HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1915-1-28, Page 7HEALTH WRTCKED THROUGH LA GRIPPE It Generally Leaves the Patient Debilitated and an Easy Victim to Other Diseases One of the foremost medicine writers says,: "It is astonishing the number of people Who have been '+crippled in health for years after an attack o£ ,la grippe or influenza.." ,The real danger fromthis disease, 'which sweeps over Canada every winter, is during convalescence, when the charaeteenetie symptoms, the fever, the catarrh, the head -- ache and the depression of spirits pass away, Grip leaves behind it :weakened vital powers, thin blood, "impaired digestion and over -sen- sitive nerves -- a condition that, ;makes the system. an easy prey to :pneumonia, bronchitis, rheumatism, :nervous prostration and even con- sumption. It ie a condition that Dells mortemph emphatically for atonic fear ;the 'blood. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a tonic especially adapted to meet this need as they purify and enrich the blood. They tone up the nerves and give vigor, strength and health to the debilitated system. Mrs, Howard D. Ohaffey, .Indian Island, .N.B., says, "For several winters in sueeession I was Mta.eked by la grippe which left me .weak and badly run down. In each case 1 used Di•. 'Williams' Pink Pills. with the most beneficial results. Last winter when the trouble was again prevalent I took the pre- eaution of rertify^in'g my system with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and 'escaped the trouble, while many of my neighbors were clown with it. In fact I enjoyed the hest of health all spring and feel sure this medicine will so fortify the system as to pre- vent the trouble," These Pills are sold by all aned- leine dealers or may be had by mail at 50 eents a box or six boxes for $2.50 tram The Dr. Williams' Med- icine t'o., Brockville, Ont: AIREDALE TEE BEST DOG. For Military Purpose the Airedale' Beats All Vthers.... The finest miljtarydogisthe Aire- dale, in the opinion of Major E. IL Richardson, a breeder of war dogs, who was in charge of a pack of bloodhound% with the Belgian army until they were 'cast in the disaster atM' ens. • He says the Airedale ean stand any clma.te, is second to none in. faithfulness sand intelligence, has :powers of 'rearing and scent re- markably acute, and is the right size, whether used on sentry duty, scouting, searching for the wounded or as a messenger or ammunition carrier. , "He can Bear 300 yards farther than a man and knows friend from foe by their .smell;" says Major Richardson. , ""A' man's smell de- pends on what he eats, so a dog can tell the difference between English, French and Germans even when dressed in the same kind of clothes." An officer wrote to the major. in regard to one of his dogs: "Den was blown twenty yards by a bursting shell. He was not bit, only scared. He declined to face the :music any more, until after a lot of coaxing, when be went back 'on night duty, watching and listen.- ring in the trenches with the intent- ness of the most •.seasoned sentry, 'aided further by a sense -of sight end smell thin was almost un- canny." . . I � THREE REASONS. Each With Two • Legs and Ten Fingers. [3n Eastern'women who is a fond mother writes an amusing article :about ;her experience feeding her 'boys: Among other things she says: :' "Three chubby, rosy-obeeked boys, ;Bob, Tack and Dick,- respectively, are three- of ;stir reasali�s for using - 'and recommending the food, Grape- Nuts, for these youngsters have 'teen fed on Grape -Nuts since in- ,fancy, • and- often between °meals when other children would have been given candy. ""I gave a package of Grape -Nuts to a neighbor whose 3-yeatr-"old child 'was a'weazened little 'thing, ill' half the time. The little •tot ate the ,Grape -Nuts -and' air eam greedily and the mother continued the good eeseik, and it was not long before fa ,� i to e manifested ;truly in cti ng m e /itself in the. child?s „face" and body. The results were remarkable; even ,The Grape-Nuts. - ""Both husband and I use Grape- ,Nints. every day and keep's�trong sand well and have three of tdhe, finest, 1healthiest boys you can find in a ldiiy's u -arch." Many mothers instead of destroy- ing the . children's stomachs with. candy and cake give ,he youngsters a;handfu•i of Grape -Nuts when they are begging for something i.n: the `why -of sweets". The result is soon 'sdi,ow�n in greatly increased health, strength and mental activity. Name given by Canadian Postum Co. Windsor, Ont. rook in packages for the famous little book, "The Road to `Well- Ever read the above letter. A maty enD ;Appears. trent time to time. They aria !genuine, 'ti -Ge, and full at Paulen interest. HARVESTING THE ICE C1tOP. 