HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1915-3-4, Page 8C EXETER .Al :V[1CATE' TUUI 5.l) 5.Y 1VI ARGH 4 1U15 EXE1 ER MARKETS. CHANGED EAOH WEDNESDAY t LOCAL DOING -b. Barley.. . , .. a R.., Buckwheat, , . , Oats, r Peva,..., . .. Potatoes. per bag Haar, Flour, per cwt., family Flour, low grade per ow .Butter .,.,.. Creamery Butter......, Lige twee. per cwt Shorts pet tan..,..,.., Baan per nein Sugar Bert Pulp 50 1400 24 135 (,rJ 80 60 160 60 14 00 4 00- 2 02 00 26 34 29 7 25 30 00 28 00 28 019 Horatio Reynolds rleed Dealer Red Clover, Alsike, Timothy, Mil- let, Alfalfa and beans bought. Imported Red Clover and Timothy Seed fon sale; also Choice home grow: Buckwheat and Alsike e. ;;t home to take in Seed every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday en'' annueley. linniest ri tees paid. Address ell commeneeniens to H. Reynolds, H y. R. it No. 1. EXETER PATRIOTIC FUND lnr , misty anknowl t=,ed 1527,31 Slee a..a J. s' ::iter J,+ St ,,art S. Fitton. Dr. Hyn:iman, J.Gri g \V. Statham, C. Harvey, Mrs. E. Sanders Wes E. ,and I. Folliek T. 0 Sou:h,•ott, H. Walters, W. Levitt; F. Gladman 13.00 2.00 each—Mr. Howell, Lawson Trick, C, Lindenfelt„W,Fulte B Beavers T. Brooks, G,l:Iawkins 16.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 5.00 G. Bedford Robt, Sanders W. Rivers J. Elston, J. Scott 1576.31 Arrangements have been made for a, Patrioti eaddress to be given by Rev. D. W. Collins in James Street Chard~ March 12th., 1 box to. Red Cross Society, prime - mount jackets, hospital shirts, band- ages 1 box to `France, knitted goods, The ladies of Woodham have been very helpful to the League, knitting socks etc. Mrs Cunningham and daughter, Miss B. J. Cunningham of Clandeboye are visiting with Mrs. Yager. BOY WANTED.—Good boy wanted to lean; shoemaking. Apply at The Progressive Shoe Shop. GANDER FOR EXCHANGE.—Any verse , wishing to exchange a goose for a gander, or wishing to purehasc a gander can de so by applying or phoning Win. White, Stephen, SPECIAL SALE—Commencing Mar. 1st Mr. Henry Beirling, Exeter North will hold a special sale .of Dry -goods Boot and Shoes, Crockery, Glassware tliardaare. etc., at which a discount of 10 to 25 per cent. ;will be given. Now is the time to lay in a stock of 'cheap goods at cheap prices. Re- member this cut-rate sale will :tart Marchlst, HONEY FOR SALE,—A quantity of basswood and white clover honey for sale in first-class condition.—Mrs H. Brown, Winchelsea. RUG FOUND.—In Exeter on Tues- day evening, a cutter rug. Owner can have same by proving ownership and paying for this notice, by calling on Re e c Taylor. NEW FLOUR. & FEED STORE.— desire to announce that I have op- ener: a Flour and Feed Store in F. Wood's Old Stand, opposite a ost Office and will keep a full supply of. the best grades of flours and ,seeds. I solicit your patronage. -._.. SIDNEY DAVIS F. DOUPE Licensed Au..'.tioneer. Live Stock SaLt, a Specialty. Terms moderate. Orders i; it at The Advocate Office promptly attended to. Phone 316 Kirkton Address, Kirktor' P. O. TENDERS FOR REMODELLING SCHOOL Tenders will be received by the • Exeter School Board for any or all of the following work in connection with the school,—Mason work and plastering. cement work, carpenter work labor carpenter work furnishings. excavating, metalic ceil- ings, painting and glazing, the nec- essary brick. Plans and specifications maybe seen on application to 1A. E. Fake Tenders to 'be in the hands oar• the chairman, Mx S. Mar- tin by Monday, March 8th, 1915, at 7 &clock p. m. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Correction Mr. Alfred Wastere is able to be out again ,after being confined to the house sante weeks. Cambridge and Oxford universities int England have sent two .herds of their students to the colors. - dist Tilly Whitens confined to the housq owing to the breaking of sev- eral ribs, the result of a fall. tessrs. Rowe and l estle,. and Miss Wood took over the W. H. Levett businese on Monday. We wish them success Me J. McTavish of Seaforth has purchased the dry -goods business cf E. MeFaul & Co. of that 'own inj has taken possession. The official military report •issued at London last week states that Mr, Owen S. A.titinson of Exeter is among those who have qualified for ague tenant; The Ontario Government has an- nounce that they are endeavoring to fine e way no make the full „rants to F;'l Fairs as in ocher years—not tut . in halt as at first anneenced. Me nett. Mrs. Michael Eacrett a1 B antsorri, huvin purchased the r s- idenew 6: Mr. \\'in Miners, .illtoatie been t€ Exeter to reside. They will i w leome.l back by their .navy old a zierrls Mt. Petr M. Mor through Thos. t..tm °rot° this ,reek purchased ,30 via' l.an i from Mr. Andrew Gib o' North Thames Road. This gives air Moir a farm of 280 acres, xhich very large for this district. Rev. Mr . Muxworthy is preaching a series of very interesting sermons on Old Testament characters, each Sun• day_ evening, from his pulpit is Main Street church. :l -ie handles these dif- ficult subjects in. excellent manner. ,lir Wm Love has purchased' the property known as the Bissett brick stoe - from Mr. Geo. Crawley, to •take pcssession Jan. 1st, 1916. Mr. John Walper- will occupy it as in ample- men' wareroom, he having taken the agency fixe° the Cockshutt Company. airs Allen. ,who has been residing in Mr. A. E. FuJte's residence on Andrew Street, has moved into the residence over Dr. Browning's Drug Store. Mr. Fuke having disposed of the residence he has been occupying w,l move into the one vacated by Mrs Allen until his new residence is erected. A very pleasant gathering took place at the home of Mr. Roger Northcott, Hay, on Tuesday- evening, Feb 23rd„ when about thirty friends assembled to .do honor to Miss Lizzie Darling by presentisngeher with a kit - chert shower, prior to her marriage which will take place shortly, The evening was most pleasant and grat- ifying to all. • A quiet wedding took place at the Trivet, Memorial Church, Wednesday March 3rd at 4 o'clock p.m. when Miss Kathlyn Malaita was married to Mr E, S, Leadham; of Port Rowan. The bride wore a navy blue military suit with hat to match. They left on the five o'clock train for a short honeymoon trip, after, which • they will reside in Port Stanley. Kincardine Reporter:—"Mr. VVm, Arnold made a good water commis- sioner. but apparently he did not care for public life. His resignation from the hoard is to be regretted as, he was, not afraidd'to do what int} thought watt in ,the best interest of .he pub - lie.' ' Mr. Arnold was a former tes- Wen • el, Exeter. Tin. people of Main Street Media - des. Church -held their Annual :on- gteg Lionel Tea on Thursday evening in the:.bascment of the church end a mrleesaric time, •was spent. Alter the stipr,e:•:the heals of the various de- trainments. e•-painm nts o1,,the church work ;Lave Short reports on the affairs vonnectea ad• with thelepartments, which pray- -47y y ray-4xry inxeresYing. The curlers held a local bonspiel o.i Fridav night, for prizes donated by •n. j.;Heamen and H. J. White, a -71,71t. happened that the finals were Oven off ;ley rinks skipped by chest two men, .the former winning in en ex`•ra end. The play— First Round Selclon defeated Anderson White defeated Taman. Heiman defeated Gould, Second Round, White defeated Seldon. Heansan drew a bye: Final H. Trick G. Hurdon W. Schroeder D. Russell C. B SnellR.N.• Creech - W J Heiman • 8 H. J. White 7 Two rinlrs of &Jen.sall curlers came down on Monday and played after- noon and evening, games with the lo- cals. The visitors wan quite easily uvea Skips Seldom and Heiman in the afternoon but Skips Anderson and Taylor were up a few shots in the event g games. He:mall was up on the rrovinid. Having made arrangements with Dr. Campbell whereby he will remain in Exeter for some, time yet, we' beg to announce that our notice of the past few -weeks is withdrawn and that platework will be, for the, presemt.ac- cepted. as usual,: DR. ROULS'TON R.N. Rowe Furniture Dealer and Undertaker Phone 20a. Exeter Ontario sic I. R Carling was in London Monday r1 phrenologist was in town rues - y Miss Gladys Bissett was in London Saturday • Mr and Mrs. J. Q. Jones were in. Detroi last week. . Mr Frank Sweet of Sarnia ie •here sdsitiuv with his parents. Min H. Richards of Windsor is the guest of Mrs. N. J. Dore. Mr Fred Gould of Strathroy spent Sunday with relatives here. Min; niauel Rollins is attending the millinery openings in Toronto. ;Sirs Chas. Birney returned Tuesday evening from a visit in London, 'leis: M. E. Brown, nurse, of roron.. to is visiting at her home stere. Ma. and lxrs J, A. Stewart went to New York Monday to spend two weelrs Miss Winnie Huston, left Monday to resume her position as milliner in Hamilton, Mr, C. W. Hobbs of Bi,rr spent Sun- day and Monday with his sister, Mrs. (Rev.) Collins. 