HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1915-3-11, Page 4OBzeeter b130 catt ,
Sanders & dreecia Proprietora,
In advance $1,00 per year in Canads
$1.5t in United States. If not pew,
in advance 50cextra per year mit
be tharged.
THURS., A1AROli 11*
"They introduced it (the Borden
naval policy) upon the shallow preteit-
,....e o emergeney. Emergency? Who
apeake today of .emergencel TWelve
months, have passed since 'my Right
Hon friend the Prime minister intro-
duced hie measure. Twelve months'
and more have passed eince ,.hat time
'when he saw the German Peril. 1.1'c'
-"sae, Germany almost ready to 'unto et
'.erhe throe,t of Great Britain. He saw-
•...eloudeon ..the horizon; he saw these
eloods rent by lightuing; he ae4rd the
-the MorinurS and rumblings of die-
tarat thunder. But ray Right Hon.
rer today may Rye :in peaee. The
.atmospleere i ere; the sky is cleaz
the GerMan Peril has disappeen-
•D ti indeed there was ever ‘uch
thi.ng do not chooses any in-
tention 'of deceit on the •part of the
Prime elinister in this regard. hut -I
will .charge deer L in the :are of
the evidence, we hear ageta eade a
Thing as. an emergency "- Sr
WiUrid Lauer, in House o; Com-
mons january .19, 1914. -
- 1
Guirian, the Township aesess-
in the *village assessing the
y. Don't tie up your deg,
" les of the Bank stat' spent
a' in London.
ry .Eckert, V. S., is eufferling
iron, an attack of blared poisoningeind
tete for Stratford Tu.esday tor treat. -
meat; We trust it will not prove ser-
loas and -that he will men he alele
10.-Vks'inne his prectice.
Rev. S: R. Krietchel, E et' Ber-
.1.r -conducted the special suarterly
service..in the EN -angelical Church
lest .Seturday and Sunday.
The concert given in the Town Hall
last Thuhsclay by the Woodhatn Dra-
matic Club was a great success. We
Must- congratulate the young aeople
far the'mannerin which the play was
griren _Each part seemed to be eo
aeoropriate to the person who took
et The -Singing of :Mollie and 'dr.
liaddlie especially goed. The pat-
.'. chorases and solos road.e a hit
ani were often euchored. The Lad -
of the alethodiat Church, -in-
whose auspices this concert was
es:xerk Are to be congratulated apon
the smeces4 of the evening.
Rev. Becker and J. R. tioltzmann
here returieed home from Taranto
where they attended the annual see -
o the Dominion Allianee.
esa Feday evening a this ,r,:ek, the
Y. P A. will give a Box Sosial in
dr. 'town Hall. .k good hime is ex -
?ease as o splendid program has
„team errrenge,1 for and the *atlies are
-oms n a deinty lanch afterwards.
1 A wham from here attended tne
Ft*r Iricine
A, sore' troll ca;rt a- ' • -- 'enerei of the late Maxie 'Sal(er in
threugh farndng districts In :donsts t-..xe..T Tuesday.
ana doitie II ict of observina .ord i.
thng finally reports the The,4ke.he, i al ,s1:1;i1r1v eS iav e 11 tfaexrw Ani de aEr zrvha.h wOhe s theyso mat baY3 leave Ine 13rm,, 1.. at 'art selline in this •Jiatrict. in More
"Willie's cats g,rows ap to •de `a""'"' loch's:garage. It is a fine ear and
Zow ...ou.o. meet wrth a ready ale.
1.•••••••• John Wein and wife entertained a
numbes ofyourth people at ' *their
h‘o.A.eur the 801°concession TuesdaY
Robert Essery of London e ,Asiard
fatends in town Tuesday.
