HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1915-3-11, Page 8EXETER ADV❑GATE,, THURSDAY MARGH 11 1.J15. EXETER rIIREETS. CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY Wheat 4.0114....01.00...k Barley ... Buckwheat ..... Oats. ,...,.,! ,. Pas Potatoes, per bag , .. Hay, error.. ...... ,Pour, per cwt., family Flour, low grade per cw Butter.,,....,. - .•• Oreamery Butter, Eggs Live hogs. per ewt{ short, per ton........, Bran pRr non . .... Sugar B- t Pulp, ..... 15 50 160 50 60 14 00 14 00 4 00 This is a good time to treat the 2 00 pneumonia germ with fresh air, which 24 Si it hates. , Now if only the tax on 3erfumes 28 29 ha.' been graduated according to the 80 25 mell°---. . Caleb Heywood sprained his an- 22.tv18 oo kir: severely while working in the McD.onell Block last week, LOCAL DOINGS. a —.h iht, Ar,nl. Hear Rev. Collins on "Methods of Modern Warfare" on Friday night, Mr. Richard Welds to -day ships a loan of horses from Watford ;o Mon- treal Horatio Reynolds Seed Dealer Red Clover, Alsike, Timothy, Mil- let, Alfalfa and beans bought. Imported Red Clover and Timothy Seen for sale; also Choice home grown Buckwheat and Alsike be at home to take in. Seed .ever) Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: and Saturday. Highest prices Maid. Address all communications to H. Reynolds, slay Ontario. R. R. No. 1. ADDRESSING OF elAII;. In order to facilitate the handling of mai' at the front and no insure prompt delivery it is requested that all mai: be addressed as follows -- Rank Name,.,......... Regimental Number Company, Squadron, Battery or other unit •iattalion Brigade......... First ior Second) Contingent British Expedition- ary Force ......Army Post Office, London England CARD OF THANKS.—Firs. Simon Campbell and family desire co con- veyto the citizens of Exeter "their sincere thanks for their many ':ind- .nesses and sympathies shown them in their recent bereavement, for all o` whicie they feel truly grateful, BOY WANTED.—Good boy wanted to learn shoemaking, Apply at The Progressive Shoe Shop. GANDER FOR EXCHANGE.—Ane,' perse wishing to exchange a goose fora gander, or wishing to purchase a gander can do so by applying or. phoneme Wm. White, Stephen. �fis.• J. J. Allan, Eye Sight Spec- ialist will be at the Central Hotel, Exeter on Saturday, March '_0th. One day only. NEW FLOUR & FEED STORE. - 1 desire to announce that I have op - este a Flour and Feed Store in F. Wood's Old Stand, opposite Post Office and will keepa full supply of the best grades of flours and feeds. I solicit your patronage. SIDNEY DAVIS PERRY F. DOUPE Licensed Auctioneer. Live Stock Sale; a Specialty. Terms moderate. Orders left at The Advocate Office promntly attended to. Phone - 116 Kirkton Address, Kirkton P. O. "A Man's Ability is his ?assport" Frank Weaver PROFESSOR OF MUSIC LONDON, ONT. Teacher of Organ and all °ranches of Plant Playing; Voice Culture end Artiste.. Singing a Specialty. to years practice. experience. For Terms apply to S. Martin .& Son's Music Store Le, EXETER EVERY FRIDAY Correction Havine mads arrangements with Dr. Campbell whereby he will remain in Exeter for some time yet, we beg to announce that our notice of the past few weeks is withdrawn and that platework will be for the present ac- cepted as usual. DR. ROULSTON R N. Rowe Furniture Dealer and Undertaker Exeter Phone 20a. Ontario Exeter North General Store Fresh Pork, Sausage and Head Cheese always on band • • PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHAeN E BUTTER, T efi EGGS ; DRIED APPLES DRESSED _POULTRY AT 4ARKET PRICES H. Merlin t; MERCHANT, PHONE 44 1lis. 'Match of Auburn returned to tower last week and has resumed her positio r with Miss Morlock. Mese J J. Allan, Eye Sight Spec- ialist, will be at the Central Hotel, Exeter on Saturday, March 20th. One da! only Au eminent physician says there are 5,01000 children in the United Stat- e:; with alteral curvature of the epiae There are other indications, .00,; that the great American backbone reeds stiffen eg. The icy sidewalk following the meet of Friday afternoon caused Mrs. Frank Case and little daughter to fol heavily on the sidewalk an `Tont of Mrs. E. Sanders that evening, 'e- suiting in the little girl breaking her collar bone The Easter Sunday services n Triv- itt Memorial church on April 4th will be of a specially interesting character. Th.; chor to which has been added several musical instruments, will -en- dee the musical part of the service anri a. treat may be expected. The family of the late RichardDe- vis, al, of whom reside here, have re.- ceive• i worn that they will snare in an estate in Englane through the Death of an aunt, the late Mrs. Neave, The estate will run into the thous- ands Mr Arthur S. Davis will :Iso share it it; Th books, etc., of the old Libr- ary are being moven to the 'stew building The town clerk is ro hate his office in the new building and hie books and the safe are also be, ing moved therein. The building is a. fine one and the formal opening wilt take place soon. The very stormy and disagreeable weather of Friday evening urevent- e,l many people from attending the presentation of Ben-Hur by Mr. C. F Verity of Brantford in James St. Methodist Church, under the aus- piece of the Sunday School, The attendance however, was very good, The presentation was very interesting and pleasing, as was also the singing by Mss: Nina Carling, and the music' by Mr: R ,Phillips, �I{ '-:HAY P.O, The local curlers are now 4alaying a Serie, of games—each rink against every other rink --skipped by W. W. Taman, G. E. Anderson, Jas. Taylor, W. J Heaman, H. J. White, and R.G. Seldon Two rinke of curlers took a trip to Hensel! Friday and played :norn- ing and afternoon games, being down twt, points on the day's play. Ile visitor; won two and lost two games. SUCCESSION DUTIES. In. view of the constantly increasing demands on the Provincial Government owing to tee war troubles the Legislature at the present session will increase the succession duties. The details of the neer taxes have not been decided up - o ; but it is stated that the -ninirnum at which the succession duties be- come payable will be lowered. At rresent no amount under $50,000 is texable when given to direct lineal descenr'ants or adopted children, cr under $10,000 if given to other ben- eficiaries. — TEMPERANCE.—The Temperance Convention for Huron County will be hel ir. the Presbyterian church, Clin- ton o a Thursday, March 18. Morning session at 10 o'clock; afternoon at 2; evening at 8. A review of the year's work will be given, and plans for future work adopted. Special music: at the evening session. Tem- perance workers invited. —The an- nus. meeting of the Exeter Temper- ance Alliance will be held in the Main Street church on Monday even- ing Miarch 15, at 8 o'clock p.m. J.H, Scott, Sec. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC.—Hav- ing been informed by some of my; customers that my competitors are trying to influence the public to he- liiee- that I have, not made shoes, but have just hell ;ptasetions as salesman, I wish to state that these are false reports and id you will come in I will gladly hand you the name and address of the firm where I spent the mast 10 years making 'shoes, hav- ing worked my way all through from cutting, to packing, and of tate as quality man and assistant superintend- ent.A trial will convince as to wo kmanship.— THE PROGRESSIVE SHOE; SHOP, W. J. SMITH, Prop. DEATH OF MARTIN F. SALTER —The death took place .Sunday af- ternoor at 684 William street, Lon- don of Mir. Martin Francis Salter, ag- ed 39 years. He was ill' but a week with pneumonia. Mr. Salter was a butcher by trade and resided ;n Ex- eter prior to removing to London three years ago. He is survived by hiY parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Sal - tee, and by a widow, (who was form- wily Emily Gould, daughter of Mr. err 7Mrs Richard Gould of Exeter) thee; ,daughters and one son, all of London; also three brothers, _ Alfred 6t' London, John and George oe Ta- ranto Deceased was an exemplary Yining man highly respected and es - teen ed and a faithful member of the Methodist church. He was a , :nern- be,' of the. Exeter Lodges of rhe In- dependent Order of Oddfellows, and the Independent Order of 'Foresters. The funeral took place on Tuesday morning from his late residence, to the;, Londq den.cx�t, thence tor;;etetee the :;.remain being ieterretleehle .