HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-1-8, Page 1RENEW 'YOUR SSUBSCRIPTIOXT Now,Ts the. time to reneW your subscription to The ,A.clvocate .Hell. the editor by renewing early Help yourself by getting a live pa- ner.: Help the community by giv- ing us all the News. TWENTY-SEVENTH YEAR EXETER;, 4) TART( T, TJRSDAY, JAT.8, 1914. C",LUBB1 14TES 'When renewing your Advocate rememher that we club with an the City Daily, Weekly, and the Monthly papers end periodicals, Get the benefit of these chebbing rates. .Call in end see us, ,SANDERS CREDC.Ca,'. he Best 7oo.r in: Their i tory Local Items Mr, Clinton Sweet is i11 and eon- fin.ed to his room. Mr, Fred," Walters of Detroit is.•Vis- iting his 'parents- here. Miss 'Mabel Walters of London is a guest at the home of her father. 1![r Geo. Crawley has recovered from his illness and is on duty again, Mrs Venceof Farquhar is very. ill at preseit, and under the doctor's care Th c.i..:.e., are enjoying the roar- ing game at the rink these days and nights.. Mrs Hannah Sanders, Stephen, is confined to her home through illness aed is:. under the doctor's care. This is the pneumonia season. 11 is worth • while taking -every precau- tion to prevent the taking of colds; Mis:, Olive Hern, who recently un- derwent •an operation for appendicitis in London is recovering nicely, but ,wl rry. 'rTht• recent fall of - snow has •rade. beautiful sleighing here. It is not deep enough however to prevent the automobiles, from running. Dr. McGillicuddy and Dr. Hadley Williams ,of London performed an op- eration Wednesday on Mr. John Stew- art of Farquhar, " for hernia. TAMAN'S 25 per cent. Cut in Prices for January We ale.giving a big : cut in prices for the month of Jan nary while the stock -taking is oh, Overcoats - SweaterSuits Coats Underclothing Hats Caps Socks Ties Collars Etc. Etc. Ordered Clothing Remember the "Taman" Made of Ordered Suits is the ‘` V hat 'money cart buy. ,W. TAMATAILORN Flection Results Election day was a busy onein mu- nicipalities where contests' were Pt In Exeter autoes and cutters were go- ing all day, but everything was ' con- ducted in the most friendly spirit; and everybodyshould . be satisfied. The fellow that won has his work cut our for bin', and the pay is not large, while the loser misses the hard work along with the honor, and all he has to do 4s, 'look on, advise, critit;ise and worry the wanner all he can. At least, it is generally supposed that is all he -:should do, but every citizen as well as the coupcil should be an- xious to do all he can, for the muni- cipality. uni- cipality. EXETER The Exeter Council and School Board for 19.1.4 is,-- Reeve s,—Reeve JOHN W. TAYLOR Coincillors JOHN HIND M, -M ,DOYLE THOS. HAR-TON B. W. F. BEAVERS School Trustees S, MARTIN F. WOOD. • R. N. CREECH 1 ARMSTRONG A. E. FUI' E F. W GLADMAN The three retiring Trustees were re-elected by acclamation. The Elec- tion of Reeve and Councillors by polls was as follows, For Reeve John. H. Scott 53 70 67 24-214 John. W. Taylor 83 69; 49 34-235 For Councillors - Moses Amy 38 41 B. W F. Beavers 51 68 Louis Day 65 o3 M. M. Doyle 70 63 Thos. Hayton 59 78 John. R. Hind 66 73 Wee Snell 69 43 56 68 50 54 67 73 8 46-181 20-207 25-203, 32-219 15-219 15-227 13-143 STEPHEN The Council of Stephen for . this year as decided by the votes of the people on Monday will be .Reeve.—W, R. Elliott Deputy Reeve—Wein 'Yearley: ^' r Councillors— M. Fjnkbeiner T. 1Vjawihwnauey Alex. Neeb The vote by polls vas as follows For Reeve Anderson 22 8 2217 6 7 7 3 7- 99 Elliott 61 20 30 29 54 74 36 39 46-389 Sanders 16 52 48 75 19 36 41 24 56-367 For Deputy Love 33 32 37 52 24 51 46 56 61-392 Yearley 59 43 59 66 53 56 35 44 43-428 For Councillors, - Finkbee''r 37 38.44 46.22 73 70 51 52-433 Kellin - 38 35 35 44 36 85 35 27'53-388 Mawhin'y 5546 52 77 60 29 40 15 46-420 Neeb . 