HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1915-1-28, Page 8FXE IE: t ADVOCATE,'• THURSDAY ,JANTI.A.RY 2B:,' l is XETER MARKETS, CHANGED HAVE WilPNESDAY Wheat thckwheat. ,gigs, Oats. 3 , Potatoes. Per bat ,. Hay. e,r^ton. ,,:,.,,.,,, ;dour. ter, ever,, family Flour, low grade per ow Butter__ Creamery Batter .. Held ergs . , „ Live tows. per cwt.., Shox•>;s •Per ton 12 135 65 70 771 50 65 125 150 50 00 14 00 14 00 2 70 124 1 25 31 32.E ' 33 22 23 7 10'. 2900 27 oa Horatio Reyno lds teed Dealer Real Clover, Alsilee, Timothy,, Mil- let 9.Ifalle and beans bought. Imparted Red Clover and Timothy Seed foe sale; also Choice home grown • Bu.kwheat and Alsike Wil. be et home to take in Seed every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Satuardey. Highest prices paid. Address all cotrnmu..aications to H. Reynolds,iiay Ontario. R. R. No. 1. CARD OF THA:`rKS—Mr, and and Mrs ,James Braok of Usborne ,desire to thank the neighbors and friends for their kindly help and sympathy in their recent bereavement. Special. Notice—"January White Sale' commencing Thursday morning January 21st, and lasting two weeks at Ales. W. D. Yeo's. See ad, in an- other column. SHIPPING DAY CHANGED.—Mr. 1. Armstrong in future ;will, ship hogs on Thursday of each week, instead of Monday PERRY F. DOUPE Licensed Auctioneer. Live Stock Sale.: a Specialty. Terms moderate. Orders left at The Advocate Office promptly attended to, Phone i16 Kirkton Address, Kirkton P. O. TIMBEIt WANTED.—We will }say highest cash price for first-class Here Maple and Basswood toga, eut t lengths to our order. Anyone hay- itta logs to offer will kindly .all and get prices and specifications. R Gillies & Son, Phone 95, Exeter, WH i CI.1,VYANDOTTS FOR SALE —A few White Wyandott Cockrels for :site --price right. George !agues, Winchelsea Ont. NEW FLOUR & FEED STORE,— I desire to announce that I have op- ened a Flour and Feed Store in F. Wood's Old Stand, opposite Post Office arid will keep• a full supply of the best grades of flames and .eeds. I solicit your pat. SIDNEY DAVIS RUC LOST.—Between Exeter and EltmvillE a brown and black I ug. Finder will please leave at Advocate Office or Elimviile store. ORDER FROM US.—Now is the time to consider your reading Enatter for 1915. No matter what papers or magazines you require—Canadian or foreign—The Advocate can supply then at lower prices than. you :an get them Exeter Lodge No. 67, I.O.0.F., Reg- ular meeting on. Tuesday, February 2 --Initiatory Degree. Visitors welcome. • W. E Bradt, Noble Grand, THE OVERLAND.—I am selling The Overland automobile, one of the best cars en the market, and I ex- pect .to have some here for demon- s rat_o,e next week. We shall be please to show you, thi.;; car. Our repair '.Slap is at year disposal and you are well advised to have your',ar Iooke::' over before spring comes.- 'VES. SNELL, Dealer. •LOCAL DOINGS. 11 lieeneeseaSeaseeseeseesteireesoatiaek r R. D, Hunter of Usborne lost a valuable mare by death. on• Monday), A rink or two of Exeter curlers intend going to London Bonspeil neat week, c • Mrs. John E. Dignan is at present all -ac her daughter's home in Kings- ville. ille. • The Oraagernen of thus District will held their annual meeting here on Tuesday next. Tb.; hockey team intends taking a tris: to• Ailsa Craig and Parkhill next wet; for two games, :ears. Bert Clark held the lucky tick- et last week at the Dome Theater getting a bag of flour, \,Ther a splendid world this would be .if :everybody paid spot cash. It Would help .some of us to pay our coal Bilis Soule a2eonle in this world are sv wiselti' foolish that they want to do al of, the talking, and others are so foolishly wise that they let them, tilts Thos. Keys, who recently mov- ed, to ,town from Stephen, has pur- chased the residence owned by Mrs. Catherine Hedden an John street. :1r. A. E. Fulee has sold the dwell- ing he has been residing in on William street to Mr. Philip Hern. lir. Fulee will continue to occupy it for some time. We have been having beautiful win- ter weather this week The recent snows made the sleighing fine and it is being •made use of for pleasure and profit A. Hydro -Radial Meeting is acing belts in Kirkton this Wednesday after( noon when the matter of a radialbe- tweeµ St Marys and Exeter will be discussed. The Winnipeg Telegram and the Regina Province have each, owing to the depression cut off their morning e t :oats The Regina Leader has die- cow:Lewd its evening edition. In our mention last week of the pur c' ase of the W. H, Levett busin- ess interests in Exeter we omitted staging, that ttliss Mae Wood is ane of the. firm of purchasers. Mr. Levett gives up possession on March lst, the Boyer -Vincent concert Comp -- any Put on very creditable entertain- ments in the Opera, House on Mon- day and Tuesday nights of this week. Thi company wears well "and draw goods ,ltousea in spite of other at- tractions . Counterfeit Bank of Toronto bills :.:a the 310 denomination are being circulated. It is said to be a clever counterfeit on the face size and like- ly to deceive anyone, but the back is a re 1 daub and they can easily be detected by this, ' Rev Jeffersan of Crediton deliver- ed a. very interesting address at the jot meeting of the James Street and Male Street Leagues in the . farmex churchon Tuesday evening. Besides s the address the home League enter- mime'. nter- mi.'the visitors very nicely. •. It used to be that a. shirt was just a shirt and was willing; to let it go at that. Nowadays a shirt never knows when tk stop and, it doesn't, If a ,ran keeps up• with the procession ;o -day; lse,needs a shirt which is a cross be- tween a. barber's pole and the aurora borealis. At the ,adjourned preliminary hear- ing in Sarnia of the charge laid again sr' Dahxel Hartleib of Exeter in ,_on azaction with the loss by fire in that city last summer evidence was taken which the magistrate considered suffi -: ient .to: warrant him in sending Mr. Hartleibup for trial, which was .lone. The date of the trial is not known. A nh nber of men sent out by the Hydra_Commission are engaged gath- ering ath ering information regarding freight shipped. in and out of this 'ocality. Whey this information is ..otnpleteJ it Mil's -serve the purpose of furnishing an approximate estimate of shipments anct whether such will warrant the bu la.14 of a radial railway through this • district, — At a meeting of the directors of •he Exeter .Agricultural Society an Satur- day Mt' R. G ,Seldon was elected secretary over Mr A G. Dyer, and Mr. W. 'D Clarke treasurer in the place, cf Mr. N. D. Hendon. The for- mer secretary, Mr. Dyer, had occur pieJ, that position for 36 years, and a !remembrance in the form of a grant of 315 was voted to hien, SECURE FARM HELP NOW.—W. D Sco ,z Superintendent of lmmigra- tum for the Dorniinion Government, wr _c roto C. H. Sanders, agent • for this distrix t :says :—With the . ape preach of Spring and the busy season r the farms, I wish t, draw your at- tention to the fact that immigration from the • British Isles this year will not likely amount to much, and fence, farmers who have beenaccustomed to securine. iminigrant help are. now con - f on e•f with the necessity of securing iselt. Fran some other, source. There a a 1a. 3 e number' of idle men in Canada some .of whom have had ex- Aerie sole as farm laborers and others qut.. :inexperienced. This is the only source of supply for the present year A.s farmers everywhere are mak:frog a strong effort