'gide that these ashes are not waste! O, 1 t 1 , Swiss anti Italians had taken. tee U 1 t i uI ed, as, .,apart from the, difficulty of Co-operation + Among Farmers an : securing potash supplies, the mar- Ativai►tage in the Work. ket valueof ashes at present is from cicalities in Camraclaii,$8.00' to $12,000 per ton, depending There are few l • that slave not available a river or" upon 'quality, 1 smaller stream from which a sup- ply of ice may be obtained for use 4 f d ring• - -fhe summer m.nn>tl,a Th �'�iU ILUtS All The e .• ease with which the ice crop may be secured is probably the reason why it is not taken advantage of to a. greater extent than at present. For economical harvesting opera- tions it ie advisable that a number of the fermiers of a community •co- operate, sharing the expense, and making the labor proportionately lighter. A few tools are necessary to har- vest the iee supply efficiently, A steel scraper to remove the snow covering is desirable; some "styles World to 'Know It DODD'S I I1)NI"',1 DILLS CURED JEAN BAP` IS'.ttE• TAPP. - Quebec Man Who Waved trent Kidney Disease for Years is again a Robust, Healthy man. L'Anse-a-Valleau, Gaspe Co-, Quer, Jan. 25th (Special) --"I aim. of road scrapers may he used,. or a happy to tell you ?Docld's Kidney very good home-made scraper may. Pills made nae well. So says Jean is be made of wood and faced with a. Bapti„te Tapp, • a well known and strip of steel, An fee plough facili- highly respected resident of this fates the work of scoring into blocks place. , And so thankful is Mr. Tapp for breaking off. A slice bar for for the benefits he has received frons breaking off the blocks can be Dodd's Kidney Pills that he wants dek ow i . He a similar to a ra vba^ with a thesv c to n t m mmi c ` r, holes weal' sharp blade from sixto eight inches wants others who suffer as be did wide. An ice caw may he impro- to know the cure. croseut saw. � ntue nnhmearn of or kidneyr mdisease,"rsUrsaTapep from SATs, poles, iee tongs and a chain, pikeith "It started from a cold, and grade - heavy pair .of ice tongs attached, ally grew worse. My skin had a complete, the tools required. A harsh, dry feeling, my appetite was platform, ono end of which 'nay be fitful and I Perspired freely with the let down into elle water, and the slightest exertion. I had flashes of other ecoid raised level with the light before my eyes and I was al - floor of the sleigh, permits the use ways tired• and nervous. of a horse in taking the. iee out of "Finally rhoumatisum was added' the water and. Ioaelfng on the. sleigh, to my troubles, while attacks of The ice should be packed as solid- sciatica and neuralgia followed. The ly as possible in the ice house and doctor who "attended me and the. medicines I tried, failed to help me till I decided to use Dodd's Kidney Pills, I took four boxes in all, and. to -day 1 am, a robust =An in excel- lent health." All Mr, Tapp's troubles' came from sack kidneys. That's why Dodd's Kidney Pills cured them, 60 WIDOWS IN ONE STREET. care taken to have sufficient insulat- ing material around the outside and' on top. If more ice is required .than can be seeolnnioclatcd in the ice house, it may he piled outside, first laying boards on the ground, and covering them with a layer of saw-' dust or straw. The sides and top should also be well covered and pre- teeted with boards to prevent -the wind carrying aavay the insulating material, - Sorted in this ways the ice A MOTHER'S ER'S ANXI E�'Y', Most mothers are anxious when their little ones are teething, for at this time the baby's stomach gets disordered and there is a grave danger of convulsions. This anxiety can be