HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-12-17, Page 5Pm, 1104 01101110•00, 4.. TA. DENTAL Dr, O. F. ROULSTON, L.D.S., paryrIsT A Ifember ,et the R.o.p.s. at Ontario and e Honor Graduate of Toronto Tplverait'y, Cif/Ica-Oyer Dielsecrs & Carling's law orrice. Closed 'Wednesday afternoons. DR. A L N$1A, L.D.S., D.P.S. Honor Gradutte of Toronto University Teeth extracted without piste, or any bad errecte, ettlee over Giedman & Stannuey's Orrice, 'Mien Street, /3bretea% LEGAL DICKSON & CARLING, BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Com- fit Belo/kers. Salle! bora for the MolSOns Barkk. etc. Volley to Loan at lowest rates of interest Otticee-Maen-St., Exeter to R. Carling, B.A. L. H. Dickson MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount at prelate funds) to, loan on tarm a.rid village prop- erties at loW ratea of inesrest. GLADKAN & STANBURT Barr; eters, Solicitors, nreter, T. B CARLING Lite, Fire, AccIdeut and Plate Glass insurance, Collecting accounts, and cone ducting auction sales. - Exeter. Ont. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND gEGuLA.TIONS THE sole head of a family, or soy main over 18 years old, may homestead a quarter -section of available Doinin- ion. land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta The applicant must appear perso t at the Dominion Lands A.g- ency et Sub -Agency for the Dis- trict. Entry may be made at i.ny Dominion Lands Agency (but not Sub -Agency) on certain conditions. Duties -Six months' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader nay live within nine miles of his,. homestead cn a fan of at least 80 acres, on certain conditions A habitable house is re- quired in every case, except whenie- sidence is performed in the vicinity. In certain. districts a homesteader in good standing may pre-empt a quarter section alongside his homestead. Price $3 per acre. Duties -Six months resi- dence in each of three years after earning' homestead patent; also 50 acres extra cultivation. Pre-emption patent may be obtained as soon as i homestead patent, on certain condi- tions A settler who has exhausted his homestead light may take a purchas- ed homestead in certain districts. Pice $3 per acre. Duties -Must re- --re'dre 6 months in each of 3 years, cu ltivatc 50 acres, and erect a house worth $300, The area of cultivation is subject —' 7 to reduction in case of rough, scrub- by or stony land. Live stock may be substitutes for cultivation under cer- tain conditions. W. W. CORY, C.M.G. Deputy at the minister of the Interior N.B.-Unauthorized ipubliea tion of this ativertisiment Will not be paid tor. DR. DeVAN'S FRENCH PILLS. geg: gulating Pill for Women. $5 a box or three for: $10. Sold at all lrug Store, or mailed to any address on receipt cif Tug SCOBELL DRUG Co., St. Catharines, Ontario. PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN. Wilitch.liri yitality; for Nerre and limin; increases ''grey matter" ; /2. Tonie-wil I build you up. $3 a box, or two for $o, at drug stores, or by mail on receipt of price. THE SCOBELL DRUG Co., St. Catharines. Ontario. CENTRAL STRATFORD. ON Ontario's Best Practical Training School. We have thorough courses and experienced instructors in each of au- three departments -Commerc- ial Shorthand and Telegraphy, Our graduates succeed and you should reerl our large, free catalogue. Write for it at once. D. A. McLachlan, Principal Winter term opens jan. 4th, Decide now to enter the 'Famous, ELLIOTT TORONTO, Ont, This Schaal stands e•ithout a superior in Canada. Write far catalogue . W J. ELLIOTT, Principal 734 Yoe St.; Toronto. EVERY WOMAN about the wonderful is interested and should haply whining Spray filarlrei Douche Ask your druggist for it. If he cannot supply the MARVEL, accept no other, but send stamp for illus- trated book—sealed. It gives full parliculars and direetionsievaluable to ladies, WINDSOR SUPPLY CO.,Winclsot, Ont. General Agents for Canada. 