\Its Mathew Wein is in Londoa
,with her daughter Mrs. Robert Hay-
lcsek, svho recently underwent an op-
eratio -
Sir Robert Borden stated in reply atise Mills of Woodham is alsithig
to a question from Hon. R. Lemieao hes aunt and uncle ldr. and 'Mrs. W.
that the Goverritrient did not ntend andsnooke
tso, introdece any legislation ius ors- Harre. Beaver bought a oarsa me
to reimburse the Farmers itank day last week. Watch the •flud Ily.
poeitors. Mr. Wes. Wein, who has been laid
A: a meeting of. Farmers aarde de o for some time with a broken col-
positor: held in Toro.nto IhursdaY
it was deeided to wart for tau: pr...hde ubsoeneta:h:ri;es4ILI;af a fall, tis able
the war placed thetdovern- ''''
'' Mr Inn Smith had the misfortune
ment al 2 slisadvantafte 'n e"s"d°ring ..- hatinq hts collar bone broken
the question of relief for the depoae 1while skating a few days ago. He
;hors. Premier Borden has expressed wu. be btu hp fee a few weeks.
leelint ix the bill and the depositors The following has reference to the
are aontent to wait. death of the late Mary Jane King.
It is announce,d by the Den Orient
od Agriculture at Ottawa that the
first eclitioa of ten thousand •opies
ot the A.grieulturad War Book is ex-
hausted. Another and larger rditien
bend. Painted tIZI• Provide oPihe to
meet aPPlieations that have tor ‘ome
time been ae,cuuntlating.
Mr Henry Willert shipped a car-
load ce- cattle to Buffalo on Thurs-
day test. He was accompanied by his
,brother Louis J. and his son dEde
baloted wife of Joseph Edwards rf
',Stephen township. The deeeased was
the eldest datorhter of the late Jos-
eph and Elizabeth King, .id was
ihorr on the King homestead, two
rid a halt miles south of Crediton.
he stn. married to her now bereft
husband on April 14th, 1976. From
union was born three sons and
They returned on elonday tfter iant: daughter -John and Thomas end
spendme the intervening. days with
"arra Fru Smith of Crediton East
their brother Sam at Ishagara. Fallser
and Joseph at home. Besides these
Beavell Nvho is speaking m the edd
survived by four sisters and
.difterent schools throughout Huron, "'
four brothers -James of Forest, Ed -
spoke in the Evangeliical church t.ri
wara 0. Yale, Mich. 2.t1rs. CherIze heel
Sunday night to Cranbrook, Mrs. R. Canning If
Mr. William Tiemann ending a
S'ew days here with friends, he have rand Bend Mrs. C. H. Baskerville
seddcentra a'
Lae beer unfortunate in having. his EI: teehen, and Mrs. S. 3roken-
.Albert on the homestead.
/lamb taken off in a jointer at edalb- slitre 01 Stephen, all of Whom attend-
fleisclds planing mill at Stratford.. It .1 the funeral. About two weeks ago
will la a him a
off work fror some' time. .
sereased contracted la grippe tollaw-
There are several around aere a) be pneumonia, both of which she
Ms Mark Brokenshire sold the
D.F la g heugh off but in the last stages she
. tool •erysipelas and in her weakened
-arIllage lot he purchased from the conarton this roved too much or
Dr. McLaugblin estate to Mr. Bert herr She was of a loving dispoaitian,
Statton, who will plant garden stuff a kind. and devoted mother and al -
thereon ' though suffering ,much excruciating
The bright days are bringing out padhsde bore it all•
with Christian for-
th.: automobiles. Looks as if' it , I
tittrde Her friends were many , as
the good old summer time. was shown by the large number 'hat
followed her remains to the Fair -
* field cemetery. where they were lead
I ise rest, Rev. Jefferson officiating. The
Mis Katie Campbell is spending a bereft family have the sympathy of
'lex days with friends in Detroit. - eah.hase. of friends in this edieir sad
Mrs. 3. G. Quarry is on the sick 'ist beehadement.
week. -Miss Annie Keough of issCeird of Thanks. -Mr. Joseph Ed-
1)etroiis visiting friends in thr:s wards and family wish to express their
neighborhood. -Miss Kate eacCor-lthariks to the many friends who
mick of Port Stanley is visiting her' eleawerduch kindness during the te-
\Parents on the 14th con., Stephen, cent sickness and death of he wife
for a few weeks, -We are pleased to "addeentataer.
see Mrs. Ed. Hall out again after her
Th' Mount Carmel Dramatic Club
will present "Our Wives", a bid_
ti ing u.p-to-date comedy in ihreeacts
in the Parish Hall, St. Patrick's pay.
