraw, Strabame, had Ms head blown off by a charge of dynamite. James Coughlan of Breda: Mountuniacke, was killed in the vr.esence of his wife, when his horse bolted and dragged him along the road at Greencleyne. o A large force of police. recently visited Clooncroff and Cl.00ncellen and arrested thirteen farmers in. connection with a recent RoscOM- E11011 cattle drive. A young man nailed Thomas Armstrong; of DODaclimore, while working on a farm; was itttaoked by e, bull and +badly n'ot'ed 'before the animal could be driven off. While a shooting +party was in the vicinity of the' Abbey, Ro•screa, one of the guns accidentally went elf and Mrs. James O'Connor was so seriously hurt that she died soon l►fterwa:ds. WHA.T MOTHERS SAY OF BABY'S OWN TABLETS Once v znotther has n; ed Baby's Own Tablets for her little_ ones she Wild use no othe,r medicine. She gnitil dy icwlieea the Tablets are an absolutely safe remedy ,and one that w=+11.•.give sure results. Con- ' corning them \'Tis. R. L.. Wright, Jk'clir•,:ibit, Sask., wii'tes:. ``l: have used C;aby.'a Own Tablets for:,emy three babies and ednlc so 'much of. ih.emethoi, 1 alwaes keep them in the house.,' 1'hi `1' i,;lists axe sold by midieiie dt.il.yis (Ir hy mail at 25 cents a hux fi•oin The Dr. Wile gams' M(ciic:ilie Co., Brockville, Ont. Blind from Birth, Suddenly Sees, A veritable miracle has come to Miss Maud Emerson Lincoln, of Marblehead, Massachusetts, who, after twenty-one! years of life in ,Amar t total darkness, suddenly re- gained the use of her eyes. Prac- ically blind froze, her birth, 21 years ago, she now sees clearly. In an instant, one early afternoon, unexpectedly, as she was about household duties, she felt some- thing suddenly snap in her eyes -and the veil that had darkened her blue eyes throughout her youth, was swept away and sight came first to one eye and then to the other. She had always been able to distinguish between light and darkness, but to -day she elle see as well as any normal being, When the girl began to see, she almost fell into nervous prostration. Her whole nervous system had a reac- tion frons the miracle. The sight of people frightened her, the sight of food was strange, and she could not eat; everywhere she turned she Raw things she had never seen before. Miss Lincoln was taken to an eye specialist to determine whether her regained sight is per- manent. She plans to make up for her enforced lack of education and is real happy on account of the <`miraele," 1' Howl a Sick Woman Can Regain Health READ THIS VERY CAREFULLY. "For years I was thin and delicate. I lost color and was easily tired; a yellow pallor pimples and blotches on my face were not only mortifying to my feelings, but because I thought my skin would never look nice again. I grew despondent. Then my appetite failed. I grew very 'weak. Various remedies, pills, tongs and tablets I tried without permanent benefit, A visit to my sister put into my hands a box of Dr. Hamilton's Pills. She placed reliance upon them, and now that they have made me a well woman I would not be without them whatever they might cost. I found Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills by their mild yet searching action very suitable to the delicate character of a woman's nature. They never once griped me, yet they estab- lished regularity. My appetite grew keen—my blood red and pure—heavy rings under my eyes disappeared and to -day nay skin is as clear and un- wrinkled as when I was a girl. Dr. Hamilton's Pills did it all." The above straightforward letter from Mrs. J. Y. Todd, wife of a Well- known miller in Rogersville, is proof sufficient that Dr. Hamilton's Pills are a wonderful woman's medicine. Use no other pillbut Dr. Hamilton's. 25c, per box. All dealers or The Catarrh - ozone Co., Kingston. Ontario, Slightly Misunderstood. Railway Official (breaking the news gently to the wife of a com- mercial traveller)—"Ahem! ma- dam, be calm. Your husband has met with a slight—that is to say, one of the front wheels of a passen- ger locomotive struck .him on the cheek and—" Wife—"Well, sir, you needn't come round here in order to collect damages. . You won't get a penny from me. If your company can't keep its property out of danger, it'll have to take the consequences. You should h.ave your engine in,• cured.'': Bard on the Judge. Mr. Arthur H. Engelbach, in his collection of anecdotes of. the Bench tells' this story of Lord' Braxford who was among the last of the Scotch judges who rigidly adhered to the broad ,S,coteh dialect : "Hae, ye ony counsel, mon?" he said to Maurice: Hargot, when placed at the Bar. "No;" was the reply. "Do ye wan to has any ap- pointitl"'continued the judge. "No," said Margot ;."I only wept an interpreter to make me under- stand chat your lordship says." IStan;y a ,roman who doesn't know. her own mind gives her husband pieces of it. A dew months in school teaches sone children how little their par- ents know, Mrs. McGahey, of :Londonderry, has six sons,' all Ulster Volunteers, serving in the army. live are in the lnniskilling Fusiliers and the sixth with the Canadians, Sepe a °.Seb001. Teacher. Speaks TELLS OF '!