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Exeter Advocate, 1915-2-4, Page 6
Midwinter Canning Hints. Summer time is canning tune, as everybody knows. Nevertheless, there are mans preserves that may be prepared at this time of year. Whey are economical in two ways— they are wade at a time when the home preserver is not rushed with other .a rih of t -he same kind, and. they are made from fruit that is in season, and, therefore, cheap. Apple jelly should be made at the same time that sume other apple preserve is prepared, for the skins and curesfrom the apples used in some other way may be added to the jelly. A good jelly, in fact, can tae made from skins and cores alone, but the cook can satisfy her desire for economy by as extra core from every apple. Jelly for a Year.—The cores and skius should be broken and . the whale apples should be washed and &iced with skins and cores in place. Then the whole mass should be put in a granite or aluminum preserving kettle and barely cover- ed with water •8,nd cooked slowly until tender. Next it, should be drained through a jelly bag for twelve hours and then -pleasured, and to every pint of juice a. pound of granulated sugar should be al- lowed. The juice should be brought t., the boiling point and then the sugar, slightly warmed, should be added and stirred into the juice until dissolved- Then the mixture should+,be boiled rapidly until it is ready to jelly and it should be pat in jelly glasses and sealed. This jelly can be made naw to last for a year. It is a delicious jelly in sum- mer, simply because apples kre then out of season and the taste is, therefore, welcome. Apple preserves can be made to give their r1ai.;eta c,f cares and skins to the jelly kettle. 'Use rather tart app es with good flavor. and tore aid area' and rinarter thein. Weigh then. then end allew an equal -f granulated eitgar. And te> each peun t of fruit allow the juice of two lemons, the grated rind of one and a eupfiul of cold water. Boil the a,ugar and water for ' two minute e. and then add the lemon and the apples and simmer until the apple-. are tender. Seal in jars while h ,t. Orange laraualade. — Orange marmalade is a standby in most heeseholde and if oranges are now at their cheapest and best in your markets this is the time to make it. But remember that it is worth while to use good oranges. It does not plat:er if they are very •small. But they must be juicy and of good flav- or. Wash the skins thoroughly. It is well to use a soft brush to clean them with. Of course, this brushing removes some of the oil, but there is much dirt usually on the out- side of an orange, So do the work theroughIy and carefully, making an effort to remove the dirt and leave the oil. Pare half the orange, taking off only the thin outer rind, The white part of the rind is bitter. Cut this thin yellow rind into shreds and hell it until it is tender, changing the water twice in the process. Grate the rind from the rest of the oranges, just the yellow outside part. Then take off all the white part of the rind .from all the oranges and cut them into very small pieces. Remove the seeds. Weigh and allow a pound of sugar for every pound of fruit. Drain the orange pulp into a sieve, without pressing it, `and pat the juice on the sugar and boil until clear. Add to this syrup the boiled shreds- of skin and boil ' for ten minutes: Then add the grated rind and theorange pulp and boil until ;a sample of it thickens when cooled. Grapefruit Marmalade..-_ Grape- fruit marmalade is also delicious and is as interesting to prepare as pie orange marmalade.."' To*make it, hoose six rather small grapefruit and wash thern well.: Then cover them with cold water and buil .until' they are soft. Be, careful,. when testing their softness, not to punc- ture them with afork and so lose some oaf their juice. Drain them when done and let thein cool, and then, with a sha.rp knife, pare off he thin, outside yellow akin and •bred• it. Cut the grapefruit in ialf. Take out all the seeds and ,ake out the pulp. Boil a quart of cater and five pounds of sugar un- zil clear and add the rinds, shred- ded, and bail ten minutes, then add the pulp and bail until a little of it when cool is thick enough, Candied Orangt*.