HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1915-2-11, Page 8f c EXETER AfVUSATE, THURSDAY FEBRUARY 11 1015 EXITER MARKETS. CHANGED EAOH WIIDNES'DA'Y Wheat ................• 86 Barley,,+.♦• .Y. e. ..A• Buckwheat;. .. 80 Oats, ,,.,..,. 50 05 leo Potatoes,, per. bag ...... 50 00 Hay, errc q ..,.«..h .... 1400 1.4 00 Moor, iter cwt., family 4 10 Flour, low grade per ow Creamery 32 Held eggs..... ,, 20 Live liege, per ewe Short& net tern .4..,,, Bran per K•,n ,,. 200 20 81 33 7 50 30 00 28 ttn Horatio Reynolds •eed Dealer Red Clever, Alsike, Timothy, Mil- let. Alfalfa and beans bought. Imparted Red Clover and Timothy Seett far sale; also Choice home grown Bunktis°^.eat and Alsike Wit b: a home to tale in Seed encr: Tuesday-,, Wednesday, Thursday end S turday. Highest prices paid. Address 11 ean nmunieeeiens to H. Reyno?ds, slay Ontrio: R. R. No: 1. THE METROPOLITAN flOTET- EXETER Rata S1,50 per day, Single meals eire. The bast eceonunodation for the travelling public. W 1f. MITCHELL, Prop. FOR SALE I w undersigned has the frthewing bulditags which he wishes to sell, viz. 1 feer ne barn 2246 1 frame steble ort in eft brick wall. Both these bulling's are situated immediately k •h :. o the brick building occupied .. a Chinese Laundry in the Village Eeeter. These buildings roust be seltl quick - le Fee further particulars apply to. :A. J. DIcDONELL Vendor CHESTER WRITE BOAR FOR SALE. 19 months old Abd is ^well bred Aptly at this office. CARD OF THANKS We wlesire to express our sincere t cele to the neighbors and friends t,.^ the many ,kindnesses and sytn- realny extended to us; during our late toreev ernent, Mr. and :firs, T. R. ;3ne31 Mr. and Mrs. A. J Snell Mr, and \Mrs. J. R. Snell ' IISS J. 3. ALLAN, Eye Sight Sect ic.rist, will be at the Central Ho- tel iatel oa Saturday, February 13th. One day: only. ORDER FROM US.—Naw is the time to consider your reading matter fcr 1915. No cutter what pape.rs or nae :c tie;. you require Canadian or roeeign—The Advocate .:an supply their .rt lower prises than you. :an get them HORSES WANTED—Levant c, Dum- b.: of Moil: lhorses in good :audit- :c;t William Jacobs, of Mona -al weeis here—from 5 years of age tar tthoae w3, or call on c and t e "ere to hundredsof eale< n a u G. J, DOW Exeter qqpeople 3 selling.=,honest goofs and tellthe peo- ple about them in a straight -forward manner you cannot avoid reaping a benefit. But bear in mind that no map. cart get out as good an advertis- menr . for your business as you can. You 'know all the little details of the goods ,you bought at a bargain and all that DIEtYAT THE S00.Frank K. Dart, sen of Mr. Thomas Dart, of London, formerly a resident and but- cher of Exeter, died at Sault. Ste. Marie on Wednesday of last week an 1 hes remains were taken to Lon- don for. interment, the funeral =eking plac, Suinday afternoon, his five bro- ther's_. Charles, Fred, Sidney, John and James end,.Mr. Ed. Irwin acting as pallbearers. .9,u Exeter young lady a few days ago received. the following letter from Sergeant John Mills, B. Company 4th Batt. 1 Bdge. Canadian Forces, Bustard Camp, Salisbury, England she having written her name on a piece of neper and attached it to a woollen muffler she had made: Dear friend,—Just a few tines to thank you Ica- the grey* woollen :nuf- Eies• I was the first to get it so 1 claimed it. 1 saw yawl' name :rnd the wee poem on it. It said something about the English duffer in the .oem so. I am -the English duffer, tor I tun English and have been in Canada since I was a lad, and that is ;boat 70. years. I event 'out with .he First Contingent of Canadians to go to the front , and we landed. at . Salisbury Plains last October. We are .lander canvas, tents and lying; on the ground, This is not very nice for the winters itt "England are very wet and raw— not like our Canadian winters, cold aaz4,•iiry''We suffer badly on account of` the 'conditions of living in cant, mind,the camp is tramps ed into, mud We