HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-12-31, Page 8TRLTli U11,A Y' 131, 1 J 14
Wheat , • , 108 112
li3arley , . X 55 433
Buckwheat.....,,.,,,,,. 05 70
+pats,„. ., 45 40
Peas. ,..,.,« ,.,,r 125 159
Potat.oes, per bag 76 . 100
Hay erton, ,...,;,,,,. 1400 14 00
Flour, per cwt,, family 3 10
Ifloux, low grade per cw t 70 170
Buttet.,,XX°•,.., 24 20
55 30
h igs, per cwt....-. 740
Sllovtit per ton. , , , 27 00
Bran per ton 20 OU
Next Suaxday, ; Jars. 33rd, special ser-
vices lc the "forts). of intercession on
behalf of kg* ivigjesty's naval and
military forces hew engaged in war
will be held in the Trivitt Memorial
Church. The form of service has
been issued and authorized by the
Archbishop of Canterbvxy at the re-
quest of His Majesty's Privy Council
and wit' be observed throughout s11
the churches in the Empire. Printed
co•pie'• will be distributed at the
church door at the morning eervice,
on William: street, a"goid bracelet,
Owner car, have same by calling .on
Jas Hern and paying for this notice,
Mr and Mrs. John Andrew desire
to thank their many friends, for their
many acts of kindness and sympathy
dourine; illness and subsequent death
of . the late burs, Hicks,
Ot' lane for sale. Alinly to David
° TIMBBR WANTED.—We will flay
highest cash price for first-class
Hard Maple and Basswood togs, :ut
is lengths to our order. Anyone hav-
ing hogs to offer will kindly call
and get prices and specifications.
R. Gillies 8f Son, Phone 93, Exeter.
ORDER FROM US.—Now is the
time to consider your reading matter
,for 1915. No matter what papers or
magazines you require—Canadian or
foreign—The Advocate can supply
them at lower prices than you ran get
Hydra prices on 25, 40 and 60 watt
lamps at 35c, each at the Electric
Light and Power House.
—A few White Wyandott Cockrels
for sale --price right. George Jaques,
Winchelasa. Ont.
I desire to arinourice that I' have op-
enec', a. Floutr and Feed Store in F.
Wood's Old Stand, opposite Posts
Office and will keep, .a full supply of
the best grades 61 flours arid :eels.
I solicit your patronage.
WANTED—To rent farm of 100
acre:, with good . buildings for term
of five years'. Ah.
Anyone having sub.
applg at this • Office.
The undersigned is offering for gale
or to rent Lot 1, Con. 6, Usborne, 4
mile; east of Centalia, containing
aver 100 acres. There is on, the
premises goad brick house, slate, roof
goad bank barn all modernly equip-
ped with cement floors, etc.;. good
orchard about 3 acres hardwood, tim-
ber • land all in good state of .cul-
tivation well watered with .two good
wells, and good spring creek' running
across one corner of farm, supplying
water all the year round. Terms re-
asonable. Apply to Wm. Whiteford
The Annual Meeting of the Exeter
Agricultural Society will be held in
the Town Hall, Exeter, on Friday,
January .15. 1915, at one o'clock p.m.
forthe purpose of electing Presi-
dent. Vice President and Directors for
the ensuing .year and transacting other
impostant business.
`All members and interested +parties
shoal] attend the meeting.
The Directors are particularly r e-
qureste 1 to Attend a meeting at 10
o'clock a,m, on the same late.
lrresideM. • Secretary
The undersigned is offering for sale
Lots 35, 36. and part of 37, Carling.
Street on which is a good storey and
half frame house, containing 7 Looms
good cellar and kitchen. There are
also a number of choice fruit trees
on the pre -Mises and a goad stable;
bar t and soft water. Everything .is in
a goat' state of repair. Will be told
reasonable. Call Saturday for par-
ticulars HENRY GOULD. Exeter
Tea & Coffee,
For the choicest
groceries, fruits, spices;
teas, coffee and every
thrg in the grocery brie.
Call and see us. A trial
asto quality will convin-
_Produce taken in exchange
The Dominion' I?arliment is to ')pen
on Feb .4th,
° The good old winter seems, to have
settled an in earnest,.
Reeve J. W. Taylor to very i11 at
his home from severe cold,
When needing ;an oyster stew You
cannot make any mistake ir(. going to
The curlers spent a, few hours on
the ice on Chriistmas. Day, The !int
of the season,
Christmas •night was the coldest •Of'
tht, season the thermometer registers
ing 5 below zero
The Band gave a .pleasing :open air
serenade to the Christmas .norn on
Mau) street Friday. It was pretty
call too
Bert Rivers received a nasty cut
over the eye by coming in contact.
with a skate whenskating on the rink
Christmas Day.
