HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1915-2-4, Page 1Canadian Troops are going to France. German Submarine sunk five British Merchant r
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The War Summary
The Australian Government pians to
prepare 500,000 men.
Germany loss two aeroplanes and
three erten in a collision in the zir,
Austrie and Germany are :uaseing
large numbers of troops on the Ital-
ia1 frontier.
Ar outpost attack hear the Suez
Canal took place, the British being the
Spain is declared to be ready to
enter the evar at the proper moment,
Romania has got a loan of $35,000,-
00i) from Great Britain, which 'flows
which side she will fight ort.
A German seaman who was captur-
ed reports the sinking of the German
ligh' cruiser Kolberg in the Sunday
Some American nurses were found
to be German spies and were effect-
ively dealt with.
In the Sunday battle three British
hit the targets at ten and n half miles
The Germans are arresting all Eng-
lishmer,in Belgium.
The Kaiser gat as a birthday pres-
ent over 1000 of his men killed.
Stock Takillg
During January we will
Ordered Clothing
Ready Made -
Ready Made Pants
Winter Under-
clothing oder
Hats & Caps
Braces, Etc.
Arrow Collars a
,A British destroyer rammed and
mel: a. German submarizte hear the
coast of Geerniatee.
The British admiralty reports every;
boat en Sunday's fight as having re-
turnee; safely to port,
Three; Turkish forces are -roving
over the desert toward Egypt, which
is well defined by British, Australians
Canadians and India troops.
Berth, says :—Crown Prince Freder-
ick has been stricken with a severe
attack of influenza and is seriously
He is under the care of two uhy-
siciane at his headquarters.
On the British front there is tees
!hal three per cent. a sickness, which
n a lower rate than rules in rmatoegarrisons.
According to the French reports
the attacks which the Germans de-
liverer) against the allied lines in the
wes- on the first three days of the
week cost them 20.000 men,
Financiers predict the collapse of
Germany in May owing to money ;nat-
The Germans deny the report of
their sailors that the cruiser Kolberg
mos lost
Every vessel the Germane had in
the recent battle was badly battered.
Turley is said to be in a very:
bad plight with defeat alrro,1d, Gar -
mat' tyranny and revolution at home..
Following the example of Germany
the Austrian government has seized
all foodstuffs in the country.
Austria is urging Germany to rnake
peace with the allies.
A German submarine sank .hree
British frieghters in !ire Irish Sea.
The Canadians are being rapidly
moved from England to France. rhe
Canadians will be kept together in
the fight, and even when ill or wound-
) they will be kept together.
The people of Italy are demanding
war ore the Allies' side.
Thr Czar's fleet in the Black Sea
drove the Turkish cruisers from their
hiding; place; torpedo boats attacked
Txebizond; ;the Turkish 13th divis-
ional headquarters was captured, and
many Turkish sailing vessels were
soak: in their harbors.
The kaiser says he is going to keep
the Allies on their own soil, and van-
quisl them. Rather a large order.
Greece is said to be preparing to
help Serbia in the, war.
2011 members of the British House
of Commons are at the war
Germany is limiting her people to
tour and a half pounds of bread a
Frear; South Africa comes the news
that arrangements are under way for
the surrender of the rebel leaders,
Maritz and Kemp. It is stated chat
they had disagreed with their Ger-
man advisers.
ID is believed Britain will treat all
foodstuffs as absolute contraband of
war and seize all Cargoes destined to
German ports.
A German submarine yesterday
made an unsuccessful attempt to tor-
pedc• the British hospital ship As-
The Franco -British fleet is tow'
smashing its way through the Dar-
danelles. The four main farts have
been destroyed. '
The Italian reservists living in
Britain have been warned to prepare
to respond to a call to the colors.
Between Rheims and the Argonnes
and in Alsace the Germans are being
pressed :back steadily, both by weight
of numbers and superiority of heavy
goal fire.
The Austeiaos- were repulsed; with
heavy ,losses and four thousand cap-
.toured by the Russians in Carpathians.
The Hdiron Old Boys' Association
of, Toronto is desirous of compiling;
for publication and future reference,
am fdistorical and Biographical Sketch
of Huron County, In order to • get
the necessary information and 'flake
the work as complete as possible, -he
Association ,will have to depend :upon
voluntary assistance from persons res-
ident in various parts of the county,
and takes this means of asking cc -op-
eration If anyone can supply any •n -
formation ;relating to the early set-.
tlemen of theur own focality, either
historia.' or biographical, pioneer ex-
perience or otherwise, or can give the I
name• or persons who will do so, the
Association' will appreciate it . wery
much Photos of old settlers or per-
sons of prominence: (duly inscribed ; for
identification), will be acceptable. All
correspondence relating' hereto sihould
be addressed to Robert. Holmes, 472
Palmerston Bour v 1 Toronto,
A very largely attended and enthus-
iast e meeting of the Liberal, -Con-
servatives of the new riding of South
Rural as constituted for Dominion
purposes was held itt''the Town Hall,
Clinton on Saturday afternoon, when
the three additional municipalities
Clinton Hullett Township and G
erich Township were welcomed t
t!u ::;ting and chairman for the
now comprising South Huron w
named as below:
Seaferth :Robs. 'Wilscn;
ter Canteloa; Exeter, J.