---- '•
Mr and ',frs. Arthur Francis ea_
terteinee the Sunshine Adult eible
ciao; or Thorsday evening est -Me.,
Stanley Meyers has engaged with Mr
Jos Ceeerv for the year. -Mi sa May
Clark la visiting with her cotesin Miss
Elva Harvey of Exeter. -Mr. irt.d Mrs.
Wm tiodgent of Sunshine -ave a,
Party on Thugsday evening .astdThe
light fantastic was tripped until the
Sma,' hours of the niernh--dfaster John
Ridley is ,on the sick list. -Miss Ethel
Brow. who spent the week end with
MrHal Brown of Thames Road, haa
returned 1101114. -Mr. Edward Coward
had the misfortune to slip on the
ice and is suffering from a broken rile,
-Several of the young PeaPle of this
vicinity attended the Selves' lance:ea
Wednesday evening.
Th* Thames Role baseball elub will
hold a BOX Seeial in the, hall at Far-
quhar ,on Friday, March 12. 'The .lay
"Who's Who" willhe pot on 4. n'tit An
interesting time is expected.- Ed.
Williams who wa.s receutly married
hal moved'into the home awned by
'Mr Thos. Cameron on the Hackney
t7arru and is at present engaged with
John Stewart. -Thos. Kay has been
engaged with Mr. Wm. Ward dor a
yees„-Mr. jailteS Seatt shipped a car
dr cattle frond thia vicinity Sat -today
-elr John Stewart, sr., accidentlYili
pod arid fell on the ice Thursday An
projecting piece broke the lowerrib
ate ts slowly improving. -Mr ,Welling-
ton Nei: and two of his sons are eon -
fine I to their beds with pneurrionia.
ales Frank Coates'vieited n Lateen
couple days last Week. -Mr. jeah
liarline had the misfortuneop settve-
his foto a nasty gash while _splitting
wood one day last weeks -Miss Lillie
Coate. ol Saskatoon, Seek., after
eenene the winter visiting friends
etutned 40 the West on Wednesday'
lase• -.Mise, Shute of Kirleton visited
he- free i Miss Maggie Luxton, this
sek.-Mr. John Essery attended the
mneraoce eorivention in Toronto:est'
week. -Mr, Wm. Colthill is busy Press-
ing ,hav for the fanners in tins sec;
tioun-The farm and farm stack of the
late Samuet Skinner will be gold, by
puha: auction on March 15th,
Mr and Mrs. James Baxter 4pin(
Sunday in Parkhill with their daugh-
ter Mrs Wilson.-efre. Fred Sharp
spent last week with friends in Lon-
don. -Sandy McEachen spent, Sunday
at home. -Several from here attended
the funeral of the late Mrs. Edwards
near Crediton, -David Hutchison is
visiting his brother in Essex. --Ladies'
Aid of the Methodist church nere in-
tend' having a Pink and White Social
on Friday evening March 26e A goad
lunch and program are being erepared
Everybody welcome. -A very sad
death occurred in Parkhill on Sunday
evenins when Miss Ethel Baynhame
daughter of Mr. Thos, Bay,nhamoerf
the 18th concession, died after aeloart
illness The Sympathy of the eoni-
munity is extended to the bereaved
Continued from Page 1
production? For my 'part 1 believe
that thc farmer requires protection,
just at Well as the manufacturer. I
wondes how the hon. member tram
Brantford would like it if the Gov-
ernment brought in a bill to stop the
sluppins of ploughs to the other elle.
