HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1915-3-4, Page 2.. .. 1-111, .. .1-1. ­ - a-- - ­­ , , - 7' - 7 , i ,i , :1 I I 1 - , I , - , , - I - I , - . , , - � ­­­­;�- - ­­ �z;�,�"?-.��,,�",.-'',�-''�,.�'. ­ . . " � ----"---; , , I 1. 11 . .11, I I : . ­­­- . �!''. : � I . I � � I I 11 I . . .. . . . I �. . . � , .1 �, � . . , I . � . � I I . I -, . . I . I � I I � � . - I I � . I — . ­� — � I . , , � ,-P- -� Mir � .. I . - 1-i- ­­ � — ­ -----.--.-. ---- - -1 �- 1. � � . 1- . � . -- ­ � - � .. . ­ . - ­ -,- , ­ - ­­ . , � - ..- ­ ­­- ­ - -- . � - --- - , � -, . - — -- - - — --- -,-- - — — — — -- - . I , . �- 1 IAI = - � P. A -- In a I � # .Adrl.wi ,ill 1111111tly, olv. ^IN I - %A 1;4 1- 1W. F% . , . er- _R; 4F 1 ­=��­­..., . � ��`,,,��" , . 1 1 P4 wl.4 h a �t r,;,iil r""I"'.1",�L�'t; a I).' I'llo -%N-a,� � ­­ I � , , �� , . ,4o The A,31o"Traw 011 11.0,77.0. ilit-tht-,ie ,,zbvul hiniself." � , 14i", . 1, tov Nfiea f;"und, hor:04 -W­01111K tha"! By Sgt. Frank S. Brown of Princess V ,,4, ti . I he �,,Al'l I'stat: Z t�!I',, ,7111i.1cM frolu heri Patricia Canadian Light Infantry. R ", , :lClld, bl"* �., �w�,o inlpco":ble. a ,ff6n dp- e ty, PWA D580% , ' 1-11 - �,­w thoug'Itt ...,.w IvrA illidere.t�",I .1101 Now at the Front, 'A , . I * , . 9 MARZA kn( %:­ .�(Irlan. 1),tivilcy frioL;t thoroughly- K,.,�.­- d --� . . . . � .fl%�'t'�,��- I , " i)ut now be'airpcured"to her in. a now "Way. 41. , US(RN 1 R71ss What is the. call, I #el-:,- , � ,41, aki� a 11 , .- -� , "�� � le \N,az,-f,cd zo c�owthv him. to t, . I i1!ibai�,),,ues-q cul of 11,*1ik thougli!Io, to malti. The bugle call, � . ". � Of course, I I Crown Brand' I is your ON Sy , I favorito Table Syrup. Of course, . ',,,,,,,,, , � ,,! . , , e hov ;wo� The call that bas no betters, ? I I .In fe I adtrful be wa,s; hour ma. -h . I � 1 lx�gh,�­ and lic,tter a.lid greaty than any The Silver call . Ale� . yc 7ing '* - -", cther man. ,�4�o Ycry u-adually Libe 7�auiu )11 enjoy its delicious, appetizing to JbQ 0O'.1eiw,-',o1. t1lat. though it. might That beats them till, never be it<;.�;-`,ble for hor,to t4t)(0411011 'a The music call for letters. . flavor with Bread, PaneaAes and deftwte pla.,*e Ill Adrian Dwt,vney'e; life,, yet I . . 0 1 ,firot Bisaui4�. I .. . 10 biud hewell to another man, ,a try. I you can take a silver trumpet But what about 11 Crown Brand' in .. cll.�PTMI. XXIV. - c�-n-t�.,ued,,. (111APTER xxv. ; and jm.x'k,- row ffitermu,, ,t,3 buUd up an, ',And sound tile dread alarm, I I I I I ot.'ie. e-:stenee lit wb"eh 4Wriaii hv,d no the kitchen ? Do you use I 11 Da& -t at the -va. Ltdv XiQ &4-�nr-d , Jx,-�au Dr, tuir wa': ab�ient frpm ,*V -,N u for pirt cxck-pt nii a fnend. warz ,­.ruolhim; I T. A.$ will sprIng In actioa I .1 11 I , , . I itbat ,41e iv-tat,�.,l for nothirig U,k),�e 4)-1 vai -i , *� ,. o , � , . I hr,,e,d.tyi: when he,l-amt, inwk lie slio ic,ould never do, and till aL once she I With his rifle 'neath his arig, . I I EDWARDSBURG' . 11 dsa.m I � sineo,�ho XN'ld NN.rA P, -m �; -,Ni�tlf her. .',�-And a Ibild"-2t C,, v;­rCsp1ll,len('e waito rct,olved oil W,ling I'awnfLy hims'elf "�`)Ulc` I But If you waxit to see him jump I . I " I . I. I 9 , . 0, �-­ual �-har.-wt-e,.�.�t',- .ctuiro fr;�,= Rill hell) her. , , , '. � I .09. I , wc,-; Pciv,;54 laur"Lc;l �,.t -Vo uo%�uravv - i � iag !or h:al. 'Amorg .�*)%g wa(� Q�le of the th:ng or the truth, and on asking b*.ni to 11 I i I 1i � I i J Or run like a Streak of hail, . "O'l, my d(ar." Ae L,.,41J. "You P-1*'k.. K , 11 iu!! , � gk"v"ug new�m; .,wout the Way -perhallk; it Ili% ould let Mr. Bryant, ,,fit- I Just take tile same old bligle nio'. ;..!- A i ly""I �t were the tru"Iti .. hu" un- -1 -1 -I'- � �� . I � .110 . ' . , And sound the call for llmail'� N ME M ,0V 1% n irornunanojy it i ,tl,t!" �!�K'.i�A':'.3 'Were"'cat,.hing on" to hiq 4errtand that I am a, changeable, errat;,�, "I. � -,iN ..'.' , ven okncri­ � Ili- ; ,Vt�l.�.;)n, and several Loral -,h(- law- t,rco,ome sort oR peroart. -be, might pr- ., :i, .,;.,k.v k.�ilwieihl , ­ , x .1. , ' ir 1� a�l,,A 1,...kh Ellen; then ;1,,, � - -,,I�) "-A ... e atteud,ng :.o b's pri'vato vet;-, thing,L; %!Omill?, to, a 4-r'sikk." . at.d %ald I - 'be glad it lie �� a n H - d,vz wo, � . yt'T,� - ; 1. sb,� called om� C-alon.el iiawney'%, botel�, No c,n(,. who's, not becIt t1lere 111111stilf I" I vald'.ed, -140 O,lk(,r ,�i,*.man. ­wa 'i,-,.-. ,411"i� �. . - . /,- , , -it lie wa, --Pelc, . , arpo;llt- ard �?oixnd till ,; ex 'QJ IX Wk that I Can tell just what it means � rsh(N ,.I'.,d; "I"t uto inaue p1Lt0V'-v`.0 lilv'. ! 1U. -,­..ki 1,4,cd t,) m:ike an carly , ,a_ � , - ,�Jiki wrote. him a little lotte7, - --`Z--�- I 'k,"". lz 14 Zq ll�ee �,Ilppvsing thifig'.. 'ind �r�31� �j,' I lit, teiv,illwLiod thr,yugh. and ove!1111g, eo To have a live ,epistle I, t, kz:p , ,te r . that sho would I I ;:I'-. ive! A.vk,;. L�'-� wcva luvttk�r. I ni 7,�-� ,,,,t,:it :1 i.;V %,In'ei Inn an hour or " ,it i I ­-- \-W r-1111%, 1;t'..' -) �,,�';aw I `V, arr" -� I I . would varne and v�ce ber on tile following � From your home tricked Ili your jeall.q. I 11 11 t ­ � -0 'or ;t lo" ,j;o .,G o . .1ii afternoon; in I, - . . I.r. - . I C�v 11) ) - d latx, tbat same night she I A tripping sweet John ('61HILS I M � 1) b v a ii, I vi a t4:. ' , h . -. -,!. I .g 1, , slio �,I!d ni)!�h�'. tl)oll'. ! ,� :!, J 01'," I g,,l a ietti,e fr.mia Juliai'L Rr -who, I ­ '' Ile, �4�� .�Cwme. � � (�Very.14.41g IN yant � �, � , I ."g -,,):,�Nard very -iiell. and Own he Wall hat lie wac really all right a.ga,ll, To a thirst _volt w 0 - I ;Z3) EnA -,,;...-'a:r, lont "In- :% wh%k,,whe I?t-gan i p . ouldni, Sell - � - TO V," Qlf[�'. ,)�­: an -,l Nx.-a llc%lvli� �-hanvd I - u�'.�J, r it Wr')*Q t . Isn't in it with a starving heart --ftof if .U-\& U " P , . ; .. �nF -nited %hat Mrs. BrIcill I'd, I ud lhat hii,waralod her,to ;Ile (io, kind a 8 , I . , � - . nalUr-k; v -nd v­'�x "i),-, v -,110 pw ,,I'� " ; ,,, 4­�hm!v refilwd Ili 1,�­kllt a P0,1117 (11 o lci ,h,.Xn eomi, and see her on the f0l That gets a Nvord from Nell. i liad bkN�*.f �,) :1tt-!Vz'1,J. � -l %u�)`n�­ ho. had ,,,e.;z,-t-k,tek1 kh(Mil t, ,'�,,,.v--o,r day afttr Inrch. � 4011,14 �!W 1, , It I � I for Gingerbread, Cookies, Calces Pies and Sweet mm'! her ag.l`; . , '" �! . .. �' ,.: I . ­Y�,�4 MU ­,Z .Jl .-e , 41d. r �4 d :,.pon her." I have something I'D tell yau," he . ska!'a - I $auces for .all kinds of Puddings ? a,ld v Ili lun, ^. !q -j hvr 1�­..,;� �. Jul a .1 ,.lirri,d rt!..r pa'e. -Y011 XUUA .. - 11 thWL " U1101vil Or if the maiden's name is Nate, � - , . you ought to ha,ve , . ,�,methi g I "Olt! I ?rvc IvLb�(,4, �a­l 1.�,dx. 1'.'�"!� � , ,It,,,�ij4 I.- �'j ��- ,�,,,.-,.: ,bi f. nes-et�-ary.­ be Or Jean or .Marguerite, . Do you alwap, use it for Cand -? ' , . -Do �, "'m lit. �,w. 1 4'.1- Wd , , i,e '41 ;:,,*ii% % A'� ,4AI . , �� � a lcn; ,*!,lie tigo." ,y-makin,o �%'. z ­t,,he! 0,lio I'sa'i :aLvo -.,, x t �1,; ��.'� , -­­­vil !l"� ,,I L;id� Ven'c, first in-line" WZ43 to, Ili" A ,--cented word of love -him makes , T'ro '..wvor --1111 ,x..'dt,1%-. � i -the c.tbor of 11 I Try it in all these ways. You'll flud "CroNva 1�1;*4 . . - off either one, of- I A weelt's dull drudgery sweet. . I - 71.0y:k:s. N'alll :" I " �. 'hik &lr�� en.t. I , li.c. R'ry�-.w%,i :n-:144'? w."L, A;t,ry trin, thelk*�,khe de'�ndekl lodono!l - Brand" Coin $yrup handy, convenient, econo. - . '. .�a,k ,,I � - . ., - ­ ­­ I Wily, any mother'& soldier son 4;,. 'I ''zWo a rourn. X--2, �-nd I 'l -,6i, s .�L M� i,�`U . Iti-.1d. ju�izsad� ,she wrGt,2� fixingl"li'lie lfour� inical, dependable good. I * ;, ,"o, " - . I �4.!'­�(, I .;in .�VZOP Mont_ Upon � , -%yould be 1 Who learns the bugle cry, I 9 � � �14,:Ve ��tzio ;,U�N14146 I kt! . , � V k. U)) �� " ole.; Lt ,, he nf,,,,: f� 'Iv, . tor Julian Bnrant to eall. iib;cli I 4-,;;Na,iUg il., I , .. .h(-11 her Lmx1ol�:e;­ wat, Tw-011,11i .liext the came t;me .it 104elf ,he e%peeted CO'- I Juit stops his heart and holds his I 11LILY WII1T;F.I I is itist wliat its name finplics­a clear , I ' . L L .. anrbk�l t ­l i ). y t>v�. ,,, ­,tx. .uizA I d X, * If '751'el Ali ;- Tit 41. %". . ',� , I'evv " . ­ '. , , , - - `-I Da"-ney. , - - avor thau I 'Crov.-if R rand � 7, Ave", " , .,! Ra, ,1,, v �a �11.vk %.7..,. , -we'l. Y.- tit ean "10 ,0. �-ii' varw,t�. wa s `It oan be &;.ff,-Iv, �;a!d that 1jadv. Ellen breath �.Tl 6 earn syrap-more delicate in R v!a.r ;% 7 71 't, 1 � %, l ,,,ali.t.1y ,.Ik,�ed lier evek; timt night, a -id I f that I- Qqtxilly g400d for tile table and for candy,making. , Mi. ;.,�l ,_­ .:.t�!,� ,% - ,-b,.i* v;., iiiien!d ,i�-ar---ely ad- a st � -11 I ; ; . , � , A M �, - pot% *�!.. � . n,vow!. , _ For fear he'll be p sed by. " I , 'Ll, 7 gy a �- " .1.�k,:% %-�t-o %�tl ;,* do :'�.'.- w:,Ik,r the ,V,lV'.2M. ,zvle I,,;;,p.,l qu',te. lialf-'and tired �rvllen thel I , I Aoa,: Lv,�W. Sh.- ,�v,, -1";, , , 1, - �� - � . I " invte;, P­1111t­ � .1 . ae .1 lt�;,-. Nins. Rrvan: InU., T A -! ..' tJk-XL* ' J'i!Ua I =%5w-2-�RNI, It 14". ASK YOUR OnPOER-IN 2o 6. 10 AND 20 POUND TINS. , 4,I'XX �;, � �� A�o �i­k,� 40"". "� � � ­ i 1% nift , , . ,� , , Ilisi hand isl all a trmiible, "" IivAi .,Ul.- ­� .-4. A,, - 3 , , ­-­ ,-"w a, . ,wll 101,.,1��,`%. witid ie.�,-­ 2144' z,,."19 '; ­ liner. ­ - ao�trea?. " ,� I Alle %% ;',mi r -.%I,.( -r vnilidued i . pi,., # OkN - The Canada Starch Co. Minited, ­Nt,,., ., .�.,*; �j � ..,i,v rw�v', A�ir!�4il '­'�J �f vou irt, .."v"w'. t�,� ro.q 1,�,Iw! *-Ild "I.,tj hpl, faa.e�Li ii�:re a latle troubled obou,, IM cYPS Stick 011t lik�� MR, � "- vvry -lM ­ ,� �A­,, - "e. " ��:, � 'w"iulix.6.: !b.'a Y.'a 'it- .