`lull (.AOI) •1).O1)1) -'S KIDNEY 1i.EY PILLS. IL VI BONE. She Had No Faith in Them. But the Results and Health Obtained C'onvineed Iter. Grates Cove, Trinity Bay, Nfid., March 29th (Special). --Among the thousands in Newfoundland who pin their faith to Docid's Kidney Pills is ,Mies Mary Bridget Whe- lan, teacher in the Romain Catholic School here. ' "I am exceedingly grateful to Dodd's Kidney Pills," Miss Whe- lan states in an interview. "I was very much run down in health. Close confinement to my work brought on my trouble, "Reading of the many cures by Dodd's Kidney Pills I began to use them and I must confess with very little faith. `.Before I had taken one box I was not only cured but my strength was growing rapidly, and I felt a. great improvement in every way.:, Miss Whelan gives the real rea- son of the popularity of Dodd's Kidney Pills, They do not cure the ailment aimed .at at the expense of some other part of the body. They build up health all over the body. They do this by curing the Kidneys, Cured Kidneys mean pure. blood, NEWS ACROSS THE BORDER WHAT IS GOING ON OVER 1? THE STATES. Latest Happenings in Iii; Bepublle Condensed for Busy Readers. Violent deaths in New York city during February totalled 200. Wilkesbarre, Pa., has 12,000 idle uwing to the .closing of mines. Culebra cut has taken another slide and tied up the Panama Canal. Prance and Britain have ordered S0.000 tons of prairie hay in Texas. At the Kent-Shmavon sale in New York $1,750 was paid for a Persian carpet, Peary's Artie ship, the Roose- velt, will go into .the Alaskan fish • eries service. Cleveland high sehool •bays will: aid the poliee in preserving law and order in all branches. North Carolinians are limited now to receive six gallons of whisky each year. Salumy(Costa. aged 3, of Roch- ester, turned on a. gas jet and kill- ed himself, .his mother and two lit- tle sisters. Ethel Hollister, of Nelsonville, N.Y., was fatally burned while de- veloping a;picture of her fiance, Oliver Lamson. Jas. Walls is suing eight fellow - students of Dickenson College, Philadelphia for a "molasses" haz- ing. Judge Gorman. of Philadelphia, appointed four women assistant judges for delinquent girls. Mrs. Levy, a wealthy widow of Staten Island, died ` at San Fran- aface duringtreatment for.e fa cisco m t t freckles. Thomas Rhodes was upheld at Sapulpa, Okla., in shooting J. C. Cederberg, for cursing the former. Chicago deputy sheriff won't ,sanction the cost of a milk supply for four county' building cats. Lewiston, P., expenses for its borough lock-up for February was three cents; there was one arrest. For breach of lanes the govern- ment ran $4,500 worth of !beer into the lake at Bemidji, 'Minn., ibrew- ery. Chest Colds and !harness Quickly Rubbed Away "Nerviline" Gives Speedy Relief and Cures Over Night. Got a cold? Is your voice raspy—is your chest congested or sore? If so you are the very person that Nerviline will cure in a jiffy. Nerviline is strong and penetrating. It sinks right into the tissues, takes out inflammation and soreness, de- stroys colds in a truly wonderful way. Itub Nerviline over the chest—rub on lots of it, and watch that tightness disappear. Nerviline wori't blister, it sinks in too fast—doesn't simply stay OD. the surface like 'a thick, oily lini- mept• would. If the throat is raspy and sore rub it well outside with Ner- viline, and use Nerviline as a gargle diluted with warns water. Just one or two treatments like this and your voice and throat will be quickly nor- mal again, Just think of it—for forty years the largest used family medicine in this country-Nerviline must be good, must quickly relieve and cure a hun- dred ills that befall every family. Try it for earache,toothache; coughs, colds, sore chest, hoarseness and mus- cular pains in every part of the body-. .Large family size bottle 50c.'," trial size 25c, at all dealers. *Tr Feesy money is easy to get rid of BENEFITS OF IRRIGATION. When Sir William Van Horne said many years ago that the C.P.R. by undertaking the work of irrigation east of Calgary, would make the wilderness to blossom like the rose, he was derided, but to -day this prophecy may be said to be a literal fact. At any rate, niillicrns of acres