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Exeter Advocate, 1915-1-21, Page 1
Earthquakes in Italy cause 3%%000 deaths. Russians capture another Turk Army Zeppelins Raid England RENEW YOUR SUBSCRIPTION Now is the time to renew your subscription to The Advocate HOP the editor by renewing early Help yourself by getting alive pa - Der. Help the community by giv- ing us all the News. TWENTY-SEVENTH YEAR rw CLUBBING When renewing you; Advocate remember that we club With all. the 'City Daily, Weekly aid tiie Monthly papers, and periodicals, Get the benefit of these clubbi rates. .Call Li ggt1 see us, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, J A NUARY 21 1915 SANDERS & CR.EEC1 TAMAN'S Stock Takiva Sale During January we will Slaughter Ordered Clothing Ready Made " Ready Made Pants Winter Under- clothing' Scarf Hats & Caps Ties Gloves Braces, Etc. Arrow Collars Specialty Th�/'+A heavy snow storm prevents any e Warr Summary llliltry but artillery ,fighting in the West. THURSDAY A German aeroplane has been sight', ed over the Thames River. It is planned to settle soldiers an land in Canada after the war. The ,Austrain nninster of war has resigned and a Hungarian noble been appointed in his place. 204 Germans were saved in the naval battle off Falkland Islands. Americans donated two and a 'calf tons of tobacco to the soldiers on the French firing line. The lianitoba Grain Growing As- sol iatiot: has decided to give the yte1, of one acre from the crop of cac'r of its members to the needs of the Empire this year. FRIDAY Though the intentions of the author- ities /was to sesea the Canadian tenons to the front next week, a change has been ,masse in the plans and a delay of at least a nwnth i^5 now probable. Further progress in the new Russian offensive .movement in East Prussia and North Poland is announced. The retirement of the French fasces Iron' their positions in front of Vree,ny gave the Germans the better of the argu ment yesterday, a W W AN TAILOR & .PUNISHER SATURDAY Petrograd despatches say an ad- vancein great strength in northern Polana„ which is apparently a count- er movement to the German support of Austria The Russians hold all the Important passe. in the Carpathians, owing as a brilliant feat of one of the rev ments of Grancl Duke Michael's Caucasian native divisions. The British by an impetuous attack stormed the strongly intrenched Ger- man position near La .Bassee at 2 0' clots!• this afternoon, after a vigorous nreiiminary shelling, and gained one mile ,of territory. The forces of the Union of Sots sth Atxica have occupied Swakopmund Gennep Africa. The first authentic report of the Princes t Pats being in the firing line was received to -day, giving a descrip- tion of the capturing, of some German trenches by this crael: Clutadian regi- men: w,h cch carried, every thing be- fore it avail 'they, reached the enemy's artillery WEDNESDAY Three German Zeppelins made an attack on English coast towns Tues- day ,night killing three or more, in- jurxng many and doing considerable damage. Towns attacked were Yar- mouth Sheringham, King's Lynn, Bees ton Sandringham and Cromer, all in the County of Norfolk. The object apaarently :vas to kill the Royal fam- ily who, howeverr, were in London, The report eomes to -day that the first Canadia,n contingent has 'landed i<n France bat it is not confirmed, So far fifty-seven Canadians have die , a- Salisbury Camp, meningitis and pneumonia, having been the .hief gf/vw okP English beer. Ini the aifter- cause, of death. ;xtor• eve hal a concert, ;igen �y dine The Germans and Austrians admit M C A. and again at night ane#her the lora of 1,1.70.467 men, given by the people ,of London. Some vere fine speeches were male, some MONDAY The .Russian army in the Caucasus ha; gained much glory: by a fresh her- oic explort, having completely annihi- lateo the llth Turkish corps, with the exception of several insignificant elements, which are (leering in dis- order, We have captured all the ar- tillery of this corps. Dear mother, I must tell you how I spent' Christmas day on Salisbury Plains On Christmas eve another fellow aitd I were on guard, in the horse -line That is to see that none of them get loose and see that their nlankets 1 are kept on. They had a hundred and eighty six horses to look after. On Christmas morning I ate no breakfast so was good and eady for my dinner. For fifty men there were seven big turkeys, four roastss of nut - ton a. about 15 ,pounds in each, saus- age .mashed potatoes, carrots. with cream sauce} plumb pudding and sauce nine( pie_ all hot at that, oranges, assoles nuts and candy, all .ve could eat For drimk we got a bottle of coinieal songs and recitations .which LETTER FROM A SOLDIER sauancles. very nice. We all pad at very enjoyable time. The .lay was The followitee is a letter received extra fine. from Private Maxwell r'ayrtham, Qth Well I think I will bring, any let - Beet. 101 Regiment, B. Company, at ter to a close. Hoping to hear from Sling's Plantation, Bullard, England. }au soon I am as ever your affections Jan. 5t11, .1915. nix sea. 'lubert.. airs. Geo Baynham, Centralia, Ont. Dear Mother, ---1 .have just ;tasted some post cards to you and said on erns of them I would drop a line to- morrow. There is no parade this af- ternoon as it is raining as usual, ;:o I will not wait until to -morrow. I suppose you .saw ins the paper where the Germans had shelled those places, perhaps some pictures ten, but these views I am sending will give you a little idea.. of what ,a 12 Ineh sltela wil. do, If I can get any more view:. of it I will send them to you;, It b certainly awful. People here slid pat realize they were at war until this happened. It is a good thing in one way as it has increased the num- ber o,' recrtties. by 10 per cent. There are two million men training in rang - len l now I had my pactuze taken yesterday afternoon and will send you one as so» as they are t:ai:i.shed. It was so wet I had to wear long rubber boots, to the photographers. The streets in the town he is in, about three miles from the Lamp, are flooded. There are two feet of water :lowing down the main street. Shipton is the name of the town. You can't eealize how bad the mud is here, Right a - tong the main road the nrud is half way us- to. my knees. The ,oldest men and women in this district have never seen anything like it before. They sac it is the heavy cannonading in France that causes it. We expect to leave here about the middle of this month for France, imt we are not going right into the firing line at once, We are, what are -called the base. The base stays behind the firing line and looks after provisions, ammunition and, so on, for the nar- tiee in the trenches. Our bayonets are being sharpened to -day and rifles inspected. I an; almost out of. rtews mother. Will write again in a day or so, From yem loving son, Mack. P. S.—I had a fine holiday: at Xmas. in Yorkshire six days. "The silent treatment" of the Ger- man Lanclstrum i'n Brussels' by the Belgium people is one of the most striking features of the situation here [t is spreading even to the children who turn their heads away or cross the street whenever they see a Ger- man soldier approaching. Roumanian students in Swiss aniver sities- received orders by telegraph to -day to return home, on account of mobilization of the Roumanian army. Learning for the first time to -day of the Turkish reverse; in the Caucas us the residents of the capital ex- pressed intense irritation against the Young Turk policy. TUESDAY The Ottawa Government will ask for 10C. million dollars for war to carry Canada over to the end of 1915, France and Russia have decided to eliminate German products from their coup tries. Private T. D. Rose of Brantford rl,,ese in Salisbury of pneumonia. France lost a submarine in, the Dar- danelles by striking a ranine. • Russia is engaged in a gigantic flank ung movement, both north and south :n Poland. STAMPED GOODS Stamped Gowns with Floss 79c Pillow Cases Tray Cloths Lunen Centres January While Sale" AT ASK to look . at our Good Wide Torcheon Lace 5c. also the lace 6 yards for 10c. Taiweis. Mrs. W. D. Yeo's Thursday Morning Ir order to make room for our new Spring Goods which are ar- riving We have decided to put c'n for TWO WEEKS A "Special White Sale" White, Muslims Gowns • Fancy Liinens, White Cremes' . Skirts Aprons White V estings ,Drawers Collars White Cottons Corset Covers Handkerchiefs HAVE ALSO ODD SIZES OF MEN'S WHITE SHIRTS Which we wish` to., clear at Greatly Reduced Prices. See list of below. `(Men's. White Linen Collars all sizes at 10 cents. MEN'S WHiTE SHIRTS White Waists Embroideries Insertions Laces 2 141-2 8 161-2 at 49c. 3 14, 1 15 4 161''-2` at 59ce 2 141-2, 2 151-2. 416, 2 161-2 at 79c. Choice Grocierics. always . on hand A call. solicited 'WATCH OUR North Window. Your choice of anything in window ,rams; week —19c, Phone 93 Mrs, W. De YEO sizes 6 15, WHITE SPREADS alI prices. Na. of pairs, good Lace Curtains. No two pair alike. Worth Seeing. ANOTHER LETTER FROM SALIS- BURY PLAINS Hubert. White of the 24th Horse ,Berlin., writing home to parents in Stephen, says: Pond Farm Camp, Dec. 27, 1914 Dear Parents,—As I have a Iittle snare time will write to let you know that I am still living, the only trouble is I air• troubled with chilblains. My fee: are that sore by times that, it tortures me to walk, The weather bas been very wet. It- is ,very dis- agreeable to have to saddle your hors and drill two or three hours in the rain. I -told you in my last letter that I am a cavalry man now, sa I have a swarf and have sword drill every day. When making a charge my horse gets very excited over the shining sword, He jumps and tears and I and it very ,difficult to stay on his back. It is certainly some sport to see live or .sir hundred cavalry men all mixed in every direction. Well, I did not get a pass for Christmas, but will gest a peas 'of six days for New Years, so I intend go- ing to a place called Blackburn in Lancaster. It is about three hundred ,miles from Salisbury Plaine. It is near the boundary line, •between Eng- lai all and Scotland. Some of my boy chume invited me, to ga as Blackburn i,s • their home. Hope I will nave a gooJ. time Now will tell you a little about Englund. The people of England are more for raising sheep and cattle. Some mornings we see from thre six thousand sheep all in one bunch with a shepherd and his dog. The cattle of E.nglaiad do not ook like the cattle of Canada. They .look to me more like buffalo than catte. Their horns are from two 'o three feet long, They come out from the bead six or seven inches, . then they. are curled up. The implements are also different. The :\vegons are drawn Cram the, axle, and: instead of a tongue' they have shafts and drive one horse ahead of the other. The roads are. dandy, all of stone and very emoor h very high in the centre, A traction engine )can go as fast as a horse wants to trot. I rot- I am sorry I did`` not know Max- well Bayriham's address before. A m ,tai.': ago , he w'as only •about 100 rods from me, :but now he is atI?use- te, ,Camp about eleven, miles, I;vaould hay .• liked very much to have leen him I will see hips yet Gray his Liberal-Oenservativa Organization Meeting An organ za:ion meeting itei the Lib- eral C',eserra: ve Association for the r d ;ne cif South Huron as constituted foe Dominion purposes will he held. '.x the Town Hall, Clinton, on Satter• day Jan 30, 1915, at one o'clock p. , for the purpose. of organizing the riding as now constituted, 'eceiving epere, and transacting of other im- portant business. Besides J. J. Merner, M. P., and H. Either, M. P. P., the meeting will be addressed by other prominent Federal representatives. rhe Executive will meet at 11 Veloct• of the same day. By order of the Executive, H. Horton Pres. R. N. Creech, Sec. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY'S ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the Exeter Agricultural Society was 'hell in the Tonto Hail on Friday afternoon last, Mee. Wm. An.lerson of Stephen was assigned to, fill the 'chair and did so in his humorous and agreeable style The Treasurer's and auditors reports were received and showed that the society was in a flourishing condition The election of officers resulted as follows,—President, E. Christie; First Vice. John Moir; Second Vice., W.D. Sanders ..Auditors, C H. Sanders and Jas. Beer; Directors, W. R. Elliott, 5 Jeckell, John Allison, P. Coates, John Delbr-iirl;ge, Geo; Penhale, John Decker B . Williams, H. Smith. Local Items utomob le Agency Oakland Oldsmobile Cadillac Hupmobile I have taken the agency fur this dcstrict for the above Automobiles and intending purchases will do well to con- sult me regarding the machines I represent, These machit.es are leaders and the prices are reas- onable, M. M DOYLE, Exeter Exeter Bargain Store Slack eason ale We made a big purchase of travel,ei s samples Iasi week and are placing them on the Bargain Counter at wholesale cost. This means a big save to you. Sweat. rs, undershirts, mits, gloves, 1 races, towels, hand- kerchiefs, andkerchiefs, &e, 48 carpet sampled will be put on male Saturday morning B )es, an i Rubbers at lowest prices Among those attending the Doyle - Herten wedding at London yesterday were, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Elworthy; and Miss Doyle of town and Miss O'Brien of Centralia. WEDDED IN LONDON—St Peter's Cathedral London was the scene of a very,pfetty wedding yesterday Wed. morning when Mr. Michael M. Doyle, of Exeter was married to Miss Ettie Hayton daughter of the late James Har ton of Strathray. After a shortinoney moon trip ,:\Ir. and Mrs. Doyle will take up their residence here and will have the best wishes of a host of friends for their future, happiness and prosperity, BUSINESS CHANGE.—We under- stand that Menses. Thos. Kestle and Henry Ro.'ve have purchased the Pro- duce Oil and Coal business of Mr. W. H Levett Mr. Levett has been one of Exeter's most successful 'business men - for over thirty years, and al - thong', practically a young man yet he retires with a record that is most .creditable. The purchasers will take immediate possession and need no in- troduction to the public being well and favorably known here. BIRTHS Box -'1r Parkhill,. on Jan. 16th, to Mr. and .Mfrs. Marshall Box, twins—a boy and ag ire, -i ear—At 402 Saasg'hniessy Lodge, Va:icoaver, B.C.Jan 6, to Ms. and Mrs. T. Banton 'Hooper, a son. Ducharme-At Bronson Line Kay on Jan 11th to Mr. and Mrs. Edward .D wend me a son. Varlejs—In McGillivray, on Jan. 11th, to Mr and Mrs. Rueben' Varley a daughter -Edith Charlotte' Marguer- ite' Schroeder --In Stephen, on Jan. 9th to _Mir and Mrs, Lours Schroeder, a ;soon Manning—In Tuckersmith, •;Tan. 6, to Mr. and Mrs. ' James ' Manning a dtaughte.r B. W. F. Beavers MARRIAGES [)mile—Harton—At St. Peter's Cath- edral London, on Wednesday, Jan. 20 . Michael. Ivi: Doyle of -Ex-' eters to Miss Ettie Harrton, daugh- ter of „the late James Harton of Stirnthray. DEATHS Sparlixng—In Clinton,' Jan. 11, Joseph: H. Sperling, aged 63 years Castles -lee Linton 4ti'January� 8, •• Clinton Cooper wife of ::Samuel Castle, sr., aged 70 years and 10 months JUST ONCE monE 1. 41'OL V er a TWAT 'THERE TS $OM PRETTY .SPAR ►LlisIG • P1CKIN6 LEFT IN OUR SPLENDID SToCJ AND WE HAVE JUST MADE A FEW MORE SPARKS FLY OUT OF /l THE PRICE.ITS TOUR � �i ,1 /hi CHANCe � r f7 'Jep�pali� 4 h )///// 4 *'(\s\ II /11 ©ew A penny saved is a penny made, If you come in to our store, we know there are penny -sav- ers for you. Pennies make dollars. You can save dollars by dealing with us, because we have made the very lowest possible price on our good goods. Why not? We are here to stay, and we don't expect to do it by robbing our customers. LADIES COATS Some excellent values ix Lad- ies Cloth Coats. We have a few left over, and we want to clear the lot, 'MEN'S WOOL UNDERWEAR We have .many styles to show you .The range we ate, showing is a winner at per garment 75e NEW. PRINTS Our first shipment of .new Pletrts far -Spring'. is on our , counters, A fine range of pat- terns and ,colors at per yd. '33 e WALIERVILLE OVERALLS Are !claimed to be the hest overalls made in Canada. ; Try, a pair tend be convinced yourself Boys 7Sc.; Men's 11.25 BIAS -FILLED CORSETS Is what you will always ask for when, you, have, once worn a pair. See one of the new models at $1.00 'BOYS' SWEATERS, In red, grey, and dark blue fine `honey-coneb weave. Every boy should have one 90c.-$1.25 STAMPED MATS Same decidedly new pat- terns to show your. in 4 sizes.. Priced at 25c., 35c,, 40c., 50c ODD CUPS 35 dozen odd cups in heavy white ; ware with good strong handles. Very .Special each 5c. PHONE 1a ART PHiONE 16