Exeter Advocate, 1915-2-11, Page 725 00 FOR in German; heneo the famous their children taught the catechism "children's strike" in the diocese of I_IIT131 Poen the followng tiheal: And by a law passed in 1003 the use of Po- lish was interdicted at all meetings • CAN JOU WRITE ON. E? Thirteen Prizes to be Awarded in a Letter Writing Competition Some years ago the Dr. `William Medicine Co., of Brockville, Ont., offered a series of prizes to resi- dents of the Province of Ontario for the best letters describing cures wrought by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People._ Hun- dreds of letters were submitted in this competition and yet there must have been thousands of other users of the. pills who did not . avail them- selves of the eppartunity to win a prize, To all these another letter writing- competition is offered. Thousands of cures through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have never been reported. These vti�l furnish the material for the letters to be written in this contest. There is no demand upon the imagination; every letter must deal with facts and facts code-, The Prizes. The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., of Brockville, Ont., ►till award a prize of $25.00 for the best letter received on or before the 1st clay of March, 1915, from residents of On- tario, on the subject, "Why I Re- commend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." A prize of $10.00 will be awarded for the second best letter received; a prize of $5.00 for the third best letter, and ten prizes of �$2.O0 each for the next best ten letters. The Vondltions, The eure or benefit from the use of lir. Williams' Pink Pills des - flitted in the letter may he in the writer's own case, or one that has come under. his or her personal ob- servation. More titan one.eure may be des- cribed the e but every 1 et r cribed in i r letter, statement must be literally and ab- solutely true. livery letter must be signed by the full name and: carved address of the person sending it. If it des- eribes the cure of Fame person other than the writer of the letter, it must also be signed by the person whose euro is described as a guar- antee of the truth of the statements made. The writer of cavil letter must state the name and date of the pa- per in which he or she saw this art. nuuueement. Fine writing will not win the prize unless you have u geed case to des- cribe. The strength Of the remora- mendation and not the style of the letter will be the basis <,f the award. It is understood that The I)r. Williams' Medicine Co. shall have the right to publish any letter en- tered in this contest if they desire to do so whether it wins a prize or not. '11he contest will close •on. Mardi ist, 1915, and the prizes will, be awarded as seen as possible there- after. Do not delay. If you know of a cure write your letter NOW, Observe the above conditions care- fully or your,letter may be thrown out. Address all letters as follows: The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Letter Contest Department. .I. NATIONAL SPIRIT IN POLAND. People hope for More Liberal'. Treatment as Result of War. ' The movement for a larger Po- land takes new strength from the formation of a national council at .Warsaw,' and from the stirring manifesto just issued in its name by the Polish leaders, Count Pyg- munt Wielpolski at their head. The Poles are now in the full tide of war, and with the exception of.some of their brethren in Galicia, have unreservedly thrown in their lot with the Allies. As .a race they be- long to conflicting jurisdictions. There '' are .'4,000,000 in Prussia alone, west and east ; Austria also has her share. Geographically complex, the pro- blem of "unifying" Poland is also politically difficult, ,for at this 'mo- ment its solution waits OD' the out- come of the war and the goodwill of Russia. Thee its people. are, 'already unified by suffering in common is plainly the conviction of the na- tional council. In two territories they have felt'the heavy hand of the oppressor. Of course, it