HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1915-4-1, Page 5DENTAL Dr. G. P'. ROULSTON, L,D.S., D.D.S. DENTIST Member of the R,C.D.S. of Ontario and Honor Graduate of Toronto Univeratty. diose—over Dickson & Carling's law office. Closed Wednesday afternoons, DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L.D.S., D,D,S., Honor Graduate of Toronto University DENTIST Teeth extracted without pain, or any bad effects. Office over Gladnran & Stanbury's Office, Main Street, Exeter.' LEGAL DICKSON & CARLING, BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Corn- (Moisteners. ommoisteners. ,Solicitors for the Molsons Bank. etc, Money to Loan at lowest rates of interest Offices—Main-St„ Exeter S. B, Carling. B.A. L. H. Dickson We funds ertles MONEY TO LOAN have a large amount of private to loan on farm and village prop - at tow rates of Interest. GLADMAN & STANBURT Barr;sters, Solicitors. Exeter. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN MORT WEST LAND REGULATIONS THE sole head of a family, or any makeover 18 years old, may homestead a quarter -section. of available i)omia,- ion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta The applicant must appear its perso t at the Dominion Lands Ag- ency of Sub -Agency for the Dis- trict. Entry may be made at any Dominion Lands Agency (but not Seib -Agency) on certain conditions. Duties -Six meths' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of tbiree years. A homesteader may live wit . a nine miles of his, homestead cu a faiss of at least 80 acres, on certain coons. A habitable _house is re - WWI is every case, except when re- sidetice is performed in the vicinity. In dertain districts a homesteader in oed, standing may pre-empt a quarter Attlee alongside his homestead.' Price, $3 per acme. Duties -Six months resi- d e in each of three years after t;R ae homestead patent; also 50 ac!!'es extra cultivation. Pre-emption ilatent may be obtained as soon. as homestead patent, on certain condi- tions. A settler who has exhausted his homestead sight may take a purchas- ed homestead in certain districts. Pelee $3 per acre, Duties -Must re- side 6 ,mtraths iri each, of 3 years, cu- lt'vattc SO acres, ansa erect a house wbxth $300. The area of cultivation is subject to reduction in case of rough, sceub- by oa• stony land. Live stock may be substituted for cultivation under cer- tain conditions. W. W. CORY, C.M.G. Deputy of the Minister of the interior N:B.!64Jnauthpoiized publication of this advertisement will not be paid for, DR. DeVAN'SFRENCH PILLS _Arne' gulating Pill for Women. $6 a box or three for $1O Soldat all Drug Stores, or mailed to any address on receipt Of price-. TICE SCOBBLI, Dnvo Co., St. Catharines, Ontario. PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN. Restores ;itality;tor Nerve and Brain; increases "grey matter" ;a Tonle—will build you up, $3 a box, or two for $5, at drug stores, or by mail on receipt of price, Tse Sconitt Thum Co., St. Catharine& Ontario. CENTRAL /� STRATV°RD. ONT.��.-/ Ontario's Best Practical Training School. We have thorough courses and experienced instructors in each. of oar three departments -Commerc- ial Shorthand and Telegraphy. ' Our graduates succeed and you should read our large, free catalogue. Write for ir at once. D. A. McLachlan, Principal. MANY COLLEGES CLOSE FOR VACATION at midsummer. Owe col- lege ,does not Yongc and Charles Sts., Toronto is strictly first-class. NONE BETTER IN CANADA. Enter now so as to get, a position in the early fall. Catalogue free. FARM FOR SALE Lot 7, Con. 1, Stephen, the arop- erty of the late. Thomas Essery. Brick House, bank barn and frame barn. 3 good'wells, windmill, good orchard about _S acres of good hard- wood bush, containing about- 500 sal- gar maple : trees. ; Soil clay loam, well drained and fenced. Farm in good state of cultivation, one-half mile from Centralia station. 