I thins he would object to ihatmost
strongly. I believe we should nee be
selfish, I believe we should ao-oper-
ate one with the other; I believe we
shoule allow the, farmer to hen The
farmer it the backbone of tha coun-
try ane we must have protection for
him A good deal is said nowadays
about the high cost of iving and
(night perhaps give my experience in
that respect. I am a farmer, „
o bua
am alsa merchant, and I think I am
able to deny the statement that the
cos of living has greatly increTiel
of recent years. I worked lent id the.
counter in my store for thirty seven
years and I know from personil
perieacc that thirty-five fears ago
with few exceptions, the cost at the
necessities of life was higher thea
than it is to -Jay. Thirty-five years
ago I sol1 tea at seventy-five ce.ers
a pound, and I am selling as goad tee
to-dav at forty cents a pound; thetve
five years ago I sold coffee at thirty
Dents a pound, and I am selling as
good coffee today at twenty -five
cents a pound.- I believe that as -a
whale the price of dry goods is low-,
ex now than if was thirty.. year; ago
Two performances -afternoon at .2,30 dedat the sap bucket and get That of course, depends on wnemer
evening. 8.15. Seats on Sale at Heide :,:d.ddl.hfectr this is no doubt he syrup tath People arewilling to use the san e
. store Reserved:seat, plan openakit#: Week. ela6,; at drygoods to-da.y that th
day a. 8 a.m. Ma characters take*.
be. John Hays,' ro mil Pickering, lase
Halt M
Alex. cDonald, James O'Idea-T1
.T.hed.W. M. S. held'a very ou.ccesso then. If people wean willing to
esdedeing at the church Tuesday use the sanae Jrygoods to -day as they
di 1 thirty years ago, they could .buy
there just. as cheaply; but eowadays
thee. want style, and they have to pay
for it Thirty years ago the mothers
on the _farm would spin the Tarn. and
the home weaver would weave ;the
cloth; I wore these goods myself and
I was content with them; but to -day
the boys and girls are not ,:atisfied
with that. It is the way the people
live to -day that makes the cost mount
up About thirty-five- years ago 1
iemember selling six pounds of gran-
sugad for a dollar, White to -day
I in selling twelve and fourteen
aft-el:mop and about a dozen were
Jame- alahoney, James %nen. Fninaleodoindieeti.
acharacters by Isabel Anderson,,Pearl The Centralia vaudeville Co. have
:Breen. Kathlein O'Brien, Nellie Heeddaccepted their first engagement and
Solos by Dr. Gunn of Ailsa Craig and Plater:nig on the play Who's Who:,
Mist Pearl Breen.fai Faradihar on Friday evening.--Mis
Bowslaugh returned to the village af-
ter sedaeding a couple weeks in Lon-
Mrs ep
, Hicks .spent a few 4ays'
egederts the parental roof at Blyth.
()fiver of Peterboro visited his
eousin Mr T. Oliver. -
ea III. Webber 71. M. Coatea 69e Mide Alex -Falls of Clandebo
\W. Castes 68; tr, IL, A. Thomson el 'Moihdath with friends in theye vilsnent;
disbarne for February. -Sr. IV., We
Thomson 75, A. Harding 69, C.Oltages
65* Jr IV. Lel, Skinner 66, V Hicks
64, Sr III., V. Coates 67, F. Ford O 3
E Thomson 59, Sr. L, G. limiter 75
Jr, I. 0. Fard 73, V. Ford 68; Primate
T.. Hardin°. 79, G. Thomson 75, 'sal,
Luker 68 H. Hunter 60. No. an roll
9 average 18.-F. A. May, reacher:.
8T. MARYS-The death eccurred
*.ass Monday the late Wm. Wright} in of Catherine McCallhm,
88th year. Her son, William, lied saentethe weekend with Miss Adah
, bout a week ago. There rema:ns two
daughters at home, Mrs. Decob, Wen.'
ton , and two other daughters, ;Adios`
live in the West.
h. .Hodgins and sister s,pent Sun-
eS*Oreith Mr. and Mrs. J. Dempsey.