61 4036 41 44 88 23 35 47-415 Wuerth 21 23 84 90 20 11 23 24 47-343 HAY TOWNSHIP For Reeve Wm Consit - Louis Kalbfleisch For Councillors Casper Wolper Samuel Dietz Ed, Deters Henry Neeb Roger Northcott Fred Willert Kuhn Schelbie 306 421 479 346 320 304 248 241 240 McGILLIVRAY—Reeve, Jos. Poore 335 W . T. Ulens 302, majority 33. De-. puty Reeve, Robson Tweedle 334, El- mer Murdy 264; majority 70. Council- lors. John. Robinson 344, Jos Glavin 342, Albert Rosser 264. BIDDULPH-Reeve, R. Ce Reycraft Councillors, S. H. Horton, Eli Hod - gifts, fames Ryder, Eli. Thompson: HENSALL—Thomas Hudson is the reeve of Hensel' after a hard , three- cornered fight with O. Geiger and J, W, Ortwein; the councillors are Da- vicl Little. Geo. Hudson, W., J. Pfaff and W T. Smith. BLYTH, Jan, 5.—The following are the members of the Village Council for 1914 elected to-clay:—Reeve Dr. Milne acclamation; council, J. A. Car ter,J. Cutt, H. Homey, R. Sloan. PAR.KHILL—Fred Laughton was elected reeve by 79 overNeil McPhee The; others were elected by acclama- tfort as follows,—Mayor, J. E. Harris- on; .councillors, Wm. Caines, M.Finn J. F. Roberts, Isaac Laughlin, Thos. ,Eloughtott and Finlay Jackson, 3AYFIELD—Reeve, Geo, Lind- say ; Councillors, Edward Merner,C. Parker, James Thomson, Geo. es - ton. LUCAN-Reeve, C, W. Hawkshaw Councillors,, Thos. H. Coursey, W.L; Gibson, B. Langford, E. A. Abbott, • AILSA CRAIG -John Morgan reeve by acclamation; Councillors, D. S, McDonald, John Alexander, Geo. Mea dotes, David Robinson. ELECTION NOTES "Post Mortems" have been the or- der of the uns+uccessftil " candidates' and their friends since the elections Of the three "Eills" in 8111 Elliott was the winner. Four winners, out of five in Ste - Olen are: residents of. the centre of the towish,iu, avid all five in Exeter are centrally n.:a;ed, The: Ext aouncillors seeking re-. election ali ,von out on top; Louis Day for the -third time 'vas jus' beaten out by a few votes, -e. Tho north end and south end of tovan are not represented in the Coun- cil of Exeter, which is just the same as last year, LOCAL OPTION CONTESTS. Fifteen "municipalities in Ontario passed Local Option on Monday, out of about forty contests. Five de- feated at on majority votes and Dine - teen defeated it on the three-fifths clause; No repeal by-laws were car- ried .out of sixteen. tried, The net result means the cutting off of sev- enteen licenses. Among the import- ant towns to carry Local Option were 3ramptoa and-M.eaford, Towns that failed by the three-fifths clause were Aylmer Brockville, Cobourg, Napa - nee Paris Tilsonburg and Wiarton, Adeetioteal tetanus - on the local option vote ` en Monday show that Bay pant Township in Elgin- Connty has gone dry by a large majority. Four licenses will be cue off -.in this town- ship, making a total of 26 to be cut off next May. The passing of the measure ,in Grand Valley makes the whole of Dufferin County "dry". Of 835 Ontario municipalities 502 will now be dry. JOHN W.° TAYLOR Newly -Elected Reeve of Exeter SIR JAMES WHITNEY HOLDING HIS OWN. New York, Jan. 6th—Sir James P: Whitneye Premier of Oetario, who is ill with heart disease and nervous trouble at the Hotel Manhattan, con- tinues to hold his own. The bulletin issued. at 9 o'clock to -night was brief Hon. Dr Pyne, the premier's physic- ian, and colleague in the Ontario ...Toy - "The 'patient has had another rest- ful day with no material change." All Ontario will sympathise with the Premier in his illness, andrhope for a speedy recovery. In the meantime the opening of the legislature has been postponed indef- ROAD SINKING IN, 'TURNBERRY The greatest alarm prevails in Turn - berry Township and in the district around Belgrave village over the mys- terious disappearance of two large sections