to =ncrease Praia. o. i,n view of war prices and the des•rability of Canada raising as much 'as possible to meet the needs of the Empire in this crisis I think it likely that farin help will be scarce. before long and therefore farmers should ta'he iansnediate advantage--`o2- the present sittuation to secure ''heln• before the rush begins and scardity of labor is felt. If your ora in. need ;of hefts leave your order with, C.; ;l The ";fuzzy -headed girls" learning too dance,. the "11ttle woman" who gave a bit card party to keep in society, and the "red faced fellow" who, vis- ited Landon and '`might" have brought home few jugs, came, in forspecial l m ntial;'in last Sunday evening's ser - men in James Street church. Many morals •could be drawn; from this, but the "printer's devil" says he 'pipes' i13,s, one. "avoid Buzzy hair, \,mall stature and a rosy complexion." , HOCKE'.i,—Parkhill and Exeter played a fine game of hockey on Thursday eight on the, local ice, re- stinting in Exeter's • favor 5-3. The visitors were a fine lot of fellows, and the umpire they brought' along knew the game, although he did trot p times. $ha.� it at Three periods p t of 20 mi.nurtes each were played, t esult- Mg at the end vof the first, Parkhill 1, Exeter e second, Parkhill 2, Exeter 4, third, .Parkhill 3, Exeter 5. Tor - ranee in goal for the locals played a fing.,galiie, his work winning the bat- tle The Pickard boys an the wings pat up an excellent game, as dial also Acheson, Rivers and- 'the Soutthootte in their places. Parkhill bays were. fast on theajr skates and good shots. There was pretty fair` combination work throughout. SCHOOL BOARD—The-naugural meeting of the Exeter School Board was held on Wednesday evening of last week, when the officers and committees were appointed for the present year,—S. Martin, chairman; J Grigg secretary; Corporation of Ex- eter treasurer; the various committees the same as in 1914. L R .Carling was re -appointed representative to the Public Library for 1915-6-7. The building plans ttreee discussed et some length' and early preparations are ea be made for the remodelling of the school. A motion of sympathy with the secretary, .,ti Mr. Grigg, in his asci•• leaf and hope for' an early and com- plete recovery ,was passed, The third Monday of the month was fixed •as the regular meeting night for the year —Adjournment to call of the chair, DISMISSED.—The case of Norman Kellermaan vs. W. G. Gibbons was before ,Magistrate W D. Sanders 4n the Town Hall on Thursday nornipg al -1J the case dismissed as to the. charge of fraud in the automobile deal. made last summer. Gibbons, however, squared the financial metters between himself and K'ellesmann by paying the latter, or securing hien, in something over $700. The trouble as stated last week arose over an, exchange of Ford and McLaughlin cars, the latter hay- irox, a lien against it, and a money "hoot' in the shape of a note from Kellermaein for $300. In a couple of mouths McLaughlin's took the auto from Kellerntann, who then proceeded aga;nst Gibbons to recover his finan- cial loss. The rnagistrate held that the main fault in Gibbons was that he had bitten; •off more than he could comfortably chew in these had 'times but that no fraud was intended. FARMERS' INSTITUTE—The Fare' ers' Institute meeting held in the Toter: Ball on Monday evening was fairly well attended and. the topics dis cussed proved of great interest. Ow- ing to illness l.Iir. Clark of Cainsville wa,i tamable to be present; but itlr' Shaw +of the same place ga.ve a very able address on the subject, "Western Provinces compared with .Ontario:" He, dealt with the subject from varied standpoints and his address was well received. Mr. Shaw was followed by Mr Smith of S,tnitlevuille on, the subject of "Cultivation- of Soil, Rot- ation of Crops and conservation of Moisture," 'rhe speaker handled the subjeete with ease and dealt with them las ti ur'ctknl way thatcould be `:ase- !t unacrstrwd, and all the. 2alm•rs present were amply repand for their attendance. Owing to illness Mrs, lxTo.elard was unable to be present, consequently there was no meeting of the ladies. Mr Nelson Sheere is in Sarnia this week. Mt and Mrs. 