Exeter Advocate, 1915-3-4, Page 1The Allies have declared a complete blockade of Germany and Austria. The Dardanelles are being forced. RENEW k OUR SUBSCRIPTION Now is the time to renew Your subscription •to. The Advocate Help the editor by renewing early Help yourself by getting a.live pe- r. Help the community bygiv- g us all the News. TWENTY-SEVENTH YEAR EXETER, ONTARIO: THURSDAY. MARCH. 41915 CLUBBING Whea renewing your .Advocate remember that we club with the .Cliv Daily, Weekly, and the Monthly papers and periodicals, Get the benefit of these clubbing rates. Cell in and see us, SANDERS & CR CE 4.444....44414444444.44, TAMAN'S The Sprig -StocL is Magniflcent 8Lrgillior Yon 10 CliOOS Irahl. The War Summary THURSDAY Britist cruiser Clan McNaughton, everdtte since Feb, 3, %9 feared lost with Z50 men, Renmanie will join the allies 'n ,Ap- ril. Threc British flying officers, who toot; part in recent air raids '.upon Os- tend, Zeebrugge and Bruges ere re - parte 1 missing. Germ a; urgect Aiwa ie-1-lungery strretreat, to cele to Italy .'ler ltai- iatt province of Trent anal a portion of the Istria peni'r nil, with the idem e keeping Italy neutral at the pros ent time. steamer Gotha, ;oactecl TUESDAY A British collier rammed and sank a German: submarine. Premier A-squith declared en ab- solute blockade by the Allies of the enemy's trade of all kinds, He raid there never was nor ever could be. a blockade of Brittain, recruiting is enttrel' ;satisfactory; there will be no tai of peace until the aims of the Allies are accomplished. Spain stands ready to offer 350,000 to tilt Allies. Reiser ha cut the, northern Ger- nom 'enriv 3n twp. a,tem EXETER COUNCIL The Council met in the Town Ball Friday evening, Feb. 26th. Previous otinnteer eenfirmed. Ike fallowing ,prices were quoted' answer to the clerk's letter .asking • far prices of 4 and ,6 in, water pipe, Cana liar. Aller, Chalmers Co. $31,00 per ton; National Iron Works $30.40 Gartbshore Thompson Co, ;t32.00. Held —Harton-»Thu the communications be referred ta the Fire, Light and Water Comm ttae.-arried. Gemnereica.ion receive iron' rhe Hee Morris Door, Thereat) Con e1, C.tawa re the 13elgeam Rees' Fend • Te; same ..0 be Ire^t for tu'uee re- f erence el assra..;$enit en -1 kerne, • -rushers Cor 1914 brow...)ht in their report which pith rrevisions for the German aux- ehIL .':1) IN DETROIT.—Word wee yea; a its;! ccmPtekensm clot'untent iliary cruiser %renprine Wilhelm, has ,:c;h' here las; week by relatives Thr tante, Has arleuted on notion:aa been captured by t British cruiser,der, Jelin Veal; well known to •atony 11:31J+.3% ants 1I•?.rion, an.1 taken to the Falkland Islands. hire. hail be i killed by a •:n11in; el isra IL E. Huston and \V. D. It is claimed that prisoners of • war scaIfolst in Detroit. Other than this Weekes ti deputation waited on the in Germany and Austria now number no particulars have been received. Cowart. cit behalf of the Library 1,033,400' Russians 692,000; French %ice, Veal was horn in the Township Bear l re taking' over of the lighting, 237,000,. Servians 50,000; Belgians 37,-,ef Usborne, but some few years later heating anal caretaking of the New Library. Beavers--Hartcn--That the atuatc realit • take over same 'teal be responsible for :he.,heating and light- an•.i same to be looked after by the street ccmmissiotter.--Carried• Ms W. 5. Cole interviewed the Ccxz:neV re' trees on the north side of Jahn Street claiming that they are a nuisance and asking that they het e- move.J. Roullston—:-1 1 --That the clatter Ire dealt weth by the Public Works Committee, --,Carried By-law No. 9, appointing air. Maw - son monthly au ii4o,: had the necess- ary .readinngs and was finally passed 'u motion of .T•larton and Hind, By-law No. 10 to ennower • the reeve and treasurer to borrow :Honey on the credit of the tarn was, read the necessary number of times and frtall3 passel on motion of Beavers 37#3 Roulaton, Hind—Herten--That the auditors' abstract be printed in both papers. —Carried, • Re request of Mr. Wexler in re - .r. -1 e- ; .-1 to imposing a license fee on nen-resident junkmen, we recommend - Melt no action be taken. Hind and Beavers—That same be adopted. C'd. Reteston_Harton—That a by-law 're e-epare'1 for the purpose of bor- ea,t'n., 57000 for improvements to th scbaol, • the debentures to be re - ale' in fifteen. 'annual installments bearin; 5 per'ce'nt, an.t that the clerk eu•horize Messrs. Dickson & Carling to ?rre ,arn hYelaW.---Carried. A conuinnteation was received from. the ,Canadian Fie Underwriters As- sociatior re Exeter Fire Department, —"'the inspector found several mat- ter; on which he has commenteJ -un favorably and I might draw your ;rar- ticu'`n:• attention to the fact that thc auxiliary gas ,engine again took a Inn_ time to start. •When Inspect - :el before nearly half an hour elapsed before it was running and on this oc- casion the time lost was ;iften min - fees ane either of the•,e would have b.en sufficient in case cf fire to stave added..:: the fire to get hel3w y encuh to be beyond control. 1 horL therefore that the inspectors "ec 'zo m_ 1:latit';< that the engin' should be run at 1c'tst once a week and tie is in nro: ea o_:ler will be carried out, The inspector points out also .hat the by chants require thorough over, hauling rand es a water work% ,,'r - vice for fire protection would be of no value if the hydrants could , ot'::• readily used. I trust you will e: that arrangements are made ;or keep - int; them in future in better cnrli; tion. .The chemical extinguisher:, c, which yvu have two, the in'pectcr tonne to be useless, and I hope the r• commendation made with regard to these will also have attention." Hina—B aversThat the report of -the Underwriters' Association b, ac- cepted and same to be kept • for future refer.ence,—Carried. Finance Committee brought in their report air follows :—We beg to recom- mene that accounts submitted 10 tis the last meeting of the "ounce be pa:d as follows :—T. Hawkins fi Sots $1.45-; H. E. Huston $10; S, Hardy $10, J. Senior $10; T. C. Brook:: .510; Ghe. B. Carling, coal, , $31 44 erk 01,0: British 19,000, Th 1 German "blockade" of the British. Isles has been in effect for a week with the result that so !'tar as is known two Norwegian, one Fa'eneb and six British steamers have been sunk or torpedoed by submar- ines with the surprisingly small loss of our lives. On the other side cf the account it is a•eported that two Ge<rrnar, submarines are missing and that a third had been hit and possibly Sunk by a French destroyer. ,W. TAMAN TAILOR FURNISHER German lost a.rtother Zeppelin in the FRIDAY United States has asked •Germany to +remove the mines and stop auh- marine attacks on merchantman, and has asked Britain to allow the im- port of food stuffs to Germany for cit jliens. . Seven German officers were killed two aeroplanes shot, down and a third balls damaged by one British airman. T.he allied fleets have reduced the Dar3anelle forts and the capture of Constantinople is within sight. The ,Canadian contingent has been in the trenches for a few Jays end had but few casulties. Out of 1381. ships .going in ndr out of British ports since the war began Germany has sank but seven. Germany's total of traianed:tnd un • trained men is 9,998,000. Germany's losses in the .Least in three weeks have been 200,000 men, SATURDAY Th: French lost a Destroyer by striking a mine in the Adriatic Sea. The Turkish Government is prepar- ing ta flee from the capital 'of Tur- key es the allied fleet nears that city, Premier Botha is invading German South Africa. War is now costing the Motherland 10 million dollars a day. The Canadian troops showed real. dash in their first charge, capturing the enemy's trenches. Britain has a .powerful gun to spread shrapnel under the, water and destroy submarines. Another attempt on Warsaw by the Germans .has been foiled and they are hurriedly fleeing, leaving prisoners, cannon and machine guns. MONDAY Th:: German submarine U' 9 has been wrecked near Denmark. It was announced that the Lurks' have moved their capital to Asia hIin- ar. The allies flees fly irom six Turkish forts. The Turks have evac- uate r the Sinai Peninsula, This con- firier the belief Isere that all ..Manger an invasion of Egypt. is d1ory re- movea Austria. has put• the entire .nation o,t rations. Great Britain, Franca and :heir :tl- I..et have advised: neutral countries that they hol4 themselves at liberty to stop all shipping to and ;from' Ger- many and the countries of her allies. The. American steamer "Dacia" has been taken by a French cruiser to a 1 French port, rnev. •1 to Exeter w :h •his parents, where he c 1 " reel l .i reside *natty years regime the time of the roller skating craze, Which was in the "80's'' the deceased developed 'alto one of the fastest skaters inn