HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1915-1-21, Page 3MANY TONS ARR IV RAINS
Italian Earthquake Took Twenty Thousand Lives
in Thirty Seconds •
A despatch from Route says
Twenty thousand lives lost, thirty
thousandpersons injured, a million
homeless and in need of relief, 78
towns and villages 'wholly or partly
destroyed, a territory 300 miles
long and extending front the Adria-
tic to the Tyrrhenian Seadevastat-
ed, irreplaceable works of art ruin-
ed—this is the measure of the eatas-
trophe caused by sae earthquake
which held Centre' Italy in a merci-
less grip kr as eecond:. Thursday
As the hours go by and communi
cetion with the outl}ing districts is
restored, appeals kr aid from every
section are pouring into l}kc:xue, and
are being answered instantly by
the Government. the people and the
clergy. The King, the Pope and
the Premier Salandra are among
the leaders in the great work or
relief, and trains are being sent as
fast as possible with doctors, nurses
and zupplies to every part of the
shaken area.
The greatest damage done was at
Avezzano, a0 mil's east of Rome,
which was totally destroyed, with
a total loss of life of more than
8,000. In this district the eeenes
parallel those of Messina in 1909,
when 70,000 persons. perished.
The Icing left for ,that `city: by
automobile, and will remain there
uutil the distress is alleviated,
In Rome the damege was relative-
ly small, not a single life being lost,
At Naples and Florence, which also
felt the shock, there were no casual-
ties and very little destruction.
"The district of Sulmona is bad-
ly damaged, and the victims are
numerous. Twenty persons, are
killed and many injured at Village).
Rescue work has been started at
Popli and Pentina, where many
houses are damaged.
"The damage is extensive at
Aquila and Isola 1)elliri, and many
small towns in the province of
Rome. The village of Sora has been
"Loss of life has been feared at
Cltieti and other towns in the pro -
vine of the Abruzzi, but it is be-
lieved that disaster will nut be so
great as at first apprehended,"
The opening of partial communi-
cation throughout the district from
Ferrara, north of Bologna, ,to Na-
pies, brings somewhat more reas-
suring news, hut also gives the in-
formation that the track of the
quake was greater than at first be-
First Time on Record Where Washington °over:
rent Would Not Insure an American Vessel
A despateh from Washington says :
The sudden turmoil over the Dacia
and the request of the State Depart-
seent that Great Britain permit the
vessel to discharge her cargo at
Rotterdam instead of Bremen were
due to the refusal of the Govern-
ment war risk bureau to insure the
Dacia and her cargo. This refusal
eompletely upset the plans of the
owners of the cotton about to be
shipped, for having obtained con-
sent of the Department of Com-
merce to the admihsion of the Dacia
to American registry, they had
taken it for granted that consistent
action would be obtained from the
Government war risk bureau and
insurance written as desired. The
insurance was refused on the
ground that inasmuch as the British
Government had indicated objec-
tions to the Dacia, eugaging in trade
•with Germany, her arrest on the
high seae was practically a certain-
ty and she was not, therefore, a
pod risk. The fact that the de-
paytment had seen fit to "OK" the
transaction to the extent of grant-
ing American registry did not in-
fluence the war risk bureau and the
Dacia was denied her risk.
Members of Congress who were
informed of the refusal of the war
risk bureau expressed great inter-
est. It -vas said to be the first case
where the bureau has refused to
give insurance to an American ves-
ieut. Lawrence Had Transferred to Regulars From
First Contingent a Few Weeks Ago
A despatch from London says:
Second Lieut. M. E. Lawrence; who
appears among the killed in the
latest casualty list, was the only
surviving son of the late Hon. H. .A. -
Lawrence and grandson of Baron
Lawrence, of -the Punjab. For the
last four years be had been living in
British Columbia.. He enlisted in
the 88th Victoria Fusiliers on the
day war was declared, and came to
England with the first Canadian
On landing he heard that his
young brother ,• who had a commis
sion in the king's Royal Rifle
Corps, bad been killed in action on
the Aisne. He was ` offered: and
accepted a commission sin his bro-
ther'.s regiment, and joined the
Sixth Battalion at Sheerness early
in November, and was sent to
After a few weeks he was killed
in Flanders while leading a storm-
ing -party which was ordered to take
an important position. His cern-
mending officer
ma iding-officer writes:
"On. reaching the position he
found that a brother officer, who
had led another storming party,
was in`need of assistance, as he had
lost more than half of his men:
Lawrence dashed over the interven-
ing 70 yards with some of his men,
and was, no doubt responsible for
getting back his brother -officer,
who had :been: left alone and would
have been cut off.'''
Five German ' Vessels, Sunk.
• A- despatch from. London says:
During the hast fortnight' five ''Ger:
man steamers have disappeared in
the Baltic Sea. with all their crews.
They were lost 'by str^iling, mines.
It is repor+ted that leading members
of German commercial and shipping
circles have eo11eeted $50,000 • tlor
' relatives of Swedish: seameu who
have been lost through disasters
the. Gulf of Finland due to German
Voii Falkenita,yit's Son Killed in an
Air Raid:
A'deapatah from Paris 'says :.Cap-
tain von Falkenhayn, son of the act-
ing chief of generalstaff of the, Ger-
man army, was shot to death by a
French ;aviator ;chile making an
aerial 'reconnaissance over Amiens
on `Sunday, according to a despatch
from that city.
The Government is About to Prohibit Baking. in
Private Houses
A despatch from Paris says The
bread famine in ,Germany appears
to be growing in interfsity,• accord-
ing to . reports reaching here. The
ur oma •
B g ster of Dortmund, in West-
es • t-
phalia, declared at a meeting of the
city officials:':
"Extreme economy in the con-
on-sum tion of bread, and particelarly
he limitation
to what ; is only
strictly necessary, as regards both
bread and all other'bakery wares,
is the condition of German victory.."
The Cologne Gazette, comment-
ing on the situation, calls on the
military authorities., to forbid the
manufacture >of all bread . except
for war purposes
Phe C
-opezriiagen correspondent
of the Tempts says the prohibition
On night work by Berlin bakers has
proved to have no effect as the
housewives are . g
buYin enormous
stocks of flour and are barring bread
themselves. He saythe Govern-
is therefore about to prohi-
bit baking in private houses.
The Raiser Photograf►bed Five Weeks Ago,
The latest photo of the Kaiser (showing. bis grey* hair peeking from
de 1 befort
n i his berme who will ed
t?,to leave the front in ordaar to
undergo •a throat operation at Berlin 'When the Kaiser was recently
reported seriously ill the .pecialis ts decided to c;perate. In spite of
strict oilers faun his physician to the contrary the Kaiser left for the
western battle front, where he has remained since Christmas. His
condition has become so grave of late that it has been decided to
operate without further delay.
Seasoned Fighters Sent to the Aisne
to Make Final Effort, Under
Kaiser's Direction.
A despatch from Amsterdam says :
It is reported that the Germ ns
have concentrated a, half a million
men on their lines between Flan-
ders and Rheims for the purpose of
breaking through by brute force, no
matter what the cost. The scheme
has been aided by the fact that
floods on the Lys and the Aisne
forced the allies to withdraw in two
or three important places. In Flan-
ders floods hold the Belgians and
Ereneb in check, and the Germans
believe that second line troops can
maintaintheir frontthere while
the seasoned fighters are sent to
Soissons and along the Aisne. Gen.
von Falkenhayn, chief of staff of the
German ar.-ny, is at the front with
the Kaiser, according to informa-
tion received here from Brussels.
The harbor at Zeebrugge has been
heavily mined and the town has
been transformed into :a, fortress, as
has also Xnocke and other places on
the coast. The German troops on
the coast are commanded .by Gen.
von Arnim.
German Socialists
to Fight War?
A despatoh from Havre says: It
is generally known that the Social-
ist Deputy, Dr. Liebkneeht, who
alone in the Reichstag, voted
against the military credits, incur"
red blame as a result. Already the
state of affairs has changed. Dr.
Liebknecht has just informed ,the
chiefs among the International So-
cialists that a serious movement
against .war is manifesting itself
among German ,socialists, and that
almost unanimously the Federations
share his point of view and declare
themselves against war. •
Swedish Authority • Says She Grows
More Formidable.
A despatch from Stockholm says:
Germany; instead of suffering ex-
haustion after months of war, has
become more formidable than ever,
according. 'to Lieut.Col. Bouveng,
Chief of the Swedish Military Aoa-
decoy who spent two and a, half
months at the theatre of war with
the German army. "I deem Ger-
many's military resourees to be la -
exhaustible," says Lieut. -Col. Bou-
veng in The Aftenbladet. "It is im-
possible to doubt that. the German
army could perform tasks still more
difficult than those which 'are Con-
fronting it to -day."
Qualified Men for Naval Service Ad-
vertised ertised For.
A despatch from Ottawa says:
The British %"Adm r t y has al not' ed'
the Canadian Marine and Naval De-
partments that there are -openings
in the British • naval service •for a
considerable number of qualified
marine engineers. They are need-
ed as "artificers and for other
branches of the service
Battalion Charged Enemy with Bay-
onets and Won Trenches "For
Canada and Old Fngl intl."
A despateh from London says:
The Canadian regiment at the front
has distinguished itself in astirring
bayonet charge at a place near
Ypres, known as "Dead Man's Al-
ley," according to the I)aily Chron-
ieie's correspondent in North-east
France. "The Germans," the cor-
respondent says, "had moved a
great mass of men against this spot
on the British front. Mud helped
the thin British line to hold, but the
honors were barely even until the
Canadian regiment hurried up from
the rear, Suddenly there was
heard a roar of voices and a long
line of slouch -hatted men with
fixed bayonets rushed forward with
the battle cry `For Canada and Old
England.' Mlle Germans broke be-
fore the ehea es, which carried
everything before it. Trench after
trench fell; and ,the Canadians did
not cease until the Germans
brought up their artillery. The
ground gained extended over a mile
in front" The Canadian losses
were two killed and fourteen
A later despatch from London
says: Information from a private
source says that .about two hundred
of the. Princess Patricias were in
the heroic urge, and that the
enemy made a violent onslaught
upon them, mith the result. that
only eighty-three returned from the
charge, ; while Major Hamiilton
Gault had a very narrow escape.
German. South-west
Africa Invaded
A• .despatch • from London lays:
The' forces of the -Union. of South
Africa have occupied• Swakopmund
German South-west Africa;, accord
ing to tiie Pretoria, correspondent
of ,Reuter,'s Telegrarm Company,.
Swakopanund is a ;port of oall,, at
the. mouth of the, Swakop River.:., It
is a trading and mission station,
and;is connected by rail with Wind-
Hindenburg May Go to Western.
Theatre of War.
A despatch from London says
An Amsterdam despatch to 'the Ex-
change ` Telegraph Company says
that travellers arrivingthere from
Germany report :that in response to
a popular demand Field Marshal
von Hindenburg, commander of the
'German campaign against Russia,
is likely 'to be (transferred to the
western front in the spring.,
Asks Troops to Show Energy "For
a Few Months."
A despatch from • Paris says!
p ays%
President Poincare,` . addressing a
gathering of marines at a flag prey
entation on Wednesday, urged them
to show "for a few months pa
tience, ` steadiness and energy, the,
display of 'which -at this time will
'determine the destiny of ceatur-
A Reserve Corgs of 30,000 !` en Annihilated by:
Russians in Caucasus
A despatch from London Gaya:ish position on Russian soil ex
Another sweeping victory over the
Turks in the Ceueasus is recorded
in official ,advices from Petrograd.
Russian general headquarters has
received a message from Tiflis which
"The army of the Caueasus has
covered its flags with• glory by a
fresh heraie exploit, having exter.-
urinated the .11th Turkish corps,
with the except.::•n of several insig-
nificant elements, which are fleeing
in disc:rtler. We have- captured all
the artillery. of this corps.
"The Battle cf Kara Urgan,
which was fought for three days in
' the ceaseless enowstorzn, has ended
in .a cc.np'ete victory for us, thanks
to the efforts of ourvaliant, regi-
xzi izt,$ of tete' Caucasian. Turkestan
and the Siberian Cossacks. The re -
stance of the enemy is shuttered,
and his rearguard is, coffering the
retrea.t: of the annnihilated army,
which is harried on the flank and
rear by our truups. The fault of
the Turkish forve is fres i fig tuwardi:
"Our troops slale pursuing the
mein), found Turkish guns buried
in the snow-covered ravines, xi ieh
the enemy, unable to take with him,
had thrown from the heights above,
The pursuit is being pressed. More
than a thousand prisenere and a
large quantity of arms were captur—
ed on Jan. 15-"
This new disaster makes the Turk -
tremely carious, :since four of their
effectivecorps now have beets see -I
verely defeated, while Russian nal
val operations .in the, Black Sea,,
have frustrated an effort to sends
reinforcements by water from Ar -i
'Ihe destruction of the eleventh.
corps concludes a conflict which has
been, in progress foe several days'
in the region of Kara L'rgan. Re-
cently the Russians successively de-
feated the first Turkish corps at
Ardahan and the ninth and tenth
.ores at Sari Karry. sh. The ninth
corps was captured almost , in a
body, but the remnants of the
tenth made a, desperate stand
against the Russianss while the
eleventh cures, previously field in
reserve over the border in Turkish
Armenia, was rushed hearth frim its
base at Ernerum to I :4st in the de-
It• is this eleventh corps. a fore: of
prubably 30,000 fresh troops, whose
rout is announced fra/ni Petrograd.
It; defeat follows up the a,u nihila.-
tic a l revioudy of the various de-'
taa:lin.E +its of the tenth corps that
had informed at Kara t'rg,an, an
E•ffie:al statement on Saturday hav-
ing announced the capture of sur-
vivors of the eand Turkish regiment,
in addition to 5,000 prisoners
other parts of the front, with four-
teen carmen and enermous stips
plies. including ten thousand heard
of cattle.
Oen, Pau's Armies Have Command of All. Heights
on Left Bank of Thur River
.A despatch from the Vosges, says:
The latest and last operations of the
French troops in Alsace have given
them command of all the heights on
the left bank of the Thur River,
from Tliann to Gebweiler and Sulz.
Muelbausen, with its factory ehim-
neys only eight miles away, is still
in the hands of the troops of Gener-
al Deimlifig, the famous e,unmander
of Strassburg. The ,iermans have
been making energetic; efforts to re-
pel the French advance in Alsace,
and along the foot of the Vosges.
there is a growing suspicion that
several army corps have been
ten p
brought li from z other parts is of the
fighting line, probably from Rus-
sian Poland, to reinforce the Ger-
man troops in Alsace. Their num-
bers, at any rate, are •constantly on
the increase. There is no doubt
that the enemy is making a determ-
ined effort against the positions of
the Vosges ,conquered by the
French, but the French are not only
holding what they conquered—they
are ads easing. A very important
action recently took place in which
cavalry and heavy and light artil-
lery in considerable numbers were
engaged, and showed themselves
fully equal to the forces opposed to
them. The entire action lasted
from 9 a.ina to long after dark. The
French and German losses were
about equal, but the advantage was
with the French, as they occupied
a village, .which was their objective
and also the woods for a consider-
able distance around, which com-
mand the German positions.
'Revival of Tradee in the Cheaper
Grades is Expeeted.
A despatch from Ottawa says:
Reviewing the lumber trade of the
Ottawa Valley, John Aird, assistant
general manager of the Canadian
Bank of Commeree, says the cut is
estimated at 375,000,000 feet, or'
100000,000 feet less than for 1913,
owing principally to low water con-
ditions. In other sectiona; of the
province the decrease is propor-
tionately greater. Dealing with
the market •conditions, he predicts
a revival of trade next spring in
the cheaper grades, but foresees
even lower prices than in 1914 for
higher grade lumber.
Marked Betterment of General
Health in Canadian Contiu-
gent is Noted.
A despatch from London says:
The billeting of the Canadians has.
resuited in a marked improvement
of the general health conditions in
the contingent at Salisbury and the
extension of the billeting system is
proceeding. The outbreak of men-
ingitis is believed to have been
checked, Major Verret, Col. Cur-
rie and Lieut. Murray are arrang-
ing the details of aCanadian base
post -,office at London.
Canadians Were to Have Been Transferred Next
Week, But a Change Had Been Made in Plans
A despatch from London "says :
Although the intention of the au-
thorities was to send the Canadian
troops s to the front this week a
change has been made in the plans,
and e, delay of at least a month is
now probable. An . exceptional ho-
nor has fallen to the : Allan liner
Alsation, which appears' in the lat-
est navy list as the ,flagship of Rear
Admiral Dudley ds Chair. Besides
being one of the newest and hand-
somest ships on the Mersey, the AI-
satian has a cruiser stern, giving
her the :appearance of a war vessel,
and earning for her the 'nickname of
"the cxuiser" \N -hen she first ap-
peared. The word uttea•ed in jest
now applies in reality.
E .
Canal Zone Police Got Tip From British, Minister
and Acted on It
A ,despatch from Panama says,
The canal zone police have discov-
ered a wireless telegraph plant on
the top of a tall building in the
of Panama. The plant'was
destroyed by the authorities, who
declared that it belonged to a Dan-
ish West ;Indian negro, who they
believed was a student in wireless
telegraphy. ,Complaint was made
recently by, theBritish, Minister,
Sir Charles Mallett, of the exis-
tence of a wirelees station in Pana-
ma, and he gave the' police its ap-
proximate `'location. ;.,After a search
of several 'days it Was `finally locat-
ed. For some time it has been sus-
pected that there; was another hid-,
den wireless plant in the Darien: '.
region, but British and Japanese,';
landing parties Have failed to find