­- ­ - I I rl. . '. . %� I ,; . ­- 'o"I 1. ,� %� ,.,� ir­'�, zLi- vv � . . I 110'. Ili- goes all of a quiver, - � I - . 11 . ... ­ ­­ I ­ ­ I. -- :6 hv�- -,,0,�, , g ,,9,1� 1��,�r. ":W ., , "MIl "', �o W�,,V. 14t'n­1. .. . . 11 , "Ut ., i �1.iv'­ g .n't^!", v� , ,;I �t LatR- �:, ­. I i.!,�i,�-Iv hkr .11 ,�t;v:'% In Ort ndildle .-A 1111� rnOrl'�,119 cill" ­;" With the Ligue lit his, legs, , �!, � : 1, -. ft. h, N ,-.v, d� ii.�*b'ng hw iiOl in --.1 it.-wil and virtm, a UK:er to 0102101 Da�'-` pkiwer.,�, aa4 vertaill gavernua,rits, lie. lias profitcd by tile defeat c.; � . , . . I . 14.,i. "I I t� la,ti�. : ! %c!". e-'� �z� 1 ", 4i �,'�" : ,it r r. 0ii,4 �,,� " 7, " J ;,� qv. tl.­ lWy And If 111.1; 11-Amf"s, not oil the list, I lt��* ,::1 !I ,� li� "', ".. 11,14,1-1. 1-1. 'T.,- ,� -* 6t ."7o.�-;l'iz :�t!orv;t,w. al.4 I Ile wilts like a frozen bud, will no hinger be able to Illa,k'fl 1 prt,%­an mflifar;;M and impier;la" ­�.�Wllt­nit­ ':� , ." ;­�V%,.' lli;t-�l ,� ,�­11� .Iul!all 1�,!: V-.-., lin";'In;,�- '­1i)v . , bic, %�..fflr�. , ytin ,art, eom:ug bere fit'.,,.; afternot'll, tlntil anotlior mail call drags France and 1111s4ii, fill the part, of I i-sm 1wr ;kim i �7, W,, � �-, ,,::,, - "T, 1 1 mw illlwv ..it al-.Z4�- ll,t-"v h ki Ill -:.11 a � -4. ll:)�', ,ktivi.tn dvar." 0.w'wr"t(-; "and Whell You ave- NVIIII I —1— itb,� Mr. ,!,N� wl lis­."C�i* J!."Ill. �,,Iw, �%A- train L�id% F"N,p ,,,,,T�ng h:in �o kU '�W Min ploughing through the mud. lxlgy�, for the latter mill 11, S110 , . ,; i k. I ,%v, � .11%, Wilk, 11) dq uIt, 11 -all ;it,-. 1. gml'�,;,r h" , ."M-, i KO,all 1;0.:- � .?is V001 , a great, r,er. that. the are not hent 4,-)n ikeizinC' T.),,r;s was rather backward in lle�, ht,r -,hat n giit. Im! ;1e, 1401 w4trangxv!y 4-k- viev. Y 0 1 . e�.uo ..4i n tA r,.- ;, ,nvl�llvl ^,I ;-I.. :11 t��,­. M.,vil 1�0 wq ll;iv . d that I Ile'% liot a corr"pondeut, itory. . 1 , 4" �]'.n. ,-.i;t,; Ladv 1.3"en, !*N'.4 11 lit � " ,�l h de;�ITII. " I I'llink N"011 have ullller�too terr qlIdl4-­;, and. 4)yle, day when her fa - at. h,,�&.�. Ill 41ve beer, fi- , I . . - ti.-vibble'l �., rvi, ll '. .tit ilielilled to make a 110W The logiMative and oetknonlit. lilli. i'ther wai incilliring into her stand i -1 ,.,Zl� �,i 1"..�nt a 4mg -na,14 and apt, Alth Ut� *Ibe ex- � And his answers may be few; invau";­a. witt m;J", i ny,: if., �? � z ng tilt, � . 11111111111 411, I , g1f, I ,wou't prolpird will, I ,� . v - .-T."", .Ilol r�i -4 a h g 1-"tl!. , F�,," � 'Al , . �v.ii 'p, 14ad vmt ,�,i ;%vd %%vilkhl I I 111(laii that 1 111161V you have Un. 1: fm '*' " f I YOU. i [is opportunities are slim, ficatkill, of Oern),my haA bpell av- ing ,-it, -.,ehool the little, girl admit, M, I � ,",V .Wirn il-,,,Ir�e 114, relnintt- M." �l T,� -*.!,V �fll��Ilr'101,1111. o� A!ir: , . � , ell. 1� 1� IA -It ;n- a(,n7.ozNl that, someono b;,R vonto into my i To write his "billet doux." s 'lie low .i!f*: 'O"V WY .,-,% ��i:v ;1%6c. N ­­ ll'e "anz(, rtk;,!v.,' flr,vrable leol. Z life. -,to(I tbli, tll,xre ;, the potiiibilitv ,',f complished and shou!41 not be dis- ted tli,-.,,, l5he wa. I . est in her, ,00, �:i tl� him: .-%� tha* v;Y01 hid 'ng tt.Jied by Mr. Bryant to marry turbe4, for such an act. wouM affect cla-­s. -Why, Dorls, I am a -shamed ' - 40:ho -I k-h,,.a,a�!k,r . 7, ,,�, I ?i4 11, I , I-,,,-- I ' , my be, ­ But whc�u lie does, It is benea,th .4 eoit*,il Adrw, - a 1�1!14: :TAV r. 3tr. .,;i Nvil 11;rl a"Na%, a tt,V6 dami before. -;m. very A spluttering plue knot taper, , r"V;n' ,,, '.11%^11 a '�t:v, m.iL�. ; I ni i. ave I Iij� w�,,, rt,.tll- h, I dolt** kilky,v if I ha.ve, been yed every one of its iuliabitant7-. If tile of you'! exclaimed the mother. I , ti jj;aq ,othout any re. . Or if I 11"N't, given him too mW4 With a brokeli nib and an init-star " 'T"d �J.e , m" wxly nian: and �o-niov ;1; Wravig. Ndritin ilear, creases military faxl-�, "Why don'li you Study harder and ereonrageinin-t; tile f-t is. - peace de I 'I IN ill, 1�1 , .. ". I ,i�,!,�-­f',l;;:lTkJ),V One. mg's al* coming 'tio a " 114"., blal.­ "a.41 11',�� Po . � pen, - r � a . - Oil a scr lightens servi�ve with the -colors, re- try to get ax, ­Cifln(� . nd -U�w- a .ii', Y;-kti c -l- - I ni,�41-� I.r�ktid rciikhL �,o Imil , tru-1, 11-ni 'law th t I lect ill ap of cartridge paper. ,.aN froui the foot. uf I ," I 1-1 don't want to mak I .1 pom. 0 ally,phairgo. ` Tat �d.lv f R;1: 1- * ­ � 0 .) �Ia. 11,-;�v ,�be illlni� bulk- h.:nt! I T,la ,!� 'I ea­'� ,,)-,-, -i- T,".-,.Lii.