HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1915-1-7, Page 4eter kbtwrutL . Sander: & Creed;, Proprictot+..' : In advance $1,00 per year In Canada, $1.50 in United States. If not - paid' in advance 50c, extra per year may be charged. THURSDAY, JAN. 7 .' 1 "sine the struggle began ene, rate: not bur perceive an awekened national spirit and consciousness in this 'Dom- inion. In a young and rapidly devel- oping country such as this the espir- ations of materiel prosperity are boll's: tn impose themselves very strongly upon the invagination of the people To those wit oheld aloof 'he lamp at Idealism it sometimes seemed that the clamor of the market niece, the die of the factory and the -ush of th locomotive had absorbed the mine,' of the people. But when the day cr.nie which searched their spirit Cana'liaas did not fail to remember that there is something greater than tnateria' prosperity and something realec then n e e t life itself. The won derful and beautiful spirit of mutual help u?ness ct desere to aid the spier or self sacrifice, of patriotism, of - devotion which in these tatter marithe has inspired the Canadian peap1e from ocean to ocean, will :cave an enduring mark upon our national lite It has dissolved prejudice and earbett discord and dissension.'— " -And who of you will not do re- verence: to the courage, the .levotron an the patriotism of the women of Cooede eaose who with undaunted heart- but tear>d;mined eyes nave• seera husband son or brother ;oforth', ta ~'at le, triose who ::v 'a thousands messieurs of aid and of mercy are 'in - wearying fir. their infinite labours of i,ov: ? Who of you, will not say with me Got bless the women of Canada?" —Sir Robert Borden. In London the majority of the peo- ple vete` for giving married women 'who own property the same, privilege of votint on uiw icipal affairs as the spinsters and widows now are. Quite correct, the property should have a vote ,whether owned by man or woman. With McGillivray, Usborne, Exeter and Hay all having aeelamatipnsl this year and being municipal- ities to Stephen Township, the people .of that Townslriev,seem to have —ion- idercd that they should not Dave had :an election and they took it ant on the aspirant for the reeveship, W. I). Sanders Is it any wonder mail, matter some- time goes .astray when one :: onsiders, the.number of .post offices in Canada that have the same name. In Huron County alone we have he 'allowing pont offices that are duplicated, in Canad:e and in some cases 'hree of four —Auburn, Belfast, Carlow, t -lin - ton. Crz.nbrook, Crewe, Dunlop, Ford- yce Greenway, Laurier eelafeking" Mt Carmel. St .Augustine, St. Joseph, Sea forth Summerhill, Walton. So; you see the, necessity of attaching the name of the province when address, lug letters MOTOR CAR TAS,—After the 31 of this month the tax on motor t ars will be made as:ecrdi g to the horse- power The rates are as follows .25 horsepower or less $6; :nore :than 25 horsepower and up to 35 jsorse , power $10.. 35 to 50 horsepower $20, more than 50 horsepower $25; electric 'vehicles $5, with the exceptiost of trucks Commercial cars, ,ised,solely as such and motor trucks caving a carrying capacity of two tons and less $5. a car with a charge of $3 a tat for all aver two tons. MOtor- cycle.- are left at the same rate a, last year i.e., $3. If registration for a ca- is applied for between October 1st and December of any year the license fee will be cut to :aaiif the rate. Dashwood ler. Edmund J. •Walper saldeh` fine .100 acre farm an the Goshen L e to .hLr. Jos. Regier of Zurich. Thel•:przce paid `war. $6000. Possessiai ew, l be .given April 1st. Mas. A Iialbfieisch has repented -ea her :home in Detroit, otter a.vi;sit with relatives here.