HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1915-1-7, Page 5HENSALL! Harry- Bush is home from the West —E'snily Dunn is home from the West a isitine relatives here.—Alex Smith J is home front Montana visiting reiativ es. --Janes Sparks and wife of Wind sem were visiting relatives, -Albert Richarl Aad wife of Port Hurons •tis- ited relatives.—J, Lora Scott, wife end. • children have been visiting stere. --Ike Buchanan Toronto spent the hal clays with his ,parents W. Buchan's:°t and wife.—Mrs, jas. Patterson of Toronto has been visiting her parents and oth et' relatives, --Miss, Tresa Hagai 13e - dame a Ursaline nun. at ChathaTn en Christmas day.—Hugh Buchanan who has been travelling in the West for same time is ,home visiting his parents W. Johnston of St. Louis, 'F o„ was here attending the funeral cf his ere- ther-in-law the late James °%lifer et Iippen-.G. G. Sinallacombe and :rife were home visiting his mother, end other relatives. Garnet is still fore- man of the painting and deccrating de partnient on the prison farm.— Robinson—Reynolds.— arm.—Robinson—Reynolds.— On eelaturday Dec, 26 a happy event took place at St Pauls Church Hensall when Fran cis Elizabeth daughter of Mr. and 'airs W H Reynolds was married to T. Gleason Robinson of GoderiA.th. The happy couple left for Lcadon where the groom is connected with the second contingent. Don't ietitrunt too long, it will. lead to chronic indigestion. In the meanwhile you suffer from miserable, sick headaches, ner- vousness, depres- sion and sallow complexion,Just try CHAMBERLAIN'S STOMACH & LIVER TABLETS. They re- lieve fermentation, indigestion — gently but surely cleanse the systm andlteep II'a stomach and liver in perfect running ord,. r. At all druggists, 25c., or by mail from t t Chamberlain Medicine Co., Toron, The Private Executor seldom gives the best of his time to an estate in his care, therefore it frequently suffers. Estates have been dissipated through inefficiency, neglect and sometimes actual .dishon- esty on the part of private in- dividuals acting as executors. This strong, soundly mari- aged Trust Company is always available, never 1Il, never away. Its o$icers are expert in the management of estates... The faithful execution of 'trusts is their one concern.' Consult us . regarding :hg; handling ofeyour estate. All information cheerfully furrt-e fished. The London & Western - Trusts Co Limited 382 Richmond St., London, Ont. Sir Geo. Gibbons N.C., President 5 John S. Moore, Manager DENTAL Dr, G. F. RQTJLSTON, L,D.S,, 'D,1).9. DENTIST Winner of the R.C,D.S. of Ontario and Honor Graduate of Torontet lartIvereit!., Off tcel=-Over Dlckeon & ending's law ofttee. Closed Wednesday afternoons. DR, A. Re KINSMAN, L,D,S,a Honor -Graduate of Toronto lirtrIversae pENTIST Teeth e�ed without Pain, or any b d eff Office over Gladman & etantsliry'a Orrice. Mann Street, Exeter,' LEGAL D CKSON & CABLING, BA`RRISTBRi3, Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Com- rrtiesioners, Solicihors for the "molsone Banta. etc. Money to Loan at lowest rates of interest Offices—Main-St„ Exeter t. B. Carling, B.A. L. H. Dickson b3ONDr TO LOAN .11.000 sve have a large amount of private condo to loan on farsn and village prop- •ernes at tow rales of tntCaest. GLADMAN & STANBURY Barn' etere, Solicitors. Exeter. T, U CARLINQ Lite, Ftre. ACCldbut and Plata Mass. tneurance, Collecting accounts, and conte ducting auction saiee. — Exeter, oat, SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN No= WI.r,8T LAND TiEGULATION9 THE sole head of a family, or r:.tty dr1a1. over 18 years old, may homestead a quarter -section o£ available Domin- ion laird in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta The applicant must appearI in persa r. at the Dominion Lands a,g- ency at Sub -Agency for the Des - trice, Entry may be made at .ny Dominion Lands Agency (but not Sub -Agency) oncertain conditions. Duties—Sian months residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of; three years. A homesteader nay live within nine miles of hie,,, homestead en a f�i of at least 80 acres, on certain conditions A habitable :house is re- cled in every case, except when le. si ence is performed in the vicinity. In certain districts a homesteader in good standing may pre-empt aquarter section alongside has homestead. Price $3 per acre. Duties—Six .months resi- dence in each of three vears liter ,earni:nu homestead patent; also 50 acres extra cultivation. Pre-emption patent may be obtained as soon as homestead patent, on certain condi- tions A settler who has exhausted his homestead right may take a purchas- ed homestead in certain districts. Price $3 per acre. Duties—Must ze eMe 6 months in each of 3 years, cu- ltivate SOacres, and erect a house worth $300, The area of cultivation is subject to reduction in case of rough,scrub- by or stony land. Live stock may be substitutes for cultivation under cer- tain conditions. W. W. CORY, C.M.G. Deputy of Ma Mi;n.iater or the Interior N.B.—Unauthorized pubitcation of this advertisement w•111 not be pa!:d for. DR. DeVAN'S„FRENCH PILLS alt. .gulating Pi11 for women. $5 n, box or three for sin. sold at all Drug Stores, or mailed to any address on receipt of price. Tns Sconatt DRUG Co„ St. Catharines, Ontario. PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN• ts>�`A; a V,italltt ;for Nerve and Brain; increases "grey inatter" ; a Touie—will build you up. $3 a box, or two for $5 at drug stores, or by mail on receipt of price. Tee scour.m. nitro 00., St. Catharine8, Ontario. CENTRAL S TR AT.FO P, D. ONT. Ontario's Best Practical 'Training School. We • have thorough courses and experienced instructors in each of ou.- three departments—Commerc-. cal Shorthand and Telegraphy. Our graduates succeed and you should read our large, free catalogue. Write' for it at once. D. A. McLachlan, Principal COMPLETE ' A COURSE in , the ELLIOTTeark Toronto., Ont., and the results will prove to you the wisdom of Graduat • ins; tram ,this famous School Cat - plague free, Enter any time. W J. ELLIOTT, Principal 934 Yonge ' St, Toronto. EVERY WOMAN is interested and should know about the wonderful 1/11 -"us Whirling Spray : Douche Ask your druggist for it. ° If he cannot enpply. the MARVEL,accept ad other, but send stamp for:Illus- trated book—seared. It gives full „� r particulars and directions invaluable to ladies. WINDSOR SUPPLY CO. ,Windsor, Ont General Ageati.for Canada. Double' Track All the Way TORONTO CHICAGO TORONTO MONTREAL Unexcelled Train Service Hughes t ' Class . of Equiprnent WINTER TOIJRSaTO CALIFORNIA FLORIDA AND SUNNY SOUTH I+,'ast, Trains; Choice of Routes. Low Fares now in Effect. Far full particulars consult G. T. R Ticket Agents, or write L. E. 1-IORNING, Dist, •Pass, AgentToronto° N. J. -DORE, Exeter ELIMVILLE The yaumg men of ,Eli nvtliel had a shooting match on New Year's Day and 135 pigeons were gathered up for the occasion. Those who were par- ticipating bought ten birds a piece and some good shooting was. done. The scare was as follows: Earl Johne 9 Ed. Johns:. 7 Nelson Couitis $ Lew. Woods 7 Ed. Westcort 8 Wilfred johns 7 john Heywood 7 Jackson. Wod 7 Fred Ford 6 Jas, Howe 4 Will Ferguson 4 Nearly all of the birds: were wing- ed but some fell. outside the litnit. Aer Wes Horn and family spent New Year's Day at bis brother-in-law's. Mr Jas. lereFadl, at 'Zurich.—Mr. and errs. Silas Johns spent New, Year's at their daughter's, Mrs. Will Pybus at Chisedhurst.—lir. and Mts. John Cald- well o, Hensel. spent New Year's with the latter'e son, Chas. Godbolt, Jr.-- .i';r. and Mrs, Chas, Johns spent New Year's Day with Mr. George }fern of St. 1ffarys,--Mr. and Mrs. Will Elford at the latter's home in Welbourn, Mr. Thos. Smale at Wingham and Seafor- th; Mr and Mrs, Sam', Balkw•ill and family" at St. Marys.. BRUSSELS.—The funeral of Mrs. Geo W Reaadman, was held from the family residence in Morris Township on Monday. Mrs. Readman was 79 years old and fell down an open cellar wap ar her home, She fractured sev- eral ribs BRUCRFIELD—There passed away an Dec 29th Firs. Walter McBeth af- ter a long illness. For some time death was daily looked for. She was a daughter of the late John Dalton of Tuekersmith, Resides the husband she is .survived by :a daughter '.Firs. John Burdock of Stanley and a son Walter at home. CLINTON.— A pretty but quiet wedding tcok place at high noon on Dec 39th at the `home. of Mrs. E. Mc Cartney of Mary et, when, her sister, Margaret A. Davidson was united in. marriage to i'fr. Louis Pauley of Row ,Hastings County, CLINTON--At half past twelve Dec. 30th at the hornet of Mrs. Iva Paan Cooper the marriage took place of he: youngest daughter, Edna Vera to Dr R Gordon Struthers, son of 1Ir and Mrs R. G. Struthers, of Galt. VARNA—An interesting event took place at the home of W. Stewart on the 30th when ids oldest daughter, Sarah Jane was tan°.tee, in marriage with James Harvey Turner also of Varna Rev Johnson officiating. Inn - mediate relatives were present. PILES CURED at HOME by New Absorption Method. If you suffer from bleeding, itching, blind or protruding Piles, send. Ilse your address, and 1 will .1 you how to cure your- self at home 1 v the absorption treatment ; and will also send sonic of this home treatment free fort 1;11, "with references from your ••-n locality if re- quested. 1......ecliate relief and rermanent cure assured. Send llo Inoi1UV, but tell othersof this offer. Write to-,.".aleto _lits. M. Summers, Box 840 Windsor, Ont. FARM FOR SALE Lot 7, Con. 1, Stephen, the "rop- erty of the late Thomas, Essery. Brick House, bank barn and frame barn. 3 good wells, windmill, good orchard about 8 acres of good hard- wood bush containing about 500 su- gar maple trees. Soil clay loam, well drained and fenced. Farm in good state of cultivation, one-half mile frons Centralia station. Possession can be given to ruet purchaser ' For terms and particulars apply to GEO. G. ESSERY, Centralia; Or GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers, Exeter c;• -FARM FOR SALE S3 Lot 8, Con. 12, Tp. Stephen; 50 acres half mile south of Khiva, with good frame house, bank barn, dei ve shed and other out buildings —two spring wells -goad .land, well fenced and underdrained, with thirty acres under._ ;rxultivation _,.A,pply.,.tt. TEEOBOLD DIETRICH ,e R. R. Na. 3, Dashiwood:Qiit,. T A A POSITION FOR FALL WINTER We have. a sound business propos- itioi•' for a reliable energetic. sales- man for this district 'to sell fruit trees email fruits, flowering shrubs,etc. Pay weekly, outfit free, exclusive territory OVER 600 ACRES at: fruit.' -and ,ornamental stock under cultivation. We sell through our al- esmen direct to the consumer and guarantee delivery of fresh; high grade trees. , Our agencies are valu- able by, reason of the service we neve and 'the- volume. of ;business clone, Established 35 years. Write PELHAMNURSERY Co,Toronto Ont P.S.—Handsome catalogue on ;;;re- quest either to applicant or those wishing nursery stock.' BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert` instructors at the Y. M. C. A. BLDG..' ,.. LONDON, ONT. Students assisted to positions. College in s'.sion`,from Sept. 1st, ' Catalogue free. Enter any time. J.W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr. Principal Chartered Accpuntart 10 vice-ermcipal NEWS TOPICS OF _WEEK important Events Which Have Occurred During the Week. The Busy tVorid's Happenings. Care. fully Compiled and Put Into Handy and Attractive ,Shape for the Readers of Our Paper A Solid Hour's Enjoyment. WEDNESDAY. A pioneer resident of Percy Town- ship is dead, in the person of Mrs, Samuel Allen, aged 91 years. Ty Dominion police are making err ulrGerman ries about a risoner of war in Fort Henry. .Ile is suspected of .murder in the State of.Michfgan, The postoffice at Callome, near Cobourg, was burglarized by robbers breaking through the back door And stealing all the mail bags, with mail and registered letters. Col. Harrison Broadly, Unionist member for Howdenshire division, east riding, died suddenly yesterday. At the lastgeneralelection his ma- jority over the Liberal was 1,131. The French Ministry of Marine yes- terday issued an announeentent con- firming the loss of the 1«`reneb sub - Marine Curie in. Austrian waters, as has been previously reported In news- paper despatches. The Glasgow steamer Gem, a small vessel of about 500 tons, hes been sunk In the North Sea as the result of striking a mine. Two of the crew were rescued, but the fate of the oth- ers aboard the Geta is unknown, The business of Scroggie, Limited, the 'large Montteat departmental starer which went bate Iiquidati,,,, with liabilities es.imated. at $700,000, bee been sold to firs. E. S. Almy and Henry Wolf, of Salem. Nass., for 35 cents on the dollar, 7'11UIISDFY. Monday', list of wounded included Lieut. E. H. De L. Greenwood, Royal l ngineers. formerly of the Royal Militate College. Kingston, Capt. Castellui, a Spanish army aviator, while flying in a biplane over the aerodrome at Madrid. fell from a height of 600 feet and wa., killed. Jack Ward, well-known in Peter - born district and an officer in a Brit- ish regiment. was killed in action, ele had, been in India with the regular troops. George Aikenhead was killed and M. Brown and J. Caldwell were ser- iously burned by an explosion of gaso- line in the plant of the International Harvester Co. at Estevan. Getting in front of a moving con- struction locomotive while at work on No. 2 section, Welland Ship Canal, John \larratt, an Italian laborer, was knocked' down, run over and instantly killed yesterday. Lt. -Col. H. T. Hughes has returned from Salisbury Plain to Ottawa. 'where, it is understood, he will take command of the Canadian Engineers,: who are mobilizing in Ottawa for tbe. second Canadian contingent. Yesterday Judge Coatsviorth decid- ed that Prof. Mueller, formerly of the University of Toronto, was entitled to his naturalization papers, and grant- ed him Canadian citizenship. This had been opposed by barristers who oppose naturalization of all natives of the countries now at war with Great Britain. SATURDAY. Fire broke out yesterday morning about three o'clock in the Queen's Hotel stables at Orangeville, owned by Simon Rabinovitch of Toronto. Hon. Robert Rogers announces that the Government of Canada had been instructed by the Russian Govern- ment to purchase for them in Canada 2(4000 saddles. Two Turks fired upon an excursion train near Silverton, New South Wales, kiting and wounding several Australians. The Turks were pursu- ed and shot to death. Ten persons were killed and many others sustained injuries in a train collision yesterday morning on the Great Eastern Railway near Ilford, five miles from London. A large cargo of copper, which is said to have been shipped to Den- mark by a German -American, in an attempt to smuggle it through that country to Germany by means of a false bill of lading, was seized yes- terday by Danish authorities. Unemployed men and women in New York began the new year with an outdoor demonstration which cul- minated in a fight with policemen who"Interfered when an attempt was made to hold a parade with objec- tionable worded banners flung aloft. Hundreds of citizens of Ottawa paid their respects to the Governor- General at the New Year's day levee. In the line which passed and exchang- ed greetings with the Duke of Con- naught were the Prime Minister, most of the members of the Cabinet, and many civil, military and church dfgni-' Caries. MONDAY. Lieat. Fergus Black, of the 9th'. Battalion, is serious •111 with heart trouble at Salisbury Camp. Thieves smashed off a lock in the store of Louis, Routtbart, of Kingston, and made off: • $300 worth of Jewelry. Lieut. 'Bernard W., Greathed, who was saved from. the battleship For=: midable, was born' and educated in Winnipeg. Mora than 300 floating mines have drifted ashore on the Dutch coast, ac- cording to the commander'of theSwedish steamer Ysra, which arrived in New York from Rotterdam and "Portland, Eng. Fire broke out about three o'clock yesterday morning in FitzgeraId Liv- ery inAlvinston, Ont., and complete- ly destroyed the building. Thee horses and a few rigs were saved. • Loss $3,000,' Insurance,.$2,000, German advices „state that w card- hoard I;Feltatlons, of. the iron , crosses have recently b tonne popular° in Bev; (ip..• Now, however, the police auth orities.' are taking' measures ,against' people found wearing such unauthor- ized decorations. Tl: e British vessel Vestris, sister ship of the Vandyck, which was cap- ture-, by the German, cruiser Karls- ruhe, steamed into New Yo;k,.bar.- s�r tier yesterday ,slt the end of ta` .2,'Ot10-r mile game of hide-and-seek, with the, Karlsruhe, between. New Rork and Buenos Ayres and return. WVESDAY. it is reported in Lemberg, Galicia, that pestilence is spreading in the city and among the garrison of Prze- anys1. Willa. is now almost; without Provisions. Lieut. Marton, of the 80th Nicolet (Province of Quebec) Regiment of Canadian militia, has been drafted in- to tbe Fifth Regiment of engineers In the French army.. Mrs, John Heaslip, who settled in Hamilton Township, near Cobourg, 70 years ago, when parts of it were practically a wilderness, is dead at the age of 90 years. Parker R. Young, aged 72, is dead in Pieton, Ont. He was at one time warden of Prince Edward County and has been in municipal life a great many years, having been reeve, de- puty reeve and councillor for the town of Pieton, Sim Schaeffer, who confessed to having helped himself to a, man's watch and $56 while in attendance at the Roma Theatre, in Berlin, Ont,, on Christmas night, was given two years less one day in Ontario Reformatory by Police Magistrate Weir yesterday. Seventeen persons, the entire crew of the American barque Pilgrim with the exception of tbe massboy, who was drowned,were landed at Kirk- wall, Scotland, yesterday by the Nor- wegian steamer Thelma, having been rescued in mid-Atlantic three weeks ago. The will of the late Major Beattie, member at the House of Commons for London, Dnt,, • was entered for pro- bate yesterday. The estate is valued at. $125,000, the bulk of which is di- vided between two nephews in Lon- don. His only child, a son, is given $100 a year. LCC AL OPTION CONTESTS, Five Munieipnlities Go Dry—Ten By- laws Fait To Carry, TORONTO, Jan, 5,—Local option contests were held in thirty-one muni- cipalities in. Ontario yesterday with the result that five new places are added to the dry list. The net result of the voting was as follows;—• Municinalities in Ontario ... , .. 842 Now without bars , . 535 Contests, including repeal con- tests • , , • . .. 31 Local option bylaws carried. , , . 5 Bylaws sustained in repeal con- tests ... 9 Bylaws failed to carry . , , . 10 Still to hear from 7 The results in the various contests and the cumber of bars involved were: Local option, carried -- Holland Landing (1), Jarvis (2), Newbury (1). West Lorne (0). Harwich Town- ship (0) Total, 6. Previous local option bylaw sus- tidned—Durham, Midland, Newmar- ket, Thornbury, Lakefleld, Shallow Lake, Tara, Teeswater, Percy. Total, 9. Bylaw failed to get three-fifths' vote — Pieton (6), Ridgetown (3), Caledonia (3), Hagersville (3), Le- vant Township (1), Rolph Township (1), Hepworth Township—Total, 7. Bylaw defeated on straight major- ity—Bala (1), Simeoe (5), Bradford (2) .—Total, 3. Arnprior doubled the license fee. EVERYBODY'S SECRET: Officers at Salisbury Found Leave Rules Hard To Obey. SALISBURY PLAIN, Jan. 5. A general order was issued which stat- ed that no general Christmas leave at all would be granted the men of the Canadian Expeditionary Force. The next line went on to say that com- manding officers were empowered to grant it to the extent of 20 per cent. of the men under their command. Seven days could be allowed for men wishing to proceed to Ireland, six for those going to Scotland and so on in descending proportion, according to the distance which tho recipients of such leave proposed to travel. Final- ly there was an injunction that this was to be kept "secret." There are officers who have learned the drill book' from cover to cover and who know "everything else" about tactics and strategy, and yet they found themseivea up a tough proposition when they were required to `grant leave to one-fifth• of their men. •and to keep the fact secret from the• rest! german Lawyer On Bail. NEW YORK, Jan. 5. -- Maurice Deiches, a New York lawyer, who was arrested in. Philadelphia Saturday bight, was arraigned here yesterday on .a charge of conspiring to defraud the ; Government in connection with theissuance of fraudulent`passports, to enable German reservists to return to. Germany. He was released in $5;000: bait for a hearing on Jan. 11. Capt. De Crespigny In Hospital ST. CATHARINES,'. Ont.,• Jan. 5.- Cable advices received 'yesterday state that .Capt. Claude de.Crespigny, son-in-law, of J. A.,McSloy, St. Cath- arines, had both feet ,frozen° in the severe weather experienced while on active service in France) -, Capt. De Crespigny, who is now in hospital, will not have to suffer amputation of hl feet as was at first feared. United States an Easy Prey. NEW. YORK, Jan. 5.—Capt. M. E. Hanna, U. S. military'expert,,_who is writing a series of .artielea,for The New York Sun, declares that the United- States could;n•ot repel an in - varier; An,enemy could easily land 100,000 invaders on the coast, as proved' by' the moclt} ,war „w,age, '4 fwd;. ,years ago Zeppelin'Shed Destroyed.' LONDON, • Jan.° 5 -According to an Amsterdam despatch to the. Exchange Telegraph Co., 'French aviators .drop,-. ped several bombs in, the• vicinity .of Brussels Satttrday, partly destroying a Zeppelin , shed under construction and. killing several German soldiers. ,ADIPRESSED TO WOMEN in the Expectant Peripd Before the coming of the little one—women need tube sensed of all their natural strength. Instead of being harassed by forebodings and weakened by nausea, sleeplessness, or nervousness --if you wmll' bring to your aid Dr. Pierce's. Favorite Presc on you will find that most of the suffer- ing will not make its appearance. I,v, Pieroe'e Favorite Prescription is the result of X life study* of ailments and is just the right tonin for women_ Its opzttinned sup• remacy in its particular field for more than forty years is your assnr once of the benefit to be derived from its use. Neither narcotics nor.aidoltol will be found in alis vegetable prescrip- tion, irk liquid or tablet form. Sold by druggists or a trial boas will he sent you by mail on receipt of ir0 one -cent stamps. Address Dr. Piers p's lama's; Hotra, Betts e ilteer. fir. Pie rep s Maenad PeUetares.Zate Iver and bowel* CONSERVE BREEDING STOCK ' Everyone knows that trade condit-' lou' and enterprise have suffered a very serious zutd unexpected upheaval during the past year. To this situat- ion thv war has, of course, largely contributed; but other causes, ilt- cludL''ai the general financial depres- sion throughout the country have been operative far some months past. The agricultural industry has, natur- ally been widely affected by these changing conditions and by the eary- ine situation with respect to .lemand and supply. The rase in the;price of grain together with the corresponding fillip to grain production, iepresents without doubt the most outstanding feature of the direction which has been given to agricultural activity. We need :perhaps above ail thongs else. Level judgment in the' conduct of our agricultural affairs during the eomireesyear, It is to be expected that grain production will be laxgely in- creased. The raw products of the soil are and will be, in demand tt' •e- tnunerative prices. What then is to. be said what course is to be followed with •k?respect ti the breeding of live stoc The high price of feed, on the one hand and relatively low prices for man ket on the other have resulted Tn veru heavy marketing throughout Canada, particularly in the Western provinces a° the stock. suitable for bonne ling purposes. I'orhaps this was inevitzale but well these conditions zontinei.i Feed grain will without doubt, ,et time iu price but it must never be over Tooke t that the country can nainuin very large numbers of live -to:k •t the enormous quantity of rough fod- der which it can produce. ro raste this for the sake of the grain ,.nt• can be grown, would, under the pres- ent circumstance, be criminal neglect It is clear that the country should conserve its breeding stock. If grain is to be grown for sake it 13 -ea re - mended that plans carefully ,haaebt of as toithe manner in which 'the great ntiIlya" of dder may be- ace est quantity avable for ,feedinfog purposes amt as to the means rough by which thi; otherwise waste product, together with the screenings and unsaleable grain may be utilized to the best possible advantage. In other words eliminate waste. Do it by feeding live stock The present low prices for Steck cannot last long. A careful review of the world situation makes it . clear that these will be a shortage nelct ar Europe is becoming seriously iep eted in both. breeding and feeding stock. The United States for ten months of the current year, at its leading, mar kets is short 746,045 cattle 208,000 sheep and 1,894 939 hogs. Canada has az before stated, heavily liquidated her breeding° animals ,and while it may possibly mauatain its quota next year of cattle and sheep, it is doubtful if mane than seventy-five per cent of the number- of.. hogs will 'field their way to market int 1915, as ':;om- pared with the current year. 'It is therefore, a time far live stock men to stay with their trade, The Pres - en: tendency is, of course, all the other way A ,safe harvest is likely to be reaped by those who have live stock for sale next year. Even -hank- ers and business men are• of this:+spin-' Lout, - One word :of advice is, to be givers. Avoid marketing so far as it is at all' possible to ,iia so during the period; of October fifteenth to December=fif t•eenth This is a time of rhe 'I:ear everybody else has stock for sale: It is a period when packers know that they can fill their cellars with 'cheap meat. These are the months whea.the sitrnlus of the whole country ,rinds its way to the p.•acking centres. 1.1 is; invariably the periodaaf low priee$„titi certain markets and disappointing .1 e- turns to the producers. Breed,,th'er fare to have your stock ayailable'for sale at same other : time of the .year" Take care to .provide swfficienfwinter„ feed that you may not be forced •to sell when the cold weather . comes: Above all, consera your winter stock. Not a Useless'. Intoxicant, but a WHOLESOM E -.;BEVERAGE: with dietetical and:; medicinal tISt — MADE AS GOOD AS: CAN ':MAKE IT •-� If no't •sold 'by''nearest ware 'slasintnierchant, write: