HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-12-24, Page 4Ole"ted _t4Lti,:�r
Sanders & Creecin, Progrietata
Iel advance $1.00 per ,'ear in t;atlao
41.5( in United $totes, if not Ii su
.advance 50c. extra per year `' 'tu,v,
,be charged
'TJWRSDAY, DEG' 24 '14
At the eottvention of North :Faure
,ran Liberals In Wingham on Monday:
Arch, Elisio, was nominated as the
,candidate fox the Dominion 'douse,
G, G Anderson of Lucknow,, Wnn,
alone of Goderich, R D. Cameron. of.
Lucknow, and A. E, Bradwin of God-
. erieh were also on the, ballot, ievera;
. others declining
It is understood that when the
Legislative meets dais winter a bi 1
ucll be passed to increase the tact
automobiles to $1. per horse power.
an all high power machines as a
means of increasing the revenue of
the Government. This it is said, has
been rendered necessary by the ex-
penditure involved in road buildin=
The Toronto Globe promises that
4`annything might happen" at the next
session. of Parliament if Sir Wiltsid
is not permitted to dictate parliament
ary procedure. How awful. Perhaps
the Conservative members will be
condemned to listen to "Rev," J. A,
bfacdonald lecture on "The World's'
Peace and How Rockefeller and ' 1
Secured it,"
Hon Mackenzie King has tt ithdr:i en
from active participation in Canadian
politics. He is going to devote his
talents to his new job in connection
witl the Rockerfeller Foundation
Fund This bad news from the ( on
.servative standpoint, ' Mackenzie
'iKiag's busy efforts to dominate the
inner Liberal - councils have al av ,-
beer, a help to -the Conservative Sense
Wm, Eichorst, a farmer of B1a i -
hard has purchased an old automobile
stripped off the body, changed the
gear to reduce the speed, and fitted
the rear axle with to binder wheels.
With this tractor he hauls two 14 -in.
,gangplows. He says be can plots=
might acres a day, with an expend -it -tie
at nine gallons of gasoline.
The rage for spending money nieed-
kessly^ and unprofitably and ether
ways of extravagance have become a
diseasi with too many persons:
Thousands of young persons are re-
ularly .spending mare weekly in lux -
curiae and what they call a good time
char. their parents spent in a Similar
•=avav ?'n the year. Then when the pinch
comes work falls off, or sickness over
fakes"'them they, se on their haunches
_at once
The death took place •en eaturaay,
Dec 19721. at Grand Bend' of Laughs
McDonald aged 75 years, formerly of
th . 14th con. of Stephen. Mr, MC-
D onald
cDonald had been in failing health ror
the past year and went to reside with
his niece Mrs. ii -m. Held, where he
dies' The funeral took .lace to the.
R C cemetery here alt Monday .,".et
.13 a..m.-\Ir. James Quarry snit}'
,en days atSt_ratford.-Messrs. `ver
reel Guhnan, John Glavin, John Hall,
Lenard and Hubert Ryan of Sandwich
College returned home en Saturday
-Misses Winnifred Guinan and 'dada
l_em. Glavin of Chatham are spending
Christma holidays at their lames
:here. -Mrs John Walker and:amity
returne' home Saturday after =pend
ing two weeks in I.onnon.-Mr. Vin
cent Quarry of Col-lingwood arrived
home to spend Christmas • holidays.-
----Mr Frank Coughlin has engaged
'Sohn Sullivan for a year. John is a
goo,' man -Mr. Wm. Barry returned
home after spending several inonths
€n the West, -Miss Mae Morrison of
Detroit is spending a few days et the
ficins of her aunt Mrs. Ed. Ryan. -:ter
Ten. Glavin purchased a fine lriver
last week: Messrs. Vincent and Jghn
Quarry were the guests of Miss \lame
..Guinan cn Sunday.
Entertainment, -An excellent enter-
- tainment entitled "Christmas in 'du
sic: Sang and Story' by the Elimviile
Adult .Bible Class on. Monday, even-
veni ng ,December 28th, at S oc lock.
Admission 25c. and 15c. • This will be
z higlt class entertainment and well
..worth hearing.
May bring sickness, doctors bills and.
lti'ss. of work; you know that serious
sickness usually starts with a cold, and
'a cold only exists where weakness
exists, Rement,,er Ma,'.
Overcome the weakness and nature
.curet the cold--titat is the law of
reason. Carefully avoid drugged pills,
syrups or stimulants; they are only
props and braces anci 1l hips..
It is the pure medicinal nourishment
in Scott's Emulsion that quickly en-
riches the blood, strengthens the lungs.
and helps ht.'1 the air passages.
And to ir'C ihi t well -Scott's Emul-
sion ger::- :4 t body heat as protection
Uziairat ti :oar sickness. Get Scott's
at'yonr d: ',r store to -day. It always
Strengthens and builds up,
14-51 Scott St Zonate, Toronto, Ontario.
F- :Merry "'Christmas to all, May this
sE;,:• an of the year bring Joy to many
home ani in the midst of our ,ejoic-
`ylhg let us not forget the poor and
let slus do our part to brighten their
t ril'ri's , Finkbicner of 'London was in
tiiwr n or. Detroit
He left the same
,i":gllr °foss -Accompanied by his
infther.,and neice• where. they will
spend 'the Xmas holidays.
Rev, Grenebach of Dashwood con
3..t.:tel the service in the Evangelical
-_ urch last Sunday.
\fu: h sympathy is expressed tolalr,
and. 'Ws. William Wein far the loss
i ebeir baby girl which :lied on Sat-
lad.t :aged 12. days.
D'eret forget the annual meetings of
:he irate payers of our school -section
• takes place next Wednesday at
1: a t t Next year the school Will be
condwcted with three teachers and
Jello as tl, fifth Glass Sghool. Ihq
Trustees think this the best way out
of tithe difficulty experienced during
ths+siasl year, Miss Linklater will be
principal taking the work of i'orms
I. and. II. with the entrance class while
the; other rooms of the school will be
in charge of Aliss Braun and _Miss
Hiss Kate Zwicker of Londoni is
visiting in town this week.
A number from here attended the
lmar. Festival in Shipka on Monday
night. Ali enjoyed themselves very
Don't forget the Festival to be giv
en ii the Evangelical Church an Xmas
night. The first part of the program
will be a mixed one consisting of
song- and anthems while the :•econd
part will be a cantata, entitled; 'The
Ccurt of Christmas Trees". • Tomiss
this will be something you will i egret
the whole of 1915.
The Christmas Tree Festival in the
Methodist church Tuesday night was
a dec_edted success. In spite of 'the
unpleasant weather a targe lumbi
were in attendance. A. Christmas
Tee''` beatetifully decorated was alac-
e ! near the platform. Mr. jos. Wood
all superintendent of the S� S., ac-
;spied the chair. The Cantata, en-
title e -"Santa's Company" was well
ca. -lea -ed. Frank Taylor taking he
ear- cf Santa Claus. Anyone who
kai*ws Frank can easily imagine - what
a jelly subject he makes for the man
• th bundle. The urogram dips-
!! a scarf drill by a class of
• ns t: h ch was beautitully .:tone and.
l )Blip applauded. At the close each
a alai received a pack age of 'nuts
: i . candies.
1.° e fou years absence Wes.Wolf
'e Ssah-atoon has returned 'some for
a few w weeks' visit.
Messrs Percy Banes and Ed_ Junes
who have been at Victoria ,College,
as \Irs Kerr of the Normal, Tor -
nate are home for the iolidays.
Keys -Yearley -The residence of
the deputy reeve, \Ir. Wm. Yearley
and Mrs Yearley, Crediton, oast the
see of a very pretty home welding
.moieWeanesday-, Dec. 16th, when Their
eatenei Annie became the bride of
\t :-Albert Keys of Shipka, Rev. S.
jazieesen of Crediton ivlethodist
_iic::ch performed the ceremony. The
: ft was lei to the; parlor by ler
n'.he : an there the ceremony was
ea to med. The bride wore a beau.t-
ful `grave of :hie. brocaded satin with
ever -net of embroidery, and she car -
tie ? a bouquet of white carnations.
r 1'+. bridesmaid was Miss Pearl Keys
who wore pearl grey silk chifffon and
carried pink carnations, while An
Harry Yea:ley supported the `xoom;
The wedding march was played by
yr1.s = Buelah Smith of Crediton. 'The
room's gift to the bride, was a need -
seine necklace, to the bridesmaid a
:gel 1 -breach, and to the groomsman
a tie pin and 'to the pianist a fancy
plat Following the ceremony about
enc hundred and twenty-five guests
citic,yed a dainty luncheon in the
t;a:nc, •room. The presents were nu-
merous including many . substantial
checks. The Advocate joins the
many friends in congratulations and
set wishes.
The Canadian Patriotic Committee
at Ottawa have acknowledged :he re
deipt of Forty Dollars sent' ty Thos
Huntiin and Thos. Cameron, the Far
glebe: committee of the Patriotic, So
BIDDULPH-Reeve Raycraft axulj
'members of Biddulph Township coun
Reil, at the December meeting here.
presentee a locket to Mr. D. Stan-
ley accompanied by a complimenta,ry
address, as a clerk, As councillor,
reeve, warden, clerk or county ,buil -
5tvr Mr. Stanley has given servi,e,fer
b 0
..a an. Ott years. •
McPherson & Perrin, acting bar the
Forign Bible Society, have issued a
ori' a: ,ainst Mrs. Mary Shapton, of
l`xete.r no have it declared that 'ler-
taiu monies in her hands' as admin.'s
tratrix or the estate of Mrs. Grace
l4arshell, are assets of the estate of
Joseph Marshall and as such 'belong
tel the plaintiff as legatee thereof
under the will of the. tate Joseph
Marshall ,-London Advertiser,
nl �l►r ®i -R3/►
SCl3OOLt;Ztirl'OR ' foes S,: S, Na,
�. E G
ERW !NERVOUS. ' , Usbort for December. -,a test of THE C
the ternes work. Those who. missed
one or more •cx znmations are marked
with a star,�Sr IV., W. Thomson71
A. Harding 60, C.- Davis'' 32; Jr, IV.,
V. Hicks 61, M Skis neat 56; Sr. III,,
V Coates /0,'F, Ford. 64.; Jr.
Webber 56 ; Sr. IL, M. Coates 69, W.
Coates 66; Jar. II., E. Thomson 78, A.
Thomson 773; Jr. I., G. Hunter; Sr,
Primer D. Ford, V. Ford; Jr, Primer,
I. 'Harding. G. Thomson, H. Hunter,
M Luker. No, on roll 21; average
attendance 17,-F A. May, teacher.
More Sniping and Rnek.eting On Part
of German Troops.
PARIS, Dec: 22.--7.`ne French War
Office last night made publk(, a. report
of an eye -witness of events' along the.
battle line from 'Dec, 4 to Dec, 15.
It says:-
"During the period from the 7th to
the 15th of December the ascendancy
gained by our infantry has placed us
in a position to make in various sec-
tions .of . the front pvogtess which
seems to have disturbed the enemy.
"The German infantry Is more cau-
tious, and continuous sniping by
them denotes a certain amount of
nervousness. The fact' that they are
using searchlights and lighting roc;
leets naore and more reveals also their
fear of attacks.
"After the expensive and useless
experiments of last.month, our •ad-
versaries seem almost everywhere to
be reduced to defensive measures,
and it Is we who on the whole of the
(rout have assumed the offensive.
"Also, in the artillery duels our
batteries are showing more and more
'heir superiority,"
According to a story published in
The Paris Gaulois, travelers arriving
at Warsaw from Berlin state that
grave disorders broke out in Berlin
after the publication of the last list
'f killed and wounded, accounting fur
10,000 names. An enormous crowd
gathered in the streets, and the
mounted police charged with.. drawn
swords. '
Th'e crowd refusedto disperse, and
cried out: •
"Give us back our fathers and
sons! Down with war! We want
peace and bread."
One Landwehr regiment, ordered
to r'haree the crow'', refused to obey.
According to The Gaulois, the revolt
was Knelled only after grPat difficulty.
According to a letter from.a, Ger-
man officer published in The Berlin
"^geblait, the German losses in Bel-
gium and northern France have been
appalling. Corpses are strewn • so
thickly over the ground,. the . officer
says, that they cannot be buried fur
several days.
Improper Behavior of Germans
Charged by Chile.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 22. -After a
searching intestigation of the activi-
ties of the German fleet in the' South-
ern Pacificrecently, the Government
of Chile has made formal protest to
Germany against alleged violations of
neutrality by the German navy in
Chilean waters.
The protest transmitted by the Chi-
lean. Minister at Berlin sets forth that.
the German ships, 'prior' to their
engagement with Read Admiral Cra-.
dock's British squadron, stayed :„as
long n on
as five days ie is'land'ovi4ned
by Chile and transferred supplies at
another small island after a stay of
seven days. The protest is under-
stood to be couched in vigorous lan-
guage, demanding reparation from
At the same -time the Chilean Goya
ernment has protested to Great Bri-
tain, charging that the British cruiser
Glasgow recently took mail from ves-
sels in Chilean waters.
Thaw Must Go Back.
WASHINGTON, Dec: 22. - Harry
Thaw lost his fight yesterday in the
Supreme Court of the United States,
against being extradited from the
State of New Hampshire to the
State of New York.
In a brief decision by Justice
Holmes, which was the unanimous
_decision of the court, it was held
that he should be turned over at once
to the New York authorities to an-
swer an indictment charging conspir-
acy to escape from. Matteawan asylum
for the criminal ilrsane.
The.. council of the Township of
Stephen convened in the Town Hall
Ha:'. Crediton, on Tuesday, the 35th
of ecember 1914 at 10 ani, All
members were present. The minutes
th Previa -Us meeting were read and
a loaned
Yearley-Neeb-',That Alonzo Rodents
Alector of taxes, 'is hereby author-
:zi:1 to continue the levy and :o1-
of taxes in the; manner ind ,with
m _newer nnr otri led for ')y law .:or
tee genera' levy and collection' of tax
es. Carried.
;1. nurabei ,of orders were ;gassed.
Fc retailed statement see they
ae's renter: which is itt the Printer',
Tan e e c'ii atijurned seni. die.
". Henry Either•, Clerk
CL;4 TONY. -The home of Mrs. Mat
,clew or the Huron Road East, was
s e a' a pretty wetictut at high
9th, when .her laughter,
t'i, ,' 1' bcame the bride cf
yip Roliart MacKenzie of Detroit,soli
• `I • and Mrs. Thos, McK:nzie,Sr.
v' a:oa
miss Dunsmuir To Drive Motor.
V ANCOrtiVEEt, Dec. 22. - Miss
Kathleen Dunsmuir, youngest dauge-
ter of James Dunsmuir, former Lieu-
,enant-Governor of British Columbia,
who sold his coalmines to Mackenzie
and Mann for $11,000,000 has decid-
ed to serve her country at the front.
She left yesterday for London, where
she will take a course in ambulance
work. She is an experienced motor
car driver, and is particularly anx-
ions to drive a motor ambulance in
Medical Supplies 31Iay. Be Stopped.
NEW YORK, Dec. 22. = Plans of
the American committee to aid- the
Belgian profession, recently organiz-
ed by American physicians and sur-
geons to relieve a reported shortage
of medical supplies in Belgium, have
received a setback because of the pe,
sibility that such supplies may be con-
sidered contraband of war by the bele
ligerent nations, it was announced
last night.
Owen Sound Man Tilled.
OWEN SOUND, Ont., Dec. 22.-
Word was received that Sergt.
Charles Townsend, of Owen Sound,
was killed in battle on Nov. 15, serv-
ing with the British troops. Sergt.
Townsend left Owen Sound with five
other reservists on Aug, 19. On ar-
riving in England he joined his regi-
ment, the Northamptons, immedtare-
Deafness Canna be Cured
V. local applicetions,aa they cannot reach the diseas-
ed portion of the ear, There is nnly one way to cure
deafness, and that is by enuatitutional remedies
Ueatness is caused by au inflamed coudition of the
mucous lining of the lueta him, Tube. When this
tuheis inflamed,you have a Mint** sound or im-
perfect hearing;, 4nrl when it is entirely closed, Deaf-
nessis the result, and unless the inflammation can be.
taken out and this tube restored to ire normal condi-
tion, hearing will he destroyed forever,ithie oilsee
out of ten are causes!. by Catarrh, which ie nothing
but an inflamed condition of the ntueouS uefaees,.
We will give One Hundred Dollen 'for any case 01
Deatnese (caused by eatarrh) that cannot be eared
by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars tree.
CHENEY at CO., Toledo O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Take Halle Family Pills for aonetipation
M1 and Mrs. Fred Dellbridge of
Winch -el sea visited over Sunday with
he; parents here, Mr, and"Mrs. Phillip
Brooks. -Miss Verde and Lottie Squire
spent Sunday with friends at Farqu-
har.-Wallter Gunning and ister Edna
v.ited friends at Winchellsea Sunday
-Several of our young ;xepple spent
Saturday in St. Marys: -Mrs: Ben
Butl er of Ingersoll returned home oil
Friday last after spending a week;, at
th : home of her brother, Hector YIill-
son an also with 'relatives Itt Zion.
Are event long -to•' be emembered
be the young peop le of the commun-
ity took p1 ace on Fsidayt last, it be-
ing the 21st birthday of Cl arence
Hinson • All the' young eeople of
thi: place together with - everal from
Granton Kirkton and Devizes enjoyed
the' party given by his mother ,the
had a bountiful supply 8•f good things
incluidiii ` oysters - ready. To show
their gratitude to Mrs. Millson orher
kind_ness,and also the high esteem an
whicl they hold the young man the
gentlemen of this- community bought.
hin: ; a. fine large leather suitcase, and
cher. presented was accompanied ba-
ythe fallowing address,-
Dear Friend, -We,.. • your -na,ny
friends have responded to the call
try came and celebrate with, you that
time in life which. - comes to every,
yawn man when he is given the Priv-'
Liege of using ,his intelligence in re-
gar.i to his country, his church and
his home. we sincerely trust you will
be loyal and true tQ all of these this
will constitute true manhood. ! `e
noir- askk you to accept this suitcase
in remembrance of those e -ho ere
assembled here to -night, and dope
that you will be Ion; steed to eat;
joylife,-Signed on !behalf of the
young people of Whalen by Earl john -
sten. Delbert Morley, Francis squire
Besides this Cla,race was presented
with agentler un's. -r:fi=7,3cure ser by
th i Granton friends, n bible by- Ern-
est and Myrtle Hobbs of Devizes
an''• a necktie by those ro=e Kirkton
Th:: evening was spent nen. games and ••
other amusements and an enjoyed it
very _much -
MY' and Mrs_ J - Wriahr spent the
past two weeks with friends xn Lon-
don and Ingersoll
Pro -German I3oer Arrested.
Colony, South Africa, Dec: 22.-
Barend Wessels, member of the South
African Parliament for Bethlehem,
has been arrested here. .At a meet-
Ing of the loyal Dutch at BBethlebeln
recently, a resolution was passed
,urging•b,is arrest on account of alleg-
ed pro -Getman tendencies, .
Mikado .Gives To Salvationibis
'i`OI:KIO, Dec, "22: --s The Emperor
and Empresa, according to an an-
nouncement made yesterday, have do-
nated 3,000 yen (abotit $1,500) to
the Salvation Army. This is the first
time, it Is stated, that imperial re-
cognition has been given to that or-
Mr and Mrs. W. England entertain
el their friends to a fowl >upper
oz Monday in'honor of the 10th anni-
versary of their wedding, -The stork
left twin babies, a boy and girl at
Dean Brown's last week.- Christmas
concerts are on for every evening
tics week: in the sus -rounding ,country.
-Mr John Lovie and Miss Coward
of McGillivray were married Wednes
day and have settled here. We ex-
tena1 congratulations and hest wishes
for a happy life -Miss Luella Sherritt
is home from Stratford business ol-
lege.-Gordon Ulens was in Denfield
Saturday. - Christmas Greet=-ngs
to all
The Usborne Municipal Council
met at the Township Hall, 'Dec. 15.
pursuant to statute. All the ' mem-
bers were present except S. Skinner
useable to be present on account of
illness The minutes of the previous.
meeting were read and approved: A
resolution of sympathy with Mr. and'
Skinner and family in their con-
tinued trouble and sorrow was un-
animouslypassed and the clerk in-
structed to forward a copy to the•
afflicted family.
A grant of 115.00 was voted to the
Kirkton Agricultural Society, and an
equal amount to the Exeter Society
The collector's time for-eturning
the roll was extended until Tan. 11..
large number of accounts were
passed and orders issued in payment
The receipts and expenditures for/he
current year will shortly be published
itt the financial statement.
Council adjourned to meet Dec.28
after .nomination meeting.
F. Morley, Clerk
Mrs S. Geiger of Semans, Sask., vis
ited ire] atives here for a few days last
week: -Jahn Moritz of Cavalier, ND,
arrived here to spend the winter with
his mother Mrs. P. Hauch. -Miss Lau-
millliner in blierner's store, has
returned to her home in Petrolea. -
Mrs. John Clausius and daughter Miss
Julia of Blyth visited with friend here
last week. --Edward Daters has pur-
chased the 100 acre farm on the 4th
concession of Hay from Fred Daters,
s Who will move tot this place. -.Mr.
Earl Wtu'tz cf•Pigeon, Mich:, is vis-
itinig, relatives here: -sirs, rF•isher of
Detroit is visiting her mother ;. Mrs.
'E. Axes -The, death took place, in
$erlitl' last week '66 .the;, infant laughs
ter or Mrs, J, C. Gross, who :,was a
former resident of this placer having
lived here with her foster . parents,
qr. and Mrs. E Bossenberry. The
t ill Child took a box of pills frbin
a 'esser alitt swallowed them, dying
w hiiw an hour, Another child died
a f',;et monthsago of diphtheria.
SIR EDMUND WALKER,C.V,O.,LL.D.. D.C.I+-. President
General Manages' tQllN MED. Awn General Mummer
Ai EI[il1113DF,irt LAIR,
CAPITAL, S15,001,000 RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000
Accounts may be opened at every branch of The Canadian Bank
of Commerce to be operated by mail, and will receive the same
careful attention as is given to all other departments of the Bank's
business. may Money . be deposited or withdrawn` in this way as
satisfactorily as by a personal visit to the Bank. S24
Incorporated 1865
Capital & Reserve
BANK MONEY ORDERS 4444444 ... -
at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
N. D. HURDON Manager,
I am a -woman
Tknow a woman's trials.
I know her need of sy rpaYligartd help.
If you, my sister, are to happy. because of itt-
hea]tli, and eel t:n.t for housebnidduties, social
pleasures, or da ,y e.nplayt.te:sx,.,,:,.11eand tell me
Just how you sailer, And a k fats myfree ten days'
trial of a her,: treat:: ' 't suited. to your needs
with refers err to Cann ladles v.•hu gladly tell
how they have r^;Zia: 1. tt t'„.tt strength, and
happiness its 11,:. I:t-sttri+tell'ran all about
success.,a rt:'::p 1 cf house treatment for
yattrself,'nm r:^-,fryourtlanghtcr„yaursister,
or your r tot.tcr I want to tell you haw t•r cure
yourselves at home nt trt{],a cost,, and. without
aid fro ntanyone. :Jett cannot uuderstanxl women's
sufferings ;• what we women know from ezper-
ience, we know better thaw airy doctor` and
thousands have proved there is. hope• even: far the
hop -.less in rnymethod of home trenten 1y' you
suffer from pain in the head,, hack
feeling of weight sad dragging: down sensations,
falling or displacement of int erne'. organs „bladder
irritation with frequent urinat',om„'obstinate
constipation or piles, pain in, thesidesregular".
orFrregeferfy, bioating or urates -al enlargem rts, catarrhal conditions, d spcpsia„ extnerv!�4at
depressed r tries cielanc of desire to cry, fear of something evil' about''f
happ ns,crm dcpr. a Y+
trappers, crew -pines feeling t 8 the spine, palpitation, h^t flashes, weariness, sallow complexion,
with dark circles under the eyes, pain in the le°t 1 -oast or a general feeling that life is not
worth living, I invite you to se::.l to -day for my comet to t n days' treatment entirely free and
postpaid • to DrOVO to 'yourself that these ailments can be easily sad surely conquered'atyourown
horse, witiloat the ex -mase of hospital treatment, or tate dan-rers of an operation.. Women
everywhere are escaping the surgeon's knife by knowing ofd my si:nple method of home
treatment, and when you rrh cured, my sister, I shall only ask you to pass the good word along
to sore other sufferer. ;v home treatment is for all, -young or old. '1'•t Pi 'hers of Daughters,
I Will explain n simple Home treatment which speedily and effectually cares green -sickness
fch_orosisy, irregularities, headaches, and lassitude in young women, and restores them. to
plumpness and health. retinae nae if you are worried about your daughter. Remember it costs you
nothing to give my method of home treatment a complete ten day's trial, and if you a wish to
continue, it costs only a few cents a week to do so, and it does not interfere with one's dairywork.
Is health worth asking for? Then. accept my generous offer, write for the free treatment suited
to your needs, and I will send it in plain wrapper by return :nail. To save time you can: cut out
this offer, mark the places that tell your feelings, and return to me. Write and ask for the free
treatment to -day, as you may not se this offer again. Address : -
Trusteeships Often
have every, confidence
in the fried whom you
You m a y
�� � Through
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