'Possession cam •.be -,given, •to . uih purchaser . '' For terms and particulars . apply to GEO. G. ESSERY, Centralia.; Or GLAbMAN• & STANBURY Barristers, Exeter RAND TRUNK RS STEM EASTER EXCURSIONS SINGLE FARE Good going and returning April 2nd omit' FARE AND ONE-THIRD Good going Axil 1st, ; 2nd, 3rd`" and 4th Return Limit April" 6, 1915 Return Tickets -wall be issued be- tween all stations in Canada ,;east of Por" Arthur, and to Detroit' -and Port. .Huron, Mich.," Buffalo, Black ` , Rock Megan Falls, and Suspension Bridge Tickets and further particulars at Grand Trunk ,'Ticket Offices. • N. 3. DORE, Exeter. scoria Dli RYus OPLE are usually thin and easily worried, sleep, does not re- fresh and the system gets weaker and weaker., Scott's Emulsion corrects nervous- ness by force of nourishment -it feeds the nerve centres by distributingen.. ergy and power all over the body. Don't resort to alcoholic miztur€a or drug concoctions. Get SCOTT'S EMULSION for you? nervus-nothins *gaols or compares with it, bat insist or, the senain. SCOTT'S. 1142 EVERY DRUGGIST HAS IT. -1' A In O SEAFORTH-Mr, R. P. ;Sell had the misfortune to meet with a bad r.c- cident at Ament's sawmill. He was runninit,, a saw when a chain flew, off hitting him on the leg; and fractur- ing the bone midway between she knee and ankle, SECURE FARM HELP NOW, -W. D. Scott Superintendent of Immigra.- tiop for the Domiinion Government, writin 'oto C, H. Sanders, agent for this district says: -.-'With the ape preach of Spring and the busy ,,eason os' the farms, I wish to draw your at- tention to the fact that immigration from the British Isles this year will not likely amount to much, and pence, farmers who have been, accustomed to securiste immigrant help are now con- frontec with the necessity of securing belt from some other source. There are a large number of idle -sen in Canada some of whom have had ex- perience as farm laborers and others quit.: inexperienced, This is the only source of supply for the present yeas As farmers everywhere are net ins a strong effort to ';,crease production in view of war prices and the desirability of Canada raising as much as possible to meet the seeds of the Empire in this crisis I think it likely that farm help will be scarce before long aid therefore farmers should take immediate advantage of the present situation tor secure hello before the rush begins and scarcity of labor is felt. If you are in need of help leave your order with C. fi Sanders Advocate Office. ZURICH Mrs ,rosin Geiger of Pigeon, Mich. is visitinc at the home, of her daugh- ter Mrs John Gaascho.-Dr. H.. Wil- liams of London, and Drs., A.J. Mc- Kinnon and B. A, Ceenpbell performed a critical operation last week on Mr John Gasho for appendicitis. The operation, was successful -Mr. Andrew Price has purchased the dwell ing and lot now occupied by Mr. and Mrs John Gescho from Mrs. Mary Grab for 5875,00. -- John P. Raw has sold the property known, as the Commercial Hotel Zurich to Mr. A.G. Edighoffer, barber, who takes poss-a ession on May 1. next. We under - that Mr Edighoffer will move his bar- ber shop to the Hotel when he tak- es possession, -William O'Brien was appointed constable for the village of Zurich for the balance of. 1915. -The news received here of the death of the ' wife of Mr. Elmore J. 'Magel a former resident of Zurich, which! sad event occurred on Sunday in the city of Detroit. Mrs. Magel was known to many in this section,, having visit- ed here with her husband during the past few summers. -Mrs. F. Hess, Sr.,, is visiting her drug hter, Mrs. G. A. Bissett Stratford for a few weeks. - Mrs. Joseph Furtasv', of near M•arril' Mich:, visited relatives here for a few days. -Mrs. F. Jacobs, and daughter Mildred, of near Mitchell, are visiting at the home of hes' brother, Dr. E. W. Stoskopf.-The• Bowling Club has leased a lot fronting on Edward St. from Mr. F. Hess, Sr., which will be levelled and put into shaper for a green.. .