have not only been reclaimed by the company, but the whole district has been ea improved and beautified that there is nuw° a general clamor for j irrigation in sections whieh are still untouched. Deputations have gone to Ottawa to stir the Govern- ment into undertaking the work outside the proprietarial limits of the C.P.JL, on the lands which seem to require this treatment to produce similar results to those so gratifying and profitable on the t .P.R•, lands. As one result of this demand on the part of the people of Southern Alberta, Professor F airfield, super- intendent of the Dominion Experi- mental Farm, Lethbridge, een- vineed farmers that with irrigation production Will not only be greatly increased, but permanent homes established on the prairie, which can be rendered naturally beauti- ful when irrigation works are avail- able, - The professor ktl d great stress on growing alfalfa corn, which meant more fodder for Iive stock, more fertility of soil, ime prevenient to all crops. Resolu- tions were passed asking the Minis- ter of the Interior to carry out irrigation works, or to arrange for an extension of the C.P,R, system, I'alike Most Men. She -.-Do you think the brilliant rose or the modest violet is the suitable Hower for a woman to take to as her em'hlem 2 He--I'cl advise the morning. glory. She- Why qct? He -Because the morning glary knows when to shut up. Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. I Who v er sawafree eLv 'hat lat didn't have surae kind of a string attached to it? "What became ef. the large girl you made love to in the hammock last slimmer'{" asked one awing man of his friend, "We fel] out," Granulated yelitds, •ayes inflamed. by expo- sure to Sun, Dust and Wind Eyesquickly relieved by Murine 1:ye Renicdy. No Smarting, just Eye Comfort, At Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Murine Eye , SialveinTubes25c, For Bonk elthcEye:l'reeaslc Druggists or Murine Eye Remedy Co„ Chicago A Point ;About Cloelcs. How is it that clocks are often made to go eight days.? Why not seven, or nine, or any other num= ber ? Of course, if made seven-day clocks they would run down once a week. It is easy to remember to wind the clock every Saturday or Monday, as the ease may be, and the eight-day clock would; there- fore, have a day in hand, it would never run down if wound once a week. The same applies to watcih es, which are usually made to go for 30 hours. Wound regularly once a day (every 24 hours) they will not stop. ' To nvhom it may concern: Thie iet to certify that I have used MIN,litD'S LINI- MENT myself as well se prescribed it in any practice where a liniment was re- quired and have never failed to get the desired effect.. C. A. KING, M. D. Burdens. We are told in a, good old book that we should carry one another's burdens, and again that every man bear his own burden. It seems a contradiction, but it is so only in seeming. There are physic- al burdens or imperfections that every man must bear if they are sent to him; there are hereditary tendencies which no man can up- root for another ; there are the cir- cumstances of life into which a man or woman is born. These, everyone must bear for himself; but there are the burdens of poverty, of mental darkness, of spiritual blight, of lone+lineshs•, of heart hunger; bur - 'dens of over -work, of no work at all, and corresponding lack of money, wih•ich we can all. help to bear Air one another. It is said "that there are none so ready to help the poor as the poor themselves. That, no doubt, is very true, but there are many who are not poor wiho would be none the worse of a kind word—a helping band over one of the stiles of life. Too many sermons are aimed at pocket hooks instead of at hearts, Mrs. Dawson -`My hub and goes out every evening for a` little con- stitutional. Does yours 1" lljrs. Young 'No ; my husband al ways keeps it in the. house." Minart's Lini:nat:t Cures Dandruff, ED. 5 1SSUE Isasal5. QUEER SCISSORS FISII, Jews are Nearly Four Tithes as Loug 'es the ll.e.ad. Another strange marine animal of the fish tribe :las just been ob- tained from the Mediterranean Sea. Somewhere in the neighbor- hood of a anile and a quarter deep. It was caught by a deetesea dredg- ing chip. The flab is about 18 inch- es long and as deep bleak as Cerbe- rtes. It has been dubbed by the seamen who carried it to the Lou- vre the "scissors fish," because its head in appearance is half way be- tween that of an alligator and u£ a pair of large shears. The unusual disposition of the jaws and the double -blade mouth gives it an odd appearance. The jaws are nearly four times; as long' as the head of the ls'h. From the snout to the brain is four inches