Exeter Advocate, 1915-4-1, Page 4eter Ablucarrxte, Sander:: & Creech, Proprietors Ln advance $1.00 per year in. Canada SLR, in United States, If not paid in advance 50c, extra per year may be charged, THIZRSDA '', AP.IiIL11 '15 WOUNDED VANITY The conduct of the Laurier o- positiion in the debate on the war budget affords ground for Jo:ne speculation as to what would have hap 'wined to the British Empire in this war if a Learner Opposition ,►sere : it - eine to the left of the speaker 'n .he .British Parliament, -Bacl; of the Laurier amendment '-was the wounded Laurier ..•anity, the hurt expressed in the complaint, 'Yot' won't let me into your councils." Of course the Borden Government admitted no Lauriers to their coon - :.Us The people of Canada, wisely for themselves and luckily :or the Empire put Sir Wilfrid Laurier where he would have nothing to do with the council; of the administration Lind the affairs of government. But Laurier 'thought that if he could "get in" when big things were doing for the Empire he might save himself and his party Fa1r; in this he was, so angry that be became blind to consequences and moved his budget amendment, - Z' oNt what was this amemdment? The Government motion was :hat the House resolve itself into ways and mean.,. The Laurier amendment pries - ided that the "Speaker dd lot leave tie' chair" That meant no "weys aand means" no money for anything no money for the war. Thr. amendment contained 'he .am-- iar bunconie about the burden of taxation on the poor man and about the increase in the preferential tarizt but the effect of the amendment would have been to stop the adoption of the budget, It would, as pointed out by the _'rime Minister, prevent the Dominion from carrying on ber part in the war. Was that what Laurier intended? Was that what he had in mind? He had just that or else he didn't know what he ,was doing, But he,'s zn rid and experienced parliamentarian end knew very well what he was doing. He call • himself "an old bird''. Old bird; know what they are doing. Toronto Telegram -Henry Eilber SI P P uttered a heart-warming truth to the credit of his own ,xeople when he declared that 68 Canadians of German origin were among the 72 volunteers for active service „rem one locality in. Huron County. COMMUNICATION To Editor Advocate, - As much comment has tar isen ov- er that portion of my report dealing with law enforcement, I wish to make it plain that the report is for all of Huron County, We had no intention O.: reflecting on the work; of any of our inspectors, but did wish to call attention to the system of Law En- forcement, It our friends in the South riding -desire to single out their riding we have no hesitation in saying that we -thine. the official Book will show, mat all of the convictions registered in the south, were secured through AIr. Torrance, the local Inspector. Mr. Torrance has had considerable ex- perience. and has proved to be .on :x- ceilent officer. I would like to take the opportunity of thanking our temperance people for the leave of absence granted me for a trip to Alberta. I will leave for the West April 12th, and will return the middle of May. The work of our department will be in the hands of the County Executive. Any corres- pondence intended for the Field Sec- retdry should be addressed to A. T. Cooper or J. A. Irwin, our pains ,t,tk- ine and self-sacrificing President"and -Secretary I am yours, E. G. Powell Dashwood The storm on Sunday and Monday -would remind oneof theold adage 1 h 1 a e'• • th at ., rt March comes ire files a larril5 it will go oat _like a lion.' Seteral from here attended the sale of Jchi Krueger s Stocl ,and Ttnjslem .entr at. Tuesday `Mternoder. Mrs John Hi,ldelerandt left on Saturday to lie with her, daughter at Pt. Stanley. i12r. George Kellerman has pur- chased the Plainirig Mill and will conduct the business as usual. The many friends of Mr. Henry •Kratt, Sr. will be sorry, to learn of his continued ill health and will hope for hi; complete recovery. Mrs Adam Bit -k who underwent an ooeration a few weeks ago is improv- ing nicely. Dr Campbell of Zurich was in the 'Village- on Monday. The concert given by thei base -ball 'boy? on Tuesday night was a grand .success. It was liberally patronized .aziu the program was vreryl much en- joyed by all. Lawrence Steitz, who has teen in .London daring the *inter, is again_ it towel ° stilling his waxes. Reeve Taylor and Councillor l3ea- 'vers represented Exeter in"he big. deputation that waited on the ?s-o- vinczat Government at Toronto -onleri ..day ' of last week. QWCK N APTHA THE ... WOMANS SOAP, Centralia Mr. and Mrs. Chas Kerr ;eft on ldondae for their home