Exeter Advocate, 1915-1-28, Page 54 g t s a r t DENTAL. Dir. G. P. ROTUI ETON, L,I).5,, D,D.S. DENTIST ►Lelnber of alp R,Q.P,S. or Ontario and Honor, Graduate of Toronto University. Orrice --Over Dickson Bs Caarling's;, law orrice. Closed Wednesday afternoons, OR. A R. KINSMAN, L,D.S., D.D.S., Honor Graduate or Toronto University DENTIST Teeth extracted without palm, or any bad effects. Office over Madman satanbury's Office,. Magn Street, Exeter.. LEGAL DICKSON & CARLING, BARRISTERS, Solicitors. Notaries: Conveyancers, Corn - or! saioners. om-or!saioners. Solieltors for the Molsona Sank. etc. 5foney to Loan at tow'est rates or interest Offices -Mein -St., Exeter R. Carling, B.A. L. K. Dickson. DZ;ONEY TO LOAN We - have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm ahid village prop- erties at low rates of tntea'eat, GI.ADyfAN & S'rA,NRliit'X' Uarr;aters. Solicitors, 'Enter, T. 13 CARLINQ M, Fire, Accident and Plate Glass Insurance, Collecting accounts, and con, ducting audtian Bales, -- Exeter.. Ont. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS THE sole head of a family, or hay mak over 18 'years old, may )iomestead a quarter -section of available Conlin - lora land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicant must app,lar in perso t at the Dominion Lands Ag ency of Sub -Agency for the Dis tz ct. Entry may be made at any. Dominion Lands Agency (bat not Sub -Agency) on certain conditions. Duties* -.Sial months' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader nay live within, nine miles of his, homestead an a .faro of at least 80 acres, on :.ertain conditions A habitable house is re- auined in every case, except when re- sidence is perfprined in the vicinity. Ira certain districts a homesteader in good standing it nay pre-empt a quarter section alongside his homestead. Price per acre. Duties --Six months resi- dence in each of theee years after earning homestead patent; also 50 acres extra cultivation. Pre-emption patent may be obtained as soon as homestead patent, on certain .condi- tions A settler who has exhausted his homestead right may take a purchas- e homestead in certain districts. P ice $3 per acre. Duties -Must re- sa e 6 maths in each -of 3 years, cu- ltiy tc 50 acres, anti erect a house mirth 0 off S3 0 1'he area ot cultivation is subject* to reduction in case of rough, scrub- by or stony land. Live stock may be substituted for cultivation under cer- tain conditions. W. W, CORY, C.M.G. Deputy ot tho Miniiiter of the Interior N.B.-Unautthorized publication of tills advertisement will Trot be paid for. DR. DeVAN'SFRENCH PILLS, bleelte-1 gulating Pill for Women. $5 a tat or threefor $10. Sold at all Drug Stores. or mailed to any{ address =receipt of p ice.,Tnli Stoma, DRUG Co., St. Catharines, Ontario. PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN. vgm e a ,itality;for Nerve and Brain; increases "grey matter" ;a Tonle-wihl build you up. $3 a box, or two for $5, at drug stores, or by mail on receipt of price. Tag Sconsu, Dana Co., St. Catharines. Ontario. CENTRAL /; , STRATFORD. ONT.'� Ontario's Best Practical Training School. We have thorough courses and experienced instructors in each of ow- three departments -Commerc- ial Shorthand and Telegraphy. Our graduates succeed and you should read our large, free catalogue. Write for.ir at once. D. A. McLachlan, Principal COMPLETE A COURSE in the `El.. 1OTT Toronto, otand Ont., results will the *vire ta` you. the wisdom '-of -Graduat- ing from this famous school: Cat- alogue free. Enter any time. Wj, ELLIOTT, Principal 4 Yonge St.. Toronto. EVERY WOMAN is interested and should know about the wonderful Marmot whirling s ear Douche Ask your druggist -for it. If he cannot supply the MARVEL, accept no other;' but send stamp for Illus tiated'book-seared. It gives full particulars and directions invaluable to ladies.. WINDSOR SUPPLY GO..Windsor, Ont. General Agents for Canada. RAND' 'HUNK SYSWAV TEM Double Track All the Way TORONTO :CHICAGO„ TORONTO 4 -''MONTREAL: Unexcelled Train Service irk Tv hest. � g Class ,af • Egiapmer>it,,• l E TO R LI .ORNi R IDA AN., D � Y., � lei st "Trains Oji z n;p: . are Low F,nat' a y t"' . _,y. For full particulaxs consult. • G. T. R Ticker Agents; or write C. E. HORNING, Dist. 