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Exeter Advocate, 1915-2-4, Page 5
DENTAL Dr. G. F. ROULST©N, L,D,S., D.D.S. DENTIST &ember of tete R.C.D.S, ot Ontario and Honor Gradatateof Toronto tlniwerraitYe office -Over Dickson & Carling's law ofte e, Closed Wednesday afternoons DR. A R. KINSMAN, L.D.S„ D.D.S•, Honor Graduate of Toronto University DENTIST recto extracted without pain. or any bad effects. Office over Gladmaa 8G; Stanbury'a Office, Moan Street, pewter.' LEGAL DiCKSON & CARLING, 13ARRISTERS, Sofacttors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Com - in winners. Solicitors for tee 31o1eo118 Bet=ts. etc, b ogey to Wan at•io west rates of interest Offteee :Main -St., Exeter I. R. Carling, $.A, L. H. Dickson MO ilar TO LQAN Wo stave a large aneett t at priveta Cuticle rq loan en ream and village prop -- 4474;e* at law rates oft interleaf.. GLADMAN & STAN:BURY Sarr:stere. ea:Mc:tore. 'Exeter. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NOR1' WEST LAND REGULATIONS THE sole bead of a family, or my mal;: over 18 years old, may homestead aquarter s.etton' of available Oomin- n laled in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta The applicant must eppear in pere0 t, at the Dominion Lands fIg. ency at Sub -Agency for the Dia, trice. Entry may be made at eny Dominion Lands Agency {but not Sub -Agency) on certain conditions. Duties -Six months' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader may live within nine miles of his, homestead en a faro of at least 80 acres, on certain conditions A habitable house is re- auared in 'every case, except when re- sidence is performed in the vicinity. In certain districts a homesteader In goodstanding may pre-empt a quarter section alongside his homestead. Price $3 per acre. Duties -Six months resi- dence in each of three years after earning homestead patent; also . 50 acres extra cultivation. Pre-emption patent may 13e obtained as soon as homestead patent, on certain condi- tions A settler who has exhausted his homestead eight may take a purchas- ed homestead in certain districts, Price $3 per acre, Duties -Must re- side 6 months in each of 3 years, cu- Itiw}tc 50 acres, ant` erect a house worth $300. The area of cultivation is subject to reduction in case of rough, scrub- by or stony land. Live stock may be substituted for cultivation under cer- tailt conditions, W. W. CORY, C.M.G. Deputy of the minister of the Interior N.B.-Un:autilorized publication of this advertisement will not be pa?d tor. DR. DeVAN'S FRENCH PILLS, laeee' gulating Pin for Woolen, $5 a box or three for j10. Sold. at all Djug Stores, or maned tb any address on receipt ui BCOnsyr, Date Co.,St. Catharines, Ontario. PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN Restbrea • Natality; for Nerve and Brain; increase "greey matter" ; a Tonle—win build you up. $3 a box, or two for $5.r t ttrug stores, or by mail on receipt of price. ux SCOEEir. Dano Co., St. Catharine, Ontario. CENTRAL STRATFORD. Ontario's Best Practical Training School. We have thorough courses and experienced instructors in each of ,out three departments -Commerc- ial Shorthand and Telegraphy. Our graduates succeed and you should read our large, free catalogue. Write for it at once. b. A. McLachlan, Principal COMPLETE A COURSE in the EL,IOTT��� Toronto' Ont., and the results will prove to you -the wisdom of Graduat- ing from this famous school. Cat- alogue free. Enter any time. W J. ELLIOTT, Principal 734 Yonge `St. Toronto. E• VERY. WOMAN is interested and Should know about the'ivouderful L Whirling Spray �Al d/e Douche Ask your druggist for it. If he cannot rtippfy the MARVEL, accept no other, but send stamp for Llius-• trated book -sealed. It gives full particulars and directions invaluable to ladies WINDSORSUPPLYCO.,Windsor,Ont. ' General Agents for Canada. 