�N, ,­ ,4 , 110 ,.I;t,t,I tu,w�nt,-ro ill ll;,� llrixz�,.i, v,'I*ing- when ,you voint, liere tbiis ,,iftern,0011 woves frow. ilvcry mind tile worq I yi­.,zir ,classV' ."It -ain't mv Jault," .I. vLill wein Mr. Dry 'Now the moral Is for folks at home, (it an ending �onflict and leaves ;ll t0UeS,Df il�jured in- . . guit. Will You la Ili= �� i�l pt -A '. I ��­%v 14."l i lv,�"(ho. , "a, 11 11M� ;tf.4 read zhr- Itch tilt, h."d little eugl I Iii,o him very, , replied Doris , � " � I � .1i ,A ,,%-­�� unlIvrStand - that Don't wait for him to write, h ,,, %� �,�:d I lwltl� , 1, I h'. zhx 11"A4 V bet1k.r. aideed, than ally Ine 11 'T to devote all their en- nocence -, ',the ittle girl who hag I , ­,!,� ,)hl �A �UJ%Q* wh�--h La-dy E.14,11 ery. very mueb Lust close,, ji epe i I ,wt.,, wtj.,P,,ia,� �rlum-iiav­ : ol-V h' u: bu: lit, did no', trvo�,nre the 10Z- - I have ever met, I i,anuot And don't $a',,' "Dear Tom -n . 'been a,t the f -00t b" left,' 4� N W IN . I... , vt-�.. - ' other �*ranqer 1, li 0 ergy to productive operations then *P.*,h,t .,4 V��,t 11,;A 0"'14 ... 0., * .; - � ii ` . ljilk,�d hk�,.ki,tlikg it ,nto tire firin and "" ' always F" -U. give MY I hope this finds you rIght." -.Y.tr� fit,*,- � 4'. lit, -34d ,o he rt�w-wht,rt,i). Ili.: . ,,rv;j�Ny marm, hint! Don't ao' It' t ev;�y German i-itiz(In will see that I , " .� -in MYWIf. I Ml 'Ob." ,,i,t�d L"4!6 'c.4�!, lit- �!'..l I roa�o,:a. I !Ordly know the A good long newsy letter, I � - ,4.v. �iod tht, proxtl�, v I have !Vlagined , Uev vari,. .- .411 Adrian Mim. - kallw I scho� ­ 'LlUIN ,Ilaz wh,At - th( deld —'-------- UM ;0,a�xk,i --o-mit, �f I �.ANee 11�m� I ' --4k, ^,310 �Itllk�.' Ill'tu, The Is - best that you can,,v ­­­ -- %I 0; %: Q, - �',;�d -I at�d re.0,.':-�:m? it.i. hi, bul lit ,ii.oa,,j! brilfg nit- happixwx,iA, WOuld br'Vig .� t IT , .4,�tl- -�il, till . ill $1 11 A M. + "t. ­ "e' .. I . o hcr r!­,vog 1 ! ­np, awl . � Me Q 1111!-v C-1 I . p llu�* You . u� i the Other thing! UnOW y", I ,I ot oniev he �*a�d to b,lit-If " - ine � if�-anv Ift event ShOPOd Ill i 4.71 0 . ay G 0- -1 ­ - . lie fie . To your Tomm-N, in t Id ­Ikvl�.!� .f. xk*a lir,�-w .014)u.. 1cra. %.��I"!, ..111 p) �vid ste D� -1�xrvv- iow ,Ila%. on. know life, I *,vat; t , lit y a Illy ()at'('- -ope .. - lwsting peace to Em The set -�le ;�,krl- 113.4 be any liv-11m," , � ,,la� , , . I . . .r� I Ile II.NJ ;! ."'ligiog 'o -%Ok lo th in hel, � � well, I am falling you at vOUr Word. an'lil I . . ,�--- ',X� I I WAR - ' , . - 1. I t 'a w, I a. fl�, � rd.:*�hv ;4h�'* e.eemt� � I nja,l; �Ijtjj­� I,(. �%.j, ,., r,lr.vut.iI -,it w,A lie I !., 1, y,111, jugit al, if you wiiriN my b -the". I -all, What is the ( I - lit . -iu� pi,roklu. Y,m lin,­ -Av 110; , -:- a;i ,,I � , , �nx. Nont, tha, lie wl,�' ., ,,,pIt­ :kl � *,k Dak�.�ljvy ot the zratb; but ine'i '".­ DaMli-F . _ ,11 kx,,vay ally 4iff iefil - ties there may 10 6U!,,.1,,* The. cheering call, , ­� �w( r� i,, ' wi.,h rg �tl .�:e ?rtr�let.z %.ow pa.i.-90v �-, 1�4 � .; .1,-.um�'. 11"ll. Cololwl � ,I.,- W11 i�l ho lnwl llf� hall It-fr "Own. 'I- be fvr tile ill "01usetielk wttll tb'F man"' she "Nell," and ghe That eVeTy ether bf,twrs?, Ile --mv t.�.; :li-6 1---rialf'. whar 41, yon - � -, � , .J!'f.1 "j, e,.I4t,i�*.1LtJ �1�14,k . , 4 ?301-, .Ili- f"lljow. ., k,;gnod this 6i,14111Y - �t roand by barld j� tile hotel. A silver call, . , . , is ,J.,#J'!� Ili' '.%U- 'Itj`VLI�, a I ­ "b.P% iW 9 "I'll;t, ! ;.,g 44."V, . . i ,�t. , nt she jnvwl cd Out with t;On'Q frIM10, 'tit" A Itingod-for zall, . 'I, .. p 4 Us, t ,-,i 3 W- ll;,;%:I�. ,,, 9. *#,ry 't - jet 74 I t�v lnu,t ll�i%;� I 1, . .% 1, . � 1. . , , -oid 11,041. I'tie ­rpl.Zet willp , bill e,f ttlue 1).,t,,I� treniblin,- 'wilh nervolbrin(It"a. ,,, The ninAe call for letters. rI 4:;r. .��Iapi�z,e ,Iuli.oi tur , 11 , ll�qp..'L, "'ti 1i Mr,s-ndiv. *.e,L inforined her that C0101101 er In � 11 a vil 11� a 1., -ad �'- 40:1 .!it,, .1-lnV­1 11.4*, 1�- �)J, , ,le%j 3.4.�4�- , i lv�� llasur'on-.% lic, ,im till fliougle ­' lel: � It%- hardly ha"e 41c- . 11 ,,bi, arawing-rooln; but Dawrty w'.1e, I to *Tommy Atkins. I Lo I .,;.­ .iirj�,�l l..J,j,7 f.1fn- tov W.111 a whil-141cr, �.Olultl � - Fru'd ll�,, Ikiel�,Jge. Wit lle 1,31viv Illa" Jr., d .Ili- li.i,,jed flit, Oar, vrid went On up � . ,��Jp­,-Lt, , -, W14 Voq "va�.w., ow qupq­*,�- thilig allfour , , v , . , .wm%-1A(-. I , .N atk 41 ;,I her i wn r0o,m- "I lit' %v,'�, th('re IN'a'g suffle'e"' Tire fact th. iallsbury Plain",, Xmas, 1914. * �.,! ahtll, ill in 14 . � � - - ll:t, Ile do* !��, t "'ek-ut ht h�.piqyl .t , � no'. 1. I 'udili , - foul"I ll�ikvsvlt waltullp (1119�Nviir to her that btl iiiealft to do ,xim� Ivs ul--iov. A%d a�i- ��L!1'- Zt Th.11 tt� wha* m.,tu;At Uo ',J,o.h t. ge:llvr� , tij� dil *.4­;nAl lit lha� parr when. Ili, kripsy I I,uz, l'..%fL,I. why Ilk, wk -alt tbJ?r`e what. 'L41V hud a-Upd. WRA — Ile — Sa N; ill 3.1: ifill ,al% ,Q, rm,rik'Ns 4111 111t. , , .I , ,or � iin �o fto� b(, did if sl,eli . Wive impt'llk-A I.* In a little w1lih. tilt- 111MM9V brou-nt to I= that Mr. 1).',vaut bad -it'- . CON ."."i OP PEM"t. * D IT ION , ,,-ut,? -Nis, -.% ith a laugh. �. 