Postmaster Christie says the rum -
her of parcels passing through the
mails at Christmas time was far PI ex-
cess of other years.
Christmas is • Exeter was spent in
joyou• home gatherings, and many a
happy time was spent in the homee
where the relatives were privileged to
return far the holiday, Every person
in Exeter was happy.
Mr, and Mrs, Robert Gardiner,, of
Usbcrne, announce the engagement of
their youngest daughter, Margaret L.
to W. William J. Reid! only , son of
Aft• and Mrs.' Robert Reid of High
Park Toronto, the marriage to take
place early In the New Year
Mr. Gilford .Hogarth of Guelph
son of Mr. S. J. Hogarth i11 in the
haspita' at Guelph from appendicitis,
The latest reports state that his ,re-
cavern 'is ra,pi It and he has 1 been tak-
en to his home, His friends and rel-
atives here arkpleasecl to hear of his
early recovery,
A hoarse .belonging to Mr. Robinson'
of pear Mitchell made a lively tun
down -t
” Main Street on Monday morn
in;; travelling on the west sidewalk
from Mr Levett's corner to Huron
street with- the cutter overturned]
Luckily ,there were no little children
on the street at the) time or '+.he re-
sult might have been serious indeed.
As it was the elder& who were warned
by the noise got out of the way. On
reaching Huron street it turned cast
and was caught. The beast's legs
were rather badly cut up, hut after
being attended by Dr Sweet it was
driven home.
H. Dickson on Monday night installed
the officers of Lebaavon Forest Lodge
No. 133, A. F. &, A. M., as follows,-
I. P M.,. Bra. R. G.. Seldon; W. M
Bra W J. Murray; S W;; Bro.. J. E.
McGillicuddy; J. W., Bea. N. J. Dore;
Treas, Bro. J. A. Stewart; Sec'y 'R.
N. Creech; Chaplain, Rev. D. W. Col-
lies: -S D:; Bra: A. Hastings; J. D.,.
Bra W. J. Beer; I. G., Bro. H.
White; S. S., Bro. E,, J. Christie; j.
S., Bro, ,F. E. Willis; Dir. of Cer.
Bro, W J. Neaman,
—A "quiet but pretty wedding was
solemnized. at the home of Mr. and
Mrs " E. Covill, on Dec. 16th, when
their youngest daughter Pearl, be-
came the bride of Charles Luther
Moore,. son of Mr. and Mrs. John
Moore of Wawota the ceremony was
performed by the Rev. Hancock in the
presence of a number of relatives and
friends. Miss Ella Christopher at-
tended the bride who was charmingly
attic ed in a dress of white embroid-
ere;l.net: over silk and 'trimmed with
orahge bllossoms. She was given away
b;' her father. Mr William Badgley
(cousin of the bride) carried out the
duties of best man.
The presents which were trAlu1
and it many cases, costly were' on
view during the evening and :heir
number testifies to the esteem in
nvhich the young couple are held,
Later in the evening the happy coup
to lefi far their hbsne, east of Town
amid the good wishes of the assembl-
ed guests,
In extending 'tis my patrons th,e
Compliments of the Season I wish to
express my sincere appreciation of
the faithful way in which they have
followed the instructions and ugges-
tions for, securing the product by
which, together, we have been . able
to attract the attention and, maloe sure
of the best markets. The credit of
this, result is due to your .:are
andco-operation more than to, Any
other cause.
There is tisreason why this trade
should not expand to double its pres-
ent -proportions and many ,others.
share the growing advantages of the
Chas. F. H000eir,
Dealer in New Laid Eggs.
Mr. Mask Salter of 'London spent
Christmas here,
Mr, and Mrs.H. Strasser of Seaforth
were visitors here.
Mr. Fred. Hawkshaw of Toronto
Nfir and Mrs. D. Marks, of Goderich
spent the holiday here.
we here far Christmas,
DetMrroit. Robert Sanders is visiting in
Mr ,Ralph Brand, was in Detroit for
Miss Morlock is visiting in Detroit
this week
vin .apd Mrs, Jos., Case were here
over the boli lay,)
Mr and Mrs. W. S. Cole spent
Christmas in• Lucan,
Miss. Olive Wood of. London was
home for Christmas,
Mr. A7,ttllla Sheere of Detroit, Mich.
was home or Christmas,
Mr Ed, Anderson of St ilf'arys is
visitin ,at his home here.