4 1 ronchial The prostrating cough tears down your sireagth. The clogged air -tubes directly af- feet your lungs .and spembly lea to pica pneumonia, cammeptioa. R EMULSION overeprnea bronchitis in AU easy, natural way. Its curative t)H,-r000 soothes the inflamed membranes, relieves the Cold that causes the trouble, .: and every drop helps to Strengthen your lungs, A11 Druggists Have It .4-44 REFUSE SUI3S7I7'11TES GREENWAy" Mr. Arthur Reallls of the education dept gave an interesting address at the Methodist church Afternoon and evening,.,. -;gest Sunday will be sacra- ment service in the Methodist Church. The pastor will preach at 10,30 a.m. Sunday school will; he with drawn. - The W.M.S. At Home last Faridayevas a. grand success in spite of the very cola weather. ---Mx, and Airs. Cliffe of Thetford are visiting friends acre, 'tEse Ethel Oliver apen't last week with her grandfather, Mr. P. Baker of Grand Bend,. -Master Wel wood Gal who has been visitingt his cousin Mss Gladys Mason has returned home --Mr Selbourne English s pent the %week ea,i at home, ---Mr. Lawrence Cures has returned from a pleasant visit with Michigan friends. --Mr. Earl Webb has hire. with Mr. C. •Woodburn. DON'T STOP yet\ stop to find out what eour wages will be And how they will clothe and feed you, WM:a, my ,ion don't you go on the sea For the sea will never need you. If you ask for Sha rcasoa of every command And argue with people about you Willie my son, don't you go on the Land , For the Lana will do better with- out you If you stop to consider the work you lova done Ann to boast trh:lt your tabor is worth dear ngels may come for you, Willie, ray son, But you'll never be wanted on Earth deer, The public school at Wallaceburg was destroyed by fire on Sunday af- terneon with a loss of $30,000, part - l' covered by insurance. Alr. William Gray on iVloncday last was .nominated for the City of Lon- don to the Howie of Commons, and as there was no opposition he was de- clared elected by acclamation. CRIPPLED BY RHEUMATISM 434 N.Y, Ave„ whiting, Ind. Jan. 20th. "Will you please send me a box of Gin Pills? When I sent for the last box, I was all crippled up with Rheumatism and my face was so badly swollen, that 1 could hardl}•see out of my eyes, but after taking about six of the pills, I felt some better and after a fee' days.' had no more pain. I have recommen- ded Gin Pills to some of my friends who are troubled in the same way. I never intend to be without them as I have tried co many other pills and got no results Mrs. ED, DEAN. Ginpills FORT DNEY s You can readily tell if your kidneys or bladder is affected. You will have pains in the small of the back, groin or hips, your urine will be highly colored, brick dust or mucus depo- sits will showin the morning, your wrists or ankles inay swell, all due to inactive kidneys which.Gin Pills will soon put right. 252 Gin Pills are "Made in Canada". 50c. a box, 6 for $2,50 -at all dealers -Sold in U. S. under the name "GINO Pills. Trial treat- ment free it you write National Drug & Chemical Co, of Canada, Limited, Toronto, RANITTRUNfSYs EMY Double 'Track All the Way TORONTO - CHICAGO TORONTO 1-, MONTREAL Unexcelled Train Service Highest Class of Equipineaf 'WINTER TOURS TO CALIFO,l2NIA FLORIDA AND SUNNY -SOUTH Fast Trains, Choice••. of Routes Low Fares now in Effect. For fall particulars consult G. T. R Ticket, Agents,"or trite C. EHORNING, Dist, Pass. Agent, • Toronto. J. OGRE, Exeter 11,,. Miff A POSITION FOR FALL AND WINTER --o-- We have a sound business ,aropos- itiot^ for a reliable energetic sales- man for this district' to sell fruit trees small fruits, flowering shrubs,etc. Pay weekly _qutfit free, exclusive territory OVER 600 ACRES of fruit axid ornamental stock ander ct•ltivation. We sell through our ?al- esnten direct to the, consumer and guarantee delivery of fresh, high grade trees. Our agencies', are valu- ableby reason of the service we give an•' the volume of business Sone. Established 35 years. "Write PEL HA al NURSERY Co,Toronto,Ont P.S.