HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1915-1-21, Page 54/p DENTAL CONSUMPTION TAKES! NEWS TOPICS OF WEEK Dr, G. le. ItOTTLSTON, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTIST amber of the BB.C.D.S, of Ontario and Honor Gratlyate ot Toronto University oti•Ice-Over Dickson & Carling's law, ofrtre. Closed Wednesday afternoons. QR. A. R. KINSMAN, L.D.S„ D.D.Fk;' Honor .Graduate of Toronto University DENTIST Teeth extracted 'without pain, or tory', trod effects. Office over Gladinan & atanburY's Office, Made Street, i'sxetera LEGAL OiCKSON & CABLING, BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Cgrtm- si esionere. So'lathers for the Moleona Sault. etc. t oney to Loan at loweat rates. or interest Offices--Main-St., Exeter et, Carling, B.A. L. H. Dickson We tunas ernes MONEY TO LOAN have a Marge amount of private to Loan on farm and village Prete: at Low rates ot- interest. otaat a3 & =mom= = Exeter. e 4c Barr.esi rs. Sol itora r 13 CARLING 1,tte, Fire, Aceidbtit and Plate Glenn insurance, Collecting accounts, and cony ducting auction sales. --" Exeter, Dna' SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND ItEQUi.ATIONS THE sale head of a family, or r,•ny malo over18 years old, may homestead a quarter -section of available Domin- ion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or. Alberta The applicant must appear itt perso t at the Dominion Lands Ag- ency of Sub -Agency for the Dis- trict. Entry may be made at :.ny Dominion Lands Agency (but not Slab -Agency) an certain conditions. Duties -Six months' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader -nay live within nine miles of hid homestead en a f4to of at least 80 acres, on certain cot ions A habitable Jlou.se is re- dij d in every case, except when re- siddace is perfprmed in the vicinity. 1n certain districts a homesteader in good standing may pre-empt a quarter section alongside his homestead. Price $3 per acre. Duties -Six months resi- 4ence in each of three years after earnine homestead patent; also 50 acres extra cultivation. Pre-emption .tlatent may be obtained as soon as homestead patent, on certain condi- tioias A settler who has exhausted his homestead right may take a purchas- ed homestead in certain districts. P •cq $3 per acre. Ditties -Must te- at 6 months in each of 3 years, cu - Rivet 50acres, anti erect a house wtlstll $300, The area of cultivation is subject to reduction in case of rough, scrub- by or stony land. Live stock may be substituted for cultivation under ,cer- tain conditions. W. W, CORY, C,M,G, Deputy ot the Minister of the Interior N.B.-Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will net be pa+:d for. DR. DeVAN'S,FRENCH PILLS; ieelea ;10. Sold at all I ugeStores, or mailed toe nye address on receipt price,..Tag stoma, Deem Co., St. Catharines, Ontario. PHOSPHONOL FOR MENItgstores w Vim and rurality;for Nerve and Drafn; increases "grey Matter" ;a Tonic—will build you up. $S a box, or two for $5. at drug stores, or by mail on receipt mfpriee. Tee SMELL DRUG Co., St. Catharines. Ontario, .CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT.' Ontario's Best Practical Training School. We have thorough courses and experienced instructors in each of ou{- three departments -Commerc- ial Shorthand and Telegraphy. Our graduates succeed and you should read our large, free catalogue. Write for it at once. b. A. McLachlan, Principal COMPLETE,. A COURSE in the LLIOTT Toronto Ont. and the results will] prove to you the wisdom of Gradu a t - ing tram this famous echooi 'Cat- alogue. free. Enter any time. - W J. ELLIOTT, Principal 734 Yonge.. St. Toronto. EVERY WOMAN ss interested and should know about the wonderful • MAr�'®i whirlldg spay Douche ...askaaersitteeziet fore. it. If he cannot supply" the MARVEL, accept no other, but send stamp for Illus- trated book sealed. It gives full particulars and directions invaluable tolaities. •WINDSOR,SUPPLY CO.,Wimisor, Otte General Agent, for Canada, DNDEDS OF PEOPLE Hundreds of people succumb to eon- snt zptiott every day. Se,ience proves that . the germs only thrive when the system is weakened from colds or sickness, overwork, confining duties, or when general weakness exists. The best physicia:;s r tat out that during changing seasons tat bloodshould be made rich and. ?ere and active by tak- ing Scott's Bniu1 iortafterrneals. The cod liver oil in Scott's 1~nlulsion warms the body by enriching the blood; it peculiarly strengthens the lungs and throat, while it upbraids the resistive forces of the body to avoid e,.,ls and prevent consumption - If }rue work indoors, tire easily, feel languid or nervous, Scott's nauulsionis the most stra:igthenilegato d-medicineknown. It is totally free from stupefying drugs. Avoid substitutes. (4-42 Scott $- (lowne, Toronto, Ontario, LUCAN tars Mrs Wm. Lundy of Detroit has beer the guest of her mother, Mrs, Hennes Mr Hennessy woz'.i recently offtheldea h oft tris ter -in-law Mrs, Duncan G. Ross, which 'took place at Salem, Oregon.= air Roy Neil left to -take a short. t:olirse at the Ontario Agricultural College Guelph, -Mr, and Mrs, Dan Hennessy of Edmonton have ,'leen rhe gest; of the former's brother, Mr. Gun Hennessy and aunt, Mrs, llarri- ala. Bottle Track Way ,TORONTO - a- CHICAGO TORONTO aa MONTREAL e, Un ce ed x T e ie 11 a-auii b-rvi,e l.1 e's t• :Caste Clas of. Equipment Wilv'1 'E T,OU�� •S.TO CALII!ORNIt\ L , r Olt �." D� :Cs ?� `tr' f Fast Tra` s insi ala:Q;ice of ,;7,toute���'.. Lo ..res_ .no. in Effect Low, Fa net* Forfull n a t' ulars co su t G T:' R 11 p rmc n 1 Ticket Agents, as write C. E. HORNING, Dist., Pass. Agent, Toronto. qc p ose A very pleasant event, took place at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Holt lid. Julio. street, Tuesday afternoon, fah" 12th it being the marriage of their youngest daughter, Miss Ethel, to Herman Elliott of Lucan, Miss Gonthiet of Sarnia acted as arides- ma.te , and T. Elliott of Exeter as best mail Roses and Carnations were the decorations. The home was beau- tifully decorated in green and red, she colors of the season. The bride wore blur: silk with creams lace and .carried American roses, The bridesmaid wore blue silk and carried carnations, The wedding ceremony took place at 2.311 p. m, at the Methodist parson- age Rev Mr, Graham officiating, -- Sarna Observer; Herman is an Ex- eter Old Bay, He And wife will (e- sida in Luca;n and have best wishes of their friends. The consecration of Holy Trinity Churcl. took place on Sunday morn- ;:n,r last At 8.30 there was commun- ion service, and at 1I o'clock tine zon- secration service; were conducted by Bishop Williams. He wan assisted by Rev. f B Fothe:ringllam of Goderich ea:I the -rector, Rev. `Wal. Lowe The church was crowded at hoth morn- ing and evening , services, at which the bishop preached. the sermons. The offering taken up will be distributed to the poor and, needy of the village lefandav evening the annual gathering of the congregation was held in the baseme_-i; of the church, at which an elaborate supper was served, titer which an interesting program was given in the parish hall. I(IPPEN important Events V41hich. Have Occurred During the Week. 'To Busy World's Haps "mugs Care - billy Compiled and Pr.: Into - .Handy and Attractive Shape for the headers of Our Paper -A Solid Hoar's Enjoyment.. Death of Mr. Robert McMordiega, Another of the honored pioneers of Huron has been removed by death, Mr Robert Mclatardie died at his home in London, early Wednesday, Jar. 13th He had reached 'he age 10 years He had not enjoyed good healtl. far several months, ttuffering fron. a gradual b: eaking up; pf a ante strong constitution. Mr. McMordie for marry ;years occupied a prominent pos- itiop in Huron County as a leading Agriculturist_ He took an active and leading part in all movements calculat- ed to advance the, welfare of lis fel- low farmers being actively connected with agricultural sccieties, :arrn�erd'. institutes and all such enterprises. He vac a man of good ability and was. welt versed an public questi�an$ anti vat a eluent and easy speaker. He 1e - sided on the London Road, first id Tuckersmit'h, and afterwards in Hay townships . nearly all his life, until he so1:l his beautiful homestead farm south. of Kiippen, a few years ago and .,removed to Loandon. He is survived by a Widow and a grown-up family of sons and daughters. The funeral took place on- Saturday at Hensall }n era rival of the morning train from Lon- don, WEDNESDAY, A cable has been received by the Militia Department at Ottawa. from Salisbury Plain that Lt. -Col. McLeod, M.P., who was reported seriously ill with pneumonia, is convalescing, Fred. Hogg, of Uxbridge, was chos- en Liberal candidate for the Domin- ion House and J. W. Wfddifield for the local Legislature by the , North Ontario Liberal convention yesterday. Word has reacbed Geneva from Friedriehshafen, where the Zeppelin works are situated, tbai the Germans. have established a base for their aerial fighting craft near Ghent in Belgium. A petition signed by influential Roumaniana. has been forwarded to m et is %1 p or Franc Joseph, demanding that more energetic measures be tak- en to protect. Bohemia from possible Russia invasion. The sudden death occurred at his home in Dover Township, near Chat- ham, of Andrew Laprise, aged 53. He had been i11 for .a few days, but seemed to have 'recovered. He was walking late ,his house when be fell over dead.- ;+ . The Danish Prime Minister, C. T, Zahle, burs introduced a bill til the second chamber greatly increasing the penalties for violation of the ex- port bill with respect to contraband. It provides for the confiscation of eargo and ship. Private Lionel Herbert Waite, son of Herbert White, 35 Walker avenue, hfontreai, was killed, by a rifle bullet in an engagement at Measines, Bel- gium, while fighting as a member of the British aeemy. Nears to this effect was received here :•esterday. 'I11Ultali :Y, With the new year the price of bread in London, .Eng., is raised to seven pence, or 14 cents a four -pound loaf, an advance of three cents since the beginning of the war. The British steamer Colorado, from Hull, San. 1, for Boston and Near York, has been in collision with an. unknown vessel. and returned to - Hull in a damaged condition. Contests in Terrebone and Jacques Cartier are not unlikely. Henri Bou- rassa may contest the former as a Nationalist candidate and Albert Gin-- gras the latter as an Independent Liberal. New revolutionary troubles in Hai- ti have assumed such proportions that the Li, S. cruiser Washington, now in Hampton Roads, has been ordered to proceed to Cuba to be ready for eventualities. The Regal and Purien, two of Montreal's cabarets which were strongly condemned by prominent citizens at a mass meeting about a year ago, will lose their liquor li- censes on May 1. A hockey stick in his hand saved the life of Frank Welch, bartender, as he was skating close to the water- works wharf. The stick fell crosswise oxer:, a hole, and Welch clung to it ,until help arrived. Max Aitken's appointment in coianection with the Canadian Expe- ditionary Force is that of intelligence officer or observer. He will not issue statements to the press, but will re- port to headquarters. Clifford Dumbrille was presented with the medal of the Royal Humane Society by Judge McDonald at Brock- ville yesterday, for saving the lives of Mr, Med Mrs. W. Fox nn ,November, 1912, when their home caught fire, inMaitland. village. FRIDAY. a. GOSHEN LINE :id Mir. and Mrs, Geo: Mawhinney s sit d' at Mr. Wm. Wditzel's. Mondayeven , ing.-Mfr. Thos. Mawhinney exchangea. horses with Mr. Dow, of Exeter. -Mr Thomas 'Yearley attended the Box Social at' Brinsley and reported a good time. -Mira and Mrs. Jack Trevethick of Brinsle'y ` and ,Mr. and Mrs. Moses Amy of Exeter spent, Wednesday vis- iting Mir. and Mrs. William Mawhinney -Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mawhinney a. -id Mr, and Mrs. George Mawhinney spent, Friday visiting friends in Exeter -Mr. Frank Glanville .had a success- ful wood bee on Wednesday, -Mr, G. Mawhinney- sold .,a fine )load of,hogs Thursday. -Jack. Williams gave a dance ;tee, the young people Monday. evening A POSITION FOR FALL AND. WINTER ---a We' havea sound business' propos- alter . for a- reliable • energetic sales- man for this district to. sell fruit trees small fruits,'flowering shrubs,etc. Pay weekly, outfit° .free,-;exclusiveterritory • OVE1t frui' : and ore ct1tiva i We - i t, QI1... esmer direct toand •guarantec high radr trees." a reason t;t by asi•i the., volume e. Established 35 ' :PELI-IAM NUR t 6Q0 ACRES ` namental stock ulnae sell through:, aursal the consumer , delivery of fresh,... Our agencies, are valu- ate( of the. service we rive of business ion years. Write NURSERY ' Ca,Toronto,On P.S.-Handsome catalogue on re- es' either to a plicant or th' N. J. DORE, Exeter. ' wishing nursery stock. The next session of the Manitoba Legislature, it is officially stated, will open Feb. 9. Relatives in Kingston of the late Lt -Col. Frank Strange, who died at Salisbury Plain, received a cablegram yesterday stating the body would be shipped from London on the Gram- pian. Two well-known citizens. of Corn- wall are dead in the persons of John Pearce Osborne, 77, and Mrs. • David •Kin horn, 70. Mr. Osborne had a market garden in Cornwall for many years.: On the strong recommendation of the trial jury, the Govgrnr ent has .•commuted to life imprisonment the sentence on Montanari, the Italian 'who was to'have.been hanged at Van- couver' this morning. , Miss Elizabeth Reid Rogers, of Washington, D.C., was married yes- terday in Trinity Church, Berlin, to Prince Christian of Hesse. The prince is a nephew of the. German, Empress aad is a captain in the German navy. Upwards of 200> German . officers -and seamen rescued after the naval engagement between the German and British squadrons off . the Falkland Islands in the southern Atlantic, on Dec. 8, arrived yesterday.in England. addition to the announcement that The Winnipeg Telegram would abandon its morning, edition, it trans- pires. that The Regina Province has. 'also discontinued its . morning edi- tion; and The`Regina Leader its even- • ing edition. SATURDAY. it was made known in Madrid yes- terday afternoon that QueenVictoria 'Spain is conaned to her apartments 9. with an attack s t ack of scarlet fever. , The Entwistle and Alberta South- ern. outhern. Railway Co. is applying to Par- liament for ineorpora;tion to build from Entwistle on the- G. T. P., 55 miles south to the•``Saskatebewal river. Three Gerinaiis at•M aCasablanca, o- ; rocco, :have. •ve- been sentenced by a , a, F'reneh'court-martial to life imprison-;' Ment. The men were charged with flavi been ixistrumental in-organiz-'' g. ng a revolt amtonl, the natives. Release on bond of ships detained s p iii British prize courts will be permit- ted by the British Government if the aud;e: of the court is willing, accord- , ` ng to a statetnent issued yesterday' by the 'British Embassy at Washing- ton: , In his reply yesterday afternoon to the Dominion Trades and Labor Con- gress delegation, Sir Robert Borden enumerated the different requests made and stated that they would be referred to "the Ministers or the re spective departments. The bye -election in,; South, Water- loo, necessitated by the death of G. C. Clare, M.P., will, in all probability, be held on the salve date as the other five bye -elections, the nominations. being on Feb. 1, It is understood that it will also be uncontested. 1l+,. a DAY. The Turkish otlinial statement says that the French submarine Saphlr, while trying to enter tbu Dardanelles, was sunk by the Turkiah artillery, The official statement says that Germans on the leit bank of the Vis- tula used the white flag to get near Russian positions without hindrance. ' ;Chas, H. Bissell of tb,e Inland Rev- enue Department, an old resident of Prescott, died suddenly Saturday ?tight, He is survived by a wife and son. J. L. Whiting, R.C., of Kingston,. has been re-elected president of the Kingston Bar Association, and Pre- sented with a loving cup on the occa- sion of his marriage, s n s ma r ase. The British War Office bas ordered the lighthouse at Scarborough to be pulled down, as it was one of the targets of the German warsbip, raid, and was struck by a big shell: A message from Vilna states that the German troops are beginning to adopt white clothing in order to ren- der themselves less easy of observa- tion in the snow-covered landscapes. Gus' Williams, known throughout' the country is generation ago as an actor, shot himself In tba head at the Getty Squarct railroad station at Yon- kers, N.Y„ Saturday. He was 70 years old. M. 'Henry Sieneiewiez, the famous Polish novelist, author of "Quo Va- dis," has been elected honorary mem- ber of the Russian Academy of Sci- ences, which is atmos: a unique hon- or for a Pole. EUtas1,:1}. Bert Hume, 17 years old, employed at the London Foundry Co, plant, was instantly killed last night when he fell two storeys down an elevator shaft. A despatch from Copenhagen says the Danish Government has decided. to confiscate all wheat in Denmark of foreign origin to the value of $500,000. Emperor William has issued an or- der that the untrained German re- servists no longer shall be permitted to serve as guards of honor at the burials ot prisoners of war. The Kingston Service Utilities Commission will again ask Sir Adam Beck what offer he has to make, Kingston for cheap power. The Board of Trade is pressing the matter. There is no truth in the report pub- lished' in the United States that the German steamship President was sunk off Havana last night by the British cruiser Berwick, says a Ha- vana despatch. Gen. Otter has announced that the principal detention camps for alien enemies in Ontario will be located at Petawawa, Kopuskasing, between Hearst and Cochrane and Hurritea- nau, on Lake Abitibi. Restitution of the double subsidy paid by the Dominion Government to the Valley Railway of New Bruns-` wick, is likely to be demanded as a result of the investigation conducted by R. A. Pringle, K.C. Dr. Maloney, district medical offi- cer of health for Brockville district, said yesterday that he would call on the provincial sanitary engineer, F. A. Dallyn of Toronto, to investi- gate the entire local typhoid situation and report his findings. TURKS IN FULL RETREAT. Are troubled with the p' blues' -ati de flee mess ---and warms of pain and distress are sent by the nerves dike _ Messengers.throu$hout body: and limbs, Stich feeling may Or. may not be by backache o1; ifte headtaeforte ed -*e. ffecThetof ra the rservaus system and the entire womanly melte-up feels DR. PIERCE'S Favorite Prescription Take this to lIgiuid ortabret form ami ba a walllwomanl Mrs. Eva Tyler oI So, Geneva St. Ithaca, N.Y., says, "I have been in a run-down con- dition ter severalSuffered from, nervouzness and a great deal. of Dain at certain times.. Have teen "several different medicines but found Your favorite Prescription' has given the most relief of any thing I have ever tried. • Am very much better than I have been irksome time. I glatityy recommend this remedy to any woman hnneed ofatonic." Write Or. Y. M,Piwgt,ruftah,ILY.. Dr, Plertrers Pleasant Pellets viewdata stainaub, lifer, bowels BRUCEF1ELD settle in North Dakota. -Mr. Dat -id: Scbluchter of Elkton Mich. visited `relatives and friends here last week. --Banns. of marriage were puaiished in the R.C. Church of Miss Josephine daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Foster Babylone and Mr Leo E st Lan Strpia:a f Rr .eIItR , tt Oa Tuesday evening last a success- ful dance .rwas held in the Hall here. Proceeds went to the Patriotic Fund. -Messes Wilsoa and Drysdale and efusa Ortwein of Hensall, were visitors at Mr Rattenbury's s'n Sunday ni'ter- noon,—Quite a number from here at-' tended the Patriotic concert field in Vatrna on Thursday evening and .pro= houa(eetl et as good, 'ilisa Gertrude Grainger sang a sole, -Mrs. , Turner' anld Mn- Mabel have to gone to Wind sor. HENSALL Jinn Troyer is home from Toronto visiting his mother. -Dr. flair, has located in .Mitahell and was in town last week. --R, Sterling and, wife form- erly Miss Wilson are here from the west. -W. McKenzie of near Moose Jaw formerly of Stanley is home vis- iting. -Mr, and Mrs. McNaughton are home from the west and are visiting here. -Mr Williams Civil Engineer Canadian Northern Railway pore - brake „ em broke„ ;and his sister of Cincinnati, Oho are visiting with Mr, and 'tfrs,+ DeJean,-Mr. and Mrs, Alex Munn, of Hay announce the marriage of their only daughter Bessie to Thos. Gedeles' Wilson, M, D, C. M. of Moorefield' Ont. which takes place on the morn ing of fan. Zest at Hensall.--William', Fee purchased from Hugh 'McDonald his fine residence and lot on the north side of King St, Enver Bey's Campaign Has Come to an Inglorious End. LONDON, Jan. 19. — The Daily News in a despatch from Frederick Rennett, its correspondent at Petro- grad, says: The Russians are now inside Turk- ish territory -and within four marches of Erzerum. . The garrison of Erze- rum amounts to 30,000, with ample artiliery,but ,is cut off from anlmuni- tion supplies from the coast and still more isolated by the winter condi- tions of the land route .across Ana- tolia.. The; Turkish winter campaign in the Caucasus has now suffered its firi- al collapse. Its, chances became very slender:when the Goeben and Breslau failed,: to • control communicationin the Black Sea between .Constantinople and Trebizond. The Turkish army assembledaround Erzerum ef, m found it- self e s 1 cut off from, reinforcement; and supplies. With the heavy task of converting Enver. Pasha's defeated and retreating corps at Kara Urgan into . a -•force strong enough to ,„con- tinue the war with Russia, the Turk- ish rank and file fought stubbornly for ten days on frontier positions around` Kara Urgan until on Satur- day they fell 'victims to the careless and incompetent manag=ement of their German and Turklsl}, leaders. Originally. .ireacorp.-•;vers .sent*- tori. ward by Enver Pasha and Gen. -von Sanders into Russian territory; but af- ter the disasters at Ardagan and,Sana' Kauysh' Only "'.the •remnants of ;two corpscould, return; - the 1.1th;Turkish, Corps, :which was the reserve of thee1 invading army. It is this, combination 'which is now retreating hastily` on the road to Erzerum with its rear guard annihilated and, Enver himself 'hurry- ing to ;Constantinople. The, German: General Lange has been let ,to try and extricate; the Turks:1 from -- com- plea ,destruction. They have `thrown 1 :great nu,�tiere of their fieltl.guns, „i, nto,• the deep, snow-covered ravines • Many ,..Priv(atBrlls, .TORON O Jan;;19„..,—Twen, ty- nine applications .,for •: private ;bills rhave • tteen forwarded, �tatur.to ,the cler,ks of the, Provincial Legisle date. These o• :come in the majority as requests from different municipalities seeking rati- fication of undertakings that have re- ceived .sanction from the ratepayers, or from companies desiring increased powers. ZURICH Miss Nettie Well of Detroit is vis- iting at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hall. -Word was re- ceive.; here from Cavalier N.D. • of the death ot Menna Surerus, brothel of Beni Surerus, 14th con., and Jos, Surerus Bronson Line. Deceased left these parts nearly thirty years agoto The Aid Vantages to the Estate of having a Trust Company administer its affairs are many, yet the charges are no higher than Haase allowed a private individual acting in the same capacity. This strong', conservative Company, unlike an individual executor, will not fall ill, go abroad at a critical time, be- come a defaulter or pass out of existence, neither will it neglect your affairs far its own, because its very life de- pends upon its 'fidelity to your affairs and 'those of others. Consult izs regarding your will and the administration of your estate. The London & Western Trusts Co, Limited 382 Richmond St., London, Ont. Sir Geo. Gibbons, IC.C. President John S. d3oore, Manager 1 Many women with disfigured complexions never seem to think that they need an occasionalcleansing inside as well as outside. Yet neglect of this internal bathing.shows itself in spotty, and sallow complexions -as well as in dreadful headaches and biliousness. Its because the liver becomes sluggish, and waste matter accumulates which Nature cannot removewithout assistance. The best V 1 remedy is Chamberlain's Stomach andLiverTablets, which stimulate theliver to h ealthy activity, remove fermentation, gently cleanse the stomach and bowels and tone the whole digestive system. Sure, safe and reliable. Take one at night and you feel bright and sunny in the morning. Get Chamberlain's today -druggists 25c., or by mail from Chamberlain Medicine Company, Toronto IS Rv LABATT'S STOUT Has Special .Qualities MILDLY 'STIMULATING, NOURISHING, SUSTAINING A Perfeat'•Tonlic THIS IS THE TIME OF THE YEAR IT 'IS NEEDED If not sold in your -neighborhood, write JOHN LABATT, LIMITED LONDON CANADA 51 SISTER : READ MY FREE OFFER. I ata a'rrotnan. ?: ..: •11:•no- e"a woman's trials, ' Tknow•h,er need of sympathy and help. If you,.{ny.sister, are unhappy because of ill. health, and feet unfit for household duties, social pleasures, br daily employment, write and tell me' lust how you Suffer, and ask for my free ten days' trial ofta„home treatinent suited to your needs; with .re erence§ to Cylnadian ladies who gladly tell how they have regained health, strength, and happiness by its use. I want to tell you all about this ,successful method of home treatment for yourself, uiy `reader, for your daughter, your sister, oryour niot{ier, I,want to tell you how to cure 'yotirsely es at home at trifling cost, and without aid iu anyne, hinn'ndr$taud wotnen's sufferinfrogs ; whatoween wocamoten knonew item exper- ience, we :know' better than city doctor'; and • thousands lnwe proved there is hoot even !kir the hopeless in itis Method of home treatment. If you ' suffer"from pain in the head, back, or b>sivels, feeling of Weight and dragging down sensations, falling or displacement of internal organs, bladder irritation.' with frequent urination, obstinate constipation or piles, pain in the sides regularly rre ularl bloating or unnatural enlurgometits, catarrhal conditions dyspepsia, extr•ente nt ¢ Y, , dePressed •s irifs melanchoi , desire tto cry,'fear of something evil about to nervousness.pp e p , y+ °h* pen, creeping feeling up the spine, paltiiitation, hot flashes, wentiness,:sailow complexion, ,..:. with dark circles, under the eyespain in the left breast a general feeling th`pt115115 not , worth tieing I invite you to scud to -day for my complete ten d'as's':tkjentment entirely free and ` to prove to you se f,thatthese ailments can be easily andsurely conquered alyotarn'yn ouie, i . l e:.•, ... , Y v ppexpenset o tl e• t an ers.of an o eration. Women .home � wrthdcit 'the 'of liospttal treatment, r i .yl. , .,1?• ,. ,. .. - hn . of halite u olr's-knife-b .'l.now•tn n� iii simple d cyeryivhere .are,.escapurg the surgeon's. g y p 0 of to pass thegood Word alba n are red . mysister,"i:s�atl ort ; asi�. tt S tceatmeitt,.a d whcn'you, , cured., .,, Y Y y tosome other sufferer. lir" houte treatment is for a11,• --younger old. l o Mothers of 1iaughtirs, s 3 I will explain a'si%iiple borne treatnteut which s eedtl ;tiitd"effectcially cures green -sickness (ehloP i pp, t s tliem•.t .r t eadaches and lassitude to • ouug wozitetL and res ore d plum nes);atrdh health. les, y,. phimpness and health; Tell nue if yon are worried about your daughter.'ltetretnber. it cost's tYoU andyou wish to •... to give xn.:rnetho'd of Home treatment it compl,e'te ten .day's trial, if �� , nonhing it cst one a few cents a week' to do so,and.it esnotintttfere•withone's dailytvork,::" • s hecontinue,t. s. yp Thenaccept m serous Dire ";writ for the free treatment surfed Is health worth and staking lfor? send it p e i'a , to your needs, anti T will in plain wrapper by'return Snarl. e, save tunic you coir. cut girt ys that tellyour feelings and tet rn to ire. Write and ask for the free this offer, mark the place tX;.. treatment to.day, as you: maynot see this Offer again, Addtess y YRS. M.. SUMMERS, 13ox 840 s > • WINDSOR : ONTARIO.-