Mr ,Herb Souuthoatt of . Hamilton
visited his mother here,
Mr, Chester Parsons of Snowflake,
Mans is home for a visit.
Mr Jahn R. McDonald is confined
to hir home through illness.,
Miss 1lfaabel Walter of London ia•
visiting with relatives. here,
Misr Bennett df Toronto is visiting
her,sister Mrs. J. A. Stewart.
M!r, and 1V'rs. Thos. Sanders( visited
in Toronto during the holidays,
1fr.' and Mrs, P. Robertson of
Stratford visited here this week
Mr. Harry Huston of Vancouver, B.
C is home visiting with his parents,
Mr, Norman Herts, and family, of Nat
wick were "visitors here this week.
Reginald Bissett of Chatham Busin-
ess Collage in home far the holiday.
Councillor John R. Hind and fain-
ily were in London. for Christmas.
Mr, anl Mrs. Stabbs of St ` George
are guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Mark
Mr, and Mrs. Wallace Fisher of Pet
erbaro were visitors here on Christ-
mas. .
;Vasa Katie Collins of Toronto is
spending the vacation with friends
Little Miss Vivian Hill of Toron-
to is visiting her grand mother, Mrs.
C. Ford.
Mr, E T. 'Wier of Taranto spent
the holidays at Mr. and Mrs. H. E.
Mts. Thornton of Ingersoll ,vas the
guest at her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S.
Mr. Shosenberg and family of Lon-
don spent Christmas at the Cummer-
tial House
Mr, and Mrs, A. Evans of London
were guests at Mr. Wm. Treble's for
the holiday
Mr Gordon' Taylor of Toronto was
the guTestarylar
of his parents, Mr. and MrsMrs. Ed Irwin of Norwich is tis-
iting with her parents Mr. and .Mrs;
Thos issett,
Miss Jennie Hardy of Toronto Nat-
ional Training School is home for
the vacation
Messrs Fred and Olive McAliser of
Toronto spent Christmas at the James
Street Parsonage,
The Misses Muriell and .• ,Mildred
Evans of Ailsa Craig visited friends
here over Christmas,
Mrs John E Dignan list at present
visitine her daughter Mrs. Guy W.
Braun of Kingsville.
Mr. Thos. Daymair and family' of
Outlook . Sask. are spending the win-
ter here with relatives•
Miss Lily Davis and Ray Davis of
London spent Christmas with their
narrents in Exeter North.
;VISs•, Nettie Passmore of Toronto
and tin. Misses Sparga spent site 31o1 -
:day, with relatives here.
Mr Frank Johns of Toronto and
Miss Maude Johns, teacher, are hol-
idaying with their parents,
Mr and Mrs. James Wanless 'and
two daughters of Duluth are guests
of Mr and Mrs. L. Hardy,
Miee Lily Huston of •Dunnville and
Miss Winnie Huston of Hamilton ere
vis_tino their parents here,
Mr John Dearing of Flint ,1lich,
visiting with his matherr and other
relatives in and around Exeter.
Mr John Willis of Stephen) left on
Wednesday to visit his sister Lrs,
Percy Luxton, South Bend Ind.
Messrs, Percy Browning of Toronto
and Earl Browning of Aylmer visit-
ed their parents here this week.
• Mss Ethel Piper or Chicago ,said
.\Lr and Mrs. Ed. Pipe; of .Smith 'sails
'are visiting with Mrs. Piper Ann ':St,
1121, Robt Rogers and family of
of Toronto spent the holidays at she
home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Christie.
Messes, Harry Sweet of Chatham
and Victor Sweet of Windsor spent
'the holidays under the parental roof,
Mr. and Mss„ Chas. Da le of Fort
Wayne Ind,, end Garvey Acheson of
London were guests at the Central
Miss .May Armstrong and Mr, and.
Mrs. McCreath of Lucknow spent
Christmas at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. I, Armstrong
Messrs. Francis and Nelson Hill re-
turned the latter part of last tveek
tc' Chatham and Montreal respectively
to resume their duties.
Mr and Mrs. Richard Bissett and
son Frank of London and Mr. and,
Mrs. Seldon Bissett of Manitoba vis-
ited relatives here an Friday,
Mr Herb, Pickard of New Ontario
visited hig mother here for Christmas.
Ke has since gone tot the State af.