Delicately flavoured -- Highly concen- trated. Gups WHY WORRY 1 Choose your variety and ak your grocer for "Clark's", •Mille the two jaws look all the l Little: Frecklylilt I sav to world like the blades of a scissors, and slight tooth-like edgee, invis- ter, you belted me bee•aase I • licked Tommy. Tu dac m:pther eked- me able but easily felt, run ail the way •c,,s 1'",nlin'. ,:. h d me. 1; ee7,''.1 along then. The mouth itself is a i happen when :t' a ci+raw vast tunnel, of which the bodr is Minard's Llnintent for safe everyw8e-s. a. long drawn out. extension. In FARMS FOR S4 .B this pouch. loud is prepared fr.r assimilation.. The fins. for r\\ imining puipw.es, are placed near the hark; there are no belly fins. The tail of the fids E is like the tail of a monkey, round' and serpentine. It is not. Hat, s in other fishes. Its name to be pro- perly pronounced requires several; sets of false teeth and a dozen tongue.• It is eulypharynx pele- canordec. Cure Guaranteed Neverknown to More fail; acts without pain in 24 hours. is soothing, healing; o or't. No remedy so takes the sting right quick. safe and sure as Putnam's Pain- less Corn Extractor. Sold every - Where -25c. per bottle. Very Rich Pits. "'1e the soil i eh out n v .0 �, a the t''.12. Mau. "Is it rich cant. from the ;,r•e er. "why, say, the soil is ori 'r out there that when the kids 1110'. - mud pies thee can't eat 'eel Minard's Liniment pOuros Burns, Eta. Its the Rural Die€t•iets. Conn try Justice 'I1: have t'A fine ye a. dollar. Jeff.'' Jeff ---"I'll have tr, beerew it 4 ye, Judge," Country J u: rice--• Great snake It was only to git a dollar I w is fin- ing ye. Git out. Ye ain't guilty. anyway . eseINFDM;i'1'JON F FOR OR INVE`TORS Mei' ri . Pigeon, Pigeon & Das is, 1 patent solicitors. Montreal, repel t that 147 Canadian patents were diens issued for the week ending Febi n- ary 23rd, 1915, 116 of which were .granted to Americans, 14 to Cana- patent and 17 to residents of foreign countries, Of the Canadians who received patents 7 were residents of Ontario, 3 of \ova Scotia, 2 of Saskatche- wan. and 2 of Quebec. Itis \Vee, Arthur sat en the front dunisteps i crying softly. 1 "IN hat is the matter, little boy r asked a kind-hearted -woman who was passing. "Ma's F alli1=. gone an'di o\ m •t kittens," he subbed. \\hat a pity : I'm awfully sorry.'' "An' s she promised -'bnu-hoe\ e 'at I c'u'd do it." German Boy. "George: where are your school books?" "When notices appeared that books were wanted for the wound ed I gave mine to them." You will find relief in Zane -Baric It eases the burning, stinging pain, stops bleeding and brings ease. Perseverance, with Zam- Buk, means cure: Why not prove this 7 4R Drtcggiaia ancf ,Sltores.— . W. DAWSRN, ,Winety Colborne Street, To onto, II I` You' \V l NT Tl:) t:1;\° x21 I Fruit. uit. Stu,1:. tiraiet or Volt v 1'a 1. . r Fire 11. \V. Di wsnn colboi7,e fit.. Toronto, g. AWSGN, Colborne Si., mores i NURSERY STOCK. TYAWIDERi fly. YtaSrl3C itillE4. P:1. T.7 rots. Catalogue tree. ..let'cuue.i Ran. Part Iinrwt•11. Ont ra ; IE,A,k ZOVS. y %N l.l',. 'rt`:1't)Bii 1.1';‘11 °:=. Fat .% Ant, real and a¢£?1.141. rnrr"1 v.t:92- .i t train 1,y e.lia home air„t°!ih9 i \i•,'0 1s b, feta too tato. i, Grua, t.:,t.•„6,-st •n., ;.lint:cd. Cul.'.,.; tt,+u,T, ATENT OF INVF,NTIONS i=IG11014, PlttEoNi fiz OASIS ata St. James 'Se., * 31,nnwital Writs for Into mat.on ENGINE Pew W,Wt eelock 18 :; 42 tiutorn tic E.dtt f'arn ple; o opera*, venallin: fil w ileo. f t 1 iia-, ban. • t) a s and all Duni.. Can lie running at ;,resent time, Will sell at tees than half cost price, S. FRANK WILSON &. SONS 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto What Is Your Mirror's Story You can't have a beautiful cciinplexion for the asking, 6 11e frauemari; COLD CREAM Made in Canada tiled regularly will remove blem- ishes, and make the akin :month., rieai and sound. Vaseline Cold Cream contains no annual or vegetable fats. It is sterilized in the making and deli- cately perfumed, "Vaseline” preparations are for sale at all Chemists and General Stores. AVOID SUBS•I'ITUTRS Insist on "Vaseline" in original pack- ages bearing the name, C ail SI- 13ROITGH MAN 'UFA CTUR- ING CO., Consolidated. Illustrated booklet fine er request CHESEBROUGH MF'G CO. (Consolidated) 1880 CHABOT AVE., MONTREAL eneereeesigae "Overstern" V Bottom >b ttOCD Motor Boat JJ Freight Prepaid to any Railway Station in; Onterao. Length 15 Et., Beam 3 rt: 9 In.,� Depth 1 Pt. 6 In. ANY MOTOR FITS. Seciiication No, 2B living -engine prices on request.Get our''gr,otations; on—"The Penetang Line" Commercial and Pleasure Launches, Eow boats and Canoes. THE GIDLEX BOAT CO., LIMITED, PENETANG, CAN®