Mr, Re English, Fred McLinchey and
Ms A Gladys Mason were recent vis
widow of -
etoes tre, London -Miss Addle Hickey
• . '
Mclehersoe.-Misses Mille and Addie
*eon, of London were home ever
Sundays -Miss Emma McPherson Is.
esisetin„' Mr. T,weddle of Agee Craig
-LVh P''Murray is drawing material
05- hoild ..a brick house this summer.
Ccyraa. Stewardson spent Clew
•cl.:•ays with . her .eister Mrs. 'W. M.r„Liii.-
ehey.-L-Mrs‘ f.tSteeper a,nd family plate
been Yr
isitiag-hesigier Mrs,. Jos Gr
rnette-Th es Made ahee conce&rt s'd t
Wednesday was a success in every
lee Mr, Townsend of Toronto gave
eminresting address. Mr. P.Baker's
shame sh le was appreciated by all.
Schofield clelle,hted -yidh his
a a,. and the rest o E the 1.1.1-1111,'
. well reteived. Proceeds the money he ought to raake to le-
s cameenie hen for his hard work.
pOundi for a dollar Of course th . e
case or living, especially in ,arge cit-
ies ie high, and tleart is brought about
largely by the high rents, which are
*a) e eendt of the good times wehave
beerehacing. In the good times ;n the
pas, speculation .ran high and -ents
ran op, Where twenty-five years ago
an ordinary man cou Ld rent a house
for tee or fifteen 'dollars a Month,
toedhe is paying thirty, or forty
ar fifty dollars. We must place the
tesponsibility.for that on, speculation.
I did not expect this resolution to.
be brought up to -day, and I• was not
prepared to:^:speak upon it; but it
havingeeeneas before- tha ,Houder_ I, felt,
tbatw, d'AtY a, , leer,
h Od16eliald ef,th9 fallters- These'
wah eiesee4 ilT,.cisty,6%'ieriagere deat
the 'farther has .ate' 00.4r" time . of it,
belt1 ain i a pasitibn-td knosdehbout
that and I feielesatisfied that the
N nner even in view of the nigh erice
hs is eeceiving to -day; has the short
ene of it and that he is not making
Cods -wit met as per adjournment la
Town Hall, McGillivray, March 1st
oti raendaere present, Minutes of
lass meeting' read an,d signed.
Accounts amounting to $76.65 were
The Auditors' Report as read,
was adopted and 2.00.copies ordered
Robinson-Glavin--Thet f. A. .Mc -
tyro au d A. E, Rosser he :ippointed
to nict in conjunction with, the offi-
cers of McGillivray Red Crone Soc-
iete and arrange for the proportion of
the McGillivray Patriotic Fund that
will he given eaid society, and report
at 17.ext meetirio of council.--Carxied
12.oblason-Rosser-That, eansider-
ine the large expenditure for the
maintenance and repair of our :aun-
ty Toads And whereas the automobile
traffic is unduly severe, especially
when the roaas are not of the most
firm and compact material, & where -
aa our county roads usually :ack thia
1iitinneS4 of texture-, the consequence -
is that autos driven at a rapid late
in the very dry season, will eedeove
a large quantity of road material to
the sides and ditches. Whereaa it is
only proper and right that this Sorm
of traffic so largely interested in good
roads should contribute its fair share
to the meintenanee of the same. We
do therefore respeetfully ask the
Provincial Legislative sh.esembly to
distribute to the different rural inuri-
tcipalities according to their respect-
ive mileage a Toads, the full amount
now collected by the province for
automobile liceusesi or any increase
thereon also that oux merebera of the
Legislature be risked to eapport same
an other namicipalitien aes, keel to
Adjournment to A.Pril 5, 1
J. D. Drummond*, elerit
How's Thief.
'lira offer Ooo Hundred nollara4reporterar any aim
of Catarrhal:at canoot, be owed ktr Illdre Catarrh
J. ar Cc. O. 1
Wa the undereistord harriknoess IL Cbeary toe
tbutlaet4Syea5s, and believe idro perfeerar honerible
Ina taitiaosis tomeartiona and ahaaoially aid:eta
tarry out any oldiotions wade by WAWA
CON 4:1 RCA, erseace
fl'4a ours is taken .1411.11014Y4 Oldt
needy co the blood 4nd menus vollapei of tht
Testiroodlalosont tree POPO 1450. per bat.
a, sold by all Druggists
Tato Sidra Fatally PM* for ooludipailen.
The council of the Township of
Stephe convened in the Town Hall,
Crediton March ist, at 1 P.M. All
members present. Previoua minutes
adopted. Love-elawhippes-- That
the report of the auditors be accept-
ed -Carried •
Tire follewing orders were paseed
-Brown Bros., Tp. Treasurer's cash
book 10,00; Sun Insurance Office, in-
surance on hall 11.50; Herbert Dahner
printino account 27.00; john Woods,
gravel '1.0.20; H. F. Xilber, enforcing
humzete society account 7.'50; Seth
larown shovelling snow 3.00; Arthur
Weber gravel 2.70; Chas. Zwicker,
salary as auditor 8.00; Thoa. Treve-
thick ditto 8.00; Thos. Webb, shov-
elling snow- 1.00; H. L. Kraft, re-
pairs to plow 7.00; James Kenny,
hauling gravel. '5.90; G. Mason, do„
$ 20' A J. Amy, road allowance,$25
3. Edwards ref. dog tax $1.
The council adjourned' to meet a-
gain ir the Town Hall, Crediton, on
Monday April 5, at 1 p.m., when
pathmasters. fenceNiewera, pound -
keeper.; and cattle inspectors will be
H Eilbee, clerk
Counci; met in Township Hall, on
March 6th. All members present. The
previous minutes approved. A number
of communications were read and filed
The following were*appointed path -
Div. 1--W. Johns, W. Webber, C.
Kerslake I. Luxton, P. Coates, W.
Fisher. F. C. Davis, S. Hunter, R.Sil-
lery .3 Kliemfeldt, R. Jones, N.Coul-
tis 1-1. Johns, R. Robinson, N. Ogden.
Doe 2-R. Munn, P. Case, H. Dou-
gall e Wm. Kernick, A. Mitchell, F.
Down, Wm. Woods, A. Moir, J.Airth
J. Selves, A. Etheeington, W. J. Pass
more j Anderson, F. Ellerington, J.
McQueen, F. Ryckman
Div. 3-M. Vern, T. Hern, j. Horn,
N. Clarke, J. Squire, E. Rodd, I3ert
Rundle J. Routly, C. Mills, J.Kemp
A. Darwson R. Switzer, R. R. Cope-
land. _Dan. Odefeassa.
Div. 4-S. Madge; B. Funnels C. Bor
lana Turnbull, T. Hunkin, 'W H.
Thomson, 3. 'Vance, A. Smale, W.
McNice C. Rarely, T Ballantyne, A.
E Shier, W: W. Neil, Alex. Fraser.
Oneaccount Of $10 was passed. Ad-
journment made to Saturday, April 3
at one o'clock.' I
F. Morley, Clerk
Johr Wilhehlme jr., has started to
work for John Hixtzel for the sum -
men -Messrs Harry Yearley and Wm.
Roeszler spent a few days in Park-
hill last week. -Percy Lawson has
started to work again after, a few days
illress.-Lyman Glanville held hie
annual wood bee Wednesday.- Mrs.
Henry Smith visited friends in Lon-
don last week.
Spanking does not clue children of
bedwetting. There is a constitution* al
cause for this trouble. Mr. M.Sum-
mers Box W., 840, Windsor, Drit.,
Will send free to. any mother her suc-
cessful home treatment with full in-
structions. Send no money but write
her to -day if your children trouele
you it this way. Don't blame :he
child the ehances,are it can't nelp it.
