HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1915-1-28, Page 42tete ;,buoctute Sander:, & Creech, Proprietet In advance $1.00 per year my $1;5C in United States. If not pa in advance 50c, extra per year .may be charged. s, cera: .lays visiting his cousins, the , tg tehel'° families. VYtHE' BD 9 ri'D TMF HU THURSDAY: J.1 i' .; ' HAY TOWNSHIP FIRE I ail, ANCE COMPANY. '44e The Fortieth annual meettno.efe.tl members of The Hay Tcwnshirat aria ers Mutual Fire Insurance Cenipany, was held :n Zurich an •Monday,` Jan' 25 at 1 o'clocl p. m. The followiag- is a synopsis cf the annual report read to the meeting. During the past year the company insures' property to the amount of $1,480,785.00 and the year closed with • insurance of $4,924,055 in -...'o ce , assetts amounting to $184,757.93 and $9,75? 5a cash fa the Bank. $5,3$4. was pa ci for losses during the veer. The election of directors we •; by ballot, The three retiring directors were W T. Caldwell, Ben. Surerus and Join B. I albfleisch. Mr. Surerus res:netl and the remaining two ivith Henry Neeb. John Pfaff, Alex. Rennie anti ()ever Kasen were nominated to fill the vacancies, Tlw clew tion c sulte:e in W. T. Caldwell, Henry Neeb *.n 1 Jelin Pfaff Keung elected. At a stfeeequent meeting William Consit wa, electe 1 President and John Sher- ritt Vice -President, for the ensuing year. GRAND BEern MrsP. Baiter lett McnJay tei.t aft -t Part Huron for a few Tayes-eTlte "eates of the Methodist church had a cuttereaand sewing bee cn Thursday ef.ereeo n for the soldiers garments an.' :he Red Cross hospital. -Mr. Jim Wilson of Parkhill visited at P.13aker a' Wednesday. --Jos. Brenner has -aliened e gravel pit on the race course. -Me Emery Carriere is home from North Bay visiting his parents. -Mr. George Tiedeman of Clair, ;rich„ is visiting his brother Alf. of this place.- Mr. Liza; of the 14th Stephen visited at A. Tiedemaan's Sunday.-EtheIr Oliver c' Greenway is visiting her grandfath er, P Baker. USBORNE, The home of 1fr. and MrS ends Bra^!: of the 5th concession of this township was saddened by the death of their intuit daughter Viola May, passel away on Friday morning, 'tit at the age of 6 months, 4 da}era • eShe was a particularly healthy little drilla uunti: Sunday when she took ei.:kk•,, of stomal+ trouble and despite the •best mad ic:ai treatment and careful eters- last she: passed away. Viola :\fay was a braeht ani cheerful child and"' will be mush missed in the lnousshold. The funeral took place to the "'EX eter Cemetery on Monday. The'par- ent: have the sympathy of the eom- niunity Nit Frei Delbridge lost a heavy and valuable clyde mare by death last week ELIMVILLE .e.fr and Mrs. Hall of Welburie .vis- ited their daughter, Mrs. \\all Elford over Sunday, Mrs. Arthur Cursley, who has been staying home with her mother for the past four months;, has gone back to London to take:µ up house -keeping again with her husband who es a motorman on the street' ear. -Mr Enos. Herdman its going to ten- ants'. on Thursday as a delegate to attenx the convention of the rargan- ized Bible Class of America. -Mr. Hen- ry Sinclair of Sarnia visited at Jahn Jahns" Jr. one day this week, -Hiss Grace and Rose Cwdmore of Exeter spent the week end -at their uncle's, Mr Silas Johns, -Mr, and Mrs, : Wilber Hunter spent Sunday in Exeter with MT Jos Hawkins. -Mr. Jas. Janes_ :of Exeter with : his young men's Bible class visited the Elimville class ea -Fri day night last and entertained ,thein to a patriotic concert, and Elimviflie 'lass suoxlie3 the lunch- Mr. Janes is to be congratulated on the ability of his yourn€einen ars entertainers: -Time Farm era' Institute held their annual ,need ing' in the Town Hall on Monde .