of roadway. About half way between Winghani and Teessvater in Turnberry, there is a bole 100 feet long and 50 feet deep It has been growing steadily larger for several days, and all efforts to locate the cause have failed. The theory is. that some distdnce under the roadway there is quicksand and that water has swept it away, al- lowing the eart:h above to fall in. This in turn, it is feared, will be washed away and the people are vondering where the :damage will stop. In the case reported near Belgrave there is a hole 35 feet deep and many yards, in length. The two holes are miles apart, and both are a Iong dis- tance from any river. ' it is reported that last summer the boys swimming ,in the river near Wing noticed what they thought was a sort of whiilpool, and this is now con- aected with the cave-ins on the, roadway, the idea being that an and& ground stream is washing away the earth Harvey the little sae Mr, and Mrs Geo Godbolt. has been very ill for tWo weeks of inflammation of the kidaeys, hut is recovering nicely, Mr. Guy Routly of Clinton spent a dav or two with his parents, Reeve arta Mrs, Samuel Routly. A Pleasant Event,—A jolly good time was speat at the home ot and Mrs, William Somerville! Ijs13orne. aear }Tense% Wednesday night, Dec, 3let it beteg the occasion of the 22nd etaniversary of their marriage. About fifty guests assembled to Wish the happy couple many rnore years of health and happiness together, Many proiniment fareilies of the neighbor- hood were represented both in per- soe, and an costly gifts in silver, china leather and wood, Guests from far and near thoronghly enjoyed the bowl tootle supply of good things supplied tephen, by the kind ,i osts of the evening. •-- "One who wa(• there. Crediton Mr, Curtis Glanville, accompanied by Mr. Charles Morrish of Vermillion, Al berta, are visiting friends in our midst Mr. and Mrs, W. 1M, Jones and son guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Clarke during .the holidays. Mr. arid Mrs. Geo, Perry have re- tuim.ed to Detroit after a brief visit with friends here. Eramerson Schroeder left for Tor- onto on Monday where he has secur- ed a job with the Massey - Harris The C. I. C. Adult Bible Clasp of the Evangelical Sunday School went to Exeter last Thursday and had a claes photo taken. There were 38 in th:e group a.nd a finer lot of young men, would be hard to Lind. Harrisoa Becker and Art, Holtzman leave returned to their respective schools ia Pembroke and Liginere, 111 Our Public School re -opened aftel she holidays on Monday. The staff this year eoasists of Mr. Henderson, pniactpal; Modderwell as first assiatant; Miss Brown as second and NiSss Miller as third. There are good prospeces of oar school making splen- did progress this year. At the an.- scheol meeting held last Wed- neSday, -the Secretary -Treasurer, Mr, Samuel Brown, resigned his office af- ter faithful service of 12 years. Mr. Herb K. Eilber was elected his suc- cessor A large vote was polled an Mon- cla.y. The weather was ideal and there was little excuse to, stay at hothe Sorry to say aux tosensman, Mr: Wuer th, was inot elected, although his own town clid 'well for him. la the evening after the 'different polls lead been heard from and all kaew who was el- ected the crowd went to the hall %yhere short addresses were made by the newly elected reeve, Mr. Elliott ; thc deputy -reeve, Mr. Yearley, and couacillor Mawhinney. The defeated caadidates for reeve, Messrs. Sanders. and Anderson, also spoke and asaar- ed the audience that they were not disheartened at their defeat and felt .dee.p.ty grateful to those who had sup- aeraed thern. Mr, Wm. Lewis made a capable chairman. as' he, always does aed kele thee crowd in good humor wash 'file apt Fernarks. The Township coaricil has certainly received a good shaking up and we are all anxious to know what 1914 will bring for , the people. Mr. Fred Saxon, who has been tel- ler of the Bank here the past year, haa xeceived notice to report for duty at Sherbrooke, Quebec, and will leave in a few days. Fred's many friends wish him continuted success. 