HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-12-10, Page 5I DENTAL Or; D. I4t. • ROUI4T4M, • • '00D.S. "" DENTI'ST. Ifeinber o the R.C.D,S, Of Ontario and Roller Graduate of T'oronto121n1yersttY4 aftieee-Over. Dibleeeri, CD1th 1W °Rite. Closed Wednesday afteiiieone.' DR. A. R. 'ICHISMAN; D.I?tfk, Honor Graduate of Toronter' UniverOTty riwippisT Teeth etteracted Vrithout pain,', oz any:P bad effects. Office over Gladnian Stanbeiry's Office,, Main Street, laze/ter.' LEGAL DICKSON , CAELMee, BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Com- m usiooeres. Solicitore for the Molsons filarik. etc. Money to Loan at lowest rates of interest Office e-Alatin-St., Exeter 4. B. Carling, 8.A. L. H. Dickson MONEY TO' LOAN Wa-fiat'ie it large amount of priVate ifunds to loan on tarm and village prop.; erties at low rates of interest. GLADMAN STANBUR'Y Barristers, Solicitors. Exeter.. T, B CARLING " Lite, Fire, Accidgeit and Plate Glass 'Insurance, Collecting accounts, and con- ducting auction sales. - Exeter. Ont. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH ' WEST LAND REGULATIONS THE sole head of a. family, or enee a quarter -section of available Domin- ion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or. Alberta The applicant must appear perso at the Dominion Lands Ng- =ency ot tSub-Agency for the 'erica "Entry may be made at eny Dominion Lands Agency (but not Sub -Agency) on certain conditions. Duties -Six mofiths' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of 'three years. A homesteader may Eye wattle nine miles of .hie: homestead cn a f of at least 80 acres, on certain- COn tons A habitable house is re- eruired every•case, except when. re-, sidence is performed in the viciaity In certain districts a homesteaderie good standing may pre-empt a quarter section alongside his homestead.,Price $3 per acre. Duties -Six months resi- •dence in each Of three years after atoning , homestead patent; also 50,' acres extra cultivation. Pre-emption pateat may be obtained as soot' as hbrnesteed patent, on certain condi- tions A settler who has exhausted his homestead right may take apurchas- ed homestead in certain districts. Price $3 per acre. Duties -Must re- side 6 months in each of 3 years, cu- , Wyatt 50 acres, and erect a house worth $300. • • 4 -zee- The -area of cultivation is subject to reduction in case of rough, scrub - ..by or stony land. Live stock may be subitituteci for cultivation under cer- -, tali). conditions. W. W. CORY, C.M.G. Deputy ot the Minister of the Interior N.B.-Unauttgorized publication or • this advertisement oral not be ped for. 'Mak over 18 years old, may homeateady - 7 •a DeVAN'S FRENCH PILLS Areeittf . . gniating P111 for Women. $5 a box or three fori $10. Sold at all Drug Stores, or mailed to any. .ad dress on receipt of price,,, TECE SC013ELL DIM} 'Co, St. Catharines, Ontario. .PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN. estores vim and 'tality ;for Nerve and Brain; increases "grey 'matter' •;a Tonir-will build you up. $3 a box, or -two for $5, et drug tames, or by mail on receipt .of price Tax Scossimonuo Co., St. Catharines. Ontario. CEITRIAL i)2.111 STRATFORD. ONT. is a school with „a continental repu- •tationfor high grade work and for the success of its graduates, a school -with superior courses and instructors .We give individual attention in *Com- mercial, SliOrthand and Telegraphy, Departments. Why attend elsewhere wher there is room here? You may enter at any time. Write for Ifeftr -large. free catalogue D. A. McLachlan, Principal Winter term opens Jan. 4th. 'Decide now to enter the' FamOus, ELLIOTT . • 'TORONTO Oat. Th's Schaal stand* as about a superior in Canada. Write for catalbgue . s• W ELLIOTT, Principal - 734 yonge .,St, Toronto: '• „ EVERY WOMAN interested and should know about the wonderful' . mar __,_ Whirilng Sway Douche Ask your druggist for it. If.bescAnnot supoty the MARVEL, accept no other, but send stamp for Illus- trated book -sealed. le gives fun particulars and directions invaluable to ladies. WINDSORSU,PPLYCO.,Windsor,Ont. General Agents or Canada. Double Track all the 'Way e e -e TORONTO - CHICAGO .. • TORONTO - MONTREAL Unexcelled Train Service Highest Class of Equipment WINTER TOURS TO- • •-• CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA AND SUNNY SOUTH I' CrOriki, ,Trunk :Railway. is • the ...meek:44.qt ..mitteefreira,,niliPeinisi'Untt thraugh Gena,daeNiti ,C•iiiefago, Detroit Buffalo: ' • Past Drains' -Choice of Routes Fall particulate and berth zeserva- • tion( at G,L4, Ticket Offices, N. J. DORE, Exeter... • The • 1 Advantages r•tp the Estate of having a 'Trust CompanY administer itS' affairs are many, yet the charges are 'na • higher :than those allowed a private individual acting in the sante 84paeity. • This strong, conservative • Company', Unlike an individual executor, will not. fall ill, p abroad at a .critital time, be- come a defaulter or pass tont .of existence, neither • will it negleot your affairs for its own, because its very life de- pends upon its .fidelity to your affairs and -those of others. donSalt us regarding your will and the administration of your estate. The London & Western Trusts Co. Limited 382 Richmond St., London, • ,Sir Geo. Gibbons, IC.C.,President John S. moons. Manager 1 •• PILES CURED at HOME -by New Absorption- Method. If yott stiller front bleeding, italing, blind or protruding ••Vilep, send L.L.: your address, and ;wiJI tell'you how to cure your- self -at hothe by the absorption trehtnient ; and will also send soin‘e of this home treatment 'free 'for •trial, with references front your own locality. if ree quested. Immediate relief and permanent cure assured., S -end no money., but tell others of this offer. Wfite to-da.y .Mrs. .M. Summers Box 810 IVinthor Ont. McGILLIVRAY COUNCIL Cauncil met as peer adjournment On Nberember 30th'. 'All membersareseiit P4evidus minutes approved -.A lengthy list of accounts were Passed . Glavin -Rosser -That By-law No. 7 of 1914 to appoint a place for held- la-, nomination Polls and • D.R.O.'s anJ Poll Clerks, who shall peende at saiJ,polls for the election of Reeve, Deputy Reeve and three Councillors GermanY. • for 1915i as rea1 twice, be read ..he thiael time and passed -Carried. McIntyre -Rosser -That the Town - skip of McGillivvray pay the prem- ium a, life insurance policy Lor Air Lionel Charlton during the contingent of Canadian recuits.-Carried • Adjournment to Dec, 15th at one o'clock J. D. Drummon'd, cleric NEWS TOSOF WEEK Important Events Which' Hine" Occurred Poring the Week, elopmmi.rammor The Busy "ViTorid's Hapoet:ngs Core - fully • Compiled and Put Into • Handy and Attractive Shape fur •the Readers of :Our Paper ,-It Solid Hour's Enjoyment. WEDNESDAY. Findlay Reid, a Chatham 'Township farmer, died Monday night tom In' kirks received when knocked down IV a bicycle, By a 'vote of 201 to 2 the town of Lauzon, on the south shore, some five miles froin Quebec, decided Monday evenin, to go absolutely dry for all "ages." • Donald Clark, father of Col. Hugh Clark, M.P., died ee the farm in Kin- cardine Township, where he had lived for sixty years. He was in his ninetY- fourth year. The Servian War Office, in a state - merit dated Nov, 27, says that the Auetrians were driven across the riv- er Lin losing 1,500 men and 20 oft - cera in prisoners, , The Minister of Inland Revenue •has appointed W. A. D. Baby as col- lector of Inland Revenue at Helaine ton, 'replacing Collector Miller, who has been made an inspector. • Charles Davidson, engineer, and Richard Seaton,fireman, of Kingston, had a narrow escape yesterday from being scalded to deate when the wat- er gasket on an engine blew up. They Jumped in. time. • Lt. -dal. Frederick Stanley Maude,, who ;ati Major Maude was military secretary to ,the Governor-General under the administration of Lord Minto, has been made a brigadier - general of the 15th Infantry Brigade. Ift°'rilkalYg (8, ri(glat tl'he 4'.a• 11$;* et:1Z take, the r•for qn. Crapser*S Island, was totally de - together* with ten horses, 0(0114' StroYed by a fire of unknown origin, °Ws, 100 tons of hay, 500 bushels of grain, sleighs, wagons and tarra ma- chinery. Hamar Greenwood, Bridal Mae, has heen gazetted lieutenant - colonel, commanding a new Welsh regiment. He has been emPloyed and ammunitiert departments of the Once the war began in the recruiting War Office,. It is repOgted that the Italian War Office intends to buy 20 flying boats, and it is probable that they will be built in New york. Lodging and breakfast for the homeless unemployed of Detroit will be proyided by Henry Ford at the new Ford Hospital in that city. According to military headquarters et Loudon, Ont., one of the addition- al battalions to be raised for active service will be quartered in London and the other at Guelph. • A cablegram from London, Erig., states that Lady Stokes, widow of the late Sir Robert Stokes and mother of late Vice -Admiral R. H. S. Stokes, died there.after a brief illness. She Was a Kingston, Ont., woman. A Minsk correspondent says that an endless stream of Austrian and German prisoners is passing -through -that city on the way to the lieterior , of Russia. The number Saturday alone was 88 officers and -5.014 sol- diers. - . • :•:• Dr. F. S. Pearson, president of the Idexiean Tramways- Co., has received cable fronf-ealls4epresentative stat- ing that the' entlrepreperty has been tonfiseated-by- the politibal factions now ief *control of the city govern- ment. •• .After an Illness of some weeks, the death of Mother Mary Lourdes oc- curred at St. Joseph's -Convent, Toz "rent°, on Saturday 'Morning, the end being. somewhat unexpected though it had been known for some time that the ternaination would; be fatal, Miss Jennie Carlton, a lady aged 70 years, on Saturday met a terrible death on the line of the G. T. R., near Belleville. She was walking along the track and failed to see a west-- bohnd express. She was struck by the engine and death ,was almost in- stantaneous.,. , TellsimY. • . The German submarine U16 has ar- rlYed at Esbjerg, Denmark,' on the North Seaebadly damaged. The cause of the vessel's injury is not known. Mrs. Danbrook, a middle-aged wo- man, wife of Henry Danbrook, a well- known and highly esteemed firmer 'of East Oxford, died shortly before !ct,n.. yesterclaY after taking carbolic , • Harry Carr, of Leavenworth, on 'trial for assaulting a girl, shot and ,killed C. D. Franklin in the court room at Cashmere, Wash., yesterday. The, bullet glanced and also killed a niktit named Pailems. ' • ;Wordwas received in London, Ont., yesterday of the death at Vien- na, Austria, of Wm. H. MacGarvey, formerly of this city, and the first reeve of Petrolea. He was born at- Hantington, Que., in 1843. Gen. Sir W. D. Otter' yesterday made an inspection of the intern- ment camp • at Fort Henry. The fort is now full of prisoners and no more can be accommodated. • The prison- ers are contented and quiet. •' The British prize court ruled yes- terday .that the entire cargo of oil of the British tank steamer Roumanian which sailed on. Nov. 17 from Port Arthur, Texas, for Hull, was subject to ,seizure because it was German o--ned. R. F. Dale, of Harriston, warden of the County of Wellington, itt his address to the County Council .yes- terday recommended amid general ap- proval that the county raise and equip half a regiment of soldiers, at a cost of $45,000.- • rh) 11.,I %v. - A private despatch .from .Berlin says that the Abyssinian Government has offered to furnish an army to Great Britain. A large.stock of, lyddite expleded, with a roar'in a chemical works near Bradford, Eng., yesterday. Six men were killed and many others injured. News reaches London that the Am- erican hospital at Munich already has had more than sty thousand patients, although it can accommodate no more than 'fifty. Small riots, broke out Tuesday night in Valparaiso, Chile, as a result of the GermineElectric Tram. Go. creasing its tariff rates. Only slight 'damage was done. A raffie for 'Princess Sadie," a horse valued at $250, donated by Lady Beck of London, Ont., as a con- tribution to the Red Cross Fund, net- ted the fund .$61.7. . The death has been announced ins London -ot John Hew Dalrymple, eleventh earl of Stair. His Only son and heir, Major Viscount Dalrymple, is at present a prisoner of war in Check Chronic'- : Rheumatism Now 111-IUMA THOROUGHLY DRIVES. OUT DEEP-SEATED tikfC ACID POISON. - • • ' There is only one way to be fre*e from Rheumatism -the a.cciunulated impurities caused by an excess ofIir- ic Acid poison must be expelled froin the -body. That is what RHEUMA will do and do it thoroughly. If you suffer from any form of rheumatism -Sciatica. jaflammatory, Arthritis, ,M,uscular Lumbago or Gout -get a bottle of RHEUMA from W. S. Cole ter 50 cents -it is guaranteed. "1 "For years I suffered with Rheum- atisrn in my arms and shoulders. My kidneys and bladder were affected, an..j rapidly lost flesh: After five weeks' use of RHEUMA I was a well man.." --William Fry, Fort Erie, Ont. • W S. Cole larill.return your money if it fails • 50 cents a bottle. e ; l• A POSITION FOR FALL AND sEi • • • , . • We have a sound business prOpos- for. a reliable. energetic seles- man for this district to sell fruit frees Abell fruits, flowering shrubs,etc. :Pay weekly, outfit free, exclusive territory OVER 600 , ACRES • at fruil and ornamental etock nnder cultivation. We sell through Our Pal- estnen• direct to the consumer and guarantee delivery of fresh, high grade frees. Our agencies are valu- able by reason of the service we, zive an thc volume of business il:one. :Established 35 years. Write PELHAAINVRSERY Co,Toronto,Ont PS. -Handsome catalogue on • re- quest either to applicant or those wishing nursery stock, •. BUSINESS AN.b' SHORTH Subjectatanliff y cxptrt.instructors "4t,s ". • 4 T.:16f. C. A. /ADC. t LONDON, 0117t. Students assisted to positions. College ' in session from Sept. 1st. Catalogue • free. Enter any tinie. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr. Principal (Jbartereld Accountant IP Ifiti4linerfal R. R. Gamey, member of the 00- tario Legislature for Manitoulin, in an interview published in The Mont- real Herald -Telegraph, is quoted as saying that there would be a general election in the Dominion soon. On personal representations • from President Wilson through Ambassa- dor Gerard, Germany has released Ad- iniral Neeld, retired, of the British navy, and his wife, who were held as • military prisoners at a German health resort. '•• FRIDAY. , Messages of condolence have been received by the family of the late Major Beattie, M.P. of London, Ont., from Premier Borden, members of the Cabinet and many others. .•‘, A shipment of 1,144 horses intend - 6a for the French army left Omaha, Neb., for New York yesterday. An order was given for ten thousand more, to be delivered after Dec. 21. • Capt. John Edmund Valentine Isaac, of the Reserve Officers' Rifle Brigade, who is among the 58 officers receiving the distinguished service or- • der, is a member of the Vancouver 'Trust Corporation. King Haakon of Norway left .chris- tiania yesterday on the battleship Harald Ha.arfagre for a trip of inspec- tion of the Norwegian coast defences from Trondhjem to Bergen, says a despatch from Christiania. The Dublin newspaper Sinn Fein did not appear yesterday. The pub- lishers ot 'this journal refused to print it in consequence of having been warned by the authorities that they •would be liable to prosecution. ,David LaMar, was yesterday found guilty of impersonating Representa- tive A. Mitchell Palmer of Pennsyl- vania, for the purpose of defrauding J. P. Margan & Co., and other flrms, And was sentenced to twO years in prison. Hon. Martin Burrell, Miniater of, :Agriculture, who has been confined tp his,4ome for several days, has con- gestion of the lungs, and although his' case is not considered to be serious he 'will be unable to return to his' office for a week or more., • Half the Canadian force at 'Sall bury has been even three days' leave at Christmas; .the other.hitlf at 11/41e, Year's. • - It is understood that the appoiat- merit of Frank Barnard, ex-M.P.P. for Victoria, as Lieutenant -Governor Of British Columbia, pa..sSed the Cabinet 'COurtell yesterday morning. A British prisoner of war, named Lonsdale, confined in the Doeberiti ,carap, has been condemned by a Ger- man cofirt-martial to ten years' Ira- priSonvdent for a 'violent attack on his custodians. . The Militia, Department officially 'announced yesterday another death at Salisbury: Dec. 3rd, 1914, Gunner Edward Hugh Mowbray -Perin, divi- siopal ammunition park, at Milford Ilespital, of pneutiaohia.'-= ,f e ' Telegraphing front:' digeO, EgYpt, 'SATURDAY. the ;Cbirrespoilderit 1/451 ti4 41,46_1115)1e - 'strati aa,',40ai.,,plittah atiahliso'Jhava 6on04,tit 'Mots -1,414,4' ":tbs 'that, 'there is no Sign of the cleanly; - The Ereneh Cabinet is dorteideritig how it Can beat arrange or the 204. deputies at the front to. leave their posts temporarily, so that they may WOULD JAIL FALCONER.' if Varsity -President Followed' Plan . •Says Police TORONTO, Dee. 8. - if the pro- posal made by Dr. R. A. Falconer, president of the University of Toronto goes. through, whereby the three Ger- man professors on „the staff of the -University, who have been given leave of absence, will be exchanged for three professors from universities in,,the„ United States, the Pollee will ..step iltAnd will prevent the profes- sors, Mueller, Benzinger and.Tapper, from leaving Canada, and will place DeFaaconer under arrest on a charge of treason. .•oThiet staternen':, was made, last night Inspector_ of Detectivese George Keztraedye to whom is intrusted the task of seeing that no atieli enemies at!e• all93yecl to. leave Canatli4 Aispec- tor Kennedy maintains thee,.if Dr. Fileener, byarranging for is ex- change .Of the ,profesSors, helps them to leave, Canada for theunited States, he will be ilolating the order-in- coancil. prohibiting . anyone from as - silting aliens to lefrve ;Canada, and thus will make himself-'11ableto ar- t:est on,* charge of treation'. The inspector stated also that if the tire German professor attempt - ,ed to; cross -the bor,dsi;, iher-sysnid be arrested the same as aiii9ith'et. -Aus- trian. or German'Ierlie.'trieS to leave the country. , Shell Hit Insane AOY140. LONDON,' bee. 8. - A despatch from Petrograd says that during the bombardment at- Lodz man)! shells Struck an asylum far the insane near the town. • eSetires.ofeltinatice -jureped front the VrindOWs „when the building,•eattght fire, and Many ethers were burned to death.: • • . • King4torgithoDetoratesqfieneral • "L0/4IXN,ttfietT8Atititliftigeffis.. Filliceikingtigeoffei.:EdInfehreillhe orftlie Ord4r of the path on 'Generals Softre and Fodh, and the Grand Cross of the Order of St, Mie ehael 'and St. tieorge on. seven other French generala. ' . • acimacascausteateseatiannalanallinainatilat iss••••••eirmanwiteasaimi :•••••101040.1••••0_, twatinmunanan a -= le a 4, ;• r.` a a • • • 8 Oat elsallnittlatattil SUN 01111•Inall is masimaatimummozwastammi witetszikostkr liNflitlEOLOAMIIMMINIIMIN , gets out of ox' -jus n delicate Piece ef machinery, it ,1-•11 requireS More than ordinary care and attention, There are fnany signs wlkitCli pointetedisorder,anehasheadaelioa,unac4unt- ;11 able pains in various parts of the body, listlessness, nervousness, irritableuess,; ; dizziness, faintness, baokn011ei loae.OX ap,petite, depression, and many others.' 'a ' • gm. • Dr. Pierce's:Yavonte Prescription has been the means of restoring thousands of suffering women to natural health andstrength. For more thah forty years it lies bee,,. successfully carrying on • land. Women everywhereloolz upon it its a helpful friend. Let it aid you. ' Sold in liquid or tablet form bY dragaista, or trial box mailed •.you for 50 cents from Dc. Pierces Dispensary, Buffalo4111. • Dr.Plerce'slneasantPelletairegulateStomach.Liver andEOwels 11, • Now•ww••••••ri ••••woras•Nommursuowwww•manormieli•••• • 4." ammannanniumeanimmannnasmannsismememptme...mw......•ww.....,.... R. .,,.. Mothers! nt",or, it oul • Daught...1 , _aim A woman's o;ganiiiii:10, ea'veryerielicate thing -it very easily this great wo4c. Today it is known throughout the length and breadth of every • • • 8 8 8▪ 1 Take a Few Minutes • Read This Ad..• Over Carefully And if you arc well supplied and are quite sure that you will never need any; of the values here advertised, why we apoligiie 'for having falicialip your time. • pianos .1 al 014 " lig NMI 1111P 1%1P,,v7tikEkilh,§±`, • GERHARD HEINTZMAN NORDELMER' WRIGHT, ItARN NE SCALE WILLIAkS • ENNIS Co. DOMINION. We will give you, a specie discount On above pianos if purchased be- . fore January 1st, 1915. Remember money talks and ' no reasonablenoffer will be refused. • SLIGHTLY USED P.IANOS, • 1 Sherlook-Manning, mallogeny ca -se LOUt.3 XV, style, complete with stool an i0 free delivery , $145.00 1 Billtadall, mahogany case, has been in usqdess than; one year $165 1 Kohler 8 Campbell, mahogany finish as good as nor 4185.00 ' • - - • WAWA& • .50 Raymond- Sewing Machines 50 Including cabinets, -4 ;dra'we'r Auto lift, and *5 drawer hand lift tnishectin quaiter mit' Oak. • . We have ll.C4 room to store.; them and you can buy them, at your own price while they last. Act at once. Dqays are serious, StationerEtc. XMAS. STATIONERY= Large:1,4.s sortment 15c to $1.25. • Hymn Books and Bibles ,a1PlitrideFI'Christmas Booklets ,Etc. Moore's Non-Leakable FoitnAain ,;:i'ens. The kind that 'don't leak. A very. suitable present -122.50 and Grokinole Boards $1.50 • ' • Fountain Pens $1.00 Artillery Wagons $2,00' 1 •Music Rolls $1$0 Rocking Horses $1.00 : i.: . . Violins. Boy's Sled 25c. 0 e • • Violin Boxes, Bows, Strings, Dolls' Cabs $1.00 e at special prices. New:-.13ooks "Patrol Of th'e Sundittice..Trail" by R.. Connor. "Innocent" by Marie Corelli. «The Wall of Partitio" r bYf. F. Barclay "The Call, of the East"' by Fraser. "The. Witch" by Ititary Johnston,,. 'The Clarion" by Adams; , "The Rocks of Valpre 13-' E. lel Dale. "The Piince of GrOustark" by McCutche n, Special price 31.1•0: EARG•E ASSOATIVIENT OF REPRINTS - Space ,will not permit uka, to give y,pu the' list.alling at 50c, ' A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF' BOOKS FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. Henty's at 50c.• ' Roy's Own Anitraal $1.75 Alger's at 25c. Girl's Own Annual $1,75 ' • With every $2.00 Purchase h.A (ONE 25cBOTTLE OF VERIBRIM eleati and' Polish pants, oirgansc., ,h'(-,:.11z,EN EVENING S. artill 11 't\r6 tnti,,AsoltzteiA'• rad ITURE POLISH, title:WM:titre of every descAtflibti Exeter