HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-12-24, Page 5C DENTAL. Dr: O. F. R leSTON, DENTIST somber of the R.G.D.S, of Ontario and Honor -tiraduate of Toronto QrtlVereity, (tyles -Over Dickson & Carling'u law otttee. Closed. 'Wednesday afternoons, OR. A • R. KINSMAN, L.D.S., Honor Graduate of Toronto Uniaereity DHINTIST Teeth extracted without pain, or an7 *ad effects. Otee over Madman & etanbuey'e Orrice, Marin Street, 'Exeter.. LEGAL 'DICKSON & CARLING, BARRISTERS, .selte t ses, Notaries, Conveyancers, oom- iso esioners, Solicitor's for the Molsona Bank. etc.,. Money to Loan at lowest rates or interest, Offices -Main -St., Exeter Carling, B.A. L. H. Dickson MONEY TO LOAN e have a large • amount o! private ,Cejude to loan on farm and village prop- el•.oee at low rates of interest. GLADMAN & STANBURY .Barristers, Solicitors. Exeter. T. B CARLING demise, vire, Accident and Plate Glass. itnsurance, Collecting accounts,' and con-, ducting auetlon stales. Exeter; Ont. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS TIE sour head of a family, or any mak aver 18 years old, may homestead a quarter -section of available D.omi i - ion lane!, Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta The applicant must, appear in perso s at the Dominion Lands leg- ency of Sub -Agency for the Dis- trict. Entrymay be made at any Dominion Lands Agency (but not Stab -Agency) on -certain conditions. Duties -Six months' residence upon and cultivation of the land ineach of three years. A homesteader may live Within nine miles of hie, homestead cn a faa&�m of at least 80 acres, on certain conditions. A habitable house is re - awed in every case, except when lee silence isperformed ire the vicinity. In certain districts a homesteader in good standing may pre-empt a quarter section alongside his homestead. Price $3 per acre. Duties -Six months resi- dence in each 'of three years after earning homestead patent; also 50 nares extra cultivation. Pre-emption Patent may be obtained as soon as homestead 'patent, on certain condi- tions A settler who has exhausted his homestead right may take a.purchas- •ed homestead in certain districts. Price $3 per acre. Duties -Must ` re- sid¢- 6 months in each of 3 years, cu- _ee iea'tt 50 acres, and erect a house wcsrth $300, The area of cultivation is subject to reduction in case of rough, sci;ub- by or stony land. Live stock may be substituted for cultivation under cer- tain. conditions. W. W. GORY, C.M.G. Deputy of the Minister of the Interior N.B.-Unauthlorized publication of this advertisement will not be pad tor. DR.4DeI7AN'S,FRENCH PILLS ieeK saluting Pill for Women. $5 a box or threefor $1e. Sold at all Drug Stores, or mailed to any .address =receipt of price., TIIE SC08ELL. DRUG CO.,S.t••Catharines, Ontario. Pl OSPHONOL FOR MEN. yr ana -matterr' ; a Tonicsree --will b ill d Brain; u u creases ox, o r Y P• $3 a hoes or two 'for 46 at drug stores, or by mail on receipt Ofprice, THE SCoBELL DRUG CO., St. Catharines. Ontario. CENTRAL ��l�lf X.CXI STRATFORD. ONT. Ontario's Best Practical Training School. We 'have thorough courses ;and experienced instructors in eacii of ou.- three departments -Commerc- ial Shorthand and Telegraphy. Our graduates succeed and you should seedour large, free catalogue. Write .for it at once. D. A. McLachlan, Principal One institution that has an excellent 'rep'utation for doing good work is the ELLIOTT� 734 Yonge St., Toronto. If you wish a reliable business educ- ati•ov write to the college for a cat- alogu,e W J. ELLIOTT, Principal EVERY WOMAN is interested and should knout about the wonderful Maines NbirtiegSpray ® ouche Ask *our druggist for it. Df he cannot supply the MA$YEL, accept no other. but send seam for Illu '/i p s / tratedi600 � . l book—sealed. I t given full IG pattiettiara And diredlortatnvaluable to ladies. WINDSORSIMPLY 60.,Windsor, Ont. General A enti i'or Canada. • RAMI TRVNKS SYSTEM ISTMAS AND NEW YEAR FARES SINGLE FARE -Dec. 24-25, good far return until Dec, 26; also Dec, 31, 1914 and Jan, 1, 1915,•.,valid for return until Jan. 2, 1915. - FARE and ONE -THIRD -Dec. 22- , 23-24.25 good for return anti!. Dec. \2S'• hist- ' Dec, 30 sand 31, • 1914, and. ZIi f 1. 1 915. valid, e r n ti J v 1 for r to n n v d .tin s S 4 1915, . '� Above ..reduced fares ,apply between all . stations' in' Canada, ease otf•.1?orl: Arthur and to. Detroit and fort' .Her- ne Mich: Buffalo, Black Rock, Nie- garr: Falls and Suepensian Bridge, N, Tickets new on sale at 0, T, le, ticket Daises. j'., MORE, Exeter Rheumatism NEWS TOPICS EEI Bright's ,Disease } r ot• Budlos Quickjy Retie �i of Both afflictiolls by Using Rheuma, If you suffer from any form o Rheumatism -remember that RHEUM,/ goes to work quickly to remove tilt cause, net, simply to relieve the die tress. Many years' use has demon- strated that it goes to the seat of the disease and expels the poisonous mat, ter through the natural channels - the kidneys, bowels, liver and ski Air "For many years I was trouble with Rheumatism also with Brigitte Disease of the Kidneys 1 suffers awfully. Tried many advertises] rem edies, Atter using your truly re• meukable preparation RelEUMA, ' was fully. cured," -Prof. C. J. Bud - long Sound View, Conn. Sold by W. $,, Cole at 50 cts bottle, ; FARM FOR SALE Lot 7, Con. 1, Stephen, the •.crop• erty of the late Thomas Essery. Brick House, bank barn and frame barn. 3. good wells, windmill, goo( orchard about 8 acres of good hard. wood bush containing about 500 su- gar maple trees. Sail clay loam, wel drained and fenced. Farm in goo( state of cultivation, one-half mile from Centralia station. ' Possession can be given to r ui' purchaser Far terms and particulars apply tt GEO. G. ESSERY, Centralia; Or GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers, Exete: PROCLAMATION, VILLAGE _ 01 • EXETER NOMINATION AND ELECTION --o-- Public notice is hereby given tha a meeting of the Electors of the Vil• lags of Exeter will be, held in 'Iu TOWN HALL, EXETER, MONDAY. - DECEMBER ' 28th, .191 At the hour of 12, *noon, for th purpose. of making and receiving nom :orations far Reeve, Councillors in Trustees; for. the .gnsuing year; en( further notice is hereby given that it the event of more candidates beim 4lroposed•'fokeehe offices than requir• ed. to be elected, the meeting will l,l adjourned until Monday, Jan. 4th, A D., 1915 when polls will'be ,,,penec at 9 a.rri closing at'5 -p.m. at the fat lowing places as fixed by By-law, viz , Polls D. R. 0. and Poll Clary No 1, S Hanciford's Residence, E Treble, S. Davi No.2,:Town. Hall, W Johns, H. Bisset No. 3 Mitchell's office, H. Huston, Gabe No 4 N. E. Fire Hall, A. McPherso F.Wntwe And all electors are hereby request ed to take notice and govern them selves -accordingly. By order. T B CARLING. Reber -flint. Office. McGILLIVRAY NOMINATION AND ELECTION. The annual meeting for Nominatio of Candidates for offices of ;•peeve Deputy Reeve and three Couneilior for the Municipal Council of McGill- cGill Lyrae; ivra , for the ensuing year will be. nal in the Town Hall, West McGillivra on Monday. December 28th, 19L4, a twelve o'clock, noon,. Polls if required, will be opened o Ivianday the 4th day of January, 191 at 9 o'clock a.m. and continuel lentil o'clock pen. and no longer, in the se- veral polling sub-divibions of the sat township as follows, -No. 1 Morgan' house on Lot. 12, 3rd Concession, las Neil,jr.. D. R.O.; No, 2 Cunningham' house lot 24, 2nd Con. A. Cunningha Na. 3 Pierce's( house on lot 15, Con 11, Moses Pierce; No. 4, Cameron' School House, Section 8, Wm. ;?rest No. 5, Town Hall, J. D. Drummond No, 6 Taylor's School House, Sec. 12 Thos McInnis; No. 7, Nichol's, nous on lot 8, Con. 22, Andrew Grieve. - J. D. Drummond, Returning Officer. FARM FOR SALE Sle Lot 8, Con. '12, Tp. Stephen; 50 acres half mile south of Khiva, with good frame house, bank barn, dri vc shed and other out buildings -two spring wells -gaud Iand, well fenced and, underdrained,; with thirty acres: under 'cultivation, Apply to THEOBOLD DIETRICH R. R. No. 3. Dashwood, Ont. A POSITION FOR FALL AND WINTER We have a sound business leropos- itior for a reliable energetic sales- man for this district to sell fruit trees small fruits, flowering shrubs,ete. Pay weekly, outfit free, exclusive territory OVER 600 ACRES of fruit and ornamental stock under, ct.itivation We sell through our sal- esmen direct to the consumer and guarantee delivery of fresh, high grade trees, Our agencies are valu- ate. by reason of the service we .sive ani the volume of business done, Established 35 years. Write PELHAM NURSERY Co,Toronto,Ont P.S,-Hands•eme catalogue on • re- quest either' to'applicant or those wishing nttrsery stock. . BUSINESS AND sIL.OR;TIAND Subject�''td'tiglit by'"expert instructors • . ,at the , . . • se :.. ..:14 Y, M. C. A. BLOM... , LONDON, ONT. Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept. Est. Catalogue free. Enter ally time. , ,T. W. Westervelt 3. W. Westervelt,,tr. Principal. chartered Accountant 19 Vice -Principal d a: a 4 e d d ti r n s• a y f n 5 5 a s m. e Important Events Wh vs Occurred Ourini th 3 The Busy World's Happehee tally Compiled and Pu • n Handy and Attractive Sha the. Readers of ' Our Pape Solid Hour's Enjoynient. WEDNFSI..AY. • It is officially denied in Vienna that Austria-Hungary has attempted to conclude a separate peace with Ser- via, The patriotic committee of the Kent County Council has decided to purchase a machine gun to be pre- sented to the Militia Department. Joseph Gerauda; a former chef at Freeman's Hotel, Montreal, has been killed in action in France, wbere he was serving with the French army. It was announced at the Rua. Sian War Office yesterday that since the beginning of the war 80,000 Aus- trian prisoners have. been sent to Siberia. The United States naval collier Jason, which brought . Christmas gifts from the American people to the children of the belligerent pow- ers, left Genoa, Italy, yesterday for Saloniki. Peter McArthur, the Canadian writer and journalist, has written an "Open Letter to Santa. Claus," sug- gesting that Canadian apples be plac- ed.in the stockings of children this Christmas, instead of oranges. • Und'et a new lighting order issued by the British Horne Secretary, the streets of London will be even gloom- ier than before. The use of lights for outside advertising and for the illum- ination of shop fronts is entirely prohibited after.sunset. Pit. ‘v. James McKay, Conservative mem- ber for Prince Albert, Sask., will, it is understood, go to . the Provincial Supreme Court bench. Greek Christiees are being mas- sacred by Turks at Alvah, Asia Minor. Houses 'rave been pillaged in the sub- urbs and shops in the town itself have been set on fire. The Church Peace Union, embrac- ing all denominations has asked all American churches to . celebrate on Sunday, Feb. 14, the centenary of the ratification of the, Treaty of Ghent. All the public schools of Sarnia: have been elosedfor an indefinite per- iod as a result of an , epidemic of diphtheria. The authorities areexer- cising dente precaution to combat the outbreak. At a meeting of Niagara district. fruit growers in St. Catharines yes- terday, it was decided to hold the an- nual meeting of Niagara Peninsula Fruit Growers' Association at Grims-. by on Jan. 14. The death of Senator Jaffray re- duces the Liberal majority in the Senate toll, when all seats are fill- ed. There are now eight vacancies, six of which seats were held by the Liberals and two by Conservatives. Eight Germans interned at Mont- real were taken to Fort Henry by Maj. W. E. Date, assistant provost marshal. It has been decided to keep the Austrians and the Germans sep- arate, as they are disposed to get into arguments. re. FRIDAY. The condition of Kaiser William is said to be greatly improved. King Peter returned to Nish Mom Belgrade yesterday and received ,n enthusiastic reception. The city of Puebla, in the Mexican State of that name, has been evacuat- ed by Carranza forces and now is held by. Zapatistas. Albert Sevigny, M.P. for Dorches- ter, will, it is understood, succeed Hon. P. E. Blondin as Deputy Speak- er of the Commons. W. S. Ball, city solicitor, was un- animously chosen as Conservative standard-bearer at the next Dominion election in Lethbridge, Alta. Prince August William, fourth son of the Emperor, has recovered suffi- ciently from injuries he received in an automobile at the front, several weeks ago, so that he could be taken to Berlin. All naturalized Germans in the seaport of Sunderland, a short . dis tance north of the English coast towns which was bombarded by, the Germans Wednesday were arrested overnight.. One hundred and fifty cases of .pto- maine poisoning are reported among the troops stationed at Blackheath, Eng. Medical experts have been sent and are taking adequate steps to cope with the disease. For the murder of J. J. McColm, Harry Mason was sentenced at Win- nipeg yesterday tohang on March 12. His accomplice, Grace Beggs, convict- ed of manslaughter, was sentenced to seven years' imprisonment. SA'ri•it r):11t. The bye -election in St. John Coun- ty, N.B., consequent upon the ap- pointment of J. B. M. Baxter, It.O., as attorney -general, will be on Jan. 7. Three more Kingston nurses base. been accepted for service at the front. They are the Misses G. His - cock, E. E. McConnell and H. Briden. Maurice Baines, member of the French Chamber of Deputies, will in- troduce a bill for the creation of a national holiday, to be called Jeanne D'Arc Day. ' The British protectorate was for- mally proclaimed throughout -Egypt yesterday. In all garri on towns a salute of 101 guns was fired and the Union Jaek was hoisted. Coroner Herod, of Thorold, yestere day afternoon commenced an inquest into the death of Private G. H. Town- send, 77th Regiment, Dundas, who died sriddenly while•. on guard , duty on the Welland Canal, • John Kennedy, arrested le onMont- charge alkin `tr ck- w Mont- real theg a w g, arid who acknowledged that he wee ill Whitby on the night that Operator Stone was murdered, was yesterday morning released by the police, Members of Le Devoir staff in Montreal subscribed e28 to purchase a bouquet for Mrs. Fleetie,who tried to horsewhip the editor of The Ot» tawa Journal, whom she blamed tor inciting' a riot at the Bourassa meet- ing. causing her husband to lose his position, VI4.r\I?,3 Y. The Australian battle cruiser Aus- tralia sailed from Callao, Peru, yes- terday, William Doyle, an aged butcher, Who lived alone at his home on limier Princess street, Kingston, was found dead in his home yesterday nothing.. Rheims is being bombarded again because the Germans are angered at a French coup by which Prince Aug- ust Wilhelm, 'fourth son of the Kais- er was wounded.. A despatch from Berlin quotes The Vossisehe Zeitung of that city as pay- ing that on Friday Emperor William visited the wounded soldiers in the hospital at Potsdam. A Swiss who was in Friedrickshaf- en at the time British airmen dropped. bombs there, said on arriving in Lon- don that the German have twelve new super -Zeppelins. - Many victims of the German bom. bardment Dec, 16, of the east coast towns of England, were buried Sat- urday, aturday, and it was a day of mourning in Hartlepool, West Hartlepool and Searboro. Two hundred Masons of the Cana- dian contingent were entertained on Saturday night by Empire Masonic Lodge. Hon, Lieut. McLeod 'in a speech mentioned that one-fifth of the present force were Masons, William V. Cleary, town clerk of Haverstraw, N.Y., and. Democratic leader in. Rockland County, N.Y., was acquitted' by a jury in the Supreme Court Saturday, night of the charge of murder in the first degree on which he was tried for the killing of Eu- gene M. Newman, his son-in-law. Tee cruet, • Rev. E. R. N. Burns died' in Ham- ilton yesterday, after a long illness. He was a well-known Anglican clergy- man and came here from Woodstock, where he was born. Col. Y. H. V. Crowe, formerly com- mandant of the Royal Military Col- lege at Kingston, has returned to London from India and is now engag- ed at the War Offi e. ' Edward S. Copeman, inventor of life-saving apparatus, is dead at his home in Lowestoft, Eng., aged 67. The best known of his inventions is a raft for saving life at sea. Lodor Ignatoff, a Bulgarian, who stabbed a countryman about a week ago in Berlin, Ont., has been sentenc- ed by Judge Hanning to three years 1hi the Kingston Penitentiary. The Norwegian steamer Anita, 734 tons, from Halifax' for Jamaica by way of Turk's Island ..and Santiago, - Cuba, is stranded on North Caicos Island, and probably will be a total loss. - The Ontario Mountee, Rifles, the mounted section of. th Exhibition camp, Toronto, are all armed with the Lee -Enfield gun instead of the Ross rifle, and it is likely they will retain 404 arm whenthey go.to the front. An order for 120,000 shovels has been placed in Canada by Frederick Stobart, purchasing representative of the. British War Office. Mr. Stobart - must also make arrangements to pur- chase no less than twenty-eight mil- lion trouser buttons. - - AUSTRIANS STIRRED. Sympathy With War Is Waning— More Allies May Come In. WASHINGTON, Dec. 22. — A de- spatch from a prominent diplomat in Vienna to his Government of which officials here ]earned yesterday, it is stated, insists that leading financial and business men of Austria desire peace. - The diplomat in a cipher telegram confirms recent press - reports from Rome of the dissatisfaction which the Austrian populace feels at the lack of the success of its army and states moreover that indignation bas been stirred up among all classes because of the reeent reverses suffered at the hands of Servia. The Austrian Government, he adds, through a strict censorship of the press, has withheld details of these defeats from an anxious public. Another phase of the situation said to be disquieting to the Austrian Government is the report from the Czech part of Bohemia and Hungary to the effect that sympathy with the war is rapidly diminishing there. . The same diplomat's telegram states that reporitr are persistent in well informed circles in Austria that Italy will declare war against Austria about New Year's day. These reports emanate, the despatch says, from prominent Italians, but Austrian offi- cials are still confident that Italy will remain neutral. - IN 'TIME FOR CHRISTMAS. Presents for Belgian Children_ Ready For Distribution. ROTTERDAM, Holland, Dee, 22 (Via London). --The Belgians' allot- ment of - the Christmas presents brought here by the United States naval collier Jason .has been divided into ithree parts and 'forwarded to se andLiege, Antvverp,�Brus is L g , whenee htoyswill be distributed through- outthe g out the country. Unfortunately, owing to the fron- tier regulations, it wag necessary to unpack all the packages and to re- move letters and Christmas messages written for the most part by Ameri- can children. •- The Datob Government has grant- ed free railroad transportation of the American food supplied to. Belgium. Greece and Roumanian Restless. LONDON, Dec., 22. --- Following categorical assurances of the Bulgar- ian • Government of its •intention to Maintain strict neutrality in -the war, the Entente powers, Great Britain, ranee and ittissia have iveii" ar.. F g• g'a antees:to both ethers and • Bucharest tfiat'•33'utgaria *ill floc' attaok'Greeoe in the event-, of . the . latter country' assisting Servia, and will not attack Roumania should that state actively participate in the war. This is taken to foreshadow the approaching partielpetion Of Rote - Inertia and Greece. 111 r'.IR.' .1 ■ -' 1lI 119! a•V" :'�.'.' .. 11 IVES IitlE FACE Make Women Look Old and they show the effect of unnatural sufferings -o£ headaches .aches, dizziness, hot Beebe*, pains in lower limbs,; everywhere, These r t Nature overwork, wrongdress- ing, symptoms ir{d4esto:tThe lT tarY► needs help. Qv n► k. rh' ing, lack of mien*, and other a have been too much for nature -find outside aid meet be, galled upon to restore health and strength.. Dr. Pierces F Ivor to Prescription li s The Vegetable Remedyor Women that relieves nervous exhaustion and irritability and remove4 other distressing symptoms due to a dis- turbet} condition. 'Or over forty years it has been used with more than satisfaction by, the young, middle-aged and the elderly -by wives, mothers and daughters, You. will find it of great benefit. Sold by Medicine Dealers in liquid or tablet form, or send Dr. V. M. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.,50 one -cent stamps for trial box by mail. DR. Pt *CE's PLEASANT PELLETS Relieve connRlipa- t$ou. reg$ate Rhe Ifver, and bowelsbitty to take as candy. ■t-■■■n.l■■'NIB 111 Ti kir. ake a Few Minutes Read This Ad. ,,Over Carefully And if .you are well supplied and are quite sure that you will never need any of the values here advertised, why we apoligize for'having taken up your time. Pianos GERHARD HEINTZMAN NORDHEIMER WRIGHT KARN MORRIS ` - NEW SCALE WILLIAMS • ENNIS & Co. • DOMINION. We will give you a special discount on above pianos if purchased be- fore January 1st, 1915. Remember money talks and no. reasonable offer will be refused. =i{ ; `-1 '. SLIGHTLY USED PIANOS, 1 Sherlock -Manning, mahogany case Louts XV. style, complete with stool anJ free delivery �� z � s , . a ., $.145.00 1 Blundell, mahogany case, has been in useeless there one year $165 1 KoIiler .& Campbell, mahogany finish a:s good as new ...$185.00 50 Raymond. Sewing Machines 50 Including cabinets, 4 drawer Auto lift, and 5 drawer hand lift finished in quarter out Oak. We have do room to store them and you can buy thein• at your own price while they Iast. Act at once: Delays are serious. - Stationery Etc. XMAS. STATIONERY Large Assortment 15c to $1,25. Hymn Books and Bibles•,,all prices Christmas Booklets ,Etc. Moore's Nan-Leakable Fountain - Pens. The Iandthat don:".t: leak. A very suitable present. -$22.50 and ;up Crokinole Boards $1.50 , Artillery Wagons $2.00 Rocking Horses $1.00 Boy's Sled 25c. - Dolls' Cabs $1.00 Fountain Pens $1.00 Music Rolls $1,50 Violins. Violin Boxes, Bows, Strings, at special prices. Books New "Patrol of the Sundance ' Trail" by R, Connor. "Innocent" by Marie Corelli, "The Wall of Partition," , by F. Barclay "The Call of the East" by Fraser. "The Witch" by Mary Johnston. "The Clarion" by Adams. "Tie Rocks of V'aipre" by E. 111 Dale. The Prince of Graustark' •by. McCutche•n, Special price $1.10 fi' LARGE ASSORTMENT OF REPRINTS Space will not permit us,• to give you the list. -Selling at Sac. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF ROOKS FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. Hentys. at 50x. Boy's Own Annual $1,75 Alger's at /5c, Girls Own Annual $1.75 With every $12.00 purch_ase or r 'over we give yyouabsolutoly - free ONE 25c BOTTLE OFVERIB ITLhURNITU EPOLISH. this palas will clean 'and polish pianos, orgailt* :and fine furniture of every descriiDtith STORE OPEN EVENINGS S ]IaPilo & oil, Exeter