° ternoori and .same interesting p cal talks were listened to. v o • WHALEN. tee enri Mise Lottie Squire is spending a few weeks with relatives around %is p peen anci other ?!laces. -Miss Myrtle. Squere. who' ;was seriously injtheclete t a sanaway accident 'two weeks. pg. i improving end is now sufficiently teem. leiied ,as• io biteable tie•be 'e u';T brei or a short tin each da3+t _ Hea Langford of Greaten, who cut;.f his toe:, off with an axe a week tate while trimming 'a • tree in the bush, is imprptiing nicely. -Miss Edna Gunn' is this week visiting friends of r u;can and Saintsbury.-Miss Florence "Mar an.i 1Vfiss 'Mahle Henry of Woodhall. were the guests of Mme. Sam'lageel`w, nine ca Sunday. -The ice hart rta4 c 'mmenced in this neigh Jones Biros , are hauling to Gr and •Hector M•illson is putting- Area snooly._The girls t>f the Dai,;:..- sioin Rand gatlanred at then a Mary Breaks and made a fine' c,;wilt on Saturday. -Earl Johnston and Wm.. Toohey were guests at Hector son's Sunday evening. -Ray Dabbs at Sai,irtsbury had ,a woad bee Tuesday after_- on and a dance in the evening, Centralia Mr John Colwill shipped a ca.rloa ef,very fine cattle to the Toronto. inarieet on Saturday. t Airy. Geo O'Neil of.Ille,rtofecspent ' M • T Willis is layinte in his .up - env b ;•'e this -week. The quality is -tae And the cold weather ver} suit- Tale for the job. S\Cif.° Tar Willis:and.. datizghter have ars. • bon the sick list the apart ,week tent are On the Mend. la a Worst has been,reCeived from W.. Elliott who went through a critical aSaere,ioa :n Toronto- on S:ttu day last that it was successful and the patient e , see$ nicely wit t good hosee of re - x r:^y S ae*era! from the village took in the 'ee$-ai. at Exeter -an Tuesday evg. r. atr. Alf. Cans of Byron spent a few :i s ,the guest of Mr. F. Hicica. Th:. Concert on Tuesday evening lire,: by the ,Patriotic League was argely attended. The speaker for It ee•eneng was Ex. layer Graham et London; interspersed with choice 'le'4 tic:ns by Alias Lillian Elliott, ani ee :Centrale quartette. Mr. Graham a excellent s- cal er and held the 4;r: ieace for an :hour describing the :p» ax. phases of the situation of the .:: at the front and their various n.- is Rev. Blatchford occupied the cheer in his -usual good form and those present say it was, the best address eao- have listened to for sometime. Toe late for last week ree January thaw left tbe roads in •.t.e a bad state for either wheels', sleighs. ---Mr. W. R. ,Elliott left on atter-lav last for Toronto where he'. v'Il undergo an examination and pro - ale an operation for stomach trot.- We halve he tray -return much T<np: rived.: in health. The Patriotic " eague are to gave a concert here on Mlr•nday tight.: Ex, Mayor Graham of Ln:1oti will give :an address. -Mr, J. •,eetlee spent a cental$ of days in the :allege with his new gasoline aawing ,unit and cat several piles of wood. -- the baseball boys are making ar- ^' reeinents to hold a box social in a few'weeks. The boys are behin1fin- ant';4'lly and are taleing this plan to tette e the necessary funds. D'ashwod air G. W. Shore has been bailie eft race, the past week laid up with a s vere cold end da gr pee. Mr E. :MI, Brokenshre was in Zur- el• ou Sionday on business. The Flax Company here shipped a carloae= of flax to the Doom 'Twine 3: Cordage Co. least week, for .vhicb they rece'ved a good figure. 1 (t•'i to be hoped that the price of lax wit: leeep up for a few more near, a:: there has been no money made at it for some years back. Ha ! Ha ! Two more of our young l„ 1 se are replanted to be Joan • en- ter.nz; .into the blissful state of mat- rimenv and eae h of them is said to have declared that no one shall know the day thereof, neither the :lour. Pu. -r -r -r Aint it funny how it works --re Some make a great noise about. -t titer to advertising in local pap- ers. others have it published +rem the pulpit. and some are so s1y. Bow - wow -more Tater. Mi and Mrs. Rueben Goetz, who nave bees v:,siting Mrs. Goetz's sis- ter at Sarnia, have returned home. Thi annual meeting of the 1)ash- teeto•i Planing Mill Co. was field c -n Tuesdal evening. Crediton --',- 1a R ).. Lraemate, who has .Leen v: fee i r i ill ; ....rid relatives here the past few weeks, has returned ace her home in Detroit, Mich. Mr and Mrs. Frank Case of Exeter v s to a at George Hedden's Monday, -111. 0 Davey's little son is ill. - efse Sam HeLiden of Crediton East who, has been sick with appendicitis, is; aasle to be up and around the house again, Eli, the second son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm Sims south of •Cre.eaton is very sick with nppendi- citis.--Herbie, the only son of Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Edwards, is sick with .per,."-.ues n;,a.-lefas kydd. and Mrs. Bloom ;.eld spent Sunday in Crediton. --Mr. aw-ic' Mrs. Fred Smith's little daughter ' —,r "covered from a severe attack of ,ere nia. Vi seeCla,rissa Hill leaves this week tab talk a course of nursing in one ca•the•Hospitals in Detroit. We wish her success hi her studies. et.:aae- and Mrs.• Thos. Klumpn of Dash- o• ael eves9ted the former's parents on Tuesday 'the youngest son of Mr. Wm. Fink - We -ea -was operated upon for append - :cater on-. Tuesday by Drs. Stevenson f- Brendon .and Dr `serefne of town. -7 `understand the op`eration was a clt cces.s ,erasee hock*eYteam went to Ailsa {lrgrF .on Monday and played a tie „gan .. the scone being 7-7. To see of the players a person can eas- l'ate-udge the hatture of 'the ' game, „lrr-tias a split lip and another a big 'gash Over the 'eye. •°When the Yanks - s. peeme ank-s-evme over there to take us these Mayers will be veterans in the fight. ankhz. 3 M's :had their first football. h` :,:i the athletic field' on Mon- n ight. The height • moonlighi 3e s' fine for the game:. and come 1 . class•. -kicking wias done. Look or some fast work in the spring. oifrey.Nicholson made a business trig to Toronto on Sa.tiirclay, , F-1 Eileen M. P. P., attended t -he an - anal meeting Of .;the Hay 'Insurance Company in Zurich : on Monday, Tines Lawson is around again after a weeiz's illness from the grippe: "• Mr eleales scent the week end in ,lion .with firiene.s, ,.( u'.,e a number c,f cur young. people enebeen enjoying the snow-sh'oe .aargt. this mast week: M_ss May Armstrong has returned Exeter after a week's 'visit with. fsa Herb Eilber. ; 'Vlr a_ -td Mrs. Wm, Sambrogk vasit- e friends is Woodharrl• last Sunday; J s,-,elaist has been, laid up this past Kneel w th lumbago. An arch s rarheas been c gan tett Evangel caj. $undo Scboal; tr144 they-tnati: il• ,astepeseraace", "ir # ali3lr n 'i`red sS199 tin s i i r J i •3Hattch ''mitt 'Mrs. (tett- fry Gaser, Who have been visiting kn 1, ,aa Brig'h't have returned Name. _Mir a::1 ?,l!rs. Wilkey of Stratford' :ng Ntr. and 'MIs. Herman :Herr, GerrnAn Raiders Were •l ent Qo o, ti Wkrolesal Destruction; British Public Scoffs` itt German Claims That a. British Cruiser Was Sunk, But Amsterdam Despatch Says Trawler Captain Saw a Brit. ish Vessel Damaged -Gen. French Sends Congratulations. LONDON, Jan. 26. -From inform- ation received here it is believed that the German fleet defeated Sunday was beaded for Hull, bent upon wholesale destruction. Its smart and effective interception by the British squadrons doubtless saved Hull from it+enaense destruction such as the big German vessels are capable of giving. The British navy has, Indeed, saved England from a day of genuine rourl,ia. Half an hour's freedom in firing on Hull would doubtless mean the loss of thousands of civilians' lives. England is growing with pleasure to -day over the splendid victory. German claims of having sunk a Brit- ish battlesblp are scoffed at. The British Admiralty apparently had a warning from somewhere as to the corning of the Germans and was ready. - The,t ane of the British warsisips Angaged in the North Sea battle with the German fleet on Sunday morning was damaged, though rant serioxlaly, by tbe Genian are -was reported -by rbe master of the' Dutel steam trawl- er I)riea, wbieh bas just- arrived at Ynauiden, accordin•; t a report re- ieraved by the Central News from its •orrespondent at Amsterdam and passed without coa.ument by the Brit- ish sensor, The mss+e,' of tie Erica. saysthat at 9.30 o'e1ae t on Stu clay morning, while the crew of the trawler was tlshing 120 miles from. Hellgolamd, they suddenly heard lir ng. They saw a German sq;tadron, con- sisting of six large ships and 22 tor- pedo -boats. being pursued by a --Brit lab fleet, which opened fire. Says the captain of the Erica: "We soon saw a German battlesbtp Sink, The Germans retired, lighting as they ran. They were 'able to damage, though not seziously, ane of the British ships. "The German fleet was soon out of sight, the Britisb pursuing thorn. The shelling was very heavy during the tight. Projectiles fell like rain and great columns of water were seen rising in the air." Lord Fisher, First Sea Lord of the Admiralty, yesterday received hundreds of congratulations on the anniversary of his birth. Be Is in per- fect health. The German Report. BERLIN, Jan. 26 The following official announcement' on the naval engagement in the North Sea Sunday was given out in Berlin yesterday: "During the advance of our armor- ed cruisers Seydlitz, Derfftnger, Moltke and Blucher, which, accom- panied by four smaller cruisers and two flotillas of torpedo -boats, were steaming In the North Sea, these ves- sels became engaged with a British detachment composed of five battle cruisers, several smaller cruisers and 26 torpedo-boat destroyers. "The enemy discontinued the en- gagement after three hours' time, at a point 70 miles ;vest -northwest of Heligoland, and retreated. "According to the information available, one British battle cruiser and one of our armored cruisers, the Blucher, were sunk. All tbe other German ships retuined to port. (Signed) `.`Von Benncke." Rear -Admiral Hipper commanded the German squadron. Capt. Erd- mann commanded the B1ueher. Navy Congratulated By Army.,` LONDON, Jan. 26. -. The official press bureau last night gave out the following mess. ge received by- the Admiralty from Field Marshal Sir. John French:. "1 and the army- in• •France `tate$ that you and our naval comrades will accept our congratulations on the vie - tory of the British, fleet. in the North Sea. Convey to Vice-Admiral.Ba.rtty- and Commodore 'ryrwfiitt and their officers and men our 'admiration ani! good wishes." .. . TO DEFEND. HUNGARY • •. Petrograd. Despatch Says That Is the Purpose of -German' Move ' LONDON, Jan" 26',-A Times' 2e trograd despatch says:8,,, "News reaches here o1 "a Britisb success In the movement from the Persian Gulf of Bagdad "It is believed in "Petrogradat the German -.troops -which have leen moving through Hungary are intend- ed to .oppose the Russian advance in the southern Carpathians, and that thef'announcement that they were to move against Serbia was incorrect. itis not believed possible that the Germans coul dprepare an - army etrong enough to act ,against Setbia until spring." - British Soldiers 'let Commissions. LONDON,',. Jan." 26. --''The latest suplrle`nent of The Loudon Gazette shows that 77 otricers have been lap pointed from the ranks to commis- sions in the British army, because of efficiency in the field. Most of them were advanced from the sergeant grade and tbe regimental non-com- missioned staff, but some were mere corporals. -Thew men had taken commands of companies in the field when the officers were r• st and other- wise showed themselves'. wortby 'af. second lieutenancies. `= •-•a r`. iSwedisli•People Should Be Neutral. STOCKHOLM,, Jan: 26 .:The ineu eaatiali'. laterej sieetwspaper :Ttdningeix sayit,,that athe . main ,.object of the, Swedes should not be to seek prod, by the difficS lities"seef`'the great pow ers, but to strengthen their defences thereby assuring respect: for Sweden's, neutrality by other Governments and securing peace with her own boun- daries: oun-daries; The anntalt`meeting of the Kirk - ton Agricultural Society was held in Aberdeen Hall on Wednesady last, The .president, Wm. Atkinson, occur" Pi-ed..the chair. The Secretary -Treas- urer's report was read, which ah>wed a balance oat- hand of $306.00.:1 -The following officers,. were appointed for the year: President, Wm. Atkinson;. 1st Vice -President, A, Brethour; 2nd Vice -President,, John Kei�land; Dir- ectors, John Cole, Rob'', Berry, Sam'' Doupe Rich, Paynter, A. Serr .hill, Jas. Stephens, Santa Routley, Wm, Brock, Arthur Francies, R., N. Shier, R. W, Sweitzer;'Jabez Woodley. And - iters Jas, Moore, A. M Driver; Sec.- Treas., Amos Doupe. The varieties of grain selected for the Field Crop Competitions, are Fall wheat Oats and Barley, The Secretary and President were apn::nted to attend the annual Cort - of Fairs to be held in Tor- onto on the 2nd and 3rd of February. 8r,►laor Onto StarorTotisou, ys i.evac Cuvarr Frank 4. ()helm) ,hakes oath that, he is senior rntt,ter Re the lira, 9f 1. J. Cheney a Co., doing huai- ney . in the City of Toledo, Couetr and State a ore- s4id, a4d thatsaid Arta * tl ray the stun. of ONE klUNDhArt perf44114 for each and WW1' ease et Catarrk, that cennot be cured by the nae et. Ultra Catarrh Cure. FKASK J. Ckdfestdf.Y Sworn t before lie and subacdb*A in ow pros epee, this Ooh dry ot fheereter, &D. 1586. (Sale) A• w. GV44)soN. NOTARY rUBwc #felt'sGata!'rfxCurtis talon in>sernsU',and acts directly on the bleed and raucous surfaces ot the system, Seng for teatinronisrsfree. P 7.'Og1$t y ,t CO ,Toledo, 0, Sold by eileDnastfinta 71'. ' Take 114 11' l'zi dtr rub. ins:Conetipation EDEN • Quite a ;lumber from here went to Ltteaa Friday to see the Hydro turn - e on, --Mrs, Nelson Heal and .aster of Fullazto-t visited Miss Retire Es- sery a couple days last week, -.-Wiz. Coate. and family visited at ,Sher - woo:' Hunter's on Sunday, -Mr. Alf. Coates Jr„ has engaged with lar d Coates tc• work for, the summer.-- alien Laura Sims of Crediton, visited at air. Will Hunter's last. week. -Mr. r. Samuel fliel s is busy hauling gravel and tim- ber for has beat he intends raising next spring. --Wedding bells ere to r::ig in cur midst soon, -Mr, Ind Mrs. All Coates entertained a number. of Urea' friends and neighbors to a :owl supper en Thursday evening last, Alf. is a worthy.- host and everybody had an enjoyable time, -Miss Lydia Hard - ding visited her aunt, Mrs. Frank Morley at Whalen last week. Mss Ida Armstrong of Exeter was the guest of Mrs, Alfred Coates on Sunday, -Mr. and .Mrs. Homer Demp- sey of Naperva, Man., visited the former's nent, Mrs. Samuel Essery, last week . MOUNT CARMEL Banns of marriage were published in the R, C. Chapels here of James A. Quarry son of J, G. 'Quarry, and- Miss Dorothy Harkins of Edmonton, Alta., the .marriage to take place early in February. -!Messrs, John Guainan and jos .Sullivan have taken a contract to cu` one -hundred cords of wood for Mr. Dinnis O'Connell. Dinnis lays they arc hustlers. -:,Mfrs, Dinnis Ma- honey had a very successful quilting be. one day last week. -Miss Jose- phine Glavin left last Tuesday for 'London where she intends to '•emain for a few months. -The infant -son of Mr. Cory Regan is seriously ill this week. -Mr. and Mrs. Michael Thomp- son of Centralia spent Sunday at the home of Mahoney Brothers. -Mr. and Mn. Chas. Glavin moved :nee Their new aesidence on the townline east this week:-eMe. Patrick Sullivan dis- posed of a team of horses last ,week. to Mr. Sparks of Varna. -Tuesday ev- ening a large number of neighbors and friends gathered at the home of Mr. Rich O'Rourke and enjoyed them- selves to a dance until a late hour in the morniilig; Mr. and Miss Murray of London (returned to their home, after spending a week with their sister, Mrs Frank Cc•ughl n --Mr. Joseph Doyle has eurchased me Edison phonograph from Mr. Willis Powell of Exeter. Joe says it ia. a dandy. -The enter- tainment held in the Hall on Friday tight .was a success. -Mrs. Ed. Hall is ai, t])c sick. list this week. Her many fate:vds wish her a speedy recovery. FARQUHAR While. attending the Thames Road Aaniversy,.on Suhdpy night Mee low. and 'Wrightgof near Cromarty. was. deprived .of ..his overcoat, .the ; party, taking it'`leaving' a very ,inferior one in its e;tead. It Wes a .purely. unin- te.ntional exchange. .. 14Iir. Thos ;.Curdy ahem Thames Road his, puMcrchased the.L ftaroiwned by Mir. Geo S..Leary, part: of Lot 26, South Thames Road, c.oaitaiining 63 acres This will be a valiiable ac- quisition fol Mr. McCurdy's tine home and ` farm. Mr. McCurdy will take immediate -possession.-1V1r. John Rat- cliffc has sold his 100 acre farm,. Lot 7, South .Thames Road; to Mr., Wm\' ICernick who will take possession in the spring.' This is 'the old .Russell. homestead;, being one of .the best'. farris im Usborne. Mr, Kernick ' has now 300 acres in .Usborne Township and one in Hay. Mei sales ,were put through by Mr. Thos. Cameron. -Mr. Fred Stewart is enlarging his out- buildings. and otherwise imlproving.his farm' surrouaiclisigs. Messrs. Etrintnell & Sanders have the woodworkk'con- tract -.Mr. 'Stewart will also build a large cement • sill --Mss.'' Wm. Stew- art and daughter Miss Nellie who have been visiting with old neighbors .and eriiends here, returned to Taranto on saturrday.-.Geo. Bolter paid a : flying visit .to London last, week. -Mrs. Rus - >ell -who "has been seriously ill, ,we glad,.•tO;re,piort, is improving, incertain 'Mc'I cFuga ler as pui•cln5as , a fine ,new `cwtter`. --Horton' 7e- iieve: in being up-to-date -Mr. and' firs Robt . Saddler of Staffa were: u e :.c'f Mer. and :Mrs. Wellington Kerslake on ,Sunday. -Jack Glenn v .r+ to Gc.'lerich Monday evening` wr, the Hensall' O idfellowee-Fred CANADIAN BANK QF'COMMERCE • •i SIR EDMUND WAL,KEit,G.Vbp.,LL.D., D.C.L., President ?j %E7L$ DER LAIRD. Gene>;alTkianager JOAN ,AIRD, Ass't General Mtnaget,• A 0 000 R SERVE FNND $13,500,000 000 SAVINGS BANK ACCOUNTS - Interest at the current rate is allowed on all deposits of $1 and upwards. Careful attention is given to every account Small accounts are welcomed. Accounts may be opened and operated by mail. Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more persons, with cirawals to be made by any one of them o.r by the survivor. S21 EXETER BRANCH -H. J. WHITE Man. CREDITON-A. E. KUHN,. Man. • :ally"111",111'"111"`111"9lC" lialljahjiatelitlit - lftc e o atd r � THE 18!1;1N t�Q�'�VS� BANKM A GlwiveRAl. BANKINGBUSINESS TRANSACTED JNcturrrNG :: 911iout. R LETTLRS OF CREDIT - • BANK MONY ORD ttli r -� : i II CAPITAL AND RESERVE $8,800,000aVia „,moo vm05� Bank Department _ • At ell Brooches iatsrnt allowed it highest earnest ,alta _ `.EXETER BRANCH- W D. CLARICE, Manager: I, spa Branches in +Cartada Si•4 .1 , i,l ., . t, 1 1 i, 0„,111,..U1...1 Ill, 1 . , 1, il. 11 „oft ,, .. i 1 Simmons bas gone to Brucefiiell.-- Quite a large number attended! the anniversary services at Thames Road on Sunday from this vicinity. GREENWAY Miss Grace Mason, has gone to visit Detroit friends. -Ars.. Thos. Fallis:tnd. Claude called on friends here on 'iat- urday afternoon. --Mr. and Airs. Red- mond of Hensall visited Mr. A. ;tx, Wilsor's last week, --Mrs. John Lovie is ill with an attack of la e+rippe.- 1I si Luella Sherritt is visiting aare le in Stanley. -Miss Mae Wilson ,recovering from a severe ,attack of bronchitis 'and pleurisy. --The W. M, S w11l hold an At Home at the' Meth- od's: Church on Friday evening, 29, The program will consist of .nusic by the: male chorus and ethers, +'ead`u;s recitations and a drama, entitled The Greatest Need.” Luch served at the close. FARM FOR • SALE Lot 7, Gan. 1, Stephen, the . rop- erty of the late Thomas Essery. Brick House, bank barn and frame barn. 3 good wells, windmill, good orchard about 8 acres of good hard- wood bush containing about 500 su- gar maple trees. Sail clay loam, well drained and fenced. 'Farm in good state of cultivation, one-lialf mile from Centralia station. Possession can be given to purchaser For terms and particulars apply to GEO. G. ESSERY, Centralia.; Or GLADMAN & STAIQBURY - Barristers, Exeter BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND Subjects -taught by expert instructors at the kedep,e, Y. M. C. A. BLDG.. c' LONDON, ONS'. • Students assisted to positions. College.: in session from Sept. 1st. Catalogue free., Enter any time J.W. Westervelt J. W. Westervdt Jr. i Prindpal , Dawns Atunntent, . . • 19 Ylce-1 iselpal. FOR SALE OR TO RENT The undersigned is offering for .ale or to rent Lot 1, Con. 6, Usborne, 4 mite; east of Centralia, containing aver 100 acres. There is an the premises good brick botwe, 'date roof good bank barn all modernly equip- ped with cement floors, etc.; good orchard about 3 acres hardwood tim- ber• land all in good state of cul- tivation well watered with two good wells, and good spring creek running across one corner of farm, supplying water all the year round, Terms re- asonable, Apply to Wm. Whiteford Exeter TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE The undersigned is offering for ,ale Lots 35, 36. and past of 37, Carling Street on which is a good storey and half frame house, containing 7 rooms good cellar and kitchen. There are also a number of choice fruit frees on the premises and a good stable; bar t and soft water. Everything is in a good state of repair. Will be sold reasonable, Call Saturday for par- ticulars HENRY GOULD, Exeter LEARN DRESSMAKING. W. teach everything, from tfeasnre to Finish -Drafting, cutting, fitting, ani designing. Best system in use. We teach from the most elaborate toilette toplain- shirtwaist, also skirts anl coats in all the latest styles. In Drier to introduce this wonderful met- ho.1 of cutting we have decided to give our first 510 course for halt - price including an up -toy -date scale. Do not miss this good chance to make yourselves first -mss cora.`,'-intikers. We will be in Kippen from Jan. 26th to 27th: in Hensall hotel from the 27th to the 30th;- at Central Hotel. Exeter= from Jan 30th to 'eb. 3rd; in Centralia Feb. 3rd. to 6th. Ladies wishing .to take this course can meet ug at these places to arrange Ter c)ass-MISSES VALLANCE. teacher FARM 'FOR SALE i ' S3.1 Lot 8, Con. 12, Tp. Stephen; 50• - acres half mile south of Khiva, with good frame house, bank barn, dri ve - shed and other - out buildings -fpr spring wells -good land, well fenced and tutderdrained, with thirty acre under cultivation Apply to r - , THEOBOLD • DIETRICH R ,R: No. 3,-1- ail old, Out, t THF UNIVERSAL CAR Having tar -,en the district-. dealer- ship for Ford u the rd A 1tomobles 1 beg to announce that a shi 'l ,eat of cars will be here in a- few days. and see. them. Milo Snell Dealer Wes. Snell .. Assist, Salesman