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Exeter Advocate, 1915-2-25, Page 1
German Submarine And Mines do some damage. Ontario will pay a war tax of one mill n the dollar. RENEW YOUR SUJBSCRIPTION Now is the time to renew your subscription to The Advocate. le Help the editor by renewing early r Help yourself by getting a live pa- 1 per, Help the community by giv- ing us all the News. CLUBBING When renewing your Advocate reeneznber that we club with al& the Ctv Daily, Weekly, and the Monthly papers and periodicals, Get the benefit of these clubbing rates. Call in and see us. TWENTY-SEVENTH YEAR EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 251915 SANDERS & CREECH. TAMAN'S Stock T!ug Sale For two weeks we will Slaughter Ordered Clothing Ready Made " Ready Made Pants Winter Under - t clothing Scare; .-Rats t Caps Ties Gloves Braces, Etc. :crow Collars a rx Specialty W.W. TAMAN TAILOR, & FURNISHER The War Summary THURSDAY Own to the necessity to restict foo l consumption the German Gov- ernment intends ordering 5,000 000 Germans who possess independent in- comes anal are ineligible for military service to leave Gerntany for neutral eountr€ee. and remain there until the war is over. A big German dirigible of the Par - seen type was wrec ked :an' Fano island and the crew of 14 arrested by Danish troops. Britain practically announces that no feo:lstuffs will be permitted to enter Germ:. . Ports from neuta a.l countries. The French steamer Ville qe Lille ttte sunt by German interior )orub: The French captured several aund- reel yards trenches in the Campaigne listx:at aritain takes the 'blockade" calmly sailing continuing as• usual and no in•• crease in insurance rates. Germany says American vessels must take their chance if they sail for Britain.. Berlin claiims 64, 000 prisoners in Prussia—women and children likely. FRIDAY .Alt Germans over twenty and up to the age of 45 are now an the German army. All Germans over twenty and up to the age of forty-five who are pity- s ally tit are now under arms. Norwegian shipowners do not fear the German mines, but should the threaten, blockade hinder Norway trod: with Britain, Norway will s op all trade with Germany. It es reported that the Germans have built 120 big arsine -laying subma- ine: during the last six months, each with a carrying capacity of over 100 mince '1';tt• Allies hoping to relieve the pressure on the Russians, have taken the ,offensive along the western line. Report says,—All travel between. England and the, Continent of Europe ha, been suspended by the British Admiralty until further notice. A Zeppelin airship carrying a crew of eleven rnen has landed on the Dan- ish west coat at Bareese, near Verde ant is being forced by a raging snow- storm to remain there, SATURDAY A Norwegian and a French merchant shit were struck by torpedoes but did not sink A naval battle between two Jap- anese cruisers and three German war ship'; is imminent according to re- ports A dispatch from the Caucasus says that Turks before surrendering stab- bed their German. officers. "The British Government have no intention of advising their merchant shipping to use, foreign flags as a gen- eral practice or yt o resort to them otherwise than for escaping capture or destruction." The British Government announced that the cargo of the Wilhelmina is tr* go to the .prize court. Once again Russia is coming back with fresh armies, and has taken a stand in the northern part of the eastern arena that bids fair to com- pletely change the outlook there. The current belief is that Germany intends to put up a heavy fight for two or three months with the hope of drawing in other nations, and then in view of the hopeless nature of the struggle, ask for peace. MONDAY A German submarine sank two small British vessels Sunday in the Irish Sea A United States vessel and a Norwegian vessel were sunk by mines Aeroplanes raided the English coast in Essex County, but did no damage. The news that large reinforcements for the British are actually in France anti or their way to the front ;has also ,atirrecl the enemy to action in aa endeavor to hit hard before ,these New Business. Opeuiilg Motto Honest Value. Reasonable Prices I WISH TO ANNOUNCE TO THE PUBLIC THAT, I,WILL OP EN A FIRST-CLASS SHOE SHOP FULLY EQUIPPED WITH THE 'ITATEST AND BEST MACHINERY - FOR THE MANUFACTURING "& QUICK REPAIRING O1 SHOES, A ND WILL BE LOCATED IN EX- ETER. ON MAIN STREET, ONE DOOR NORTH OF BEDFORD'S r"TTRc$CERY. T WILL BE OPEN FOR BUSINESS 112ARCti IST. AND LICIT A•• PORTION OF YOUR PATRONAGE IN THIS LINE, ANI- hL BE GLAD TO QUOTE Y OtT PRICES ON MADE -TO -MEA - `HOES IN WHICH I WILL SPECIALIZE. I WILL GUAR- ' UAR-iN"lfE SATISFACTION IN ALL WORK AT SURPRISINGLY LOW PRICE'S. THE FEATURE I AA's SURE • YOU; WILL APPRECIATE LS •MY ONE DAY SERVICE ON „REPAIR WORK, ANIX I AM ;SURE A TRIAL`. WILL CONVINCE. t i `t :r x The Progressive Shoe Shop r Wm. ': Smith, Prop. p reinforcements shall be actually on .he firm line It ,ins believed in some quarters that Germany, is actually pre - Paring fot another big drive in the west part of the field with the .idea of reaching the channel if at all pos- sible and there making possible a more general use of the German fleet or parts of it. The Russians having brought ap re- inforcements are again on top in the eastern fighting. Austriar torpedo boats fired upon ttivp. Italian fishing vessels off And- vari The "Pats" lost three more men fighting for the Empire. Allied war ships are again attenuate Me to force a passage through the Iaartllrelles. TUESDAY Ruasie, is new in control of the Baca Sea. They and, the allied fleet are making, a determined attempt to capture Canstantinonle. Toronto University has )ffered K.ttchener a base hospital of 1040 beds wit a 450 professors, students and aureee Two German submarines are long overdue and one thought to be 'oast, In the west the allies are slowly gaininE groun:l. The people 'of Italy are clamoring for wit against Germany and Austria, Local Items Was Germany's proposed oiockade conceived by a blockhead? Mrs. F. A. May Will be. at home th, first Thurs.lay of each month. Last wee1. Mr, Albert irord, nur- chese.i pll of the old mall property on Huron street awned by %lies May Wood and will take possession ab out April 1st Mr, Wesley Isaac and son Marry and daughter Martha visited with relatives herr Monday. The latter will !emelt) for a couple weeks with her Grand. mother., ,Mrs. Jane Dearing, who• is at present indisposed. ---d- 1ARRIED.—A quiet but pretty wedding took palace at the James St.. Methodist parsonage on Wednesday, Feb 24th about 4 p.m., when. \Ir. George I. Armstrong was ,Harried to Miss Helen Pauline Crewes, .laughter of alt and Mrs'. Thos, Crewes, Ex- eter North. The ceremony was per- former' by ,Rev. 1lcAlister in .he presence of p. feev of the immediate relatises. After the ceremony, was aver the young couple were :h ven to the depot where they took :he Brain for Toronto. Niagara Falls and else- where and on their return they will take up their residence on Mr. Ann- strong's fine farm in Usbarnc. The young couple will have the best wish- es ,ot a host of friends for their fu- ture happiness and prosperity. DEATH OF AIRS. ELLIOT,—Exet- er has last another of its oldest and most esteemed and beloved residents. We refer to the demise of Jane El- liot, idow of the late Benjamin Val - lack. Elliot she having passed away at her home south of the village on Saturday last in her 90th year. For some time Mrs. „Elliot has been in feeble health and for several years has been under the care Qa a nurse. At various times her life has ;seen despaired of and reduced lo a very low ebb, she would rally and in a few days or weeks. she would be as bright and cheerful, as ever, The iest attack however, was unmistakable her great age and her already weakened constitution gave away under the strain and the curtain was %rung down upon her kindly life. errs. Elliot was born in Kingsand, Devon- shire, England, 'on the 3rd day of August 1825, her maiden name being Jane Giffard, only daughter of Lieut. James Giffarcl, She had only one brother and her was killed at he be- ginning of the Crimean war an 1.alis Majesty's steamer, Tiger off Odessa. The •deceased came to Canada with her late husband in the year a856, and first Settling here has resided here continuously ever since, being an es- teemed and worthy resident. Her husband who for many years ;ixac= ticei law here, predeceased tier .about 16 years. Mrs. Elliot was a member of the English church and per ichrist- ian character and lovable qualities were admired by all who enjoyed her acquaintance. She is survived by six sons and three daughters -Glen of Sault Ste Marie, Ont.; ,Reginald of Norwich; Herbert of Yorkton, Sask.; John of Vancouver, British Golum•bia; Ernest at home and Fred of Hailey - bury; Marrion and Mrs. King of To- ronto, o-ronto, and Edith 'and Annie at ,home. Funeral services were held at the Triviti Memorial 'church and her re- mains• were laid to rest in `the Exeter Cemetery on Tuesday, Feb. 23rd. EXETER PATRIOTIC FUND Previously acknowledged 1515.31 Mrs G Fisher R. N. Creech C H.` Sanders Mrs . Fowell AFriend` WPenhalc T. Jones The ,regular monthly meeting of i he Patriotic League `will be' held Mon- day Marcy a 1st,in•. the• Town tan, at 7.30. The books of the • Secretary and the Treasurer of The Patriotic Fun, have been audited and ' found correct, and a statement will be givett next weep 1.00 5.00. 2.00 1.00 s.00 1.00 1.00 1527,31 GODERICH MAN DROWNED Windsor Feb. 19th.—The body of of George Higginson of Goderich„ missing for the past two weeks was fouled floating in the river near the Government dock at noon to -day, Fligginson was 38 years old. He was employed by ,the Ontario department public works, and had charge of. the Government docks here A week ago his wife arrived here and asked the.,police to help her find him. W hen ast seen he was leaving the Kine eorge Hotel in comp - ant wi a stranger. •!r is d by some that this man was Nor an 'Fitzsimmons of Clinton wham h had known for some years. eiiton Dan F guson of the Bank Staff wa: take suddenly ill withAppend- icitis on unday and is now ,ander the 'doctor's re. Dan's friends aope this attack wilt be of short duration, Quit,; number of our ideal aut- omobile Owners are having their :ars repainted Lin• Morlock's garage. Paris Anderson is doing the work. re .:ee the agenite of the different cars in town is an indication that some of our people are thinking of .nvesting in the Buzz -wagon. The past week's thaw has spoiled the sleighing. Sunday was quite spring like and many took advantage of the fine day to take a walk, Henry Kubn and Mathew Ginter are the pentad fathers of a girl and boy respectively. Congratulations. The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist Church will meet at the home cf Mrs. Eli Ring next Tuesday the 2nd of (arch. Our people were given a taste of fresh fish on. Tuesday. The , catch at th e Bend has been a small one this seaso Wait until the suckers are on the run Mr, Schwartz of Holmesville visited in; sister airs. Chris. Hoist en Sun- uay Mrs William Kunz of Exeter visited her sister Mrs, Dora Link one lay las: week, Chas. Zwieker male a business trip t .London on. Monday. Next Sunday Rev. Brown of Zur- Jen will preach in the Evangelical C torch ;tad air. George Slterritt in the evexax,g I •wc big mail bags of Eaton's spring catalogues arrived here on Tuesday morning. There was joy in .nany a lame n when the mail was distributed par stilt it dosen't speak well for patronizing home -trade which should be first, last and at all times. Norman Holtzmann has been en- gagect to cut wood for Ezra Heist. The sewing circle met in the home of \ifs; Tille Wein on Monday even- ing Ezra Oestreicher made a 'easiness tri.t to Ann Arbor Mich. last weak. Dinney has returned to Exeter after n short visit with Miss Alma iHill. \lis : Kate Wenzel of Detroit is visiting Me. and Mrs. William Wenzel Mr .and Mrs. Earnest Hodgson leave tide week for Islay Alberta, after a month s visit here with relatives. The Ladies Aid of the Methodist Churclhave engaged the Dramatic club ;o° Woodham consisting of 17 member. to give their play ''The minister's bride" in the town Hall next Thursday„ the 4th of March. Thio club has given the play upon several occasions and come well r e - commended. Bills will be out giving more particulars. The school south, of town has been close -d by ;the Board of Health for twc.