is the Rus Sian tyrant of 'whom we have heard most. His ruthless suppressions of insurrection are still served up in our. historical textbooks, .and the. story of his attempts to extinguish the language and national seirit of Poland, form a part of every liberal education. But the German tyrant has -also been at work. In 1885 40,000 Poles ,were expelled from Posen because they had not ibecome. Prussian citi- ;subjects, as 'a preliminary to meas- ures for colonizing Polish 'districts with Germansettlers. In. 1873 the Polish language was excluded :from the elementary, and later from the secondary schools of Prussia. In 1905 a:decree"'forbade religious in- struction in Polish, and the, Poles were 'eonlspelle4 to pay for having in districts where the Poles formed lessslYtt per cent nt ofthe popu- lation. - lation. --, It is to 1 f th future It Alt Started • Front a Bad Co14 WATFORD)' M.1N FOUND RELIEF IN DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. guars for against such procedures as these! that the national council appeals to' the "undivided spirit" of Poland and l.ioks forward to a "radiant morrow of reunion for our nation." The Poles need elbow roomilin two directions. Should their aspira- tions be realized it will be possible for the patri'>ts to erect their long projected monument to Kosxinszko in Warsaw and forever ini;ossible for their -children to be brutally flogged for refusing to nee German in Posen. UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO. 3Iany: Professors and Students have Enlisted for the W'ar, Though the military organiza- tions of the Canadian Colleges were in a much more rudimentary condi- tion than those of the .British Uni- versities, a large contribution has already been made to the Arany for the present war from their gradu- ates and undergraduates. The following is an account of what has been dune by the Univer- sity of Toronto: According to our most recent in- formation there are, besides the members of the staff, 104 graduates and Si6 undergraduates, and of these 137 are uftieers and t13 privates. The chief electrieiau and several of the laboratory assistants are also on service, and their places are being kept for them. Professor de Cham and Messrs. lialbaud and Billet f the Department of French in t'ni- versity College have been serving with the )•renvit army since the be- ginning of the war. At present our information is quite incomplete, but we have the name+.,f 53 graduates and (13 under- fira<luatcs who have been accepted for the second contingent. On Friday,. January 2dnd, 1,500 students with their ultleert were reviewed by His Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught. He a<ldres4ed them in part• as follows; ,.I wish to %press to you m very great satis- faction with the splendid turn out you have given are this evening. When I looked at you and saw how you stood to attention and the ad- mirable way in which you marched past, I saw that your cork Since you wete formed, a very few months ago, has been performed with a will, and I can honestly says that I have never ween better results than you have shown me to -day, 'What pleases me still more is the splendid example you young gentlemen are showing to the whole of Canada. You have come forward at a mo- ment alien every man that is able to do anything to help the Empire in a time of stress is needed, and you have done so readily and in a most efficient manner. As an old soldier and as Governor-Ueneal of Canada, I wish to say that no par- ade that I have seen—and I have seen many lately ---has given me more satisfaction than your parade this evening." At the salve time the women stu- dents of the University have shown their determination to be of service by occupying the lhours from foul'. to six in the afternoon, when there is no instruction given in the Uni- versity, with sewing and other work for the Red ross Society. SENSE ABOUT FOOD. Facts Worth Knowing. It is a serious question some- times to know just what to eat uihren a person's stomach is out of order and most foods cause trouble. Grape -Nuts food can be taken at any time with the certainty tliat it will digest. Actual experience of people is valuable to anyone inter- ested. A woman writes: "I had suffered with indigestion for about four years, ever since an attach of ty- phoid fever, and at times could eat nothing but the very lightest food, and then suffer so with my stomach I would wish I never had to eat anything. "I was urged to try Grape -Nuts, and since using it I do not have to starve myself any more, but I can eat it at any time and feel nour- ished and satisfied, dyspepsia is a tilting of the past, and I am now strong and well. "My husband also had an experi- ence with .Grape -Nuts. He was put under the doctor's care, but medi- cine did not seem to do him any goad until he begap leave off ordinary foods and use Grape Nuts. ' It was surprising to see the &lenge in him. He grew better right off, and naturally he has none but words of praise for Grape -Nuts. "Our boy thinks he cannot eat a meal without Grape -Nuts, and he learns so ,fast at school that his teacher comments, on it. I am satis- fied that it is because of the great nourishing elements in Grape - Nuts." This mother is right. Grape Nuts food is a certain and remark- able rebuilder of body, nerves and brain. "There's a Reason." Ever read the above letter? A new one appears from time to time. They are genuine, true, and full of human interest. Mr. ltobt. Taylor, Sr., After Sutter- • ing for Two Years, Tells at the Benefits Ile Got Fro'n Dodd's Kidney Pills. Watford, Ont., Feb. 8th (Special). —Mr. Cobert Tay!,>r, Sr., a. very estimable man .living here, is telling his friends that the pain in his back, from which he suffered for• some time, has disappeared, and that he gives all the credit to Dodd's Kidney Pills. "My trouble started•eith a chid," Mr. Taylor states, "and though I was treated by a doctor I get no permanent relief. I had cramps in my muscles and stiffness in my joints, my sleep, was broken and unrefreshing and I perspired freely with the least exertion. I had at - teaks of rheumatism and sciatica, and though I tried many medicines I found no relief till I tried Dodd's Kidney Pills- 1 must say they were a great benefit to me." Mr. Taylor's ,troubles came from hie kidneys. The diseased kidneys failed to .strain the Marie acid out of the blued and the results were as he has stated. Dudd's Kidney Pills put the kiclrteys in we,rking order, the uric acid was strained out <if the blood, and the troubles went with • TBE BRITISH NAVY. Saving Nation an Enormous Amount of Money. In the course of an article on "No Naval Battle—Why i" which ap- pears in the Fortnightly Review, Mr. Archibald Hurd says that the Gentian fleet, which, daring the past fifteen years cost .4:W5,000,000to maintain, has completely failed to fulfill any single one of the hopes on which it was based. Declaringrl that the British people would do well to be duly grateful for the blessings which have been theirs owing to naval predominance during the past three months, Mr. Hurd says that in the absence of complete command of the sea, the British people would have had to face the following weekly bill: Increase in the -cost of food by 50 per cent., raising the outlay per head of the population from as. to 22s. a week, £9,000,000. Decline in wages bill, about £2,- 000,000. Increase in cost of other necessi- ties and luxuries, £t1,000,000. Loss of shipping, •1'1,000,000. Decline in national income from investments, £8,000,000. Total loss per week, £16,000,000. We thus reach the conclusion, adds Mr. Hurd, that during the past four months of war the navy has been paying dividends to the nation at the rate of £16,000,000 per week, without taking into account the fact that it has spared us moral and in- tellectual damages which are in- calculable. Battle or no battle iu the North Sea, the people of the United Kingdom, not to mention the peoples of the far-flung Domin- ions, have reason for satisfaction that during the years which pre- ceded war they turned a deaf ear to those who urged that the