'M. M. Doyle have re- aril from their wedding trip. Mr Geo. Smaliacombe of Stratford vc,i h g in town for a few days. ;In Passmore of Toronto v;sited. 'her sster, Mrs. Gladman last week. Sanders Advocate 'Office.. MTS Peter Bawden visited • in Lone, doe. this week. ae The thermometer. registered a Heti degree below zero early Wednesddyl morning. wero was received here this week by Miss Mame Sanders of the death in Vancouver on Jan. 13th of Hete May Lindsay wife of Charles Bering, aril granddaughter” of "tire late Jokin Sandeirs ,of Exeter, -tit the age of .26 years '7aeceis.ed had; `been�yull far scull Thames Road Presbyterian Church hei;' their anniversary services ' Sun- -day last„ when Rev. John Somerville of ,Toronto occupied the pulpit very acceptably, and preached to large da itlegations. Caven. Church, Exeter antlidrew their evening service in or- der' that the congregation might at- tea,c', the anniversary services. The spcial„music by the choir, assisted by Ma. Hays of Seaforth was of high order. Mr. Hays sang two solos at each service and his singing was ,nuch apazeciated. Ar "interesting" game of hockey aras,played in the local rink on 'Tnues- day;a'ftern.00n. Two picked teams trout. the Thames Roecl vicinity were the contestants., Had some of out ow"tt ; tea • been wise enonrgh to look on° team' could have picked up '-orne no" tts 'a's to hack shooting, body heck_tg and all round slugging. The score showed a victory for Fred .., . kin's team, •S to 4. Oiie incitlenton 1 opened to; go mar the sport, •.when art+ 4 dk iron• engaging 'an *onje : o � rams e n r ie . e hath`. . -.: r m.aa S ts. Kennedy _ eln Tuckersntt h, Jan. L9tl , Tell e -i`' by- someone a;• skate; flee - to „e - to ser and Mrs, Rollie Kenn r?'y `a r"r ti:-"''=`n'g• the' services of a doctor daughter. I ro_:-; out- "unusual" corresponden,•_. \fss. Evelyn Gill returned last week to her nursing duties in Toledo, Ohio Miss Becca. Hobbs of Birr is visit :s;; hes sister, Mrs. Collins, at the' reCtDry Mr Win. Piper cf Seaforth visited ;lis mother here the latter part of last week Miss Annie Easterbrooke left rues clay to visit her aunt, Mrs. Wm. West - coat at Seaforth. Mis Jennie Chesney of Tuckersmith :s spending a few weeks with :vfrs. Jshn R McDonald. Mrs Melville Martin. and two 5seas of .Regina are guests, atthe home of Rev. and Mfrs. W. M, Martin, London. lirs -Hall of Exeter North returned last week from Detroit, where she. visi•:e t her daughter, Mrs. Renshed,' several weeks. Mr .Fred Mallett received :xis call last week tc repo : for training at: London for the th_rd continent; and he left on Monday morning. County Councillors, Reeve Taylor of Exeter Reeve E ering to m of Us - borne and Deputy -Reeve Love of Stephen left Tuesday to attend the County Council at Goderich.. EXETER PATRIOTIC FUND Previously ackin wledged 1364,69,: 10,00 10,00 6,00 5:00 20.00 14;00 LEFT ALL. NIGHT TO FREEZE BAREFOOTED. Stratford Jan. 21.