- ` ft , The M-ieaal of the late Mss.Wing ia: ,air Sunday afternoon was' larger at teaedecd Interment was made in the. :..Bsahsoai. Lime • ceneetery and 'the( ` . s er- perces were candhueted, rat"tt el vaogela *nal church here:, : Mr•,- Alex Zimmer is all smiles; a promising youth being born into leis home during the past week. :' 1Mis: Salome Tiernan after spending the Christmas vacation' here left on Monday for London. The election on Monday foo- muni cipal officers for. the Township, of Stephen passed off very quietly in this !Poll. At the annual schoala lheeting; on Wednesday of last Week Mr. George .Koch the .retiring Trustee wee ' re :elected far another term. Mr: Herbert Geiser of the 'Masuret Ca., London, spent the New Year at his home .here. Mr, Ezra Ke.ercher of Berlin -pegt ..Sunday at the home . oe his daugltiae ..Mrs - Norman Kellermann. Mise Leila Siebert and Master Frank Lela Zurich spent;a few days lastweek with with friends in this place:, e ' - _Miss Marga ret. O'Ba,rrnan, whc, has bees, engaged by Mer. 'Louis' taleirieti-' ver 'jr,` 'as.•hcnsek_eeper for same'tlrne, TO ENJOY WF;TER Prof. Frank lan d demon- strafes that COD LIVER OIL generates more body -heat than anything else In scorrs EMULSION the pure oil is so prepared that the blood profits from every drop,, while it fortifies throat and lungs, if you are subject to cold hands ar feet; if yo'.t shiver and catch cold :osteo: taco SCOTT'S EMULSION for ono month and watch its good affects. 4-40 REFUSE SUBSTITUTES, deft on Saturdayfor her former home is Detroit The efisses Lillian Hartleib and Et- hel Kellermann left on Saturday to take charge of the �sch schools 'n 41arl - et! and Toronto respectively. The Village Trustees affixed Their Signatures to their declaration ,of of- fice o4, Tuesday before E. M. Broken - shire commissioner. Mr. Victor Gabel of Shakespeare, who spent the holidays with, f'riends here left for his home. on Monday. '1;r. Davies Schlueter of Elkton,Mi.:h. is here in attendance at the funeral of the late Mrs. Wing, and in connection with the winding up of, the estate of etc late fir. Wing, On Wednesday Mr. Leonard Wurin of Zurich and Miss Tillie. Vincent of town were united in marriage, Rev P. Graupner officiating. • Crediton Miss efery Chamb°era is oe .an ex- tended visit with relatives in 'Tani - ton. Penn. and will visit Philadelphia tli3•'orf• returning. : Mrs. Laura Pariftt, assistant Mat - ran of the House of, Refuge Clinton visite' ,her friend Miss Pearl Lawson for a few days the past week. Robert Essery of London spent a few days in town on business, City Life appears to be agreeing with him. :airs Chas. Zwiicker and sons Gerald were iz:. London last Saturday visit - Mg friends. rhe skating rink was opened Tuesday night under the m of William elotz. The ice n. condition and if the Weather favorable qua" young people .•save lots of enjoyment this Saturday's blizzard was old reliable kind. Although t er wasn't cold, the. heavy fell ant the galemade it very ffor those who were obliged outside Our school opened on :ti the term At the school me last Wednesday, blather wa: elected trustee in the Henry Sweltzer whose term ex- pire:. and although re -nom' lake 1 to have' his name Teat thee. made Mr. Ginter` -o v unanimous. Augustus : lorrisey is dra ter:ai for the erection of le elate. which is expected :in'i. this coming summer. riles . Gottlieb Morlo:k, rate en ani rah'.ldren •o S \L_'h. have returned to Cre a :`ew weeks" visit. They we. eaeie: by efiss Carrie Heist Pig - erre def: eh. who, will visit :11r Henry Feist for a short: Merrier Either, who has be ing. is Fais Bros. store fo years has accepted a simile tt it!i his uncle, Mr. J. J. Merrier Zurich and reported for duty Tues- -ley Merrier is- a good fella teeny friends wish him ever elis : Elsie Geiser has re Tertiata to continue her studies. 5'. University. Will Eilber of Newark, Oh his father and mother, Mr. a few days .Eilber, for f tv Y i4aetk. , Shine of our boys are taking tage of the abundance of snow n daily tramps an snow eh "Ferguson at present leads le graceful walking. Alfzed Wuerth spent the 1 hplielays with friends in L ':'The following are the newly ed cffscers- of Ct. Crediton Q; F.:—C.. R., Geo.. Hertze Int; W. H :Wenzel,.:sR. S., bee„ F S... Alonzo. Hodgins •Ezra Faust • Orator, Muses F john Wein J. W. Paul 'Schenk; Walter Clark; J.B., H. -F Ei on management -s in good er '.ceps ought to winter, Date of the he weath- all of snow .tnpleasant to be Monday fax sting held Guenther stead of had mated he withdrawn. s somina- wing ma - pis new :o be Qttti Sc diton fax e 'tccam- of Pig- '�er uncle, time. been clerk - r several r position Ierner of an Tues - w and his y a access, turned to at Ohio, visited end vIrs.. .his past 1 0 advan- by tale oes. Dan the boys New Year London. elect- ed he I. 1;_ V. C. Herb E 1- Tress,, list; S.W. S. B. il'ber i Etectioei: day ,was an 'ideal one to being out the vote and a high average way:' ;stilled throughout the Township 'Gi e Titan seemed to be the centre for tet candidates as all were here look ,:fg oyes: the ground. The result was. nleed'a surprise. Mr. Elliott was re- e1ectec by a majority of 277 and Mr : Yearley defeated by 50. His op- 'ooneni Mr Love has had consider- able municipal experience. Mr. Day Webb is the only new man on the board On Monday evening„ the can- d :Sates. Mr. 'Elliott Mr. Yearley, ` Mr. Mawhinney and Mr. Neeb met( in the hall ane addressed the hlarge audience thauleing. them for the support they; las rece_ecred during the campaign. William Anderson acted as chairman far the evening and kept the crowd ra>.geed humor with his witty aayings Mr: Elliott's.: sola was well reordered ewe ha singing abilities, were . a sur prIn to many. As •the meeting was ,.-s�,i•:: ts• its close, s,onue one 'suggested plat Mr Sidney Andrews of Centralia ea: a s-ecitatio,n. He took the ` cake L's E_rs selectipn consisted of words enteral inches in length and, it was a 'tie -eerie Jo' marry that her chden't get lock ja trying to ,prohoune.e .. the words The second was a enneareatcrii r: just f tte l: in foe thaetaccaeion. Deane, t evening a rid Ba: �t;eat Altai musk:, fvn: s,�their ewir: �'''aeina +ta est,.• teed snip of $1 .,85c. was rase,, in the Mall wwhenan appeal was made in their behalf. The meeting F I vane The National'Arth- eni' and all, say it was one of the best nieetiiags held here for a;•lone time, STEI * TAKEN 1 French. Armv in Uooer, kis .ce Makes Elia Gain. Rainy Weather Paralyzes Operations .on Lines From -dee North Sea to the Oise Rivet", But Heavy Can. nonading Marks the Day at Other. Points --Steinbach Battle .Was a Desperate Struggle. LONDON, Jan, 5.—The capture by the French. of the Alsatian Village of Steinbach, Upper Alsace, for which a long house to house conflict has been waged, is admitted to -day in an offi- cial German report, which claims fur- ther that the Germans regained by a bayonet charge the heightsc, near tbe village, which the French had also captured. Fighting is centi:uuing for tbe possession of Steinbach, The most ardent enthusiasm pre- vails among the French at the pro- -tress of the forces at Steinbach. A despatch to The Journal of Paris deseribes est:r hes thetin n fl„lt g there. The Ger- cans were prepared to present the ut- .host resistance to the French attacks on the village, i;edouhts were con- structed in houses, in gardens and in the streets, and machine guns were posted everywhere. Deadly French 75 millimetre guns, however, forced the 1, merry to evaeucate, leaving 2,300 dead or wounded L. the streets. The French can already see flags flying i in Mubtbausen, says The Journal, I%ainy weather .brought carol Sun- day o the battle lines from the Nortb Sea to the Oise r:ver, At other points of the hostile lines in France • there .>aa beavy eaunoz,ading and theParis .,;ficial report elal.es the French artil- .cry sbo.ved .superiority, Several Ger- :uan paints of support in the Ohara- hone district NN ore teem, but the ef- fort to occupy a positiou in the "kieu_e country failed. In Upper Al- sate the statement reports merely a further gain at Steiubaelt, and the rapture of an important height. The following otlleiai eanrnxunica tion was issued by the War 011ier last night; "The only reports which have been received up to the present have re- ference to upper Alsace. where en- gagements of a very violent nature continue In the rehion of Cernay. "Last night our troops lost, they, regained, the territory aeon taround the y church t Steinbach. This morning they occupied the entire village. The German works tothe west of Cernay captured by us yesterday were lost for a brief period follow- ing a very violent counter-attack, but the Germans were not able to main- tain it, and this position remains in our hands." The French War Offlce gave out the following official statement yes- terday afternoon: "From the sea to the Oise the. day nassed in almost complete calm. The weather was rainy. There were ar- tillery exchanges at some points of the front. In front of Noulettes our heavy artillery reduced. the German batteries to silence. "On tbe Aisne and in Champagne the cannonading was particularly violent. Our batteries showed their superiority .and . brought under their fire reserve forces of the enemy. We became possessed of several points of support held by the Germans in the region of Perthes and of Mesnil-les- Hurlus. "Between the Argonne and the Meuse, as well as on the heights of the Meuse, there was intermittent cannonading. An effort made yester- day morning by our troops to occupy Boureuilles did not succeed. "Our advance continued in the forest of Le Pretre, which is to, the northwest of Pont a-Mousson. "In Upper AIsace we occupied an important height to the west of 'Cer- nay. A counter-attack by the enemy was repulsed. ' "In Steinbach we have taken. pos- session of the vicinioy of the church andof the cemetery." . m Rev. Fr McCarthy of Ridgetown arrived here on Saturday and will as- sist Rev Fr. Tiraney with pariah work.'. —School has re -opened with Miss An- derson in charge,—Messrs, The*,bold Dedexich and Thos, Glavin returned home after spending . a week visiting friends at Berlin and Stratford.—Xrs, Hattie Patton of Detroit is spending. a few weeks at the home of Mf Rich. Patton.—Master Eugene and Cyril Doyle: of Exeter is spending a few days with friends in this, neighbor- hood;,—Mrs. John Rowland returned to her home after spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. O'Neil of God- erich,—Miss Katie Currie of llderton is spending a few days at her home here. Brits or atno CITY or Tama, C se i,ost. COVE-- Frank J. Cheney make,{ oath thea he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney et Co„ doing busi- ness in the Oity of Toledo, County and State afore- said, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE 1tV L nEO Dot,l„ i ltd for each and every case of Catarrr, that cannot be cured by the use of Rail's Catarrh Cure, ?SANK J. CHENEY sworn to before n,e and aubscdbed in my Pres noe, this 8th day of December, A,D. 1888. (Seen) A. W.OLSASON, dteT RX I' come Hal!"a CatarrhCureis taken internally, and .seta olrecttyon the blood and muewna outfaces of the isetem. Send for testimonial efree, F J. CHENEY t CQ;, Toledo, O. Sold by all Dru lets, 7Sn, Tae rfall's !enmity Pillsfor constipation. BRUCEFIELD Air and Mrs, Jas. Aitkenhead were in London fax New, Yea's. -,Mr, Sore Turner and slater, Mabel, also Geo Glenn attended the New Year's :lance, in Seaforth.—Mr, Collins has beau selling tome Aladdin lamps the past week,—The remains of the Late Mrs. lfcBeath were interred in Baird's Cemetery on Thursday last.—Mr, and Mrs Turner cf'Drayton ,agent the New Year with the former's mother. SHIPKA Vise Ethel Lynch is visiting friends in Detroit.—Mrs. R. McEachen and daughter Kate spent New Years in Landon,—Mr. Charles Finkbeiner and sister Freda of London spent the holidays at their home here. --Misses Eliza and Bertha Baynham are vis - lane their parents Mr. and. Mrs. J. Benham—Mr. and firs. Geo. Scott entertained a number of the young ' people on Monday et enurg —fir, and Mrs, George Shepherd and: family spent Sunday with ±1Tar. and Mrs. Thos. Keyes.—A number of the young peo- ple spent New Yeats evening at the hame of Mr. Isaac Gower. All report a goo time.—Mx. David and. Miss Ir- ene McKenzie spent the past week with friends in Arkona,--Dr, Orme in- stalled several new phones here on Tuesday.—School xe-opened Monday. LUMLEY Mrs. John McQueen was in. the For- est City for a few days.—Geo. Hob - kirk is confined to the house these days.—We omitted in our last week'a budget to mention that Mr: and Mrs. G. F. Hemery Mitchell were visitors at the latter's home here, also Miss &Lary" McQueen of Thedford.—Mr. and i1Lrs. Jas Broadfoot spent the first of the week in Seaforth,—Miss '�liza Newell of Hensel. is the pleat of her sister Mrs. Noah Horton.—Miss Rae Horton has returned from Seaforth.— Our efficient teacher, Miss McDougall is busy drilling her scholars far a con cert.—Mr Eliott Fairbairn spent Thursday last with his grandmother Mrs Simons.—Mr. and, Mrs. Welling - tan Kerslake and little daughter spent the New Year with the former's fath- er, Me, George Kerslake at Elimvil:le. EXETER SCHOOL REPORT Room 4—Sr. 4, honors, E. Doyle 79 V. Jones 76, M. Carom 76, V. tlartleiib 75 Pass I. Znefle, 73, M. Day 73, V. Hill 71. C. Mallett 70, H. Boyle 70, V. ht__ne� .l 70 13a C nn 69 Z. Hard 69 W Davis 66, G. Bedford,D 5, L.Blake osley b2, R. Fletcher 61. Jr, 4. honors; V. Janes 84; E. `Davis 77 Pass T Connor 73, C. Heaman i2, W. Hedden 72 C. Sanders' 71, M. Harvey 69 V Sweet 67. No. on roll 34, aver- age. attendance 32.—C. Vos�pea-, teacher • 65 C M NEW ADJUTANT -GENERAL. Brigadier -General Hodgins Hod 'ns of London Will (lo to Ottawa. LONDON, Ont., Tan. 5.—Brig.-Gen. W. E. Hodgins, commanding ofcei. of `the first military division, with head- quarters here, receive.t word yester- day to report for duty, at Ottawa at once as `acting adjutant-generalof the Doman'on in succession to Col. Vic- tor Williams, now on the staff of Gen. French,. at the battlefront,,, •The ap- pointment, it is understood,; will :be made permanent. " Gen. Hodgins is a South - African veteran and a highly capablo'niilitary' man. He is to be succeeded here by Lt. Col: Charles Francis E. Wintel:,,at' present secreta'y to Major-General Hughes.:, _ " " . Lt. -Col. Oliver of the 29th Regi meat, Highland Light Infantry;"_of Galt, yesterday .received and accepted; an 'offer to command the 34th battal- ion; Canadian overseas force, part of the third contingent. Warship Sunk By Submarine:. BERLIN, Jan. 5.—(Via wireless to Sayville:)•—An official announcement inade public through the •official press bureau yesterday says: "A German submarine boat' re- ports by wifeless to the Admiralty in Berlin that it has torpedoed and sunk in the English 'Channel,. off Ply- month, the British battleship Formad able, "The submarine was pursued by British destroyers :but • escaped un-` damaged." .,Two - Kincardine Citizens I)eaii, ItINCARDINE Ont ,`:,lean 5 'Thoni is 1i LTe'liCt- of the late Robert Thompson and mother of Thompson of "'th'Wa town died yester day, af'tei'eatteilines's" of t�vo years. Mrs, Baird, relict of tie& late Robt. Baird, .for many years the leading -business man and for a number of years postmaster of Kincardine, died yesterday after an illness extending over , many years. EXETER COUNCfi, The Council met: in the Town Hall Dec. 30th the Reeve and Caunculias Harter, being absent owing to ,Ilness. Hind-Beavers—That Mr. Doyle . take the chair. `Carried; an taking which' Mr. Doyle remarked, that he was no longer distinguished, but extinguished. —Laughter. ' , Hived-Beavers—That theaccounts be paid' as read.—Carried. Fred ;Kerr', tile 30.92: T. Hoplden, pumping 50c. W. J Mesett, ,postage 2.00 meals for tramp 1.00: S. Handford, .snow: rilow- ing 12.00 • H. Rumoha• do.,, 11.70; ; Sid Sanders 1.14; T. Sanders 7,05; Wm. Davis 50c . T. B. Carling, Clerk GREEN WAY Mr Will McPherson is visiting friends in Niagara, Buffalo, Taranto and London. -Miss Zillah English is visiting in Landon. -Miss W. •Switzer from ' his holi- daysPias returned f m spending days with his parents near Thorndale. —Messrs. Bulled:, English '„ and !sol lens entertained friends on New Year's. Day. -Mrs. Oliver• and Ford are guests,' at Mr. Thos. Stewardson's,- Mr. Cliff Buchanan has been visiting his uncle, Mr. Walter England`,—Mr. etre Mrs Alex. Mikle and 'family of Inc ocel have, been visiting friends here. s . Successful Lbcal-Optuan Fly lames' Much' fetees a numbn' thus eetee ORDER 1!ROlele ,.`US =Now is ;he{ time `to coi'sider y�Oi reading inatter for 1915, No matter what ;lagers ter naaga7,:nes you require—Canadian or tee eign-The Advocate .:an supply ti^re, at lower prices than you '..an get thein: THE CANADIAN SANK OF COMMERCE SIR EDMUND WALKER, D., D.G.L., President ALEXANDER'LAIjW,, GeneralrMtnager JOHN AIRD, Asn't General Newsom • CAPITAL, $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000 T , SAVINGS BAND ACCOUNTS •. .terest at the current rate is allowed on all deposits of $, and upwards. Careful attention is given tcrevery account. Small accounts are welcomed. Accounts may he opened and operated by mail. Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more persons, with- drawals to be made by any one of them or by the survivor.. - S21 EXETER BRANCH -H, J. WHITE Al CREDITON—A. E. KUHN, Man. E MOLSONS BA NK Capital & Reserve Incorporated 1865 .. $8,800,000 91 BRANCHES IN CANADA A ri1dNR1tA#. BAl!IKINQ B:1SINt3SS'!i't;ANSAC?41). CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT..,,,,, .,....»:;.. TRAVELLERS CHEQUES .,... ................. Issued BANK MONEY ORDERS ..... SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT at all Brenoltes, Interest allowed at highest current rate. EXETER BRANCH Agents at Exeter far the Doatiniazt (lover/meat. N. D. E[URDON Man er, SAINTSBURY • ,ill a driver.—Thos. Mawhinney is apart „ing a new cutter.—A number were ire Too late for last week. „Exeter one night trying their skates. Th(. annual entertainment of S. S. :The New Year shoot and oyster ;up - \o 9 Bfd ulph, held in the school per was held at Mr. Frank Glanvilles, "(vas a ac c d o sr n success. An .t dtes� tray —On our young u n mena 8 had his alsacs given' by Mr. Gordon Davi find the frozen on New Year ave.—John Regier chair was ably filled bet N. B. Davie. is hauling gravel for his silo.—Mr. sand Tht uragtant consisted of dialoge.let. Mrs, Ed Short viszted at the home of recitations .stills, etc. A :utd'r'h va:: Geo Alawhinney last week,—M Eilber served and: everyone enjoyed them- and friend visited at Chester Mawhin. set ts.—The St Pattiteks church 'rel t my's one evening last week.—:yrs. W, their concert on the 23rd .and it Si%.3 Heamap spent New .Year in !Exeter,. prove 1 a success. The hall was nice ly eccorated and the program prov- e) a treat to all.—Gordon and Annie Washburn are spending their Christ- mas holidays with their father in Guelph. -Mr. Ray Ogden of Fillmore A VALUABLE PAPER The opportunities of the :arcing Sask, is visiting around here. A arum-' guar. from a farmer's point of view ber from here attended the hop at ;r=ear 1 be many, Owing to the Mr. Jos Creery's Monday night. w ar there will be a shortage of brags in Europe and therefore an extra de- mand far all kinds of farm products in Canada. This will afford an opper- ZURICH unity for the farmer who manages his fern in a business like way toreap Lr Calvin Williams, of Buffalo, N. the rich harvest. Every farmer who Y. is spending a few tveeka at his is farmina4foe profits, should he a read - borne bore.—Dr. W, Schaellig, wife er af the Weekly Sun, the farmer's wife and child of Detroit visited rel- Business paper. There is no other eaves in this vicinity over the holi- farn paper sat Ontario that supplies days.—Mr Harvey Colosky and wife the farmer with the same( reliable in- of Detroit visited with the farmer's formation as the Sun does. By Nevus- parents,—Misr Mabel Clark of near in' the Sun you gain a knowledge Varna has been engaged by the rus- of the markets, which will enable you tee". of S. S. No 6, Hay, as 'teacher. to sell your products to .the best ad' —Mir David Snell of Aberdeen Sask. vantage. The subscription Brice will is, here an; a visit for a fe,w months_-- only be a fraction of the additional Mir. end Mrs, A. C. I lalihfleiisch cif De- profits you will make 'by reading the trait visited relatives here.—Mr. Roy Sun When renewing your subscript Geiger who is attending the Toronto len for your local paper, you will University preached in the Evangel- make nce mistake if you subscribe for ical Church on Sunday evening.—Mr. the Sufi the farmer's Business Paper. an- Mrs C. A. Millet and son Stan- leigh of Boyceville, Wis,, are visiting the foremr's mother, Mrs. Sarah Mil- SCHOOL REPORT for S. S. No, 3, len—Police Trustees for the. Village Usborne-Christmas Examinations — af Zurich were re-elected by acclam- V. Class—H. Shute 77, Sr. IV, -Eva ti -less Speare 78 L . c Theyire H.•Well,F. W. t earL. McCurdy77, McCur- ani mao•T. _ IcC - Pur ani H Yungblut —Miss ottie Gal= ely 68„ C. Neil 68, G. Copeland 65 stet has 'returned from New Dundee, .J Tomlinson 64, E. Roadhouses, 62,W. where she had charge of a millinery oadhouse 59, M. Neil 48. Sr. lite- department it-department in one of the stores T Francis 83, E. Harris 74, V. Hod= :Mssee J. Veitch and M. Walker of Bert' 73, A. Gilfillan 72, -M. Doupe 68, the Zurich Public School staff scent I. McCurdy 50. Sr. IL—E. Copeland th : holidays tat their homes in Platt- 68 G Francis 64, G., Gilfillan 60. Jr. svlle and Hayesville. IL -M . Gilfillan 70, i, McCullagh 68. •Fisst'Baak=S. T.oinlinson 65,.. E. Neil 63 J Gilfillan, 62, W. Doupe 62. Printer—I. Johnson 65, Cel Neil 65, C. Chester Masyhfniley is busy breaking: I Neil 60.—B. A. Coiver, reamer, GQSHEN LINE ee ....Free arse Fine Porcelain Dinner Sets given away WE GIVE COUPONS ON ALL CASH ALES. IT PAYS YOU TO BUY FOR CASK ' IT'' PAYS YOU' TO SAVE YOUR " COUPO NS 1T PAYS YOU TO TRADE eV.I'Ial,•US WANT YOU TO ,COME' I Alii�. ) „"� Wi+` GA DINNER „SET ' FREE WHETHER YOU HAVE BEEN . A REGULAR CUSTOMER 'IN ' THE PAST. OR NOT. Get ric our es: Start now OUR PLAN ` IS SIMPLE. WE GIVE COUPONS' WITH. EVERY CASH PURCHASE AND A..FEW COUPONS ENTITLES YOU TO ONE ARTICLE` AT A TIME AND SO 'ON UNTIL" YOU COMPLETE THE SET - AS WE WILL' CONTINUE KEEPING THIS PATTERN FOR ONE YEAJ,2. AT,IEA,ST•. eei •Bedfor rocery Store xeter ntario WE CARRY A FULL FRESH STOCK OF GROCERIES, FLOUR CURED MEATS FRESH AND SALT FISH BRING US YOUR PRO- DUCE • . iiipt