lessened, however, if the mother keeps a supply of Baby's Own. Tablets in the house and gives an occasional dose to her teething baby. The Tablets axe, the very best medicine in the world during the teething time. They regulate the bowels, sweeten the stomach, promote healthful sleep and make teething painless. They are sold by Medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box. from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. POTASH AND WOOD ASHES. Some. Valuable I.'rotluets for band Improvement. • the supply of potash German mines shut off Canada should n to the large Haat fertilizing agent which is to waste through i d conservation of the on of laced ashes, Throughout a large part o chief feel at .all seise in winter, is provinces, ha;r used. `These beech acid maple, 51i, varying from 5 to according to conditions of the wood and care Other valuable riga ashes ase a small p phosphoric acid and cent.. of carbonate clearing of wood to of- debris the ,fuel supply,: of ashes are pro s a rule, are left where is' done, and are w.a�sted.. ashes s}rbudd be in fire -proof in any event a.lv,a of fire, to avoid leaching. they would be spread- They are especial' a f+erti�ldzel• and to enco <olover, and the stsh"es, by hastening organic ina+tter in �s�oi e re�a"di-1y available contained therein. In od• ashes sii^pply, th acid and lime in wliic deficient, w:hile,' o lime content of tlh r available to render s already present in Potash �a�s: supplied rough the medium o a distinct salts imported from that it is in a nn, and henoe i$ �a fax plant - leech mpoi�tance of wood above, as fertilizer. be, over-estimated. emtl y of first inter es� agriculturists lumber in to conserve elle, and, by what process the present write kings; in land' clearing clearing of be in progress from of the debris of . s of ashes will should be Withh from the Gerby war conditions,now give attention quantity of this Pert' allow- ed goto want of car°e. and annual products f Can– ada thens, but more especiallywood. In the easterndwoods are chieflywoods, es- pecially are rich in pots 13 per cent., ons ` of. drynessof time ashes. edients. of wood ropor- don of about fifty per of lime. In the is and in the burning'after tak- ing out large amountsduced. These, .a' the burningconse- quently Woodcarefully storedreceptacles if possible y from any dangerrill be kept dryIn: the sprung t d^ upon . the land. j Nell'-. able as,ur'age the growth-ofbetter grasses. • Woodthe der c,ay of .o 1s; ren" der mer the nitro- gen co sandy soil, woe phos- phorich. these soils aren clay lands, thee.ashe't. e dsthe pot- ashtn, salt�abun- dance.e• to the land through f wood - ashes hasadvantage over the potashm Ger many; invery solu- ble . foxt once available • The i ashes, as. shown 'zer_ earl' hardly ` It is consequently e to the interests of Canadasupply wherever pro- duped. Duringr large irndertang and right-of-wayrailway lines will the burning which large aniouintaccumulate. Who Suffer Their Bereavement with Splendid Fortitude. There is a road in • Gillingham, England, which deserves to be called the Street of Sorrows. Thera are 139 houses in it•–•two anonotonous rows of small, plain houses along less than a quarter- mile of drub street, with only its nanie, Chaucer Road, to distinguish ib in peace from ft seen of others in this unlovely neighborhood. Now ib has a sad distinction,. The war has made sixty women widows in that street. Sixty widows in 130 houses. It is ,a. poignant example of bow Chatham and the district near, including Rochester, ;Strood, Gillingham and Rainham, have suf- fered by the naval losses since Au- gust. The Formidable is the ninth boat manned by men of the Chatham division that has been lost. The others are the Aboukir, Hogue, Cressy, - Hermes, Pathfinder, Speedy, Hawke and Rohilla. • .The Mayor of Chatham, Alder- man Payne, stated that there were over 500 families bereaved in the district. "`The .splendid fortitude of the women," he said, "is an in- spiration to us all." ll ,el Oi1S 1 ld U BS hotel and retstau"rent business by storm. et" `I` The $ritish V4'ailere' �[. IrBntP(l . Union crawl- ored for recognition vainly until the war. Then the newspapers took up IT ENDS MISERY QF GQLDS 1'their. case, and there has restlltteda" QUICKLY. clean stveMp. of Garinans Austrians Don'tivait, till night, ' I and of S.n,+lss'vice speak with as Cier- "Get after your cold wee—this "ErY • man accent. The hig' hotels *re too .minute, before, it.grews dangerous YOU dignified to 'weird their windows"'Phe •sltRub your uld yhest andihroet� rub eldttime}tliem with the -signs" that alien enemies child's thoroughly with Ner•viline. Belief will are not employed, but they make a delight, be immediate, more eonspieuous land more nave- Tme Nerviline will save you from lying :lnatie show of patriotism by cover- awalce to -night, coughing, choking and ing their fronts with. #lags and picnickers: suffering from congestion in the chest loyal mottoes. ; choice,. and acute pain in the throat. The ease of German restaurants' Roe #yod rs Nerviline will break up that dull and shops s which have professed to neuralgic headache—will kill the cold genuine p favorite. and chill at its very beginning—will purvey• g nuine Gei-n an focus and savesave you frown perhaps a serious ill- beers is especially pethetie. One of the latter, vi bice has many branches To take away Hoarseness, to ,break in London, iris filled its windows up a grippy cold, to cure a sore throat with g g, ns that its sausages are or bad cold in the chest, you can use made from British pork at its own nothing so speedy and, effective as ?Ter- factory in the north of England, Megaphone 1 oungster. viline. For forty years it has been the and also makes announeernent of its "What do you suppose snakes that most largely used fancily remedy in eontributiona to the Prince of baby cry so awfully lcttld l" merit, so can you by keeping handy oil plains that the ;alien owners were f hearing, you know." , _ ., tout , =ATOP* Ke r�rile ,1Ge 3r'RatCr Z POTTED MEATS -- fullEAS -- Full flavored acid perfectly cooked make delicious sandwiches. the Dominion. Time has proved its Wales' Relief Fend. Another ex-; "Why, both its parents are hard the shelf the large 50c. family size o - ea , . bottle; small trial site �5c sold by bought out by British capital years any dealer aeywbere, ago ut the German name war, re- YOUR uwr1 �te DRUGGIST TiL 11Gi. Y y tanned to keepthe old easterners.ray taraneaire medyr d , as GERMANY BEST IN LGN(t WAR. Count Reventlow Thinks 'Teutons Cazt Beat ;fillies in Time. The London Daily Chronicle prints ztn article by Count R:event- low, in whieh he says; "We know in Germany that not Only ean we last out a long war, but also that we can last out a, long war 1 or .� White St., would succumb to the better •than our enemies -apolitical- deadly ravages of advanced kidney ly*, militarily and economically. we trouble, lly first attacks of bads know the longer the war lasts, so ache and kidney trouble began years much better will be our world standing. Because of that the entire Ger- man people enter upon the new year full of courage and confident o£ ultimate victory. From Raiser to working man, all Gernails know the struggle can last a long time yet. but likewise they all know the Ger- man people ultimately will win. Do- mestic controversies have disap- peared and all Germans stand to- gether as one man. Death Dearly Claimed Now Brunswick Lady Was Reatgred to Her Anxious Family When Hop* Had Gone, St. John, N.B., Dec. l5.—At one thee It eras feared that errs, J. Grant, Ryes and Oranulatsd Lyelids; No Smarting,..-; just Rye Comfort. Write for Book of the l ye bytuuUi'ree. Idurldee$yeItereedy Co., Gliteago, Conrseieulee. Laid (kiloelaing in the morning) Madame, I've forgotten whether you wanted to be waked at seven ar eight. "`What time is it now'i" "Eight." Miliard'e Liniment Cures'DIstcmiter. Her 'evil. ago. For six years that dull gnawing "Do you think only of ire i'' mur- pain has been present. When I ex- mored the bride, “Tell we thief erred myself It was terribly intense von think only e. fie." fled If I caught cold the but nothing gave that certain grateful grooms gently. Nott and then l: relief that came from Dr. Hampton's have to think of the furnace. my fills ()tell f Mandrake and Butternut, In- dear." stead of being bowed down with pain, to -day I am strong, enjoy splendid appetite, sleep soundly. Lost proper- ties have been instilled into my blood —cheeks are rosy with color, and I thank that day that I heard of so grand a medicine as Dr. Hamilton's Pills." • Every woman should. use these pills regularly because good health pays, and it's good, vigorous health that ditties to all who use Dr. Hamilton's Mandrake and Butternut Pills. Color Ditln't•)latter., rnele Si (in restaurant)- fine some fish. Waiter ---Yes, sir; we have blue- (sh, black bass, whitefish-- Irishman—Do hitefish Irishman --Do you shave for five cints �' Barber—Yes; one side. Irishman—All right; thin shave the outside. Lord's Day Alliance Active very busy with the goal *work, but no Moro efficient than the old reliable Put- nani's Corn Extractor. which mats corns and warts in ono day. Fifty years use proves the merit of Putnam's. T'50 no other, 25e. at all' dealers.. 'Two Pullman porters, representing different railroads, met off duty K o i pati was un endurable. I used most everything, Its this way." eaplailte<l the , r FARMS FOR SALE. H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto. TF TOL; WANT TO BUY OR SELL A Fruit. Steck. Grain ar Dani 1'at•t:a. write 11. W.?,Daweaa, Brauipton, or SJ Cat• borne ;;t.. Crrouto- H. W. DAWSON, Colborne ` St., Toronto. FA& SATi.E. k1esISTEP.FFa sIit1R'r LIO'RN AND Holstein Calves. T. .1. lido: risen. pur• �•har. FEMALE HE P t1Ac:SEG. .light sewing at li+ i,e. «i , { er spare tmia� r ,a t p.;y ; w rt •i 3.r • *seise• ••':art- p ..d. :-enn +r :fi tieulan+. w Sltl>;rti:tl, CO.. Montreal. Uncle Si—I dont keel- nothin a out the dolor, jest so lung as it's NURSERY STOCK. fresh, LOW FARES TO THE CHICACO EXPOSITiONS. and progressed Froin friendly gossip' via Chicago &-Porth Western Ry. to heated argument. Their quarrel Four splendid daily trains from the New P1,;senger. Terms nd Ch R centred about which one worked for kranci o, Ise An„ Chicago to an ;toles and San Diego. the better road. Their claims, fib Choice of scenic: andldirel t routes. Double ures and arg umenes came fast and furious,. At last the tall, thin port- er .settled the disc-ute with these classic words : "Go on, .man ; we killsmore than you Iellahs= tote." M.inard•s Liniment 0o., L;mfted The' Mysterious 'I'liyroitl. sirs. --I have used your MINARD'S Lrni- 3IENT for tree pant 25 years and whilst T The thyroid gland, which is situ- leave occasionally used other liniments I cin safely say that I have never used any aced about the.lower part of the equal to yours, throat, is still a medical mystery. tf rubbed. between the handsln- ^' haled fretluently. it will never fail to Practically nothing is known as to cure eold in the head in z4 hours. It is its uses, and very littleabout the causes of disease in it.' Goitre is a: non-malignant enlargement of the thyroid gland. The swelling may be no, more than a mere thickening, or it may grow into a mass weighing several pounds. It is common in mountainous• districts and where there is magnesiatelimestone in the soil and drinking water: Operation may be necessary, but goitre will usually yield to treatment, and,is rarely. fatal. Malignant disease of the thyroid gland is often .associat- ed with overstrain or sudden shock. Here operation is- generally neves Bary, and is a very serious matter indeed. In some mysterious way re- moval,pf the thyr=oid gland .affects the mental ;powers, and the unfor- tunate person who has his thyroid removed is in. great danger of los- ing his wits, more partiicularly his memory. To -morrow rhymes with borrow and .sorrow. Mrs. Topfiat—Bridget, where: did you get that dreadful eye. Bridget— Me brother gave it to me, anuli; and what'll the neighbors say ;£ 1\Ie. with. an eye`.Iike that and no huge iband, taken Some stepstd pro: D. also the 'Beast fcr bruises, sprains, etc. Yours truly. J. O. LESLIE. •Dartmouth. "`Bridget, has Johnnie come home from school yet?" "Yas, sorr." "`Have you seen himi" "No•,.sorr." ""Then how do you know he is home?" ""'Cause the cat's hidin' under the stove, soar." -Minard's: Liniment 'Cures Carget In' Cows. WAITERS GET CHANCE. rn:LWI BERRIES. n typhi i ni:. . „1r t•.. T tTOE . Cat ioAue ' & Son. Port Burwe01 Ont. MALE HELP WANTED, 1" EARN BARBEE rI:.