HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1915-2-25, Page 5iz DENTAL Dr. G. F. ROULSTON, L.D,s., DENTIST ldetnber of tee R.O.D.S of Ontario ands Eionor Graduals of Toronto University, swish --Over Dickson & Carling's law Dante. Closed Wednesday afternoons. D.D.S. QR, A R. KINSMAN, L.D.S., Honor Graduate or Toronto University DENTIST Teeth extracted without pate, or any nap. ettects. Orrice over Geeeiman &. Stanbury's Orrice, Malin Street, Exeter. LEGAL DICKSON & °A MING, BARRISTEite; Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Corry rn es-onars. Solicitors for tee Maisons Bank. etc. Money to Loan at lowest rates or interest Offices -Main -St., Exeter e.. R. Carling, A.A.. L. H. Dickson MONEY TO LOAN We have a, tisane amount of private. /funds to loan on farm and village prop - `TDO MANY CHILDREN NEWS TOPICS Of WEEK are under -size, under -weight with pinched faces and poor blood; they do not complain but appetite lags, they have no ambition and do not progress. Such children need the rich mnedicinel nourishment in Scott's Emulsion above everything else ; its pure cod liver oil con- tains nature's own blood -forming, flesh- building fats which quickly show in rosy cheeks, better appetite, firm flesh and sturdy frames.. If your children are languid, tired when rising catch cold easily or find their studies difficult, give them Scott's Emulsion; it supplies the very food ele- ments, that their systems lack. Scott's Emulsion contains no harmful drugs and is so good for growing children it's a pity to keep it from them, x4-47 Scott & Bowne. Toronto. Ontario, COMMUNICATION Whalen, Feb. 16, '15 To the Exeter Advocate,--, crises at lou rates of interest. I have noticed in various Canadian GLADMAN & STANBURY cite. papers sketches that :lave been Barr°aters. Solicitors, Exeter, printed upraiding the rural districts and farthing communities for riot send- itte more men to loin ow Canadian army to help fight the battles of the Empire. Mr. Editor, allow me to state that the writers of such ar- SYNOI'SIS OF CANADIAN NORTH lacier• either do not take time to WEST.` LAND 11,FGULATIONS fhb*. out the subject, or else do not _ know what they are talking :about. THE sole head of a family, or r:•ny Canadian farmers all through eG his eial:,'over 18 years std, may homestead cotcntrt• east and west, an es c ly in ,Ontario, are facing a problem a quarter -section of available t7 anor that is difficult to solve -that of se - Alberta land ill Manitoba, Sasltatellewanor crilit3b, hired help to work the land. Alber a The applicant must ,�ppt ar 1 here are now not a third of the in perso, at the Dominion Lands Ag- men that should be on the farms to ency of Sub -Agency fdr the' Dis- tvcrl them properly, while in aur ti%ct, Entry may be made at not town- and settles the cry is "help us Dominion Lands Agency (but keep the unemployed and families Sikh -Agency) on certain conditions, tto o supplied with food." No doubt these Duties -Six moeths residence upan 'Chea 'aro able to work, but with their and cultivation of the land in each of �. ` three years, A homesteader -lay live tiwillingness vita leave tgiae and theirand a*ithin nine meas of Bis, homestead cn towers they are no good to the farm-, £aaw�rl n at least it acres, house :,wise- er. Then..1 ask why do' the author - trusted A habit, exceptx is re- i,tie;, not secure these men. and feed eideriea ti in every case, when le- , e is performed in the vicinity. ; leer t! eytc°an earn something service lo certain districts a homesteader in wl'el Wily do men know lrotlr- good standing may pre-empt aquarter part,ilii' or what they districts who keep section alongside his homestead.Price Irari7o at the rural are sna saying to keep $3 per acre. Duties -Sia months test- their men as Canadian soldiers, when ear n in each of three t; al after an experienced hand, raised on the dhares extra homestead patent; also -e50 farm is worth more to his father or acres my be obtained sPsoon ason bos,, than a dozen town chaps, wheth- hhpn *tent stefd patentt onecertain oocondi- er Canadian or English, if they know orris, aothine of farm labor. As in- these A settler ' who has exhausted his gays Dir: Editar,farmina is run on homestead right may take a purchase a screntitic plan, cultivation must be ed homestead in certain districts. properly done or else results will be Pince $3 per acre, Dirties -Must re- away below the expectation. Now, let side 6 .months .in each of 3 years, cu- me. say ;in, conclusion that I am an ttit C ilexes, an50 d erect a house Englishmen by birth, being born and rr reared in Old Landon, but have been Worth $300. farming for 22 years sal. Canada, and This area o1 cultivation is , scrub- know whereof I speak. I feel the to stony n case Livef toukh, may oe burden thrust upon the land of my substituted or stony land. stack may r- birth . and knew that every Canadian twind far cultivation under ser- is ready to do what he can for the Min conditions. W. W. CORY, C.M.G. dear old flag; bat we must have food Deputy 0! the Minister of the Interior for pian and beast, and especially at N.B:-Unauiduorized publication ee such times as these, when necessity is. this advertisement will not be pard for drawinaw heavily on our country's re- sources Thanking you for the space DR. DeVAN'S,FRENCH PILLS in you 1 r valuable paper, I remain yours iQ Re tar oy�alty John, Wright, gulating Pill for Women, $5 a box or three for Whalen ;10. Sold at all II,�rug Stores. or mailed to any - address onrcceiptof price.. Tu Scomiti, Dat:o Co., St, Catharinc`s, Ontario. SECURE FARM HELP NOW, -W. rt 11 •f ONOL'FOR MEN. Vim and D. Scott Superintendent of Tinmigra- 'V�ittlity;for Nerve and Brain; increases' grey tier' for the Domiinion Government, matter" a Tonle -gill build you up. ys a box, or tvrjt a. to C. H. Sanders, agent forv two for $5 at drug stores, or by mall on receipt . this district Days :-With the sp- etprice,- Tr3iu SCODELLDRVo Co., St. Catharines. a and, the busy season Ontario. ' proach of Sprier, or the farms, I wish to draw your at- tention to the fact that immigration from the British Isles this year will not likely amount to much, and 'fence, ,4 farmers Who have been accustomed to STRATFORD. ONT.' securine immigrant help are naw con - Ontario's Best Practical Training fronted with the necessity of securing School. We have thorough courses hen• from some other source. menTherealfn d experienced instructors in each are a large number of idle of aur three departments -Commerc- Canada some of whom have had ex- ial Shorthand and Telegraphy. Our perience as farm laborers and others graduates subceed and you should quit.: inexperienced. This is the only read oar large, ,free catalogue. Write source of supply for the • present for it at once.year As farmers everywhere are D. A. McLachlan, Principal'pia uctian ins vewffoftwar prices and ALL FROM EXETER the desirability of Canada raising as much as passible to meet the seeds j- aibj vicinity who intend the Por, a1i of the Empire, in this crisis I think L SOT • it likely that farm help will be :farce .- - - /nbefore long and therefore farmers / '/d should take immediate advantage of AAUP the present siltuartion to secure hely Toronto receive not only superior before the rush begins and scarcity of business ejucaition but assistance' ter debar is felt. If you are in need of Secure choice' positions. Enter now. heft; leave your order with C. H Write for catalogue: W. J. ' Elliott Sanders . Advocate Office. :734 Yonge St.. Toronto. , <., BROKEN CHAIN1 ILLS MAN A POSITION FOR FALL AND r�---�'"s WINTER d' God,,•t eeich,Feb. 19 -Dan McLeod a' -_o-- Kworkman inl e employment o£rcWest- We have a sound business propos- ;ern: Canada Flour Mills, met a Violent itier for• a reliable energetic sales- dea.te an the harbor docks a 5l�'rile- man fot this district' to sell fruit trees clock this morning. A gang n small' fruits, flowering'`shrubs,etc. Pay ewers employed moving the steamier weekly, outfit free, exclusive territory Drummond when a chain attached to OVER 600 ACRS • y- -the boat broke, flying back and hitting aMcLeod around the legs. It threw hint cultivation. fruit and ornamsellental the stock under on. his head an thecement clock. esmen to e consumer our sal- Both legs and arms were broken and gsaheil guarantee direct vthe consumer high the chain. flew about 40 feet, caving gra ( tre e delivery of fresh, high in the door Of th'e elevator. able trees. Our hagenciessevice sive Mr, McLeod leaves a widow and soli by reason of the service we sive fou.. children. His aged - was 58 an•1 the volume of business done. yealrs, Established 35'years. Write PELHAAINURSERY Co,Toronto,Ont P.S.-Handsome` catalogue on re- quest either to applicant or those wishing nursery stock. ltnFprtant Events WhiCInnH'ave Occurred During the Week. The Busy World's Happenings Care- fully Compiled and Put Into Handy and Attractive Shape fom the Readers of Our Paper --A Solid Hour's Enjoyment.. cyei`e^r slipisea r• and {threw him under tbe wheels. The Cologne Gazette reports .that Sir Roger Casement will soon go to Christiania and submit proofs against the British Minister to Norway, M. De C. Findlay, and the Norwegian Government. The Children's Aid Society has dis- covered a home in Hope Township where the mother, father, four chil- dren, two dogs and about twenty' hens occupy two small rooms, Tett society will take charge of the children. MONAAx. A box containing dyneraite was found Saturday, a short distance from the C.N.R. station at Brooklin, Ont. King George has conferred the honor of Lady of Grace upon Mrs.. Peter D. Crerar of Hamilton for her work in fighting the white plague. By the death of James Twitchell, aged 76, at his home Saturday night, Clinton loses one of its oldest resi- dents and most prominent business men. It is announced tbat the Curtis Aeroplanes and Motors, Ltd., has been incorporated in the Province of Ontario. The company will manufac- ture anufacture in Toronto. James H. Hodgins, reeve of Lon- don Township and ex-wariten of Mid- dlesex County, died at his home at Ilderton Saturday in his 71st year, Edgar Hodgins of Vancouver is a son. It was stated in Washington Satur- day that the United States bas post- poned for a few days a decision on what its policy will be relative to the negotiations between China and dee pan, The milk -receiving station at Rock- et river, near Cornwall, Ont., belong- ing to the Diamond Creamery Co., was burned' to the grouted Saturday, The loss is estimated at $4,000, with $2,500 insurance. A new atatiob will be built, Miss Ratty Reeves and Mrs. Mary Clark of Newark, N.J., were shot and killed Saturday at the termination of a quarrel between Miss Reeves and Hiram Craig, in the former's apart- ments. Craig is charged with the shooting. Cornwall has lost one of its oldest residents in the death of Mrs. Obis - holm, aged 95, relict of the late Alex- ander lexander Chisholm. The grand jury in Toronto yester- day returned a true bill against Car- rie Davies, charged with the murder of C. A. Massey. The British of lcial press bureau yesterday issued an official denial of the report sent from Berlin that a British army transport had been sunk by a German submarine Edward Fountain and George Chantler, both colored, found guilty of stealing brass from the G.T.R., were sentenced yesterday in London, Ontto three years in Kingston Penitentiary. Danish marine circles yesterday re- ceived information that the German cotton steamer Austrian which is ashore north of Malmoe, struck a Ger- man mine and bad to be beached to escape sinking. The death in battle of M. Chevil- lon, member of the French Chamber of Deputies for Bouches-du-Rhone, was announced in the chamber yes- terday. M. Chevillon was serving as a lieutenant of infantry. A man supposed to be John Saw- yer, G.T.R. engineer, was drowned while skating from Morristown to Brockville. When nearing the Cana- dian shore he encountered an air hole and was unable to extricate himself. Further reports concerning the sinking of the American steamship Evelyn Saturday off Borkum Island, In the North Sea, show that only one man of the crew lost his life. This man was frozen to death in a small boat after the sinking of the steamer. WEDnESDA•Y. The trial of Harry K. Thaw on an indictment charging him with con- spiracy, was set yesterday in New York for March 1. The stock 'yards at East Buffalo closed yesterday afternoon under state and federal orders beeause of the re -appearance of foot and mouth disease. By official order Mardi Gras was celebrated publicly nowhere in France yesterday, In most of the households the day was celebrated, but less pretentiously than usual. The trial of Gen. Christian De Wet and other leaders of the Sentlt. Afri- can rebellion against Great Britain. who are charged with high treason, began. in Bloemfontein yesterday: John M, Still. a farmer of Mona Township, near Orangeville, sustain- ed loss of $6,5Q0 early yesterday when fire of unknown origin totally destroyed his large bank barn and contents, News has been received that the: Princess Patrician, after a strenuous' time, alternating between the trenches and the dug -out. will be give en a respite from the rigors of the fir- tug -flue. The Canadian Government has ask- ed the United States Government to place guards at the end of the inter- national Bridge at Buffalo, to safe- guard this bridge from attack from United States territory. Lt. -Col, W, H. Sparham, aged 70, a , oonspieuous figure in the military life of Eastern Ontario for many years, died in Brockville yesterday at the home of lila sister, Mrs, T. A. Stay - Per, after a short illness, i'klinlirll' Y. Many villages in the Friuli region et the Italian Alps have disappeared from sight under a snowfall of al- most unprecedented extent for that toc:ality, Frank Roti, casbier of tbe Western Savings Bank in Western avenue. Chi- cago, was held up and bound by four auto bandits yesterday, who escaped with $2,000. Major E. C. Noswortby, manager of the Dominion Securities. now of the 5th Royal Higblanders in France. has been transferred to Sir Max A.itk- en's eye -witness staff. Dr. C. Connell has announced that in the earning calendar of Queen's a new combined arts -medical course has been arranged, and it will be more literary in character than the, one in the past. Louis Berger, a German subject; wanted in Toronto, Ont., to answer to' a charge of larceny, will be deported to Germany, by reason of an order en- tered. yesterday • by Federal Judge Landis in Chicago. Six Winnipeg men are lost on the Churchill barren lands. They left 'Port Nelson Jan. 31, and ran into a blizzard this side of the Limestone Cache, The mounted police are, searching for them. V. H. Veardon, the young archi- tect, found guilty some weeks ago on five charges of obtaining money by false pretences, was sentenced to one year in the Ontario Reformatory by Judge Winchester in Toronto yester- day. CENTRAL r/ RAND:TRUNKSYSTEM Double Track All the Way TORONTO •-: CHICAGO TORONTO 3"- MONTREAL Unexcelled. Terrain Service Highest Class ; of `Equipment TOURSoTO. CALIFORNIA a F. ori} �. sK4a�te ser F �x� TER - /r9�v11�. J :. Fw :JPIi:';`d- G ,t•Y• ea .. �A..*) SUNNY SOUTH.. :.,. tly;,,er , t Fr f ' ,Oilloipe.i P Rant xwill clear up -yours Itiiie-nevlttaLrre 4. .7,Te3 'Law' 'Faro; riae 'Effect. uric 1c;ta-dissolve stone in tits Li;lfl-' ' For lull particularscan ult, G, T. : der qr Kid neys=stop lite pain iz! t ae back 11X1' 'Cre a,1 1 .clncty to•11 l idd r Ticket Agents, of write Troubl . r c. -t bn't, ti for 52 ,OE 1 1l C. E. HORNING., t: ,tt7ite tt l:eN`il 3'ou vt*ritc sti tlIdene Dist. Pass. Agent,: Toronto, D ,ir & C11 YIIicol Co, of Ci-ai.la.la, N. J; DOME, Exeter I,iniifed; Toronto.' X68 FRIDAY. A Reuter despatch from Berlin says Emperor William bas returned to Berlin from the East Prussian war MANY PROTESTS RECEIVED. theatre. Danish ship owners yesterday de- &ed the German war zone decree and despatched ten ships to England with cargoes including foodstuffs. Hay in Peterboro district is selling for $25 a ton, and the farmers them- selves are among the best customers, for many barns are practically empty. Potato riots at Schonberg, Ger- Many, are reported by the Exchange Telegraph Co.'s correspondent in Amsterdam., Officials superintending the sale were 'beaten. Nearly 300 Italians who are out of employment on the Welland ship ca-.' nae construction work paraded before Moor Battle at Thorold, and filed a pretest.. The mayor directed them to the Italian- consul at Welland. - .Tke . British Parliamentary bill which would have the effect of short- ening the route to Canada by making a new railway route in Ireland, has been held up owing to non-compli- ance with the standing orders of Par- liament. • The 'grand jury in the Assizes at Toronto yesterday returned a true bill on an indictment of conspiracy to de- fraud against Gordon D. McCutch- din, David S. McCutcheon, J. H. Mc- Cutcheon, Clarence W. McCutcheon and Marshall A. Cook. The Government of the Nether - Lands has refused a request for war, vessels to convoy Dutch merchant ships through the marine areas pre- scribed by Germany on the ground. that such"• action would enhance the ricks of ships without such escorts. 'SATURDAY. A Government order issued yester- day forbids the serving of liquor to the troops of the Union of South Af- rica as rations. • Fred. Knell, sr., aged 74, passed away yesterday in Berlin after a brief illness. He was born in Glarus, Switzerland; and came to Canada in 1841. The London Times has achieved ,what is claimed to be a record in the field of raising money for a popu- lar cause. Its fund'. for sick and gaunded yesterday passed $5,000,000. 'w -,Walter Babedek, aged 22, son of II"a=-BabcocjeI3atli, lost his life qn th8 e i lAr litIsee.'attempt to sa Ts the, o'f'31fif ''brother, Oscar Babcock, aged 19, who wandered out on some tae. Leslie W. Glennie, aged 35, an agent for the London Life Insurance Co was cut in two by a street car in Hamilton yesterday when ° his bi- aiwwismaia Boils. Biliousness Malaria Constipation Are You Troubled? matimiammewis olden eR a dical Discove Perhaps this case may be similar to yours X Wealee Tilly of (Fox 673,7 Belmar, rat, sprites: Gentlemen: -"It gives me much pleasure to be able. to send You a testimonial. It by its reaching same sufferer your medicines will does much for him as they have for me. At the age of fourteen I was troubled a great deal with malaria acid biliousness. accompanied with the worst sort of large -boils, f praspersuadedby my parents. who have always been strong believers in Dr. Pierce's remedies, to try the Golden Medical Discovery. I took one bottle and the boils all dis- appeared, but I did not stop at one bottle, 1 took three and the malaria all left inc and I hove had no more boils to this day, thanks to the Golden Medical Thscovery' for my relief. "Following an operation for appendicitis two years ago I was troubled very much with constipation and I have been trying Dr, Pierces Pleasant Purgative Pellets and they hgve rid me of the troublesome, gas and have aidedme in conquer- ing the whole trouble; thanks again for the 'Pelete and for the advice r have obtained front The People's Common Sense. i[edicalAdvuer " Send only st cents for this coos page book. for over .forty years has. been lending its aid to just such cases as this. In our possession we have thou- sands of testimonials of like character. Perhaps you are skeptical, but isn't it worth at least a trial in view of such strong testimony? Isn't it reason- able to suppose that if it has done so much for others it can do as much for you? Tour druggist will supply you in liquid or tablet form, or you can send 50 one -cent stamps for a trial box. Address Dr. 1't, V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. X. HENSALL nouncej of Mss Anna Madrid, daugh- ter ow John: M. 31ler of Hibbert, to Ernest Stacey of Dallis is home Joha Ballantyne. The marriage takes on a visit to his parents and friend's skies this nmo*ath. -Mrs Packard 'of Saginaw Mich. is the guest of her sister ' rs. James. Moore, -Miss jean Grassick is home from Toronto.. -Miss Flossie Bonthron and her mother are in Louden where the former is undergoing an operat- ion for appendicitis.: Will Buchanan so;t of Alex. Buchanan this morning purchases from Dr. Mair his fine res- idence and two jots, -Leo Baker is home from Fort William where he has been running a garage. --William Min- ers is moving from Oxford street to the country where he intents to farm --.D,A•Cantelon and family expect to move back to }Tensall about the first of the month. -Weir Atclleson of St Paul, has purchased the contents of the King George. Hotel and assumed rnartagerrlent.-The engagement is an - A WOMAN'S MESSAGE TO WOMEN. If you are troubled with weal,:, tired ,eelings, headache, backache, hearing down sensations, bladder weakness. aons- tipation, catarrhal conditions, pant et the sides regularly or irregularly, 11o,ating or unnatural eniargenicnrs, s• ae of falling ccmisplacement ofis ter! +i r_ms, nervousness, desire to cry. {., erne- on, hot flashes, dark rings as..der tl,r eyes, or a lose of interest in life. I in i e yon to write and ashy far my simple!. rte.t i of home treatment, with tenel et e• trial entirely free and postpaid, also a. fereuces to Canadian ladies who gl,..i"y tell how they have regained health, strength. and happiness by this method, V'r- to -day. Add� s Mrs. M. Summers, lira, , 84o Winii6`or. Ont. Patent Medicine Men Object To Pro- posed. Stamp Tax. OTTAWA, Feb. 23. - The Opposi- tion had its thirst for information pretty well satisfied during question time in the House yesterday, some two score questions relating princi- pally to the Government's conduct of the war, being answered. The Minister of Finance informed Eton. Rodolph Lemieux that protests were being received .from manufac- turers and dealers inpatent medi- cines against the new stamp taxes. In reply to a series of questions by Hon. Frank Oliver, regarding the Stefansson expedition, Hon. Mr. Haz- en Minister of Marine, informed the House that nothing as yet Men been heard from the •missing men of the Karluk since the wreck of the vessel in January, 1914. Search parties had been sent to Wrangell Island, where thhe missing men were heading when lastseen,'but no trace of; them could be'found, and they had been; given • up for lost. BERNHARDT LOSES` eLEG. Successful Amputation Is Performed In Paris Hospital. BORDEAUX, Feb. 23. - The right leg of Madame Sarah Bernhardt, the famous tragedienne, ywas;, amputated yesterday in a hospital, op. tithe . Rue a'Ares. The . operation, .which was made necessary by ant{affection of the knee which had ,caused the eactress- much suffering for; several ;years, was performed by Prof.. De Luce of the Bordeaux University. , . Prof. Pozzi was to have conducted the operation Sunday; but he was called to the colors to serve at the Val -de -Grace Hospital in Paris, and. he found it impossble to leave his duties for several days. ' Madame Bernhardt refused to sub- mit to 'a • delay of ;what she courage- ously:ealled her• release from bond age, ; and• it; was decided that Prof. , de Luce should eer.L rm the; operation. She IS :progressing satisfactorily: rr A rr Dard n il'• e N ; o e es: �iu E a :F T ks, { _ATHENS Fe b. ,2.3 --lt is learned' from an `absolt:rely reliable source that, expecting the entrance of the al- lied fleets into the Sea of Marmona, the Turks have sent troops and heavy. artillery to all the islands in that body of water. "MADE IN CANADA" Ford Touring Car Price $590 PRICES OF - OTHER FORD ,BARS ARE -TWO -PASSENGER RUNA- BOUT $540; TWO -PASSENGER COUPELET $850; FIVE -PASSENG- ER SEDAN $1150. ALL ARE FUL LY EQUIPPED, INCLUDING ELEC- TRIC HEADLIGHTS. PRICES F. 0, B.. FORD, ONT. BUYERS OF ALL FORD CARS WILL SHARE IN OUR PROFITS IF WE SELL 30,000 CARS BETWEEN AUGUST 1, 1914 AND AUGUSTA, 1915. ALL FORD CARS AR.E ON EXHIBI- 1T ION AT EXETER, WES., SNELL MILO SNELL Asst. Salesman. DEALER Relieve Your Mind of the wor- ries inci- dental to appointing an individual as trustee of your estate, such as - Will he live to fulfil ' the trust? Will he fall ill or be away when most wanted? - Will he neglect his trust for his own affairs? Will he prove unfaithful? These are all possibilities.' But you may leave .ahem- out of. consideration in entrusting the administration of your estate to this strong, 'conservative Company. Call or •write:for aflrinforznation desired. THE LONDON &°WESTERN RUSTS ,COa Ll-MiTED 382 RICHIVOND STREET, ;LONDON, ONT._ SIR GEO. GIBDONS, g.0 , President' JOHNS, MOOR&. Manager vlives/ vvvvnseede e:„ 4 4 r 4 1 1 4 3 i 4 a 4 4 4 d PURE — PALATABLE; wr NUTRITe( S -- BEVERAGES FOR SALE BY WINE ANn SPIRIT•MERCHANfiSEVEF'HEItEI LOCAL 'l'I 5��ing OP ON -Desi sin the ideal option districts ,, this -brewed '"cam legally, order from. this y"whatever they reglllz .e •for era a or.Ifamtily use. Write .. P oil JOHN LAB IMI LONDON, L. > CANADA ATT L .,..