'Pass. Agent, . Toronto, N. J.• DORE,;`Ex'eter' .. • Too- many women struggle under pains and aches. They are not sick—but weak, nervous, irritable.. Such women need that blood- strength that comes by taking SCOTT'S EMI,JLSIO It also strengthens the nerves, aids the ap- petite and cheeks the decline, If wife or mother tire easily or look ran down, ,SCOTT'S EMULSION will build her up. 1443 SIWN SUBSTITUTES. 1),T q R.) W W e. TOROAT):) .7AR,Q ZURICH Rev Burn of Waterloo is assisting .Rev. Brown in his evangelistic campaign this week,-,Mennno Surerus who - died ilk Cavalier, N,D, was born in Zurich November 12, 1853 where the early part of his life was spent. In 1880 he ,was married to Missane Geiger, who survives him, and Ti e years later .he carne to North Dakota He. first located in Cavalier county, tikhere he resided until 1891, when himself and family moved to Cavalier least of the time since then he has lived upon a farm in this vicinity Ben. and Joseph Surerus of this place are brothers -The annual meeting of the . tiatch Agricultural Society was held ha the TOW11 Hall Wednesday after noon The finances of the Society are in a satisfactory condition,, a bat- e of $34,93c, remaining in the trees - u. er's hands. Following is the result of the election of officers for the veer' 1915 ; President John Pfaff ; 1st V„'e Pres, . C, Either.; '2nd Vice ,Pres, 'V F Calbwellt Directors , J.Deche: jr, L H ,Rader, Alfred Reicert, fas, Graeae H. Neeb, Casper Walper, W. B Battler Peter Deicliert, H. Kruger, Auditors Jac Haberer and Wendel Smith: Deligates to Agricultural Fair ee,nvention to be held in Toronto in February J. Pfaff and P. Deichert, D. S. Faust was re -appointed secretary treasurer, W Bassow has returned iron Det- roit Mich. -Morris Stumpf of the Canadian west is visiting relatives here -Mr Calvin Williams has returned to Buffalo N. Y. after a pleasant visit al his home here for a few weeks. -Mr, Font Sparks returned from Bigger„ Sask. a few days ago -MT. Louis Hild- ebrandt and family have moved from Goderich to Zurich and occupy the ]souse at the flax mill. HENSALL George Pfaff has gone to London to learn barbering. -:Miss Edith lic- Ewe , of the Orillia Public School tearhlag staff, and who came home on sick leave is recovering. -Miss Leich of Ailsa Craig has, been visiting her sister Airs.. A. Case. -John Macarthur of London has been spending a few .lays with H. Araiold and wife. -The many friends of the Gilchrist family will regret to learn of the death of William, which :resulted from blood- po soning contracted at his home',:in Tacoma. ,Wash., while perfariuing . ee operation on an animal while" pr4C"f kine ,lti: profession, that of veterinar surgeon He leaves a wife a,nd fame fly to mourn his loss. .He was hoer{ on the old Gilchrist homestead;'nortl} c,f -Hensall. in 1876, .and was the- yoritt'la est son of the late John Giich'riat He wan rharriied in, 1908 to. viisa Enna” ma McKeller of London, who with on -e chili ..survives him. Inn 1910 he *nov-a' ed. to Tacoma where he burat -a of very. successful practice. eanla LUCAN Miss Aljoe O'Neil and Miss Madot line left for their future home In Bradklyn .N. Y. -Mr, Dick Bryant of Petrc+leaivasia gown Tuestday attend- ina the funeral,; of his uncle, the !ate Japes McMahen, -On Sunday, Tan. 17, Were passed away one of the oldeat settlers 'of this locality, in the person of James McMahen. He was born on. December 29th; on. the 15th conces- sior. •of London Township, .and had thus 'just closed'his,. 85th year: . He ivas time 'second of, a family, of ,even I -the, living member being his sin stet; "firs -Mawhsnney of 'this ' lace,- rr.. Wm t Sn�e l 'cf W' i -M Z u1n peg is' visit - fog hart fog..fxends in' town;,.- .,. ... wv Tao late Cdr 1 art +tvete i 5ss'Ve�ra T n&beiner 1S visi n er sister gra. Thos. Ings of Landon. - Miss Hilda Shenk of Crediton spent a few days with her cousin Miss Vi- olet -Ganser.-Hr. and Mrs. William Yearley. spent Monday with their daughter, Mrs. Albert Keys. - F. Kading and Ed. Lamport spent Tues day iei• =Zurich, -Mrs. J. Kerr and her delighter of Toronto axe visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jas, -"Baxter. - Messrs - J. Lynch and D hicIsaac spent Friday .in, Goderich,-Mr. and Mrs John Gooding, ' entertained . a flambee af: Exeter • frienads, on Friday evening. -Miss I'da Feltner of Crediton visited. heir meat Mrs. Jacob Gaiser an' Tuiesday,-A ,longe number attend- ed the carnival on Tuesday evening, A POSITION FOR FALL AND WINTER We have a sound business propos-. itioeu for a reliable energetic .'sales- man for this district to sell fruit trees ,small fruits, flowering shrubs,etc. Pay weekly„ outfit free, exclusive territory' 124 . stock '60b' to d � e al- k ^.id er '>. n yy _. t=lthrou e I h our al- ter 4 ter the consumer k` and ir�Ater reIdverY atfresh, high rade trees Our; seen s are valu Faby. 7 9 n, of the' se'rwice .ve�r�ive fi1X , Mine of business: one Establisiiei 35 years.. Write PELHAAl NURSERY Co,Toronto,Ont P.S.-Handsome catalogue on re- qucs- either 'to applicant ' or those. tvi§hind nursery stoek. r Y NEWS THCS t » . airee, 3laaltIta lea. : OF WEEK' tha I -ni razP-.rt ` . . A carload of liiiquer was seized in a c important Events Which Have` Occurred During the Week. The Busy World's Happenings Care. fully Compiled and Put Into Handy and Attractive Shape foe the Readers of Our Paper -,-A Solid Hour's Enjoyment.. 1VEDleI SDAY. According to a despatch from Cop- enhagen The Berlin Tageblatt states that Roumania has purchased in the United States $9,650,000 worth ot war supplies. A Venice despatch to The London News says that the official Giornale D'Italia fully confirms reports that Hungary is attempting to make peace apart from Austria. The Kingston police commission- ers will take it charges made against Chief of Police Wm. Baillie, by. Ald. Hugh Nickle. He declared that the police system. is very lax. Geo. Frothingham, the original "Friar Tuck" of the oid Bostonian Opera Company, died suddenly Yes- terday ft Burlington, Vt„ of heart failure. He was 75 years of age. Mrs. Robt, H. Sherard, the author- ess, known as "IreneOsgood," Was. granted a divorce yesterday fn Lon- don from her third husband, Robs, H. Sherard, on the ground of misconduct and cruelty, A. W. Wheatley, general manager, of the Canadian Locomotive Co„ left Kingston{ yesterday for Europe. Mr,. Wheatley will visit Russells in an at- tempt to secure contracts eitber for locomotives or shrapnel. Total casualties, officially reported,. among the Canadians at Salisbury Plain so far number 57, 20 of them due to meningitis. Nothing has yet been heard of the Patricia's casual- ties aside from the death of Capt. Newton. Sir William Osler, Regius Profes- sor at Oxford has offered bis services to aid the McGill Base Hospital, which with students and professors from McGill and nurses from local hospitals, will leave for the front In tbe spring. 