Bayfield Dr. Woods; Mc
Scarlett; Tuekersmith, Henry
Usboree Simon Hunter; S
Sherrie%; Hay Wnt. Ceaei
John SteNaughton; Gcde
ship Jeh t elidelleton; Hull
Rina' Clinton, David Cant
These with the three riding
named at the east annual
President Henry Horton
Secretary R. N, Creech
ani Treasurer T. B. Carlin
tone the Executive. Ward
were also named for the
The C eeervative candid
next eleseeee t will be. name
vantion to be held after
comiere session of the Hou.
Besides J. J. 3ferner, M.
E lher M.. P. P„ the meet:
dressers by Richard Blain,
Peel. who spoke at some
Federal issues eulogized t
The Council met in the Town fdali
Ondat ,evening, Feb. 1st Members
all .present except Councillor .Horton,
who was absent owing to illness. :4in-
ette., of Last meeting were read and.
A commu.�rieation from thehall
Telephone Co. re. telephone at the
oo1 Cemetery in answer to the Clerk's let -
or of 23 ult., stating that their Mi.
'oto ua r•1 • would be in Exeter in a few
13 days and woald take the matter rp
ere , with the Council.
a A coree emication from the ChiI-
e- crren's Aid and Humane Society- was
lor; read asking for a small donation, end
oho ee. mot o,� of Beavers anal Reaulston
Cohn the sun. of'$5 was granted.
Mr .A. G. Dyer being the cnly ap-
e , plicani for assessor it was moved ay
i m Baso.' and Roulston that he be : p-
tao pointer-- at a salary of $65 a year.--
err Hine:--Beavers*-That Mr. George
:liawsori be appointed to audit the
et', salary xof $40.00ts of5p each
a annum,
and that
ter a by-law he drafted., confirming same;
, that he make a report to the Coun-
c'1 a' its first meeting every month
he the Clerk to notify the Treasurer of
th- , hue appointment --Carried,
m- Beavers—Hind—That the Clerk lay
before the Council at our next •neet-
' foe the amount of money 'hat we
• have to 'raise to meet the expen-
diture over which we have no control,
fan j s.t as tl:e paras„ committees may
of 1 Carried
'e Beavers-»linnet—That the tender of
P McTaggart for the use of weigb
le seal;, for 1915 a; a. yearly rental of
' r 35 be accepted, provided that Mr. Me -
on Taggart pay the fee for scale i -n-
' s reetien.--Carried.
' Messrs. 'Martin, Gladntan and Fuke
o. a deputation from the Exeter Public
t school board waited on the Council
re changes necessary to make better
heating. better lighting, better venti-
Iatiou and a larger school as zeresent
conditions could not exist and wished
to 'note what action the . ouncil
woulc. take In this matter. They
woulp require $7,000 besides the us-
ual grant which in all probability
wattle be $4,000. The Council is `pate
favarabk to the schem. anti thought
ie would be a good idea tor the
school board to call a public meeting
aatl lay the whole matter,before it, as
hal been done wide, the council, alter
which the ratepayers would be in a
better position to judge the nerits of
the case, The present building was
erecte.l seen*.. forty four years ego
Hensall, P
W. Ta}
I:illo�, f
tephen, J
tt ; Scram
rich To
eat, Willi
in, c;fic
of Kipp
of twist
ail ehairm
ate 'or t
the for
House of Co
P:, and H
tg was a
,h F.
he :work
Dominion Haus
of Clinton; John Sherritt, ex -M. P.
of Parkhill; T. 13. Carling of Exete
Dr Thompson of Clinton; 5. G. Rich
ardsan, clerk of Stanley; Wen. Consist
of Hay- , 5, W. Taylor. reeve of Exeter
John Lobb, reeve of Goderich Town-
ship and :1fr, G. W. Holman of weg-
Moved by David Cantelon and W.
D. Sanders five resolutions presented.
by Mr. Holman were unanimously car -
rued The first expressed ,ratifica-
tion, that the Duke of Connaught had
been continued in office as Governor-
general during the present crisis, A
second approved the administration
and imperial policy of Sir Robert Bor-
den One resolution voiced sorrow in
the loss of Sir James Whitney nd.
another pledged„hearty support of the
new premier, Hon.W. H. Hearst, The
remainin_ resclu.iea read :—"That we
wish to discourage any tendency on
the part of citizens of Canada t
strike their expenditure for 1915,,_
Vr :Berner in the lomin
and lig; Silber at Toronto.