-Four=year- old; Jack McDougall, son of Mrs. Thos. IdeDougall Ontario street, is in a very serious condition as a result of terrible torture, alleged . to heave been administered` by playmates, and the police are endeavoring to get at the bottom of the case. The wee any has both legs and face frozen, and was: found in a stupor, sitting an a siders alk p....t 7.30 this, morning by' Mrs, Freemar Farrow, after hie parents had. spent a sleepless night searching fox hint. It is alleged that white playing with three companions in a neighbor's yard. the child was set wpm by the others, his shoes and stockings strip- ped front .pis feet there he was thrown over a fence and covered with a neap, of snow, over which was placed a large box, and that he was left thus all night. While the frantic parents were searching for their boy :luring the aright they questioned one of the boys who was playing with hire, and who denied any knowledge of what had happened. Early this morning it :s al- leged the same boy released young McDougall and told him to go home.. The little .suffered must have wan- dered to where Mrs. Freeman Fax - row found him, SOUTH HURON AGRI. SOCIETY The annual .meeting of the” members of the South Huron Agricultural So- cietx was held in Hensall, on Tues- day of last week. The following of- ficers and directors were elected for the turrestt year : Owen Geiger, Hen salt President; Wm. Berry, Bruce - field . ist Vice -President; H. Soldan, Hensall, 2nd Vice -President; Direc- tors—John M:;rdoch, Hensall; E. Chris a Exeter: Robt, ;McLaren, Tucker - smith W. D. Sanders,'Stephen; Alex. Smith, Dr. Malloy and Fred, Sma11a- combe Hensall; P. Lamont and Ed. Wurni Zurich; Wm, White, Hensall; Alex Mustard, Brueefield; A. G. Smillie, Seaforth; J. Hood and R, Mc- Kay Kiipnen; J. 1\X• Govenlock, Mc- Killop Messrs. H. Arnold and C. Mc- Danell Elensall, were appointed and: :toss Keith 1M. McLean was appoint- ed Secretary -Treasurer. It was also decidec; to hold a seed and stock show in Hensall, the same as last year the seed show to be held on Mare], 30th, Mrs W. Mace, • Winnipeg, R. G - Selldon L. Day , S GG_lhnore . Tea Room J,an. 16, , Tea Room Jan •ZS,' otls' — M n ly .• C. B. Snell • James Stewart -Lop 1.00 1431.69 Ottawa Jan: 12; '15 Mrs. A Hastings, Dear Madarix—I wish to express my sincere thanks . to you and theciti- zens of Exeter for the 'kindness you have shown in sending me a wristlet watch ,as it is something every soldier needs and 'I as4uire you it will he a comfort tome'°to know that the prayers ofmy friends at home will be witl the through this great struggle aril 1 hope that we 'Canadians can r_ ruder . a,-gacid aceosint. of ourselves; wide' s., the a>#ne ` clnses" €os? tus te. gb, into 'the 'llr eye afx1,: tight. felrO'our coon try- Again thanking you, 1 lbeg ,to: r,.:nlc-.5 Very sincerely yours. - Earl Parscns. RECRUITING IN HURON Clinton is sending two officers I'or the Thir,i Contingent. Major H T. Rance; is to he senior major and a ec-i and in command of the 33rd Battalion of Infantry which went into training az London on Monday and will form part of the Third Canadian Contin- gent. The commanding officer of the new Battalion is Lieut, -Col, Wilson of Seafarth, Captain C. E. Dowding, the Clinton manager of the Molsons Bank has received the appointment of Pay- master of. the new. Battalion, The tal- low -Me; have been added to the list of the volunteers, Sergeant Sutton, Wingham ,whoa is now taking a ;peg -1 i,al military course in London; -Lloyd Barber Seaforth; Geo. A, Bremner, Seafarth• Thomas Barnes, Mitchell;'. Ra; B Gook, Seafor th ; Thomas Gar- taa Wingham; J. H. O'Neil, Bru,cefield Harry Twyford, Clinton; George d•Ixb- b:a ;gingham; Delmer Huller, Clinton John J. Kennedy, Wingham. Some of the Parkhill recruits In the 'I:hirc: contingent are—William F.Kiff Edward King, John Gallaher, Charles Harris, George Rossman, Lieut. Alex. Cameron. HYDRO ON AT LUCAN. Lucan, Jan. 22.