- dee, e :the are t ce 'ter ° ante � until Exp � me, y a'f"the. "trdn here, Aelarge htefiberof :relatives and friends paid their last tribute by ;attending -.the funeral.. Gal: was made a city on March 3. Mr M, M, Doyle has been ill this week but ins out again. G, J. snow ships a car of fine horses to Montreal on Thursday. Rev eluxworthy and Rev; eleAlist- exchange.l pulpits Sunday !naming. Remember the boys on the firing line ono attend the lecture :n James Street Church Friday night. A few more wajrm days will snake the san run and the syrup )makers will be getting busy. A number have already tapped in this section. Buy your tickets for the Lecture by Rev. Collins, and if the other fel- low cannot afford one, buy a ticket for hien Mr W. J. Statham received word on Tuesday of the illnese at his brother George of Acton, who is un- elergoing an operation at Toronto. FORD MOVING PICTURES.— The Ford Motor Company of Canada (Milo Snell Dealer) will show in Lea- vitt's Theatre on the evening of Wed- nesday- and. Thursday, 17th Ind "18th March. in connection with the regular show a film which describes the man- ufacture of the Ford automobile .:rom start to finish. This is one of the most interesting of features and wherever shown has attracted large attendance. Da not miss it, rr--- Mr. Frank. Weaver, Concert, Organ- ist, Pianist and Voice Specialist of London Ont. paid a visit to this town on Friday last for the purpose of forming a class of pupils 'n voice culture and artistic singing. eeupile desiroue of having their voices cul- tivated will do well to consult Mr. Weaver at S. Martin & Son's Music Store. Mr. Weaver has large zlasees of Details in Goderich, Clinton and Wiugham and is thoroughly rlualified. as a teacher of all branches of :organ piano playing and voice production. He will be in Exeter Friday of each week Mr Weaver announces a grand recite: to be given by his piano and vocal pupils from Goderich, Wingham and Clinton in Clinton Town Hall the middle of April. In order to stimu- late singing he will give a short lec- ture on Voice Culture. The :oncert wilt be given in aid of Canadian Pat- riotic funds. Those desirous of ob- tainiini first-elasa tuition in Exeter in Voice Production and Piano Play- ing will do well to apply far informa- tion at S, Martin & Son's Music Stare Pupil.: can be prepared for all Toron- to Conservatory exams. when desired. EXETER PATRIOTIC FUND Previously acknowledged 1576.31 Airs. Yeo 2.50 W ,S Cole Ladies Guild Misr Vospea C. H .Horny Triv. Mem. eel. L0,00 1.00 1.00 1591.81 Frani,. Sweet returned to Sarnia on Tuesday Garvey Acheson spent Sunday in St. Thomas. Miss Olive Hern is visiting at the. home of C. C. Morrison, Ingersoll. Mr. and Mrs. John Salter and sons Alfred of London, John and George of Toronto and grandson, Charlie, attended the funeral of the late Matin Salter here Tuesday. Miss „Olive Gould is visiting hex sister Mrs Salter in London, Messre. John Mallett and Fred Baw- deii here in Landon Wednesday. Dr. ,Roulston :was in. Hamilton and Toronto a couple days last week, Mr, Thos, Sweet and son Harry there it London. Friday and Saturday Mr Albert J, Snell of ;Lansing Mich, Was in town this week on, bassi net. . Mas; Wilson, and. Miss Hays ,f ,Sea - forth are visiting Misa Kathleen Stew- art. Mr. and Mrs. Hatton and daughter of Brantford visited relatives here last week. Mr. and Mrs. F, Boyle and on and Mrs G Hockey were in London' on Monday. Mr and Mrs. C. Livingstone and daughter of Toronto are visiting .with relative,. here. Several lady friends of St. Thomas spent Sunday with Mrs. McDonald of Andrew Street. After a sojourn of some .nonthe in California Miss Mary Tom -eturned home on Tuesday evening. Mr. John Gillespie's ..fray horse met death Sunday by getting its foot elv- er the .halter and throwing Itself, :Messrs. S. Martin. & Son have dis- posed of their old automobile and purchased two—a Ford and an Over- land Mx, Frank H. Ford and family leave to -day on their return to their west- exn home, after two months in the east \:lis: Jean Eustice who has peen visiting her friend Mise Hettie Sweet returned to her hone in Hamilton on Thursday Mrs H. J. O'Connell of Toronto returned to her home after twoweeks vis"t with her father, Mr. Thos. Hat- ter Exeter North. Mf. and Mrs. Vrooman of Capetown are visiting here, having returned on Monday with Mr. G. E. Anderson,who visitee in that town for a few days, Ales . McCreath, who was visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs, I. Armstrong, returned to her home in Lucknow last week-, while Miss May Armstrong re- tturne > Monday, Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line. Call and see us, A trial as to quality will convin- ce. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould Opposite Electric light Plant G6For the Boys on the Firing Line" Patriotie Lecture & Concert In James Street Church on FRIDAY, MARCH 12; at S p. m. Under the auspices of the Exeter Patriotic League Rev. D. W. Collins will deliver a lecture on "Methods of Modern Warfare", This lecture will be a most interesting and profitable one. Vocal and instrumental Music by local talent The Reeve will present Private Mallett with a military wrist watch. Admission 25c. GASOLINE and COAL OIL We have been fortunate in securing the agency for the British American Oil Co. and will handle their high. grade Peerless Gasoline and Imported Coal Oil. Our tank wagon will be on the road in the course of a few days when we will beable to supply. all -the old customers of W. H. Levett, and as many new ones as care to give us a trial. Prompt Service and Satisfaction is our motto When buying gasoline bu in our oil or ask .for British American Government tested Clover, Timothy & .Alsike' seeds for Sa'e'' ',estle, Rowe and Wood •Sue'eessors"to•W, 11. ,`Lev°e'tt Sole agents for the D L & W Scranton Coal, Overland Model 80 Price $1425 f. o, b. Hamilton and Overland Model 81 Price $1185 f. o b. Hamilton These two five passenger touring ears are fully equip ped, demountable rims, electric starting and lighting, left hand drive, electric horn, beautiful finish—everything, in fact, that is needed on a touring car for convenience or com- fort. See these cars and have a demonstration of their ..excel- lent points, Now itt the show room. Wes. Snell Dealer Exeter FREE —FREE FREE AT BEDFORD'S GROCERY STORE A FINE PORCELAIN DIN. NER SET GIVEN AWAY. We give COUPONS ON ALL CASH SALES,. SAVE YOUR COUPONS. We. want youi to come. and ;;et a Dinner Set FREE, whether eau have been a regular customer in the past a; not IT PAYS YOU'IO Get their prices. Start now A few coupons entitles %on to ONE; DISH AT A TIME, and so on until you complete the set, We will continue keeping this pattern for one year at least. WE CARRY A FULL FRESH STOCK OF GROCERIES; FOUR VARIETIES OF FLOUR; CURED MEATS: FRESH AND SALT FISH; Produce taken as cash, BE SURE AND GETYOUR COUPONS Everyone making a cash ptuchase is entitled to the coupons. .Ask for them, N Bedford's Grocery Store, Exeter JONES & MAY PHONE NO. 32 New Spring Fashions In Ready -To -Wear Our Ready -to -Wear Department is getting bigger every year and tw. endeavor to keep the up-to-date goods in all lines. Cofne and see our display. Ladies' and Misses' Suits & Coats SUITS Ir Black, Navy, Copen, Brown and Tar. All sizes from 16 to 43 Every suit tailored right up to. the minute. Wear and fitguar anteed as we sell the Northivay° Garments, • Blacks, Blues,' Checks, ''and - Plaids in the best styles ane cloths. SKIRTS COATS For Young or Olaf, a real nice showing of colored Coats in novelty effects, long or short, A specially fine showing of Blacks and Blues, suitable fog all ages. WAISTS Bing bunch of Waists in Lawn Voile, Crepe, Mull Silk, and Net. All sizes. New Dress and Suit Materials In the new materials for Spring we are showing_ a fine variety of weaves in all the popular spring shades We are offering values that may be impossible to repeat on. Here are a few af• our many,— Broadcloth Gaberdine •Serges Voiles Blacks Wool Poplin• Lace Cloth Silk Poplin Rice Cloth Wool Racine Crepe Cloth Crepe-de-chene Shepherd Checks all the above. Cloths. Spring House Cleaning The good old days of Spring cleaning and renovating will soon be here, and'c yaw will need something new in House Furnishings to fix sup the home. You will find, antis Headquarters for. House Fur - ROOM RUGS Over 200 to choose from,— Union Rugs, all sizes Wool- Rugs all sizes • Tapestry Rugs, all sizes Brussels Rugs, all sizes Axminster `Rags, all sizes Wilton Rugs, all sizes.. LINOLEUIVlS, CURTAINS, Etc. Lrnaleums 2, 3 and 4 yd. wide Lace Curtains $1 to:$6 a pair. Tapestry Curtains- $2,50 to $7 pr, Roller 'Blinds 25c, to $1.00 Curtain Nets 15c to .75c aye. Curtain Scrims' 15C' to 50. ytl quarters for the`celebrated W. E. Sanford. Clothing