West- ern Ontario, winning many valuable prizes, and for a time held the title of champion of Western Ontario, He was about 45 yealrs of age, DIED: IN WINDSOR,—Those New- ton, a former well-known veselent of Exeter clic:, in Windsor last week, For many years Mr, Newton lived her# awe worked, at his trade ie tailor From here he moved with .lis ;amity to Windsor where they have stance re- sided ales son Ray is a corporal in the .flrmv Afedicai Corps with the area contingent at the front ,nd Previous to his enlisting, had heed in London. Corporal Newton is now Presumably in acton:at the rront end hafeee his father's death was evert- ed to be near the Miring ine, 4Ir. Newton died quite unexpectedly .'nd hie son at .the front knows 'nothing V .h5, father's illness or death. Phe deceased leaves a wife and several of a grown-up family. Ad,r atic Sea. .w10.111 New Business Ope i g Honest Value. _Reasonable Prices I WISH TO. ANNOUNCE TO THE PUBLIC THAT. I WILL OP- EN A FJRST-CLASS SHOE SHOP FULLY EQUIPPED WITH THE OP- EN 1'rATEST AND BEST • MACHINERY FOR TfiE .MANUFACTURING & QUICK REPAIRING OF SHOES, AND WILL BE LOCATED IN EX- ETER, ON MAIN STREET, ONE DOOR NORTH' e .OF BEDFORD'S U'ritOCERY. 1 WILL BE OPEN FOR BUSINESS MARCH IST. AND SOLICIT , A PORTION OF YOUR PATRONAGE IN THIS LINE, AND PILI. BE GLAD TO QUOTE YOU PRICES ON • MADE -TO -MEA - URE E SHOES IN WHICH I WILL SPECIALIZE. I WILL. GUAR- ANTEE SATISFACTION : IN ALL WORK AT SURPRISINGLY LOW RICJS, THE FEATURE I AM SURE YOU WILL APPRECIATE IS,— MY ONE DAY SERVICE. ON REPAIR WORD, AND I AM SURE A TRIAL. WILL CONVINCE. I + $'. The Progressive Shoe Shop DEATH OF M.S. JOHN WHITE. •—After an illness extending over ,tome weeks and mainly due to increasing years there passed; away on Tuesday at her home here, Mrs. White, relict of the late John White, at ,he age of 86 years Deceased was highly re- spected by all,, and was a faithful member of Main Street Methodist Church She came; here many years ago with Afr, White, who established the Exeter Times, and has since ae- sides! here. Mr. White'.died nbout 15 years ago, She is survived by .wo sons and two daughters, W. J. of the Immigration Department, Ottawa John J of Outlook, Sask., Mrs. F. J. Wickwire and Miss Tilly of Exeter, The funeral will be held en ,Friday at 2 p,m, interment in the Exeter cemetery Funeral private. RA'7:HER SUDDEN DEATH,—It was a surprise to many when it was . anroonce:l that Mrs. Credit: :Stanlake of the ,Tool nshin of Hay hal, died. For same little time she had ' orn- t/lain°r of feeling unwell ,but she Iva; up and around and able to perform her houcehol1 and farm duties until Sunday rnornia,'-; when she was rent welled to Wee her bed, Medina' alit was summoned but her condition at once became alarming anal at about 1Z O'clock 'lio •nday reg.ht she passed away, the ca,nse c her death being kidney trouble. The decreased was born in the Township of Usborne, brains a, daughter .of the late Samuel Wilson. She was married about 28 years ago to her now bereft husband and there was born to the union: three sons an_i one dasghter, all of whom stur'niee She also leaves two broth- ers ani one sister—James in the West and William in Tuckersmith end Mrs. Dave' Hutchinson in Stephen. She wa.. egad. 55' years and 6 rnnnths. she lived oa the 2nd concession of Stephen iuntl about .10 months ago, when Mr. Staulake, moved to +h'erarm he .purchased in Hey. The funeral takes place today (Thursday) to the Exeter Cemetery. DEATH OPh SI=MON CAMPBELL —The Leath took place on Friday af- ternoon Feb. 26.til, of another of the aged [residents of Exeter, in :he per son, of Simon Campbell, William et., whohad reached, the age, of 75 years 2 day s. Deceased sulffereed a stroke three years ago, and although he .aad recovered somewhat, h'e had .:ontiintu- to far.; in general health since that time During the winter he had been lin- able tar go'fax an foot, but had en- joyed driving to within the last week . On Friday he was seized ,vitb a fit p1- coughing while lying on the Lounge and died in a few 'moments. Born in :D,alhotusie+, N. S., he ,novel to tett district when a boy and with his paretat,s :settled on a farm on Thames Boatel. ,where lie resided natil .even yea+Ps, ago• when he retired and moved to town He was twice married, hest to Elizabeth Turnbull, and 'ater to Agnes Pringle, Two daughters by the first wife survive, Mrs. John Stewart. f Usboirtve and Mrs. David Hackney of Regina. ;His, siecand wife survives. together .with two, sons and, two c,', aughtears r Arthur on the homestead Eriware on N. B., Usborne, Mrs. (Dr.) R a;rnsay ane Miss Vera of Hdamilt.on. p,eceesed was an honorable and a s'trra_ghtforwarcl man and a good citi- zen highly, respec'ted, by all who knew hint; a Preby.,terian in "religion; and a LLlyeral art Politics. The funeral which war: oe a rorivete nature, took palace Wm.