—Hydro was turned an hero at 6.30 this evening and fol- lowing the interesting ceremony, a large publiic meeting was held in Stan- ley's opera house, where addresses were heard from Engineers Raster and Jeffrey of the Ontario 'Hydro= Electric Commission. The switch that made the connection .to flood the village with light was turned on by Mr Thos. Collins of Clandeboye, who. is considerably past his 'iun- dredtr anniversary, but who took great Pleasure in the part he played in turn- ing on the wonderful power. A lum- ber of reeves and councillors prom near-by,municipalities were present at the meeting Reeve Govenlock. of McKillop is, ,he new warden of Hunan County. In Middlesex after five ballots they ail- e,d to elect a warden. on Tuesday: N. Rowe r D ale ni Dealer Furare. t and Undertaker Phone ZOa. Exeter Ontario Tea & Coffee Store+o re 1�7 For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, , coffee and every- thing in. the grocery line. Call. ;and s.ee ,l s. A trial as to quality will convin- ce. Produce takexL in each npf ata aC! Opposite Electric light Plant Big deduction in Watches 4 MEN'S 18 size, GOLD FILLED CASE Regular Price $14.00, now $8.08 2 MENS' 16 size, GOLD FILLED CASE Regular Price $15,00, now $9;00 2 MENS' 18 size, NICI(LE CASE, Regular . Price $ 3,00, now $5.511 4 LADIES' 6 size, Gold -Filled Case Regular Price $14.00, now 58.011 6 LADIES 0 size, Gold -Filled Case Regular. Price $16.00, naw $9.00 2 LADIES' 0 size, Wristlet Watches Regular Price $14,00, now $9,75 2 SILVER Wristlet Watches, Regular Price $ 4.00, now $ 2,75 W1'2 ARE OFFERING SOME BEAUTIFUL BRACELETS AT A VERY LOW PRICE, Lawson & Trick Exeter Nameless Catarrh Remedy The remedy that is safe to ase any- where either in or out doors. Name - relieve -u most cases instantly. Try it for Sneezing, Stuffed head, sore throat, Hacking, Spitting, Sore nose Coughing Waxy ears, Deafness, Neuralgia Headache, Lung trouble, Inflamed eyelids, Asthma, .Hay fev- er, Piles etc. FOR POULTRY, TRY IT Louse head, Black swelled head. For gapes (you, will be surprised,) NAMELESS is guaranteed to a ei- leve in the use' of one bottle, or the price will be refunded, Get Next to NAMELESS; sent .try where for 25 cents, ___ Nameless is prepared by The Purity Manf'g Co. Exeter, Ont. and sold at Powell's Bazaar J. Willis Powell The Big Variety Store P,S.—Ail through January we anis running two-day window sales. New prices every Monday, Wednesday and Friday Watch our windows. Exeter North Lieiieral Store For Real Home- made German Sausage .()DUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE BUTTER, EGGS , DRIED APPLES DRESSED POULTRY AT MARKET PRICES H. Bierling 'b MERCHANT, lila P.O, 4 JONES & MAY PHONE NO. 32 January Sale FOR THE BALANCE OF JANUARY' WE ARE OFFERING SPECIAL PRICES TO CLEAR OUT ALL WINTER GOODS THIS WILL BE A SAVER FOR YOU AS THE SAME GOODS WILL BE MUCH HIGHER NEXT WINTER. LADIES COATS Only a few left at lust haIf regular price, Each one a. bar- gain. ' FUR COLLAR COATS $12 for a good one, $15 for abetter one. A Snap. MEN'S & BOYS' O'RCOATS To be cleared Out regard- less ,of Dost. Come and get a real Live bargain. ALL FURS For off Selling Price. A good stylish lot to pick from. LADIES' WAISTP. A nice lot of Silk and Net Waists, at only 322.00 each. MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS A bag lot of nifty suits clear out at nearly 3 price. 1 New Spring Goods THE 'NEW' SPRING GOODS ARE ARRIVING EVERY DAY WE WILL SOON HAVE, THEM ALL IN FOR YOUR,.APPRO- VAL. NEW DRESS GOODS, The first shipnient is here Wand you will find them very swell in Patterns, Colors and . Fabrics. NEW PRINTS 300 pieces of thet New Eng=, dish and Canadian Prints. Ev- ery color, in different pat- terns will he found on our counters, $1.98 All Trimmed Hats SOME REAL BEAUTIES TO CHOOSE r, Headquarters for he celebrated W : E: Sanfond Clothing