191 L:iiSD %Y. A British Red Cross party left Lou- don for Montenegro yesterday in charge of Doctors Ciemow and Burn- bam, of Canada. Henri C. Chapleau, a Montreal let- ter carrier, wbo pleaded guilty to theft from the mails, was sentenced yesterday by Judge Leet to four years in the penitentiary. Word has been received by Mrs. E. Burns of Moose Taw, of the death of her husband, while fighting at the front in France. Burns was a Social- ist lecturer in Moose Jaw. Lieut. C. E. Parker, King's Royal Rifles, formerly Sixth Duke of Con- naught Rifles, Vancouver, Is now re- ported as missing, and is believed to have been killed at the front. At an executive meeting of the South Waterloo Reform Association, it was decided to contest the riding in the bye -election necessitated by the death of George Clare, M.P." White on his way to a euchre held in the Orange Hall at North Bay, Archie Smith, a prominent Orange- man, and an engineer of the T. & N. 0.; dropped dead with heart failure. The U. S. Senate yesterday, by a vbhte'of 40 to 38, refused to suspend ta'hre;;xules and permit a vote on Sena- tor Sheppard's Prohibition amend- ment to the District of Columbia Ap- Iiropriation Bill. Fourteen German' soldiers were killed yesterday when a German mili- tary supply train fell into a canal between Hasselt and Turnhout in Belgium, where tbe invaders had pre- viously blown up the bridge them- selves. FRIDAY. George Theibaud, a well-known French publicist, died yesterday. He was born at Toulouse in 1850. Robert Halls, postmaster at Hep- worth, Ont., for many years, died suddenly while going about his du- ties. • Maj. James Hiscott, of St. Cath- arines, ex-M.D.P. for Lincoln, reeeiv- ed numerous Congratulation` •of friends on attaining his ninetieth birthday. - - W. J. Baker, of the College Inn Cigar Store, 'Kingston, received word yesterday that he`has been left $28,- 500 through the death of a relative inubeQ e e.. Capt. Robt. Bartlett, comamsder of the steamer Karluk, which carried the. Stefansson Expedition to the Aretie expressed the belief yesterday that the eight missing explorers of the expedition perished long ago. Sister Margaret Dorin, for 41. years a faithful religious worker at the Hotel Dieu, died yesterday morning, after a lingering illness. For many years she had been mother superior at that institution, but of late years was mistress of novices. The coroner's jury at St. Catha- rines investigating the death of Pte. .Charles Vanduser of the 77th Regi- ment, on guard • on the Welland Can- al, who was found on the G -T.- It: track on the morning of Jan. 14 yes- terday afternoon returned a verdict of accidental death. SATURDAY. The Toronto Terminals Railway Co. will apply to Parliament for pow- er to increase the limit of the bond Ing powers of the company, and to acquire lands in Toronto for freight and other facilities. A, despatch from Berlin says that Prince Joachim, the youngest son 9f Emperor William, has sufficiently re- eovered from his recent attack Of dysentry and influenza to permit his 'going to Baden-Baden for a rest. The Great Lakes Protec'tive'''Asso'`" dation, in ,annual ,session. yesterday, decided not to::.in itsshare f I risk insurance niOtr 'esselownedY b members of, the ssn iato. n,;unle s develonktenia''made'such ac- Oroh necessary. , Theodore Spangler, of Carlisle, was arrested yesterday in Washington when be stopped a policeman and aid: " , wantto see President Wil-. ton. A clique in Carlisle is trying to special raid of the provincial license authorities, in Welland on Thursday. Fifty-two charges " were laid. The action followed suspicions that the soldiers guarding the canal were get, ting too much liquor. The 1wTou1iA of Bishops of the Pro- vince of Ontai;io, after consideration of the question relating to the resig- elation of Bishop Thornloe of the See of Algoma, on his election to tbe See of Ottawa, resolved not to accept Bishop Thnrnloe's resignation. ONDAY. The Paris Temps denies the :report that the finance ministers of Russia, England and Franee met in Paris yes- terday to consider a joint loan of $'8,000,000,000. The death Is reported from New Dublin of John B. Barry, for many years a leading farmer of his district. He was for 16 years clerk of the Township of Elizabethtpwn, Official Convention advices received yesterday in Juarez, Mexico, says Pueblo, capital of the state of the same name, was taken by convention forces in a battle Iate Friday. Gen. Joffre bas been decorated' with the Cross of St. George by Maj. - eel). Prince Feltz Youssopoff, of Em- peror Nicholas' suite, who came to France to conger the decoration. Fmil Nerlich, a member of the firm of Nerlich & Co„ Toronto, importers Of fancy goods, was arrested Satur- d ay on a charge of assisting"an alien enemy of his Majesty out of Canada. At a meeting or the ratepayers of North Dumfries in Gait Saturday, a Motion was passed authorizing the •councilto give three-quarters of a mill on the tax rate to'the patriotic and Belgian relief funds. '" - Rev. Wm. Fleming, aged- 87, An- glican clergyman, died in Belleville on Saturday, after being ill for some time. He was the oldest minister in the diocese of Ontario. He was en- .gaged in the ministry for upwards of half a century, I'ti leaf>AY. * The Austro-Hungarian import duty on cottonseed oil, the whole supply of which comes from the 'United States, bas been reduced from 40 to 15 kronen. The roof of the Palace Skating Rink at Port Colborne collapsed yes- terday morning, luckily when there was nobody in the rink, .A big hoc- key match was held Saturday night. Fire destroyed the West Grain Co. elevator at Carlstadt, Alta., on Sun- day. The elevator had 5,000 bushels in it at the time, and the total loss is about2. $ 0,000, partly covered by in- surance. A Russian Imperial ukase, issued yesterday, fixed Jan. 30 as the date for the reopening of the session of the Council of State, and Feb. 2 as the day when the sittings of the Douma shall be resumed. - A fire which started in the rear of Miss Thompson's millinery parlor at Sty.: Catharines,. and, spread to Devor's shoe store did damage which is not likely to exceed $6,000, partially cov- ered by insurance. The. Red Cross Society of England. has asked the Canadian Militia De- partment, it is reported unofficially, to furnish doctors and hospital orderlies to take charge of a base hospital which is being organized by the Red Cross Society. The German Government has ac- cepted the alternative offered by the United States in the case of tbe prize collier, K.D. 3, formerly the British collier Fern, and has consented to her internment for the war, with her crew, at San Juan, Porto Rico. WILL FIND OUT FIRST. U .S. Will Not Buy Ships Until Trans - fere Are Recognized. WASHINGTON, Jan. 26.—The de- bate on the Administration ship pur- chase bill in the Senate yesterday disclosed the fact that it was not the intention of the President to buy the interned ships of any belligerent until' he had received assurances through diplomatic channels from the enemies of the country from -which such ships might be found that the transfers would, be recognized. ;Statements, to this effect by Sena- :tor=Siminons;. who is one of the Presi- dent's.special representatives in the Senate, and Senator Williams of Mississippi demolished the founda- tions upon which Senator Root yes-', terday . and. Senator -Lodge' last week' built their arguments that the enaet- ment of., the.: bill into maw. -and the operation of these ships under sanc- tion.of she Government would involve this Gov ` n n- ernment in rave inter stip g al complications. Senator Elihu Root, in the course of his speech, in do afternoon, said "None of these great ppwers'will. parfait „citizens of " an enemy to rob them of their trade by transferring ships they are entitled to capture on the high seas' to a neutral flag," he insisted.' , "We cannot measure the number of our steps. One unneutral step ,will lead to further unneutral steps by others until'.we are in, the thing: 4,e tea; ."1. am not arguingtagainst buying a ship, but buying?an ;-international quarrel with every 0,41. • ,i;11 we are to. maintain neutrality ve oteust !fold close• to it. If you, precipitate • this countr-y into an internationelenentro-. versy -when Europe +may*feel` tat �w ' have taken sides, we will rendour-` selves: The only safe course.ip'to keepout of such controverhies." First Death Clkilm 4�J'itit1. TORONTO,. Jan. 26. x';: The first death. claim :ander the new Work- men's; Compensation .kt t�'yw, as settled yesterday .by-'tiSe fo'ulardi•`ng° of ,the first check. The w id�bw ' of Charles Potasso, •o€ -, Cornwall, was paid $24..75, an amount estimated ate'5i5 .n -•..ten . • o� a �'' zhlan: til er t € the . vera t ge y p wage.ofrlher h'ashandiWwlin;uras kiilhiti= )t recenElY ,t>� the � anurse+ 'rqt. eiiiillny` 4.14-eat,,l'ose' e,.1 wi .'vin oIL'o.dx 'i'here,.arte Oatrwr.,sixeahildten in the Potasso family, all under the age or'? 16 .years. Compensation allowed' them ceases automatically as they' reach that age, and the allowance to.. the widow necessarily decreases. Be Clean! Inside and Outside ..ot;. would be. health , stro g -'e and If happy. Bat s Stege and clean awake 0l condition: But. What about the inside of the body? You can no more afford to neglect it than the outside. It is just as Import- ant that the system be cleansed of the poisonous impurities ca ell by weakness of the organs di estive or by inactivity of the liver. g DR. PIERCE'S Golden Medical Discovery (In Tablet or Liquid Form) Cleanses the. system -and more., It puts the liver in such a condition of health that it purifies the blood -as: it should. It helps the stomach digest food so that it makes gored blood -rich, red blood to nourish and strengthen all the organs. You may avail yourself of its tonic, revivifying influence by getting a bottle or a box of tablets from your medicine dealer—or send 50c for a trial hoz. Address as below. FREE"Dr Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser" -a French cloth bound book • of 1008 pages on receipt of 81 one -cent stamps to cover r-iItng charges, Address Dr. 11. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. X BRUCEFIELD The dance given by Messrs. Kais- er an: McCartney in Walker's Hall wa: a decided success and much tn- ioye.i by all. -Deputy Master McKay and start of Hensall inaalled the of- ficers or the O•idfellows' lodge there on Fridav night, and are in high •;praise of the work put on, The visitors were served an oyster supper. by, "Mine Host," Mr. Walker in his 'nu - al good style, -A good attendance of of met, greeted the Institute oil Sat- urday. but on account of the severe weather the attendance of ladies was aot so large. Miss I-Iotsin of Park- hill gave a good account of .1w re- cent trip to Germany and the . 014 Land Just • at this time it was very interesting. Those absent missett a treat.-bfr, Chas. Wasman has yothe gravel home for his barn. -In the- ab- sence of. the pastor, Rev. Green.who a suffering from a cold, '.Mr, 'Irwin of Clinton took the service in the Methodist Church here on Sunday. 1l'IcGZ L RAY There passed away on Jan 17th at the home of her sons, Con. 4, 1fcGi1- livray .of Catherine, relict of 'he late John Robertson, aged 83 years, tine of the townships oldeat residents, The remain.. were taken to Bruussels for interment. Deceased had been ill for over a year, but had been; confin- ed to her bed for only a few ;weeks, SEAFORTH-Another of the pio- neer: has passed away in the nerson of George Habkirk who died Friday ht his home in ;McKillop, at the age of 90 years. His wife predeceased him about a year. HAY --The marriage took place' in Hensall on Thursday, Jan, 21, of_4fias Bessie :Munn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Alex , Altana to Dr. Thos. G. Willis of Moorefield, Ont.. SEAFORTH-The jewellry store belonging to lir. J. F. Daly was en- tered by burglars and the sum of 88 extracted from the cash register. En- trance was made by breaking a win- dow pane in the rear of the stare. CLINTON-1Irs. Geo. A. Bradshaw. passed away on Monday after an ill- ness extending aver several weeks. Deceased was formerly Miss Harriett E Booth and since, the family came here several years ago she has made many friends. HIBBERT-The death took place last week of idrs.. John Dow. She.bad been in poor health for the past: two years and ,paaed away at the •igeof 58 years Besides her husband': she leaves two' sons at home to mourneher demise Interment took plaee •' in Roy's cemetery MITCHELL,--Whlie moving; a hay - press and gasoline engine from the farm of Albert Morey in Logan, Fred. Warder, one of the best known resi- dents of Mitchell, had his back brok- en a -d may not recover. The engine tipped off his load and in trying to Ora' it back with a rail the rail broke allowing him to be pinned be- neatl) the engine. He was quickly rescued but is in a critical condition, A WOMAN'S MESSAGLr'1'o WOMEN. If you are troubled with weak, tired eelings, headache, backache, hearing lawn sensations, bladder weakness, t one. tipation, catarrhal conditions, pail in the sides regularly or irregularly, floating or unnatural enlargements, sense of faliingormisplacementofinternal rgans, nervousness, desire to cry, palpi.ation, hot. flashes, dark rings under the eyes, or a• 1ps% of interest in life, I in. ite you to write and ask for nay simple method of house treatment, with ten days' trial entirely free and postpaid. alsn references to Canadian ladies wbo gladly tc:1 how they have regained health, streng•h. and happiness by this method. arra* t -day. Address : Mrs. M. Sommers, Bvx.. g;p Windsor. Ont, THEY'RE FINE FOR KIDDIES' -- You Arnie always keep a bottle of Chamber/adzes Stomach and Liver Tablets on the shelf. The little folk so often need a mild and safe cathartic and they do appreciate Chamberlain's instead of nauseous oils and mixtures. For atorn aeh troubleaand constipation. give one just before going to bed. All druggists, 25e, or send to CHAMBERLAIN MEDICINE Co., TORONTO to CHAMBERLAIN_ 'S! . TABLETS .- If the urine is hot and scalding -is too free or too scanty -or shows brick dust deposits or mucus -get Gin Pills to- day and cure yourself of Kidney and Bladder troubles. "Made in Canada". 50c. box, 0 for $2.50. Free treating' t if you write National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toro:: to. re Next in Importance is riakin g to Making, a ill provision to ensure its being properly carried out:. The interest of this Company in any estate which it is em- powered to administer is `striely impersonal. All things are: done with the sole atm of fulfilling its trust with the highest degree or efficiency and faithfulness Xn,aclosest Conformity with the expr"eesad desires of the testator: Consult with r nares' 2"dl ;the administration g ng of your estate. All information cheerfully Inittished free. en'eeen` THELONDON & WESTERN :TRUSTS CO. UNITED.: 382 382 RICHMOND74ST4EET,,, Y.ONDON, ONT. SIR GEO. GIBBONS, H.C., Presidenfj; JOHN S. MOORE,.Manager • q • vvvvvwvv L• Le c eaWnithell Cr, R." 0. { PURE =- PALATABLE -- NIITBITIOUS BT vERAGES 'A ,: � Ian FOR SALE BY WINE Arm SPIRIT ME4 CI3ANTEVERY RE 4, LO . C AL O� ON -Residents ir•�� li l O tOn districts ets Blah � le alter„ordar frariY • "werlwhatever they require ,for • ersoIa1 or.fain ks. _ Write to 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 1 4 1 1 4 i 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 4 1 1 4 1 44 44 it 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 1 4 1 1 1 1 4 1