HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-6-4, Page 3110 IV TO CURE STOMACH TROUBLE The Common Cause is Lack , of Blood- Therefore You Must Build up'the Brood There is the most intimate rela- tion .between the condition of the blood and the activity of the stet. mach. The blood depends uporethe stomach for:,a large Wert o£ its nourishment, whiter ' every" act of 'digestion, from the time the food enters the : stomaeh and is assirai- fated by the blood needs plenty of pure well -oxidized blood, The muscles, glandsand: nerves of e e i o tYl stomach work only aa,ecord ng t duality of the. blood. The most common cause al indi- gestion is lack of rich, red blood. Not only doesimpure blood weaken the muscles of the stomach, but, it lessens the product of the glands of. the intestines and stomach, which furnish the digestive iiuids. Noth- ing will more . promptly cure indi- gestion than plenty of pure blood, Dr. Williams' Pink. Pills are the safest and roost certain- blood builder, A thorough trial of these- pills hesepills gives a hearty appetite, per- fect digestion, strength and health. Here is proof of the 'value of these Pilus in cases of indigestion. Mrs. Alfred Austin, Varna, Ont., says: "My system became run-down, and say stomach very weak. I had no desire- for food and what 1 did take caused me great distress, and did not afford me nourishment, and I was .gradually growing weaker, and could scarcely do any work at all. [ did not sleep • soundily at night, and would wake up not at all re- freshed and -with a. feeling of dread Some years previously I"had used Dr. Williams' Pink Pills with much benefit, and this decided me to -again try them. My oonfide:nee was not misplaced, as by the time I had used. Six boxes I was again feeling quite well." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all medicine dealers or will be pent by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by sending to The Dr. Williams' Medioine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. EARNED. $200,000 TO WIN HER. But President Polncaire Felt His Wife i• Was Worth It. Mme. Poincaire, wife of the Presi- dent of Prance, is at present a notable figure in the eyes of the people of that country, who are recalling the -' romantic .circumstances of her mar- Hage to M. Poincaire. The latter, while a young and by no means distinguished lawyer, met and `fell' in love with the charming 2„.daughter of a rich family. Alas for the young man's hopes, however, the stern parents of the girl demanded a settlement of $200,000. Instead of weakly giving up and allowing some ', richer man to win her ' the plucky young man asked only for time—five years, Applying ” himseltassiduously ito his profession he succeeded in ac - :cumulating the required amount and so winning the girl of his choice. Mme. Poincaire hai the charm, the tact and the taste in dress that are ,common to the women of France and she has been the guiding star of her husband's career. In addition to her other accomplishments she is an ad- mirable housekeeper and looks after thehome—the ElyseePresidential s Press entia mansion—much the same as she did her own home. ,Tortnres of Rtlreuivat sni Yield. to This Remedy A Marvel of Speed, An Unfailing Cure For Old Chronic Cases. GET A TRIAL BOTTLE TO -DAY. With reliable old Nerviline you can. rub out the pain of rheumatism, Seia- tica, Lumbago,' or Neuralgia—rub it away so • completely that you feel like new all over.. It matters not how deeply seated the ,pain is, or how long you have had it i' --rubbing with 'the king of- all lini- ,ments "Iverviline" will cure you. ' Nervili`iie ishighly concentrated— :about live times stronger than the or- dinary white ammonia liniment {therefore it penetrates quickly—sinks in deeply—and gets right at the core of the pain at once—draws out the lameness, takes away the stiffness— eases the joints that Lave hurt you so Out `comes the pain every time you rub on Nerviline, which contains some of the most valuable pain=subduing remedies known to science. Worth its ;weight in gold to every family in the land, and sure to cure the emergent and minor ills of a hundred kinds that: (constantly arise. Get the Large 50c. family size bottle; small trial size 25c. Nerviline is sold by every dealer, ev- erywhere. Spelled the Job. ,Howell—When you 'want a thing Clone right, do it yourself. Powell—I -guess that's good .ad - vi , I -never got a fellow to lie for mwllen he didn't make a mess of lt; 'TOUR OWN DRUGGIST WILL TETL YOU Try Murine nye Remedy for 'nod Weak; Watery 'Byes and Granulated'Eyelids; No Smarting ijust Eye Comfort Write for Booked the h.ye bymali Free. Murine Eiyo itemedy Co., Chiott o.. The chap who' keeps a ivexlaisting1y `.tit it acoomplishes a lot of things that are not necessarily worth the. e effort', ,Luk for Stiliara'p and take ma arias. WEIRD EXPERIENCE'S. Famous Fifty -Thousand -Mile, Tour In r, Motor -Cal'. There are .many ways of seeing the world, but perhaps the moat iihoroi gh--•eertainiy themost novel —way is by motor' -ear. Mr. Glid- den, in the article which appears in Pearson's Magazine, tells les of many weird experiences,and: of some reeorda made during his]fat11- ous :60,000 -anile tour, sale of which we quote:-- "I'or 1,000 miles north of Stockholm' we were the first ino- tcrists over the road, The entire drive from the southerly end of Sweden to the Arctic Circle -1,540 mileswas, over roads which would compare favorably with, a farmer's track from his barn to his hayfield. And ever•y'rkihere we were greeted by unmanageable horses . and cattle. Often occupants of carts abandoned them entirely at our approach and ran for shelter to the woods. North of the ca-pital our route lay for 900 miles through the woods skirting the Gulf of Bothnia. Here loneli- ness reigned supreme, broken only by floelos of birds and sma11 game crossing our path. Ina distance of 125 miles we passed only three mail carts dtiven by small boys, and in another stretch of fifty miles we maw' but one human being. But in every settlement trowels gathered to wit- ness the arrival of the first motor. The telephone is universal in. Swe- den, and -told our movements all. along the route. Most children ran away in mortal terror as we Game rip ;' others stopped to ask such questions about the car as `What do you call it?'—`Is it the machine which kills the people in Fran -eel' It was an the morning of August 10th, 1903, with the -thermometer at 45, when we left Haparanda for our last day's drive towards our objec- tive, the Arctic Circle—a drive of 15 miles over reindeer tracks. ` At the few settlements the Finns gath- ered to cheer us on the way. Fif- teen miles from the Cirole, at Mar ta-rears-gi, where is Sweden's most northerly church, we took on board Mr. Martinell, the postmas- ter of the district, who certified that our car was, 'the first automo- bile to, pass the .Arctic Circle.' TEETHING BABIES Teething time is usually a, time of worry to mothers. It is usually. accompanied by nervousness, stom- ach trouble and extreme fretful ness. The mother can avoid all this; she can have her baby pass through the dangerous teething time without pain or crossness. Baby's Own Tablets are thea moth- er's 'greatest friend at this time. They eweeten the stomach, regulate the bowels, allay feverishness whish usually" accompanies the coming of new teeth, and in this way make teething easy. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by snail at 25 cents a box from The Dr.._ Wil- lia-ms' Medicine 'Co., Brockville, Ont WOMEN .WHO HUNT BIG GAME. • Lady Hunter in. London Tells of Jungle Thrills. Long hours of"stalking," wearisome nights spent sitting over a "kill" await- ing the return of a panther and endless ` of an elephant miles on the back through thick jungle in quest of a tiger are amongst the incidents experienced just Mrs. Holmes, Tarn,who has j t returned from India, whither she ac- companied her husband on :a shooting expedition, says the London Standard. The pursuit of big game :;is a sport which is attracting numbers of women. The sportsman in India may shoot" in two ways. There is the ,one which requires much preparation beforehand, when jungles are plentifully baited in advance with young buffalo to attract tigers tothat spot ready for the guns, and there is