HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-12-24, Page 8t CETER MARKETS.
Wheat 103 732
Bazley • . ,• , . . , 55
Buekwheat .
Il'�8i.8, ,,,,,,.
i'atatoes, per bag
Ray,. Prtola .... .
Flour, per cwt., fannies
Flour, low grade per cw
Batter........... ....
Live lakes,. pervwt, ...,
Shorts per ton
.Broin per Don
0* a
45 48
100 100
75 100
400 l4 00
t 70 1 70
24 26
35 88
7 00
27 00
Oranges, nuts and candies, and for-
eign fruit at tall peicesi to suit every-
body at Follicles Confectionery,
THERZ is nothing better for ;the
Christmas shopper than an Oyster
Stew served at Statham's.
ORDEle FROM US,—Naw is the
time to consider your reading .natter
for 1915. No matter what paperser
magazines you require—Canadian or
foreign—The Advocate can supply
there: at lower prices than; you :an get
Meet • your friends at Follick's res-
taurant—lunches at all hours.
Hydra prices an 25, 40 and 60 watt
imps - at 35c. each at the Electric
Light and Poster house,
The Advocate would be a splendid
Christmas gift to the boy or girl away
frau: home. Once a week as shey
would read it, they would be remind-
ed of the love that prompted the
gift $1.00 sends it to any address in
Canada and $1,50 to any e:ddress in
the United States. It is not •in ex-
pensive gift, but. 1t will give pleasure.
—A few White Wyandott Cockrels
for s.i.e- price right, George ;Iaques,
Winchel...a Ont.
YOU make no mistake when you,
you buy your Christmas candies, auts
chocolates and oranges from 'Mrs,
BON -BONS and Chocolate boxes
from 25c. to $1.00. Fresh and choice
—W. J Statham's.
I desire to announce that. I have op-
eaec'. a Flour and Feed Store in F.
Wood's Old Stand, opposite Post!.
Office and will keep a full supply of
the best grades of flours and :seeds.
I solicit your patronage.
WANTED—To rent farm of 100
acres with good buildings for term
ai five years. Anyone having such
apple at this Office.
H. A McDonnell, Director of Immi-
gration for Ontario, is of the opin-
ion that next spring there will be a
larger demand for farm labor than
ever before known in the Province,
and that it will bet to the advantage
of the farmers' to secure help at the
present time. Owing to the eact that
immigration from the Old Country has
been practically at a standstill, and
that so many farm hands have gone
• with the Canadian contingent, a short
age or l bot will be experienced when
the spring comes. There is ao rea-
sen, ivfr McDonnell thinks, why farm-
ers cannot .make arrangements now.
by hiring help on a yearly engage-
ment. In response to the circulars
which have been sent out to farmers,
it is stated that a good many applica-
tions are being received each day for
help If you need a man make eppli-
cation now to C. H. Sanders, 5mmi-
grant Agent, Advocate Office, Exeter
OUR XMAS. supply of Candies and
Oranges is all fresh and at rock -
bottom prices. W. J. Statham.
Christmas Holly for sale at Follick's
A res.' heifer coming 3 years old,
with white dot an head and white
tiny ori tail, has strayed. on •my prem-
ises, Owner can have same by nrov
ing property, paying expenses of keep
and far this ad. HENRY k INNEY
Lot 18, Con, 18, Stephen
Grand tend P.O.
The undersigned is offering for ,ale
Lots 35, 36. and part of 37, Carlin
Street an which is a good storey and
half frame house, containing 7 Looms
good cellar and kitchen. There are
else a number of choice fruit trees
an the premises -and a good stable;
bar + and soft water. Everything is in
a goad state o£ repair. Will be Fold
reasonable. Call Saturday for par-
ticulars HENRY GOULD, Exeter
Tea & Coffee
For the choicest'
groceries, fruits, spices,
teas, coffee and every-
thing in the grocery line.;
Call and see us. A trial
as to quality will convin-
Produce taken in exeliango,
Jas. Goulc
Opposite El.-c;tric light Plant
EXL FER 1 :I]TlClta pl "� TUUR3D Y E
Monday was the shortest day of
the year—now for a gradual length-
It is easier to think you, could keep
the North Sea clear of Gennari :rais-
ers. than to really do' it,
Those interested in hockey for Ex-
eter are requested to :meet next
Tuesday for organization,
Th. observation of Christmas ser-
vices will occur at James; 'St, Meth-.
oeir church next Sabbath,
'Messrs, Laurie Watson and Cliff,
eleAvey have passed their ;union
pharmacy examinations, the farmer
cb.tainina first-class bailors.
This mid -winter season :ss the bus-
iest season of the year, :n a printing
office so that we need .your help to
get all the news and to avoid delays,
A nurse belonging to Mr. Thorn
Baker's Livery dropped dead en the
London Road south on Saturday ev-
ening, while being. driven name from
a trip
Nomination Day is next Monday, 12
to 1 o'clock noon. All nomination
papersmust be filled in within the
place of meeting, and there signed by
the nem]uator and seconder,
Exeter Masonic Lodge is cantribut
ins!' to the fund being, raised by the
Mesons of Ontario, w ho are raising
a sum equal to $1 a member, $30000
Of this amount $1.2,500 has already
gone forward.
During the few days left of Decem-
ber it would be well to square up
ell accounts and start 1915 with a
clear sheet. By even 10 people ad-
opting 'this plan the circle' of benefit
waile soon enlarge
Snowy . wintry weather struck this
section twa weeks ago . and is staying
with us. The last few lays slave
bee ) quite blustery, and unpleasant
travelling There'll be no green
Christma , in this district.
President john Mallett of the Ex-
eter Band gave a rabbit supper and
social es ening an Friday night to the
Fane,' boys and their lady friends in
the Central Hotel when a most en-
jc'yablle time was spent by . all,
Mr Jos Bawden, an Exeter OId Bay
bemn .a son of Me .and Mrs: Joseph
Bawden of town, is among the. candi-
dates far election in North Battleford,
He has just completed a four year
tern: on the school board, and " his
record justly ,bespeaks for him a
place on the council hoard.
The pupils af the two. minor , ooms
rt the Public school 'were treated to
Christmas trees this week which were
laded with sweetmeats of all kinds.
The little ones enjoyed the treat
very much, and the teachers, ,Misses
Armstrong and Quackenbush, are to
b ° congratulated on their thoughtful -
nese and kindness.
STACEY—GOULD—A quiet wed-,
dine took place at the! James Street
parsonage on Wednesday evening,Dec.
16th when Miss Mary Goul d was un-
ite 1 in marriage to Mr. Joseph Stacey
of Usborne. The ceremony was per-
fermed by Rev. McAlister at 7.30
o'clock On (returning to the bride's
home Huron Street, a ,wedding Lea
was served a number of the immed-
iate realtives of the contracting par
ties being present. Mr, 'ind Mrs.
Stacey wit, make their future home
an th 4th concession of Usborne.
The bride received many •rice :and
useful presents
—On Thursday last the death thee -
place at his home on Elizabeth street
oe Ma•. John Northcott, at the .tge of
75. years 5 months, 11 days, In May
of last year Mr. Northcott sustained
a stroke of paralysis and although he
recovered somewhat he had not been
in good health since, and two reeks
ago he suffered a second stroke which
gradually brought an the end. Barn
in Devonshire, England, he came to
Canada in 1856, settling first for live
years in Darlington township, end then
in 'Hay Jram which place he : etire.3
to Exeter seventeen yeaa-s ago. .tee-
ceased was married three times end
had five children—three by the first
wilt, and ane by eache of the others.
These who survive are Jahn, of Da-
kota, Nelson of Stratford, Mrs, R.
Yellow at Usborne and Ethel at home
Roger Northcott of Hay is a brother.
He was a Methodist and a Liberal;
and highly respected throughout his
lin: .life. The funeral took place to
the Exeter cemetery on Sunday;
—The death of Samuel Skinner last
Thursday came ,not only as a great
stirprise, ,but aa a shock to this whole
community. It was known by many
of hie friends and neighbors that he
Was. i11, and that his condition was not
the most hopeful for recovery, but
being of robust and hardy physique
and in the .prime of Iife, being scarce-
ly'fifts years of age,—la was thought
he would survive and be restored to
his former good health, but it was
wiIl eel otherwise, and on Thursday,
Dec. 17th the curtain wast rung .lawn
epee his genial and kindly! life. The
deceased was born i'i the Township
of Usborne and lived there( all his
life For three years he served at
the Council Board of that eownship
an! his goad judgment and fitting
qualities made him a desirable mun-
icipal officer—a credit to himself and
for the Township he served. fie was
a member of the council at the time
of • hie, death.. The late Dir. Skinner
was of • affable disposition and the
qualities that made hires popular and
inspired•real affection in a wide circle
of friends were those of a kind heart,
in politics he was a staunch' Conser-
vative and in religion a 1Metho-dist,
Beside., his s''rowing wife, -visa• was
formerly Priscilla Bayley, he :1/ aux-,
v:ve.d by three sem and, four daugh-
ters all of whom are at home, FIe
also leaves three brother. and" two
sisters --Thomas of Owen Sound, Wil-
liam add Robert of Usbarne, lefrs,No-
blts at'•near Owen Sound) acid' Mrs,
Ilene:Port of Usborne. The funeral
reran!, place to the Exeter cemetery on
Si tist lay ends was very Iarg` eir.A Attend-
ed a The sereepathy 'of the '.eyeing
> otiiriiunirty is extended, to .he, esbe-
reeved relative's.
Miss Lala• Johns is spe'ndings .Christ-
mas ]at $arnia,
61z , Herb Ford, of Toronto is name
fer• the holidays.
Mr Wes Snell was in Hamilton last
week on business.
Miss „idttxworthy of St, Thomas is
home fox christmas,
Mie' Jackson of L444on is ' isiting
be. sister Mrs,
Me John Luxton wasthe guest of
relatives here over Sunday..
Mrs Acheson and Mrs. H. Walter
were in London on Monday.
Mrs W D, Clarke ant Mrs, 13
web spent Tuesday. in Landon.
Mr, . Herb, Dearing returned
week from a visit in Lyndon.
Miss Madeline 'Carling; atirdent
Taronto is home for the vacations
leer Thos Hawkins of Windsor; ar:
rived here last week to spend sone
Mrs, D Johns left Saturday tee 'visit
with hes daughter, les. CQ,00dison'at
Mise Shearer, ,xtiillieer at Jones 84
May's has returned to her ;home in
Miss Lola Taylor, is In • London chis.
weer: undergoing medical treatment
ear trouble
l'd Levett with . his daughters af
roseate is visiting his son, Mr.' W.
«' 23 Levett,
Clare Wood, Enos Windsor and
Tom Penhale, students of Toronto
ai , home for the vacation.
.Miss Eva Wilctern of London, 'who
visited Miss Rath Hooper, eturned
to London on Thursday fast,
MT ane Mrs, Alfred Coates, return-
ee last Thursday from their; svedding
trier and are now- comfortably, 'settled.
Mr. Robert Sanders returned last
week from the neighborhood of Wing -
ham where he spent several weeks
Miss Hamilton and Miss. Pridham,
of the High Schaal staff, left 'Tues-
day evening to spend the holidays at
their homes in Goderic'h,
Alma Evelyeen, the two year old
daughter of klr,oamd Mese C. S. San -
dela will be operated ont in London
this week for ear trouble. -
;*fr, and Mrs. Nelson Sheere and
daughter and Mrs. L. McLellen of
Fort William arriaved here last week
to visit relatives over the holidays.
* J. G. Read of the Veterinary
Co liege . Toronto, who spent ;art awn
mer with Dr. Sweet, ie spending the
Christma holidays at the tatter's
Misses Ethel and Gretta Case and
Ralph Hawkins, Landon ;load sortie,
left yesterday far Toronto, where
they will spend Christmas with :el
a tires
.Jahr. Grigg arrived home, Man-
dav evening from Go•derich hospital
where he had been recovering iron
a broker. leg. It will be • o•me time
before he will be about as usual,
Miss E Shaptan of town and Mr. J:
S Amy af Stephen were et Forest
last wee!: attending the funeral ef the
lat,' Mrs, Thas, Marshall. Mr. Mar-
shall was a former resident of Step-
hen Township.
vIis,m Fanny Dew of Wal es, N. Dak-
ota, and Miss Prior of Hanna, N.Dake
ata, arrived here, the latter ,part of
last week and will spentl some time
with relatives and friends in end
around Exeter. They are now visit-
ing, with Mr. and Mrs. John Hunter,
The first skating of the, season on
the rink was enjoyed by the young
people Tuesday night,
Damage by fire, estimated at $3500
Awa.; vane to the Stratford new G. T.
R. station on Tuesday morning.
ary storm period is .central, on the'
28th, 29th and 30th. On .and touch-
ing these days a reaction to warmer,
with falling barometer, and more rain
and snow will cross the country from
west to east. High barometer and
change to colder :will be, in sight from
the west as the month, goes out.
TIMBER WANTED. ---We will nay
highest cash pa -ice far first-class
Here Maple and Basswood lags, crit
. 2 i lengths to our order. Anyone hay -
int.!: logs to offer will kindly call
and get prices and specifications.
K. Gillies & Son, Phone 9e, Exeter.
I desire to thank .the -neighbors and
friends far their kindness, help and
sympathy during the illness and, subs
sequent death of my late husband, el-
se for the beautiful floral tributes.
Mars, Samuel Skinner.
1 11.114
Merry Cllrislmas-Too Busy to CVau�e Aa.
sefui tend Ornamental
Teres .,,..,., ,,,$1,50 to $5,00.
le Sticks ,..... $2,00 to 35,00
n . Baskets 1.00 t a $2.00
ays , , „ $1,00 to 34.00
ases .,,.., ., , 31.00 to $3.00
Allwayye acceptable, We are
Proud of our enie assortment. A
tip to gentlemen, --M lee an early
choice $2.00 to 312.50
Boys how about a fine box of
chocolates. We have them in plain
and fancy boxes ,,,10c, to $3.00 a box
We handle the, best fresh.- from the
Hand Bags for mother 50c, to 3.00
Bill Folds for Father ...75c to 2.00
Cain Purses for boys ...15c.to 50c
Music Folios for girls ...1.50, to 3.00
Case pipes for smokers 1.00 to 2.50
All the popular brands of cigars
in Xmas boxes 50c, to $2.50 each.
Shaving outfits ,•..25c, to 2.50
Shaving nemesis 50c, to $2.00
&well and Comb sets 1.50 to 5.00
Collas and Cuff boxes 25e to 1,00.
Safety Razors ...50c. to ,5.00
Case pipes .,,.,,1.00 to- 3.50
Gift pipes ., 25c. to 4.00
Travelling Sets ..,,,, 1.50 to 5.00
Writing Cases ............25c to 1.50
Military Brushes 2,00 to ' 5,00
Music Folios ..,;,.,...,,1.50 to 3,00
Fountain Pens asst'd .., 1,50
Cain Purses. 15c to 50c,
Bill Folds ..,75o to 2.00
Hanel Bags ,..SOc, td 3,00
D2anicure Sets ,..2.00 to 7.50
Toilet Sets , 2.50 to 10,00
Toilet Waters 25c. to 75c
i•Iot Water Bags .,.1.50 to 3,00
Flash Lights 1.00 to 2,00
Boxed Candy ,.25c, to 2.50
Pocket Toilets 25c to 5 Oc,
Col lar Rags 75c. to 2.00
Make useful presents,—Haig', hat
bonnet, cloth nail and tooth brush-
es. Buffers, nail files, and euticie
knives among the ntanicuc pieces.
Quality best.
Papetenes in fancy boxes •— The
cream of the market Every bast
a select value Stylish and popular
' presents: Our 50e. line is a leader.`P`•"
Largest stook in town. You get
the best if you buy 'at Cole's. A
til to Sunday School Teachers'
Loa'- over our stock, 20c. to $3,00
a dozen
Safety; Razors ideal gifts 50 to 5.00
Post Card %AAlbums, boy,, ,.,25 to2,00
Shaving outfits popular ,,.1.00 to2.50
Burnt woad pieces, useful and or-
namental for your ,lady friends.
Perfumes—here we are sure to
please -large assartment 10c. to
3.00 a box
We Save You Money
PURSE FOUND,—In Exeter llorth,
cantaining•quite a sunt of money. The
owner can have same by'• calling at
Fi Beirlings's stare, proving property
ae I paying far this notice,
Previously acknowledged
W J. Bissett
Tea Roorr
The tea roam will be, ,:lased utitil:
Saturday, January 9th. .
A box of knitted goods was sent
to Salisbnuiy onl Moritite.
During the holiday season everyone
appreciates a good suggestion ;n re-
gard to an appropriate Xmas. Gift.
ANER is an ideal Christmas Gift
for every woman having a home. Call
and see them, at our Store, We have
other suitable Xmas. Gifts as well
worthy of your inspection. •
Embalmer and Funeral Dirertnr
Phone 20a.
Exeter North
eucral Store
For Real Home-
made - German
H. Bierling
Jewerly, Cut Glass
and Silverware
are the things
that -are really
appreciated for
Xmas Presents
A Big Reduction Sale of
Froi '.Now CJntil
e End .cif the Year
All Lines of Furniture
Embalmer & Funeral Director
PHONE NO, "3'2
We wish you all a very
Merry Christmas
Suitable Gifts
200 doz. all kinds
5c. to 75c each
White and colored
Plain and, Fancy
Leather and Swaede
Fxam 25c. to $3 each
Needle Cases
Crochet Sets
Travelling Sets
Fancy Combs
Fcy Breaches
Fancy Pins
All ki ind, and all
• colors
. For 25, 35 & 50c.
Fancy design.
All kinds and colors
in silk and net.
White' Furs
Little Coats
Mitts and Gloves
Hoods and Bonnets
Leg gins
F.os' Men and Boys
nicely boxed
Every variety
You can 'name
Te please anyone
all kinds.
House Coats
Sweater Coats
Suits and Over Coats
A new shipment just arrived
Special for the Holiday trade.
Something entirely new in style,:.'
and particularly well selected
Ife.Ogtiartt rs for., die celebrated Sailtoxld Clothing