Other speakers were W.
Conservative organizer in
Ontario. ex -Warden David Cantel
o t an was pro.,ably to fair example of
tats: advantage of the present stress
of circumstances for speculative nur-
pi res. but en the contrary to .affirm
our belief that Canada should steadily
persevere in the development of her
natural resources, not by speculative
booms .but extension of her produc-
tive capacity in foodstuffs and a;•tan-
Mr. Merne:, who, although oi' Swiss
parentage is Canadian bt rn, made en
interesting reference, in his address to
the European conflict.
"This war is certainly most •leplor-
able" he said. "We are all, I sup-
pose "sorry it has been brought
about., but I assure you the rnother-
lanFl has done her utmost to avoid it
ani' was unable to. do so, Since hey
are fighting, it is the duty of every
Caaadiau to assist the 'notherla.-id
the best we can. We may not =i1 be
fitted to go to the front, but we are
all able to be useful one way or anoth
er We can assist the widows and
orphans in the motherland, and those
of our own soldeers, and I trust that
we. as Canadian bays, will all do our
every best and stand by the Union
With regard to the Farmers' Bank
scandal Mr. Blain said that no mem-
ber of the House had worked hard-
er for the passage of the bill than
Mr Merrier. He .said that before the
Barak opened its . doors Finance Minis-
ter Fielding had been served with a
remit mat to allow the charter to be
granted. The defeat of the bill in
the Hawse of Lords was a great dis-
Mr Eilbex paid a tribute to the
qualities of Premier Hearst, and. fol-
laive�-t. with a statement in regard to
variou- rumors that he, one of the
eldest members of the Legislature,
was to be appointed to the Cabinet
oar some provincial office. I hove been
offers' various" kinds ,of p.ositions, he
explained, minister without portfolio,
speaker ,and insurance ,commissioner
ship b,uir I am knot, looking for office.
I ant satisfied to 'be plain Harry Eil-
ber, and pled along in the interests of
the people of South, Huron I merely
say this for feiar anyone ahould think
the. representative of this riding had
been turned down, and to show' you
at we are all working in herntony.
The meeting closed with the usual
t the' session of Huron County
ouricil ,Meld in Goderich last `'week
rant of 411000 a month was made
e •etK, Drop o, : the, patriotic fund as lgng'as rhe
Council deems it necessary; also
The. un,iersigned: hes the following
buildings which he wishes to sell, viz.
1 frame barn 22x36; 1 frame stable
on en 8 ft brick wall. Both these
buiiings are situated immediately
behind the brick .building ' occupied.
as n Chinese Laisn ttry in the Village
o1 Eeeter. 2
These buildings must be sold quack-' W
ly Fr . further particulars apply tr. far.
Vendor ye
$5,000. to the Belgian relief fiend, the
money ,to be spent buiying flour and
arty other necessities `made . in the
countyA temperance deputation asked for
a rigid enforcement of the Canada
Temperance Act, and the cauncjil au
;sainted a special ccmmmettee to ,look
into, the natter and repot in Tune..
rune CcnrPty council, in session at
alk•erton passed a grant of $30,000
the .patriotic Funds: One-half'
t:hc amount is to be raised tillsar and the balance next veal,
school architecture at that time, that
is to say it fails in almost every par-
t ;eular to meet modern requirements
The school rooms are long, narrow,
dark and poorly ventilated. The
school contains neither teacher; room.
nor lavatory. These with other ser-
iotts defects can for immediate act-
i,o:t on the part of the board, ;and if
not done it might cause the with-
holding of the government grants, un-
til .assurance is given by the board
that they either modify and improve
the present building or erect a new
school. You will see at a glance
the position of the board.
By-law No, 1,. confirming the ap-
e eal:m nt of auditor was read the
necessary number of times and :inally
passea, of motion of Hind and Beavers
A communication was received from
Dr. Quackenbush, Jf,H2O,, and was
H E Huston was re -appointed to
the Library Board.
Beavers—Roulstcn—That the coun-
cil hold its • meetings on the aecand
and. fourth Friday of each month. The
time of meeting to be 7.30 p.m. un
to the 1st of May.
T. B. Carling, Clerk
Previously acknowledged
El. Walters
E. Treble
W. Creech
0 Sauthcatt
W. Moncur
S Davis
fd: J White
The postpones meeting of the 'Pat-
riotic Lea.gwe . will take, place in the
Town Hall on Monday night at 7.30
Gaghan-6th con., McGillivray, Jan. 20
to ,N1r, and Mrs. James Gaghan ,a
Miller—Neil—In Christ Church, Clan-
deboye, an Feb. 3, Charles E. Mil-
ler, to •Miss :Ada Belle, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. James( Neil of lcGil-
l Tway
Gallman—Porter—At Rasthern,' Sask.,
an Jan. 27, Miss Edna May, :laugh-
ter oa Mrs, R. Porter, to Mr. Alfred
Ga11mari of Rasthern, Sask.
Strupn-Faster—At St. Boniface R. C.
Church 2;uri h, by Rev. A. Strae-
'ger on Jan. 26, Miss Josephine Fos -
':es of the :Belay -ton Line, .Hay, to,
2vlir Leo Stapp of Berlin,
Snell -In Exeter, Jan. 29, Mrs: Ann
Snell widow' of the late Thomas
Snell, en.her 79th yearr,
Eorthsvick—Ailsa Craig, Jan. 18th
Ffeenah D•o•wtuhatn, •wife of Christ.
Borthwick formerly of Mc Gillivra),.
,neat Corbett ;aged 78 years, 2 men-
tbs and 8 days.
WJia reoewlgg rear Advocates
ieileePabee .that we club with all
th-A. Cloy Daily,, Weekly, aztd the
Moenthly papers and periodicals,
Get the benefit of these elubbiog
rates. Call is aafd see us.
utQmobile Agency.
Hup. obile
1 have taken the ager` ey ftrr this dish ic+t fc t• the
Automobiles and intetdirg pure] ltcs-will du ��c11 to con-
sult rs regarding the
machines I represent.
These machitres are leadtrs and lad this paces are z'ea;s,
onab! .
M. DOYL , Exeter
xeter Bargain Store
'February Sale
Here are atew of our prices for this month,
Sewing Cotton or Silk 40c. dozen spools.
Boys hi ower 3 puit fe for 25c,
:Mens " 2 " " 25c.
5 pair* cair'n's, wool sox for $1,00
Big variety of mite and gloves.
Balance of our sweaters At less than wholesale price.
5 childrens coats worth $3 for $1.00 each.
60 pairs Ipamph- tun els to clear at otT regular price.
24 pairs curates in drab color regular $1.00 for 83c.
Overcc nes ,et cost price,
1 Rat lined, coat regular $45 for $22.50
Ladies ch ala t ubht•rs ogees 2i to 5 for 70e,
d3oato, Shoes a red ruhiiets aur specialty.
B. W. F. Beavers
To 4ET' OUR PR.iCE $
Come in our Big Annual Sale
It starts on the First Day of February and lasts j
28 days. These prices are for February.
Men's. Fur Collared Coats Ladies Fur Lined Coats
Former values 16,50 Regular value 560.00
Sale Price 12.50 Sale Price $29:00
Ladies' Fur Collared Coats
Former Values $22 to$28
Sale Price 13,95
Ladies' Cloth Coats
Regular values $10 & $15
Sale Price ,$5.00
20 per cent Discount on 'ill Says 20 per cent discount on all
and Men's Overcoats Boys and Men's Su ta.
15 early Small Men's Overcoats 10 Men's Suits small sizes each
each $2,00 $3.00
8 only Boys' Grey Reefers each 10 only' Ladies Raincoats at
$1.00each $,2,00
Look over this list
1000 yds new Prin}t, sale price
per. yard 814 cents.
11 yards 12%c. Flanrnellettee $1
500 yds Pure Linen Towling 834c
12 yds 36:un, factory Catton, $1
15 per cent discount on all.
Dinner Sets,
Good. Pins per package ic.
Best Needles 5c. pks. 2 for 5c.
Coates best Cotton 'Spooks
3 foe 10c,
15c. Tooth Brushes '10c,
15c =Beatty Pins 6 on cord 10c
Pearl Buttons extra quality
per dozen5c
100 lbs extra Standard Gran
Sisgar, "5.6.65
6 bars Comfort Soap • 25c.
Shredded Wheat per. pkg. 10c
7 lbs best Rolled Oats fox 25c
4 battles best extracts 25c
Money Saving oppprtuti
18 prs Mens Overalls; each 75c
40c. a garment Penman's Flee
ced Shunts and Drawers.
Girl's Sweater Coats each 50c;
Fancy Table Lanip $1,25
15 per cent . Discount on all
Toilet Sets.
Forest Citty Baking Bow -
der a sealer 20c.
Royal Yeast per box 3c.
3 `cans Cbrn, Peas and
Tomatoes 25c,
Maple Leaf Salmon a tin 22c
4 pkg 10c. Corn Starch 25c
3 pkgs ICellag's, Toasted
• Corn Flakes 25c,
3 Ibs best cleaned claimants
for 25i
2 lbs best Bakking. Sada Sc.
2 cans good pink salmon 25c,
3 pkgs 10c, amniotiirat: 25c
ities for this month: , = l'