have to wear as much Clauses as you'would in Canada, but we do, not worry,' neither are we down -hearted. There was one battal- ion of Canadians went to the front lust betare Christmas, and we expect to go ,soon. We get <a lot of socks, mufflers, ,etc., from the good people. af-Exeter, and I being Sergeant of a section-° had to share them amongst my men. I join` with my secretary in expressing, hearty; thanks to the good pepole of Exeter for the many things sen!' far our comforts and welfare. T Will take care of the muffler sent arid it ` well keep my head and neck warmmany a night in camp or trench SO good bye, with many thanks, • J. Mills.. Persons in need of platework in P.S I am keeping the few verses the near future will kindly call soon; r go- gff the ixvuEfler about 'the Am - as after a"few months, only oevery tecau grl Are -you, an;American?. limited amount of platework will be if eb, good lurdk to you, and''rhlanye accepted, DR. ROULSTO.N ;'Yh nk rir LOCAL DOINGS, 1 asc lc•tt adc lc Mrs S, Sanders, Main Street, is con- fine i to her room through tuners. Mx. Alf Walters is slowly improv-' ine, after being confided; to the house owing to severe stomach trouble. MISS J. J. ALLAN, Eye Sight Specialist, will be at the Central Ho- tel on Saturday, February 13th, One day only The seal estate of the late 'wars. Ann Snell was sold by auction on Saturday to Mr A. E. Andrews of Exeter, the price being $2400. Owing tee the storm. last week Judge Holt was unable to reach Exeter, con- sequentiv the Division Court sittings was aaijou, ned to- February 16th, eft and Mrs. John M. Miller of Hib- bert announce the engagement of their daughter, Anna Mildred, to. Mr, John Ballantyne the wedding to take place thi= month Harry Pierce, a Mitchell hockey boy died ten minutes after finishing a gamethe other night. He had been troubled with heart weakness, and it cause, his death. Although no official conirmation be received it is understood that Hon W. J. Hanna is considering a propos- 1 to place the Ontario liquor license y;steer under a commission. The W. M. S. of James Street are giving a banquet to the men of the congregation on the evening cif the 16th .Rev. Dr. Endicott, Secre- Garr of Ford= ,Mission. is ,o be the. st:esker at the evening. When your merchant advices you to lay in a store of this or that, with a. going that the Price is to be raises with a war tax, be a than, nay the present price on what you, need and pax the war tax when it comes. .Messrs. 1-1. J. White. W. J. Heiman, Iv W. Tamen and G. E. Anderson got in the money in London bonspiel. last week securing third prize in the third event which was won by them last year. Chas. 1MeDonell's rink of Hensalt won the third event this year 01.1 friends may be the best friends but they are not always treated as such, as f's instance, t'other .lay we saw a motor car liths its chest band- aged uv in a fur robe, evhile an old bay marc stood near by shivering, wrapper, only in meditation of her waning glory. Front a letter received from Hon. Hector Prudhorme, Montreal, honor are treasurer of the Belgian Relief Committee, byHelen. M. Merrill of Toronto cousin of the Misses Merr- ill of Exeter, it is clearly shown that all relief sent from Canada reaches its destination safely. The German casualty list :howl a loss ;of 2,250,000 men to :late. .M - leering 30 inches as the approximate width of each body it would :oke a train travelling at the rate of 60 miles an hour 171,i hours to lass them, if they Were laid side by side; or in other words they would cover a distance of 1065?e miles. If you had an opportunity of ad- dressinte 4, 000 people in a hall with the privilege of delivering an ad- dress on your business and the wares vote • sell you would be apt to make the address as interesting as possible eo that your bearers would listen and you wouldprofit by it. It is just the same with an advertisement. You have the .privilege of talking each week 1A1 LYNN. --That old and ever reptile: drama East Lynn, which is L n ; era:. en by the Moving Picture Seewe ani which is causing endless s •v e:able +comment, will be displayed r, the Dome Theatre, Exeter, on Feb 17th and 18th. Don't mass the movies on these dates. The Man an t .., Box— will be produced on Feb. ?f:e aid 25th. Ther is also a special eel highly interesting production. Do ria: miss it, PERRY F. DOUPE :::eased Auctioneer. Live Stock Selz; a Specialty. Terms moderate. Osiers left at The Advocate Office promotly attended to. Phone i16 I.:rk_on Address, Kirkton P. 0. TIMBER WANTED.