--Candied orange or grapefruit peel can be made .at this time of year and packed in email glass or tin boxes to use for several months to come. The pulp can .be used for fruit cocktail or salted, and the halves of skin from �t`laieli it is removed call be candied. Soak the shells in cold water for two days, changing the water once or twice if couveniezlt. Drain the shells on a sieve and plunge them into boiling water for five minutes. Drain well again and then cat off the thin, outer skin and shred it. Put it in a saucepan over the fire with three cups of sugar to two of water and enough of the syrup so formed to cater the shreds of skin. Bring to a brisk boil and then sim- mer slowly for • couple of hours. Then stir mita the syrup sugars around the shreds of skin and cool and pack. Household Hints. Grated raw potatoes will lay dust and help clean carpets. Old magazines or catalogues are 'hue for cleaning irons on. Protect your polished floors by pasting small circles of 'felt on the legs of your chairs. In making a plain omelet, it is better to add hot water than milk, as it makes it much more tender. Boiled puddings should never be turned Out the moment they are done. They are very likely to break if this is done. AU milk puddings intended to be eaten at luncheon should be pre- pared as soon as breakfast things are eleared away. Cakes should not be placed in a cold place or at an open windowd al to cool. The steam will condense and make them heavy. When the hemstitching on bed linen breaks apart, over it with a row of feather stitched braid, neat- ly stitched on at each side, A good way to stiffen the bristles of hair brushes after washing is to dip tiler in a mixture of equal quantities of milk and water, and then dry before the fire. Dry your crusts in the oven, put through the meat chopper and save as crumbs for stuffing poultry, etc. Melt one •ounce of butter to stir in- to the cupful of crumbs when ready to use. - For grease spots make a stiff paste with fuller's earth and vine- gar. Roll it into balls, and dry thein. Next damp the grease spots and grate one of the balls over them and leave it until it is dry, when the marks should be washed with tepid water. These balls are ex- eellent to keep at hand for emer- gencies. In. order to "tilt" pictures pro- perly, without: putting nails under them, see that the screws are placed in the centre of the back of the framesand if you have not a pic- ture -rail the cord should just reach the top of the picture•. Before .driv- ing the nail in the wall dip it in hot water and it can then be driven quite straight -without breaking the plaster. For potato puffs take some cold roast meat, cut very small, • season with pepper and salt. Roll and mash some potatoes and make them into a paste with one or two eggs. Roll this out with a dust •of flour, cut into rounds; put some of the minced meat on one half, and fold the other half over. Fry the puffs in boiling fat until golden brown. In making ,stuffing for roast tur- key take a quarter -pound of . beef suet, minced, two= ounces of minced ham, grated rind of half ,a lemon, one teaspoonful each of minced. herbs, parsley and salt, one salt - spoonful: of pepper, one •saltspoon- ful.of pounded mace, one breakfast - cupful of the bi eadeuumbs, two well beaten eggs'; a little.milk if it is, too dry. Mix thoroughly. If you •would • have your fried eggs look, pink and beautiful, fry • them one at a time in :a Pgood:;deal of fat and give them your undivided atten- tion, Ae they are -cooking take a spoon and oontinually pour the hot fat over them until they are done. An egg that is a Iittle stale is ta- mest :sure to break its yo•lk when it is put into the pan. The Prince of Wal" tie I11 Own Chauffeur at the Front. The heir to the British throne is to -day at the battlefront in. -ranee as ,.an aide-d4-etttnap to Sir John French. Ile is here seen driving his own ear, with Prince Mender taf Teck, our future Governor-General,. as passenger, - HOME OF QUEEN [ I SANDRINGII.f M TILE IAYORITR ABODE OF ROYALTY. Was Bombarded By German Aire ships—It Is Probably Worth Over $2,000,000. As by sea, so by air, the Germano seem to fancy, the east coast of Eng- land for their abortive, if annoying, raids. The attack on Sand vin ha n was peculiarly exasperating -a; no doubt, it was intended to be. Sand- ringham Hull was not only the late King's favorite residence, but it is his widow's principal one to -day, while, as man, and boy, his present Majesty has spent more days in that cheeriest of country houses than he has in any house in 'all his Domin- ions. It is ,curious haw little the public generally seem to know about this favorite abode of royalty, The present writer had the advant- age some years ago of going over this royal residence, and he charae- terized it unhesitatingly as quite the most charming' house—we are not talking of a palace or of stateli- ness, for Sandringham is not the one, nor does it lay claim to any- thing of the other -of which he has ever seen the inside. Sandringham was bought by King Edward, as Prince of Wales, in the year 1861, from Mr. Spencer Cow- per, stepson of Lord Palmerston, probably the most popular premier of the Victorian era, The extent of the estate at that time was about seten thousand acres, but the late King added to it from time to time until now its extent is about twelve thousand acres. The price the late King paid for the original property was $1,100,000, but he expended money on it so lavishly, in the way of alterations and improvements, that is nowworth at least double that sum—if, indeed, it is possible to set a marketable value on pro- perty which its royal owners have rendered unique. What Sandringham Is. •The late. King inspected countless estates` before he decided on the purchase of Sandringham. And two main 'reasons finally decided him in favor of what came to be his best -loved home. First, situate, as; it was, in. Norfolk, it, was a long way from Windsor, so that he would not be too much under 'his mother's eye when on his own demesne; nor would there be any difficulty of the "two Kings of Brentford" kind.. Secondly, the County of.Norfolk has always.been famous alike for the quality and for the variety:of its game -and King Edward loved shooting passing well, although he was never anything approaching the first-rate shotthat'King George is. Still, uaider"his regime, the, pheasant shooting, and partridge driving at Sandringham: came to mean shootingparties of the largest and pleasantest kind, at which the element Of • the old personal friends was predominant. The eoil,at Sand - Ca arrh keeps Yalu rin'h• amis of the rather rare e kin d on whicle ath pheasants and part ridges flout' sh.• • In 1871 King Edward replaced •the original mansion: ,with the present Elizabethan 'Oriole and stone strute tare and': he largely .added•,to• the latter' from, time to time: ` Among other addritions is. the hugkjballroom where'ithae been said, he'w'ould en- tertain :"the whole county'-"' at >a ball. ' At • Sandringham, indeed, there is almost ever thin to satis- fy 8` f the taste of everybody. And the.. peculiar 'charm of tile place, says Hawkiht Use "Catarrhozone"-The Quickest Corgi No -thing Known So Sure For Throat Weakness, •Brojt- r; chial T- rob1e u ° NO doctor attem ts: cu P OrX, re a genuine case ,of catarrlx Q {ri'bronchitis exce;pti 'by "the inliala`iion '"nisthod; titottaacb. dosing,: has :been df scardeci' because.. useless medicine •. so -taken a1Y'ects only the stomach—never reach- es the seat of catarrh.. The advanced physician recognizes that only. air ,can be sent into the Wags and broiichiab tubes. Fill this, air with healing anedicainents and you st7lvti the Problem. No combination Of aati�aeDtle>y !s go aueoessful as Catarrhozone, It contains, the'richest gine-balsams and the greatest healers known. One breath of,.Catarrhoxone..ins. tant- ly circulates over: thee area tat 1s afflicted with catarrh. `Relief ` is in- a±rant suI ring stops at orree=-germs are destroyed—everg taint. of i' ,y , dsease is removed..: Think ";it over seriously. Here is a.; remedy that ;dears the thrdat, relieves faoareeeese "coliggliln ' ,,g and bad)breath:. Irritating t'phlegin, is cleared. out,. inflamed bronchial tidies are healed, throat and voice are strengthened: Catarrhozone is pleasant • and , ce - r tain. ° You breathe Catarrhozone--you don't take it. Large ,$1.00 size is guaranteed; smaller size 50c, arid trial size 25c, at all dealers everywhere, one who has often stayed there, ,'s that, "while .the ` racing man' feels that he is not^called on to profess a knowledge of gardens'' or Sevres china, the garden lover-, and the art collector knows that it is not in- cumbent on them to expatiate on the merits of racehorses or the pedi grees oaf shorthorns." Stich is the atmosphere of the gracious English, } home which the. Kaiser's merry men have done their futile best to de- molish, The Yarmouth Bloaters, Yarmouth, another unfortified place in Norfolk which Was favored with the attentions of the , bomb droppers, is the second largest town in that county, Norwich (where they make the mustard) being the larg- est. It contains about 52,000 peo- ple normally, but in the sinumer this population is multiplied many times, for Yarmouth is the most popular holiday resort on the east coast of England, It has one of the of Ernest beaches imaginable,with a sea front promenade of nearly three miles and two remarkably fine piers. It is the prineipal fish- ing port of Norfolk. And its .herring fishery is of world-wide fame. In one year as meny a,s 50a000„000 her- rings tiviil be landed at this one Nar- fo The herringindustry at Yarmouth naturally finds employment for, a very large number of fishermen. Perhaps something like two thous- and fishermen live in Yarmouth it- self, and another thousand in neigh- boring villages, while several thous- and Scottish fishermen will come down and make Yarmouth their base of operations during the au- tumn fishing, The curing of her- rings is a subsidiary industry, which gives employment to thous- ands. Annually, about five thous- and Scottish lassies will migrate to Yarmouth in the autumn to "kip- per" herrings and to turn them into "bloaters." Altogether, in the au- tumn months the requirements of the fishing industry acid about eleven thousand people to the nor- mal population of the town. Croner and Sheringham. Two of the other places on which the airmen of the "baby -killers" dropped bombs are Cromer ' and Sheringham, both seaside places.. The former is the most fashionable watering place on the east coast, standi-ng on high ground and shel- tered by wooded and, heathery liifls. It has fine cliffs. ' And it • is kept ex- clusive, by reason of the fact ` that the price's it charges for board, rooms, and the like, .are as steep as its cliffs at their steepest point. Cromer has for long been famous for- its .crab fisheries. • So famous has it` become for that that nearly all crabs, whether caught there or not, are called - "Cromer •crabs." Lobsters,' as well as crabs, are caught in large numbers both at Cromer and also at Sheringham;; Which latter -place is .a rising sea- side resort some five miles west of Cromer. King's Lynn, another. place,. where? the German - airmen dropped some of their souvenirs, is.situate an the shore of the Wash. Its -is' -'of great' historic' interest, its special corporate , privileges dating froen the days of King John, - As late as 1722 more wine was import-: Sol into King's Lynn than into. Any town in England,:with the. .,:excep- tions ` of London and • Bristol, Its shipping ;trade is still considerable. A girl student, in taking leave ,of her•college dean,, said; "•Good-bye, professor ! I shall not forget :yon'!" - "Oh • I begot ,you," replied'•the pro- fessor, ''`don't " mention Ouch' .a trifle The other day a dairy coni' any's complaint , clerk; was'•called tothe te'lephope. `.`This.i's' Mas slktixin,". ,,• said a; -woman':. s ,voiceI want" to know'if your cows are contentedV' ,Wha-a-at 1" asked ,the -. amazed clerk. The woman- repeated:; her queition. '"-I see;,that',yo,ur;'rivals advertise •that their cows are; all contented, said ;eho, "•I will S b.e'in'' to, take; their milk unlees•.-I am'•as- scared' that:. your cants are all ha " : ` Theclerk begged "' e p'py• _ Sgdh .. r to hold the 'phone moment; Then -he went away -and gnawed` a corner Of his desk. `' Whea he returned to the. 