Thiseereattrient also cures adults tild
pebple.,:trowb1ed with urine dies
ficulties, lite Say' or night.
c .1`
Thomas Cameron has. received in-
stnsctions to sell by public auction at
11th 1915, at one .o'clock, 'sharp,: the
ALEXANDER LAIRD. Gene Manager JOHN AIRD, AsAl Geseral 1411Patat
CAPITAL, $15,000,000 RESERVE FOND, $13,500,000
The Canadian Bank of Commerce extends to Fanners every
facility for the transaction of their banking business, including
the discount and collection of sales notes. Blank sales notes
are supplied free of charge on application. S25
"II "111"111"111-111'"ilar*111"'ilr'lli."111-'111'"111'"
It" WI l'"I 1"in' 111'111Ii
Incorporoted _
-IE motsoNS BANK
_ _____,,,
Itteaurrireo - t„ , .
CIRCULKRI.E.Trctil'qi csgo,IT
sANK MONLY -.000.4044
Savings Dank Department
, ..,At all Branches
aterost allowal at Mikis; comet rat*
'"W D. CLARKE, Manager.
92 Branches
In Canada
1, i , . it .
n eoliteatiotii. II ...I 1 . 11 , I I
following, -
6 gotta grade cows, just .enewed
6 cows the in March and April;
6 cows due later; 2 dry cows;
10 heifers I, to 2 years old; 5 calve's'
The above are a choice lot of (cows
an- l will be sold under guarantee,
Terms -6 zneintlas' credit will be
given on famishing approved cat
notes. or a discount, of 6 per centper
annum off for cash.
Prop. Mich
Auction Sale
In the, matter of the Estate of Sam-
uel Skinner, late of the Township of
Ushorne yeoman, deceesed, and of
the Devoattion of Estates Act,
There will be offered for sale by
Public Auction on MONDAY, the
fifteenth day of MARCH, 1915, at
the hour of one o'clock p, et, the
following valuable Tama land told
premises namely; -
Lot nuraber two, and the West half
a Lot nuanber one, in the Third 'con-
cession of the Township of Usboxne,
containing together one -hundred end
fiftt acres, more or less.
There is no better or more pro-
ductive land in the Township of Us -
borne Upon the said lands are erect-
ed a commodious two story brick
house and two fine bank barns. This
farm is well fenced and drained.
At the said time the following farm
stock implenaents and other ahattele
will be eold, namely -3 working hor-
ses • 1 driver, five years old; 3 colts
Iwo years old. Cattle -3 calves; 8
yearlings • 4 two year olds; 4 fat
steers 8 rdilch cows; 2 fat cow,
Inaplements-I. binder, 1 mower, 1
rake. 1 roller 1 fertilizer drill, 1 seed
drill 1 cultivator 1 disc harrow 1 sul-
key plow 2• gangplows, 2 'walking
plows 2 buggies, 1 cutter, 1 set hex -
rows I. scuffler, 2 wagons, 2 sets bob
sleighs 1 fanning mille 1 grinder, 2
oulnexs 1 Outting 'box, a number cf
sets of harness and a quantity of
household furniture.
The above sale will take place on
Lot Number two, in the Third Con-
cession of the Township of Usborne:
The land will be sold in one .parcei
subject to a reserved bid fixed by
the 'Official Guardian of infants for
Ontario, 10 per cent. of purchase
money to be Paid on day tof sale, the
balance to he paid into the (a'anadian
Bank of Commerce, to the joint cxede
deS the Administrator and the Ole,
ficrad.„Guaedian. within thirty days
theheafter. Complete possession On
coin/Wagon of purchase. Immediate
posseesion ,given for the purpose of
seeding or preparing land for seeding
In all other respects the terms Wilt
be the standing, conditions of the Su-
preme Court of Ontario.
All purchases of chattels shall be
cash r ,
Fox further particulars apply to F
W. Harcourt, K.C., Official Guardian`,
Toronto; The Canada Trust Company
London; To Mrs:Priscilla Skinner on
the Premises; to
Thos. Cameron Dickson & Carling
Auctioneer Vendors' Solicitors,
.Farquhar, Ont. Exeter Ont.
Auditors' Abstract
Th • following is the Auditors' Ab-
stract for the Village of Exeter for
the year 1914, . .
Rills Payable ' • 10560:00
Municipal Taxes 1731767
Arrear-- of . ,rees913. e .. .350.31
School -1e' ses i a PO
Deg Tdx so Is , sees ,,
. 125.06
tecenei dee,5.0th
tFines ddh .
s, . 7 ', o 5 '9 ••
.., .
Poll Tag per celleCtor
•Wate a Works ' 68'
Sewers:' ,acmnections . 4.00
Cemetery , perpethal fund . 650.00
Rents'. :, . 37.00
Debenfares 10650.00
Balance deficit 1913 712.62
Specie,: account Loads' 9650.90
Cemetery san
EMS Payable 10900,00
Salaries and Allowances 1144.67
Printmg Ppstage and Adver'g 210.46
Law Costs
Road e and Bridges
Schoo Purposes
Debentures and Coupons
Fire Protec tion
Counts Rate
Electric Light and
:Town Hall
Board tat Frealth
Electior Expenses
Err o: in Taxes
Water Works
Cemetery Perpetual
Power Co t385.11)
1913 2.00
Fund (50.00
Total Receipts
Total Expenditure
Balance on hand
Arrears of Taxes
Municipal Tax
Street Watering
Water Works
Dog Tax
Mortgage re Canning Fac'y 8000.00
Mortgage re Exeter Mfg Co. 9650.00
Buileing Furniiture ex. School 15000.00
Lands including parks, etc 4950,00
.School Prop. Br equipment 1200.00
Water main, tanks, etc 28500.00
Fire Hall Appliances 4000.00
Band Instruments and uniforms 500.00
Public Library 1500.00
Cemetery building, lands etc 3650.00
Market building and scales 400.00
Pipes tools and, machinery . 300.00
No: 3 Granolithic pavement ' 217.12
No 5 Granolithic pavement 172.05
Canning Co debt 6141.63
Water Works debenture 18324.59
No? 6 Granolithie Pavement 6868.44
JeCkson Manf'g Co... ., 2100.00
Water Works Extension 4689.99
Main Street .Sewer debt 3752.01
Due Shhool Board 3600.00 "
Exetes Mfg Go.' debt. 16000.00
- 55765.83
Total Assets 88819.09
Total Liabilities 55765.83
Assets Over Liabilities '3-3-0-5-.2";
W Johns, jos. Senior, Auditors.
Notice to Creditors
of Samuel Skinner late of the town-
ship of-Ushoeste, in the county of
Huron; YYeothare deceased
NOTICE is hereby given that all
persons havingealailas or "demands a-
gainst the late Samuel Skinner whe
died On or AMA the. seventeenth day
of December A.D 1914 at the said ,
Township of Itsbornes are required
to send day -post prepaid or to deliver
to the undersigned, solicitors liereip,
for the Canadian Trusts Company the ,
adminiStrator to the whole .netate Of
the said Samuel Skinner„ theirnames
ore of th'e securitiea if ,any. held by
AND take totiee that after the, thir-
teenth day of March A. De /915 the
Said Calledien • Trust Coothano will
proceed tc dtstribtrte the assets of
the said deceased among the Persons;
regard onlijt
noeice, and that-hhheet*WitF 'Cheada
Trust Company'. heelliable ,for,
the said .a.eaces or any parte thereof
to any persons of whose claim , it
_shall not ellen have teceived notiee.
Druaatreyd' Aat: EDxestt9e1r5!he 20th day , of ,Feb-
Solicitors herein for the sail
Canada ,Trust company