►l ♦C i• r s. Ii PILLS -' ' R„TMEfee This is the Box to get if you have .any . Kidney or 'Bladder Trouble : There's nothing else like it- nothing just as good, that will do you as much good. .There is only this one prescription known as Gin Pills. You can get it at all dealers. in the box shown 'above. Be sure to ask for "GIN PILLS", and see that the box you are offered. bears the legend "GIN PILLS", .together with the name, National. Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, on band around the box. At alldealers-50c. a`box, 6 for $2.50 -=Gin Pills may also be had in the United States under the,name 'GING' Pills—trial ,'treatmentsent .free if you write Natkii,al Drug and Chemical Co 9f Canada, Limited.` T onto. ' • 258 in pills OR THE DNEYS NiVTS OF EEK Important EventsWhich Have Occurred During the. Week.. The Busy World's Happenings Care. Compiled and Fut Into dy and Attractive Shape tot. the Readers of Our Paper—A Solid.8our's Enjoyment. WEDNESDAY. The Italian Government has order- ed that all works of art in Venice be removed to places of security. Mre...Sarah Ellen Richards Smith, 65 -year-old wife of President Joseph Smith, of the Mormon Church, died in Salt Lake City, Utah. Generals Maunoury and De Yin Iaret, who recently were severely wounded while reconnoitering A Ger- man trench, have been decorated. German aviators have bombarded St. Omer, Millers and Estaires in northern France, killing seven per- sons, three of them women, and wounding six. President Poincare has announced that under no conditions will he make use of his constitutional right to par- don persons convicted by courts-mar- tial during the entire length of the war, The French Government commis- sion which has been investigating the seizure of the American ship Da- cia by a French cruiser, reported yesterday that it has tonna the seiz- ure valid. The old-time passenger liner Gas - cone, cleared yesterday from. New York to Havre with the largest cargo of horses ever shipped out of New York, The animals are Intended ter the use of the French army. Despite Berlin reports of an abso- lute calm in Constantinople, Athens' despatches yesterday assert that since the beginning of the Dardan- elles operations 100,000 Mussuimen bad .fled from the capital to the in- terior. nil tiRSD t I . The report that Crown Priner: Rap- preebt of Bavaria has been sereenety wounded by a shell is officially denied in Berlin. Charles H. McLaughlin, aged 61i. vice-president of the Empire Malt Co., of Geneva, New York, died Tueeday night. He was born ill Toronto. The Norwegian sailing ship Gaz- elle reports that she was stopped by a German submarine in the Nortl. Sea, but was allowed to depart after her cargo had been examined. Thomas W. Nash, a veteran land surveyor and engineer, aged 83, is dead. at Kingston. He assisted in the construction of the Grand Trunk Railway from Toronto to Montreal. A Petrograd despatch says that it is ofcially announced that the Ger- mans abandoned two 16 1 -2 -inch howitzers when they withdrew from before Ossowiec, in Northern Poland. Two thousand dollars reward is of- fered for the capture of "Jack" Cra- mer, one of the burglars concerned in the murder of Chief of Police Fin - lie]] and Detective Sergt. Gradwell at Elmira, N.Y., Tuesday afternoon. The, British steamer Teal reports that she was attacked by a German aeroplane when off the Dutch coast Tuesday. Two bombs were dropped and twenty rounds were fired from a machine gun, but little damage was done. Dean Connell, of Queen's Univer- sity, has received a message from W. F. Nickle, M.P., at Ottawa, stat- ing that the War Office had accepted a stationary hospital staff from Queen's Medical College for service in France. FRIDAY. The South African Assembly yester- day voted $33,750,000 for war ex- penses up to Marsh 31. It was announced yesterday that when the British Parliament con- venes atter Easter its