HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1915-2-25, Page 8EXE rER AfITplLATE►, TUCURS1]AY FEBRUARY 25 1.H5: lXETER RARKUTS. repreigneerireFNFIVreireirmirtelreere C$ANGLD EACU WEDNESDAYop LOCAL DOINGS. "Paid in Canada', may safely be ;aid of tho ,near taxes. 180, Some men are satisfied with half a 00 loaf and some loaf all the tune, 14 00 L,et its know any local news that 4 15 swill be of interest to our readers at 2 00 home or aboard. 26 The .curlers have been, disappointed 01 in the recent weather,but not so the 20 fellow two had to buy coal. 7 OS The busyness concern which ;staid - 30 00 ing its; own during .January and Feb - 28 00 mare the 'dullest months of the year 28 00 is god ahead. The patent medicine and perfume rxtenefacturing -arid selling companies are making a kick against the war taxes placed on them. We have had very mild weather during the hast week. At tinges the sue, was very warm, and most of the snow has disappeared. James Ii: Hodgins. reeve of London township and ex -Warden of Middle- sex County, died at Ms home ;n II- dertei, Saturday in his 71st year. 150 $ 0 62 Wheat ..e•.4,, • .• :!• Bartley .,., .... ... Buckwheat . , ... Oats................... Peas;, ..... ' Potatoes. per bag 50 'Kays erton..•......,, 1400 Bionr, per ewe„ family Flour, low grade per ew Butter •.•, Creamery Butner,,;..... 85 Lk a bogs, per cwt.... Short -per ton ....,,.• Bran per tem .. Sugar B. t Pulp. 28 ... Horatio Reynolds meed Dealer Red Clover, A1sike, Timothy, Mil- let, Alfalfa and beans bought. Imeo:tesl Red Clover and Timothy Seen fur sale; also Choice home growr Buckwheat and. a1sike. 1't';I, be at home to take in 'Seed ever; Tuesday) \i-ednesday, Thursday end Saturday. Highest prices paid. Address' all corrin ^:...tions to H. Reynolds, iiav Onterie R. R. No. 1. Fren i Jame, f the members el. the notorious ,ami y of James, and brathet of Jesse James, died a few :ay. ago in Missoure where for thir- ty yeere he had lived as a farmer. The James family and their associates bark is the sieties and seventies and even eerilet terrorized the whole o: the middle and southern part of the Un- ite.; States in which they operated and It liras not tuitil the most of the gens of marauders and murders came to untimely ends was that terror of ler end dread brought to an end.. OZ all the marauders, train robbers en? murcierers none had a more notor- ious name than the James family. 3,i`tit' FACTS ABOUT CANADA 'Knott Canada, make Canada known' is a striking sentence in the War Year edit-efor 1915 of that popular > ook- 1<'t "5ete ' 1taets About Canada"' zonnpl heti by Frank Yeigh e.f Toronto %rho knows Canada as probably few c:a na'iiens is true that he who would know Canada and its wonder- ful growth in 'any one year, will find thi; annual publication "worth its weight in Yukon• gold. or Cobalt eilver while: as a. means of malting the '3om- inion •known in other countries, it is no less valuable. Fifty chapters are devoted to. such subjects as Agrieult- ure Area Banking, Census, immigrat- ion Mining', Manufacturing trade, .tt. and z lice of Canadian War tracts show now up-to-date it is. Sketch 'laps are included of the Dominion in 1867 and 1915. Copies may be had font progressive newspapers, or by sendin', 25e. to the Canadian Facts Publishing Co,,, 5$S Huron Street Toronto .Canada. TENDERS FOR REMODELLING SCHOOL Tenders will be re. jived by ;he Exeter School Board for any or all of the following work in connection with the school,—Mason work and plastering. cement work, carpenter work labor carpenter work furnishings. excavating, metalie ceil- ings, painting and glazing, 'he nec- essary brick, Plains and specifications may be seen on application to A. E. ' u3 e Tenders to be in the hands or the chairman, Mr S. Mar- tin by Monday, March Sth, 1915, at 7 o'clock p. m. The lowest or :.ny :•_nde- not necessarily accepted. PERRY F, DOUPE Lensed .Auctioneer. Live Steck gale., a Specialty. Terms moderate. Orders left at The Advocate Office promt?tly attended to, Phone 116 Kirkton Address, Kirkton P. U. HONEY FOR SALE.