—We will pay highest cash price far first-class Here Maple and Basswood ?ogs, itt i t lengths to our order. Anyone hav- ing Tags to offer will kindly :all and get prices and specifications. R Gillies & Son, Phone 95, Exeter.. WE I CE WYANDOTTS FOR SALE —A few . White Wyandott Cockrels foe : t".e- price right. George Toques, tVinciteL. ea Ont. NEW FLOUR & FEED STORE. - 1 desire to announce that I have op- ener'. a Flour and Feed Store in F. Wood's Old Stand, opposite Post Office and will eel), a full supply of the best' grades df flours and seeds. solicit your patronage. SIDNEY DAVIS FREE TO FARMERS—Do you groe corn?" If so you will want to find out how to increase your yield =a.tpresent an important national. subject. We grow our seedl,ou the black silt loam and blue clay of .Rent County Endorsed by Tlie Ontario Corn Growers' Association. Samples • ready Send for Free Book, `How to Grow Seed Corn" sent to you cheer- furlly on request. Pioneer Corn Grow, ers Chatham, Ontario, Dent County P,0 ,Bax 107. $5 weekly for few hovers work in 'your home ;locality showing grocetty+ sarnple•e' to your' friends and neigh hors: Men wanted everywhere. Sam files free.—The Co-operative Union}. Windsor, Ontario, Notice, re Dentistry Mr N, D. Huxdon is indisposed, be- ing confined to his bed with a severe cold. The Exeter, I:irkton and St. Marys Telephone Co; has declared ars 8 per cent dividend. Russel Smith, baggageman G. T. R, here has been off ' dtuty for several days. owing to irhtees• Jno Swartz of the British Exchange Hotel,. Goderieh has been fined $100 and costs for selling liquor. TIte rooms over Willis Poweil's and W. S. Cole's steres are being 'on - veiled into Masonic Lodge rooms. Mr L. Day lost one of his ?gorses by death on Monday last, and another is very ill and not expected "to re- cover. Reeve W. R. Elliott of Stephen, who underwent a critical operation a couple weeks ago, is doing nicely end if he continues to; improve as rapidly as in the past will be able to return home shortly. One hundred years ago the 17th of February was signed the Treaty of Ghent snaking peace between Canada and the United States. The occasion- wile be celebrated by special peace service in the Trivitt Mernorial church on Sunday evening, in .other church- es also eeProtriate reference will be mads- to this matter. Mrs Floyd by several rears the oldes: resident of Exeter, is remark- ably smart considering her great•tge She is nearly 93 years of age and she sews and does needle work nearly as well as ever she did. On Mon- day last she wrote a four .paged et - ter that was legible and intelligible, ane which would do credit to any- one much her junior: Rev D W. Collins returned last week from London, where he tied been undergoing military training for some weeks, Although he had .'om- pleted the course and secured 'he standinc,, required, he was obliged to, abandon the project of going to war owing' to his failure to pass the nec- essary physical examination. His ap- ppEcat r as Chaplain has been accept- ed h will probably go :with the Third contingent as .such. At a special meeting of the School Board held on Friday evening the committee which waited on the Coun- ei' reported the members of the Counci personally favorable to the Proaosed changes in the school build- inht and requested that a public meet- ing be called, and if such meeting was