11i Vera Rowe, after a visit at her home here, returte l to Toronto, Saturday- evening. Mss 0, H. Becker in New Ham - is visiting with her parents, Dr. ct1,.r. Mrs. Browning. 11 s;. Collins of Ancastr, spent tial :at with her uncle and aunt, Mr. -i Mrs. Win. 1'enhale. Owen Atkinson, after aPending a ,inch with his parents here, xe- tairn d to London Monday. Was.• Jaffray returned to her home it Toronto Saturday after a visit with Mrs anti Miss Johns. Mrs Inwood and daughter, after a visit with Mrs S. Sanders, Main-st,, returned to their home in London on Saturday. Mrs. Ernest McTaggart and sort of ,Blyth visited with Mr. Mrs. • Peter McTaggart a few dusrini the ;week. Dr. A C. Ramsay and wife, and Miss Vera Campbell were here at- tending the funeral of the late Simon Campbell on Tuesday. Mr Tilly .'who has been %pending some months herd with Dr. end lira. Amos left last week for the South- ern ,States to spend a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs.- Reg. Elliot have re- turned to Norwiel •after attending the funeral of Mrs. B. V, Elliot. Mr. Fred Ellis t has returned to Haileybury, Mr .and Mrs. George I. Armstrong returned Monday evening from theitr honeymoon trip, a reception oeing heel t at the home of M7, Armstrong's parent, Miss Hazel Preszcator, after spend- ing a week in London, returned home Tuesday, Mrs. Smith, hex sister, of Stepher also spent a few days in the city last week, • Mr and Mrs. David Hackney of Re- gina Sask.. and Messrs. William and Wesley ,Campbell of London attended the funeral of the late Simon Camp- bell on Tuesday. Mr and Mrs. Frank H, Ford and three children of Lawson, Sask., are vis:tnng Mr. Ford's mother, Mrs. Jas. Forza and other relatives ,for a mew weeks. They have been in London, Toronto Ottawa and Montreal since December visiting relatives and will return to the west in two weeks. little and days LANDMARK TORN DOWN.—One of the ,old landmarks of the Huron Tract was removed, last week when workmen tore down the "Devonshire Inn or: the old Balkwiill farm, two. -miles south of Exeter:. This building was 'erected nearly seventy years ago aeric has been; the scene, of many stir- ring mime, in the early history of the district .It was' here that the first Agricultural Fair, known as the Step- hert and Usbarne Fair, was held. -- .HOCKEY--The Juniors and Seniors. of Exeter had a battle royal in the nn?; on Saturday night resulting in a t'..w 5-5 At . `the end of thou the score woofs ' 3-3. Additional time of 10 minor es each way was ordered, and still the -score. was 3-3, To break the til'. 5 minutes more were given, and both sides scored two. It was a hard fight all the way. The tie wilt be _n.Iayee off Thursday night Crediton and Exeter hockey teams fought a strenuous game, on the local ',c c. Monday night, resulting in favor oaf the visitors 7-4. Crediton scored the three winning goals in the last. two minutes of p1a ir The referee waY th:€ poorest player of the bunch. Mr and Mrs. John May of Clinton were it town this week. arise Tillie Yager left Monday to resume her position as milliner M St. Marys. Mr John Heanlan, who has been spending the winter with t alatives I and friend, here, left Wednesday for hie home in Virden, Man, GOLDEN WEDDING—Mx and airs John Broderick were pleasantly sur- n'rise.& on Saturday, Feb. 27th, by re- ceiving a purse of gold and an ad- dress from their children, the occas- ion being their fiftieth wedding anni- versark,---Dear Father and Mother,— We wish to confer on you both our heartiest and most sincere congratul-' ations ort this your fiftieth wedding minks ersary, While it has not been possible tc gather all the members o° the family to-gether to do honor o, thi. occasion, we feel we !annot ler the occasion pass be entirely void. of recognition; thus we take this small way of celebrating the event Please accept this: purse of gold gas a souvenir. We trust that you will he spared to us to celebrate many ,pore as ed'd m. nnnive:;saries. '-- Lovingly, Your Children. Exeter North Ge e 'al Stole For Real Home- made German Sausage PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE BUTTER, EGGS , /DRIED APPLES DRESSED POULTRY AT MARKET PRICES H. Bierling MERCHANT, . HAY P.Q. Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest ggw oseries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line. Call and see us. A trial as to quality will convin- ce. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould Opposite Electric light Plant Ainus!:g, ERNIMr, O. F. Verity of Brantford will present the Dramatic Story of Ben Hur Illustrating same by the finest Colored Views ever pro- duced. At James Street Methodist Church Friday, March 5 191 at 8 o'clock Among the features will be the famous chariot race, Roman carnivals, etc. etc. and other interesting features. A rare treat is in store for you; don't fail to attend. Music will supplied by Miss Nina Carling and Mr. R. Philips. Admis- sion 15 cents. Under the auspices of James St. Sunday School. REE - FREE - FREE AT BEDFORD'S- GROCERY STORE A FINE PORCELAIN DIN- NER SET GIVEN 'AWAY. We give COUPONS ON ALL CASH SALES. SAVE YOUR COUPONS. We,want your to come, and get a Dames Stet FREE, whether n'ou have been a regular customer in the past o•i.;not , IT, PAYS YOU'I O Get their prices. Start now A few coupons entitles you to ONE DISH AT A TIME, and so 'an until you complete; the set. Wewill continue keeping this pattern for one year at least. 'WE CARRY A FULL.FRESH STOCK OF GROCERIES; FOUR VARIETIES OF FLOUR., CURED MEATS; FRESH AND SALT FISH; FIFTY 20 -LB. PAILS OF IRST-CLASS FAMILY LARD, While they last $h60 per pail. • Proidure:e taken as cash. BE SURE AND GET YOUR COUPONS Everyone making a cash purchase is entitled to the coupons• Ask for them. Bedford's Grocery Store, Exeter Overland Model 80 Price $1425 f. o, b. Hamilton and Overland Model 81 Price $1135 f. o. b. Hamilton These two five passenger touring cars are fully equip ped, demountable rimes, electric starting and lighting, left hand drive, electric horn, beautiful finish—everything, in fact, that is needed on a touring car for convenience or com- fort. Sea thele cars and have a demonstration of their eacei- lent p,lints. Now in the show room. Wes. Slee!! Desilet' Exeter The Clocks That Alarm WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE SUPPLY OF ALARM CLOCKS, RANGING FROM $1.00 ;TCS, 3.00 THAT ARE GOOD TIME KEEPERS AND RELIABLE IN EVERY WAY. A few specials -59c WE ALSO HAVE A FEW SPE- CIALS AT MUCH REDUCED PRI- CES A .51.00 AND .$1,50 CLOCK FOR 59 CENTS. A BARGAIN. CALL AND INSPECT OUR LINES OF GOODS, REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. LAWSON & TRICK, Exeter JONES & MAY PHONE NO, 32 New Spring Fashions In Ready -To -Wear Our Ready -to -Wear Department is getting bigger every year and ,v endeavor to keep. the up-to-date goods in all lines. Come and see our display. Ladies' and Misses' 'SUITS In Black, Navy, Copen, Brawn and Tan, All sizes from 16 to 43 Every suit tailored right up to the minute. Wear and fit guar anteel as we sell the Northway` Garments. SKIRTS Blacks, Blues, Checks, and Plaits in the best styles and cloths. Suits & Coats COATS For Young or Old, a real nice showing of colored Coats in novelty effects, long or short, A specialty fine showing of Blacks and Blues, suitable for all ages. WAISTS Big bunch of Waists hi Lawn Voile, Crepe, Mall Silk, and Net. All sizes. New Dress and Suit Materials In the new materials for Spring we are showing a fine variety : of . weaves in all the popular spring shades. Weare offering values that may he impassible to repeat on. Here are a few of our many,— Broadcloth Wool Poplin. Gabardine Silk Poplin . Wool Ra tine. Crepe-de-chene Serges Voiles • 'Lace; Cloth Rice Cloth Crepe Cloth Shepherd. Checks Blacks gin all the above ' Cloths. Spring House Cleaning ,The good .old days of Spring cleaning ;and renavatingtwill soon be here, and; you will need something new in House Furnishings' to fix pup the home. You will find suis Headquarters for House Fur- nishings,—, ROOM RUGS Over 200 to choose from,— , Union Rttgs, all - sizes Wool Rugs all sizes Tapestry Rugs, all sizes Brussels Rugs, all sizes. Axminster Rugs, all sizes Wilton. Rugs, all sizes LINOLEUMS, CURTAINS, Etc. Lino.leums 2, 3 and 4 yd. wide Lace Curtains $.1 to $6 a pair. Tapestry Curtains $2.50 to $7:pr. ' Roller Blinds .25c. to $1.00: Curtain Nets 15c to' 75c a y,1 Curtain Scrims 15c to, 50• yd. JONES & MAY Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sarnfond' Clothing