41,1,A!d .ii;i�A Ito - hilew 0,,,a liv m", hei (I lanail�,..,. " lit, w0qv n . rived. . we m-vor taM .01,1111 out, "114,11 ait,, rei. bill wt, holli Lee, m. fiff-1 ti-yrulel'by. 1 er nw-niqli�. , llvar � � � ilit, -Ii* Ilk— -w:'i. Mie :4 vr,lgllt.�. , tliti, I will bo down ,very **pllr!,ie ..av JI'llaf the Will Exact f'rollf yi,,)a p�!n­ ry -,If., " .%, �� , .,� ru.tr. - )'"' it, thou. tit 1, 41r1liv ill.- h in e% ( 0 I a-!4il­t Wei Nv*-'I- It '-'�A- 1,100n." A lit, enTire'd lbe draw,rig.l.,lifin, Julian .Ulies Gerrualty and Aus(ria. N(ill? . I ...: �.11114, -we bel`�kr,- 11,; fc,al (i Ib%. 011-p!41, a-1.1 batly E`wt -J J. �fll-­; aro 1112f�il -1. var: 110" b4..(*1= ..�,;!,Ilv iNbon h-3: ,*. 1 ll�s *11 t S . titarr, tilork be move,d Bryant Ln"'v :1 lit!IE Forward i 'it], reti'lied Out hN ,up v ;Ind �-t The peace treaty which will (Intl � , , 4dt A. I lie �1 Ili, uit,.` .. "Ha ­1 ,,, 11, %V"- wber a -flit r��,lizvd . ..�Xxr.e flilim lfw I 1, I b at wl Tile 11�1.1� 11. 111111d. tile the present war ��ill be Impose(I on. ' ,1'1-d Y'�Il . Slie, ;:Ix -.;oh- .,,-r iwaii. � I ; ill- :t`1 il;lll%' %N.,Lz ..ninding, � . 4 �,t 1114, 11%,ve 14311� N%4P "tIllod livi. baink... ; 1A I .. trying to 1111d YOU all I h1vil been -you 'Ire .1 I -,i --I an-, glad - ' �tria bv the three Germany aud .\it,, " � I ,�vll-t ,.,L 1,11,.1-14? �01 fillon hini tblil wd�, ., I i, . 1 ' 1 " morning. IL NO '*It' I h'!' -N' lit' �1� -`,�­ll;l - A --Great- Britain, R-us- .��.*!'. I .hmi; lit. ozig'hz ,�.j !I, iko ,sp '. s - und allied powers i �dnlo�: Lho .Ll lywrl�j agoliv. lit- a­rvql!v� here. natil ailliKtri'd at the doorway -- — ­��;­­— - -- . ^�?Z,d glo * zl� ,lit, befl, ;�nkl il,tnr v -'h-'1; ,'TAW I ' ­ nt! Till, � , i movi-a -i, -fr �', .. sia and France -who will be U011- ­0n. 0�4."l� ,ti mv) ioirr.v." -,.*;tl Lad%' lX , flik� 11,111d �-.t-n* ;.i, i;ug the bi4l, lie re..,.train- ,,1ve lAd%' 1�".en'�' lues";tgo' following principles. - -- ­ � I "No ' -lp�r 1a4ye,h1i) N);ill be, dowli YPTY 60011- I -- -- , . 14-n. �,Ivi ,ttmi t-,Ae adoca. nn.,7m­v I , ,A b;ulw'f. I ,i,: ated by the . i . . -1 tk V',J!4a. , I - 4.in*: l",-..", *,'�:jA. I A:ill Lm;ily 'y". . Ill, hu'l t"t �.!O,t *0 ,!1lJ)rO..'1.l1 $w;� - no I The do()" W3s 4-1m,ed and the two me" Firstr-A war indemnity which ,will -, -71� � W�41. I �-".I' to ii,uli N -r hr ,nell all mir 1.111. ; , . ij� ­ . .*9 s MA '" .,a,� it f.ir v.ol after � als: f ,,�­bt , - 'At, � he"Xi,;,; *ill I - � ­;- . . , -aused by M IF T 11 - N'. , , - , &. �,�Z-.'��­ * - . -11 -'3 -0� - Ow i, , * .1 ­ ­, I' -- - zl,,W�1, ,'�t 'qIj- , e­­tl and 41'.1. Were alone -ertainly. and " r-,-�*.Iir-17�M ., N q .�ki.Til� ­," : lOr vk i,((­.;11,� . ,trvet 1" , - , . in( represent the damages c - - % " A . . . . jul"an L�tood m MOlncnt I t- o.,- .kfir­,.,�� -,%rl, �. 'I' I 1v -t%taain ; ar. Second -As regards t-er- BANUCE'S .i.,-. .-,.-"- , .11?j:n,z ..w tile ;�I).,,u! Mr.' . - :1.)Jq,, -9�VW . . ;-. 4-,A;4JW - ,,pit 110 lo(iked g1to DawneY'ti eVQ-- the w .1 11 .R�2 . I 1,-,11% Ill , ,MR:-,�tT,ffi7V% " �, � jbk� � '.he'r J 4V� �Jnjj 111� ji.a(l t�10',1111) ' ­' " � Yan lint -. g ,1,1 " T! ,n -o v­ro Pght,; ill vkIvv , i " lie baid, " I. � . 'N OT W., .. t . '. little wbile, ago riborial acquisitions, the allies Will ,,� jv:, :,r;i3tio ,'�­ him." ; 'ho 1141111t, lie vould not pv,,�:"blly . t,,,, tO life, and I told you ., it,Ali 0 �XMF!W�A-K-wm , �,,:�4q ! , I " i, ,y. � ;'AiEan lil�c-s 11�711 vvry ,ulf.-!., I , It ;,!I) oni, Enid o"i-vil �i:4 .. ,lilt in a a plain qflciti� Show disinterestedness, Third-�kll SEEDS # 1 --4- .�, - I I , - .4. " why I had remained ei- . � .k, u W, -t, - Z .11 I . .. � � 't ,_a - .'en am I'll from �ht ir'ed him it) �ee jller,, wi." reaL4oIj,3 vlbieh 21*1-1! , V.,wA I,., i it V R' , " 9) r, , if %Xay i t � a ill 1� � r 1� ll;kt The rv-.;�,.,on 1 .4,141 - � MlWe other iconsiderations will be subor- " ,4 1 .1 , Colonel -Vawne3. I * '. , �, " 4 and vvotki.d ".) 14i w'nlckv. . ! he't . 1�gllt,:, and lip wallo-d 1ho whole way b lent waS li�!e* I I , ... ­ - Ale; . hesitate. ; :,=-- , --- 1136", '!t;,",� �.' thw,, when b5 at. I ,;'� Ml1lQ' me 'to tell dinated to this one -viz., the elim- SPECIAL COLLECTIONS ,.'Ovo .4 I - A.. ,4�,rria iht, 6-- ,v,,,­�r,o­Atv ' I 'All -h," ; , I ill, JilatIlifUl belle tit!$ afternoon I -4 11L.. , d, - 'InZ,11, -.1111V .%fr. , . 4�tl 11;6 bi�me. jlc�� %%-ag thOroughly t i red liav,,. �-Ofn.� "a willf lt tillf-i't fi�..Ic 1. - Adr L 1 ..4 11 . M'�,nl;<-1011LL thoug-lit vt�ls inerei., I 11--;tzi. rea!v)M to 1�,ndy Eliell. I lituve, come ination of the causes of future war� . .1 ,." � , � , I V i " A!* ,!* � ,!* ,!* * 2 . * , , " � I , � " . i4 � L I ­ . . 1,11", next dui, lit- I TurgiVe Me if .M10 Can, a " 4 baw !,� liv­!��, , y verl, 1111wull, .. -d Object in view in the reor rate: - �..Y . . ­.�nl�i%Al '. - f rorn , I No= P�­x - aA 31141 Stepllelf�. N01, -tine do I tori mucli.- 8pi,olt (lilt to life,. , . I �,�Imv- ! here 1,4 , " ,�' " " " . I , ", Bryan, did T;,i- �­M-i­:t ?rw ��. U 11, � ,tilt, t4nd e 1. )r another ,r,IL,Lrp"e to xiok her to ' fore. Fourth -This will be the sole (Price3 Prepaid) a , ", �,�� I ,,,,, 'L I , .;. . " van't (�Xltlaim �t, .nit I file, .!, "Vil lully imp(;��,411110 ll�i not to bats me � Brucel's Collection Floral Gems, I Pl.t �. , . - I . I ,%it, .1i I i. CL11 ganization cach. 6 varieties, Fine Annual-.;, each se a �� I , . 1.1 iw2.�vlf ;111 "m 41 , , wn &11 s'. I I " I I .,�. i4 eo, I ; "Supt.0se, 71 it . of Germany and Austria-Hungary. I Inany colors, for 25c. . - Til(- lw,a�; 'i; -n;" ��:Iv,r V,,umull -.1 71. � . I' hJuni, to utteild upon ,him, to�.,,k Upon - xwat-y. I '. ii -Z .. - firt, inurviA t -v 1wr v.. 11I.I. , "I I D n ails quiet. Way. Brucefs Peerless Collection Tall NaBiurtiuma, �� I i-, tra, ,,Iiar 1)"L t. .;�� ., , 1 bim-Of *,a ,.all ill .tile doetor, . T ,-T -I Ca'111W ask Lady Bilen 40 marry Fifth -In bringing a,bout this reor- I pkL each of 6 finest varieties, separate colors, for -,35c. 11 .,�,�Jr:an 41.�J'v did 1114 "","I `11 ' ""� lfr. Brv:111t wac ordered it) rermilo lit ntly, '*be- 11 04 1� , blu �a L -:' arly. I tied, unit* stppllo fnel" r -aid BrYaldt 31m()'�t nization the allies will take ac- Bruce's Royal Nosealay Collection Sweet Peas, , � le. - m6 was instructed to "av J ,-aJV,0-T. 'AM Marxied already." ,, 0 1 pkt. each 6 superb sorts, separate colors. for 2 Fie, ; W imiall-I 1Jrf'mIJt(`d li`f' '" All"- -!!'At ' ,t IN,a,, .i t -lig outra("Lld count ,01 the groups called national- ; ihat , ney'c brows Bruce's Peerless Collection I)warf Nasturtiums, I li�kt. cnOi of 0 finest 11�,gl I ,,a V,--Atnal Dawrie.v- . ,lit attailt of influeniza. (,olonel Da,%v.,,,,,l ... the, �lwa,ker very I . 1,ifify Ellen, when Lhe was informed of. L -I fifid N0 eve., ��) Muel" 'J"t',er Y�*r th�. 1 Ihis, -�-nt round i,,ome flowers with her: zLhaf.p]�Nr Ill: 10 at it ities.. but without giving them the sorts,:;eparatc colors, for 25c. -t. each of 4 magii1fi,xi-t varieties, I . Z . n %r th, nlian *win-ve,d. . haxig,v. ,�il'(,. wivro,i-; ii,Td Nv� haviv . ,.ard. .she was torry tha� Julian '-w-1, ill" kPelllv, �-O J60c 11 or ,till I Was fictitious importance attributed to Brucei's Empire Collection Asters, I p'L tttle �'. ,ogether; bur -lad. be. -.1 l)ld liolt mean to tell It ro(;eedings for' separate,all colors, for 25c. Lad o very diOlzlit-fal timil 1)11*, '):Lllerwitie she ielt 11mixit ,,I -I -the v thera by politieal anthropol,ogy. . . , Veuetal.)le Collection, 6 Vxts. differcilt v.=1vLie.-;, our selee- uiorr,�vv. and I lwllc-vo g. c� ' I I ant --olng baoli to .tr,inge d4dix.-Iii'lation ,O free" lie, r -aid. , 4. lt hall BplCelr, "Ato au�p t4in had it . % - ­113-�e 5 #,'he w2l go bacl. ­.Viill ,--Is. I wals .ul,I:1?llr1' MPG� him tor th" ,.mmedlate, moment. � �i'voree are ncw beill� al' , I ,cedings to bp �n order that a treaty ha,ve .legal iion, for 213c. different vnaiefles, our voice - I * . I ,he fel+ that th4nr .aut 1 iin pro. ,i 2 PL-ts to lit,- t64ay aA3;, yan . D-) I iieLn diffieult .for tbeiii Bt- t1ce's "B11' Vegetable Collection, 3- - it Juliayi Bry tie - q-mehow, pleatz bevaafse I 11MI PD krow" force. there must be a mandatory. . at L volt kll,,)w. I ;)(-'.i,-rt� yon ll�tve in -a a 111�19. , , , bi,ought to an st'arted �ew'lier , for 50c. , . weOiip would Ift e',s ,whervabonts; moreover, different rai letic,4 and X4�4:). . talte. .,�he 31�,S' -,�-2 lu'vi very arn0i :�'ll- ! ��,,�-a�­,;b!�-,-tilt� quegion that .0ie !!ad beent edge of mv 'Mil .J e;,�,e. and this whose dixty it shall be to see that Bruc0ig "Cl1i Vegetable Collection, 11 Pkts. iwm , it has to b- a � each, Beans, Corn find Peas, our selection, for 7 50. deei. !,fit I- ,�i vo, 1he C -be XV01141 e antl tibe vonstrue'e I vhoc%�t, T,,yr ,!,(,r na"o.i-141. 1, V��Jily bel.ev , xpei�tivg iirt-t-ld be par to her, q�rkll ailly -be done with ber e9n6lillt. the Stipulations of the treaty be alolitie of Vegetable. F . .'Ilro.rd 11"Wel'SeddS, ril:1.a I �'� v,nyald havi- to find all all�QNN'Pr- 10 -what you 31-0 901119 to Ca7 Our bstidsomely Illustrated 112-pagge cat 1 bav, LieuverY! Thvvp �' L,,Iv E11<01 11d;Wy MA"i-,--i'll I w mueh think I kilow Strictly carried out, writes Yves FRF -F--,,.,. Bulbs, Poultry'SUPPlies, Garduu implwaciih, ktk,., f�r lv15. ii,kia for it e i, I ith, Norn. to me Colonel Dawi'01- yi,u are, gon, I :3710ther mall wbo ,taide, bel'u'ro 31114.),x tilli't ',�ojourr. at. the 6eagide - I . . , I . , g 1,0 I A rminod her 41oterin. 0 mlites. w`s1l. I -blf Y11yot in .NTorth American Review. Bry-avl, =d will '11W','Ye i�hlnd- lye 0va , nanon. vall file kiolne ugly 11 ontarl have EDT -= T 0 " a PoN04 had ande io stand that. b-MuSe I know A . . 1�stablighe llh�) care ,for her ,o mul,,11. ;Ind want '-0 to qopept juhan Bryant. �hcrn! *,.phere al,o some ex e In 1815, for instance, the Triple Al- John A. " uce & Co., Ltd P I dsixty-fiveyears. I py -we inuiit work �0 that ,�he I * eir,r,unistanCeiii �whieli �p . erbape later lian-ce firsk and the Quadruple Al- .. isee her 1­z'l. . ' Ahe had gone away from London oil pur- I deserve '. a. pu�tnli:e a ,Lec-ond time." pose to e,,7eape from her thou;,his aj)wll, i ating LLLLLLLLL - -­­­ 9 4ini-�- Ile; ,�, A,C, . en 0. flow all that has to -ae 11, ­­— � k . . . lian . . ­N�1,�-.,:* M.��s pow:,, itq7d to henself- "�110a Adrian Dnavney and Nora, had �tone rid. on you will list t , ofter-ward undextook this v,'ie hat' addrf,�­,,ed tilis letter and stiamP. thing but, talk about Itim. be done is to tell Lady El -len the truth, to . --- ell " ­��,ry I huVe Jle,m mid ,.:i)lLV; and let her unov---thaLt I -wron-ged her, in suP* task, and in the ,pre Sent inst&llte -----; � ---, J�h a She ,bad oleC�ent" . a man 'n n' new rwould b,,tye married Mill— . - d.n'Ci`;t. L-xnd I y,under t, tile result will 1 light. She bad let La Y, Mien see that, p��Ing that 9be "readorn. That is not 11,11,- the three allies Will have to enter PA THO * be! e.p a.nd whexl�-1 got MY I G; Em N 10`z6 I don't. imagine," sbe mueLd on , af- tnough lie -%&a,, so ver calm and wi ing, r,ather abruptly and into .9, similar a.greement, and dis- 4=1 G GERMS jeq! rtit inst int. ­,,hj,,� Adr;an- �will m:sun- .tro?i,, awl alwaya go cheerful, that bc- Liodd Jilliall, tUrl, Catin'", isonlething came I I I facing ,the otilell tribute the r-oles between -them, so g -,--o Mile disease germs �thab clawe Dietemper, Pinkeye, Evizoatio, de,,..,ji,ar.� me-, R he does. well, then I r-11all d the *,uffering -It � "I'- Influenza, Catarrhal Favor, a.l.e have t..i out tbinge lust a, little morp elf -ax. bind all thin there lurlKe to me -ill 1,110 last twenty-four hours onquered powers ,( L 'LO , � ­­ . x man who felt himself no Ionger the physl- truth whit..b 1. 1,ovo done MY best ­­ i .1 so easily deetToyed ind ex, 13, 1..t fr5n* of bim,­ cal eqnal of bis fellow men, I to kill that if one ,of the c I 0 e �, 0 Pelliled 'from the syetem by using "GAONN'S." This remeKly I -to k11.1 find forget -it 1i-: 'lot *1117 my Po" shbuld try to esca,pe the conse- 7", ,�� C, , also aaultiTldea ibnd strengtilens ,Ole healill, germs In tale eye- --- , - �-- � en me and Lady - 0 . � ­. . ­.­­.-­-- I . - - - -1 ­ ­ - I - � I � -­­­ ­, -11r_-_M-M-P"-- sition -which stands bet'lle ugh I would quenees of its, defeab it will imme- Ion I i :ZS tem and toi,tifleii the Large. ma"'o OX oolt 0,ga"Loat 'a'u'y Con- , ­it is t�ho fact rlia.t, ,tiho . 1�',]Ilen � 6, - tagiouil diseases. "SPOHN'S" is shoa7s saxe wrid, ready, amd glV dpvolion, homqge sho yould div,tely find, itself in such apositi � . 'r lfa,ills ti0, do its intended ;i;i�. A-11 dni=W's ".d turl -10:2m-.Zxcmfl*aerzwrmmrm="V=I=Woftl--e"�bm " . . It er , He brolce , 01 nave n.�', be the worrian I li;Wl" FF.. �'.. and tbeUL 11P 0, Itttlf" that a ,single iDju-neLion will Suffic" by manuftottirerz. _ , qaid ^ B suddenly, i - n.g me L the I G . CASH borkf.c�eiv "The ithing that q 11"Tti to db,t,ain Strict observance of L SPOHN WEDICAL GO., ;�Ucjl, as _ 7 . FREE I we $200.030 IN anytibing else is ,tilat I ma .. L . Chemists and Eactoriologists.alls;ien, Ind, U.S.A. as .l.king tr e My. . . - -.,.. ­ . .. -- - -- .1 . 1. ,a WA 91i Ma 0 'M arnalm;Ipm be ths unworthy cause ot in. LatlY � L . ..... , -- . I . ­ � � I 11 I . I +11, P 4.1'. �r- , 4%29W , K. . ist PRIZE, $50.'00 in Cash 3rd PRIZE $35 00 in Cash —4. T.,,U,en Unhappy. urther, Mr. Br117- "Betfore YOU, 90 a.Ily f ad gravely. -x Dawiley SE .iz)u,c,L are ,,ie -- ­ 0 yanpments wbi-ch may guarantee a 2nd PRIZE, $40.00 in Cirsh *th PRIZE $25.00 in .Cash 04t", polone, ' a"" fto give vou a, letter �o read. lt -ope .. - lwsting peace to Em The set Sth to 9fh PRIZES, each $10.00 in Ccmh. I � Vag �O,'rni`ft,n to in'o ill ��xrfndonce. but it to ToU, flat- itietter tha-if 1 -Un, Ling up of small buffer states will, . ^ I . . ,�--- ',X� I I WAR - ' , . - 1. I . , I 1� �,. - VS4 , I I ­ .... I .. ­- - --�� . -:�,---� ey ,will O�OIIT4 , the truth o '11011's feeling's", ,t Lady L I er:o 13,0 citritin6ed.) I , . — - restriet the ambition of.the great � -- --- I . � . .1 - - . 11 I . I - ,I e I " ��. � - . : , . I � I .1 . ­ I � , I t', . , . 1. I .11 ,� I -0W Y-011 drOP rentgr1ra'; . I � I .­ - - - - - � ­ , Be -careful 11 . �� -­ - I . 112h , . ap �, 4 I . � .� they May hit the wrong ch - 1. . � 1. , � L 11 I . I I . I I 1! i ii .... "What ina-kes you so sure that,. . ;, . I 1z I � : I . . ,� ! : . 1. � : I i"I'l I . ,aill dressmakers go to Heaven ,,when . . . I I . - � I -­� ,&;j;- Z==-. they die ?" IINV,hy, they must 116- I t I E I Nf� I I . ­�, . �� I ;) . I . , _,:�LeA . �- , ,�_�_ — . ---f-. . ,,, I- , %,M'- �L ­ - ­ - , I. I �. I - � --- 1: =:*-� . --- . I.. - , -­ - � , J.�p - ��-� 1 : �ceesarily J.ive a pa;ttbrn. life � .1: I . I � .. I ie, ��-- ' - - - I 1. I I . ..- _ - - - _ ­ . R- , E�� s . . . �M -- ­ -- - =—� - - . ,��---­4- 7 - -' , The present week, oif even days, . . I . I= �-­.. . � , . . &T, ,o r lunar ,a SALE . I , I— I � . . . Tit e abov * Picture ihowli -a Torpedo toat Destroyer im-4 an keroplaile. TI3 e Atroplarte belon ge without reference to s-ol, FOP I iq a bomb on tfij� deot o e wa , " ; ­ ­ -­s.� Xt,fi42la$Ldr9 if vy,gel, ,qome of ill e crew e,ycles, was ado,pted by ri,gypti%ii aa� p I. I L�;� iF. n Dylait 8110CA, a- , tr(),,io.niers, more that 3,000 years , ,. I . ' "'I ';.iiid do,,, .P; — --4AOM9.1,R,yqjUrAPk41I11g tie va eria an endeavour I . KilVe be I . C o n, $A,. n f,s of Large I to save themselves by get(ing aboard otber boats Iliat itit: 716fit .- � � - - , 44 tbo bcokoffilit Y, I , I I . � . ; �, � I fou,rteenmeninthiligictuxe? some will be costly found, otheri are hirder.to wscern, kAft t; . ago. - . . I L ' -, . I I f3tience you carx'pro ably itudmoid Of them. You maywin acash prize by doing io�. Maily ' b inslilthIg w-0ma,10 Factory . ,. :, I . . lave clone this, -�vlth an X 1 cut out ilie pictur , a d send il. 4 - She's the mo I I 1(you find the faces mark each.6ne e n S ,:''� . to uo tolletherwith it slip of paper on which you baye writtea the Nvords, "Lliave found gill the, I ever. met'? "I never liked her I Shafting one to three inches I . I faces ancl rifarlred lhp,rq.." WrItp, iheq riall words plainly aad'aeA117 its in cases, of ties both � . , . , . 11 ... , � , . - 3enfactswifille6onsidere a tors;a this con, test . . myself .)p ",Tust, -bbinkl The last diameter; Pulleys twenty to . . I., , riem� at, -I I jjjp,:� of your ilme . f280. 001.'cash and One Hundred , es; , , I rh'.S MA7 t=14 ir a 9 , , il?d fifty Inch Betting four to , " . . , � swortli-yourw � e trouble over thig litatter. I �je.,She visited US She didn�t W , V � I Plemiums given aw y, S .4 i ,whe' �11� ,oame in, but she twelve Inches. \419 sell en- , � we do not dBh you to spend Ono Cent of ;yotrr . fq�ey in order to enter this Contest. her feet n I tire or in part, I o ,: � , � � . Send your answeral once: ,kyowill reply by return mail eayintr whether you eye correct or, ' ,dicl wipe t.,11em when -she We:nt 011t�" . . � . I no t Rail Nvill send you a complete prize list loizetbervnth the naine,q and addresses of file persons 11 � No reasonable offer k1l . . , ',000.00in cash prizes from tis,aftdwill also send full , �, �4 . wbo linye recently received over $2 L mus( be I ulfilled in, ovlc� that you ma,v qualify in thU � "When you -ppoposed to Miss, Jan- . I . refused . I pqrticularlf of a Shuttle condition thal I i . - Itell IP , .1 . I . contest. (This coadition does natinvolve file spendixig ofanY or your moaey�,l kius," a.sked Ja,dk) i'did yon LS,",�a1-R1'kJ,MKLWIL80N: & SON$ �,.,, , .1 � I I I Winnqrs allcash prizes in our late corhpetifloas willindt be allowed to enter this Line. � . u jver�e ilnw0l"Ully 011 her'�" 7 1 . I I her No _ ide St. West, Tpro"tO I Thiq Cox vv . " I cli, _ al . �"!' il .1 � 41 1 1 0 nPeLidOn -,vill be i it c�ged by two 'ivell kno, . n Inisiness men of undoubit,,il integrity . f,1 _ I - �� , , � : who ha�e no'connectioa witit. this Company. Tlycit decisions inust be ac6epled as final. I NT 0. - , I I , ) �. ,113�tlll relylied Toni � . � . . I - I � I �:, I I 1. Send reply I . I ' -to do ,so� but she tokl inle " . -1 ­ 11, - 1i I ,. � 1 1 1 V 0 V. JD�P-r -W, Md.MTREAL. v, a,s gollIg I . . .1 1.� Ri , III � , - � , I E111111.r, to- HOUSEHOLD SPIMALT 01 11 .. . : . . . ig �, I I 1. I ,, � ,. , ".... I , I I M , . . I . . firs�.. 11 ­ 1, :, I I . �� I I 11 I i � , ­ . . I � I � . L . I I I I I � I I I I .. � I I I . ., I . . I I . ,� � I 1, I . I . , I I I . . . I , I I . ; I. . . . I I . � I � 4 11 I � � I . � I I . � . '.. � . .1 11. I I I . . . . �111 1, I I I I I I 1. . I I . I . . I . . . I I I I I I . . . . i I I . .. I I � I I . I I I . I . I . I I I . . 4 1 . � I , ;.,�:. � , . : � �, I � � . � I I . I .1 I I . . I I I � , I � . I . I . � � � . . I . I � - � . . I I I . . . I :. I I . I .. . L I 1� I , , . , , , . , 1, . I I . . I I � L : I I I . . i I r ., . . . I r . I . I I 11 � . � . � I . . . � I . . I I . I . . � I - I , ,�: , � r , , r I . I . . I . I . 4 1 1 1 1 . , I I , . I � . - . . I I . r . I I . . . I I . � . r � , ��. � . . . , I � I . �. I i 1 . � I � I I . . I I . I I . I I I I I I I � . '! I I r 1 4 1 . I I I I I I I I . I . I � I I I 1. . I 0 1 � . I , I I . � , � I � . � � r . I . . . . I I . . I., . i I ., I : I 1; I . . I I � I . . . I .. � I . I : . .1 . � . . . .1 I I I I i, � I I I . I . . .. I I . I . I . 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