HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-12-31, Page 7P•••••1.t. 11E,. ROYIL BANK ISSUES ITS sTRoN GEST $TA.TEe WENT, Cash on hand reaches record level of 17.93% and liquid aseetetotal 40,16% of liabilities to public. Sank writes off half p million on value of investments, Surprising results under exceptional trade conditions. The great care which has been exercised •this year by the larger !banks of Canada in maintaining them - 'selves in the strongest poesible p�- sition, and hi this way being able to ,guard against any developments that might arise in the country; is striking- ly illustrated by the showing made by the Royal Bank of Canada in its an- .") nual statement for thefiscal year end- ing Nov. 30th, 1914. ' A close study of the geeeral state- ment of assets and liabilities would Neem to indicate that the management hee, given its every consideration to- .warda keeping the bank strong both in cash and hurnediete liquid assets, such a policy being rendered advisable lby the very unusual conditions ,brought about M Canada by the out- break of the Europea,n war. In order to maintain sech a position, even op- portunities for profits were apparently ignored to some extent, but as a result the statement, as a whole, is perhaps the strongest ever issued by the Royal Bank and at the present time this should be as satisfactory to share- nolders as it is reassuring to the Pub- lic generally, 'Under the conditions it enables the bank to play a prOminent part in helping the Dominion through an unprecedented situation. New Record of Cash •on Hand. The pale a the general statement iwhiela is of particular interest is per that which shows the cash po- sition and the liquid assets. At the ,end of the fiscal year, the amount of cash on hand reached the new high level of $27,683,855,. which is equival- ent to such an arnple percentage as 17.93% of liabilities to the public. This account compares with $21,466,- 209, last year, which was equivalent to 13.83%, or an increase of over $6,000,- 000, Including the cash on hand, the liquid assets amount to $71,244,677, Which is equivalent to as much as 46.16% of liabilities to public. The principal acconate in this department include notes Of other banks, $2,525,- 205; cheques on other banks, $5,752,- • 485; balance due by banks and bank- ing correspondents elsewhere than in Cana7c1a, *3,144,502; Dominion and Provincial Government securities not exceeding market value, $1,158,568; Canadian Municipal seeurities and British, Soreign and colonial public securities, other than Canadian, $2,- 185,062; railway and other bonds, debentures and stocks, not exceeding market value, $13,557,741; call loans in Canada, $8,574,058; call end short • loans elsewhere than in Canada, $6,080,847. '.Indication •of Contraction in Trade. With the falling off in general bust- --ness in the country, the current loans have naturally shown a slight contrac- tion, these amounting to $84,5853972, as compared with, $86,989,390 at the end of the previous year and other ex rent loans and discounts elsewhere an in Canada $15,002,488, as COM - pared with $1,551i94. Growth During Year. Even under the unprecedented con- ditions that prevailed, the progress of the bank, as Indicated by intreased deposits, was most ,satisfactory. De- posits not bearing interest at the end of the year totalled $31,224,129, as compared with $36,276,871, at the end of the previous year, while deposits bearing interest reached ae new nigh level at $104,827,078, as compared with $101,900,790. The total deposits aggre- gated $136,051,208, as against $138,- 177,622, a decrease of approximately $2,00.0,000. It will be remembered, however, that during the year the Bank repaid the deposit of the Al- berta and Great Waterways Co., %mounting to $7,000,000, and allowing tor this, the ordinary deposits during the year showed an increase of $5,000,000. ' Large Amounts Written • Off. The profit and loss account'indicates that owing to tile exceptional con- ditions, the management has deemed It advisable to follow a very conserva- tive poliqy in its valuation of invest- ments, and this year has made a special reservation on this account of $500.000. The profits for the year amounted e to $1,886,142, equivalent to 16.30% on the paid up capitaL As the balance of profit and loss at the end of the •-• previous year amounted to $1,015,119, the total amount available for distri- bution, with the profits added, amount- ed to $2,90,1,262. Of this amount dividends accounted for $1,387,200; • $100,000 Was. transferred to officers' pension fund; •$250,000,' written off bank premises' account; $50,000., con- • tributed to patriotic funds; $500,000, allowed for depreciation •in invest- ments. This left balance to be carried forward to profit and loss account at the end of the year, $614,062, . The statement of Assets and Lia- bilities, and the. Profit and Loss ac- count, are as follows: • Assets. • 1911. • Current coin $ 12,995,483 1 Dom. notes 2,688,371 a°113a°"eP°13"8 31'224'129 When a Sitters Savings dep, ,, . . 104,827,078 , 2 536 701 Bills payable „ . . 744,389 Acceptances 1,431,717 Due other banks ....... , Cent gold res, Notes arid cheques Govt. deposit .. . other banks Due by other banks • Government soeurities • a • Municipal sec., etc. Bonds, debts, etc. • a; flail loans in Cenada 11 loans out Canada Total pub, liab. $154,319,272 To the shareholders:— Paid-up capiten $25,683,855 2,000,000 578,000 8,277,691 3,148,854 1,168,668 2,185,062 13,557,741 8,574,058 6,080,847 quid aSsets . . . , $71,244.678 • Dur. loans in Canada 84,585,973 Cur, loans out Canada .,. 15,002,488 Overdue debts 565,198 Reserve „.,.. ..... 12:560;00 Ptev. balance ... . . 614,052 Divs., Inc. and pay ...„ 350,7191 • $179,401,054 Profit and Los Account. Balance of Profit and Loss .A.ccount, 29th Novembee, 1913 .,.... $1,015,119.58 Profits for the year, after deducting charges of Management and all other expenses, ac- crued interest on de- posits, full provision for all bad and doubt- ful debts and rebate of interest op. unmatured bus 1,886,142,6'7 k $171,401,337 Bea, -eta° 600,000 Flank premises 5,861,180 Other aesets 1,541,586 Total assets — $170,40,4,054 • To the publie:— Liabilities, • 1914, •, $2901,262.25 Appropriated as follows: Dividends Nos. 106, 107, • 108 and 109, at 12 per cent. per aemum Transferred to Officers' Pension Fund Written off B a nl: Premises Account Contribution to Patel- - otic Funds Depreciation In invest. ments 't • Balance of Profit and Loss carried forward. $1,387,200,00 100,000.00 250,000.00 50,000.00 500,000.00 614,062.25 • $2,901,262,25 EL S. ITOLT, EDSON L. PEASE, - President. Gen. Matt. Montreal, 18th December, 1914. The annual meeting of the share- holders will be held in Montreal, on Thursday, January 14 next, and the resume of the president, H. S. Holt, is looked forward to with coesiderable interest in financial and business circles. 4._ The Pathos of Life. One, of the reflections most com- mon to people of more than aver- age thoughtfulness is aomething like this: "When we go hence how little aceorapantiment we leave be- hind us, and how well the world goes on without us." It is as pa- thetic as it is true of most of us. We do not distinguish deeds. We do not realize our ideals. When the most faithful worker dies a, erowd is ready to rush into the place left • vacant' even if it be inconspicuous. Few leave a memory that endures for a generation except • in the hearts of a handful of friends. g this life is to be regarded as finea we migtht be tempted to regard it as not worth living, it is so disappoint- ing to our noblest ihopes; our lofti- est ideals. But if this life is a cipline, a preparatory school, if the 'chief gain of any life is not fame but oharacter, even our dieappointments and frustrations are prophetic. Life •is a cruel mystery unless its horizon he widened to include eternity. Savages Insignificant Size. Is it not possible that we who have never ventured far from our home may under -estimate the intel- ligenee and brain capacity of those great tribes of savages who are but a name to us. A scientist, lecturing recently hi London, stated that he was One of a party of iscientists who journeyed to Torres Straits, and in carrying out investigations discbv- ered -that the head measurement, or pranial capacity, of the natives was just about the same as that of the average University undergraduate: In the interior of Bornenthe scien- tists unearthed -a. savage tribe who live in houses& hundred yards long, raised on twenty -feet poles, • with chambers for each family, and a long corridor for the communal life of the joint tenants. The nature of these latter dwellinga indisputably shows that the natives ba.ve a keen sense of the hygienic, and their so- cial intercourse exhibits the true spirit of brotherhood. Do Long Breaths Hurt? DANGEROUS PLEURISY ,ALWAYS • BEGINS THIS WAY. Speediest Cure is Nerviline. • Ouch, that etabelike pain in the side Is like aehot knife blade in the ribs! Probably got over-heate.de-cooled too last—now there is congestion, tightness, suck soreness you can't draw a long breath. This is the beginning of Pleurisy. Pleurisy is far .too serious to neglect a single instant. Quickest. relief will come from a Vigorous rubbing with Nerviline. This trusty old pain reliever willfik you up in no time—will take away the con- gestion— make you well just as it did Mr. Samuel St Johns, of Stamford, who says: ---"In running to catch a train last week I became much oVer- heated. I put up the train window and rode that way In order to get cooled off. In an hour my side was so fell of pain and my breething hurt so reed.' that I thought I had pneunactia, I always carry Nerviline in my grip arid at destination I rubbed my side thoroughly three times. The warm penetrating effect was soon. notice- able arid I quickly got relief. Nervi - line I consider saved me from a seri- ous illness." Any sort of a cold can be quickly brokee up with Nerviline which is a marvel for reatteing inflammation, for 'relieving congeStion in the throat and best, for curing' titch in the side, lumbago, neuralgia, sciatica, or rheum- atism. Nothing more soothing or powerful. The 50c. large faintly size is the 'post etonomical. Small trial size 2.5c. at dealers everywhere, And the less tonic people give the $ 180505 More they 'expect, IVith Chronic Ilatkache There is Trouble Ahead. Constantly on ,their -feet, , attending to the wants of 'a large and exacting family, wornee Often bi•ealt clOwn With nervous exhaustlod In the stores, .factories, and -on a farm are weak, eilieg women, dragged down with torturing lexeltaelte„ and bearing down pain. Stich suffering isn't, natural „ it's (klatges elrpoy.e; noatise due to' dieeased idu The dizzine4, ineomnia, deranged menses•and other semPtens: of ltidneY compleint-ean't cure therneelveszthey require the assisteuce of Dr, klandie ton's Pills which -go direct to the seat of the teouble. ' TO g•Lve witality and power to thee kidneys, to lend aid to the bledder'and, liver, to free the blood "of..poisons, probably there ,is no remedy so suo cessful as Dr. Hamilton's. Pills. For iesliwwerkti • eno'swicre_.egulax.Ities their. merit Because of tneiremilds soothing, and healing effecteDrellamilton's Pills are safe, and are recommended for girls and women of all ages. 25 cents per box at all dealers. Refuse any sub- stitute for Dr. ilamilton'e Pills of -Man- drake and Butternut. THE KAISER'S LATEST ULTIMATUM. • Gott, Gott, •dear .Gott, • a,,tbeibion blease: Your ,bardner Vilhelra' s' here, tTud has a word or two to say Indo your brivate ear; So alum away alruddere now T_Tncj listen yell to Tee, For at I say concerns me much, 1VIeinself und Shermany. You know, dear Gott, 1 vas your frienclt, Und from mein hour of birth I quietly let you rule in Heffen, Vile 1 ruled here on earth, Und yen 1 toldt mein. soldiers • Of byegone battle days, I gladly ,split de glory, Und half gave you of -Praise. In every way I tried to prove Mein heart to you vas true, Und only elaimed mein honest share In great deeds flat ve do., 'You could not haf a better friendt In sky, or land or sea, • . Dan Kaiser Vilhelm number two, De Lord of Shermany. So vat 1 say, dear Gott, is dis, Dat ve should still be friendts, Und you should help to send my foes • To meet deir bitter ends. If you, dear Gott ,vill dis me do I'll nothing ask again, •Und you a,nd I will. bardners be Per evermore, Amen 1 But listen, Gott, it ranst be mighty quick Your help to me you send, Or else I haf to stop attack And only May defend. So four and twenty hours I gif To make de Allies run 'Lind put me safe into mein blace-- • De middle of de Sun. If you do dis, P11 do my barb: rll tell di world dot fact, But if yoa don't, den 1 must tink It is an hostile act. Den var at once I vill deelare, • Und in mein anger rise • Und send mein Zepp'lin • ships to wa,ge A fight up in de skies. Dis ultimatum now, dear Gott, Is -von of many more, Mine mind is settled up to olea.n De whole vorld off de floor. Beeattse you • vas mein bardner, Gott, An extra, cha,nce °is giffen ; So help at vonce, or else I'll be De Eraperor of Ileffen. --Van De Todd in Canadian Magazine,• • , TRAPS FOR *OFFICERS. S01116 Tempting. Bribes That Rave Been Refused. ••• but -Grant managed to convey the idea to the native nil*, who 'knew no law except fear, that there 'ww3 an oxI-nsive 3rft4s1f th ,background. • Afterward§ he WAS YiWitS4-1 by a distinguished covey,. of the ruler, a.oho Qffered the equivaleTit ef A500 if Grant would settle the -Matter in hand in a.ecordane with the -ruler's wishes, (Jr a 1 the offer in- creased to 41,500 in money, the best horse in the district, and five wives to be selected by the young °Meer. himself, Grant did not accept, the offer. ' • Sir Robert Hart, the famous ad.. ministrator,* when in China, one morning .oke to find a peoceesion of bearers and earts before • his, dwelling with money, silks, vases, sedan chairs, and valuables to the tune of abafit 21,000 in English money. All this finery had been clumped -down without any prelimi- nary negotiatioos by the ordees of a usa,ndarin, who -.mated s-ome shortcomings in the chape of exn- bpazled ,Cinstema dues overlooked. Sir Teobere, e -tore amused 'than an- gry,. bundled the Whole lot black. Different .treatment was meted out, however, by an A.B. in the navy named. Walter Barrett, who made the acquaintance of a &arm- ing and genial stranger • at Ply- mouth. They had eonfidential diets, and the stranger threw out hints whieh the straightfoxward mind of the sailor -tailed to understand, Finally, fe.eing sure of his luau, the tempter offered Barrett a bribe of 4500 for 'the theft of a signal -code book. When the bluejacket grasped the situation, he set a,bout the man and pummelled hips. unmercifully. Ba.r- ratt nas "run in" for assault, but the charge was diSimissed immedi- ately when the magistrate heard the story. Immense public interest is always aroused when the names of British officers are associated with bribery. Hundreds of attempts are made to induce Men who bold high rank to betray their country; and before Secret Service was brought to such a fine art as it is to -day, attempts were still more numerous. While he was governor of Gibral- tar the late Sir, Henry Smith one day received a mysterious letter offering £i,000', in , return for "a -slight'service," which the letter did not describe. • • Sir Henry took no notice of the commundeation. But in a few days came ianother fetter increasing the offer to 42,000, and coVertly sug- gesting .t.I1 at the governor might turn a blind eye on the landing of men and weapons behind the Rock. Next, a notable sheik, Wazir Ma - hornet -Ali, called and offered 43,- 000, finally 45,000, for the favor mentioned. . Rising •abruptly from his seat the governor, a big, powerful man, took the sheik by the shoulders, twisted him round, ran him to the door, and sent hixn spra,wling down a, flight of steps. • Some years ago it. Captaie Grant was despatched on a diplomatic mission. to a little state beyond the north-west frontier of India. Vii‘st bhere Was .an ,attenspe upon his life, • HOW SIIOT IS MADE. Molten Lead Is Dropped From a High Point into a Water Tank. The manufacture of shot, describ- ed by Mr. 0. 0. Horn, in Forest •a.nd Stream, reqUiree a high tower, a perforated pan, a• tank of waiter, and "tempered" lead. Shot ismade by dropping molten lead frora a high point to the earth. The, lead forina into globules just as the raindrops do. when :they fall from the olouds. Ordinarily, we do not realize that raindrops are little .:spheres, but under the proper con- ditions they freeze., and we have hailstones, which may be called shot made of ice. In the making of shot; pure lead • is melted and mixed with a, "tem- per" that oonsists mainly of tin, and then poured into a perforated pati or sieve. The perforations very occording' to the neize of shot to be made. • • tenaperis mixed' withlifelead in order to make the globules form when the lead falls. If pure lend were used, it would fall in the form of little bare, insteadef round shot. In order that the globules may have plenty of tinie to form, the lead must fall a long distanee, and so towers lare -built. The towers used to be made as high as two hun- dred feet and even mace, but mod- ern towers are rarely over one hun- dred and fifty feet. The perforated pan into which the molten lead is poured is at t,he top of the tower, and the globules of !Raid fa.I1 through die perforations into tanks of water at the bottom of the tower. The water 000la them, and also prevents them from flat- tening out, as they would if they fell on a solid floor. From the water the shot go, to • etea,mdryers. After drying the p.er- feet shot are separated from the km,- peefeet by meanof glass tables in- clined enough so. that the sihot, when poured on at one -end of the table, will roll to the other end. At the ,farther end of the table a,re two gutters, side by eide. The imperfect shot roll slowly and with difficulty, -so tbat they have not enough mo- mentum to carry them beyond the first gutter. The perfectly round shot _roll easily and swiftly, and when they reach the foot of the ta- ble, they jump nimbly across the -first gutter and land in the seoond. Atter separation, the perfect shot are polished by rolling in pluinbago, and workmen then put them in .haga Lor shipment, or send them direct to the cartridge -filling department to be loaded into shells. • Any man Oftal borrow trouble without bank references or secur- ity, .,••••••-•••• Some people are willing to take alraost any old thing except a hint. Sometimes a self. -made: man makes aanoise like a phonograph. Seeing IIT.nder -Water. If is utiOnlitedbr true that, on, der certain conditions, it is p9ssilele from a good Altitude to perceive ob.- jects at oertale 4.epti) below -the• surfaoe, but this is mainly the ease with oalm, clear, Water, with a fa- vorable Is the eboppy gray waters which abound rbund British coaats, oethrearene would rarely be detected, more especially is the view from the pilot's' and observer's sons is in the • majority ofoascE,., most detective set the preeeet. time, and the' fieree slip -stream froro :the propeller revolving in front, added to the high speed of travel, render the use of goggles imperative. But., in the opinion .ef a writer in the L-Pedon, Daily Telegraph, minor difficulties ouch as these may, and no doubt will, be overeome in time, and experience- alone can , show in how far the ,aeroplane will aerve as a protection against submarines. THE BEST 'MEDICINE • FOR LITTLE ONES Baby's Own Tablets are the best medicine -for little ones. They are guaranteed by a government ana- lyst to be absolutely s,afe and never fail to eirre eolistipation, colic, colds and simple fevers by regulating the stomach • and bowels. Concerning them Mrs, S. Shannon, Vrney, N. S., writes: "I have used • Baby's Own Tablets for my two children and •think they are Just what little ones need. I would not be without them." The Tablets Are sold by medicine dealers or, by mail at 25 cents a box from -The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. What I linaw. I know that this day Will never come again. Therefore I will Make it the best clay in vohich I have ever lived. I know that ha.ppiness is a thing ainthin, and it is always in the world and very near to Me. I know I have but to search for ib, and that as soon as I begin to hunt it out I have it. Also, I know that as soon as I get happiness and be- gin to give it away it comes back doubled—and more—to me. I know this, 1 know that work is a stimu- lus, And that it keeps the world alive and moving. I know that the people who work with love in their heartsand interest in their brains are the real doers and -henefactons of mankind; I know that I can be a doer and a benefactor. I know that life is exactly what I make it. I know that Other people and other forces can influe,nce my life and • work only as I, follow it. I know that ,I am young if I live youth; I know that I am happy if 1 live hap- pinesAs know thattI am worth if `I..attenapt and 'accoriaplish Wo.rth-while things. I know that bher&tst' 1 tan "do -to do my best at all times and under every exrcUtosltanoe.--1.-George Nrat- thew Adams. Re sliaI Not Want. "Yes," said Mrs. Twickenbury, "our minister has deoided to go to another pasturage." 4. MURDERED Put right out of busineee, a whole fam- ily of °orris by Putnam's Corn Extractor, 'which ()urea corns and warte in one day. -hie pain or sore if "Pubnaan's' is used. Refuse subetitutes, 2.5oper bottle at all dealers Teacher—A train leaves London travelling thirty miles an hour. It is followe,d thirty minutes later by a train travelling .sixty miles •au hour. Ab what point • will the second train run.into the first? Boy —At the hind end of the rear car. • TAKE NOTICE We publiolt simple, -straight testimon litle, not press agenie" interviews; [5055 well-known people. Pram all -over America they testify •t the nitrite of 11.1NARD'S beet of TIoneolicild Remedies. IIINARD'S LINIMENT CO., LTD. • • When Ethel was five years old sh went to school for the first time "How do you like your teacher Ethel?" Weed her mother. "Well niamma, I don't thitik the beache knows very inuch.''; ,'`Why not, ni dear I" • "Why she *eel:* askin questions all the Haug" .teinare's Liniment C'tires Carget in CoW The "Roney inaoli." A eu s to m eemmon ly -ebeer ved b newly -married oauples among th amcenb Teutons was dr i n kin g wine made from honey during tho first thirty days after nilarriag The use, of the word "moon": we used SiiMply to designate the polio of time, one month, that the use o bhe win -e continued. • In no °the respect was the moon supposed t have significance in the matter, Al though the costom of drinking tlai particular kind of wine was lois ago abandoned, the word hon0. moon has sory,ived iri a differen melee.1 is new applied to th peeled atter marriage, long short, generally devoted to a tri. away from home, 061OANPS Li Isnt nneeS eolds, Eta. ..e PelleatelY OUPS flavoured-- - kligItly cOncen- 41,?•,,, i wit?: trated, ,‘ WHY WORRY 1 Choose your variety and ask your groeerfor - 'Clark's". • , FARMS FOR SALE. H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colitorne Street, Toronto. JY YOU WANT' TO BUT OR KELL A Fruit, Stook, Grain or Dairy Pnrin, write IL W. Dawson, 13rampton, or 95 Col- borne St.. Toronto. 11. W- DAWSON, Colboo0o St,, Toronto. ,MISCELtrANEDUS, CACER, TUMORS, • LUMPS. ETO.. •Ninternal and external, cured with- out pain by our home treatment, Writs us before too late - Dr, Bellman Medical Co.. Limited. Collintrwood, Ont. Machinery Por Sate , Engine, shefting,.belting. pulleys, eta. frora large factory for sale. Wheelock engine, 18 by 42, complete with cylinder -frame, ily wheel, bear- ings, etc., all in good condition. Shafting from one inch to three inches, pulleys thirty inehes to fifty inches, belting six inches to twelve inches. Will sell entireor in part.' • • • .•. • NO REASONABLE OFFER , REFUSED. • S. Frank Wilson & Sons, 72 Adelaide , 'Street West, To r o nto. • Hostess—I Basso, but party I hate minaraa • At a. crowded Patti a young a seat. miss?" "Yes, a miss," said to give you'a • ones are YOUR OWN Try Murine Eyes all ti GraMilatrd Test Eye Comfort. by mail F'ree. ' 'Charles tiful every that's the him call reply. Rinarcrs An Irishman, who bad himself, good. • Sure, last a man Pleasant. . want you to sing, Mr. it's each a pleaiant to break it up. Liniment Cures Distemper. concert • to hear lady was looking for "Is it, a seat you waat, asked the Irish usher. seat, pleaSs." -Indade, Pat, -rshould be glad sate, but the empty all fill]." DRUGGIST llilLi, TELL Noi: Eye nettle:1.y /or nett, 'oduab., 'I%,u,- y Eyelids; No Sieart,, - • Write for Book of -...lie 1..-,.. Murine Eye Remedy co., Cinda..:o. sais I groW mare beau- time he sees me." • -If ease you ought to make twice a, day," came the — Liniment cures Diphtheria hearing of a. friend a stone coffin Made for exolainied : "Faith, that an' a stone coffin will a lifetime!' ' A e .0..4. de... * , • • WHAT MIRROR'S "JOU I for ' • COLD used blemishes, smooth, Vaseline contains etable in the pettrmed. ' A Full • Cold to you the Drug everywhere , "Vaseline" Write line" . CI-1E8E1310110H • MO ft, r AS YOUR STORY? can't have a beautiful complexion the asking. . .c ''' Se iine Trade= it CREAM regularly will remove and make the skin clear, .and sound. Cold Cream no animator veg.. fats.- is sterilized making' and delicately size jar of Vaseline Cream will be sent direct on receipt of price— 1 5c, and department stores sdl the various preparations. for frec, illustrated "Vase, booklet telling all about them, 1CPC 41, '.•' 1,,,.•0 I . -.1., • tt1r1 Pao 7 , mr,o, CO, , (Consolitiete) CHABOT AVE, MONTREAl. .04* •1 • • , .71. r