HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-12-31, Page 11.1 at te sh- °le te. 'he cx lax eze`Pa ret A ,00 ,00 00 50 to to British Air Craft, Cruisers, Submarines attack German Coast. RENEW YOUR SUBSCRIPTION Now is the time to renew year subscriatien 'to The Advocate Help the editor by renewing early Hilt) yourself by getting a Hire Pa- per, Help the easiertutity by giv- . lag us all the News, The Advocate wishes you all a Happy New Year CLUBBING When, lettewlag your Advoca* rememirr that WS elleb witb. ali the City pailY, Weekly, and the. Monthly papers and Periodietaite. •Get the benefit of these clubbing rates, Call in Mel see us. TWENTY-SEVENTH YEAR EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, 1)ECEMBER 31 1914 sANDERs & CREECH aaaaaeleaeee The War Summary THURSDAY The Allies have been paving the way for a more extensive movement be. the nany small gains recorded during the last two or three weeks. These advance, minute as they where have opened the way to larger things that e is now exp'etced will be achiev- ed The Germans are finding it a aig task to get to' Warsaw. The main road had so far been. blocked by the Russians. who retreated only until they had reached the lines' already chosen for another stand. FRIDAY The Germans ' dropped a bomb on Dover but it did nod damage, Japan has never been asked to send troope to Europe. A French armored cruiser was struck by. an Austrian submarine but was rioe dainaged TAMAN'S 1111lltlotomasur • C 1 [I 11 DA I I • GREAT VARIETY OF CLOTHS FOR SUITS, OVERCOATS AND PANTINGS AT REDUCED PRICES Ready - to -.Wear Clothing Furlined Overcoats at $30.00 Black Dog .Overcoats at $20 .00. Bleak Beaver with fur collar ated black curly lining at $18.00. Clan Coats from $10.00 to $20.00. Suits from $8.00 to $20,00 Other Winter Clothing • We are well stocked withall the goods you want foe the, cold Witter weather in . Underwear -$1.00 to $3.00' Socks -15c. to 5fic. Shirts -5c. to $1.50e Caps -50c, to $3.00. Gloves -50e. to 0.00. • Mufflers -50c. to $3.00 Dretsing Gowns and Smokers - 'wee $4,00 to $15.00. eater Coats-; .1.00 to $5.00. w ,T, IfY,11. IA TAILOR & FURNISHER Hubert French, a Wingham vofun- teer at Salisbury died a abscess of the brain Ithe Russians have scored victory ea the.„.nortii and in the south and repulsed 41 attacks in the 'centre. Steady peogress is being mode in ths west by the Allies„ who .are QC- cu.pyjag the German trenches as they capture them, SATURDAY The Russians have captured 4036 officers and 353,100 men -Austrian and Germans, The British trawler °cane. was sunk by a mine and eight men drowned. The British aviators stopped aim at- tempt of the Germans to drop bombs en England., Flying at a height of 4,000 feet a French aviator dropped three bombs on the main station of the German aviatee squadron near Strassburg Monday and caused heavy damage. The net result after two days' fer ight- ing-Decemb22 and 23-wae the cap_ tare bv the Russians of nearly 5,000 oresoners including' half a hundred of- ficema and the retention by the Ruse klatfe Of the left bank of the Nida, where they are strongly entrenched, MONDAY -Assisted by light Cruisers destroyers and -submarines seven British -Laval airmen, piloting seaplanes made a daring attack on Christmas Day on the German naval base at Cuxhaven at the mouth of the Ebe but what damage was done was not ascertained The Germans made a Zeppelin :aid o,, Nancy France, killing wof and French airmen destroy hangars, !ail - way station and barracks at rvietz. 40(' Germans were killed and 500 wounded in a colision between troop and hospital trains at Kalisz Po-' 1,4a. It has been discovered that the Motor Spirit Supply Company which was supaased to be English. and which has in the last year maintained an elaborate series of depots on the coast and across country, was in real- ity a German concern. The scheme was to supply German airahps and aeroplanes with petrol when they suc- ceeded in landing. The depots have been seized by the British Govern- ment The French are putting heavy pres- sure on the Germans in Alaece. The Russians are making rapid ad- vance against the Austrians in Gal- icia ,.. A German aviator dropped a comb 28 miles from London. • TUESDAY Some of the American. Consuls to Belgium are .to be changed because they are not agreeable to feeermany. The total German losses in r.he war to date are two -million, dead, wound- ed and missing, according to a Berlin despatch The Germans have 450,000 meson- ers of war, nearly one-half of whom are Russians. The Kaiser has issued an; order to hi3 troops to use dum-dum bullets alleging that the allies persist in us- ing them United States is making strong pro- test against Britainkinter fering with her commerce. Romania has decided to join the al- lies in the war. Untrained nurses are, said not lo be doing good work in France. In the north the trenched, are mere bogs and 'often the giins' are clogged with. mud EXETER PATRIOTIC FUND Previously acknowledged $1007,37 C 0 C. F. 1.0.00 A. Hastings 2.00 A. Hooper 2.00 $121.37 The ladies forwarded a box of clothing to the Belgians on Wednes- day of this ,week. On Monday night next in, the Town Hall the Patriotic League will meet f or important business, Fight or Pay, -An endeavor is to be made 13'y the 1a.die, to secure the names of 200 men who will give $1.00 each for each of the next 6 Months. A number have already consented. Names may be left with the secretary NITS S, Fitton. EXPLOSION IN CUNNINGHAM'S HOTEL, ILDERTON Ildgeton. December 25th. -R. Peb- ble ot London; W. Barnes, Barney Cunningham proprietor of the King Edward Hotel here and hie' son were all badly burned last evening in a gas explosian in the basement of the hotel The acetylene lighting system was not working properly mid the men went into the cellar with a lantern to investigate in a specially construct ed cemerit walled room in the rear and as soon as the man with the lan- tern reached it there was a flash of flame followed by an explosion which partially wrecked one of the cement walls and blew away part,,of a wood- en eertitiou Sir Chas. Tupper is again .eriottsly 111, Reeve Nominations EXETER Council and School 'trustees Elected by Acclamation. Two of the nominees for the Reeve ship qualified -Reeve Taylor and Ex - Reeve Heenan. The latter has since resigned and his resignation has been accepted by the returning officer, so that no ballot evil], be taken, Pour only qualified for Council, iso that the councillors for 1915 are T.R, Hine B. W, F, Beavers, T. Harter' end Dr leoulston,-The last named taking the place of AC M Doyle. School Trustees S. Martin, F. Wood and R N Creech were re-elected by acclamatioe. • The Nomination meeting or Reeve, Councillors and School Trustees for Exeter took place isi the Town l-iall an Monday. from 12 o'clock' noon ,to 1 o'clock; after which a motion was carried to adjourn the meeting until Tuesday eventing at 7 o'clock. The following were nominated -- Nominated Nominator Seconder J. 11 .Scott, by C.Haoper, Saianders J.W Tayllor, by J. ,Moir, T. Sweet Jos. Hawkins, by G.Ma.ntle, L,Dickson B Beavers by W. Levett, Jno,Dignan W.J.fleaman, by J. Jewell, r For Councillors S.el,Senders, byF. Wood, A. Camm J.R,Hind, by S .Sanders, H.E.Hustou B Beavers by J. Scott, .j. Jesaell Dr. Roulston, by S Sanders,L.Dickson Moses Aniy by R. Creech, R, Hunter T. Herten by R. Hunter, H. eluston M. Doyle by W. Levett, R. Creech Jos Harvey; by J.H.Scatt, T. ICestle For School Trustee F Wood by S. Sweet, J. Jewall R.N.Creech, by T. Sweet, J. Moir Dr Raul sten by S.Sanders,L.Dicksen S Martin, by R.Cre-ech, Huston The adjourned nomination -meeting was heed in the Towne, Hall on Tues day' evening commencing at 7 o'clock T B. Carling was, voted to the chair ane. he called os the several no- minees to address the meeting. In the absence caving to illness of Reeve Taylor R. N. Creech read his address whichewasean excellent one. Others who spoke at some length and well weraCouncillor Hind, Councillor Bea- vers (Councillor Hart -on was absent owing to illness), J. H. Scott, Joseph Hawkins W, J. Heaman, S. M. San- ders, Dr Rotiston, Jos. Harvey, and on behalf of the School Board, S. Martin, We have copious notea on the several addresses, which were this year unusually interesting, but we, are obliged to omit much of it. However since there is an acclamation all round there is not the need of publishing the speeches as in former years. Next week we shall have, something to say in a general way about the ideas advanced by the different can- didatea. in, their addresses. USBORNE. The Council' was elected by acclam- ation, -Reeve, Feed Ellerington; Court cillos, John Duncan, Art. Mithell, Thos Brock, Wm. Coates. STEPHEN The following nominations were made. -Reeve, W. R. Elliott and Ve. D ,Sanders; Deputy, Wm. Yearley and John 'Love; Councillors, Ale. Neeb M Finkbeiner and T. Mawhin- ney D Webb, and G. Kellermann. The old clemation. HAY council was elected by —a_ McGILLIVRAY • Eltctione are by acclamation, as follows -Reeve, J. 5. Poore; Deputy A ;McIntyre; Council, John Robinson J Glavin. - 5. Rosser. The 1914 council was re-elected. A resolution recommending that the Council of 1915 make a grant of $1000 i every three months during the time the war lasts to the Belgian Relief and Patriotic rands was carried by an enthusiastic standing vote. BIDDULPH Reeve, R. D. Raycraft was re-elect- ed by acclamation; FOr the Council six were nominated: Eli Hodgins, Eli Thompson. W. McFalls, S. 11. Hod- gins. W J. Devran, and Tim Lackey. AILSA CRAIG Mr David Morgan was re-elected reeve by acclamation. The ',allowing were nominated for the Council: A. Tweddle A. 5, Clark, A. Feeley, D, Robinsan J. Meadows, J. Alexander, D Chapman. SE,AFOR.TH-Mayor Ament, reeve and councelloes of 1914 are all reeelea, teJ by acclamation. LUCAN -Reeve, D. B. McVicar, J. R. McComb, Councillors. -Thos, IL Coursey ,Langford, Thos. Dickens S.C. Chown, E, Abbott, II, E. Lankin W. L Gibson, CLINTON-For Mayor -F, T. 5 Jack sett, I) Cantelan, Reeve, j. Taylor J, A. Ford, Councillors, Wa ilia Paisley Weimer Sheppard, Elliott, Fritzine mom Mason. Cooper Miller. MrWilliam I3eaver ' retarnecl from .Edmonton Monday to visit his ikhet Mr Nicholas Beaver in Step -hen. Dashwood Wedding bells are to peel forth in oar midst ere long. -John Hoffman 8i family of Tavistock spent the 'holi- days with friends here.-efiases Sal- orna .and Emma Tiernan of London are visiting friends ia this plaea-Arthat Doan of Theetfotrel was here dazing the past few days, -At the nomination meeting an Aloud:ay night for Police Taustees for the Village Measrs.Wel- tin Eclighoffer and Nadiger were', el- ecteci, Messes. Graybeil and Stade nol wishing the position reigned. The retiring Trustees gave a good account of their stewardshete as Trustees of the village, and were able to show that the electric light plant is not a budden on the peoale, and besides the leght is second to- none. Not one word wee ,uttered condemning the plant nee the service rendered, nor the cost --thev having levied only one mill on the- dollar as a tax for the lights.But after all there ought toeee two or three marc lights to, 4he south, one melee at least,ta the, west, ancl eine at t!le canner by Jacob Rader's proper- ty, ,f.trd na doubt, these will be added this coming summer. -Mr. R. Baker is being congratulated on the arrival of a baby girl to his home Wednesday, -The funeral of John G. Geiger, who :easel last Tharsday morning was held Saturday interment being made in the Bronson line cemetery.-Misa Agnes Kaercher o1' Zurich is visiting gt rhe home cf bir. and Mrs,. Norman TCeller menu -Miss Emma Callfas is visiting eriends m Thedford this week.- Mrs. J, Aaame cf Lindsay is visiting ere the home of Mae Fred Preeter, sr., dterint the holidays. TO THE ELECTORS OF EXETER I desire to express my sincere thankr to the Electors of 'Exeter for having again elected me as Reeve of the Village by acclamation. It will be my earnest endeavor to serve you faithfully and well and give the of- feee my very best efforts. J. W. TAYLOR TO THE ELECTORS OF EXETER We the undersigned wish *c eon - trey to you our sincere thanks for the trust you have placed in us. and foe the honor of being, elected to the Council of 1915 by acclamation. Thee. Hartan John R. Hind B Wr F. Beaver Dr. G F Rotastoa RESIGNATION Exeter, Dec. 30, 1914 T. B .Carling, Esq., Clerk Village of Exeter. Exeter, Ont. Dear Site - Last evening after the meeting I re- quested you to accept my resignation as a candidate for the Reeveship of Exeter but you ruled at that time that you had no power to permit my withdrawal I am not desirous of being the sole cause of an election„ apd, had I been able to foresee that the Council would he elected by acclamation, would not have placed my qualifica- tions in your hands. I am now -.Ayes- ed that you. can legally accept my resignation and I beg to formally ten- der it to you herewith. Trusting that you will aeconsidex your decision, I remain, Yours faithfully, W. J. HEAMAN. Witness--J.G.Stanbury. TO THE ELECTORS OF STEPHEN Having been your Reeve or the past year I beg to solicit your vote for a continuance of office for an- other term. My record for the past tear is before you and I feel ..hat I am justieted in asking your further support 'and influence. I would ask one and all of the electors to give me their stuppart and if elected it will be my earnest endeavor to. fill the .>ffice to the very best of my ability. We'R. ELLIOTT, TO THE ELECTORS OF STEPHEN Having been urgently requested to allow my name to a,gain go before the electors of Stephen for Reeve flee] that I cannot ignore the request and am therefore a candidate . for the Reeveship. My record in the past speaks for itself, and if elected I promise my earnest, and very best ef- fects It will 'be impossible for me to make a personal canvas, I there - fare take this means of soliciting you,/ vote and influence for my election. W. D. SANDERS, TO THE ELECTORS OF STEPHEN I an, again a candidate for the pos- ition of Councillor and solicit the Same hearty.support that, has been ac- corded me in the past. It 'will ,be impossible for me to call on you, ner-s sonally therefore I take this means af asking for support and ;nfluence. Thanking you for past favors, MIKE FINKBEINER, BIRTHS Swath -At St. Joseph°, on Dec. 21„ to Mr and Mrs. Clayton Smith a son. MARRIAGES Heyworad-Clemene-At the manse Thames Read, en Dec. 23rd, by Rev, Fietehte,r, Mr, Wesley Heywood to Miss Mania. Clemens, both of taborne, Elliett-jacobe-At the manse, Thames Road on Dec, 25th, by Rev. Flet cher Mr Sam. Elliot af Exeter to Mi s; Clara Jacobs of Stephen. Hooper -Quinn -At Ingersol, on Dec, 16t1' Miss Iva Evelyn, daughter of Mr, end Mrs, Chas, Quinn, to Mr, F James Hooper, son of Mr. Ind Mrs, A Hooper of the Lake Road. Keciciy-Pa.ynter-At the home of the brides parents Mr. and NIrs, Robert Paynter, Kintstina, Sask. on Dec 16th„ Miss Ila to, Mr, H. E. Keddy or afelfart, son of Mr. and Mrs Ralph Keddy of Usberne. Barth -Brown -At the home of the bride's parents, Morrin. Alta,, an Dec. 23, Benjamia A, Barth, to Re- belet daughter of Mr. and Mrs Robert a Brown, formerly cf' Exeter.. Simpson -Hennessy. -In London, Dec 23 Edwin Simpeon, to Miele Louise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T Hennessy, both of Clantleboye. • DEATHS Hicks. -In Usborne, on Dec. 23, Eliz- abeth T Hicks, relict of 'he late Robert Hicks aged 74 years, 3 mon- ths and 15 days. Fine Porcelain Dinner Sets given away WE GIVE- COUPONS ON ALL CASH SALES. IT PAYS YOU TO BUY FOR CASH IT PAYS YOU TO SAVE YOUR COUPONS IT PAYS YOU TO TRADE WITH US WE WANT YOU TO COME AND GET A DINNER SET FREE WHETHER YOTJ HAVE BEEN A REGULAR CUSTOMER IN THE. PASI OR NOT. Get our prices. Start now OUR PLAN IS SIMPLE. WE GIVE COUPONS WITH EVERY CASH PURCHASE AND A FEW COUPONS ENTITLES YOU TO on ARTICLE AT A TIME AND SO ON UNTIL YOU COMPLETE THeE. SET - AS WE WILL CONTINUE KEEPING THIS PATTERN FOR ONE YEAR AT LEAST, Bedford's Grocery Store Exeter IM Ontario WE CARRY A FULL FRESH STOCK OF GROCERIES, 'FLOUR CURED MEATS, FRESH AND SALT FISH BRING US YOUR PRO- DUCE WISHING YOU A BRIGHT AND HAPPY NEW YEAR. Phone 1S- xeter Bargain Store • • We wish you all a Happy New Year • B. W. F. Beavers STEWART S PHONE 16 Where Reasonable Prices Prevail. A Happy New Year is the sincere wish we extend to our many Friends and Customers, ;ale COON COATS 3 only men's coon :oats,- everyane a beauty, Gooct •long fur, well matched. Areal bargain. Regullar $75.00, you get your choice far $65,00. LADIES RAT COAT, A very stylish 'lament 50 inches long. Good b Quality of dark rat, with wide tolll col - lax and deep cuff, Special at $55.00, LADIES FUR -COLLARED COAT Shell is of fine quality Kersey- Cloth with splen - id sable collar. Liningis a fine cisrl, and sleeves inter- lined with pubber, SKATING SHOES A fine assortment of skating shoes for Boy's Women and Men has just been Placed in steak, Get a pair for the Winter, ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE WANTED J.J A. STEWART.