HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1915-1-21, Page 4, � .11 �
I I i - 11 -
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I I I �, tgi; to. in OUTLA _'-�� - IL''
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. . Sa,atlevx '& Crtech. Proprietor � �.- .'k ,� " -�,, e, son, Of c,rQP3 on T E � HEA .NLEss DeVina MaSon is �Visitin4NIissl
� � I .� � Q, I I
I . . , . ,�� In. -Stephens at AT,vd._JvU,-s Mag -
,gie Gerg
� I L In advance $1.01) per year in Cariad� Or of money that's tight in the banks, mettc 4,ve been .visiting her uncles THE CANADIAN BANK
- "tell ycur`414 ba,d that busmeu W;4,r Alone In 1915, Wlij ' 6st � , n Axkona.�Xr. KeaNvn of Ailsa ��raig
I . I i - - _
I I $13C in United States. 4 not li4iz, i15 , . . I I ' '
� ,; . it, advance 50c. extra per year fti� � i)�A_ ., has beer vl�itiu,g' hi; ssister Mrs. John . �.
. N41y ."r -1 � of he ��rank - 0amada, $10Q,000,000. "
, �'O. that's the bmil,
� � he charged -�, �:� , i S. � .. Love.-,?*. and Mrs. Tlkos�'Ivlollard of
, ,;� _, � � —, . I 1� . 4ran-c',. 19!�nd, visited ,Z4rs. C . .
. . � I. 1. 11-1.. _____._ T,N�L.�re's a' few pesky gays jus, 4,b"k - 11, . , , 4, wil- _� . � I
. � l . � , . . I � I .
THURSDAY, JAN- Pot '15 full of 1�es, I EstimMesat Ottawli for A.pproach son an. Saiturday.,�Mrs, J. L,". A-mas . -1 !
� . Ilig 67 Rriiisley is renewing acquaintances, � ' . SIR RPMUND WALF'X%rC.V�o'L1_P. P'pj� Prealdent
I I __ — � ._ .. - A"ih-:-.gq sPread,n' th4 slandercii,i tale, -S,esslollt Q%, ParIlAinent Are Now in the 41AXANDR4 LAIIZO, Ganeralmaiiageir JOHN AJXD. Ase't Gencr
�_.. A�t' 45�i. don't be quittin' 'u3t stick neighboxhood.-Miss Emina - al Manager
I GERMAN "KULTUR", . ' t 3 - Well In Hand and lVoiiat to, - UcPhersorl is apendin- a few weeks � - . I
� __ � , O,your knittin' a Re. witli -Nlrs. Tived'll o � . � .
. I . r . XdWli get your goo -1 share o-.' _�,aile. cord Expendi(Alre,-RAIndro Mil- e f Ailsa, Craig. -
k If anyone doubts the intentions -ot, Watcli next week for fwther aotice, CAPITAL $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $131500111flo
There,*s'fim. and there's joy and ina- lion Takes No jkccount Of.p I VV 11
I Germartr for the last score . I elm- o� the W 4X. S. s*ctal and concert
� Of YeU4 - minia. my boy, $Ions. to be held in the Methodist Cburch
, ia her greit pre.vUrations of war ,,he For those wh� will poll in, �he collar n ca Jan, I 29th, I I FA .1V -S -9 B SINESS
� ha-lt Italy tc� read the book w4ttel''liv- R.41'lifo's ,Prglty tough, fQr the guy OTTAWA. Ja , 19. -The estimat9a . . I I � R IER � U. I—
� I wh of the various departments ar _
I Sernbardi, who, is the C4 a 6lulf, , e now
0 . * great Teadt.ir' S-11 *%- vass him by, let him holler. well in hand and they Will be ready srAT3 OF OL,Io�ol The Canadian Bank of Commerce extends to Farmers every
" '
� 11 ,I.f war in Liat %�Guntry. Cons -der tbe .. . I — the session, which begins Ili A Luvas C,,U'rz7z1orT0LZV0, � � facility for the transaction of their banking business, including
1� .1. . - for le 018
A folloivinn Irom his b9ok,_ little over a fortnight, E .
I ,
. 1
441V_I_r� , that is not strictly nee � Frank J. Cheney wakes o4th thal he is setsior
. sa�d Rertlhardi, --is in its,elf . essary is being p,,tt,er or the firzu of F. j� . nk -sales notes
� - . Dashwo9d 011t4ley's 00 .
I thing , I . eliminated from.tile estimates. The nesas in the 66, of roted, coullsty a . t1d .-4t,.0Ulr.J'.".t
� a g00� - It is a biological .-lee-, , *,id, and that;aid firw ill I are supplied free of cha on vocation.
� . - big Public works uOw under way in -y the sullk of ONE - rge S25
. Xan'ptt had one .->f ll;,r different parts of the country will be cat. - I
. Ut;Nl)t,EV 1)0"Atz4 W
QSS-,ty 01, tile first *mlnartance ......... ... -XIrs: Aiken - I for wh ami every cao of
k . ,,,t,rrl- that cannot be ouroa by the nse Qf ffall!s
War ;a the greatest ,�, finger. amputated last Thursday,Drs. continued, but no new works of int. rrh Cure. .
, =V>r in the,ux- ,� an, FXANK J. CHENEY
� therz - ..�;lzclia . d McKinnon performin-he Portance will be started. Ma in lur EXETER BRANCK-H- J- WHITE Mall. CREDITON-A. E. RUK
11C,k, 0- c4turre and pOIN71ar; %�f- " eral. ._ ny 1 . sworn to b4fore wv;k w subso ilieg, in pres � N, �Jan.
I 13 ,
Z uffering portant Public buildfrgs that, hats been
� I .0.n. She has been S o knee. this Oth day of p4ceujtwr_�. 1). ISW .
fo-u t* "se ure zrelce are cxtraor��_ '
t �_I_ilv ldetri�Zal as sean as thev in- 'rorp- a felan for some time with the Intended will be left over for the (ft") A. W-0,11KAROS'. I----- - I I
�, fluelic ,; � . rcsull that m the end amputat,on present on account of the heavy die- , NOTA&T PUB410 .11 L - - 11 __. � 1. . ---
I 1L. I
-i Politics . ............ Ei4ort's dIr- Was 'necessary. aiands Of the war and ths, difficulty or, 111SIL101y Qo the blood wid muooum -iurfaees of. the I
, 11111*84U.atarrh Cpreiq taken internally, and actio
o' e;:te�! towa-1 ale abalition oi way I load of voun- people from here obtaining money for Any other pur- 4y#t �
� 2re MI -T On!Y lfo�,!Wi, bat absolutely at,i�W�ed the lhicrclz' 4em, seodjorte,,$timoqj&lif1_ee. I �
_ eY match at Exeter poses. � I. . tly%yiW9lH4. I � I .
� im MICITal and alust be stigmatized �ii,, L.,%$t Thursday night. � X J, CIIEN4,Y d; VO., T 01 I 11 . ..
Uavrwrthv of tlhi;� hum;ja .race-.,.. ,Qledo, I ) P__
� -;11 .... Thc Bible znwtures in the Hall lt 'a understood thri;' the Militia W(I byr,JJ,PrU996t,s 7,lk-. ,
, _
C ' o' = - . .fo� estimates will include , war expendi, t�i;o.jjaix, rAw1j$p,t.X0r Conmt1p:1tion
� ourt, � ;irbit_ tion are Q, pernkclqlu� - evi, night3 were very Interesting, ture . lac"Watellf
P del usio'm The whole idea repre-ientr 11�,*,t�.' Of ;100.000.000 for the perld.d. . I THE MOLSONS BANK -
needless to say the explanation of from April I to the end of the'prea
a XrCsuMvXuOus encroachment on,lat- 6� ti - ---,a!— 1855
k , .1v Bible as given in the lecture ent calendar Year. This does not I . �., - �, ' � A QENERAL BANKING BUSINESS
01 Ural laws ot development Which Can ;:I C��aiieet'cn with the picturesseem elude pens - also It 11- 1. CRO51ARTY . . � L � .
. I I
� neous and wide of the maTIC. to be Provided for, It represents th . . "
only leae to the most dTsastro" eon- very ereQ lons, which 'Xill, aye :
sequenzes; lftnr humanity general;',%:....... They left .N.Ionday _e The comfort-ble home of Mr, Ar- ' .� 1"CLUdiNq
01 The mulutenance OZI peace no morning !or 11cw- cost of mobilizing, equipping, aud -a e .
,Ver cail er f�elft ' -, McCurdy �
be or may be the goal of a polic.N ....... transporting the ,se Was all' astir on Wed- . CAPITAL ClIRCUt-AWLMERS Of CREPIT
011 , I Vr Henry Roeder has sold bis 2 corld a,nd third ncaday Jan poing
E . 3 contin cuts atid r6li;fonements And th,! mirmage 13'.. tht. metwoh I - . .
Viorts 6r peace would, .it' theyf'j.�" A`�reb a land in Hay township IOX 9 , ANP I
,. ,r of the!r daughter, .Nfiss ., BANK MONCY OROKP47'
� Wnt','� their 90:414, lead to degeneration ,, tile maintenance of the CAriadian Nancy Ethel Jarle � - to � I �
J��-'!!' S�711TOeder, whose farm, adjo.,ns tgrge -Nfr, Wm4jobil . RESERVE T' . - .
. . I lit'44 ii. ,- Ka5r S" �of Afr-John X , . I
� - ke arm-anitnis are m zhem� Gveraeas, : . ay, -botil of � ==m=m=m;w*M==mR
svi.-y0i II-'S!T3J1e- They are the -nost \ . Since the Opening Of the War I I
0 . I 4. Pn WambiAd of Exeter was , the ffftert ,at MIC past five c,,c,lock ,\,bile ' I . I .
� . neces,iary plecun,ILo� Oi our nAt;on. I : I iaL, - village AlOnday afternoon and staff of tbe..'Uflitia Department has the swee, slralv, of the Wedding .. $89800*000o
al lwaltlh." . aie�' I bt:en increas,:d_ by ir,00 emp * I � - 9s Bank. Wpartment
0 - ,a.e - the meeting of the ,d=ca- I loye$. $Rv- niArcli plaYed by Miss May .NIcCgrd3F, savin ,
------ - - ' eral hundred have lei -n taken on.at sister of the bride. The groom- anter- — I At all Branches .
. _. -
� 1 Vms Xr. WambalA w.shed to oe re- headquarters, where there are now ed an- t 14 I
1-'V, -'-Of Office, owing to his '3ein; -1, W,s p cc unde
P, , V_` -d authority that a r_,s�._41,.It ef Exeter. , , 180 in the accountant's branch ,%]one al meath an Istareat'PROW0 st h4h.cat cov"N't rot*
0, . �'a It L stated by Henry Willert and otbers have been e.nga ,. �'cit of evergreens, tastily 'lecorated 92 Branches
t e iva� elected Record �keeper in �
� raters Will mal�e a great mistake it � being -e,el- ged At the 'Vitt flowers. Here he awaited, the I
blacqc. Z Al Brokenshire hf� headquar�ers Of th) vw;IOUS dIvIsIOD-* Comm; of the I bdide, who soon ap $n Canada , . EXETER BRANCH -
0 thi* dt- nwt grow them own ,,eed for ' t a tary dTJ;strIcts. oear"'A reclinin on the arm of het" W D. CLARKE, Manager.
* eete�, "mmander. The tent seems to, `�o new armortus or 'It italia will
11 g_ta4'-911:"; tu-_Rln�_', A:3 -"Cts, et'�- Thi:sc 041 *.11 a thriving condition. , f4ther Eighty `,,guests had Assembled � = - I -
01 ".,�:;!s he.-ezc'440�,-e, lhaVQ7 come :rOm ,NIT Tim,>dOre Keller be built wa.'Ie the war ISr-iu progresi. t- Witness the I
" (Verm Tb. of London -.vas I Ceremony which Was I 11 ,- .
0� r,ra,.,% 3n,,rl .any. �', .:V,Plv herc SCuld,av performed 4.N7 Rev. D. Ritchie, File ��* ,
� has beea ,Clttt Off ;Wd will not b1Z j7- :E .X K�Zienshire has several �rarms TO REINFO,Xr. PAMCIA . bride Was arrayed in a beautiful nos- -
� %-:34abh for some time to� come, Cv-_ 4-11-1 for Sale, also Village properties lUme Qi silk embroidered net aver
k e-1 aite. tile war, is over. This is the 4-wome ireqidria; a gool farm or a Members of '.N'ov^ Scotia Regirriela C'eant dutchess; -satin, trimmed with McGILLIVJLAY COUNCIL � FARMERS' INSTITUTE MEETINGS
* Ity for the tiller ot comfortable home shorWd cons Ith OM'Imeuts Of brilliants awt seed peArls Couneil me . �
0 Ve.- 0� c-urnarturt, u im Sent to the Front. FOR SOUTH HURON.
t!u; Z;13 Every :�;;rme: shoqdd be- �j Ih,. m pursuant to statute on
- . �atter. an" WOTe the customary bridal -% eii Jan 11, Thetfollawing members sub. Huto, Tegular meetin
1� . c.%m,l ,�oaversantw.hh the sbortageor .\L- Jlznas HaTtlelb, has sold fourio SALISBURY, Jan. 19, - some, 1=4ZIlt Up w1th C.-ange blq4-soms Th,a � gs of the South �
0� =Wn-117en throughout tile world�zd -1 th �yt - is wounded men of the Princess Patri- � scribed to, their declaration and qual. Farmers' Institute ,will be held
_ . Q Wille and C211fas s WhIct' the br,de's mother Wore when if', on of office, j. j. Poore, Reeve. as follolvS_
� r W 'erth aa effert t0 su[)Plem�:nt 41t,nrs William Gossman eia's Regiment have been brought tq she waz married, and car le icati .
cu- J. A �M,clntyrc�, Depaty-Reeve- ,TOh' Tali 22-Zuxich 2 p
r, good RL,li,,er. ugland and placed In hospitals, . quet of pink and White carnations, n _.M. Hensall 7,30 %m
1� ;IC1�, ��Qreals ivluloh will bring and Charles E r; d a b I
r�.Iturns Nox li the time to seloct 7 .Nli Eighty-two members of the $ova, tht Whole mak-Ing, a cliar, Robinson. A. E. Rosaer and JJoseph Jan. 23-Brucefield 2p
� .Ss 1-j. Snell is visiting friends Ming Picture.
.Ida ..m. Varna 7.3.0.
lk gpc�' sn,�-L=a from their root, :.ad i -i Honsall during the past week. Scotia Regiment (the 17th Infantry Her travelling suit was of 'ight blue Glavin -councillors. Jan. 25-Elimville ZP.m. Exeter 7.30.
n1an! them 'n the spring. These will Xis.- Lily Davis of Exeter 1�ras ,1, 0, mat h. I P.m. Grand 13eitd
lk . . , Battalion of the Canadian Expedl, V`Jl0Ur 'cloth With white, hat t Af4nutes of last meeting read and Jan 26 -Dashwood 2
-%t I I . 7.30 p.m. . .
r.e.X� S-.1,1�.;7,1-.J*S Vr4lp, It %Vill" 'ke vTage Monday afternoon. ad blen
PrO 11L - :121;; S;�ed necessary for thl ,I a an sigrie ,
P n tioriary Force) have been sent to After tile Congratulations , d d .
� 5 -ase b . e (, .>%'� the, -Nir Arnold S"thart of Walton left France to reinforce the Princess Pa- tenderee. to the happy couple all Robinson -McIntyre -That J. D. To be addressed by
hol�e�,� k:�,tl, �_ it is I Cli triclas., Lee -Enfield rifles have been. were ushered to the dining Drummond be appointed Clerk at a J W Clark -of Cainsville, Ont.
� " mat -'10 - 11" h0ln(t Xonday morning . -tfter -�Qom by Sala.r.�, 'of S97
.,Z.d I - issued to the 17th Battalion, 111- ,C .F. GillarAt and Mr. S. Duric,an, Ros _. 5.00 per annum, -Carried. C B Smith, Smithdale, Oni.
1� - S_O�Iad!iwr sometime with his People in where one of thez,most sumptuous re ser -Glavin -That A. F. Smith Mrs NI. L. Woelaxd, TorOnto,
0 1 this Ticinitv Col. W. R. W. James of the Royal I a -ill ry 0
, -
� la a laq., �-Ity a test %V-31 "Oh"Vattly �'lri R. . en Artillery has assumed command of pasts was partaken of and enjoyed be ",.no�'nted Tireasurer , t s a f .
Ok 1. Armstrong and childr $125 per annunt.-Carried. The meetings advertised above
rn.;Oe betweea stre,n .-ar and news- are hem v;iSiting Mrs. Ar the Fourth Brigade of the Canadians.- by a" The ,remaining part of the .
,� 4,1z: a' I mothe: and other f4ends. matrong's Sergt. Roy Johnson, f Grimsby evertiav Glavin -Rosser -That Geo, Hind. vvill be the only meetings held this
, - 1ver*z*sin,,,,. A vQrtaia irtiele 0 -, was spent Ill music, dancing -
Z.'�ra�-'velv pr:nt?_�d w,q%advt�rtjsed.* i ., Win Gossmaa is at present visiting Ont., has been promoted to,be pay,- and ,social chat. The bride wa;, the in�L-sli:lad W, Amos be appo�n'ed aud yea%' thus every farmer and farmers'
r th - S-rcet'(-aars for One month. seve 'n- ir.;�--PL - Pt. Huron. master o 11. . * recipient of 'tDr.-, at a salary hould avail themselves of this
� 'n . f the First Battallo -a I;tr,-,e array of band- 1 1 of SIO each. -Carried SO" S
- n. .N11, CharRa - British ordnance officers say tbi� ' some 1-nd useful gifts, art indication ,NICIntyre-Robinson-That G e o;�,g,e opDartunity of ,attending one or more .
a Cie. The , . of these valuable sessions. I
� . t',� .-:.t� sale-, were mad 4atne . ti Gassman who 'ina neon Is sending that she is highly esteemed and be. Saunders be ap.,vointed janitor of .
I Q� 4;14,�%*A-s thenadvertisedonoein one � -1. ic west during the past Z years I the Canadian Government lo,ved by hcr' many Town Hall, at a Salary of SIS per an- �' XTs U. L. Wok -lard, at all after-
_- , r. Two hundred . :ttr:te.! home Saturday and will ie- unnecessary overshoes, harness and fri,ands. The �
sale here m3l,i here for the Winter. Oliver equipment. grc�om's gift to the( bride was a 'aand- num.-CaTried. 'I'vom sessions, will address a Lady'T
- I When the Princess Patricia's Regi- sona hat James meeting only. �
show - tliv, d:rel,tion O." tile profit mak, ' Neil be appol A. , D pr,
zla�yzl`li,;,,� next day. li this littlewitraw 0 set Of m*a,k- furs and to the AICIntYre-RcIblitson - T
Aanisl th
* - ment,went to Winchester to join a 1, , a pearl pendant. Guestswere nour, of H nted member of e R ou - Alex. Buchanan,
,.`, ,&mll it is a pr;,tty goDA t,o-jt ef British brigade before proceeding to Presen't from Stratford, Forest, Exet- _ ealth.-Carried. Secretary President.
1� ,.-,�'%%$Paver adverti;ltig.' The qreatmej Crediton France It was armed with the Lee- er and Hensall, ,Nfr. and Mrs. May.'eft Glavin-Poore-Tbat , John Bra,dley I .. .1
�, vrezer the newspaper' to anv On, Saturday for Forest and other I per annum. The yeas ,md nays
�, haa, i be appoSarted Asseasor at a Salary of
� I otht'r medium bl:ejuse retunri ire!�et_ . ----Q—' Frifield rifle in place of the Canadian points On their return th _590 L ORDER FROM US. -Now is ,.he
tez-and ��V-sts loss. A very pleasant gathering of young Ross rifle- The statement that the ide op the grr�om,s fine cy W'11 le- ' time to, consider your reading inatter
� . ion has been so $1. . . farm on the wexe asked to be ,recorded, Poore, for 1915. No matter what papers Or
� --- .�_,"L tOOk place at the home Zif �Sr mod, therefore. is apparently signi 12th concession of Hibbert. Gla'vvs and .�,Iclntyre voting Yea and
A ma- vi" wl4e experience in sh4ev J.- G %Ve�'.�, cit Tues -lay night, the Oc_ ar - _. I Rosser and Robinson nay. The mo_ magazines you require -Canadian or
k I tms,or being a Social hop, previous to f1cant of an early move toward the tion Was declared carried on divis,i
- . .,_:ng, -n ffered . . foreign -The Advocate zan, supply
0_, ,_ r 1.3 ha o. tll,-- -'ollowing ,-_* ,, .., i- tr-a ,, - scat, Albert dring line. Oil - n you �: ,ret
. . . . .: the*. IN". Rossex-Glavit,-That By-law, -S,o.. 1 them, at lower prices tha an ck
0� tl. " %, � -, �; c� 1 .%v;:nt 1,_)�s throuvh Jbgs x%it jef. We The Fourth Brigade of the Cana.- them,
-, zillesdaY mortim-7 for Du- . RAY COUNCIL of 1915 confirming tile Appointment
�, c�,%-',_n��; the f'lack, li a man sia;z, &lv 11t:h .11�1n, The evening w'as much d,.Ans rientioned In the cable Includes .
6. e . 1. of Nunicipal -OffiOeTS, as read a drat -1
1vrt% ,.;been lie should bu +4 �..,i :j.] bV all the ,Nov,i, Scotia Regiment and the The-cou-M -1 + 1� 11 A �t_ �
00. ,
- _NJ,C
. I . I— .
4dozQr bells ,similar to a cow beli,btrt Rzr. Giichler of Nfilverton, occupied
R '
4,1 tb, I Oth, 11th, and 12th Battalions,
11 in L 4u accordance
with the �Iun!'Ok011l Act, The mem-
- secon ,e, Lie read a third time
.an I passed.�Carrled. .
�maller and tle these to the iheep. it th- ,-Iulz)'�t in the Evangelical church
bers signed the declaration or ,>ffice
Robinson -McIntyre -That the Clerk
13 a peculiar that a dog will �iot Last Simday .Botb sermons pro -red
, and qualifications and the council for
Pre.nare. a by-law for the next meet-
bother a Sheep ,if it has a bell on its very inspiring.
1915 became. organi2ed.
Mg of the Council, to grant from the
nack, and th,s i3 a real solution of John _Xlumpari has sold his house
Aeroplanes Have Revoltttlonlzed'%Var�
The following Officials were appo;nt
Township of McGillivray S500.00 (.v-
the problem. This man followed the wrl lb,is to, John Haist. Mr. KIumPD
fare, Says Observer. I
Nvith their salarys F. Hess Sr., clerk
'erY three months during the current
above scheme and kept sheep a :,hoet itenft iesiding with his scriAn-law,
LONDON, Jan. 1.4. — The British
salaTY" ,617 5 anJ $3 for. every Police
Yes," to the Belgium relief, Patriotic
distance from the city for twelve Lamport in the spring.
year_:� and did not lose one. His neigh I _%1iqs-�_N1av Armstrong of Exeter is
.nilitary observer at the front dis-
cusses the Is
Village and evexy drain assessment;
TTeasurer, Thomas
c,:- Red Cross Fund. -Carried.
� .
part Aviation playing. in
Johnston, salary
the follow-
0 I
bors would not frollow the aLdVICp rind speAding a few days in town the guest
three Mr -and Mrs.
the military operad=s�. In this eon'-"
41-75 ,and $1.50 for every Police Vil-
accounts be paid --Municipal
� .
sheep Were killed in ,-.ne nighr"7f Herb Either,
o -i the farm. The ' lalth47Lawson Harry
nection the observer says: .�
lage and eveTY drafti. asseaSment; Col-
-publication. for members, $51,
next plan is worth and Trick walk
has profoundly modified
,J. H. Schnell, salary $85.00.,
Pirinting Co., pollbdoks, $5.95;
a trial anyway. IM h4gli here from Exeter On Sun-
warfare by. eliminating the element
Audito,rs, Jacob Haberer and Willitlin
J TTevetbick, -hardware ac. $2.35; 6.
-'bi�_-�,� constitutional. On theirre-
A business that has achieved its `_uni th,e& were accompanied by Ever-
of surprise, for so long the weather
permits. aerial reconnaissance it is .
.salary $8 and, $2 for tele-
atione, a'CCOW1`-'S; GaTetaker. IN-Irs. P.
Hoigins, g -ravel. ac,. 32.50.--7Carried.'
The Comicil then adiouTried to
magnitude or strength as the result e<_': FaYh-�r, Who claims he made a
impossible to carry out, any 911e.1f.
.461val'l salary ,S 25, Member of r1oard
m.ee,. �'r.l' the Tawn 11aiI, on Xonday',
*-ecc:d ,ialk' back some time durklg
OZ faithful advertisin. itself Fd1se 0
concentration or movement of.troup-
of ,Lleal'li A. He..Apernmi., 52 pe�_ (1a,y
. . . I
Feb. Ist ait 5 O'clock p.m. �
Hall �,,tcad-y, January � 11� pui,suairt -�o
plays the night.
by d wiUm a - 1�1 .-:
,shee(, va_.1'ua'tors, Robert - . A rth .
J. D' Drummond �1- i,.
� if it suspends owceases itsadvertisir1g, _� . S __ e raulue,
J -*S:W-aTd Of 'N'e)W York is -visiting without being discovered. Especlall�
0 on the groun,1 of 1'economy." I.t i's 4 her �s Mr. -and Mrs. James. ,H*d-, in the; present, form of warfarbr�'-hav&-
� � pDa.- lrus�nes3 vision which fails to,
Jacob Harborer- and Casper Walper
er 1houT whille on, duty. .
�R��,-z council
. . , . . � j ..il� �
. P , , -W I I .
. 1.
MITCHELL-While'returning from,-
. "
I � ----
, �
. ,
. .
, ., ,
lihi$P'15pa . "the former functions of the cavalry'..
0 see the r ' I feeder of business' Rer.,/A. 1j. Seck er is as3i Sting in as regards " '
entewed into- an, agree
men; with
I . jPeter Mclsaac Of
the S&ool for dinner, Jea.n,
reconnaissance, beett
and f,atalPjui'd1';c,Dnan-t which cuts it aff �thc,�*�e%e�val services in. Rostock. this .
� - . usurped- by the -flying corpse? �� - . ;
or i1q:erru,nts its flow. Economies 14,�Y w,e_ek;_,,r(, ., I .
w.?od,,iregaxd!ng the switching cyftel
I 0
ep,4ones in his - office. � , .
t,hi 7 -year ald daughter of, N,fr. David
,ijurra) r who .1s..stay-I
. 11 . . ng with her grand
. — -
. . W .
-usovereig' Cu
be warranted but they had The officer then pays a tribute to-
bettt 17 -work* of.'thV'13kftfsb_
er -Weitey. Methers who re4des �n*t'he the remarkable ..
. ,be effecte;t �n a y other department, Smth,
� -a Rourrdaiy has Z16ie- "
I - �
.-,rht: ap,
,paintrit ' '
� ent. of anassessormas
.mother Mrs. AodTew Byers,'eastward
1dip;6ed on -the icy sidewalk -ind fet
- n re
for Rheumatism
. a cafl from aviators aud'mefitioi:�s�.As a-fre(killbh1c.
. than in th&,1sPLles.'_de,part;ment-the de�'b�ili I -. �uirnt out one day last -
.'over to the next meeting of the-
- .
- - ....
coii6cil. , ,
bi�hk�ng her'leg.
� . '... 14, � - -
we ek. urrence reconnal9sanev.1n,'
� , .. I " � oce drivWli-
paTtinent dT- revehue. , -.,Any._ -coitrs�-Ta..!7, -_Ch_,!4ren were up stairs playing snow with :the' tempera,ture-beloV',
0 which sho,*es tbk4c� I
", . %; - ! ." - , - . , .
", 'knumbeir of accounts -were�ordered
` .
1. 11 .
; -S I
gAFORTH.�Tbreedeatbs '- )ave
I �
Mrs. R.,W. Hazl ett, 168 Wyla;td6tte
Str6cit; Windsor, Ont., says there is,
Your �A,4tomer � 'ird m I
fr(�m you. oT bi,ales ,d _sorne way the little boy*- set zero d
I your custpriilei4 is k -e V in a.-gile under fire�df the
C� re enemPs, AM
*. 11 I ik the c,urtains. Befoxe the fir ' 141r_�raftguns,'
" ,
fikiid - ,. .
.1 :..� � .. � � I
�Hqy OounciUlwill meet again ,on Saa-!
tycttirri-d-in this locality the past few
day '
S�- Thursday MWifd
.. .1 . -1i , _. I..
on y one - Xidne3; ojirddy,ih the
' world for lier-GIN'PILLS. -, -
I .
ru. ey of?trii0.-':!:
nous The man with mon, ; I -wa�-� ,ext:ngtishe-d the rooms ii,pstaiTs n
� ' - ,constantly sought. Advertis- I �vt-4 .
to bc , elf g with the'wind, when thei,-MY
� -
. qa�'Feb 6th. -at Z O'clock.- - ,
. I . I
s 6y_ 19?
n t the home
, -of"his brother,
, "Gin Pi'lis, I know from -pergonal
. I
. , p_retty well glittered. chine, rocks -and sways and'attaJns it
ing. is the great discoverer of �
' new. ", TY" _M's B �
� - A, ible Class of the Evan-
. . I F. HESS Sr, elerk
�. . I � I
t, 'Ind' s �
Arc ion the 7th concession : 'Of
experience, are the sovereign retned
. - y
f4i Rheumatism an4 Kidney Trouble
� I
customeTs, the great ". I , '
T speed Of- 100 miles an hbuk.,�, - ,
- retainer .,e c -
of old, � - - i
, q - ' jiidwy School met at"' . 1� �.
10, , i ';, ^_
. - 'O , ��.:
r - the home �
ones _ I , I
1 . - "
� .
�� -!I- .
, . . � . . .
McKill P_ Mr. Ferguson was 62years
. , 0
. - �
0 r .
oF e , � , 1, .
as .
I . iti anj form. I was'6uied by th6ra
_ -
after months.of sufferin g., I was :
� .
. �, 4 I I
1, . . I .W_ % W.. ., Adriample-Is K , :
_. M 1. 'Pt "bir. J. H., Holtzman last I 'vatosted. � ' -
i A -
. � I
_ . I .
---.d '. , �
� pless-ha4 3everal
bc,l doitors' and,
many therremedies,LbUt
� �,
L , 11 -
, for a social time.
iO� - . - L11N-DONj Jan- Il- . The--Turkii;W,
,- 'b r. R %%Yi on . was present and - Ad d,e, I
I L . ..
, %%* ,,�..
_ T� mun,jC;�pal. --..T- , L
L '
PARK -HI L�The -death'" occurred
I I 0 all failed to
Cureme. Th#n1tried Gin Pills with *I.
. I
- .
0 ELIMVILLB , garrison at Adrianople, the partial
. I -�r-_J-che_boys -class-work which wIt - ,
10 - . I on, . hdrawal of which was preViously
, Council elect for ,Us-
, � I
' 6 Tvivrriddi
,bor-t p. met at the To,.w,ashlp
la'St'L Sunday
. of Mr. 'Samuel Tudo-Z
one of the oldest Tesidenia of - Pairkh'ill,
the result th'at I am well to -day. I
heiirfif .
_y'recommend them to 2 ,
son syttering from Kidne
Nlls� very interesting and instruct- �
, Mervin%. Colgan of Woadl ' - �repprted_ba§ now .completely with--
- ' ,
� . . Ilam-cv,& ,thc"boys haive c,Tganiied, foot I
Hall �,,tcad-y, January � 11� pui,suairt -�o
after several mchths' illness. A wid-
L I or!%Xd'i',�,',::`�
Troublill. I . . I 1, ;.
. ... �:
! Visiting her' sister, Mrs. Ja�es -%,,,j:'i�C�l &awn,,according toan Athens' de�
13 1 AL� ,,b among themselves and -Will -11 I . lj
� lome.-Miss Lizzie Hearn has se.cux- '
stalute All WCTe 'present Ind :�llar
sd6sorib�ng, to the necessary *.,lacill. ....
two s,DnS,* Winiarn of L
I Thedford
-Gectri,e of town, f[tree
� . .1
. � I
, , ,
� . 6 �t . � -
" � , "
d - I
I ,
,plAy a ser�es of L gam, spateh, .,which gives, no exp anation. �
�'L , eo,f _ _ I (.n this snrin . I
,, po,sit_7�n in Lon. -Ion and left 7 "the lchser to Day for a sispper, L9 .. The Londonpapeirs print a forecast
'! t; .
L; li;�ft3 of office anA qualification took
, and
. . -
ters'- Mrs Jdh.n Thompson, Mrs. Tos.
, L' I
� itt It ., S,
. L
. . , .
� L: . I t'iat pla-�e on Saturday last. -The -1cw - , I . appearing, in The Paris FIgAro, tha�tL
f* he.,'T seats at the,Councii Board, __
Skin-ner-and Mrs. Ge.o_rgc!Ros3tlI of
ran, Tftp: KIW4 . �
. 1. � a"
I I I L -
1, -gan&st. Kiss Emily Ford, occui)ied, �
V . . c L
I I I I I . I Italy. Greece, L Rouniania, and Bill—
; ' . L . . 1. . L'' ,
2L : I � P:,,s*�-�Nzi at the church ..er*lv' GRAND B
0, , ices, - E��D, '.,Will �
Fred A., Ellerlington, reev e, WiWarn
(,�oat,,, Axth Ili Nfitchell, * �'-Tom'Brock
to"VIVIII survive him. I 1.
" I , , I
7 ,,, -9- -.1 0.
I .
� - � A' '
curq-beqAuse they act d ' 'ctly, dn
. Ire
file '
- . 1. 1, , I , -
, nrlay n; , - -: I __ I . . I .
k. �1 �'L . , - ", L gari�, join the allies but there,
0_�L . Sm � ght, Mi Orca ,Snell � . I I I is nothing more definite relative to
anj John .Duncan, Cou�Cjilo�S.. L
. .1
- , L '
S. �
BAYFIELD-Mr.. and. - Mr, Ja
Kidneys and 131addei-soothin
11 � 9
and healinj ilie Wflamined timues,
I 11 'L
- '
h%vin% ;�signea�'_Rev. Fletzher 419r. J,. -Ross was in
� I � .1 . . Exeter Monday this turn of affairs than there Was
T.hi,-n�s ,iere.,cin
I All ,the Old olfficers.were re -alp-
b6intcd I
1�on�ldso',n jcele�bnted. the fiftietlia n-
and L - ,� 1.
neutrali.z.Gg uric, acid
, o, Rr%:1 PTeached ,a'
on,.bu's�ness..Two men will show the fortnighr �io. 7 .
I . .. . . . . , I I . �
I a � Rev. BaTnard' Was j' v'lews of� creation' in Brenner's , :
. Si:,,,l 5 night: ' Hall .
I at. same salaries as last
year, -F. Morley, ,clerk,4110 and $10
mveTsarVL :of , their -Wedding day on
T6 esdlay of last'week af their,ohorhe j.ri-
� ,
T,rial.t.reattrietit lar size,
I e g ,
. '.C)rn_�_ . . . - .1,
t 5 . I s' � L .1 ,
I L dl,_ -ting Special service at Sqnshfhe.� t h _` s we61_1Xr. P, 'Balker was in Exe-4 No Attack on La
- : I . *�
� I . I The.re Bats8ee,
for _postage; P. Coates, treasurer 385'�
Thos Huhkin, ', WiIIE��
Rrac�efield in the 0. '
resence o.f
I their
aL:-b6x*, 6 b
I oxes for $2.50 and
every; box sold'With oujj�s�ot,�A�lj
� I
, I
. __ �61.
w ., 0_1 � uslite! rm
I L .ill be a Radial meetffi.�,`Ifi, . ss Tuesda,y.-Fishei en LONDON, Jan. 19.—'The observer
�. � ` .
- as ssor $J0
- se .faj�i
1 .
ly and' Tiume4rous friends. . Mr.
gu,�trante6 of satisf�ctjbh or money
� I';,
- , ,
,. KY'_`ci, on The Z8, f e fiinis-hed, putting
- aTmers a'-nd others V t� lip
_ I T__ ; with the British, army in -France w1fo
, - zgz
� - te-rJste�l -,ked .-
,collector S65, . ,Geo. Kellaft
6iTetakdT,-,S,7; 1-1.
I Ito e .
Donaldson left his fath�eir 3
L in in
back�L Sold int4e Unitcd�,8tate,q, ;
a,,,e a -, . se. .
tc� atteiad. M., elsh ,of Exeter visited, at writes the day -by. -day, L
I 1.� L I I Micbstel Elfard ,;% piefting in a ,sew 1 - �',,;,�homie' of E. Gill; j�.j L laSf I I ,reports Of
, , -week. ' �events out to the
Stfbmg and E.' N' I
. .
�hiea% abdiiar�s_.SJO.00 each.; Remz $60
Rinbr6ok I
in .the year 1860, coniin�-- -to,
e i I
Huroa Co�nty w1be-r' I c�has reinallned
: iin&r ilie naino' lif,11i(y), pills'.
11 11 I
. ati . - �Pi �
. I - L -
. .
111. I I given press, Js au-
,� I I L litter C rier chis week, -All th "
I ar e -4rm , Nfz.,1, Ravelle .Was a f-ew days in Lon- thority for the statelten't that.Bridsh
Cooncillo,rs, each; $50. I
ever -since. � I � . .:�
I . I
,N qnat..D1 - uf. 6heini,6ai Ite..
of Canada. imitid. -
Toron to
� . �
� � ets neer'l n7ff i,-' :he' Flyrli�o El�ttrlc; d-ljast week._\,1r..S. Gxavelle, who * , I
� I L for6eS�Ldld;.titot recently capture cer�
L tbrou.-I., here an -d farmink will *)e 'er.�, '�a,;i:.been viisiti,ng around here, return- L . I
, I
k - I � , ,
Fence VieNve,rs�LWeli�n�gt,o,n-Ker�lak�
Fira�,zik Down, Fred Delbridge, Amcs' ,
IL - - - �
CLINTON-Mrs. Samuel Castle, Sr
I .
I � - ? -
. 1. ,
� L . 1301-
L . tain German positions near Le Bassoje
. � : , , I
�'L L fecte,_'. 1. li� &,d it'hi,s hame�jn Bgd Ax�. 9-r
- sJOhn
001ppe and Wilbor Hunter. I L
, J- � 7
� ,n�o I:he Great Unknewn on
. I --
. �
" �� . ,
� , , I and make one mile.
-1 .'t � 2A,.`,1 Nvh,-� has been si,ck, i,3 �mpro . I
�� I I .. �'. . ., � 1, 1 I
11 1.1, I I .1 I 11� " , "� , " � . I- v- That. 'they, had done so was reported
PaundkeepeTs-w7jolhn Luxton,' -,Sam. �
. I
,g . eveilia- Ia5tL
�. YL * at the age GUO
- - 11
��WL, L . I
� W, 027
� L I I
. I . , I
. I . ,- --- - �', � ...- 'A!��_ ". :-;i-,,i-!;--�.'V1r,- Asa -ph Gr,avelle was in Thed ,
�, �1, .. . t "Tv-.�, , �,.,!_,,�a,." ?, . I . I L I Jan. 151n a despatch from Sc-',76mer �"
.- I 1. - . 11 , fo-1 _Maitdw, . .-� I
. - .1. �L
Ralplih Ke d1dy, John Westlake
,-q, I ' , I
, "
'e"tQ,;r.,;T,a�.,Iq,rj,,W,alter Hazelwood, T.
years - -
and, ten' fiforttliS'. Tlle�deceased
wa� a, niti,v,L,,of'.St�siti,',oll�,;-.,Bed.fpirds,hiTe
: L
� I
I I 1 L
. . i I
I .
.1 I I I . I , " I �;. �, �,` ",.tA
� I 'L,
�P#blished in Paris. � ,
I L � I L I � , I , `
, 1 . . I , I � I '. ,. j?: , �' ' L ., " ' , . L .
I . I , ,,,,,;� - . I
� . f, I : � I .L � '', % I L L I I
I � ,
, I
. L
- am an a .
0" eron dJ -h'-a Shate.
Bm;rtlof H,ealt;l K. HYndman,.
, L
England She,�wAsn - .�
_Awried jw,t,,e, Old,
h, L L
C6uhtrN� aa�! co,qkel,�ql UaM�CLa. �N;Vlth
,, L'" '
. " 1p
I ,
L L S.
. '
� I . 'L I , " , "� ,,,� � Not -
I . I I �. i I LUXLE , Falk'e�hayjvs 'Sllorl.'��.
I , _t�H. ,NT
D VL 0 1-1 � ,Gearge, Kellatt,
I .
Y , ! , , , . __
I � I I I I ,!,� �Ii 11!,��
I L 11 ,� , '' , , . : �e , " ring:'t '
I . . ". � � 1, PARig' ltdn.-19-, �`Ref6r ' - o tlie%'Em'
- L , , bp�, I— "
a -a arge,numbPr�from� " ' '�xPlblts ";f`Ab6:'
--1 "- L , ' , S�rpLtary, .:h,#Aa,,iCJL
' "" ve . Cle�rk,.,'and �
't,L'P 2 I I I
. yc�ung��,Iamuy id" -, I I&
- 4e:Y_�eLarne to' Clinton'then' an, ','�� �
I I I . I I
. 1� I I I
, �, - ,
� � �
.�,` . � re. at� FfenA�,' adrial,,dorp§ � I
I t, I �.�,�, .
�, i L - e':1L,'J",�" � Mensall' ,, h
: t1,�"ftt,ein, r4 w
�r _�l
'n ,
. __ , _ _ , .-,
, �L�', ,,, 'L
, �' ,
" " 0�
' - - -
s'jn,ce'�'bsidle rl ,here, Besidc� her ; I g
I I .
.1 I T.
I , , ,,�
� I ��!.'
: I . � the official eyi�*itnesslsa . , I � , �!.'
I � � � .. . . I ys�
': . i ,�� )", , zP111','�-,n- V`Y44Y,' even i ng and'Ll'ej ' - .
-, ,
W , ." L "It, was Je t.
" I T, it Von Falkenstein, n6C
Was et
� I t6-
t -6.- -t�t
'I t i
Wu urvive_ 9 f " �.
gband� she �s'� i d y"a a I
- S
, , . �-. I . -
� I . �
. , 11
. 11
'. q
:, I 1. p � -� a gc�Gd tilne --NTXS. W.,N, Glenn, Von Falkenhayn, as: erroneously re,-
I U PTKA , ,'izi LrndDn tK
Q ICK NA �k,a:,_ e, past week attehcU 11
_, per . e . ni�e ,
tenderr. , , ,,, I . - ,
L -
SN2�rlp: I I I '. �
I : L 'r .; I 1, I I.,
� ____ ,7 . . I .1
, L .
� _
� I . L
�- 1. ". !;: : w ported,who was killed by the French
i .;. . ! :N1CM6rd;,e L
*�' i,�g ber �,,ftaher;41-. who 'I"
A,donttio�n of S5.60 wa� gi�ert to the
, I I 11
MITCHtLL-A vc,ry� qu,'jet we7ddkig- i
.: 1. . I L I - 1
I . T (4 E . army aviator Gilbert. This was' the
I . I., .1, I has sh�L-- �die,�A. I
- -The Yaungpeople OL -f
S " k Childir en's Hospital, TOT01itO, I
..c I �wys�
. 'ed a, .the Luthera�
solemiii�z I, par-
... .
1, .) 11 I third ti me that Gilbert wh is a milj'
I I ' -_, 1,. aL . , 0.
I I I " "J.'!.l�,ly aire busy T I "
. _ practicing
A fe -,)r acci s,unts' v�ere pa�d and the s
� /, i
na, it'(�,Ii�ll on the.
c, g e, I M , 1'3 it-, L Mr � -
�, L
I I . .
.�I.�, L tary niedalist, succeeded in bringing
L I jl"J'�%� b I
L WOMANS' SOAP, . . Dq �e -vat ion An th6 school The d W11, a hostile
Cemai,'.J, adjouined. meet Saturday,
'6'h, 'at
Muellor and Miss Enim'rj, Suhn nitit UZI' i
. ,
I ........ ... ." 1�� m "I , 1. I I
I �
� I I I I
I craft." � .�
11 I 1, ! g UP L I
I __ �s -0�. g& to Patriotic F 9 . . .
Fe�b . one'o'clock. I � plighted,
� I
thebr troth. The ii
y I i
. I . .
I _j:lc�'Ilaa I ,
I , 11 . . . � . I � I I
, I � I
. .
I I I I � I IL I . L � I I . I . I.'', . 11 � L 11 � I I L L I
� : LF Morley, Qle
I :k -their
� I I _. 1-1 L % ,r 1, I
,� I 1, . I
L horn P'Use. of NlIT'S" F,�4Z
in. the,'h �
I I I I e, I i I 11
I I 1.
, 'L
1, I I
I . I . I I -1 ,. � I .
� L
I I ,L . . ' � I I I . . i'
I L I L . I � L I I . I I L I L'. ,
I �L L . I I . I I L 11 11 . I I I I I 'I, I I I I � I 11 I I I I I I I I I
I'll I � �
11 .1
I � I I I I I �
- L i L . I I I I I I 11.1
I 11 I
I I L I � � I
I I I I . 1� L
� . .
1. I I
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