�II,. :kL' tYli -LA sure emptogtuet . g c.1 -ii ic=,v weeks reOu i ed .o , impiett < i*..a , . to for fatal piart.cuhtaa and c+iti , Ne i+lay. track way, n�tw n cera c sa ety atsita:s cooler Barber a'ol,eke. ::' t;uiva alt way, Toronto. Let us plan your trip and furnish field. OW MS B. II. Bennett, Gen. Agt„ 46 Yonge St.. Toronto, Ont, Not Greedy. Passenger—I'd give you a tip, only I've nothing but a 510 bill. • Porter --Oh, that'll be enough. sir. , . Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Eta. d Iu11 pastie ulats. British.Tale Places in Restaurants of, Alien Enemies. "No alien enenmies employed in this establishment" is one of the signs new ,confronting Londoners in the majority of the' reseaun"atits, tea shops and eating places of the mid - dile and cheap grades, isays the Lon- don 'Ca.mitiele. Some go even' fur;- Cher and alibouno&""No alien ene- mies are empiloyed or served." This is a triumph for the British Waiterrs' Union. Before the war foreigners from the Continent rotiopelized the wait- ers' calling throughout England, except in a few of the old fashioned British estab lishinent,s, par�ticul�arly these in the sheartof,London, where a,n old guard of busines's men, living. up -to the traditions of former gen- eraticyns,' remain faithful to- their turtle -soup and beefsteak and bot- tle of port for their-nnidday meal, and "cling to famous old resorts, which may have been eleai and coni- fo"rtabl_e, .eccordin;g to the standard. of Die roams and-Thackeray'a ^tiane, b",toonnt an,el the attentions' of elle ' card of health in err up- to—ante, ci y. ., The e toffs of hire .larger Emrglish Hotels, from the roan -an -era office to the kitchen, were manned by for- eigi-ees, Most of these; }hotels are oeened by eompanies and thestock- holders placed dividends'beeore loy- alty to British servants' when Bei- tis"li"employees had been proven less 5. ISSUE 5-'15. profitable than aliens. Germans, Mr. Dooley—Give me abar of soap, please. Shopkeeper --De you want it scented or unscented'? Mr. Dooley—Aw, niver moind. Oi'il just take it with me. Minard's Liniment _Cures Diphtheria, Youihf111 l nselilsliness.. He was a good little boy and very thoughtful. - Int was during along spell of dry weather, and he had heard of the great scarcity of wa- ter throughout the country. He eame to his mother, and sliped his hand into hers. . "Mamma," he said, "is it true that in some 'places the. little boys and girls have not enough water to. drink'" - "That is what the papers ';say, my dear." r • "Mamma,', he presently ' said, ."rd like to- give something for those poor little boys and girls," • "Yes, dear. What would . you like to give?" • "Mamma,". he said in an .earnest way, "as long as the water is' so very, Very scarce, I think I ought to give up lbein' washed!" For severe wounds, cuts. skin diseases, eczema and all skin troubles -for adults or .` for -children, there is nothing to equal the great herbal healer MISCELLANEOUS. !tet ANd:ER, TUMORS. Lt1.nin, n o V internal and external, cured with• o ut gain by our home treatttient. Write as before, too late Dr. Ilei'.mxa ModioZx Co.. Limited, Collingwoad. Out. Machinery For Sale Engine, shafting, belting.. pttl!ey�, ete. from large factory for sn'e. Wheelock engine, lei by .iz, eonrilete with. cylinder frame, fly wheel, htyar- ings, etc.. all in good condition. Shafting from one inch to three inches, pulleys thirty inches to fifty inches, belting six inches t,r twelve inches Will sell enure or In part. NO REASONABL OFFER REFUSED. 8. Frank Wilson & Sona, 73 Adelaide Street West. Tornnto. Ohapped Hands Quichlk Healed Chapped hands and lips always. come tvith cold weather, hut. seline Trademark CAP- 1OR ICE Made in Canada brings • sure and speedy relief. Children especially need Vaseline Camphor Ice for their'rough and starting hands: Our new 511ustratc4 booklet de- scribes all the `"Vaseline" prepa- rations. A postcard brings it. AVOID, SUBS'TITUT'ES. Insist on "Vaseline'` in original pack- ages bearing the naiiie, C1fESE BRbUGi1-1 MAN tUFACT 'R- I1�G,CO., Consolidated rorsalc at all Chemists and General Stores. CHESEBROUGH MF'G CO. (Consolidated) iaso'CHABOT AVE., MoNTRCA¢.