'IRAs T R tIN !sVsLirea CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR fri't, FARES ,SINGLE FARE -Dec, 24-25, good Lo r return until Dec, 26; a,isa Dec $1, 1914 and Jan. 1, 1915, valid for return until Jan, 2, 1915, FARE and ONE-THIRD-eD'ec, 22- 23-24-25 geed far return until Dec. 28* also. Dec. 30 and 31, 1914, and Ian, 1, 1015, valid far return tinti;1 ran 4 1915. Above reduced fares apply between all stations in Canada east of Port Arthur and to; Detroit and Port Hur- On Mich. Ruffahe, 'Black Rock, Nia- gara Valls and Suspension Bridge, N, Tickets now on sale at G. T. R. ticket offices, J. DORE, Exeter BRUCEFIELD 04 am...ow The anniversary servieeS in the Pres bytes -len chureh ware a decided %M- OOS in every feature, Good weather ledge Crowds ,excellent supper and Program, The proceeds Amounted to $460.00, leaving the church free of debt which is gratifying to the members of the eongregation.- Mr, Jas, Petrie has advertised f6r his sale an the 22nd. We are sorry to Jose Mr, Petrie from among its.—Mr. John Aikenhead, sr,, has- returned from the West toH spend the winter with his son here. -Wes Harvey has resold the Mc Dermid farm to a Mr, Hide from near Taronto.-Mrs. Ed, Morrison has been confined to her room but isimproving. BETTER THAN SPANKING. Spanking does not cure children of bedwetting. There is a constitutional cause for this trouble, Mrs. M,Sum- mers Box W., 840, Winds•or, Ont., will send free to any Mother her suc- cessful home treatment with full in- structions. Send no ,money but write her to -day if your children trouble you in this way. Don't blame the child the chances are it can't nelp it. This treatment also curea adults end aget.1 people troubled with urine dif- ficulties by day or night. S HIPKA • Mr. Sandy McEachen of Parkhill spent Sunday at, his home here. -Sev- eral from here attended the special services in the Evangelical church' in Creditor. on Sunday evening.- Sun- day evening saw the ttsual quota of Greenway boys in our burg. -Several of our- young people attended the Keys -Yearley wedding an Wednesday -Mr. and Mts. Elmer Melilla have moved to Centenary, where he is en- gage0 with Mr. Albert Taylor, for a year. " • Rhieunia Will Stop Uric Acid Deposit Rheumatic Complications Checked ani the "Human Sewers" Restored. The Kidneys, Bowels, and Skin are the. "human sewers" which carry off the. impurities of the blood. When these are clogged Uric -Acid sediment lodges in the muscles and joints and Rheumatinn follows. RHEUMA, the great remedy for all forint; of the ter- rible disease, checks the deposit of Uric Acid. "For many years I suffered with Rhetunatism ani 71 years old, but am proud to say that after using one bottle of RHEUMA the Rheumatic pains are entirele eene. I daily recom mend RHEUMA to my friends." -- Willis Goff, Bridgeburg, Ont. W S. Cole will return your money if it fails • 50 cents a bottle. McGILLIVRAY - NOMINATION AND ELECTION. The annual meeting for Nomination of, Candidates for offices of Reeve, Deputy Reeve and three Counaillors far the Municipal Council of '11cGill- teraei for the ensuing year will be lieId in the Town Hall, West MeGillivray an Monday. December -28th, 1911-, at twelve o'clock, noon,. Polls if require'd, rill be opened on Monday the 4th day of January, 1915 at 9 &clock a.m. and continue, entil 5 o'clock p.m. and no longer, in the se- veral polling sub-divibions of the said township 'as follows, -:-No. 1 Morgan's house on Lot 12, 3rd Concession, las Neil, jr. D. 12.0.; No. 2' Cunningham's house lot 24, Znd Con. A. Cunningham_ No. 3 Pierce's( house on lot 15, Con. 11, Moses Pierce; NO. 4, Cameron's School Haase, Section 8, Wm. Prest; No, 5, TOwn Hall, J. D. Drummond; No. 6 Taylor's Sehool House, 'Sec. 12, Thos Mclnnis; No. 7, Nichol, house an bot 8, Con. 22, Andrew Grieve J. 'D. Drtunm on d, Returning Officer, FARM FOR SALE Sec Lot 8, Con. '12, Tp. Stephen; 50 acres half mile south of lehiva, with good frame -house, bank barn, dri ve shed .and other out buildings -two spring wells --:good land, well fenced and underdrained, with thirty acres under cultivation, Apply to THEOBOLD DIETRICH ReNee. $, Dashw&sd, Out, A POSITION FOR FALL AND WINTER We have a sound itior for a reliable man for this district small fruits, flower' weekly, outfit free, business lerapos- eneegetic sales - to sell fruit trees ,shrubs,etc. Pay exclusive territory OVER 600 ACRES oi fruit and ornamental stock tinder celtivation, We sell through our .al- esmen direct to the consumer and guarantec delivery of fresh, high grade trees. Our agencies are valu- able by reason of the service we eive am' the volume of business done. Established 35 years. Write PELEIAM NURSERY Co,Toronto,Ont 'P.S,-1-landsome catalogue on re- quest either* to apnlicant or those wishing nursery stock, BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert instructors at the kAd/4//e .41e117 Y.11, C. A. BLDG.. tONDON, ONT. Students a,t.sisted to positions, College, in session '11rOm Sept 1st. Catalogue free. Enter any time. J.W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr. Principal clattered Accountate 19 Vice -Principal NEWS TOPICS OF WEEK:41,41,44ement /be bun- Suffering From Important Events Which Have Occurred During the Week, The Busy World's Happet'Ags Care- fully Oompiled and Put Into ` Handy and Attractive Shape for the Readers of Our Paper -A Solid Hour's Onjoyment. WEDNESDA y. Maj. Stanton, reserve of officers, has been officially gazetted as military secretary to the Duke of Connaught in succession to Maj. Farquhar, The Bavarian press reports the death of Gen. yori. Meyer as the re- sult of an arrow shot by a hostile aviator while the general was enter- ing a motor car. Two children of John Niami, of Port Arthur, aged three and four years, were burned to death by a fire which started in their home when they were left alone for a short time by their mother. H. S. 131ackburn, of London, Ont., received word yesterday of his ap- pointnaent to the position of local master of the Supreme Court of On- tario and deputy registrar in and for the County of Middlesex. A 'British warship with four fun- nels, apparently a eruiser, was seen by shore observers at the Highlands, Long Island, yesterday afternon. The vessel appeared to be about 12 miles soutbeast of the Highlands. It was believed that she was the Britannia, ' Sir Adam Beck, by appointment of the Canadian Governm.ent, serves henceforth as colonel on the head- quarters' staff and will in the capac- ity of remount commissioner for east- ern Canada supervise the buying of all the horses from Lake Superior to th tlantic Ocean. I Col. L. R. Carleton, commandant at the .Royal Military College, Kingston, eaves for England about Dec. 17th o join the staff at the front. Col. Goethals yesterday issued in- tructions for the immediate depar- ure from Panama of the British col- lars Ktrnwood and. Iioddans: An epidemid of cbelera, is spread - lig -rapidly in Gerneany and Austria, ccording to ' a statement in The Nieuwe Rotterdameche Coura. Harry Mason was found guilty by jury yesterday of the murder of . J. McColm, a Winnipeg fuel dealer, whose body was found lying on .the ide of St. Boniface road on Oct. :The Germans have started looting be field of the battle of Waterloo, ays The Petit Parisien, The histori. al collection in the hotel on Mont t. Jean has disappeared, and all usketi, swords, etc. Tb e Dublin Freeman's Journal re- orts that Baron Wimborne probably ill succeed the Earl of Aberdeen, ord Lieutenant of Ireland, early in he new year, when the office will be aised to the rank of viceroy. The Swedish press is very indig- ent over the pla.nting of floatin ines along the coast of Finland,g which has resulted so far in the loss three large Swedish steamers and e drowning of upwards of forty en. Thirteen mine workers were killed the Diamond Shaft of the Dela- are, Lackawanna and Western Co., Scranton yesterday, when a box of ynamite being lowered into the mine a cage with fourteen men, ex oded. FRIDAY. W. Brown, for years a prominent per manufacturer, died in Thorold sterday. Confirmation of the death in South frica of Gen. Beyers was received London yesterday. The British War Office has accept - the offers of the Medical Faculties McGill and Dalhousie Universities furnish two stationary field hospi- Is for active service. Finlay Perrin, brother of the late S. Perrin, the wealthy confectioner London, Ont., died at his home t night. He was born in London years ago, and was the oldest resi- nt of the city. It is reported from Pedang, capital Sumatra, that the 37 German sail- s'of the Emden, who escaped in a lboat when their- cruiser was de, oyed off the Cocos Islands, called that port for supplies on Nov. 28, Mal -Gen. Hughes yesterday de- ibed as buncombe the, definite an- uncement in a Montreal morning per that Canadian cavalry regi- nts will be sent to Egypt. He said had never made such a statement. One hundred prisoners of war, con- ed to Fort Henry, Kingston, were nsferred to PetewaWa yesterday. ey are being taken to Petawawa to Id additional camps for the num- = of foreigners who are being held Toronto and Montreal. eAtie 1 a a J 2 t s c S p t r ra 0 th in w at in p1 pa ye A in ed of to ta D. of las 84 de of Or sai str at ser no pa me he fin tra Th bui be T stit min cau pin H tho 190 terd of t resp noo Bro dee the A from ho, puti of a istr A' terd ted stor Ors loss by i A abott ing Diets Sod he Swedish Foreign Office has in- uted an inquiry into the laying of es in Swedish waters, which has sed extensive damage to the ship - g of that country. enryk Sinekewicz, the Pole, au- r of Quo Vadis and holder of the 5 Nobel prize for literature, yea - ay was elected honorary rctember he Russian Academy of Sciences. One of Guelph's; oldest and most petted citizens passed away at n yesterday in the person of Dr. ck. Pneumonia was the cause of th. He was one of the pioneers cif district. message to the 1 -lavas Agency Ideben says that Victor Coutin- president of the Chamber of De- es has Undertaken the formation new Cabinet in place of the Min - y which resigned on Dec. 5. fire which broke out early yes_ ay in a mysterious manner gut, the wall paper,department in the e of Savage & Wightrnan, Paint - and decorators, Kingston: The will reach $2,000, partly covered rtsurence. fire, starting on the Second floor t three o'clock yesterday morn - gutted the Sarnia City Hall, torn- ly destroying the seeorid floor roof and dAnciftIOR$ the first 40r Are YOlti - 1•Wrdays' 'of visiting var- ioufs religious houses and charitable institutions as well as attending tune - tions at which be received the hom- age of thousands of Roman Catholic in Montreal, Cardinal Begin left yes- terday for his home in Quebec. MON Y. President Poincare has telegraphed his felicitations to Crown Prince Alexander, the regent of Servia, on the success of the Servien troops. Press despatches frona Consta,nti- nople say German words ere sup planting French in,Turkey, and that German will be taught In the schools. Wellington. County Council on Sat- urday passed a resolution giving tp the patriotic fund an assessment on the county rate of one mill. This will amount to $30,000. Four more deaths are officially re- ported from Salisbury. Plain --Sapper George Burnett, divisional engineer; Pte. F. J. Ross, Gunner E, H. M. Penn and Pte. John Lvers. The German soldiers located in the mountain districts on the eastern bat- tlefront, are now wearing white clothing, as this renders them less easily observed on the snowclad land- scapes. It is announced in London that Ramsay McDonald, leaden of the Brit- ish Labor party, formerly one of the most active opponents of war, has gone to the front in the Red Cross service. Enormous quantities of all sorts of goods from England and elsewhere are awaiting reshipment at Archangel in northern Russia. These include half a million tons of coal, thous- ands of tons of herrings, machinery, cotton and chemicals. Tie keee • Charles Perier, president of the French Academy of Medicine, is dead in Paris. He was born in 1836. Miss Genevieve Malette, 17 years old, of Gatineau Point, Que., was drowned on Sunday evening while skating near her home. Complete returns in the Parlia- mentary elections held last week break the threatened tie and give the Government of New Zealand 41 seats to 39 for the Opposition. A man's body has been found in a bush six miles southwest of Bridge - burg by boys hunting. rabbits. It is believed that it is the body of Rev. William Hunt, who disappeared from Bridgeburg on July 8. The Zeitung Ammittag publishes a despatch yesterday saying that hos- tile aviators flew over the city of Freiburg, in the Grand Duchy of Ba- den, at 3 p.m., on Dec. 13, throwing bombs from their mathines. The Salvation Array will ask the next Legislature of the province of Quebec for a law giving it power to allow its ministers and officers to of- ficiate at marriages, baptisms and funerals and to keep civil records. John. Keinnedy, 28 years of age, Fort Walton, Ont., and who was at Whitby Jimction. on Friday last, the day on which G. T. R. Operator Wm. Stone was shot and killed, was yes- terday arrested at Montreal on a charge of track -walking. TO START NiA ? All Leave For Canadians at Salisbury Stopped After Jan. 1st. SALISBURY, Eng., Dec. 15. -Or- ders were issued from the headquar- ters of the Canadian camp yesterday, that no leave would be granted to the men after the first of January, thus giving rise to the belief that the force will leave for the front next month. Twelve- officers who refused to re- turn to Canada. with the remainder of those unattached, in order to get commissions in the second contingent, have been given commissions in the regulars and territorials. Among them are Capt. Fred Dent, of Toronto, to the Royal Fusiliers; Capt. D. Douglas Eppes, of Toronto, and Lieut. Rob- inson, ,of London, to the Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry; Capt. 11foueh, of Kingston, to the Northum- berland Fusiliers; Lieut Watts, of Brantford,. to the Royal Warwick- shire Regiment; Lieut. Fletcher, of the York 'Rangers, to the Tenth Devons. Some To Go To Egypt. MONTREAL, Dec. 15. -That the Canadian contingent, or at .least a Portion of it is probably bound far Egypt is the information contained in a communication received here yes- terday from a member of the 14th battalion, first Royal Montreal regi- ment. He says: "Just got word we. are to. leave for Egypt this week. Some excitement I can tell yon." WOOD OBOSS-GRAINED. • Defective Timber Is Cause of Accident " Says Coroner's Jury. COOKSVILLE, Deo. 15. - The in- quest into the death of the four ri- veters who were killed by the col- lapse of a scaffold here on Saturday, was concluded last evening before Coroner Dr. Sutton, the jury finding that a defective piece of timber was responsible for the accident. The Ver- dict was as folloWs: "That Andrew Webeter, John Bowlby, George Warner and Hugh McKenna carie to their death from a defective piece of timber on the scaf- folding on which they were Workbag, which broke and caused the Men, to fall to the gronnd. We find the com- pany in charge of the work, the To- ronto Structural Steel Co., liable for failing to furnish a proper plan and suitable material for the scaffolding." Giving eXpert evidence regarding the safety of the structure, Mr. Feller of the city architect's department pro- duced a piece Of Wood to prove that Some of the timber used cross- grained, and therefore unsuitable for the purpose. Consequently he did not believe the scaffold had been aafe, Zeppelin forced Back. AMSTERDAM, Dec. 15.4-A 'ZenPe- lin, proceeding in th s direetion of Dunkirk from Nieuport, Sunday was eompelled to rettrn, by the heavy gee firs of the allies, says a despatch . • w W uto-Intoxication The dictionarY IN says that Aut9- Intoxication is "poisoning, or the state of being poisoned, from toxic, substances produced within the body." This is a condition due to the stomach, bowels, kidneys, liver, or pores of body failing to throw off the poisons. More than 50% of adults' are suffering froth this trouble. This is probably why you are suffering from nervousness, headaches, loss of appetite, lack of ambition, and many other symptoms producedbyAuto-Intoxication,Yourwholesysteru needs stirring up. DR PIEROVS-GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY (In Tablet or Liquld Form) will remedy the trouble. It first aids the system to expel accumulated poisons. It acts as a tonic and finally enables the body to eliminate its own poisons without any outside aid. Obey Nature's warnings. Your dealer in medicines will supply you, or you may send 50c for a sample package of tablets by mail. Address Dr.R.V.Pierce,Buffaio,N.Y. The latest edition of Dr. Pierce's Common Serose Medical Adviser should be la eve*, fluldli /reason why you should be without itwhen it will be sent free to you if you will remit cost of wrap- pinfrand mailing -81 one - cent stamps -to Dr R V. Pierce, Buffalo. N X• Take a Few Minutes Read This Ad. Over Carefully And if you arc well supplied and are quite sure that you will never need any of the values here advertised, why we apoligize for having taken up your time. Pianos GERHARD HEINTZMAN MORRIS NORDHEIMER NEW SCALE.WILLIAMS WRIGHT ENNIS & Co. SKARN DOMINION. We will give you a special discount on above pianos if purchased be - lore January ist, 1915. Remember money talks and no reasonable Offer will be refused. Yrri t"'"' • SLIGHTLY 1JSED PIANOS. 1 Sherlock-Manning,-malioginy Caertotlie XV. style, complete with stool an,'. free delivery ..v4 tw.aj r.wwww £145.00 1 Blundell, mahogany case, has been in; usqlless than; one year $165 1 Kohler Be Campbell, mahogany finish as good as neer .8185.00 50 Raymond Sewing Machines 50 Including cabinets, 4 drawer Auto lift, and 5 drawer hand lift finished in quarter cut Oak. We have no room to store, them and you can buy them. at your own price while they Iast. Act at once. Delays are serious. Stationery Etc. XMAS. STATIONERY- Large Assortment 15c to $1.2s. Hymn Books and Bibles ,all prices Christmas Booklets ,Etc. Moore's Non-Leakable frountaim Pens, The kind that dont leak. A very suitable present. -422:50 and up Crokinole Boards $1:50 Fountain Pens Artillery Wagons $2.00 Music Rolls $1.50 Racking Horses $1,00 Violins. Boy's Sled 25c. Violin Boxes, Bows, Strings, Dells' Cabs $1.00 at special prices, New Books'. "Patrol of 'the Sundance by R. C.:tenter. "IIII1OCellt" by Marie Corelli. "The Wall of Partition," by F. Barclay "The Call of the East" by Fraser, "The Witch" by IVIatry Jolmaton, "Te Clarion" by .Aclaths, "The Rocks of Valnre" by E. M. Dale, "The Prince of Grattstark" tycCutche n, Special price $1,10' 1A20 -71STOrrIVIENI" \OF „REPRINT S-4 Space will Pat Derpatt u0 to give you list-.1::SelnPi-11\;,9-c. A TA1.141•B' ASSORTMENT OF 1100Z'S FOX t BOYSHenty's at sze Boy's OWn AnnuAND S& al $US Alger's at 25c. Girl's Own Annual ars. With every sloo ppxeheee eq. ,ovor we gitie Yen absolutely:'re ONE 15c BOTTLE OP VERIBRITE FURNITURE POLISH.' This Polish will clear, and pollslf pianos, Organs, and fine furniture af everY des,ctirstior4 STORE OPEN EVENINGS, S1131'1111 81 Soil, Exeter