HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-12-17, Page 84. EXE PER A.XWYW)AT:L , THURSDAY DECEMBER 17, th14 kXCTER til*RkETS.. ()HANGED EAOH WE'DDNBSD4,'Y ' •he:t•o .4444444+4.. 108 112 .Barley .. , ..4....4....4 6a 70 Buckwheat + ,1r5 48 Oats. 100 100 Peas—.„4...444,,.,,4.., `i5 100 Potat oes. pe bag , . , , , 14 00 1400 Hay, extort 4...4 Flour, per cwt., family $ 10 Flour, low grade per elm 1 70 170 Butter...,......, 444 4,. 24 20 Eggs.— .• , . 35 80- - Live hots, per cwt..... 4 0 80 Shorte porton, 4...4,. 27 00 Braze icer bon 4444... 20 00 neer your friends at Follick's res- taurant—lunches at all hours, Hydra prices on 25, 40 and 60 watt lamps at 35c. each at the Electric Light and Power Howse. Nicholson & Lawson of Crediton will sell by public auction! at Credi- ton ou December 22nd, 45 head of cattle, consisting. of 20 calves steers and heifers about 6 months old; 20 steers and heifers rising 2 years bid. Ali good stock, Frank Taylor, Atuct. Th: Advocate would be a splendid Christmas gift to the boy or girl away Iron, borne. Once a week as they would read it, they would be remind- ed of the love that prompted the Gift $1.00 sends it to any address in Canada and $1.50 to any address in the United States. It is not •n ex- pensive gift, but it will give pleasure, WE i Ill WYANDOTTS FOR SALE —A few White Wyandott Cockrell for sale—price right. George Jaques, Winchele:a Ont. SPECIAL SALE OF CHINA AND Bok at Griggs on Friday and Sat- urday YOU make no mistake when you you buy your Christmas candies, nuts. chocolates .and oranges from Mfrs. Sanders. BON -BONS and Chocolate boxes from 25c. to $1:00. Fresh and choice —W. J Statham's. NEW FLOUR & FEED STORE. - 1 desire to announce that I have op- eenec. a Flour and Feed Stone in F. Wood's Old Stand, opposite Post Office and will keep a full supply. of the best grades of flours and reeds. 1 solicit your patronage. SIDNEY DAVIS iteaseesseeseeeeeeseeeeelesaesseseseesik Tuesday last woo the final day for rabbit shooting. Warden Caatelap was caned ,''t the recent County Council session. Tuesday was tax day a.md everybody got bus; .parting with their coin. I. M Doyle shelved two cars of horses to Montreal on Thursday. Mrs Jahn Miners unfortunately fell on Saturday at her hornet and disloc- &tee her shoulder, Earl Parsons, son of Mr, Samuel Parsons has enlisted with the second contingent at Ottawa, Eighty-five per ceamt. of .lee busi- ness failures in the United•, Statesare among firms which da not advertise. In your Christmas giving: try to remember that the poor are in grat- er neer, than your well-to-dofriend. Mr. and Mrs. Milo Snell` are now comfortably settled in their borne' en Andrew street, having moved in trona the farm last week. Everyone is interested in an item of local news, if you know of any local happening that is not ;;eneraliy known communicate the fact to this affic.e4 Sunshine anniversary will be held on Sunday ,next, when Rev. Hart of St, efarrys will preach morning and even- ing Or the Z4th the annual Xmas. Tree and Entertainment will be held, Laidlaw* Bros,, of Okotoks, Alta., have bought the stack of Mr. Snell formerly of Exeter, at Granum, Alta. This flew of St. Marys boys is do- ing a thriving business. St. Marys Journal, The Fire Underwriters Association has sent Chief Weekes the annual cir- cular warning the public to `be very careful in the placing of ' Christmas decoration: so that there will be no danger of fires. e• A St. Joseph Correspondent says A. large number of men are engaged ir+ clearing up around the big block getting things into shape for the mas- ons The big Block is going to he rebuilt as soon as possible. Parkhill in a short campaign sub- scribe.' .nearly 44300:00 for the Pat- riotic Fun3. The individual subscrip- tions range from $1.00 to $150.00, and there were about 250 subscribers, which makes the average nearly $il7, "Capt. Sale of Goderi•ch was' the guest of his brotli.er officers of the 33rd regiment ea the Clinton Club rooms when he was presentecj<' with a neat address and a handsome pair of fieLl glasses". •_ Clinton News -Record, LOCAL DOINGS.4 WANTED—To rent farm of 100 acre:, with good buildings for term of five years;, Anyone having such apple. at this Office, HARM HELP, TO BE SCARCE.— H. A McDonnell, Director of immi- gration for Ontario, is of the :zpin ion that next spring there will be a larglabor than eveerbeforeknown in nd far f n the Province, and that it will be to the advantage of the farmers' to secure help at the present time. Owing to the fact that immigration from the Old Con standstill, has been practicallya nd than so many farm hands' 'have gone with the Canadian contingent, a short age at labor wl1 be experienced when the spring comes. There is sol •rea- son, Mr McDonnell thinks, why farm- ers cannot make arrangements now by hiring help an a yearly engage- ment. In response to the circulars fanners, -t t , sent ou which have been- it is stated that a good many applica- tions arebeingreceived each day for help If you. need a man shake eppli- cation now to C. H. Sanders, `mnii- grant Agent, Advocate Office, Exeter BOARDERS WANTED.— rrs• A Lane, William Street, will be 'Kees - ed to accept a. few boarders. --o-- OUR XMAS. supply of Candies and Oranges is all fresh and " at rock- bottom prices.—W. J. Statham. Christmas Holly for gale at Follick's Bakery ASTRAY HEIFER A red heifer coming 3 years old, wits, white dot on head and white tip on tail, has strayed on my prem- ises. Owner can have same by nrav- ing property, paying expenses of keep and for this ad. HENRY KINNEY Lot 18, Con.hen 18, StSend P.O. TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE Rev. Hohnes of Ridgetown visited In town on Monday. Xis; Evelyn. Gill of Toledo is the guest of Miss. Nana Carling. Messes. W. E Sanders and Wesley Dearing attended the Fat Stockshow at Guelph last week Mr. Reg Case, who bas been in In- gersoll and Port Colborne on a visit, returned here Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Becker returned to New Hamburg on Wednesday aftera visit of some weeks here. Mr Robt..Pickard and family, wlio have been spending the summer in the West, returned 'home last week Mr. Wm Lightfoot, who was de- cently married in Landon, spent the week end with his bride; here, guests of Mr. and Mrs. jeh'n Markham. Messrs Clifford McAvoy and Laurie Watson Pharmacy students of Toron- to, returned home last week for the vacation, Manager White of The Bank of Commerce, who brought his little son. here last week, is iii Toronto to bring Mrs, White to their 'lathe here. Mrs. Wes. Stone of the West ar- rived here last week to spent some, weeks. She was accam,panied by `her brotbez Herman Kernicrh, who spent the summer out west. Rev, FT, Forster, for ten, years the pastor at Mottnt Cartmel, will move to Reigetpwnat the end of the year, his place being taken by Rev, Fr. T iexnay —o-- Mr and Mrs. N. J. Dore entertain- ed a number of friends to euchre an Thursday evening. Mr. John Bell has purchased, theold Treble farm on the London Roadust south of town from Mr.r Dan Woods. Edith the five-year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herb, Walters, met with a painful accident on Tuesday by fal- ling and facturing her arm. ate Jos. Bawden, while pulping root= Tuesday unfortunately got hie left hand caught is the knives, inflict inF wounds that necessitated several stitches to close. Mrs. Allen, Andrety Street, received the news last week oft the death of her daughter Mfrs. W. L. Creighton, of Colonsay Sask.., who died on Fri- day riday after oil y a short illness. She is. survived by her husband and an in- fant child. She was married only last February Rev John Morrison of Sarnia eon- ducter'the services in the Main street Church an Sunday the Occasion be- ing the anniversary of the Young efee'S s.lass preaching .morning and evening He also addressed the class in the afternoon. On Monday even ins! he gave an excellent lecture on "That Boy” which was well. attend- ed. - The municipal nominations cake place on Monday, Dec. 28th. While avoi Uxfg elections would • be a very fine thing to do it is notpossibleun- less unanimous. If it cannot be done see to it that none but good men are nominated, and try to see that alight is avoided for any but good reasons, Doi not'let us have -a waste `of money to satisfy a grudge, or because 'some - ane wants to see i a f iht� on. But if g you feel sure you card better condi- tions onditions it is. your duty to, get in the game. Rev. D . W Collins 'of•Trivitt Mem- orial Church, left Wednesday for London to take a supplementary, i it School • with course in the Military , a view to rubbing up on the vork with which he was familiar some years ago and obtaining a captain's certif- icate and going to the war as a con - g b missic*ner•1 officer in a later conting- ent Rev. ,Mr. Collins will return on Sundays to take his church work. His action is a laudable one and worthy o•f being copied by many of our vnung men Reeve Elliott of Stephen informs us that the total expenditure to the county in connection with the train 'of produce- to the Belgians was as follows,—Barrels $2360.30; hacks, etc, $551.55; hired help, telephones, etc., $891.44, Total .$3803.29. Rev Sharp of Coven Church and Rev. Fletcher of Thames Road ex- changed pulpits an Sunday, the oc- casion being the inspection day of the Sunday, Schooes. Rev. Fletcher preached very able sermons. "Tbe price of bread was last week raised to 7 cents per loaf by our loc- al bakers, but the good housekeepers of the town did notr take to this ides. and many started baking their own bread. As a consequence it was lowered to 6 cents a loaf on :Satur- day morning"=Wingham Times. The undersigned is offering for ,ale Lots 35, 35: and part of 37, Carling Street on which is a good storey and half frame house, containing 7 looms good cellar and kitchen. There are also a number of choice fruit trees an the premises and a good stable; har C and soft water. Everything is in a good state of repair. Will he cold reasonable. Call Saturday for par- ticulars HENRY GOULD. Exeter Tea & Coffee Store Mrs. Thos. Bissett received the sad news last week of the„ death of iMlrs. Walton Hodgins, who died in Tor- onto onto on Dec: 7th, in her 75th year, Mrs Hodgson will be remembered by our alder residents, she having resid- ed here for a number of years with her late husband, who conducted ous- iness here for same time. She is sur- vived by two sones, F. T. W. Hodg- son and Dr. E. GI Hodgson, and one daughter Miss Blanche. Her remains were interred at Toronto Wednesday. A second live bird shooting snatch. was giver. by Mr. John Hunkin em Thursday afternoon when sides •vere chosen by him and his brother, Mr, A. Hankin with the result that the former wan out as wild be seen by' the score below,the losers paying for a supper at Mr, W. J. Statham's :- J. Hankin 8 A. Hunkin 7 W. Snell 6 F. Kerr 9 8 C. Sweet 7 7 G. Adamson, 2 7' W. Statham' 4 4 7 ._ 40 T. Creech R. Ogd er B Ford J Green 6 N. Ford; J. Passmore 7 S. Cantelon For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas,; coffee and every- thing in the grocery Imo. Call and see us.A trial as to quality will convin- ce. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould Opposite Meet rielight Plan t r`. 49 A Reactionary Storm Period is cen tral on the 17th 18th and 19th. If we are to have heavy boreal storms the: month—except such at this re- actionary period. Wild,, winter gales will gage out upon the Atlantic seas and answering storm,, followed by, cold .will sweep over lake, coast and inlartd A general storm period is coincident with the center of the December solstice period, being cen- tral on the 23rd, and reaching from the 21st to the 26th. This period will brine very low barometer,. and an and touching the 32,rd. and Z4th the temperature will rise, and storms of rains, attended by winter light- ning and thunder is probable. These. These storms will turn to sleet and maw about the 24th and 25th„ bring- ing change to much colder, ,vith snow in wide areas of the country for Christmas. In fact a general snow storm will sweep out to the northwest and spr•ad far to the east and south by the close of this, period, 'lonely followed by high barometer • and (,told clearing weather. EXETER PATRIOTIC FUND Regular meeting of I.O.O.F.en Tues day December 22nd. First ' degree and usual business. All members re- quested to attend. Visitors welcome. W. Martin N.G. Oranges, nuts and candies, and for- eign fruit at all prices! to suit every- body at Follick's Confectionery. THERE is nothing better for The Christmas shopper than an Oyster Stew served at Statham's. oisil to our stare gill sole lVal Giil Problem BRASS GOODS Useful a,n.i Ornamental Jardinieres ,.,$L50 to $5.00 Candle Sticks ti,,.,, $2,00 to $5,00 Fern Baskets , 1.00 to $2,00 Trays .... ... $1.00 to $4,00 Vases .. 44.... $1.00 to $3.00 TOILET & MANICURE SETS. Allways acceptable. We are proud of our fnle assortment. A til: to gentlemen,—Ma ,ke an early choice • $2,00 to $12,50 CONFECTIONERY Boys • how about a fine box of chocolates. We have them in plain and fancy boxes ...10c, to $3.00 a box We handle the, best fresh from the factory. Hand Bags for mother ...50c. to 3.00 Bill Folds for Father ...75c to 2.00 Coin Pursesfor boys... .15c,to 50c Music Folios for girls ...1.50, to 3.00 Case pipes for smokers 1,00 to 2.50 Alt the popular brands of cigars in Xmas boxes 50e. to $2.50 each. .Shaving' outfits .,25c, to 2.50 Shaving mirrors SOc: to $2.00 Brush and Comb sets 1,50 to 5.00 Collar and Cuff boxes 25c to 1.00 Safety Razors .,.SOc, to •5,00 Case pipes , , ..1,00 to, 3.50 Gift pipes 4444...... 25c. tee '1,00 Travelling Sets 1,50 to 5,00 Writing Cases ...250 to 1.50 Military Brushes 2.00 to 5.00 Music Folios 1.50 to 3.00 Fountain Pens asst'd• .4...... 3.,50 Cain Purses 150 to 50c. Bill Folds _ ,,.75e to 2.00 Hand Bags .,.50c. to 3.00 Manicure Sets ...2,00 to 7.50 Toilet Sets t 2.50 to. 10.00 Toilet Waters ,.,..25c, to 75c, Slot Water Bags ...1.50 to 3.00 Flash Lights 1.00 to 2,00 Boxed Candy ..25c. to 2.50 Pocket Toilets 25c to 5 Oc. Collar Rags 75c, to 2.00 EBONY GOODS Make useful presents.-Haia•, hat, bonnet, cloth nail and tooth brush- es, Butlers, nail files, and uticle knives .among the =atom pieces, Quality best, XMAS, STATIONERY Papeten'es in fancy boxes .-- The • cream of the' market. Every boSSa a select value Stylish and pi pala,t presents. Our 50c, line is a lead'e'r, XMAS BOOKLETS Largest stock in town, You get. the best if you leu. y at Cole's. A ' tip to Sunday School Teachers' — Loc'i over our stock, 20c. to $3.00 a dozen Safet'; Razors' ideal gifts 50 to 5.00 Post Card Albums, boys, ...25 .1o2.00 Shaving outfits popular ...1.00 ta2.50 Burat wood pieces, useful and or- pamentai for your. „lady friends, Perfumes—here we are sure to ',please—large assortment 10c, to 3.00 a box COLE'S DRUG STORE We Save You .Money Auction Sale OF HOUSEHOLD, FURNITURE alt ,CENTRALIA on Wednesday, December 23, 1914 at 1.30 o'cbaei , the following Sewing machine, nearly new; 2 bed- room suites; 1 cookstone, burns coal or wood; .3. baseburner, coal stove; 1 wood stove; 2 extension tables;; L sideboard - half • dozen, kitchen chairs 2 rockin,e chairs, 4 dining room chairs 1 kitchen tables; also barrels, and many other articles. Terms Cash ; F. TAYLOR FRANK SOPHA Auctioneer. Proprietor PROCLAMATION, VILLAGE OF EXETER NOMINATION AND ELECTION Public notice is hereby given that ameeting of the Electors of the Vil- lage of Exeter well be held in the TOWN HALL, EXETER, MONDAY..:: DECEMBER 28th, 1914 At the hour of 12, noon, for the purpose. of making and receiving nom- inations for Reeve, Councillors ind Trustees for th'e ensuing year; and further notice is 'hereby .given that.. in the event of more candidates being ,proposed for the offices than requir- edd e meeting will be elected, th to be e1 , adjourned until Monday, Jan. 4th, A. D., 1915 ahem polls will be )pencud at 9 a.m closing at 5 p.m.. at the - fol- lowing places as fixed by By-law, viz. Polls D. R. O. and.. Poll Clerk No 1, S Handford's Residence, E. Treble, S. Davis Na. 2, Town Hall, W Johns, H. z3is satt No. 3 Mitchell's office, H. Huston, P. Gillies Na 4 N. E. Fite Hall, A. McPherson F.a W'tw er And all electors are hereby request- ed to take notice and govern them- selves accordingly. By order. • - T B CARLING. Returnin.a Officer NOTICE During the holiday season everyone appreciates a. goad suggestion in re- garci to an appropriate Xmas. Gift. THE DOMESTIC VACUUM CLE- ANER is an ideal Christmas Gift for every woman having a horse. Call and see them 'at our Store. We have ai•her suitable Xmas. Gifts as well— worthy of your inspection. .. R. N. ROWE 'Embalmer and Funeral Dirertnr Phone 20a. Previously acknowledged 974.07 Book Club 5,00 Mr.s Thorne 1,00 Tea Room 14.90 $994.97 'Hot stopper' served in. the Tea Ro.on' from 5 to 7 Saturdays. A ineeting of the ; Patriotic League will be held in the Town Hall Friday evening, at 7.30, when important busi.- tees wiat be transacted, Jeweriy, Cut Glass and Silverware are the things that are really appreciated for Xmas Presents Lawson & Trick Exeter, Ontario • Mail Contract SEALED TENDERS addressed to the Postmaster General, will ,be re- cei ved at Ottawa untie noon, on Fri- day, the 8th day of 'January„ 1915 for the con,:.veyance, of His Majesty's Mails, on a proposed Contract for four years twenty-four times per week each way, between Hensall and Street Letter Boxes and Railway Sta- tior from the Postmaster General's pleasure next. Printed notices containing further information as to conditions of pre- posed Contract may be seen and blanl forms of Tender may be ab-) tained at the Post Office of Hensel' and at the office (of the Post Office Inspector London. G. C. ANDERSON Superintendent, Post Office Department, Mail Ser- vice Branch, Ottawa„'27th Nov, 19142 Exeter North &eueral' Slore for Good Fresh Groceries 'Etc. PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE EGGS '., 'DRIED;, APPLES, DRESSED POULTRY AT MARKET PRICES. H. Bierling MERCHANT, BAY P.O. JONES MAY PBONEI.L. Christmas Buyers will find us Head- quarters for Xmas Shopping Only one .weed Do your shopping early when you have plerity of time to choose Everything you may want is right `here. XMAS KERCHIEFS 200 doz. all kinds 5c. to 75c each XMAS LINENS White and colored Plain and Fancy XMAS BAGS Leather and Swaede From 25c. to $3 each XMAS NOVELTIES. Needle Cases Crochet Sets Travelling Sets Fancy Combs Fcy Broaches Fancy Pins XMAS GLOVES All ki ind and all colors XMAS. APRONS. For 25, 35 & 50c. Fancy designs XMAS, WAISTS All kinds and colors in silk and net, CHILDREN White Furs Little Coats Mitts and Gloves Hoods and Bonnets Legins Shawls XMAS TIES Foal Men and Boys • nidely boxed XMAS. GLOVES Every variety You can 'name SHIRTS & SOX To Please anyone act' kthds, XMAS. NOVELTIES FOR MEN Suspenders Pyjamas House Coats Slippers Sweater Coats Suits and Over Coats A new shipment just arrived Special, for the Holiday trade. Something entirely new in style and particularly . well selected cloth. 4. y ONES & NAY' • e ,clo i la rters for the celebrated W. E, Sarlfopd Ulot4•. il'g i