favorable the council would pass the necessary by-law without submitting it to the people for a vote. The board then decided to call a public meeting for Monday evening, Feb, 15. See ;notice in another column. The postponed annual meeting of the Huron Orangemen took place itt Exeter Tuesday, when a large number were ,present, It was decided to hold. the 12th of July celebration this year in Lucan. The following are he new- ly elected officers :—County Master, Walter Hodgins, Lucan; Deputy, Geo. Vanderburg, Seaforth; Chap., J. P. Sheppard Wingham; Tin. Sec'y, R, Cantelan Clinton; Rec. See'y, T. Cantelon Bayfield; Treas., J. Simpson Seaforth; Lecturers, J. P. Armitage, Lacer., Robert Murray, Clinton. HOCKEY.—Exeter boys went down to Parkhill on Monday night ind re ceives a trimming, 12-4, in a first- class game. The Exeter players were Torrance Acheson, Southcott, Riv- ers. Southcott, Pickard, Pickard, They brine home the report that the play- ers of Parkhill team were not responsi- hie for the vicious write-up of tate game here which appeared in the Parkhill Gazette of two week's ago. The Exeter hockey team went to Clintot, last Wednesday and met de- feat by a score of 10-2. Crediton and Exeter junior hockey teams played a fast game Tuesday night on the local rink, resulting 7•-3 in lava/ of Exeter. EXETER PATRIOTIC FUND Prevtouslly acknowledged \Irs is Sanders Mr. GJadman )Tis*. Vosper" Mis; 1 Armstrong - Mr rmstrongMr. T Sweet Little Cannuks Room Dr. Rsowning Mr. 3. Grigg Ma L Day., Jr., Mr . C Hooper Receipts from T. R., Receipts frc'm T. R. 514431.69 L00 J .00 1.00 1.00 V. 1.25 1.00 1.00 6.00 1.00 Jan. 30th, 6.57 Feb. 6th, 3.15 1478.66 Mrs. E. Treble visited in London last weep efr, John Crooks spent part of last week with friends here. Miss MacArthur of London is the. guest of Miss Dottie Dixon. Miss Graham of Goderich is visit- ing her_sister, Mrs. Lindenfeld. Mrs Hawkshaw and Mrs. Thos. New- ell spent yesterday in London. Mi. and Mrs.Wm. Dignan of Lucan spent Sunday' with relatives here. Mrs Inwood and daughter' of Lon- don are visiting Mrs. S. Sanders. Mr: Nelson Prior of Portage la Prairie visited his mother ` here last week Oscar Anderson left on Tueaday £or Harrison were he has taken a .sit- uation. ` Private Fred. N. Mallet of the 3rd contgentr ata Londonhere,, spent Sunday at his home here Mir and Mrs. A. E. Pym have . e Miss Lily May, who has been vis - tanned to their home in Carley -4e, in, v Mr. afteand Mrs. ,sit A. E. Buswell and. danightea• returned last week to their hone int Flaxcoanbe,; Sask. itine Ma- and Mrs. Fred May for a week, returns; to her home in " Mitchell to-dMarr.ay Mrs. E. H. Virooman of Coptetowrf spent a few clays last week visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo; E. Anders on Messi-3 S. 'Al and D. B. Sanders, left Sattrday ev=ening for New York City where they will attend the, Canners' convention. Mr Arthur Beall M. A. '-f the Department of Education Toronto witt address the larger boys in the Exeter School, on. Wednesday, Feb; 17 at 10,30 a, m. end 2.30 p.m., on per- sonal Parity .and. Sex Hygi ne. Mr, Reals is a s»eeialist of 13 years on+ this subject end ala expert in address- ing boys. Auction Sale 45 CHOICE DURHAM CATTLE The undersigned auctioneer will sell by Public Auction at MOFFATT'S HOTEL CENTRALIA On SATURDAY, FEB. 3rd, 1915 at one o'clock the fallowing property —15 Cows and Heifers in calf; 2 Cows due time of sale; 22 Heifers rising 2 years old; 8 .steers rising 2 years old. Terms -7 months credit will be giv- en on furnishing approved .joint notes with 5 per cent interest. G. NICHOLSON ELI, LAWSON, F. TAYLOR, Aunt. Props. Auction Sale O1= FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS on Lot 16, Con. 10, Ushorn.e, on THURSDAY FEWY 23th, 1915, at one +o'clock sham the following,,-• Horses --1 horse 9 -yr -old, sett;. =- pose; 1 horse 7 -yr, gen. purpose; 1 driving marc 7 -yr., quiet and reliable 1 filly rising one-year old; 1 gelding, rising one year. Cattle -4 fat steers, cash; one cow due t u4 time of sale; 1 Holsten r terfer, due March 3rd; 1. Jersey cow, due on .larch 12. 1 cow, dale :tzar. 14; 1 ;;otv due Mar. 17; I cow due May 12; I renewed cow; 1 farrow cow; 2 steers risint 2 years old; 1 heifer rising 2 -yr old.. 11 calves. Flogs -1 sow with litter at foot; 1 sow ,due tofarrow Mar,20; 21shoats. Implements—Massey'.-Harris binder, 6 ft 'cut, nearly new; mower, 5ft-cut; 10 ft rake; cultivator; 12 -hoe seeder; manure spreader nearly stew; *oiler; disc. Z set harrows; scuffl er; two walking plows; twin plow Maple Leaf 1. gang plow; new Cockshutt riding plow;; hayrack, gravelbox; pig rack; stone boat; trunk wagon; top buggy nearly new; cutter •; ladder;; a number of 14 -ft white ash gates; quantity of basswood lumber; hay fork, Clinton famine mill; pulper; number of pul- leys forks .hoes, shovels, cow chains crow bars whiffletrees, neckyokes, chain; brain bags, wheelbarrow. A quantity of marigolds, timothy seed and mixed bay. Harness—set double breaching•ttar- nes$ nearly new; set back -band har- ness; set plough harness; set single harness; number collars, sweat pads, blankets and robes. Daisy churn; DeLaval create separ- ator. • Fowl -3 turkeys hens; 42 hens and 50 young pullets. Terms --Sums of $5, and under, cash oyez that amount 9 months' credit on furnishing approved joint notes, or a discount of 4 perrash cent off for on credit amounts. Positively no reserve as the prop- rietor has sold his farm. Thos. Cameron 'Wm. Hodgert, Auctioneer Proprietor. Exeter North Gelieral Store For Real Home- made German Sausage PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE ` BUTTER, EGGS, DRIED APPLES DRESSED POULTRY AT MARKET PRICES H. Bierling MERCHANT, HAY P.O. R. N. Rowe Furniture Dealer and Undertaker • Phone 20a. Exeter Ontario Tea & Coffee Store For thechoicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line. Call and see us. A trial as to quality will convin co. Produce taken in exchange ou d Opposite Electric light Plant Raving taken the district dealer, ship for the Ford Automobiles. I beg to. announce that a shipment of cars will be here in a, few day. Gail in and see them. Milo Snell Wes. Snell Dealer Assist. Salesman February Sale TWO WEEKS MORE TO SECURE Unheard of Bargains OUR BIG STOCK OF GRANJTEWARE CHINA, STATIONERY, NQTIONs ETC., IS ON SALE, THE STOCK MUST BE SOLD. WATCH OUR WINDOWS, AND INSPECT THE STQCK INSIDE A BIG SLASH IN HAND -PAINTED CHINA SUITABLE F OR WEDDING AND BIRTH -DAY GIFTS. Saturday Only 2 Cans :Talcum 25e, 2 stringwhisJ ; $c. Papetries 2 for 25c. Valentines and cat'ds le, each, COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. THEN TELL YOUR FRIENDS, TIPPERARY EDISON RECORDS FOR SALE, Powell's Bazaar Big Variety Store JONES & MAY PRONE NO. 82 The New Goods Our new spring goods are here for the early shop- per. Buy early and have your new cloths made up for spring. Everything bought at the old prices. New Dress Goods New Wash Goods In black, blue, brown, green, fancy plaids and checks. A11 the newest Fashions shown Crepes Will be real good for the coming season. We have them in all colors. Plain Fancy and Em- briodered 15c ydup to 75 A big assotment of new Prints, Ginghams Ohambrays, GalatiaS, Ducks, and Drills. Ratines Another popular Fab- ric and a good wearer. All colors to choose from. For 25c. to 75c, yd. Big Reduction In Clothing Men's overcoats at $7,50, $10 and $12 " $18 to '$22 suits only one of a kind for $13 $15 suits, a big assortment for $10. Also big assortment of boys: school suits. NEW WALL PAPER All the New Designs and colors are here. From 5c, to 25c. per roll. Don't fail to see our new Wall Paper Alt -WINTER 000 D1 TO G0 All Furs at 25 per cent off regular price Ladies furcollarcoats for $11 $25" 77 $15 Ladie 'Coat for Ladies'Coats or $5 Chldrzns Chats for $2 & 3 JONES & MAY Headquarters for. the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing