HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1915-2-11, Page 5,
Dr. Q. Ir. BOIU•ASTOft,
Member et tete 1t.C.D.S, et Ontario and
Goner. Graduate of. Toronto University.
0"rttce-Over Dickson &Carlitire law
office. Closed Wednesday afternoons.
Honor eGradhaite of Toronto University
'recta extracted without pain, or an;
bad effects. Office over Gassman &
Stantnirfs Ofr'.ce, Mann Street, Exeter.'
Solhcttore, Notaries, Conveyancers, Com-
tressionere. Solicitors for the Moleon8
Bank, etc.
stoney to Loan at lowest ra,tee ,ot interest
Offices-Matn-S€., Exeter
I. R. Carling, B..A. L. H. Dickson
We have
fundi to loan
erties at
a large amount of private
on terra and vllai;e prop-
low rates; of interest.
Solicitors, Exeter.
THE sole
rnals over
a quarter
ion land in
in perso i
ency ot
triet, Entry
Sub -Agency)
and cultivation
three years.
within nine
a fawn of
ouired in
siderite is
In certain
good standing
section alongside
$3 per acre.
dende in
earnitt:r homestead
acres extra
patent play
A settler
ed homestead
Price $3 per
side 6 months
ltivatc 50
worth $300.
The area
to reduction.
by or stony
taut conditions.
Deputy of
this, advertisement
head of a family, or cry
18 years old, may homestead
-section of available Domin-
Manitoba, Saskatchewan or
The applicant must t,ppaar
at the Dominion Lands Ag-
Sub -Agency for the Dis--
may be mane at nny
Lands Agency (but not
on d:erta'tn conditions.
meths' residence upon
of the .land in each of
A homesteader °tray live
miles of his homestead cn
at least 80 acres, on certain
A habitable ,house is re-
every ease, except ;-ben ,le-
performed in the vicinity.
districts a homesteaderin
may pre-empt a quarter
his homestead. Price
Duties—Six months resi-
each of three rears after
patent; also 50
cultivation. Pre-emption
be obtained as soon as
patent, on certain condi-
who has exhausted his
eight may take a purchas-
in certain districts.
acre. Duties -Must re-
in each. of 3 years, cu-
c•res, anis erect a house
of cultivation is subject
hi case of rough, scrub-
land. Live stogie' may be
for cultivation under cer- ;
W. W. CORY, C.M.G. i
the Mlnlater of the Interior j
publicatfoe of +a
will not be paid for. 1
gulating Pill for Women. $5 a box or threelor • j
$10- Sold at all Ttrug Stores. or mailed to any ,
address on receipt f price... Tne SconELI, DRAG
Co., St. Catharines, Ontario. 1
vim said
matter" a Ton Nerveand
you increases
up. creases "grey,or �
two for $5, at drug stores, or by ail on receipt i
of price. The SCORELL DRAG Co., St. Catharines. '
/��{c e E
! i ♦ 1
Ontario's Best Practical Training (
School. We have thorough courses t
and experienced instructors in each t
of out- three departments-Commerc-
al Shoetha.nd and Telegraphy. Our z
graduates succeed artd you should 1
read our large, free catalogue. Write -
:or it at once. 1
D. A. McLachlan, Principal 1
in the
'results vial
of Graduat-
school. Cat-
arovelto you
ng from
tlogac free.
W J.
• 734.
>l �.
\ \
Ask your druggist
t. If'he cannot
Cher, but tend
:r e
at d book -sealed.
a tier
> r ]ars and
Ont., and the
the wisdom
this famous
Enter any
Yonge St„
�� is interested and should know
• about�rathe wonderful
•`�\ Marvel WhirlingSpray
for . • /or S,
accept no q �:
stamp for Illus- 1/
ed. It gives
directions invaluable II
CO. ,Windsor, Ont.
Agents for Canada,
r RA
0 u le.
_b .._,
the Way
'I;3,itnxdell�ed 'Train -Service
Highest .: 1a,stt. of Equipment.'.
rrrri+ I 0'klb.e AND` SUNNY'SOU` H
s Trains Choice of ai�fes.
R t
Low Fares now in Effect.
For full particulars consult G. T. R
Ticker Agents, or write
Dist, Pass; Agent, Toronto,
J. 1DORE,,';hxeter'
Pool" Blood
is the indirect cause of much
winter sickness—it allows chills,
invites colds and sickness,
Noueisluit;,er alone makes blood -
not drugs or liquors --and the nourish-
ing food lar Scott's Emulsion charges
s-larl!11rller blood with winter richness
and increases the red corpuscles.
Its Cod Liver Oil Warms
the body, fortifies the lungs,
and alleviates rheumatic
59th annual meeing .of the Us -
borne g' F'libbert Mutual Eire insur-
ance Co was held in. the Public Hall
Farquhar on Monday, Feb. a st with
a very large :n'umber of policy hold-
er. in attendance. The Vice-presi-
dent Robt Norrise occupied the chair
an.: iti very feeling' ,terms referred to
the death of our worthy :Ind 'highly
respected president Robert lardiner
show in. that the great loss 'vas ,tot
tit • company's alone, but the entire
Mr Norris in his address :hawed
the company to be still :)ro ressing
on a solid basis, there being a :narked
inc r:.'ase in number of new :isles, es
molls L of insurance and assets.
The • ties rotary -Treasurer's end :atdi
tor- rept'rts showed that there was
issue a during the year 677 eoii ie ,
:'tiering an ins airenee of $l,a15,105,
nnetnnn a total of 2310 policies, eov-
erne; an insurance of $5,25,1,11; x1.410
he close of the year. The ,ear's
b ises amounted to 56.174.05, �ehieh
ver,° al promptly pain, wlh.'n saris-
factory claims were estebiishe:i. There
s a cash balance in the Bank •�f c orn-
merce Exeter, of $16,703.24.
The two retiring directors, Phomas
Ryan and Wrn. Brock, were re-ele.et-
ed tot three years, and John Allison
was elected for one year to fill in
the terns cf .oitr late president, h1I be -
ng elected by acclamation. liessra.
John Kay enol J.S. Ballantyne were
elected. as auditors for 1915.
At the close of the annual meeting
the directors whet for re -organization
when Robert Norris was duly elect-
ed ,president and Thos. Ryan Vice -
resident. W. A. Turnbull was ,e-
apo nted See'y-Tress., of rhe 1:olp-
pany Jahn. Esscry Of Usborne and
Oliver Harris of Fttllarton are the
alIiss DolIie Carlin has returned£rortt
3eaforth, after spending a week with
elatives,—Miss Ellis has been laid off
For a few days through niness, and
er pupils are having holidays,—Two
narringes were quietly solemnized at
kha Presbyterian manse, Iti.ppen, on
Wednesday afternoon, Feb. 3rd, when
4iiss Grace Anderson, the only' daugh
er of Mr. Wm. Anderson of l(ippen
ecame the !wife of 111.r. E. L. -Drake
aE Hensall, and Miss Francis Gasche
Became the Csvife of Mr. Percy Clark
F. Hensall. After the ceremony the.
newly wedded pairs left far a short
Tidal trip. -The death occurred of
Vfts. Anna M. Marshall of 'London.
rhe remains were forwarded on Mon-
iay afternoon to. this village and the
unera; took place under the auspices
f the L O. F. Mrs. Marshall is sur -
rived by her husband and three broth
rs Wm. Edward Pfaff and 'Jahn Hen
y Pfaff of Hensall, and George Net -
oil Pfaff of London; also one sister,
Emma Elizabeth Pfaff of London. -
has McDonell's rink brought home
he Iran's of Toronto Trophy from
he London Bonspeil last week.
Thompson Murclock has been aw-
reled the contract to carry the mail
letween the post office and station.
-Geo. Brooks was called to Bad Axe,
vlichigan owing to the death of his
is a Barometer. When it hurts,
it means that the Kidneys need
help. Take Gin Pills -Canada's
own remedy for all Kidney and
Bladder Troubles. 50e. a box,
6 for $2.50. "Made in Canada".
Wehave a sound business 'apropos
itior for a reliable energetic ' sages-
matt far this district to sell fruit trees
ema1l fruits, flowering shrubs,etc. Pay
weekly outfit free, exclusive territory
sit frost •`s'li'd' ornamental stock index.
cultivation, We sell through our sal -
Oman direct to the consumer er '-
guarantee ;delivery .,.of fresh, highs'''
grad' trees. Our agencies are valu-
able by reason of the service we rive
an.' ' thc'• volume of business ` stone:
Established 35 years, `:Write'
P,S.—Handsome catalogue on re-
quest either to applicant or those
wishing hawsery stock.
Important Events Which Hav
OCCurred During the Week.
The Busy World's Happenings Car
fully Compiled sad Pat Into
Handy and Attractive Shape for
the Readers of Our Paper:. A.
Solid 'Flour's Enjoyment.
Til ° Italian, reservists living in
England have been warned. to pre-
pare to respond to a call to the colors.
The British cruiser Newcastle ar-
rived at Callao, Peru, yesterday and
Is taking on provisions, The vessel
remained only 24 hours in port,
The eldest son of Gen, von Kluk,
Who wale a naval lieutenant, is re-
ported to have fallen in an artillery
battle near Middlekerke on Jan. 26.
A committee bill giving the public
service committee authority to in-
crease railroad mileage rates was
passed by the New A'atnpshire Legis-
lature yesterday.
Thomas H. Stinson, of Lindsay, ac-
cording to a. Provincial Government
announcement last evening,: becomes
county crown attorney and clerk of
the peace for victoria County.
William H, Campbell, aged 76. for
thirty-five years chief of the Belle-
villa fire department, is dead, after a
brief illness. Ile bad lived m Belle-
ville for upwards of sixty years.
The province-ende blizzare: raged at
Broekville yesterday w'th great ser,
ority. Business v., e p>aetically era
pended, and at neon t n - sellool chil-
dren of the towit evere disc iseed t'.
the day.
Prof. St. 'Elate rte Champ of the
French departneent of the University
of Toronto, is in a hospital in a
French town, following an attack of
rheumatic fever. Previous to thein•:~
stricken he was with the Frt'nee
foree;a guarding a railway betweee
Lyons and Switzerlan'I.
rips ' : as ' 1'.
It is learned ie Loudon that ti"r•
Bank of England may advance S2a.
000,000 to Greec'e,
Otileial assurance le given that the
outbreak of spinal sneningttls among
the Canadians at Salisbury le now ant -
der complete control,
Princess Elizabeth of Roumania I-
to become the bride of Crowe Irina.
George of Greeeo. The marriage will
take place this spring.
The Ilritisb trawler Howard struck
a thine in the North Sea, it was an-
nounced yesterday, and is believed to
have gone down with her crew.
Aiming to prohibit .murders similar
to the Auerbach ease, Assemblyman
Ahearn introduced a bill yesterday in
the New York Legislature, making it
a felony to manufacture or sell Max-
im silencers.
At the entrance to Gothenberg
harbor. in :Sweden, yesterday a float-
ing mine exploded while a party or
men from a Swedish warship were
trying to destroy' it. Two were killed
and nine injured.
Nine men were burned to death
and six others were seriously injured
in a fire which early yesterday de-
stroyed the sleeping house of the Ti-
onesta Chemical Co. at Mayburg, For-
est County, Penna.
A news agency despatch from Pre-
toria states that Pieter Crobler, mem-
ber of the South African Union Par-
liament, and agrandson of Paul Kru-
ger, has been committed for trial on
a charge of treason.
Gen. Ernesto Asbert, former gover-
nor of Havana province, who last
Jane was sentenced to twelve years'
imprisonment for killing Gen. Arman-
do Riva, chief of the national police,
was last night released.
Nellraeka Thursday night was so had
late yesterday that the entire North -
4 .western Railroad system west of the
Missouri, river was tied up, and no.
3 etraiffortns, was being made to. operate
Capt. cbnel, head of the Cone -
mission of leot;rmenia . arm • officers
e. whieh was conducting a series of ex
{ 'i
Peril plelite at rile with bombs in -
ten eel
n-tendTeel for Vase olemanian army, was
killed by the explosion of one of them
The will of Marshal P. Wilder ells-.
poses of an estate of $267,000.
Geo. A. AYleawortb, 70, a rreeidieet
of Kington for 26 years, was found
dead in bed yesterday. He suffered a
Stroke of paralysis three years ago.
Complaints from Switzerland axe
reaching Paris to the effect that ear,
goes; of grain are often held up many
weeks before reaching their destina-
tion. -
- President Wileon received official
notification from, the German Govern-
nlen Saturday of its intention to
blockade all ports in the British
Isles and to destroy all neutral ship-
ping in British waters.
Het isunderstood that Premier
axst considering a provincial
proteotive measure to be operated lir
banes of depression. One of the fea-
tures would involve the collecting of
A eerta,iu -um front every new eomer
in; the province.
The medical faculty ot Queen
University bas arranged for the send-
ing of thirty dressers to serve in two
Dueness of Connaught Ilospitel at
Cliveden, Eng. Forty students bane
volunteered, 25 from the senior year
and 15 from the third year,
The Department of Agriculture,
Wasbington, has instructed inspec-
tors to close the cattle yards in Chi-
cago, Indianapolis, Louisville, Buf-
falo, Cineinnati, Jersey City, Pitts-
burg and Colutnbu.s owing to the dis-
covery of foot and mouth infection.
The Duke of Connaught will review
the troops at Winnipeg on Feb. 15.
111. Royal Ilighnees attended ao few-
er than three reviews of the troolis
at ValearUer before they left for the
front, and it is bis intention to see
every unit of future forces before
they ;o to Europe.
Ti , ..- :Y.
The big Allan Iiner Mongolian ar-
rived at St. John, Niid„ abortly after
midright Monday with a large hole
in. lier bow, caused by striking a rock
outside the harbor.
The assembling department, ono of
the Iargest at the Singer sewing ma-
chine works at Elizabeth, N.J., has
announced a return of all men on a
full time schedule.
In reply to an Interpellation in Par-
liament yesterday Admiralty Lord
Churchill stated that no court-martial
would be held in connection with the
sinking of the battleship Formidable,
The Russian ambassador at Rome
has given 'notification to the Italian
Government that the Austrian prison-
ers of Italian nationality whom Rus-
sia Is ready to deliver to Italy num-
ber 3,227.
Percy Scott, a young man, has ad-
mitted at Kenora that he murdered
Fred Lewis, a farmer, near Dryden.
Seeing Lewis working in the bush he
took deliberate aim and fired. He
then robbed his victim cf $15.
Urging the Government to furnish
seed grain to all deserving persons
and not only to those in limited areas
where the crops were affected, a dele-
gation from the Regina Board of
Trade waited on the Dominion Gov-
ernment yesterday.
Because he stole ten cents from a
12 -year-old boy, William•Ginter, 50,
was yesterday sentenced in a Roches-
ter, N.Y., pollee court to serve sixty
days in the penitentiary.
Mary Elizabeth Braddon, the Eng-
lish novelist, died yesterday at her
residence at Richmond -on -Thames,
Eng., after a fortnight's illness. She
was bornean London in 1837.
Russian aviators on Feb. 2 success-
fully dropped bombs on the mobilized
reserves and trains of the Germans
at Rawa, Zarzecze and Boguszyce,
about fifty miles southwest of War-
Prince August Wilhelm, fourth son
of Emperor William, is reported to be
recovering from a double splintered
fracture of the lower part of the thigh
and several broken bones in his left
Word has beea received of the
death at Montreal of John Ross,
railway contractor, formerly of To-
ronto. Mr. Ross was born in Mont-
rose, Scotland. He built several west-
ern sections of the C. P. R.
Count Bernstorff, German ambassa-
dor to the U. S., acting on instruc-
tions from his Government, suggested
yesterday that an American Consul
supervisethe distribution of food-
stuffs on the steamer Wilhelmina to
German civilians.
The Montreal Herald -Telegraph
hasjust received a postcard posted
In the city seven years ago.
Daniel A. Lamont, aged 56, a resi-
dent of Sparta for nearly' forty years,
died at the home of his son-in-law at
Delaware, Ont., yesterday.
Although ,hundreds of men have
been shoveling snow o,a the Pere Mar-
quette Railway and the London trac-
tion line for the past two days, traf-
fic is noten et opened.
P ed:
Sugar took a fifteen cent. jump up
Yesterday, The price per hundred
pounds now for granulated is $6.55.,
The advance. follows advances in.
both raw and refined, sugar in New
York. ; i
All o84cers,��++°°; and• me hers of the
Grew e2 the "f inese r iser. Asoma,
which went ashore off., Southern Cali,.
t'prtia„,ktavv°e .beBn'rescued, a celrtling.
°'tor°an' of8ola'1• n
a no lncement i o io
Thchhas Collins, 100 years and
three months old, died in Clandeboye,
Gat „ Thursday, night. He learned to
play the piano when 99 years of age,
and turned on the Hydro at Lucan:
three weeks ago.
A blizzard which struck northern.
British Government Asks Unnamed
Sum For War Purposes.
LONDON, Feb. 9. — For the first
time in two hundred years the Brit-
ish Government yesterday invited the
House of Commons to give it a blank
check for army purposes.
This is virtually the effect of the
new precedent set up by the intro-
duction of the army estimates with-
out details and without the aggre-
gates of the expenditures, and when
Parliament has voted the sum of 15,-
5;000 sterling under each of the fifteen
groups of expenditures it will have
voted supplies without limit for an
army of 3,000,000 men, to be ac-
counted for when the war is over.
H. J. Tennant, Parliamentary Sec-
retary of the War Office, paid a warm
tribute to the territorial troops,
whose value and efficiency, he declar-
ed, had been proved by recent events
to be unquestioned. The British de-
sign of aeroplane, the Secretary con-
tended, has been found superior to
that used by any other country. The
speaker said also that as a result of
the excellent sanitary services cases
of enteric fever were ram, and that
evidence was accumulating that in-
oculation ought to be made compul-
The naval
evening, asks
an additional
and men.
This would
sonnel for the
estimates, issued last
Parliament to vote for
force of 32,000 officers
bring up the total per -
present year to 250,000
Toronto Merchant ` and Wife Faced
With Wider Charges.
TORONTO, Fez. 9.—As the result
of speedy action before the grand
jury in the criminal assizes. yesterday,
Emil Nerlich faces a new charge of
conspiring with his wife, I3edwig Ner-
lich, to commit treasonable acts in
connection with the attempt to leave
Canada of Arthur Zirzow, a German
reservist. Nerlich 'himself, already
indicted on a straight charge of trees
on and admitted to,.bail, was rearrest-
ed "at once, and the: pollee also took
Mrs • Nerlich into -custody ate ger.;
home, 6 Dunbar,ro-',d
As :soonaas the flew ,inzdictment,
iwnhgirch.i ey _l,.Iarg the couple:,with
ivi.� information to a-ssslsisyss
th enemy and also,. by ,trading with•,.
til e '
cYY ixCy; 'i>ere.;eturhed, E. A. Du-
Vernet, K.C.; the crown prosecutor,
requested that bench warrants be is-
sued for both of those named, and:
the detectives acted on them at once,
, Chief Justice Mulock, before whom
the prisoners were arraigned, granted
them„bail in the . Suite. of $15.0,00 d .
is the canal of life but it becomes a
eewer if clogged up. All life consists of building uptearing
down and just in the same. manner that the blood to the
various parts of the body the food that the cells need building
up, so it is compelled to carryaway the waste material that's torn
down. These waste materials are poisonous and destroy us unless
the liver and kidneys are stimulated into refreshed and eager= life,.
DR P'IERCE'S Golden Medical Discovery
is the balancing power—a vitalizing power. It acts anm
the stor
and orggaans of digestion and nutrition—on the purify ingfilters which
clean the blood, Thus fresh vitalized blood feeds the nerves, heart
--swd brain. This Well known *Iterative relieves catarrh of the *tumult and
itesdaches aeconpanyitt same, anal= beenenccessful for rnorg tban a 4..
eriitlon as a tonzoaiad l> -budder It buixddg up the rundown a9ateasi. You
need it -if you are always "catching Fold" -or have castarrh of the nose and
throat. The active medicinal principlee of Amerism -Native -roots are
extracted without alcohol and you can obtain this
tome in liquid or tablet form at any drug store or
send 50 cents in 1-centatarnsefor trial box of tablets.
Send, 'J':Rnc-cent i#nmptto pay cost of main; and
wrapprng for free copy of Thr Common Sensr:lNadicat
Adviser.. by Dr. R. V Pierce. cloth bound, TOGO
cages. Address Or R. V. 'loge: Beffelo, N. Ya
Air J'obf* Weldo visited relatives in
Buffalo the past week -:Mss Alma
Kalbfiersch return:^.i home Saturday:
from an extended a sit tro Detroit.-.
;ties o, Yeingbintt of Auburn is ,•is-
atire at the home eir lir. and Mrs. '11.
'anagialut..-,01rs, Geo. Pelloek t1 Moist
Drysdale has rattrF h:sed the jsveNing
owned b 1r. Heir_' Rant ;torch rt
E p'1 s res, en'e `2r. lr`5n
Tinel sea o; Conradi Theil of this
111 x,4 left for Landon, where he join -
,ed the therel Continne•nt, now .raining
i23 than eitl.-•.Rev°. W. C. Miller went
to Chesn,.y, where he delivered en.
tic?res- Pn the I 'yrs e s al showery°
naoveme'nt. Mrs; C. J, 1114 ,s returned
from an extended visit .with her § l; -
ter. Mrs G. A. Bissett o* Saltfor;l.
Esther Zettel returned toiler-
aii3er- .it, after a pleasant visit for a
tveci.t with cher parents. -,-Mrs. y'ag-
daleatt McCermik k has sold :ler r'si-
derw ' in the north end dtl' :own to
oli• Leno Kipper, who. :,:natty r
lurutir front the' wc--,t. The 7•47,rtsidFr-
itton was $1W,r”
Alis Kathryn ;tloEa~lien In a,1
been visiting her mother Mrs. 11. l
Eaelaeex returned to t; etc e an,
On Honda, —Sev oral from fire at- ;
teneecl the quarterly eery 4e Grpeta-
way chttr,.h on Sande,.—:tire. Fred
Gainer spent the pal it v• -•t;, -,It- with t re
icon friends. -Mr. John and :Vias Mar
;-garet Galbraith and MisS Jeaan
I..,:.adar. of Arkeraa sp re* IIie r...k
ettsi m XL,. Peter r a1teKe'r1 -''s Y i FS.
Keys pur i'as .11 a valuabip
John Sher[ tt last .veek.
Rete Fees Sett „ :ram
visi* Ethel
P.= onto win). has lr_cn rein ;1.1,,,-;,
l `i: iil
improving.-John.ii l'C ag t c1:.a
to Let o;t to stay for r�sr
b icesll FRarabie r ;
fiatl,n; a Irnov sa I on si 12:%.
Too tate fti, la,: a.c• %-.
S.e ..
i.1 oar young
k. " ":?a • 1,,. r33
a4,'ria �t the
G 1 r61iorta3 ,;e`,
T, int;heirs^ • 1", -` , 4 i4w•.
C a ron h,er int 2l^ r J.
at 11i`. ltcntc €ae^: -'IIr. 1-a.lte'::a s'
trate: of Z11 :C 1 1 his
.a3 a'se'ei en,
a:b^._. lay- . aster Ir•;. l .. ..s...:i r>
i - 7x1:4
x a..
•.7'‘,t1".. arta
Et13'1 - :9',
• Z▪ .'itIet :te a:? s at ♦ J';,m,"� , c• �-a.,
't ,k.r7, tl ov ara$:t�: to.. t":1,q.-..4
t:1A • 34
ikltw'si 1 nal." n ing . i1 ,
t .v leer* he :439
V. e wish laser itt , e ,W,.
Rat; has ten. i rw.k
fine will retn.;i t
it ,rbatir t w
Overland Model 80
Price $1425 f. 0. b. Efamilton
Overland Model 81
Price $1185 f. o. b. Hamilton
These two five passenger touring cars are ful ly d quip-
ped, demountable rims, electric starting and lightil'p, left
hand drive, electric horn, beautiful finish—everythil g, in
fact, that is needed on a touring car for convenience or com-
See these ears and have a demonstration of their excel-
lent points. Now in the show room.
Wes. Snell
-if you feel bilious, "headachy" and irritable -
for that's a sign your liver is out of or see ":aur
food is not digesting -it stays in the stomach a _-cr,.
fermented mars, poisoning the system. Jut tr.:: e a
dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets—
they make the liver do its work -they el;:•:,r :>. 'and
sweeten the stomach and tone the whole digestive sy;vcm. You'll
feel fine in the morning. At all druggists, 25c., or .by M..:1 from
Chamberlain Medicine Company, Toronle 14
y'he: best
ve' .
h and
Awarded �tPointslA America
at World'si. Fahr, 1893
The Logical The individual ap-
pointed to administer an
estate is forced to give
much time and attention
Administrator rouestrust. The aeulie y
is ceaseless, the danger
of mistakes through inexperience'' is great.
Why burden your friend with onerous duties that can be better
performed � b _
y this Company?2 The fees are no greater and 'the
management much more 'capable than can be expected of any pri-
vate executor, however willing. ,
is the logical administrator to 'aappoint. Its sole .business is, the
careful, efficient fulfilmentof every trust committed` to its care.
Call in and consult its.
SIR. GEO.. mums. S.C.. President , „ , 4 JOHN S. sato E, Manager
y'he: best
ve' .
h and
Awarded �tPointslA America
at World'si. Fahr, 1893