` Snaith., Prop, Coal, Seed a Produce Raving taken over the business of W. U. Levett we purpose handling the carne lilies as our predecessor, We have just received a shipment of Government tested No. 1 itandard Clover, Timothy tl rl Alike seeds.. Sole agents for the D L t W trade solicited. estle, Rowe ;end. Wood Sueees )rs to W. R. Ltkat*•t tt 'n'c1nton Coal,. YC60'tlF Exeter Bargain Store Spring Shoes Men's Shoes in Gunn Metal, vice -kid. ranging. in $425 per pabe A Pair of 50c.. siox free with every in; March. The neav Spring Styles areher rice from $2,50 to it of Astoria. Sdnoes sold liar Ladies sS,hoec in all the leading styles and leathers ranging from $1,75 to $3.Sth pair, Our large stock is sane to have just t you want. Just opened this week a carton oe Embroideries worth to -day 15c. Our price 10c, yard. OVERCOATS, SWEATERS, NITS & GLOVES at wholesale price MADE TO MEASURE SUITS. We have our spring samples for Maxie to Measure Smits ready Son you,' inspection. ! ' B. W. P. Beavers price shoe FIRE AT SEAFORTH About midnight on_Sunday last lire was discovered in Winter's furniture store The stock valued ,at about $800 was a total loss; insurance 5500, Bell's billiard andpool tables next door were partly 'destroyed by water. The 'origin of the fire is said to be from a stove door beiing forced open by coal gas, allowing fire to fall' to the f'lo'or. BIRTHS Catrin—ln Exeter, Feb. 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. Sylvanus J. V. Cann, a daughter Lillian Margaret, Coles—In Rolgerville,:' on Feb. 26, to 1r and Mrs. Wan. Coles, a son. MARRIAGES Leadhazn—Makins—In Trivitt Memor- ial Church, on March 3, by Rev. D. W, Collins; Mr. E. S. Leadham of Port Rowan to MLss ICathlyn Mak- inks of Exeter. DEATHS $tanlake,—In Hay, on,'M'arch.'1st, Sar- ah Wilson, wife of Cr'eclic, Stanlake, age.; 55 years and 6 months. Kochems—At-Zuriich, on Feb. 19, Val- entine Kochents, aged 57 Fears, 2 months ane 20 days. Jaceiie-At Salable Line,ida 80 yesn Feb. 15 Mrs. jacobe, aged. Wh-ta In Exeter, Mar. 2, Mrs. John W bait e aged ' 86 years. Canzvbell—In Exeter, Feb. 26th, Sim - cal Tuesday to Exeter cemetery. on Campbell, ager. 75 years, 2 day:,. RESOLVED We sS?`AND+ aENtr t 4 ouR, coops AND WE MAKE GoD ON EVERY DEAL— OUR. G oQPS MAKE CP . e Too CARE TO GET THAT KIND GOOD SHOHS Cf2IO M5:121:.L FOR ,MIEN Try a pair of our easy fitting cushioned soles shoes. If you once we ar them, you will 1>e a regular customer. S'I.A.RT HATS FOR MEN A shipment of men's ;oft and stiff hats has arrived. Styles are a decided change end we feel supe you will like them, NEW SHIRTS FOR MEN See the splendid assortment of the new shirts that we have to show you: Prices $1.00..41.25, $1.50. MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS Yoa will want a pair for the wet sloppy wearther. We sell "Miner" rubbers. Every pair is guaranteed to give satisfaction. LINOLEUM•... The ptatterns are new. The quaitty is Nelms. They coarse in 2 3, and 4 yard widths. Make your [selection now, and have it laid when you are ready for it iii ioE VASSAR SHOES FOR I,..A.DIES ,v Showing the advance Styles with dull, colored blacir cloth tops, They comfortable fitters. ng or are HABUTAI SILK In white only. This is the best washable silk that has ev- er been pert an the market. Try Ta waist length of it. 36 in. wide at per yard 75c, 12 YARDS FACTORY for $1 \Me bought this at the old price That is why, we can sell it at this price. 36 in wide, fine thread, good weight. HOLEPFOOP HOSIERY If you have not worn this hos- iery try them this s;lring. Six pairs of hose are guaranteed to wear six menthes or new ones are furnished Free of Charge. WALL PAPERS A few rolls of our New Wall Peehr's matea wonderful diff- erence in the appearance of your home See what we have to show you. Per roll 5 to 3oc. SPECIAL: For Qne week only from Mar, 4tlk to March llth we will sell 20 lbs peals of Pure Lard at per :pail $2.49. PHONE 18 J. A. S l E A,RT 6 PHONE 1 J 4 .1 4 ;4