-I-lan /some catalogue on re- quusr•' either to. applicant or those wishing nursery stock. NEWS TOPICS OF WEEK i fo The death oot -.. to the front, alt the boots have been Important Events Whioh Have Occurred During, the Week. The Busy World's Happenings Care. fully Compiled and Put Into anndy and .9tttractive. Shalee full tjie Readers ` of Our raper—A Solid Hour'S Enjoyment. WEDNESDAY, Steamship trams between Trelle- oerg, Sweden, and Sassnitz. Germany, lies Come to an end. The route is rinar controlled by allied submarines. E1nil Nerlich, charged in Toronto with high treason, occupied the same cell in the Jail Sunday night as Harry Asher, who shot the Rev, Menet'.Menet'.son Scott some time ago in. the east end, Women suffrage passed the West Virginia Legislature yesterday. The vote in the'Seuate was 28 to 1, and in the Rouse 80 to 6. Tha Measure will be voted upon by the people at the neat election. Three ahort, aharp earthquakes have .shook the Istilntua of Panama. in. the last three days, the third one oc- curring yesterday, Alone of the shocks did any damage, taougb the inhabi- tants Were considerably frightened, The Japanese battleship Hint' and the armored cruiser Iwate appeared yesterday outside the three -anile in- ternational Bruit and began taking Coal from the collier Karuakura Mara, which had Just lett llnnolulu. Following the establisbtnent of all employment bureau among the stu- dents of the School of Science, in To- ronto. efforts are being made to pro- vide as large a percentage of students as possible with positions during the coaling summer. Pennons in London, Ont., are be- ing circulated calling for a civic or military trial of H. J. Glaubtiz. the, German-born general manager of the London Public Utilities Commission. who is charged with aidiug a German reservist to leave the country. 3'n, k�lxt1, It was stated authoritatively yes- terday that President '\artisan will veto the immigration bill became of the literacy test. Aeroplane raids and bomb -drop- ping expeditious, the Carranza agen- cy at Washington announces, are to be conducted against Mexico City. Baron von Burlan, the new•A:ustro- Hungarian Minister of Foreign Af- fairs, has 'been decorated by Emperor William with the,.order of the Black Eagle. Despite the announcement that the Boer uprising in South Africa has. been completely crushed, the rebels in Bechuanaland are still fighting against overwhelming forces. The Australian Government an- nounced yesterday that it had a plan for the formation of a rifle reserve of hall a million men, which may be used in Europe if the war is pro- longed. Provisional President Roque Gon- zales Garza of Mexico arranged yes- terday to authorize a loan of fifteen million pesos to pay the expenses of war and of the pacification of the country.. N. E. Hegel, X.C„ died yesterday in Winnipeg after a long illness, aged 68. Born in Oxford county, he was called to the Ontario Bar in 1873. He practiced in British Columbia and the Yukon. The latest casualty in the Cana- dian Expeditionary Force is the death on Jan. 26th of No. 27519, Pte. Charles R. MacKenzie, 15th Batta- lion, at No. 1 Canadian General Field Hospital, Netheravon, from broncho- pneumonia, FRIDAY. A compass indicating the depth of a bullet lodged in the flesh has been invented by Dr. Maxixe Menard, of the Cochin Hospital, in France. The Warren Chemical Products Co. of Warren, Pa., yesterday began work on a $500,000 contract to sup- ply gun cotton to England and Rus- sia. Crown Prince Frederick William of Germany has been stricken with a severe attack of influenza, and is ser- iously i11. He is under the care of two physicians at his headquarters. The Novae Vremya states that in order to establish the legal status of bomb-dro»ing Russia will place the Germans captured in the Zeppelin, which recently attacked Libau, on trial. The Danish Government is making representations to the British Govern- ment in the matter of delays caused by the censor in cable communication between Denmark and the United !States. - Bert. Quinn, aged 30, died in the Hotel Dieu at Kingston, yesterday as the result of injuries received late on .Wednesday night, when his horse ran away. Quinn was a farmer, living on .Pittsburg road. At Brooklyn, N.Y., Louis Stone, five years old, and Dorothy, three, daily had seen their mother, Mrs. ,Rose Stone, bathe their infant sister, ,and they tried to do as she had done. The result was the drowning _of the infant. ' • SATURDAY. The Swift Canadian Co., Ltd., gives notice of change of head office from Winnipeg to Toronto. John McCoyb aged 53, a prominent Conservative and councillor, of Ma- doc, is dead at Welland. A widow, two . daughters and a son survive. Judge McDonald of the United ,Counties of Leeds and Grenville has retired, after 42 years on the bench. J. K. Dowsley, K.C., of Prescott, has been appointed to succeed him, The Dominion Government has fur- ther relaxed -the regulations due to the foot and motutlt disease in. the. ,United States, to permitthe importa ,tion. of hay from Northern Michigan. The oil. ,tank steamer •Brindilla. sailed from Shields yesterday for the United States, after having been de- tained there for several days by the customs officers, pending an enquiry into her ownership. An order was issued from Salis- bury, Eng., camp headquarters yes- terday stating that no Canadian foot- wear will be worn:,by the men who ge ory. Erwin Belt von Spey- he an n- g, t- es ul ot Y.,. ed p- ey G. - he a e to is char- 0 h o= e a$ y t, n e 3 t e� n 0 n 3 e s d y er, nephew of James Speyer of t New York banking hrm of Speyer Co,, while fighting with the Germ forces in France, has just been a pounced by The Frankfurter Zeltun A Hungarian naimed Atones a tempted to get into the United Stat from Canada. Ue was unsuccessf Ile tried another route and g through, reaching Watertown, N. when the immigration agent captur him and returned him to ,Kingston. atIDAY. Reports from Paris state that a Ze pelin raid was attempted near Nan and frustrated. It is reported that Charles F. Masterman has res.gned as Chancel for of the Duchy of Lancaster, in t British Government, Kingston police have unearthed half a ton of brass belonging to th Grand Trunk, It had been shipped a local junk shop from Ottawa. Another skirmish with the Turkis advance guard not far from.Suez reported from the British forces in Egypt, It was not of a serious c aeter. Between $15,000 and $20,00 worth of diamonds. were stolen Satu day from the pawn shop of Moho Stern in New York by three autos bile bandits, San Luts Potosi is again In tat elands of Carranza forces. It w turned over without a battle pride and the fall of Monterey now held b Villa troops, is reported imminent. Kingston had i.ts coldest weathe of the winter' during Friday nigh when the thermometer showed 24 de Sees ter y below zero. At eight o'clac u d morning itt was 18 below. State Department officials 1 Washington have declared that th purchase by the Government of ship belonging to the belligerents had no became a subject of official negotia tion. An the inhabitants of British colo ales SLOW in Germany, except tilos born in Australia, will be interned 1 camps at various points, according t au order which has been issued 1 Berlin. TU 1•" Mrs. Norman McClod, 98, the old est resident of Belleville, died at a early hour yesterday from pneumonia She had lived there for 70 years. A blizzard of unusual proportion swept yesterday through Wisconsin paralyzing traffic of all kinds. Th telephone company reports hundred of poles down. Early yesterday the residence o Solomon. Beck,, at Dunnville, was par tially wrecked by a gas explosion an set on fire. Miss Beck was bade burned about the head. Amos Boman, 86 years old, sole survivor of the Elisle tient expedi tion into the Arctic regions to search for Sir John Franklin 62 years ago died in Philadelphia yesterday. Any foreigner at Tampico found aiding the enemy in any way will be Promptly executed, is the substance of a decree issued by Gen. Gonzales military commander of the Carranza forces at Tampico. Three persons were killed and 13 others injured in a collision between a traction car and a steam freight train on the Cincinnati, Georgetown and Portsmouth Railroad, near Amelia, Ohio, yesterday. The U. S. armored cruiser Montana, commanded by Capt. L. M. Nulton, and carrying 600 marines, was order- ed yesterday to go to Port-au-Prince, Haiti, to aid other vessels therein protecting American interests. George Ledebour, member of the German Reichstag and Social Demo- cratic leader, publishes a declaration confirming the report of his with- drawal from the executive committee of the Socialist faction in the Reich- stag. LORD SOMERS INJURED. List of Casualties Contains Name of Pickering Nobleman. LONDON, Feb. 2.—There are 178 peers serving in the British army., in- cluding 8 dukes, 10 marquises, 61 earls. 22 viscounts and 77 barons. The Earl of Annesley,' Viscount Ha - warden, and Lord Congleton have been killed in battle, and the Duke of Roaburg, the Marquises of Northamp- ton and Tweeddale, the Earl of Lav - en, anal Lords Gerard and Somers have been wounded, while the Earls of Erne and Stair have been taken prisoners by the Germans. Lord Somers, with his brother-in- law, Lord Hyde, took up farming at; Pickering, Ont., in the spring of 1912: They purchased 260 acres of ideal fruit land, and started in with a will to make a prosperous fruit farm. It was Lord Somers who came to Can- ada in the first place to choose a homestead. His uncle, Perry Somers Cocks, had already been farming in Canada for ieighteen years. At the outbreak of the war he rejoined his regiment, the First Life Guards. WILL HOLLAND COME IN? She Is Now Threatened By Two Ger- man. Army Corps., LONDON, Feb. 2. — Travelersof neutral nations returning here from visits to Germany announce' that there is a widespread belief in Ger- many that Holland will cast in her lot with the,,' allies. They:_ ;relate ;that -the .,Gerrhan'^war staff has ..massed two army corps on the Dutch bor"der, and that the de- fense i, works there are being strengthened. The Hollanders are said to feel. that should the Germans win the war, Holland would sink to being a dependent part of the. German em- pire. The entry of Holland, into the war would open the way for a blow to be; struck straight at the heart of Ger- many. German Submarine Off Southport. LONDON, Feb. 2.—A message re- ceived here yesterday afternoon from Southport says that a German sub- marine, supposedly the "U-21," was Seen off there early yesterday,, Southport is a seaside resort of, England in the Irish Sea eighteen miles north of Liverpool. • This R Is for You ! - -. if You suffer From riot flashes or dizziness, faint lug spells, ia, headache, nervousness. all are symptomshysterand are not beyond relief. Pierces Favorite Prescription .directed to the real cause and promptly removes the diseasee,,`� sappeases the pains and: nervous symptoms and thereby brings comfort in the place of prolonged misery, it has been sold by druggists for over 40 years, in fluid form, at $L00 per bottle, giving general satisfaction. It can now be had in sugar coated tabletforne as modified byte. V. Pierce, M. D. Sold by all medicine dealers or trial box by mail on receipt of 50c in stamps. Every sick woman may consult us by Letter, absolutely without chargeee. Write without fear as without fee, to Faculty of the Invalids' hotel. Dr. R, Y: PIERCE, president. 563 Main Street, Buffalo. New Yore DR. T'IERCE'S PLEASANT PELLETS REGULATE TEE LIVER I-IENSALL Rev. R. Hicks, D. has received a unanimous invitation from the quarter ly board of the: London Street Meth odist Church Windsor to become thei pastor. -E Drake and ' Percy Clark have purchased the Commercial Hote building and entire outfit from W Perkins and have taken possession, - Miss Anna Maearthur of London is the guest of her uncle Haarry Arn- old, -Mr. Perkins of the 'Commercia Hotel went last week to St. Joseph Hospital London where he under- went a successful operation and is making a satisfactory recovery, -Miss Liazet Haith, and brother Gorden who have been visiting for the past month with Mss Moors -left, for their `.tome in New York State, -One of the most respected residents of the neighbour- hoonl died on Jan. 25 in the person ck. stir, James Carlr1e, aged 90 years. w idr as born in County. Down, Ire- land and emigrated in 1839, After remaining for a time in Quebec he settle t in Usborne Township, coming to Hensel' in 1887, where he carried on a shoemaking business for about .seven years since which time he has lived retired. ale is survived by his wife,aud adopted daughter and son- in-law Mr, and Mrs, David Foss, He was as a member of the Presbyteriati deur ch.--Hitgh Dunlop of Goderich D,D.G..M. of South Huron, visited the local Masonie lodge on, Monday even- ing when there was a large lather ing of the brethren, Past W.M. Dean Doherty presided at an enjoyable banquet held afterward at the Mas- cot Restaurant, SECURE FARM HELP NOW. -W. I D. Scott Superintendent of immi ;ra- _ = ttoa for the .Domiinion Government, wri to eato C. H. Sanders,: agent for r , this district says :-With the ap- preach of Spring and the busy season 1 or the farms, I wish to draw your at- , tention to the fact that immigration from the British. Isles this year tit ill not likely amount to much, and )epee, farmers who have beers accustomed to I securing immigrant helpare now :an - frontes with the necessity of securing hely from some other source. There are a large number of idle -nen in Canada some of whom have 'sad ex., perienee as farm laborers and others quit.: inexperienced. This is the . my source of supply for the present year As farmers everywhere are making t strong effort to 'ncrease production in view of war prices and the ,desirability of Canada raising as much as possible to meet the :weeds of the Empire in this crisis I think it likely that farm, help will be ...came before long and therefore farmers I shout:.: take immediate advantage of the present situation to secure hello l before the rush begins and, scarcity at labor is felt. If you are in need of !help leave your order with C. H Sanders Advocate Office. SCHOOL REPORT, for S. S. No. 3 Stephen. for January. Only names of those who obtained 60 per cant. or over are .published, -Sr. IV., Alma Dearing 70, Maria Triebner 72; Jr.IV, Gladys Schroeder 70, Jr. III., Ethel Preszcator 61, Norman Sanders 60 LIoyd Parsons 60; Sr. II„ Alma Cbris- ZURICH tie Jennie Dearing, Edith Schroeder; Inter. Celia Christie • Pr II Harold John Gellman of this place 'vas marries, last week to Miss Porter of Prince Albert, Sask.-Mrs. P. Weil and 312r A. Forciar of Detroit are guest: of Mr. and alta. M. J. Rau of the Commercial Hetet,-Word was, t e- ceived en Tuesday of the death at Bad Axe. Mich., of Philip Steinbach, brother of Mrs, H. Sipple of this vil- lage. -A quiet wedding was solemn- ized in St Boniface R. C. Church Zurich on Tuesday, Jan. 26, when Miss Josephine daughter of Mr. :and Mrs. Alcnza Foster, Babylon Line, ?Lay,le was united in marriage with 'r, Lao Strupp of Berlin, Rev. A. Strader of- fi�ciating. Mrs. S. Dietrich played the weddine march. Mr, and Mrs. Strupp will settle down on a farm near 13er•- lin LUCAN-The marriage of Ethel Mac Jones of Birr and Malcolm A. E. Efo gine of Lucan, took place at St. Paul's Cathedral London, on Wed- nesday Jan• 27. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Canon N. Tucker, Penhale Herbert Schroeder; Sr.Pr'in- er_ Stella Dearing, Rath Jory; jr !Primer, Rosa Dearing. Na. en m1131 'average 27.3,- Na M. Marchand,Teacher PILES CURED at HOME by New Absorption Method. f If you suffer from bleeding, itching, blind. ,r protruding Piles, send me your adc:r ess, and I will tell 3-ou, how to cur„ your- self at home leo the absorption. treatment ; and will also send some of this home treatment !free for trial, with references • from Sour own locality- if re - 1 quested. Immediate re -lief and permanent cure assured. Send no money, but tell others of this offer. Write to -day to Mrs M. Summers, Box 840 Windsoro Ont. "No more headache for you ---take these" Don't just "smother" the headache without removing the cause. Take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They not only cure the headache but give you a buoyant, healthful feeling because they tone the Bier, sweeten the stomach and cleanse the bowels. Try them, All Druggists, 25c., or by mail CHAMBERLAIN MEDICINE Co. Tomato, Ont. 13 Trusteeships Often Y o m a y LLast c t T h r O have every confidence s ,(a j ,t u ¢ in the friend whom you 33 appoint as the original trustee, but you have "any Lifetimes no voice in the seise tion of his successors. This strong Trust Company is permanent and fulfils its duties far more effectively than is possible in the case of 'a private execu- tor. It is ever on the watch in the 'interests of its clients and through its Officers and Management it feels the pulse of the finan- cial world as no private • individual can. Call or write for full information. THE LONDON & WESTERN TRUSTS CO. LIMITED 382 RICHMOND -STREET, LONDON, ONT. SIR GEO. GIBBONS, S.C., President JOHN S. MOORE, Manager 3 ABATT'E LAGER �1 TIZING PURE' . P IS MILD �, Just the Beverage for the ¶i tsy man:— rests the ,,nerves and ensures sound sleep. If not sold in> yourneighborhood, write *T i.ABATT LIMITEDITED LONDON - CANADA our Special arrangements ' f or direct shipment to private consumers. 52