'phone he said; "I've •. just been looking up the ;books, madam, and I'm, haply to say that,: we have not received a.compl'aint from 'a single one' of our bows," THE NEW.RULER OF -EGYPT PRINCE Iii; S "`,,1 LN SAID TO BE FOND OF DANCING. lias Played Active Part la Agricul• tura! Dtvelapment of Egypt. • Orientals as a rule disdain to dance. They are content to employ men, and more especially women, to dance for their entertainment. These dancers are held in singularly low esteem. This will serve to explain. the at- titude of most Orientals at Euro- pean and American balls- They very, very rater, take part'in the dancing themselves, - Under the circumstances, it is remarkable. and worthy of note, that the new ruler of Egypt, Sultan Hussein, should be passionately fond of dancing. And he is now in his sixty-fourth year. He is about five feet nine in height, square shouldered, lithe, wiry, slim waist- ed, snial'1 feet and hands and his legs slightly bowed, as those of a man who was accustomed to spend much time in the saddle. A veteran diplomat contributes the following .recollectians of some years ago of Prince Hussein I found hint a most agreeable, in- teresting, and amusing companion, sa.ve when he was wont to complain, in the most un -Oriental fashion, of the extravagances of conduct and of purse of his one and only wife, the Princess, Ain -El -Haat Hanem, daughter of Prince Achmet, and who was quite as Europeanized in appearance and manner as her es- cort. The Khedive's Wife. It cannot be said that Princess Hussein was a very devoted wife, and for her there was no such thing as the captivity of an Oriental .ha- rem, which even in those days—I am talking of a period between thirty and thirty-six years ago—had be- come a mere figure of speech, as far as the great ladies of Egypt were concerned: • She was . most of the. time away from her husband sojourning in Paris, at Trouville or at one or an- other of the ultra -fashionable ther- mal resorts of Continental Europe. She would go about entirely unveil- ed, did not hesitate to; appear at the opera and at private ,entertain- ments in Paris in,t:he most daringly decollate of dresses. When his father Ismail was de- posed and sent to exile, Hussein took his departure from Egypt. He took up has residence at Parra• where.,he spent a;considerabie poi=' tion of his boyhood and youth un- der the particular care of.'Na.poleon, TII. and ni Empress Eugenie, *he were'very fond of him and Who had.. treated • him with the utmost kind; ness. He was a welcome guest . iii the Foubourg St Ge"rniain and , at' the, leading .: Parisian` clubs, and; made ,his 'dhome, indeed, . on the banks of th Seine throughout the' whole of the reign of,Khedive Tew fik, who took advantage of his ab-` sence from Egypt to 'encourage all sorts of stories to his det riment re- garding him as adangerons foe., Clear of Intrigues. In this way Hussein was able to keep his skirt's entirely clear from all intrigues in connection with the Arabi insurrection, _ that brought 'about.: the bombardment of Alexan- dria. and lexan-dria.•and England's military occu- pation of Egypt --;intrigues in which, `so many members of the Kliedival family were incriminated, ' and in which even Khedive Tewfik himself was. so badly ; involved,' that Lord Randolph Churchill ' repeatedly in: ;sisted; in the House of Commons at Westminster on his deposition. , Not until Abbas Pasha succeeded to the throne on Tewfik's death did Hussein • return to.live; permanently in Egypt and resume: the occupancy. of his palace at Cairo. • Taught by his experience of what had virtually been many years of foreign exile, and realizing that the English were in Egypt to stay, he determined to refrain from antagonizing them in any way Ile knew that it was with- in the patter of Lord Cromer to send hint out of the country .at tweaity-four heurs' netic.e ifbe showed himself in any way inimieal to the presenceof the British, or to the British methods of adminis- tration. So he made up his mind to refrain in the very strictest manner from polities and to resist the pressing invitations of hie nephew, Khedive Abbas, of the Nationalists, of the foreign opponents to English views in Egypt. as well as the requests of Sultan Abdul Hamid, that he would adopt a political role On the Banks of the Nile.. Instead he devoted himself entire- ly to the. promotion of agriculture, and especially to the exploitation of his extensive estates in Upper and Lower Egypt. He assumed the Presidency of the Khedivial Society of Agriculture, which bas for its object the encouragement of the adoption of more enlightened and modern methods of the cultivation of land. His activities in this eon- naturally brought him into close touch with Sir William Win- ks, Bir William Gnrstin, and the her organizers of the new system of irrigation in the land of the Nile and se much rriutual confid- ence and respect were engendered that Hussein may bo said to have been working for the past eighteen or twenty years in close unison with them to increase th;fertile areas .if - Egypt and her powers of agricultu- ral production. The newer generation of English officials in Egypt learned to trust him, and by his refuel to associate' himself with Khedive Abbas in the latter's manoeuvres against the English ;and by restricting himself entirely and wholly to the fostering, of agriculture he succeeded in win- ning the good will of Lord Kutch enen while the latter was British Plenipotentiary in Egypt. CANADA CROPS IN 1914. Final Report of the Census anti': Statistics Office. Census and Statistics Office, Ut- awa, has issued its final report on the yield 'and value of field crops in 1914. The report states that. ii► marked contrast to 1913, the season proved particularly unfavorable to the growth of grain. Persistent drought throughout the greater part of the Northwest provintees rt? suited in a yield per acre of the chief cereals loiter than in ane eiia son since 1910 and lower than le— average e ,average of the six years endeu 191. In Ontario and Quebec, though th - grain.orops suffered trona a dry .;,a,. sun, the conditions wore not $o un- favorable, whilst in the Martteue provinces a favorable season result- ed in good returns. For the whole of Canada, the area eetimhted to be sown to field crops was 35,102;175 acres, as compared with 35,375,430 acres in 1913; but owing to the drought the total pro- ductive area an 1914 was reduced to 33,440,075 acres, Upon this area the total production of grain crops in bushels was as follows; Wheat, 161,280,000 as against 231,717,000 in 1913; oats, 313,078,000 against 404,- 669,000; barley, 36,201,000 against 48,319,000; rye, 2,016,800 against 2.- 300,000; peas, 3,362,500 against 3,- 951,800; beans, 797,500 against 793,300; - buckwheat, 8,626.000 against 8,372,000; mixed grains, 16,- 382,500 against 15,792,000'; flax, 7,- 175,000 against 17,539,000; and corn .• for 'liusking, 13,924,000. against 1.6,- 768,000 bushels. The yields per acre were in bulla. els as followse--Fall wheat, 21.41 compared with 23.29 in 1913; spring wheat, 15.07 against 20.81; fall wheat, 15.67 against 21.04; oats, 31.12 against 08.78; . barley,. 24.21 against 29.96; ` rye, 18.12 against 19.28; peas, 17.64 against 18.05; beans, 18.20 against 17.19; buck- wheat, 24.34 againet 21.99; mixed grains, 35.36 against 33.33; 6.62, against 11.30; and corn for husking, •54.39 againt 60.30. `Computed at'average'local market' prices the`'v'alues of these crops in 7914 Were as:folljows:: Wheat, $196,-. 418,000; oats, $151,811,000; barl+oy, $21,557,00,0; rye, $1,679,000; peas, $4,895,000; beans. $1,884,300 ; -buck- wheaat,; $6,213, 000 ;' mixed • -g.rains .., t $10,759,400; � flax;. $7,3Ci8;000, ;-and corn for husking, $9,808,000, - all field crops, including root„ -and: fodder crops, '•the total ' value amounts -. to $639,,061,300, as corn= pared °$552 77r,500;in 1913, the increase of $86.289,000 being chiefly due to the enhanoemen.t• of prices, "'• which has thus more than co anter- -s balanced the, low yields of grain in consequence of the drought. In the three Northwest; provinces - of Manitoba, Saskatche ”' Saskatchewan and ill ::., berta the production in 1914 of wheat. is placed at 140,958,000 hush: els compared with 209 262000 buish- els in 1913, of oats at 150,843,000 bushels Coni,pared, with ` 242,413;000 Y bushels, and; of barle -at'19,,635,000 bushels com.p�ared :;with 31 060 000. bus -hely. The Wheat 'production of 1914 in Manitoba iwas -38,605,000 bushels from• •2,616 000 acro© in Saskatchewan 73,494,000 bushels. from' 5.318'300 acres,`` , and in Alberta` 28,859,000 -bushels 'frons v^71;'1:00. acres.' ,Suocess is utter failure if aohiev-, ed by the sacrifice of moral ' prin- cipals.