at 3enmillcr after spending a couple of weeks with relatives here and Crediton. Severe colds and La Grippe; ere prevalent and many are confined to the;= home with them. Mr. Chas Duplan left on, Wednes- dee fo- Ilderton to take charge of the station there. We regret very much to lose Mr. Duplare and family During the past 12 years :hey have won the esteem of everyone But the change will be much better for efr Duplan as 'the work\ will not be ste heavy. We have not !earned yet who wilt take his place here at the depot Mfr. Roy Baynliam left on Wednes- day to accept a situation at Berlin as assistant butter maker. efr. Bruce Mitchell has sold his threeshing outfit to Mr John) Cornish and son. who have traded their old outfit for a new one. We visbi them success, in their new undertaking. W T Cobviil spent a few days in Buffalo having shipped a ear 'oad o ' cattle to the market there. Alt and Mrs. Con, O'Brien; attend- ed the funeral of Mrs., O'Brien's un - • near Lucan Wednesday. Marek' is sticking to the old adage a' going out like a lion; but on the .vaolt• the month has been. very Line. Mrs. Anderson returned last week after spending a couple months with r , daughter at St. Thomas. Her grand -daughter, Jean Spencer, .tccom- psn.ed her to visit for a time. Mrs. A. Bowslaugh was ?ailed to Grimsby to the bedside of her sister, who it seriously ill. Thi.. ie April 1st look out you ion't get fooled The promotion examinations have beeti on at the school the past few days, and all the youngsterss are anx- iou• a; to the .results, Special Easter services will be, giv- en on Sunday next. The hoir will give a special Easter song service, in the evening, Everybody come. A Character Sketch entertainment entitled "The Minister's Bride" will be given in the Methodist Church, un- der the auspices of the Young Peo- ple's Organized Bible Class, on Thurs- day „ .pril 8th, at 8 p.m. The scene is laid in a country village, in the each Victorian era. The ,?pular young minister brings to his home a bright and pretty bride. Much inter - es is displayed upon the past of the members of the congregation. Pro- ceed' in aid of the Patriotic League, Everybody should attend as the cause is a worthy one and the, boys at the front are badly in need` of :omforts and supplies. Don't forget o 9e on hand •- r Crediton It is hoped that the, snowplow made it last trip on Tuesday morning., The storm was a wild one and made us think that King Winter had not left us Special self-denial services ere be- ine held in the Methodish, church this weee Mrs. Charles Brown of Detroit is visiting her father Mr. Charles Krenzle Harry Beaver, Godfrey Nicholson, Mrs Ed Beaver, and Mrs. Chas. Zwicker are ill with the grippe. It is rumored that a wedding will taint place in the village during the wee?, end, More particulars next week , e Paris Anderson is doing some paint- ing and paperhanging for Herb Either ber Mr. Christain Kibler of Cavelier, N. D., spent last Saturday and Sunday in town the guest of Mr. end Mrs. Sam Brown. A number from here attended the funeral, of the later Dr. Amos in Exeter on Monday. The revival services which are being, held in the Evangelical :lurch are proving quite a success: This week- a lady the Mrs. Rev. leupple of Maitland Mission :s assisting in the work. Her address Sunday evening proved an inspirat- io; t many. Robin: have made their appearance, which is surely an indication -of warmer weather. Quitg a number of our farmers have tapped their maple trees this past week. The flow has been fairly suc- cessful and as a result our villagers are enjoying maple syrup at their meals. . James Cockwell _well has exchanged his s horst' "Southport" for "Chau•ming Pri- aice."owned by W Kay,. aft Farquhar. `The .horse comes well recommended, FARQUHAR Our genial store -keeper, Mx. Lam- port, ► am -port, is able to bet out around again after an attack of sciatic. -Quite a number from here attended the enter- tainment at Sunshine on Friday, even - :mg. The play entitled "The Minis- ter's Bride," put on by, a number of young people from Woodham, was enjoyea by all. -Muss Millie Pollen has gone. to London foe at short 'rime.- her Lamport has disposed of one of BO., drivers to Mr. Gardiner. -Messrs. John Allison and George Monteith last` week purchased the grass . farm on" -the Boundary, formerly owned by the late Robert Gardiner. -Mr. and Mrs, Chas Borland have got settled in their new home, after, a short hon 'ymoot in. Toronto, -The Farmer's ( Club held a free concert its the ;hall, ere last week, when addresses; were d •lix•a,red by Rev. Sharp of ' Exeter and Mr, Luker from the West. The Thames Road Quartette rendered sev- eral selections and all together a very Pleasant time was spent -Mr. rhos. Camerae- has severaa wood ..utters en- gaged cutting wood on the Bell germ.' Mi--Thas. Allen has taken ever/ the Ca me on' homestead and has Sold Itis farm to Robert Duncan. Look sharp g r,?s.:e, Who's going to be Ilte, lucky ore? P C Allan 'has sold hie faint, lot. 10 Con 14, Eleb'bhrt, to Mr. Robert Du-tcaa M-, Thos. Cameron has sold bee farm Joe 17, Se Themes Road, to LIN S ARE TORPEDOED Germans. Send Innocent Pas- sengers to Their Death.. British Passenger Steamers. Agatlst and Falaba Are Sunk Off the Eng- lish Coast—Are Destroyed Before Non-combatants Are Transferred to Boats, and Heavy Loss of Life Occurs—Several. Were Women. LONDON, March 30.—Upwards of 150 lives were lost in the siLking by German submarines of the African liner Falaba and the British steamer Aguila, bound from Liverpool for Lisbon, The Falaba, whit: was torpedoed in St. George's Channel Sunday after- noon, carried a crew of 90 and about 160 passengers, and of this total only 140 were rescued. Of those rescued eight died later from exposure. The Aguila bad a crew of 42, and three passengers, and of these 23 of the crew and all the passengers were lost. In both cases. on sighting the sub- marine the captains tried to escape by putting on all speed possible, but the underwater craft overtook the steamers, showing that Germany now has some of her most modern sub- marines engaged in the blockade op- erations against Great Britain. The captain of the Falaba, who was one of those lost. wait. given five min- utes to get his passengers and crew into the boats, but, according to sur- vivors, before this was possible, a torpedo was fired, striking the en- gine -room and causing a terrible ex- plosion. Many persons were killed and the steamer sane is ten minutes. Trewlers which happened to be the vicinity rescued most of those who were save: others got away in the boats which were ready for launching, and which were quickly lowered when the order was given to ,baudon the ship. The Aguila was attacked off the Pembroke coast. The submarine,* n e. b sarin ' which in this case was the U-28, opened fire with her gran shells, which killed a woman passenger, the chief engineer and twe of the crew, Even after the crew had commences to lower the boats, according to the story of the survivors, the Germans kept up their fire and some of the boats were riddled with bullets. The captain of the trawler Ottillie, whom the commander of the sub- marine told of the sinking of the Aguila, went to the rescue and picked up three boats, containing 19 of the crew. The fourth boat, which con- tained the other members of the crew, could not be found, and it is presum- ed that she foundered. On their ar- rival at Fishguard several of the crew wore bandages, having been wounded by the fire from the submarine. Another Dutch steamer, the Am- stel, of 853 tons, has been blown up by a mine off Flamboro Head, but her crew were rescued. The Admiralty last night issued the following statement: "Twenty-three members of the crew and three passengers are miss- ing from the steamer Aguila, "The steamer Falaba, which also sank, carried a crew of about 90 per- sons and about 160 passengers. About 140 survivors have been pick- ed up, eight of whom, including the captain, died afterwards. It is fear- ed that many persons on the steamer were killed by the explosion of the torpedo. "The Dutch steamer Amstel, a ves- sel of 850 tons, belonging to P. A. Van Es & Co.; of Rotterdam, when on a passage from Rotterdam to Coole, England, struck a mine at 4 a.m. the 29th of March, in a Getman mine field off Flamborough Head, 'Yorkshire, Eng. The crew had been landed in the Humber by the Grimsby trawler Pinewold." Unofficial reports received from members of the crew cf the Aguila were to the effect that only 13 mem- bers of the crew. if the steamer had been lost when she was sunk by the German submarine U-28 last Satur- day night. An official list supplied at the of - aces of the Elder -Dempster Steamship Co. shows that so far as isknown at present, 52 first-class passengers, 34 second-class passengers and 49 -of the crew of the Falaba were saved. Four of the passengers and four of the crew ateredo r ted killed and ql passengers and 43 of the crew are missing. A despatch from Cardiff, Wales, at midnight, says that one of the Pala ba's passengers, in telling of their' ex- perience's, said that whenthe sub- marine ordered the passengers to take to the boats, the boats were low- ered immediately and the passenger's were served with lifebelts, but no one was allowed to take any personal ef- fects. "Then followed a horrible scene," said the passenger. "Some of the boats were swamped and the omit - pants were thrown into the sea. Sev= =cal were drowned almost immedi- ately. "Barely ten minutes after we re- ceived the order to leave the ship I`' heard a report and saw the vessel heel over. The Germans had actually fired a torpedo at her at a range of about 100 yards when a largenumber of passengers, the'captai'n and other oir cers were still distinctly to be. seen aboard." All the passengers and officers say that the submarine fired a torpedo.'. before all the boats were lowered and while many persons were still aboard the steamer. One officer said: "I was sitting on a boat which was suspended from the davits and ; was waiting for two Women passengers when another officer shouted, 'Look out,' and:, then I saw the bubbles, marking the tra'k of a torpedo. "There was .a /tremendous' crash r' and the boat fell from the da'vit's; and turned over, throwing the passenKers. and'crew into .the icy, water. ' The water was frightfully cold, and there were many who died from exposure." At the ; conclusion of Saturday's M" Allan. -We understand the ';toys meeting of the French Cabinet Prebi err• cleaxuhig their guns and polishing dent Poineare left Paris for the front,. thei,bells,--tnusic -in the air. KIPPEN-Mir. D. Hay has disposed of his general store here; to Mr. Rob- ert Brownlee, of Tuck-ersmith,. Mr. Hay has been in Xiamen. for the past fiftee.i years, He has not yet decided what he will do, Mr, Brownlee gets possession shortly. SEAFORTH-The funeral of the late Mrs. Isaac Miller was held Fri- day. Mrs. Miller was in good health untie Friday of last week, when she took ill with pneumonia. She was 84 years of age and is survived by one son, Isaac Miller of Vancouver, and one daughter, Mrs. N. T. Adams of Blyth. $100 Reward $100. rias readers of this paper wilt be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease thetscience has been able to cure in all itn stages, and that is Catarrh, Hall's Catarrh (Jure is the only positive cure now known to the int -dicta fraternity, Catarrh being- a constitutional •ti,ease requires a constitu- tional treatment, Hall'.. a':atarri, Cure is taken in- ternally,artinzdirectle op .n the blood and mucous surfaces of the systew, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assist- ing nature In doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they otter One Hundred Dollars for alp' ease that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials Address t', J. CHENEY & CO.,'toledo, O. Sold by all l$aggists, 55 cent%. Tale Hall's Family P1119 for constipation. McGILLIVRAY-• James W, Doyle has sold one of his; farms to Mr. J. Row,' of the 12th concession of ,Mc- Gillivray. -- Drysdale-The real estate and gen- es al store business belonging tot the estate of the late Jerry Corriveatt has been sold to Mr. Louis Brisson, a son of Mr. Aserick Brisson, Sauble Line who has taken possession. MITCHELL -A quiet wedding oc- curred at high noon on; March 24th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Col- quhoun, Fullerton Road, when their daughter Lottie Della, was 'Harried to Mr. Francis James Brocklebank, of Brampton, FLIM VILLB Wilson Elawkinsand family are laid u' with the grippe, -Rev, Baker; of Woodham occupied the pulpit here op Sunday evening, and Rev. Barn- ard preached in Kirkton,-Mfrs, Wm. Wood of London spent Sunday with his brother Mr, Sam'] Balkwill.-Miss Alma Johns is under the doctor's care with la :is Beatrice Wilcox is in Exeter waiting, on Mrs. Thorn Baker who underwent an op- eration, -James Howe wears a Broad smile these days -its a boy.-Mr.Dan Flicks is very low ail present and is not expected to Jive. The old pio- neers of Usborne will soon all have passed away. SAINTSBURY -- efr. Rich Hodgins continues sery ill and is now unable to leave hie bee His daughter Mrs. Garfield Needham of Bryanston, is at present waiting on him, -Miss Mabel Isaac is THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE SIR EDMUND WALKER, Gv.O LL.D., D.C.L., President ALEXANDER LAIRD, General Manager JORN AIRD, Ass't General Manages CAPITAL, $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000 SAVINGS BANK ACCOUNTS Interest at the current rate is allowed on all deposits of $1 and upwards. Careful attention is given to every account. Small accounts are welcomed. Accounts may be opened and operated by mail. Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more persons, with- drawals to be made by any one of them or by the survivor. S21 EXETER BRANCH -H. J. WHITE Man. CREDITON-A. E. KUHN, Man. `ifit"`ifs"'iVIII"'lir"in "11L11"'Ill"'iir'111"`i11"'iii"'Ill"1f1""cif"its."til"'ill"'tthitL - M' E It Ii p. tri Pi M I , M M t = _ Incorporated THE 1855 MOL SONS BANK r A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED iNCLUDING _ CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT - BANK MONEY ORDERS _ CAPITAL AND RESERVE $8,800,000. - ' Savings Bank Department At all Branches Totems allowed at Itgbest currant rate , - EXETER BRANCH— - W D, CLARKE, Manager. ..101111MM, 92 Branches in Canada Font 1 -41. dl t i ..1 ..Jfnia,.,lii,..u1.,,III mil I..iii, ,I I Is 1 ,. iI n1 ,, t is Automobile Oakland Oldsmobile Cadillac Hupmobile I have taken the agency for this district for the above Automobiles and intending purchases will do well to con- . suit me regarding the machines I represent. These machines are leaders and the prices are reas- onable. M. M. DOYLE, Exeter visiting friends at Wheatley, -A large syr is the order of the Jaye -Mr. number in this section have( been ' or John Hem, Sr., lost avaluable mare are a present suffering from la grippe last week through death. -12r, Charles Eber Davis of Bryanston is visiting last w l has been successful 'urn secur- uvith relatives here. -The maple S;yrwp i� of excellent quality this year but the quantity is very limited, the run of sad being light thus far, -A horse( be longing to Mr. Geo, Davis broke away front" hint the other day and before he could catch the brute, it clad com- pletely demolished the rig. 4111, SHIPKA Mr. Milton and Miss Clara Ratz spent Thursday in London.-iyfrs. Harvey of London is visiting her sister Mrs Louis •Schroeder. -Mrs, Wm. Sweitzer and daughter 'Evelyn arc visiting friends in New' Hamburg, -Mrs. George Sutton spent the past week in Me Carmel. -Mr. Jas.. Baxter sold his driver to Mr. Walter Neil of Lieury , for a handsome 'figure, Miss Olive Cuetz spent the weelcf end with Miss Violet Sharp. -Mr. and Mrs. Wes Jones of Crediton spent Sunday at Mr Thos. Keys'. -Mr. and,} Mrs: S. Sfanlake spent Sunday at MT. David Hutchinson's.-Mr. Wm, Boyle of Geri trate. who is engaged with Mr. Jae. Harman: for the summer, commenced hs duties on Monday. • W INCHELSE,L. Miss Mabel Vile of .Nta Hague, ich is' visit MY visiting ing friends around Win- chelser and -Sunshine.-Making rne,ple ing another man for thecomingveer. .-Messrs. Hodgins, Smith and Dobbs spent the week end with their friends at Piugtown and Sunshine, -The P. S. children are busy writing on, their ex- ams We wish the little ones MC - cess. -Mr, Stanley Coward has pat his application in for the Miller business. -aT'he infant son of Mr. and Mrs. eeeo. Godbolu is seriously ill with an at- tack of pneumonia. We hope to hear of its speedy recovery. -Messrs. Stan- Iee and Charlie Coward atte,ndede the Bakers' dance, -The concert at Sun- shine church given by thet Woodham Dramatic Club was a great success. We must congratulate the young peo- ple on the manner in' which the play was given. Each part seemed toe be so appropriate to the person who too]: it The patriotic choruses and solos made a. hit and were often en- chored. The proceeds amounted to over $30.00. GREENWAY Real, estate market has beenl active here lately Mr. C. Woodburn has bough(' Mr Battram's farm and Mrs. Ridley bought Mr. C. Woodburn's £arm. -The members of the Mission Band are preparing for a concert the near future.=The lecture given Rev. J.' W. Baird, B,t D., on the war with, lantern slides ileustratingg it, was enjoyed by a large crowd in thee. Methodist church last Wednesday .11Ir Baird's concise way of telling the his- tory of the causes of the war was especially interesting and instructive, Proceeds $26.75. -Miss Kathleen Swit- zer of Thorndale is visiting her sister Miss W. Switzer here. -Gordon Ulens has been on the sick list, -Next Sun- day ,Mrs, (Rev.) Graham of Sarnia will preach at 2.30 and 7.30 p.m. in the Methodist church in the interests of the Women's Missionary Society. Her subjects will be "The first Lady Missionary" and "My Ideal Girl", We would urge a good attendance and a liberal collection. -Mr ,Battram had a successful sale Thursday. PILES CURED at HOME by New Absorption Method. If you srffer from bleeding, itching, blind or protruding Piles, scr.1 me your address, and will tell you how to cure your- self at home by the absorption treatment ; and v. -ill also send some of this home .treatment free for trial, with. references from your own • locality if re- quested. Immediate relief and permanent cure assured. Sen no money, but tell others o this offer. Write to -clay to Mrd; M. Summers, J3ox,840 Windsor„ Ont. r0 The Other Side of the Load Si Ron. W.T.-Whites •tam N Meto004 'Come and look at the other side of his. load; that's the cause for extra rations."