• weeks on account of an ,outbreak of small -pox. So far the cases are of a milJ type. John Knarr visited friends in Fran- cistown one night last week. Frani: Taylor and El( " Lawson male a business trip to Toronto 'ast Wednesday Fire caused by a chimney blaze Feb 18th, completely destroyed the Mal- lougl, House, a temperance hotel at Dungannon twelve miles north of the town of Goderich, and" damaged the Bell Telephone afficei next door. The Goderich fire brigade was summoned but the fire was out when it arrived BIRTHS Sianlake—In Stephen, Con. 2, on Feb. 18 to Mr. and Mrs. James Stanlake, a son. Huxtable—In Centralia, on Feb. 21st, to Mr and Mrs. William lluxtable, a son, MARRIAGES Armstrong—Crewes—At the James Street Methodist Church oarsenage an Feb . 24 by Rev. Mr. McAlister Mr . George Irvine Armstrong, to Miss Helen Pauline, .second daugh-. ten• of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Crewes, all or Exeter. Webber—Woods--At the parsonage, Eltmville on Feb. 19th Frederick Webber. son of Mrs. John Webber, to Miss Laura, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Robert Woods, all of Usborne Trevethick—Lee-At the residence of the_„bride's pas-entts,McGillivray, on Feb 3,Miss Myrtle, daughter of Mr and Mrs. George Lee, Sr, to IVLr Scott Trevethick of Tolland, :Alta, ,son of Mr, J. Treyethick, Brinsley DEATHS Elltiot,—Ir Exeter, on Feb. • ?0, Jane. Elliot widow of the late Benjamin Vallack ,Elliot, .in her 90th year, Haelewoad—In Kirkton an Wednesday Feb 10 1915 John FIaziewaocl, aged 71 years 6.months, and 2 days Automobile Agency Oakland Oldsmobile Cadillac Hupmobile have taken the agency for this district for the above Automobiles and intending purchases will do well to con- sult me regarding the machines I represent, These machines are leaders and the prices are reas- onable, M. M. DOYLE, Exeter Exeter Bargain Story February Sale Only 18 Overcoats left to be sold at cost price 5 pairs men's wool sox for $1.00 5 pieces dress goods regular 50c. for 25c yd, 40 sweaters, ladies. misses, wens and boys at off regular price. 14 ladies black underskirts at half price, 5 ehildrens coats worth $3 for $1.00 each. Men's heavy sox and felts at wholesale price. Women's felt rubbers 70c a pair. Briices, neekties, gloves at wholesale price. Try us for your next pair of shoes or rubbers. B. W. F. Beavers RE SoLva'D TH AI' THNNcS ARE I,OOXING up. VERVE Oar A STo WE CAN BE PROUD Of; OUR PRICES ARE LOW. THEY ARE FEONEST-We WANT YOUR GU'SToM AND THAT IS SRO WE EXPECT To KEEP Y©u FOR A FRIEND- USE You RICHT ©,4ty "fr.ou47-'41 The Quality Is High NEW DRESS GOODS Perfect tailoring s•erges in he leading shades. Three shades of navy blue serges, good weight, and wide width. At per yard 31.00, 1.25, 1,50 COLORED CREPES In many new patterns and colors. They make *pretty waists and dresses, and are kva11 worth the price. Per yd 15c. FAST COLOR GALATAES A heavier and stronger :loth than print. • The colors are 'fast. BERESFORD SHOES for men Try a pair of our easy fit- ting cushioned soles tshoes. They are comfortable. Wear a pair and prove it yourself. WALKERVILLE OVERALLS L25 -Are for men who de- mand overalls*that fit well end wear well. guy this kind and get ,sa'tiisfactiej,. ' NEW WALL PAPERS New ,Wall Papers Ear every room in your • house. - We have some splendid papers in brown and wood colors for dining roams at per roll 10c and 15c. SILK CREPES These goads are made in France and are very scarce. We were fortunate in procuring them Colors are black, ivory, green; pink and mauve at a yd 31.25. YARD WIDE SILKS Iie many new colors. This is a splendid quality of silk, with a beautiful finish, and is worth mode than we are asking for it D. & A. CORSETS 89c. 60 pair, heavy strong white ca'mtil .reinforced fronts, long skirts, four- garters. Regular is 31.25; Sale price 89c. VASSAR SHOES for 'WOMEN Showing the ,advance Spring styles.,with dull colored or black cloth tops. They are 'comf;rt- arble fitters and up-to-date style HANGING LAMPS , We are showing a fine assort relent of hanging lamps for halls, dining ,rooms and parlors, 'Ask to see them.' LINOLEUMS In 2, 3, 'and 4 yard widths. These are. `Waimea. the best Scotch Linoleum. The patterns are neat tiles andfloral designs PHONE 16 A. STF �►lr ART PHONE 16.