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Sanders es Cree via Proprietor s
in advaaceq $L,O0 per year in Canaille
$1,50 in United Sates. If not paid
u. advance 5dc, extra eper year may
be charged.
TRU SIM Y, DEO' 17 '14
se Cantata will he held in the
Methodist. Church .on Tuesday ceveal-
December 22, wider • the auspices, of
the Sunday School. Santa. Claus es.
Co. is to be the, name of the ,Cantata
A mixed program will also oe given
in addition. A rare treat is in ,tore
far all who attend, Admission 25
ant 15 cents. •
Tuesday was last council sheeting
for the; year. it was also the ast day
to pay taxes and quite a nuinber of
people were in town. There are
rumors afloat that there will be a
Municipal Election this year Would
n't it be a good idea to adopt the
method other Municipalities are mak-
ing and do without an election and
give the cost of such acontest to
the Patriotic Fund?
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Eo,dgson, of Is
lay Alberta are spending a few weeks
here the guests of the latter's par-
ents Mr, and Mrs, James Clark.
Senator Ratz of New Hamburg
seen. Tuesday in town the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Zwick—ea .
Air Christopher Eilber had a nar-
rc w escape from being suffocated by
cal gas last Sunday, When 'firs.
Link called in the after noon she
fe en- them in a stupor and it re-
quires, considerable effrt to wring
them around again. We are glad to
learn that they are much better.
-Ml'ir. Bales, of the Commerce Bank
Staff spent the week end, in Lcndon
Ou people got a good taste of Jack
Frost this week. The thermometer
hovere. around zero for a few gays
anti made us all shiver.
Gravel is being drawn on the street
in town t hese dajrs. This will not
be a good thing for •sleighing this
winter as it is spread quite thick.
Last Sunday was a red-letter day
for the Sunday school of the Evan-
gelical church. Rev, F. R. Berger•the
Head of the Sunday Schools of this
denomination from Cleveland, Olio,
was present, and preached an ex-
cellent sermon in the morning. At
night the graduation of the, Zion Tea
chers Training Class took place con -
sting of twenty members The church
was beautifully decorated'for the oc-
casion in white and gold (the class
colors) -and a large basket of golden
"mums" added beauty to the urround
Ings Special mention must be made
to the Scripture reading in song ren-
dered by the Ladies Quartette an-
t tle:d "Remember now thy Creator"
This selection has been sung several
times by trained talent and we must
say our quartette isn't far behind in
rendering the same piece. Rev. Berg
er spoke to the class and their work
and to the audience on the• benefits
derivect from such studies after which
• each graduate received the certificate
or diploma. A response was then
given by the class in song which was
very impressive. On Monday, a ;lass
bhoto was tak: en in Exeter and in the
evening a banquet was given in the
parsonage. The dining room was bei
n.tifully decorated fox the occasion in
the 'class colors. After the Banquet
IYev Berger spoke briefly to the
graduates which followed by Rev.
Becker soastim,g the guest of. honor
Rev Berger. The Supt, of the Sun-
dae School, Mr. Holtzman also spoke
and mentioned five things which were
very essential far a successful ban-
quet mentioned, the company, the host
and hostess, guest of honor, 'the
• goad things to . eat and the way
, it was served. A splendid grogram
wag then given which consisted of
the following' numbers; 'solo by Miss
Carry Kuhn; violin and piano duett
by :chis. Geiser and Freeman 14Iordock
reading .by Miss Link, Trey by Misses
Pearl Hast, Adelina Finkbcme: and
Vera Hai -mann; Miss Ella Link then
reniiexed a "class poem" which sire
hast cumposea herself, and trade .pate
a bit; Rev. Berger then sang a •o.o,
"The 'Violet Church" wnica was .oa-
lawi'ed be singing "The Cnurch in rir
W ildwaod. ' It was an evening ,vail
spent and long to be remeinbeieat
MrGeo Hicks was in Goderich last
week acting as juror.
Dar. Thos. Luker of near Forest :vas
the guest for a few days] of his bro-
ther William.
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall of Blythe vis-
ited the past week, the guests of
their daughter, ',Ars. G. Hicks.
Bruce and Milton Mitchell attend-
ed the Target shooting matcht at Den
fielld last week and carried off :most
of the prizes. .They brought home 12
duck; and disposed of several. They
are to be congratulated on their suc-
Mr. Jahr; Smith has purchased the
property of F. Sopha and will move
in. about Jan. lst. Mr. and Mrs. Sopha
expect to go to Port Huron to live,
Mr • A, Hicks attended the Fat Steck
show in Toronto last week. He, took
with him- two Polled Angus; •.aloes a-
bout 11 months old andl•won 3rd and
4th prizes in competition with a class
DE 30. The calves were :`fid after
the show and brought 110, alb, Mr,
Byron Hicks was a iso among the
winners in the fat. cow class.
Winter was dropped 'in on us rather
swddee ly and it makes, some wonder
how the coal bin goes', down so fast,
e Mitchell is moving Mir.
Warren lit h 11 rn n into
S ,
Strength ast
Fifty Years
can he maintuired by
adapting the right nourish -
meet, and Nature's own oil-
food in Scotto Emulaon
bas stirengthezed thousands of men
and women to teniittue their work
and usefulness for many years.
Scott's Emulsion: 1s a food, a medi-
cine and a tonic to keep tho
blood rich, avoid rheumatism
and thwart nervous conditions.
It is free from injurious acids
or any harm dr harmful u drugs. . Theb
physicians prescribe it.--�
the house owned, by Mr. G. Estery
nea • the Parsons -Davis shop.
Mr. W Elliotteleasesa
, reeve of Stephen,
was in the village last week with En-
gineer Farneomb, inspecting the
bridge built on the 14th: concession a
mew years ago. It seems: the work on
:his bridge wars. in some way slighted
R. T Dunlop, of Zusich; was in the
veiling& on Friday ;last.
Mr. Otto Restemeyer is all smiles,
efrs Restemeyer presented him with
bouncing baby girll Sunday. Bath
nether and child
Mr.are doing well,
Charles Steinhagen accampani
ear. Herb Ziiller to: on an; on Tues -
:ley. Herb. has not been well of late
and it is thought he may receive same
beeefit in some of the; institutions.
with Wilds was presented by his
rth a healthy pair of twin -boys
en Monday. Ed. says one will be
Reeve and the other Deputy' of the
Township in the years for corme.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Chris.
Deitrick was gladdened by the birth
of a baby bay on Tuesday.
Wedding bells W'edriesday. Partic-
ulars next issue.
What. about a municipal election ?
Everything so still. Guess there will
be none. Hope so anyway. -Surely
the mee of the two townships can aI-
law the affairs of the Townships to
be governed by the same body of ,nen
for a longer period than 'one year. It
everyone thought this way there'd be
ne election,
E't Wurm of Zurich was in the vill-
age Tuesday,
Davin Pfaff has a full line of Xinas
stack, and can supply anything_ in his
Reserve the evening of the 23rd of
December to attend the entertain -
ment in the Dashwood ;Evangelical
Church. A treat is promised you,
E. S Lorenz's latest cantata, The
King of the World" will be rendered
by, the Sunday School and ..choir. Ad-
mission adults 25c. children 10c.
A few from this locality attended
:he dance in Hensali given by the
"clays -a -Dance" Club, and -e ort an
s cceptionally . good time,-lefa s Grant
Ryckman is attending her mother.
Mrs. Workman of Hillsgreen, who is
very l. -lar. Sam Horton is busy at
e•ty.n; poultry for Mr. Stewart of
ee ter. -'Mrs. 'Win, Glenn, sr., is vis-
; her son George near Brucefield
elf Jahn Wren of Dakota, is here
w.,si ins his sister " Mrs. Jas, Horton
-bI sf Agnes McLean of Fillmore
Sasspent a day err two with her
friend Mae Horton before going to
Leger' for the winter. -W. L. Kers-
lake seas in Goderich for a few 'lays
-sating as juryman,--Freci Ellerington
is al! smiles, the cause a young ion,-.
-W. Westlake, Thames Raacl, is busy
hreshing clawed in this vicinity and
rioing good work.--.1VIiss Annie Wil-
e: a of Zurich Road, is visiting her
met Mrs John Glenn, -Miss Ellen
Feed is the •guest of her sister, Mrs.
.a" -.:ion Bolton. -Our teacher, Miss Mc
J augall is ,contemplating a concert
:Iur;ag the winter.
eL's. Frank Coughlin, after spend -
:erg the past month in London, 'ias
reivaned home. -Rev Fr. Forster, the
parish priest of this place for the past
ca years and a half, is •leaving for
Z clgetcw,n at the end of the •ea,,
Fr. Forster has been a kind andde
voted pastor and the people are ver
s^'cry to lase him, Fr, Tierney, who
,tae been assistant here for the past
en months, is taking charge here. -
Miss Kate Madden has returned af-
ter spending the past two weeks vis-
.ng her sister, Mrs. j. Moir of Lon -
en, -Madden Bras, have reacted Mr.
jos Doyle's 100 acre grass farm, -
!lessees W. and J. Mahoney said a
iin•re last week for which they real-
ized a handsome sum, -Mr. Jerry
Campbell bought a new manure sprea-
cler,-It is rulmorett that Mr, Patrick
Sullivan jr. is talking about pur-
chasing Theo Detreich's fine farm.
Watch out girls. -Mr. Daniel Barry
has purchased a number of fine cattle
she pat' week. Datn says good :rattle
',.e scarce, -Mr, Jae Doyle has re-
ureed from the fat stock show in
Guelph Jae says he never saw`bet•
:es stock,
The charge of selling 'iciest* pre-
felted against John E. $warts by
Provincial Inspector Ayearst was.
dropped by euagistrete •Morton atter
he had hear the evidence.
Turkish War V>stlel Mesau47=h H1BBERT,-A very happy Gwent
Torpedoed by Subm:�rirl�,
Lieut. -Commander. Holbrook, with
the 13-11 Dives Under Five Rows
of Mines and 'Wrecks Old Turkish
Battleship Holbrook Is Oue of
Five Brothers, All of Whom Are
Engaged In the War.
LONDON, Dec. 15. — The Official
Bureau issued the following state-
went yesterday:—
"Yesterday (Sunday) subrearine
B-11, in charge of Lieut. -Commander
Norman B. Holbrook of, the royal
navy, entered the Dardanelles, and
in spite of the difficult current dived
under five rows of mines andtorpe-
doed the Turkish battleship Mem-
diel:, which was guarding the min
Although pursued by gun -fire and
torpedo boats; the B-11 returned safe-
ly after being submerged, on one oc-
casion, for nine hours.
"When last seen the Messudieh was
sinking by the stern."
The Messudieh was a very old
boat, having been built at Blackwall,
Enructed at
Genoa 1903,was
�iinn. 1374, anShe d et 332. feet
long, 59 feet beam, and of about
10,000 tons burden. She had a speed
of 17 1-2 knots, and her main battery
consisted of two 9.2 -inch guns in tur-
rets, and twelve 6 -inch guns in bat-
,ery. In the war with Greece in 1912
cue . Messudieh was reported badly
damaged in a naval battle • in the
Dardanelles. She carried a Brew of
600 men, and probably bad a number
of German officers and petty officers
on board.
.Lieut, -Commander Holbrook of the
submarine D-11 is one of five broth-
ers all serving with tome colors, the
sons of Col. Arthur Holbrook, a news-
paper owner of Portsmouth.. -
The • "B" class of submarine dis-
place 314 tons, and have a surface
and submerged speed of 13 knots and
9 knots respectively; 'They are armed
with two torpedo tubes, and carry a
crew. of 16 officers and men: They
were built from 1904 to 1906,
Two Torpedo Bouts Sunk.
ROME, Dec. 15. — Two. Austrian
torpedo boats are reported to have
been sunk in the Adriatic, according
to a message received here. from Tri-
este. yesterday.
The torpedo boats were en route
to Lisha when they struck mines, the
message states. The crews of both
vessels were lost.
German Prison Guards Single Them
Out for Appalling Brutality:
ROME, Dec. 15.—A French priest,
who has returned from Minden,
where a number of British prisoners
were confined, has given a friend of
mine an appalling account of cruel-
ties practiced upon our captured
countrymen by their German jailers.
While the French prisoners were very
well treated and the Russians were
not so bady, the British were singled
out for ill-treatment. "German sol-
diers," said the French priest, "kick
the British prisoners in the stomach
and break guns over their backs.
They force them to sleep out in
marshy places, so that many are now
consumptive. The British are al-
most starved, and such have been
their tortures that thirty of them
have asked to be shot."
House of Lords Will Meet While the
Commons Is Adjourned,
LONDON, Dec. 15.—The determin-
ation of the House of Commons not
to sit again until Feb. 2 has excited
considerable critieis.a, and the deci_
sion of the House of Lords, to recon-
vene on Jan. 6 ie praised by the cri-
tics, who maintain that both Houses
should sit intermittently for the pur-
pose of keeping an eye on the execu-
tive branch of the Government.
Long sittings would not be neces-
sary according to these critics, as
there is nd ques:ion of legislation or
finance immediately impending, The
, sole duty of the House under prevail-
- ing conditions would eee to keep an
y eye on the Cabinet, which with the
aid of the Defence of the Realm Aet,,
is in a position of almost arbitrary.
Wfrs Robert Coleman, who leas been
' r n_+ in the west fol* the past lout
rears returned ora Sa`turcday and is
cdsitine with her p arents, Mr, and
Mrs. Thee Dickins,
The debt on Holy Trinity has been
laid off The amount of the debt
t*as 51.695.
Aar Ed klawksha.w of Vancouver, 13.
arrive t Name Stsn lay tot visit his
mother Mrs Thos ltawleshaw. It
1 six year,; since Ed. returned to
the West.
e>-ge (Groom, Baker, who was cm -
t va•.1 by Mr', Weeb Went to. London
' e\am'lana
n ant
, passed „urns and
w seeder training -andwill ge to
E o,•it with the next contingent.
After Two Years' Search.
MONTREAL, Dec. • 15. George
Tremblay, for whomthe local police
had been searching for two years,: was
taken into custody on Saturday when
he was located hiding in a trench in.
the basement of a house on Cadieux
street. Tremblay had literally "dug
himself in" and was found by aeci-
dent by detectives -under several feet.
of loose earth.
Tremblay was condemned - two
.years ago by Judge Lafontaine to
a fine of $500• or a term in prison
for erecting and operating a still for
the distilling of whisky. He :was on'
bail at the time and when an effort
was made to collect the tine or take
Tremblay to Bordeaux, it was found
he had left the city,
Socialists Postpone Conference:
COPENHAGEN, Dec. 15. — (Via
London.) The peace 'conference
Summoned by thee• Socialist Societies
of the Scandinavian countries, which
was to have opened here on Dec.,, 6,
itis learned, has been postponed "until
January, The official explanation is
that the American delegates were un-
able to reach Denmark in time for the
earlier date, Several,Danish papers
doubt whether the conference will be
held as tliere have been protests that
the holding • of the gathering might
develop natters not consistent with
Denmark's attitude of strict neu-
took place at the homi of Mr, end
Mrs. Josiah Watson on Nov, 2$th, at
high Moon when their eldest daugh-
ter Edna Irene, became the bride of
Mr Charles E. Johnson, of London.
Deafness Cannot he Cured.
hylocal apeneactees,t, they uarti,ni reach the'diseas,
ed portion of the ear, There , 0111s one way to curs
deafness, and that is by con,.titutional remedies
Ueatnessis caused by an indented cuudition of the
,uucous lining of the Mite a, pian 'Pubs: When this
tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or .im-
perfecthearing, and .Then itis entirely closed,Deaf.
uessis the result, and unless the inflammation can be
taken out and this tube restored to its normal condi.
t oz oar * � •'
uz�, +rll hs de,hroysd forever; nitreothing cases
Out of tun are caused b1 Catarriz, cc•binh`it n
but an inflamed condition of the nrui'ouesurfaoea.
We will give Otte Hundred Dollars for any ease of
uenmevatcaused by catarrhs that cannot be cured
by Hall', Catarrh Cure. $endfor nirculars tree,
• F. J. allENEY t CO3,Toledo 0,
Sold by Druggi t,; 75o,
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation
92r drill :McPherson has returned
trc'm the West and is' visiting ;lis
parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. McPherson,
-The W. A. of Grace! Church have
been knitting a nun/bee of socks and
wristlets for the soldiers,- Mr. and
Airs. 1' Page of Grand Bend visited at
Jas. Wilson's Suinday.•-Be sure you
remember the date of the Grace
church Christmas entertainment, Dec,
23rd. An excellent program is be-
ing prepared. And don't forget
the annual entertainment in the Meth-
odist church on Christmas night,wrhen
the spinsters of the neighborhood will
1 old a convention to which all arein-
vited, You'll be soarer if you don't
come • to hear that and therest of the
The W M. S. will meet :a day
(Thursday) afternoon at 2 o'clock in
the Church when Mrs. Barnard will
give a talk on 112ome Missions :gad
District Nursing in England. 'There
will be special music rendered. All
ladie, are invited, -The ladies of the
church held a very successful quilting
on Wednesday of last week. ,A
number from this : section attended
th , funeral Of the late John Bunter,
whose remains were brought lure
from the West Friday morning, the
fuceaai taking place from the .lepot
at Exeter to the Exeter Cemetery. -
The farmersin thissection a re• busy
draw ing gravel these days.
(Tao late for last week.)
. Mr. and Mrs, England of Greenway
visited. at P. Baker's nLonday Miss
Ella Cameron of Dashwood visited
her friend Florence Gill, Sunday.-'
Quite a number of the ladies :round
here are knitting socks for the soldi-
ers', the yarn being furnished by Ex-
eter ladies, -Mr. P. Baker was in Es-:
eter Friday on. business. -Quite a
number from liere attended 'the Coun
cil meeting at Crediton Monday.-
Misi L Young has gone to London
visit her sister, -The young people'
enjoyed a socia,: hop ata John Bairrl's
last week. -Mr, Ware Oliver, who•went
to London Hospital last week: for the
removal of a growth on his tongue,
is; doing as well as can be expected.
The date fixed for the Methodist
Church entertainment is Dec. 18th. -
Burned to Death, -On Saturday ev-
ening a sad accident happened ;n the
home of Mr. and Mrs.. Ernie Luther.
It appears that •Mrs, Luther was cut
milking and during her absence the
clothes of her youngest son, Borman,
took fire and no 'person being in the
house at the time the child was bad-
ly bl:rrned before the mother returned,
After .much Intense suffering the lit
tic•, one passed away at eleven o'clock
the same evening, aged 19 months.
The funeral took place Tuesday to
the Parkhill cemetery. The parents
hate the sincere sympathy of the en-
tire community.
A pretty ,wedding was solemnized
at St Peter's Lutheran church on
Dec, 8th at 5 o'clock, when Miss ; El -i
Lenore daughter of Mr. and Mrs. '_den-
-y Reichert of the Pasft line, .became
:he bride of Mr Edward Haberer,
Xis: Freda Haberer 'acted as brides-
maid and Mr. Samuel ` Reichert as
;roomsman. Mr. and Mrs, Haberer
vill settle down on the,, groom's farm
en the 4th concession. -John Jeffrey
of the Babylon Line has purchased
the fiftv acre farm on the 14th con-
tessian, from Mrs. S. IVLedinger, who
recently purchased it. from Mr., John
Iattman.-Mr. Samuel Dietz has sold
;old his fine farm- on the Bronsonline
sa 11Li: Henry Claausius, who gets nos-
lessiau an March 15: -Mr. Jos. Kip -
and sister, Miss' Fanny of Big-
-sae Sask., are visiting their parents
and other relatives here, -Mrs, Church
>'f Stratford is visiting her parents,
See and Mrs, Wm. Klapp] and other
•elatives here. -He Ewen, who is em
flayed,with J. Deichert as blacksmith
naves his wife and family to ,own
,ast week
Chas Blackwell has' retrained 'rpm
eiaskatchewan.-iefrs, R, Hanley is :n
;lintor Hospital where she underwent
t1 operation, -Ernie Caldwell: Arrived
aomc last week from Saskatchewan
eheri he
spentthe last six steers,-
) Arnrld has been int town for the
,ast few days visiting 'his son Harry
aid calling on old friends.-. Messrs.
`.red Manns and Frank Farquhar have
;one into partnership in the barber.
melees: and moved into the new shop
•t the Petty Block where ;,hey will
,iso ,ruff a porta room in connection.
;The council has purchased 240 op-
' •ra c'hairs`1or the new town hall, and
isri some scenery, • ,
Mrs, Perkins r was called away Tues
ay by e telegram stating ;that her
ether was deed in Regina. -Rev, W.
y of. on preached ,anriiver-
e -ti services ee the 1Vfethodist chtarch.
Su:t:iay ,and Rev, Hicks took his work
1t the city,
SIR EDMUND WALKER,C.V.O..L1..D.,1?.C.L President
ALEXANDER LAIRD. General Manager JOHN AIRD, Asst General Manager
CAPITAL, $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000
Interest at the current rate is allowed on all deposits of $1 and
upwards. Careful attention is given to every account.: Small accounts
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Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more persons, with-
drawals to be made by any one of them pr by the survivor. . 521
Incorporated 1855
Capital & Reserve
TRAVELLERS CHEQUES ...........v , ..........
at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
N. D. HURDON Manager,
A Big Reduction Sale
From Now Until
The End .of
the Year
All Lines of Furniture
AS. BEVERLEY & Funeral Director
in Importance
is making
• provision to ensure
o Maki
aWill its �bein ro era
g properly
carried out.
The intei'est ofthis Company in any estate 'w'hich it is em-
powered to administer is strictly impersonal. All things are done
•'with the sole'aim of fulfilling its trust with the highest degree, of
efficiency and faithfulness --in closest conformity with the ex re5sed
desires of the 'testator. p
Consult with us regarding the administration of your estate.
All information cheerfully furnished free.
SIR GEO. GIBBONS, B.C., Presidero / JOHN S. MOORE, Manager
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The very best for use in 911 -health and convalescence _
Awarded Medal and Highest Points in America
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-if you feel bilious, "headachy" and irritable-
for that's a sign your liver is out of order. Your
food is not digesting -it stays in the stomach a sour,..
fermented mass,olson� ing the system. Just take a
dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver. Tablets -
they make the liver do its work -they cleanse and
sweeten the stomach and tone the whole digestiV ystem.
Ate You'll
feel e in the morning. At all druggists, 26e„ or by Mall from
Chamberlain Medicine Company, Toronto 14
Lot 7, Con. 1, Stephen, :the ,crop-
erty of the late' Thomas Essery.
Brick House, bank barn and frame,
'barn. 3 good wells, windmill, good
orchard about 8 acres .ofoo hard�-
wood bush containing. about 500 su-
dar maple trees. ,S"oil clay loam, well
rained and fenced.' 'Farm in good
state 'oil. cultivation, one-half mile.
Elgin Centralia station.
rbssession can be given to suit
For terttis.and particulars apply to
Barristers, Exeter