sittings will be limited to three days a week. The trial of James Allen, charged with the murder of his brother-in-law, James Johnston, colored barrister, opened yesterday in Halifax before Je tice Longley. Gen. John P. Story, who planned the Panama Canal fortifications, and for years was an instructor of artil- lery at West Point. died yesterday at Pasadena, Cal,, of Bright's disease. The Chinese of Shanghai are try- ing to organize a Japanese boycott. Placards posted over the town, ex- horting the people to support the boy- cott, have been seized by the police. A private despatch from Sluts states that a heavy oak coffin, encas- ed in silver, was recently sent from Bruges to Germany. It was said to contain the body of an Imperial Prince. Mr. Phileas Gagner, chief of the archives at the Quebec courthouse, w'ho sold the library of the Montreal Courthouse a few years ago, died at his home here Wednesday night. He had been ill two years. The steamer Kingsway, an auxiliary which has been used as a collier 'to the British navy, left Callao yesterday for -England. This steamer went into Callao Jan.:-.18•,dn •a battered condi- tion, having been on the rocks. The Duchess of Brunswick, former- ly Princess Victoria Luise, 'daughter of .Emperor. William, gave birth to a son yesterday, according to a de- spatch from Brunswick received by Reuter's Telegram Co., by way of Amsterdam. SATURDAY. The British steamer Parisian is aground near the month of the Mis- sissippi river, with 1,50,0 mules and over. 1,000,000 pounds of supplies aboard. ' A car of lumber, which was wreck- ed on the Grand Trunk Railway west, of Rockwood yesterday morning, caused ail ad dislocation of the train service 01factoune'enthe scarcityof kero gene the, town,- administation of L.atckenwald5 ,min ' Germnay, has de- cided to install "electricity in houses free of charge, according to the Over, seas News 'Agency. Recently there has been extensive distribution of anti-Japanese litera- ture in Shanghai. Numerous attacks Ilailve been made oil Individual Jap- anese, and some Japanese shops have been forced to close temporarily. England's Queen Mother Alexan- dra haswritten an autograph letter to Mrs. Whitelaw Reid ir London ex- pressing gratitude for the aid given by the American Red Cross in caring for sick and woupder, British soldiers and sailors. A financial repot. issued in Lon- don yesterday by tin American cone- missive ont-missi a for relief in Belgium shows that foodstuffs of a total value of ;20.000,0 0 have been delivered in Belgium since the inception of the commission's work. It was announced yesterday that Western University of London, Ont„ has decided to equip a full hospital unit for service overseas, with the Canadian troops, and offer It to the Dominion Government, as has been done by other educational institu- tions. h1ONDn x . Percy Xing, aged 34, caretaker of the Y.M,C.A. in Kingston, was found dead In bed by hie wile Saturday. tie suffered from heart trouble. The Brockville power plant was hooked up yesterday with the Hydro- electric system, covering the district between Brockville and Morrisburg. The large flour mills in Brussels, Ont,, owned and operated by W. r R. A. Pryaae, were completely destroy- ed by fire about 7 o'clock yesterday evening. Fresh battleships from the marine forces of Great Britain, France and Russia were expected to reach the Dardanelles Saturday to reinforce the allied squadron, according to a de- spatch from Athens. The British Admiralty has an- nounced that beginning about April let two lightships will he moored in the English Channel off Folkestone, between which all shipping must pass in the Straits or Dover. Gait's veteran hotelman, William Bernhardt, died oe Saturday evening. tie was born in Buffalo. N.Y., and lived practically all his life in Galt where be was identified with the hotel business for thirty years, 1t...=aY, The pay and record (Meets for the Canadian contingents have been mov- ed from. Victoria street to new offices at Westminster house, Millbank, London. Five hundred Canadian Northern Railway agents: in the Prairie Pro- vince estimate the Increase in acreage to be devoted to cereal crops this year at 40 per cent. over last year. Fire yesterday in Paynton, Sack„ totally destroyed Paynton Trading Co.'s store, Paynton Hotel, and dam- aged other buildings, causing a loss of ;30,000, partly covered by insur- ance. Ex-Ald. William Webster, of Galt, is dead, at the age of 94 years and 10 months, He was born in Aber- deen, Scotland, on June 10, 1820, came to Galt In 1842, and has lived in Gait almost ever since. Thomas R. MacMechiu, president of the Aeronautical Society of America, is In charge of the factory in Lon- don where are being manufactured the "Zeppelin destroyers" that will meet any invaders in the spring. Senor Dugallal, Spanish Minister of Finance, declared yesterday that the European war was causing an enor- mous alteration i the Spanish bud- get, and that a revenue tax soon would be created to help meet the deficiency. An annex for soldiers who have lost their sight during the war open- ed yesterday in Paris in the ancient Asylum Quinze Viagts, which was founded in the year 1260 by Louis IX., after some 300 of his followers had been blinded in his crusades. CANADIAN OAStAbiTIES. OTTAWA, March 30.—The Militia Department announced the following casualties this morning: Princess Patricias --- Died of wounds, Lc.-Corpl. Thomas Welch. Reported wounded, Pte. Alex. Genois. Fourth Battalion—Wounded, Pte. Louis Patterson. Eighth Battalion—Wounded, Pte. Albert Falconer. Tenth Battalion—Wounded, Pte. E. R. Hughes. Thirteenth Battalion — Wounded, Pte. Henry G. Hunt. Fourteenth Battalion — Wounded, Pte. Charles Russell. Seriously ill, Pfe, Edward J. Coombes. Sixteenth Battalion -- Wounded, Pte. Robert McFarlane. • Casualties announced yesterday afternoon were: Seventh Battalion—Died, Pte. Rob- ert G. Carter. Princess Patricias--Wounded. Pte. Philip Gee. Thirteenth. Battalion. — Wounded, Pte. Delbert H. Terriss .Sixteenth Battalion—Killed. in ac- tion, Pte. John Turnbull..., Mother of Premier Dead. HALIFAX, N.S., March 30.—Mrs. Borden, mother of Sir Robert Borden, Premier of Canada, died at ten min- utes pest three yesterday morning at her home at Grand Pre. Sir Robert was at her bedside, having come from Ottawa, and with him was Mr. H. C. Borden, his brother. Mrs. Borden was DO Yearis"ol age. Sbe was, Miss Eunice Laird before her marriage to Andrew Borden, and has been a resident of the historic village of Grand Pre fr many years. She visited Ottawa two years ago for a short period. Mrs. Borden all through her life had enjoyed remarkable health until twoyears ago, when she was stricken with paralysis, which was the immed- iate cause of her death. Martial Law In Italy. 'ROME, March 30. Martial law wilt 'go into effect throughout 'Ytaly on April 1. ` While no formal ,pro cremation may issued,' the Military establishment will take over all the telegraph and telephone, lines, and; the railroads,.' After.., midnight,` on. March 31; no information relating to' the movements :o:.the Italian navn. or army may be transmitted. This is one of Italy's final steps in its war plans. Mobilization orders will be next. These are expected at any moment. .... hitt§ � ..•, .�, COMINQ TO EXETER THE DORENWEND CO OF TO- RONTO LIMITED, Canada's fore most hair -goods establishment will display and demonstrate a satnple stock of the latest hair -goods fash- ions for ladies, and, toupees and wigs for bald men, at The Central Hotel, on Friday April 16 FOR LADIES,-Dorenwend's Transformation by overcoming every defect of your own hair will assist you to appear at yowl best tiIways. Switches Braids, Pompadours, Wavelets etc. of the finest duality hair and unsurpassed workmanship. You are invited to inspect these goods GENTLEMEN, ARE YOU BALD? A Dorenwend Art Hair toupee will make you Appear years younger and twill prove a benefit to your health and comfort.. Indetectable. Featherweight, ?'