—A quantity c:,' basswood and. white clover honey for sale in first-class condition —Mrs H Brawn, Winchelsea. CHESTER WHITE BOAR FOR SALE. -19 months old and is well bred. Apply at this office. ORDER FROM US.—Now is the time to consider your reading matter for 1915. No matter what papers or magazines you require—Canadian or foreign—The Advocate can supply tl•err at lower prices than you can get tb em. It was announced on Friday that Rev. D. W. Collins . of Exeter, after a course at London, had pasaed the necessary exatnn' ation and had qual- ifiee/ for the rank of captain, The Huron County Temperance forces will meet in convention in the 1'resbvteridn Church, C'linten, on Thursday \1areh 13th, at 10.30 a.m. This promises to be a big convention. 'lice Emily Case, a former well-, knawr resident of Exeter, in renew- ing her subscription to the Advocate says 'Tout brueht interesting l enjoyecby our household, and wish you every success for 1915." le is probable that a change in the price of marriage licenses to the is, - suer wal be made. A license. that host cos;, 20c. may be ralsed to SI, so that the department on last yaar's bash would secure a, revenue of tee, - 00t' instee t of £6,000, 'fx W. H. Levett was very much surprised on Saturday evening schen Ms employes presented hint with a gold -headed casae, as a token of their esteem, and las a remembrance to take with him when he gives up pos- session of the business at the end of the month. °Ong .step won't take you very far —you've got to keep on. walking; one word won't tell folks what you, are you've go' to keep on talking; one inevl. won t make you, very tall --you've gee to keep on growing; one little "a.i" won t do it an -you've got to keer 'em going. Th.: address by 'Ir. Beall to the Eduettion Department in the Exeter ,School last week were infest excellent and instructive to the children and others who were privileged to hear then, Mr, Beall handles the subjects which are of ahygiene and personal purity nature in a way, that there can. be ne objection whatever to Ms re- marks: while to follow the lessons he. teaches would result in untold' ben- efit to the boys and girls. HORSES WANTED—I want a num- ber of block lhorses in good :ondit- ioton—for William Jacobs, of Mone -al wire is here—from 5 years of age up write phone 83, or call on G. J. DOW Exeter RUG FOUND. -In Exeter on Tues- day evening, a clutter rug. Owner ran have same by proving ownership and paying for this notice, by calling on Reeve Taylor. TIMBER WANTED.—We will ! ay highest Cash price for first-class H.re Maple and Basswood togs, :ut i t lengths to our order. Anyone hav- i.n, logs: to offer will kindly :all and get '.prices and specifications. k Gil]iea. & Sox; Phone 95, Exeter. NEW FLOUR & FEED STORE,— desire .to announce that I have op- enee a Flow and Feed Store in F. Wood's Old Stand, opposite Post Office arid will keep a full supply of the best: grades of 'flours and seeds. 1 solicit your patronage. • SIDNEY DAVIS We, the "members of South Huron Ministerial Association, in session as- sembled, having learned that Rev. D. 'W. Collins rector of Trivia Memor- ial Church, has offered himself toHis Majesty King George -a soldier ;n be- half. of his country --do hereby pla e on record our profound gratitude for such manifested patriotism, and our prayer is that he may he used of God in thii the greatest world's onflict, as ono in the bringing in of perpetual peace. Mr. Collins in this self -giving has shown a worthy example for all to copy Addenda,—Since the above action we have been informed through aflicial data that Mr. Collins, though aff exec a captaincy, failed to pass a meriica' examination, sufficient tovuar antee ,his undertaking the strenuous- ness of the long forced marches upon tht: field' of battle, therefore his army surgeon would not grant the health certificate necessary. However•, with heroic spirit, which, cannot be 'oiled, Mr, Collins now offers himself as chaplain to His Majesty's forces. se.- ing he is deprived as a regular army officer We most highly, command Air Collins for his zeal and consecration on behalf of our beloved Empire and King Signed by committee on behalf of South. Huron Ministerial Associa- tione W G, H. McAlister, Samuel F. Sharp HOCKEY—Clinton sent a hockey tear• down here on Thursday even- ing and they proved the fastest seen at. local ice this year, They scored rings around our boys, the result be- ing 10-1 or thereabouts, but the score ing die not indicate the play entire- ly The visitors were faster than the locals, and played a neater com- bination, while they had a point man that assisted the, goal keeper wonder- fully .getting about three out of ev- ery four shots right in, the nets. Our bays did same excellent shooting but they could ;not get past the big fel low=atsd the shots were numerous— ac many that if half the good ones hao..:gotten through, as Clinton's did, the score wound not have been far front even. The visitors were aline bunch of boys good natured and goad sports, while! the referee picked off the -dirty work in fine order, pen- alizing several players for short terms He hald.. control all the time. SPECIAL SALE—Commencing Mar. 1st 'Me Henry Beirling, Exeter North will hold a speciral sale of Dry -goods. Booty and Shoes, Crockery, Glassware iIarde are, etc;, at which a discount of 10 to 25 pea- cent. twill be given. Now :,is .the time to lay in a stock of, cheap : goads at cheap prices. ' lee - member this cwt -rate sale will :tart Marchlst, Notice re Dentistry Persons in need of platework in the near' future will kindly, call seon as after, a few months, only a very limiter amount of platework will be accepted. DR, ROULSTON. Mr Peter Coleman is ill and ',antizt- e tc his bed. Evewhen Jahn. Bull "goes up in the air' he accomplishes something, Rev. Cook of Corbett purchased e Fort touring car from. Mr. Milo Snell oa Monday \1t Wm Kuntz will trove shortly into part of Mrs, Gregory's house pan Main street. Mr J N, Howard has purchased the btuldzng• to the rear of the laundry from Mr A. J. McDonald, It is ;so. warns here, this week, that although all the snow and ice has net •disappeared, the grass is ee in- uing to green.. The Opera Horne is at present undergoing repairs and a new Meiling is being put on which will :add ;nuch, to the appearance of the .place. The days and dates for the Exeter Fair have not yet been set ,but as ali previous years it will be Meld on the Monday and Tuesday '.allowing London Fay Mfr. Jahr. Bawien of Collingwood, brattier of air. Peter Bawden of (Ex- eter underwent an operation 'est week for apzrendicitis at the home of his brother George at Liman. The man who: can sit complacently in a barber's chair on a 'Saturday night and have his hair cut while a scare of fellow mortals are waiting to be shaled has no need of anerv, tonic fir mal 'irs. J. Jarrott t ecei;>ved the say. news this week of the sudden', Leath of their son-in-law, :sir. Barry Williams of Seattle, Wash. Deceased wee found dead in bed. He raves to mown his loss a wife and two step- augh ters. Parkhill has a noted fighting man, by ,name Alex. McDonald, late of Scotland. Last week he trimmed ; n ex -champion, in .Michigan and on Mon- day night wean out in a 10 round bout over Jack Hunter of Detroit at Mt. Clemens. The gong saved liuznter in the fine rouind. To farmers partioulary your atten- tion is again directed to the Patri- otic: and Production campaign adver- tisement iu the current issues of the Aavoeate, The Department of Agri- celture is doing this advertising for your benefit and you should try to. get the full benefit of it. There ie to be considerable build- ing in Exeter the coming summer. The school is to be remodelled; A. E I; ui:e is preparing to build a ;House otn Andrew street; W„ J. Beer will erect t\vo houses. on William street; ,tar J Howard and Dr, Roulston we understand will erect residences and undoubtedly thexe are others. The 21st of February is early dor robins to snake their appearance here but two were seen on Sunday by cit- izen If these are harbingers of spring we may expect it to arrive early this year, but we are inclined to think that poor robin red -breast has taken too early a jaunt and will y't have cold feet. SCHOOL BOARD.—The Exeter Sehoo' Board met in the Town Hall on Monday" evening, when it was de- cider' to proceed with the work of preparing for the remodelling of the school b} asking for tenders, and se- curing the necessary material, The heetin_ anti ventilating system will be installed under the supervision of Mr, Elliott of London. An account for school supplies was passed, All the members except Mr. Wood were present .In the absence of Mr, Grigg, secretary R. N. Creech acted as sec- retar) ,pro tem. Mr J. A Stewart is in Toronto this week; Mr. J. C. Inwood of London spent Sundae here. Stanley Fisher was up from London ower Suri lay. Mr and Mrs. Percy Gillies were in Loneon this week. Mr. George Vosper of Toronto is spending a few days, here. Miss Merril Gould is attending the milliner} openings in Toronto. \lis: Clawdie Cochrane is at present visiting- her aunt, Mrs. Ed. Tones. Va ,:and Mrs. King returned home Moneta} from their honeymoon ! ip, Ma and Mrs. J. Jarrott, •vho have beer 11. .of la grippe, are tbie to be aroun 1 again. . ells., Mabel Oke of Seaforth is visiting at the home of her uncle, Mr. Wm. Higgins. , Ales Fred ,May has been, in Mitchell this week owing to the illness of her mother Mrs. Davis. ' Misses Olive Treble and }Edith Parsons have been visiting relatives at Kirkton this week. Mrs John. A. Gregory of North Batticford Sask., visited with Mrs. Thos Gregory Qlast week. TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE The undersigned is offering for .ale Lots 35, 36. and part of 37, Carling. Street on which is a good storey and. half • frame house, containing '7 ,'ooms good, cellar and kitchen,. (Z here are al we a .nu,rnber : ofd#choice fruit trees; on fhe` premuses and a good "`stable, hal tqai d-ercTt-tvate`r. Everything trityl" a good state of repair, Will he cold reasonable. Call Saturday for ,par- ticulars HENRY GOULD. Exeter Lorne Baskerville was in London Monday Owen Atkinson, who has been tak- ing .a course for, a lientenancy at Lon- don is visiting his parents 'sere. Mr, and. Mrs. J. C. Cochrane, who have been visiting the latteer's parents for a few days, have returned home. Mr Seldon Bissett of Saskatchewan who is visiting. his parents at London spent last week with relatives here. Mrs. E, J. Christie with her daugh- ter is in, St, Catharines, owing to the illness of her mother, Mrs. C. J. Luker. Mrs Jordan of Toronto, accompani- ed ccompanied be her little daughter, is ,visiting her parents. Mr, and Mrs, Jas. Mur- ray here -).1lss Alma Long and Miss Annie, Barclay of London Township visited thei aunt. Mrs. John Welsh over Sunday - They intend visiting Friends lit and around Whalen before return- in 7 Home Mrs McCreath of Lucknow spent Part of last week with her parents Mr and ;\Mrs, I. Armstrong. She and her sister Miss May Armsto'ng,are attending the millinery openings in Toronto this week, OH, SUCH A 47 HEADACHE! Nearly everyone has ripping. tearing headache, c at tunes, Disordered atom «". acb—aluggishtiver does it. Cheer ugp 1 here's the real relief—chamberlain's Stomaeb andLiverTablets, They put ..e etotaach and bowels right. dra t Al sL or tread z 9 gg 25c.. by front Chamberlain. Medicine Co., Toronto CI -IAM BERLAI N'S TAB LETS Exeter North General Store For Real Home- made German Sausage PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE BUTTER, EGGS , DRIED APPLES DRESSED POULTRY AT MARKET PRICES H..Bierling MERCHANT, HAY P.O, R. N. Rowe Furniture Dealer and Undertaker Phone 20a. Exeter — Ontario Tea & Coffee Stowe For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee- and every- thing in the grocery., line. Call and see us. A trial as to quality will convin- ce. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould Opposite Electric light Plant EE — FREE — FREE AT BEDFORD'S GROCERY STORE A FINE PORCELAIN DIN- NER SET GIVEN AWAY. We give COUPONS ON ALL 'CASH SALES. IT PAYS YOU'1O SAVE YOUR COUPONS. We want you to come, and ;;eta Dinnea• Set FREE, Seen a regular customer in the past. or ,not whether gun have Get their prices. Start now A few coupons ,entitles you to ONE DISH AT A TIME, and so on until you compllete the set. We will continue keeping this pattern for. anc,yea! at least, WE CARRY A' -FULL FRESH STOCK OF GROCERIES; FOUR VARIETIES OF FLOUR; CURED MEATS; FRESH: AND SALT FISH; FIFTY 20 -LB. PAILS OF FIRST-CLASS FAMILY LARD, While they las' SOP, ,pet- pail.Produce taken as cash.' 'BE SURE 14ND GETYOUR "COUPON'S` EVeiry°6he 'iitiakitig a ca"sly purchat e is entitled to th"e= counons.:.Ase::Per them Bedford's Grocery Store, Exeter Price $1.425 f, o. b. Hamilton and Overland Model 81 Price $1135 f. o b.. Hamilton These two five passenger touring cars are fully equip ped, demountab!e rims, electric starting and lighting, left hand drive, electric horn, beautiful finish --everything, in fact. that is needed on a touring car for convenience or com- fort. See these cars and have a demonstration of their eKce1- lent points.taw in the show room, Wes. Snell Dealer Exeter The Clocks That Alarm WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE SUPPLY OF ALARM CLOCKS, RANGING FROM $1.00 TG 3,00 THAT ARE GOOD TIME KEEPERS AND RELIABLE IN EVERY WAY. A few specials -59c WE ALSO HAVE A FEW SPE- CIALS AT ,MUCH REDUCED PRI- CES A $1:00 AND $1.50 CLOCK FOR 59 CENTS. A BARGAIN. CALL AND INSPECT OUR LINES OF GOODS. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. LAWSON & TRICK, Exeter 1 JONES & MAY PHONE NO, 32 New Spring and Summer Wash Goods Every yard British Manufacture Ora first display of Wash Dress Good., for the coming Spring and Summer suggest, the thought that these fabrics have reached the zenith of :heir beauty, Colors are well repres- ented in all lines. White and Black will be very strong with Stripes and colors predominating, . Early buying is advised on all import goods . WHITE Wash Dress FABRICS White Brocaded Crepe White Cleopatra Crepe Plain White Crepe Plain White Voile Plain White Ratine Plain White Pique White Striped Serrsucker Plain White Rice 'Cloth COLORED Wash Dress Fabrics Plain Colored Crepe 'Fancy Colored Crepe Fancy Checked Crepe Fancy Striped Crepe Windsor Crepe Fancy Colored Voiles Fancy Colored -Poplins• Sandown Suitings , OVER 100 PIECES TO CHOOSE FROM. Ladies' and Misses' New Spring Suits and Coats We are very _fortunate in having ,our New Spring, Suits end Coats lin ,early. We are showing -a beautiful range, of Styles Colors and Cloths, Which •swill do you good to see, Come in and have a try on. LADIES' SPRING SUITS From 34 to 42 sizes. Colors are' Black, Navy, Cogen, Brown and Tan. 'Tare styles axe right up-to-date in every respect. All silk lined and nicely trimmed. LADIES SPRING COATS Some real swell garments in Plain Colors, Fancy Patterns 8& Checks. The styles are 'real unew and the cloths the best that we could Procure. All times SPRING DRESS GOODS All the ,new cloths in the Season's most - poeular ; shades are shown here, All at the old prices. _ MEN'S SPRING SUITS Just to ,hand a new stock . of Mens and Boys' Spring Suits The nifty stuff is here for you. JONES MA 13 e is q carters -for tht. celebrated W.E. San fogad Clothing RENS Nov subscr Help i Help i A'g• usl TWE • io r 1 EN A DATE QUICI ETER GROC SOLI( WILL. SURE ANTE ?Rid