the other when the sports- man chances his .luck in a scratch beat, or a long stalk through the jungles, with a buffalo tied up at random on the chance of "drawing" a tiger. The latter method, more sporting, if also more arduous, was adopted by Mrs. Holmes - Tarn and her husband. Mrs. Holmes-Tarn's experiences of shooting are not, however, confined to India. - She has probably had more all- round shooting experience than other women. "MY first trip was to the Rocky Mountains, in Wyoming State," she said. "It was a rough'trip; sometimes we slept on the ground in the snow., We were after deer, wapiti and bears." Later the speaker went to Canada, where, amongst other animate, a moose and caribou fell to her rifle, East Africa is, however, her favorite hunting ground. A rhinoceros, shot with a .303 rifle, and an elephant and rhinoceros with a 400, are amongst her most prized African trophies. "I' was trapping small animals for the-BritiSh Museum that trip," remark- ed Mre. Holnres'Tarn, and managed to capture two new genera and ten rare speelas. Once. when Mr. R. S. Cuninghalue aAd I were out after ele- pilant we WerR )hat for 24 hours, dined off a zebra's liver.: roasted on sticks and only reached Cai;xip thanks to the help of a friendly herdsman. Another time it was . ouch and go whether w0 1verq..,,.01>,argt, y a ittn4 of $ie hag di e tam a ed i �'tt,, at forlunat , th ,v s d tlfe b , y p opposite direction, -To my iniad there Is no country like hast Africa for shooting.. Snap -shooting and stalking through the jungles in India may, please people .Who have not shot any Where else, but East Africa spoils you, for other countries;'' Ills A.aifrent. Mistrets,--When lid the cloaca say 'Was the matter with ,you, Eras - tail Raostris fe say 1 got a torpedo lsbbal, Ina' am, Found xlle Cause.' • • The Rest 'Vas Last' DOI)D.'S 'IIII)N1+1Y PILINS QUICK,. ,LY CURED `ITIS 11I) i Y DISEASE;.' --- I ow Hudson 1Iarehbank, After Suffering for Five Years, Found Quick Relief and Permanent Cure in Abe Greatest of Canadian Eeinedies. Marchbank, King's County, N.B.,. Judie 1st (Special). ---,After suffering For five years from kidney disease, brought en by a strain, Hudson. Karehbank, Esq., the well-known farmer of thisplace, is again a stroing, healthy map, and another grand cure for Deck's Kidney Pills has been put on record. In an in- terview, Mr. Marchbank -+says ".About five years ago I hurt my back from lifting, and it developed into kidney disease. My back pain- ed ine all the time, and I was very mush troubled with hepadaohes.': My appetite was fitful: I head a bitter taste in my mouth in lb le mornings ; I perspired freer and mi perspira- tion. p yy ln' tion had .a disagreeable odor. "I used liniments and plasters,. but they did not do me any good, and as there were other 'symptoms that my kidneys were affected, I de- cided to try Dodd's : Kidney Pills. After using tevo boxes; nay back was completely cured, and my kidneys have not troubled me since." When Mr. Marchbank decided that his kidneys were the cause of his troubles, the rest was easy. Almost any of his neighbors' could tell him that Dodd's Kidney Pills always cure diseased kidney's. dl CATERPILLARS THAT -BURN. And a Burrowing Creature With a Belt of Prickles. More than one traveler -has serious- ly asserted that the insect pests in the valleys of the Orinoco and the Amazon are enough to prevent forever the settlement of that region by civilized people of northern races. Southern Brazil Seems as -badly off, at least in the forested interior. Hugh Pearson, an English explorer of the wild coun- try, describes two insect pests that in- fest the, sources of the Parana. - One. is a redhot caterpillar that burns a person wherever it touches; and the other a burrowing creature with a. belt of prickles. The caterpillars are not named," but are said to be various and beautiful, and the different species can be recog- nized by the ]and of pain: they inflict as `well as by :their markings. They ntay be the larvae Of a specie's' of Lasiocampidae, "related to our tent caterpillars, which are clothed 'with tufts of downward -pointing hairs that in several tropical species are known to sting dreadfully; Madame Merian,. years ago, in an account of the zoology or Surinam, described an enormous. caterpillar of this/,group. She simply touched .eneeof them, whereupon her hands became inflamed, and she suf- fered excruciating pain. There is an African moth the hairs of whose caterpillar are so venomous that they are used as an ingredient in making arrow poison..: Mr. Pearson asserts that where one of the South American caterpillars rested on his bare skin it made a blister an inch long, that had all the characteristics of a burn with a"hot iron, and left a Similar scar. HER MOTTLER-IN-LAW Proved a Wise, Good Friend. A young woman found a wise, good• friend in her mother-in-law, jokes notwithstanding".. She writes : "I was greiutly troubled with my stomach, complexion was blotchy and yellow. After meals I often suffered •sharp pains and would have to lie down. My mother often told me it was the coffee. I cir•ank at meals, But when I'd quit coffee I'd have. a severe'headaohe." (Tea con- tains the 'same poisonous drug, caf- feine, as coffee). "While visiting my mother-in-law I remarked that she always made such good coffee, and .asked her to tell me how. She laughed and told me it was easy to make good `coffee' when you use Posture. , "I began to use Postuni as soon as I got home, and now we have the. same good ',coffee' (Po•stum) ,every day, and I have no more trouble.. Indigestion is a thing of the past, and my complexion, has cleared up heautifully. "My grandmother. suffered as great deal with her stofilaeh. Her doctor told her to leave off coffee-, She then took tea, bat that 'was just as bad; - She flpa.11y was induced to try Poetuan, which she has used' for over a year. She travelled, during. the wintervisiting, something she had not been able to do for yearns, She says she owes her present good health to I"ostuan." lanae given by Canadian Post= b,y .yyx q, Read "Ths post)}lr} flow conics in' t 4 forms Itagulilr Poetun1 menet be wolf boiled. 115c sod ,25c pa,oimgps, instant ' Pogrom -44 adj,ublpe pew- e• A tea.spoonflil dissolves quick q� of water an with I ,I c of h w•ryt d, i rearre. andsugar, makes a delioiols beverage instantly.. 80c and. liOo tine, The cost per cup of both kinds is about the same, ., cTlier�e's a, Ifieason" for 't?osbiim. —Sold by Grocers, odd to e T vile, "' in p gs,, BABY:COVERED WITHRASH Frons Head to. Foot. Itched- and Burned, Disfiguring. Face.and Arms Worst, • Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointlrient'Cured. Legere aorner, Moncton, X'. )3.— " When m9 baby was Aye piontbs old he had a rash. which tiled to trouble him very Mach. The rash Was very bad and he was covered from head to foot. I got no rest day . or night with bhm. It would itch and burn so. much that lie used to scratch till ho used to bring tiie blood and then ft would turn to a mattery .ore•which disfigured him. The worst was his face and arms. '`I tried a good many different salves and soaps but to no use; he got no better. But after awhile 1 thought T would try Gutieura floap and Ointment and had only Used thein two or three times when 1 saw a greatchange.. The sores dried up and came off and he was cured." (Signed) Mrs. George French, IV/ay 20, '1913,, For pimples and blackheads the following is a 'most effective and economical treatment: Gently smear the affected parts with Cutl cure Ointment, on the end of the finger, but do not rub. Wash oft' the Cuticura.Oint invent in Ave minutes with Cuticura Soap and. hot water and continue bathing for some Min- utes. This treatment is best on rising and retiring. At other times use Cuticura Soap freely for the toilet and bath, to assist in pre- venting ,inflammation, irritation and clog- ging of the pores. Cuticura Soap and Oint- ment are sold everywhere. For a liberal free sample of each, with 32-p. book, send post- card to Potter. Drug & Chem. Corp., Dept, D. Boston, t'. S. A. A Safe Slimmer Drink. Lemon-svru'p is a delightful drink for .the summer months, and for picnic outings, So often the •stom- ach is upset by unsuitable drinks during the hot weather, but the fol- lowing recipe oan be .safely recom mended : Very thinly pare the yellow part of the skin off three lemons, and place: it in a jug with two large breakfastcupfuls of water by the side of the fire to infuse for an hour. Squeeze the juice • of the three lemons into a clean enamel sauce- pan, add one and a Bali Founds of sugar, two ba'eakfhstcupfuls•-of wa- ter, and a teaspoon -fur of tartaric acid. Mix this together, and add the . water in- which the skins are infused. Boil all together 'for ten -to fifteen minutes. Strain through muslin, and bottle 'for" use. A dessertspoonful in a tumbler of water tis;a most refreshing drink, especially when a .small piece of ice is added: dl "Is that your son ?" ",Yes," "A vexy courageous young :man, isn't he ?" "Why so?" "Look ab the clothes he's wearing." Mil ' The Death Warrant Delivered No defence can be offered when you apply Putnam's to a sore . corn—the of- fender has to die. Nothing iso certain to cuicklir cure corns as Putnam's Corn and Wart Extractor; try Putnam's, it's free from ::acids; and painless. 25c. bot- tles sold' by all dealers. The Quality of the Daily Life. The one great truth to which we all need to come is that a successful life lies not in doing this, or going there, or possessing something else—it lies in the quality of 'the daily life. It is just assurely success to be just and courteous to servants or companions or the chance comer, as it is to make a noted speech before an audience, or write a book, or make a million do1- lars. It is achievement on the spirit- ual sideof things; it is the extension of our life here into the spiritual world that is alone of value. This extension is achieved; this growth towards high- er things is attained, by our habitual attitude of mind. It develops by truth . and love., and goodness, it is stunted by every envious thought, every unjust or unkind act. Minaret's Liniment need by Phveiofana, Smarter Than Many. Haitians. Figg--' Wond'er why people. say ".as smart as eteel trap" ? I never Gould 'see''anythin,g particularly in- telligentt in ra ,steel trap. Fogg—A steel trap is called ;smart because it 'lamas exactly the right time to .Shea up. IVIinard'S Liniment Co„ Limited. ' Gents,—I have used your Minard's Liniment in my fancily and also in • my stables for years and consider it the best medicine obtainable. Yom's truly, ALFRED ROCHAV, Proprietor Eoxton. Pond Ilotel' and Lh'ery Stabled. Suilletent Proof. he--' o, George, a am afraid 1 cannot, marry yell. I want a roan who po}lite•sseps a, noble ambition whose 'Fleur t is 0ob . on attaining some high And worthy object." Ve1:1, don't I want you V' 1 She -"Oh, George 1 I.amyours 1 *0416 zitiaar(VI ttniiiient' t7;1 the house, Ever see a neighbor who was par. titularly well 1ilted 1 Sore ! Eq. 4. Issrn3 2g ---'1:d WHEN MARINO COM.o$. Materials Used and How These Art"isles. Are Manufactured. The "essential materials of the regular eombin.aker are horn and hoofs, whiletortoiseshell is often' used, Horn arid hoofs can now be so exeellenly made in imitation of tortoiseshell' that''t-he latter quite. 'laterally is not in , such demand as it used to be,, , The flet step in `comb-nekisig is the cutting of ' the horny material into segments of a 'fit size. After• being eut", in lengths a. horn possessing a large diameter has to be divided again transversely, The hoofs, are boiled 'before cutting, which renders their softer and therefore easier to cut in two. They are next conveyed to the pressing floor, an apartment fixed up with furnaces, :Rendered pliable by the action -of the heat they are flattened out in the handsof the workmen and cut to shape with knives. After, being inserted in stout blocks while ,still het they cool in the form of a" flat plate... `Phew plates are next taken to the stook loom, which is kept at ahigh tem- perature by means of steam or hot- air flues, with the object of drying or hardening, and here , they are trimmed to shape, while :the portion that is to be toothed is cut to a straight -edge. The teeth are out by circular saws moving with inconceivable rapidity. When the teeth are tapered to a point' and rounded, the ` finishers smooth the whole article to prevent it from catching in the hair. When a Woman suffers With- Chronic Backache There Is Trouble Ahead. Constantly on their feet, attending to the wants of a large and exacting family, women often break down with nervous exhaustion. In the stores, factories, and on a farm are weak, ailing women, dragged, down with torturing backache and bearing down pains. Such suffering isn't natural, but it's dangerous, because due to diseased kidneys. The dizziness, insomnia, deranged menses andother symptons of kidney complaint can't' cure themselves, they require the assistance of Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills which go direct to the seat of the trouble. To give vitality and power to the kidneys; to lend aid to the bladder and liver; to free the blood of poisons, probably there is no 'remedy so suc- cessful as Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Fat all womanly irregularities their merit is well known. Because of their mild, soothing, and healing effect, Dr. Hamilton's Pilus are safe, and are recommended for girls and women of all ages. 25 cents per box at all dealers. Refuse any sub- stitute for Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Man- drake and Butternut. And When Money Talks. Sound travels at the rate of 400 yards pee second. Exoeptions to this rule : Scandal 1,000 yards. Flattery : 500 yards. Truth : 21/5 yards. Al am i clock— ? Ilighestgrade beans kept whole~. and mealy by perfect, baking, retaining their full strength, Flavored' with delicious sauces. They have no equal. r FARMS FOA FAL= H, W, DA WSON, Moat' Co1U me str; Toronto ti IF YOU WANT To, BOX, OR SELL Parfait, :BmFruit. Stook Grain or Dairy Fr write Ii," W, Dawson, raotoa. 'r Colborne Rt., Toronto,, H W, DAWSON, Colborne Si. Torania AGENTS WANTED, AGENTS WANTED, 15 TO $10 day. Write Peerless Cooker Specialty Co., Berlin. NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. G0011) WEEKLY IN LIVE TOWN IN York County. Stationery and Book Business in connection. Price and $4,000. Terms liberal. "Wilson Publishi ing Company, 73 West Adelaide StreetZ Toronto. ■lGCCLLANAOh1L CANCER. rU81Ut:d, LUMMPt, internal and external. cured with. oat pain by our home treatment. Writs ne before too late. • Dr, Bellmso Med,cai Co., Limited, (il,tngwonA. Ont. Man Wanted who understands horses In every district we want such a than Will pay SCJ wwek Canadian Distributors C.r L,,rrt-d Vancouver .s C She Understood Then. Applicant—No, ma'am, I couldn't work where there's children.. Madam—But we advertised for a girl who understood children. Applicant—Oh, I understand 'ern, ,, ma am, That's why I wouldn't • work where they are. Nlinard'e liniment Lumberman'e Friend Food In Mexico, Refugees in Mexico will be reduced bythis time to subsisting on tortillas and frijolis, the staple food of the country. A tortilla is a flat cake of unleavened bread. The corn is soaked in lye to destroy the husk, and the grains are crushed into meal on a stone table with a stone rolling pin by hand. Mixed with water and bak- ed, there results a thin flat cake, which tears like blotting paper, and tastes about as pleasantly. These, with the frijoles or baked beans (either black or white) constitute the daily food, while meat, being cooked directly it is killed, is very tough, and it. smother- ed in grease. • Kidneys Cured or Money Back There is no risk in buying GIN PILLS. They are sold on a positive guarantee that theywill all Kidney andBladder Troubles, Rheumatism and Sciatica, Pain in the Back, etc. If, after taking 6 boxes, you can honestly say that Gin Pills have not cured you, take the empty boxes to your dealer and be will refund the money. That shows how certain we are that Gin Pills will euro you, 50c. a box ; 6 for $$2.50. Sent on receipt of price if your dealer can't supply you. - Sample free if you mention this paper. 186 NATIONAL 1111130 AND CHEfiMICAL CO., OF CANADA LIMITED, - TORONTO. r, Com• - a •U li ti --ALL co c ) A g = '. You Can Buy Cheaper At Home Ask Your Local M.erchant for the "HOME TRADE CATAL,ODUt3 and Save Money There is a HOAR TRADE MERCHANT near you. Better Quality. Lower Prices.` Satisfaction Guaranteed.