£y genic HAVE A DEMONSTRATION OF WHAT IT WILL DO FOR YOU Remember the Date: -Friday, April MOUNT CARMEL The death occurred here oni Satur- day morning of Mss Kate McCarthy, aged 78 years, after a few days ill- ness of pneumonia. Miss McCarthy came here from New Bedford twenty years ago and has resided here ever since. She is survived by her only sister Elizabeth, with whom she liv- ed also two nieces, ;Mrs. George Sut- ton. of Shipka and MM. James Berry of St. Thomas, and one nephew, Mr Dan, Berry o£ Khiva. The funeral took place Monday at 10 a. in., to the R. C. cemetexy.-Rev, Father Tirney was ill for a few days last. week. We are pleased to know heti is able,, to be out again. -Mr. and Mrs. James Berry of St Thomas attended the funeral of the late. Miss McCarthy here on Monday. -Miss Madeline Glavin of Chatham is spending her Easter? .holi- days at her home here. -Mr's. James Quare; of Stratford is spending a few days at the home of Air. J. G. Quar.• ry.-Mr Alex. Stuart is very, ill of la. grippe, -Mrs. Joe, Doyle is on the sick list these days, HENSALL Wil” Welsh visited his wife at Pres' ton last week. --Mrs. D. A. Canteion and son Ferris have arrived here. -I3, McMartin Is laid up with Pneumonia.- Georga Joynt is also ill with pacts - monist but is getting better,-- Linn Richardson of Saskatoon was recently married to a young lady of that city. -Sans Morton contemplates ,moving to Hensall shortly. -Mrs W. Richard- son leaves shortly for the, west. The one mill war tax to be ,said by Ontario municipalities, means that Huron will contribute just one; este- thousandths part of the assessede vale tie of each municipality, which accord ing to figures compiled last June will be, -Ashfield $2,596; Colborne, $1,522: Goderich Tp., $2,208; Grey, $2,857; Hay, $2,407; Howick $3,381 HulIett $2,571; McKillop $2.678; Mor- ris $2,491; Stanley $2,135; Stephen, $2,738; Tuckersmith $2,413; Turn - berry $1„630; Usborne $2,417; Ea. Wawanosh $1,604; West Wattanosh, $1,613 Total for , the Townships, $37,261. Hayfield $141; 13t Cie, $321 Blyth $270; Clinton $ 084 ; Eete.' $538; Goderich $1422; Hensel: $.50. Seaforth.$750; Wingitam $703; Wroxeter $150. Total for towns and village, $5,229. Whole County, $4Z,- 490. ''the Private Executor seldom gives the best of his time to an estate in his care, therefore it frequently suffers. Estates have been dissipated through inefficiency, neglect and sometimes actual dishon- esty on the part of private in- dividuals acting as executors. This strong, soundly man- aged Trust Company is always available, never ill, never away. Its officers are expert in the management of estates. The faithful executionof trusts is their one concern. Consult us regarding the handling of your estate. All infisheordation cheerfully furn- m. The London & Western Trusts Co. Limited 382 Richmond St., London, Ont. Sir Geo. Gibbons S,C., President John S. Moore, Mcnnger "No more headache for you ---take these" Don't just "smother" the headache without re.'novin.; tie cause. Take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They not only cure the headache but give you a buoyant, healthful feeling because they tone the liver. sweeten the stomach and cleanse the bowels. Try them. All Drsui,ts, 25c., or by mail CHAIISERLAIN MEDICINE Co. Tomato, Oat. 13 "MADE IN CANADA" Ford Touring Car Price $590 PRICES OF OTHER FORD CARS ARE -TWO -PASSENGER RUNA- BOUT $540; TWO -PASSENGER COUPELET $850'; FIVE -PASSENG- ER -SEDAN $1150. ALL ARE FUL LY EQUIPPED, INCLUDING ELEC- TRIC HEADLIGHTS. PRICES F. O. B., FORD, ONT.BUYERS OF ALL FORD CADS WILL SHARE IN OUR, PROFITS IF WE SELL 30,000 'CARS BETWEEN AUGUST 1, 1914 . AND • AUGUST 1, 1915. ALL FORD. CARS ARE ON EXHIBh ITION AT EXETER, MILO .SNEIL DEALER rHE UNIVERSAL. C.'.R