expen- diture on the fleet should be re- duced. WORLD'S BIGGEST THINGS. The greatest bank is the Bank of England. The largest monolith is in Egypt —106 feet high. The highest chimney is in Glas- gow, Scotland, and is 474 feet.. The strongest electric light is at the Sydney lighthouse, Australia. The deepest coal mine is near Lambert, Belgium, and is 3,500 feet deep. The largest library is the Nation- al, in - Paris, which contains 3,000,- 000 books. The tallest monument is in Wash- ington, District, of ,Colu!mibia. It is '5:50 feet high. The oldest college is University •College, Oxford. It was establish- ed in the year 1050. The largest bronze statue is that of Peter the Great in Petrograd, Russia. It weighs about 1,100 tons,• The largest college is in ,Cairo, Africa. It has on its register each year over 10,000 students and 310 teachers. In their •eagerness to get to the top some people :are apt to go'up in the air. ED. 5. THE ?see SIT .. w- =aThis-must be en awfully tirrso n:e IC1J " 'i5. world ace the man. who knows It I Nova Scotia Calc Of SHORT Sor,I1II l , 30,000 ;tiled Lost to Britain Because Interest to MI Women i of the nigh Standard. i —' Halifax Sends Out a Message of Hetp' thinks The thBritisat theh present dical standarJoudrnofa•ll to Many People. 'height in the flritish Army is tuff Halifax, N.S., Dec, 15 ---When Inter -1 high, and estimates that in the last ; few weeks more than thirty thous - quite at her home at 194 Argyle St.,! anti e;.ee!}ant soldiers have been Mrs. Haeerstock was quite willing to talk of her peculiarly unfortunate case.' Inst to the nation because of it. In "I WOS always `blue' and depressed.' war time, short men are in many felt weak, languid and utterly unfit resr:eets more desirable than their for any work. Aly stomach was sot bigger brothers. They occupy less disordered that 1 had no appetite, 1 room in transpsrt, they find cover. What I did eat disagreed. 1 suffered more easily, and they ,;fifer a small - greatly from dizziness and sick dead- her mark to bullets and shrapnel. ache and feared a nervous breakdown. ; They are better sheltered in [Upon my druggist's recommendation 1 used Dr. Hamilton's Pills. trenehes and do not have to dig "I felt better at once, l seiy day 1 them so deep to protect themselves. Improved. In six weeks 1 was a well J As the Journal says, "It takes less woman, cured completely after differ ' khaki t clothe t1 --n l 1 , 'tl u an le ea t- eat physicians had failed to help rue.: er to beet them. The army blanket It is fcr this reason that I strongly; covers them more ai..1.. and they flavoured--- llighly =teen- toted. BITS WRY WORRY 1 Choose your variety and ask your grocer for "Clark's". urge su�exers with stcmacli her diger amp'iv, FOR SALE. ve trou es to use Dr. Hamalto l s Pili:" to keep up their b�;d ; ]leaf and main-- Dr. Hamilton'ai Pills strengthen they tain their marching energy. Those stomach, improve digestion, strengt4-r who stand the rigors orf Bold elira- etl the nerves and restore debilitated ates beet are not aiways big men, systems s to health. By {cleansing theand the sailer, like t?ie i1'ind-s:rept E Waging the system to a high point of vigor. they effectually chase away t, , , "t1 arnith and easy conditiuris of life H. W. DAWSON, ninety Colborne Street, Toronto. 7F leis WANT TO "IVY OB tl1 & 4 -i 3 Fruit, Stock, Ora'.n or Dairy Ver' write 1i, i�. Dawson. Brampton. or Y4 Col' borne St.. T rooto. H. W. DAW . Colborne St., Toronto. NURSERY STOCK. weariness, depression and disease. rather tend t., the Bevel pment tit , +TRA,tyRr.iUU1:S, B;-LtSP5EPI'.IL5. 3x0• Good for young or old, for men, for: tall men. The cava}r 'earl and ar- TtTOk',S. Caul sue Free. nlet-.,ne .l women, for children. iUl dealers sell tiller,man need tit be h and ce Dr. llanmiiton's Pills of Alandrahe end nos erful, but .,as to thoc� alto b tr- rew in the trenches, h'nv can it matter whether they are four feet Butternut. What I Know. and nine inehes s;'r five feet and six ' .1 know that this d Will never inches! We are not out fora show; Sun. Port Burwell. Qat.. MALE HELP WA f Eek:\ 11a1:131:11, T1,.1,D1: ALWAYS x t sure. employment at eiou sages. tem SSek'.is,� ' ein:atd -J complete Fours. write or full vert cma s and neta,ogut to•tiay. T Icier Barber College. 214 Qum: Lawn. ., i,; Toronto. and a r•l 1 � •' e: • ! a , <le. lift to n rn a «ai f .mea a;in. T eref , e n i make P Ctl 11 i 1 3 1 { g > i ay wl 1t .1' r it the lest da} in which I have evera sieges and attrition.'' �vv happiness lived. 1 ]trier ,• that happltle 5 iti a ...-.-. '1,4.... .. h within,always slid that aS Stiutl aS ill' i 1tn t ;t1tlseii1ar Strains nthhd 1 gntu n t ing and that is in i ah ! S�i'e1Jiu fi�*ti the world and very near .o me. 1 ` Reduced know I have but to search for it, I t out I have it. Also, I know that as coon as I get happiness and be- i Suce Tr elesc N lSCEL.t.ANEOUS. (t A"10ER. TUMORS. LUMPS.. ETC.. VV Iater:AM and.External, cured wait, oat nein by our tome treatment. Writ.ne before tae Sato I' r. 13eiltuaan 11,.tieL Co. Limited. Collingwood. Opt. Ur°eer Fsl {t\+'s is TCii«ts�:TO Y for F. air•. wale store and altsellini;. well '- t..blistu t. good location. it,dng good buOtness ttitttah can h,- large - e• aril gin to give it away: it comes back ^ ow Quickly Rubbed • �aniinc•re,tsn�l. $3,1,01t baud! c,. O douhled--and more ---to me I know! Away by Powerful y this. I know that work is jai stimu- R Remedy. Iatliisv, e aanndd tmhaotvinitg.kee1 pks now ethawt otrhlde;StrIaf ineyodu ahnadvweaakny thmaut sacrleesfrteqhautenay pains; if you subject to rheumatic people who work .with love in their }ave any painful - swellings that re - hearts and interest in their brains fuse to go away -get busyr- are the real doers and beuefaietors saline. This is 1110 very sort of Iron- 1,' } blethatiia qtr c • y, have pa•ore \'erviint• that life is exactly what I make it, i linply a wonder in reducing' a hard, I know that other people and other' painful swelling. it followed an in - 1 p jury 1 received in my left leg and g forces can influence my life ;old caused me great pain and discomfort. work only as I follow it. 1 know The muscles were strained and sore, that 1 am. young if I live youth ; I and no other remedy gave the ease know that 1 am happy if I live hap- and comfort 1 got from rubbing on piness; 1 know that I am worth,\erviltne. There is a soothing, pain - while if I attempt and a•e.complish relieving power about Ner dine that worth -while things. I knew that touched the root of en -el trona►le. Ner•' valine reduced the slling, at destroy the greatest thing I can ever <i i is ed the pain, It brought ray limb back to Ila my best at all times and un- to perfect condition." The experience Welt - der every circumstance.. ,, Geo. of Mr. Bowen, whose Home is in Ma- to Adams. dlesex, is not unusual. Thousands are d• !proving every day that muscular pains 1 Ph}losopbette. S of every kind, chronic rheumatism, lumbago, neuralgia and sciatica will yield to Nerviline when nothing else can possibly cure. Nervilfne is an old-time family pain remedy, used nearly forty years with great success. The large family size bottle costs 5Oc... trial size :'5c. at all dealers. The 1lodcrn Way. He—Listen. My love for yen is a consuming fever. The blood rens through my veins.like Molten lava 1 from a seething volcano. ! She—Well just hold this therm,- meter in your mouth till I get your temperature, to prove it. cif mankind. I know that 1 can be h - crvl ne is noted for curing a doer and a benefactor. I know •• 4etitit why don't you marry Ed- win, Angelica 1" asked Mrs. Blin- ker. "Why.. mother," replied Angell - en, "I think it's much better to have a man on a string than merely anchored." Ie Are Hard Times Coming? Tes. for the man that wears tight boots, but his terns are relieved quickly by Putnam's Corn Extractor, No pain and certain Cure. That's Putnam's. Use no other, 2bc. at all dealers. He Didn't Forget It. "John, did you mail that letter I gave you two weeks ago?" "Yes, my dear, yesterday." Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. Done Properly. "How is it you were so long over your work to -day?" she asked. "Sure, ma'am," replied the ser- vant; "you were watching me most of the time." The Nova Scotia "Lumber Icing" says; I consider MINARD'S LINIMENT the boat LINIMENT in use. I got my foot badly lammed lately. I bathed it well with MINARA'S LINI- MENT and it was as well as ever next day. Yours very truly, • T. G. McMtJLLEN. A. woman should never spank her dhildren with aslipper unless she puts her sole into, it. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Eta Heard Enough. "Where is Tommy i" asked Mr. Jones on his return from business one evening. "Gone to bed," was the wife's reply. "I hope he's not illi" "No, I sent him to bed as a punishment for swearing." "Swear- ing? repeated Mr'. Jones.; "I'll teach ;him to swear." Without wait- ing far, a light the. •ingi'y father rushed upstairs to interview the culprit, only 'to fall over a i,; loose stair-rs:;d and -bump his chin. Ab once lie became exceedingly fluent, and when the air had clearer], he heard his wife call gently : "Better ; come clown, .dcar ; I'm sure Tommy has hseed enough for -his mist les- son. Minard's Liniment Cures target in Cows. Their Kind. "You can always trust a piano manufacturer." "Why so V' 3 "Because his products are both square and upright." TOUR OWN DRUGGIST WILL TELL YOU Try Murine Eye Remedy for Red, Weak, waters Eyes and Granulated Eyelids;• No Smarting*, just Eye Comfort. Write for Book of the Eye bymaii Pree. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. The only time some fellows look for an opening is when they carry a corkscrew with them. Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. The hardships of war—armored cruisers. Date Douglas Wiggin's closest possession, she says, is a letter: which she once received from the superintendent of a home for the feeble-minded. He spoke in glow- ing terms of the pleasure with which the "inmates" has read her little book, "Marm Lisa," and end- ed thus superbly : "In fact, mad- am, I think I may safelysay that you are. the favorite author of the feeble-minded;!" • REMEMBER! The ointment you put on your child's skin gets intothe system just as surely as food the child eats. Don't let :impure fats and minpral coloring matter (such its manly of the cheap ointments contain) get into your child's blood! Zorn Buk, is purely herbal.. No pois- onous coloring. 'Use it always. 50c. Box at Ail Druggists and Stores; , 1. alt)' t',.. 35 1-„r4-^ ht<, to^q•,irtt°. Iliebtiellentvoyieeaa ENGINE Ft SALE new Wheelock 18 x 42 -Automatic Valve complete opeintilag condition, flywheel. frame, telt, cylinders and all parts. Can be shown running at present time. Will sell at less than half cost price. S. FRANK WILSON & SONS 73 Adelaide St, West Toronto 1. rtABSOMBIBIMMESILMTIPTIEZ -THE Scientific Treatment OF BOiLER FEED WATERS ('omprises ltnclwledge of the water conditions, application of tiie correct reagents, careful supervision as to quantity and regulation of treatment. Such thorough, scientific handling of Boiler Water pro- positions, results in the preven- tion of scale. corrosion, pitting and foaming, and consequently a great saving of money. Individual analysis of water from your own boilers by our chemist will be made free of charge if you are interested in ridding your boilers of scale. DEARBORN CHEMICAL CO. OF CANADA,.LIMITED. Engineers. Chemists. Cenerat Offices and Works: 1220-1230 DUNDAS STREET, Toronto, Canada. What Is Yd;: u r Mirror's Story 'You can't have a beautiful complexion for the asking. se lin Trademark- COLD rademark COLD CREAM Made in Canada used regularly will rerniwe blem- ishes, and make the skin sinooth, clear anil sound. Vaseline Coid Cream contains no animal or vegetable fats. It is sterilized in the making and deli- cately perfumed. "Vaseline" preparations are for sale at all .Chemists andGeneralStores. AVOID SUESTITUTES. Insist on `"Vaseline'" in original pack- ages bearing the name, C1 ESE- J3ROUGH MANUFACTUR- ING CO., Consolidated. Illustrated booklet free on request CHESEBROUGH 'MFG CO. (ConeoIidated) 1880 CHA.BOT AVE, MONTREAL