1Vlawhinney—Fahner—A pretty wed- ding took place at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Fahner of (own yesterday afternoon, at 3.30 p.m., when their youngest daughter, Miss Eetie, was unated marriage to Mr. Ches- ter Mawhinney. -Rev, Becker tied the knot in the presence of a large com- pany of guests. The bride looked charming. dressed in white ntarquisette carrying a bouquet of bridal roses and lily -of -the -valley. Her sister, Miss Lily, was the bridesmaid and carried a bouquet of carnations. The groom was supported by his cousin„ Mr. Russell Schroeder while Miss Ora Hoffmaa of Dashwocid played the weddin,g march. After the ceremony a splendid wedding dinner was served The dining room was beautifully de- corated fox the occasion, The pres- ents were both numerous and costly, showing the popularity of the con- tracting parties. Mr. and Mrs. Maw- hinney will reside on their farm west of town. We extend to them our heartiest congratulations and wish then much joy during their married life, Dashwood Little IVIiss Beatrice and It/aster Harold Klopp of Zuxich spent New Years and the following week with their grandparents, Mr.- and Mrs, C. L, Wolper. Mr. Thomas Foster of Can, 14 spent New Years with Mr. Thomas Watford at the latter's home withaMr. C. L. Walper, Both boys are from Strat- ford Home tor Boys. Word has been received here of the serious illness of Dr. Balfour of Loadon. father of Dr. Balfour of this place with little chance of recovery. Mr J. 8. Hen,ry Of Orangeville, has taken charge, as principal, of the school here. Mr. I-Ienry comes well recommeaded and we expect to see .t."..te best of results from his tuition, Mr, A J. Brunner of Illinois is a guest- at Mr. 0, Oestreicher Rev J. H. Ehlers left Wednesday for 1-larriston, Penn., where he will be engaged lin the work of the Y.M. C. A, The best wishes of his many friends here accompany hiM, A number of the Guenther rela- tives attended the .Mawhiriney--Fahner Wedding at Creditoe yesterday, Mr. Nicholas Nawschwanger is on the sick Het, The Sunday School pupils of the Trivitt Memorial Church spent a veey pleasaot time in the School Hell Tuesday :night, the oceasion being the A abort pro,gram wag rendered by the scholars and 4. goodly munber 'presents were given out to the little GREENWAY Mrs Ridley entertained some friends last Saturday ia honor of the birthday of Mr, Ware Oliver of Grand Bend.— Mise Zillah English has gone to visit friends in -Port Huron.—Mr. arid' Mrs, Geo, Oliver are guests of Mrs. Thos. Stewarcisan.—Mr. Andrew Pollock and Miss Ruby were in. London last week, Misa Mae Wilson entertained her S S class oa Monday, Dec 79th. Aftel a pleasaat time spent in games aael, contests Harold Thomson read the following address and Irwin Belt preseated her with a pretty locket and chain ;— Dear Teacner,—It is with great pleasure that we meet together to- night to spend a social hour togethei and to express to you, our hearty ap- preciatioa of the faithful and effic- ient services as S. S. teacher you have rendered us since we became members or your class. Sometimes we a re not as atten- tive as we might have been, and no doubt needed chastising, but you bore it all in. a cheerful manner, showing us that the love of Christ was in your heart and that by your example you were trying 'to show us the ways of a christian. You have always endeav- ored to make the lessons as interest- ing as possible and we have learned many good lessons from you in your t ea ening. _a presenting you with this locket and c,hain we hope it will remind you of the friends you have in your class of sixteen and that every time your eye rests 'upon it, it will speak to your heart of our sincere affection and love for you. Signed on behalf of the class Harold Thomson, Irwin Belt. Although taken so completely by surprise Miss Wilson replied in a few words thanking the boys for their kindle thought and aPpreciatiVO ordsk: I They then proceeded to organiee aad elected officers and chose as their class name "Keights et Hortor'"' AGRICULTURE IN SCHOOLS Schools intending to take up the study of agriculture and School Gard- - ening should send notice of their in teation to the Department of Educat- ion not latter than January 15th, if the full grant is to be earned; in no ease can notice be acce,pted later than April 15th. The proper form to be used is to he found at the back of the 1914 school regt ster. About 150 schools ia the prey( n.ce are expected to take up the study of A.griculture th ie year; the increase is not rapid. bat the growth ha,s beenheaethy ; it is expscted that a number of schools in Heron will betome interested in the eourst which the Edocation Depart, meat is doing so much to encourage,. BIRTHS Clark—In Usborne, an Jdn. 6th, to: Mr and Mrs, Frank Claek, daugh— MARRIAGES Arinstrena—Watson--In London Town- ship on''Dec. 31, Victoria. Rose Wat- son of McGillivray Township, to Mr - George Leonard Armstrong of Lon- don Township. Mewhioney—Fahner,—In Crediton, on - Jan 7th, Chester Mawhinaey, to Miss Ettie daughter of Mr. and Mrs, C. Fa.hner ;all of Crediton. Three counterfeiters, who have been - operating in London were arrested at 0 the C P. R. depot Tuesday morning.. STEWART'S Where Reasonable Prices Prevail, START RIGHT' Start the New Year right by h lying your needs at this tore. We cell eave you ni mey, during the next few weelas. We will have many lines that will be cleared at astonishing low prices. Look down the list. 25 LA.DIES' TRIM 51E D HATS All this seasons styles. Some very smart and natty trimmed hats, Were worth from $4.00 to $6.00. These hats will be cleared this week at $1.50 15 LADIES COATS You will wonder how we can sell them at such a low price WE have nearly all sizes. They were worth from $8. to $15,00 your pick of the lot for $6.95 MEN'S HEAVY UNDER- WEAR 25 MISSES & LADIES', WINTER COATS Moet of these this Seasons Costs made of good heavy cloths and very neatly trim- med. Reguiar price was $7,00 to $10 your choice this - MEN'S FUR -COLLARED With Curl lining, rubber interlined an a splendid shell. These coats will wear well and will keep you warm. All sizes $16 We carry the best makes. Our MEN'S HEAVY RUBBERS size is hard to beat at per guaranteed. For rough outside ribbed all wool garment in anyi Miner Brand rubbers are all garment $1.00 • work they cannot be beaten. UNBLEACHED LINEN 97 PIECE DINNER SET It is 62 inches wide. Is a A very neat pattern with the pure linen, neat spotted cen- new shap plates, cups, and ve- tre with flowered border. We getable dishes. It is a good would like you to see this ex- one for common use. 97 pie- tra value at per yard 50c. ces for $8.00 J. A. STEWART SPECIAL SALE Most Favorable Opportunities for Dress Goods Buying As we are Stock -Taking this month and find we have a big range of Dress Goods, and would like to reduce our stock, We hav decided to put on a "SPECIAL SALE". Lasting One Week Only Commencing Thursday Morn., Jan. Some rousing money saving values wil. be ortered in our Dress Goods . Department Light and Dark Tweed's and Co atings Stripe Serges, Plain, Navy and cream Serges, Voiles and Fancy Oren Goode, Plaid and Check Dreas Goods, Corded and Plain Velvets and Silks, Triminings aria Movers Our "Great Salo" is brimful of be.autiful chandise at Saving piicee, Come early and avoid the rush, Phone 98