Virginia to spend a few weeks on
Mss Thorne left on Wednesday Mr and Mrs, McCall urn and 1'ti1d-
for California to spend the, '",vinter, rein • of London Miss Sarah' Sweet of
Toronto and Robert Sweet and ram-
ify • of Clinton were visitors with Mr,
and. . Mrs )las. Sweet.
Mr, and Mrs: Ernest Buswell: of
Flaxcomb',Sask., are 'visiting relatives
Mr and Mrs, Davidson of Stratford
and Thornton Fear were also guests
of Ms' and Mrs. Howey,.
Mr and Mrs. Garnet Broderick. and
soot Milton of London spent Christ-
mae svit'h the former's parents,
Misses 11 M. and Vanity :Fowey left
Wednesday to spend a couple ,yeti:;
in Pt Huron and other places.
Mr, and Mrs, Claude Alfred of De-
t,roit Mrs, C. Voland . of Zurich, Mr:
and ibirs ;E. Penhalc of Hay and Mies
Pearl, Tetreau "of Dashwood were, vie-
tr. and Mrs. Chas, Renshed and
David Hall of Detroit spent Christina's
with relatives in Exeter North, Mrs,
I. Hall has since returned With them
to Detroit to spend a few days,
Earl Parsons, son of Mr, Semi,Par-
•sons spent the holiday with relatives
here, Ile is a volunteer with the sec -
and contingent and exprects to leave
for the Old Land about January 'ath,
Mes. A. Nash, Messrs. A, C; Yash
an1,1..H Trickey of.. Sarnia, Me. Ed,
Nash of Wingham, and Mts, rsaaed
of i ,ineardine spent the week( cna..As
tt' ' 'with Mr, and Mrs, 'rhos; Ieurl- i gti;cst., of !4Ir, and Mrs, J. Willis Pow -
Opposite Electric light Flap ° _ den. oo Christmas. ell.
thM', U' SPackman was. home !'Qr
• Mr, J. Sanders of Woodstock spent
the holiday here,.
Mr Ed. Fowell of Windsor tvas
here for Christntia4,
Mr Herb Sauthscott of Toronto' is
home for the week
Mr. Walter Dearing was up from
Landon for Christmas.
Mr, 'Wm, Heideman of Toronto \vgs
home for Christmas,
1r, Tilly of Toro isthe guest
of Or and Mrs Amos, •
Aft John Newcombe and family of
Stratford were visitors here.,
Mir Geo. Banton of Brantford was
a visite: here for ChristMbt.
Lloyd Rivers and Mr. Lough were
guests at the foriner's hot ie,
Miss Annie Sanders of Waterloo is
holidaying at her home here,
Harry Fuke of Pad hi11 spent the
holiday,, with his parents here.
Mr Jas . McDonald was the guest
of his sister, Mrs. T. G. Creech,
Mr, and Mrs, R. G. Seldon 'end
family spent Christmas at Ingersoll.
The family of Mr. and Mrs. T. B,
Carling wore all hoarse for C,.hristntas.
Mr, and Mrs. R, S. Crocker end
son Will were visitors here. from To-
ronto ,
Rev, and Mrs. Fear spent -the holi-
day with their daughter, .Mrs, W. S,
Mr Edgar Harney and C lifford Bur
gess of Petrolleat and 'lacy friend. of
Stratford visited Mrs. C H, Homey
an Saturday
I takethis opportunity of thanking
my many customers and friends for
their liberal support in the past,
Wishing you all. a VERY ►IAPPY
Embalmer and Funeral Director
Phone 20a.
Ei' ELL '8
I thank every Customer
for the liberal patronage' ac•
corded me this year, and also
to add that (Dv) 1915 will.
find this store Greater than
PRICES, is one of our mot.
toes, Ourbest advertisments
will be a visit to our store.
Wishing one and all a
Bright Prosperous year 1915
Poweli's Bazaar
J. Willis Powell
New Telephone
A new issue of our Of-
ficial Telephone Pireetory is
now beingtprepared and the
copy will close within the
.neat few days.
Orders few connections
changes of name or address,
should be reported to us at
Co. of Canada
Exeter North
Geocral Store
For. Real Home-
made German
H. Eiterling
MERGKAIM. 1 AY l'.o.
We wish you all a
Happy New Year
Lawson : & Triek
A Big Reduction Sale of
From Now Until
The End of the Year
All Lines of Furniture
Embalmer & Funeral Director
We wish you a very
Happy and Prosperous
New Year
Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing