HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-12-10, Page 4,.Cot Aho
Sander: & Creech, PrObied airs
In advance $400 per year ori "; nada,
$1.5C'• in 'United. States If "Peet,"':$' paid'
in advance 56e. extra per ,near is 11‘
he charged
THURSDAY, DEC, 71 >">w, *i
Irwin Hilliard barrister of \Morris.
burn Conservative, was Monday ' el-
ected member of the Ontario Mender,
from the County of °unties
by a majority of 76 overJohn aen,p-
bell of Ormond, Liberal chis seat
wet t formerly held by the late Six
ranter Whitney.
Damage to the extent, of ,.1 0,000
was caused to merchandj Te, ,hoe he:
Grand Trunk freight sheds, a 40n -
don, and perhaps as ma'. mo'i•d was
done to the building Sunday moan-
ing, when fire of some unknown
cause broke out in thet centre of the
long frame structure and [oak . .•nut
two or three hundred feet in the .en-
tre, leaving the offices on Wellington
street and the bond room on Water-.
10o street intact, _
Miss Reta Keys of Varna;�sjent the,
week end with Miss Pearl Rees`: -A^
number tram here attended the, fun.
era' of the late John` Finkbeiner:.etr
Saturday. -Several of the sports •tool
in the concert at P;arkhiltl an Tharea,
day evening, All report a good h ee
-Miss Jennie McLachlan of Ar•kona,,
is visiting her cousin, Miss-, Aene
"�enzie -1a, IsaacGower ehtd a bai7bee an Thursday.-M°r. Arthur ink-
beiner• who was sick for a ieca' e
is able to be out' again.- liss !Pathe
Finkbeinei and . Alice Gaiser spent
Sunday with bliss Gertrude McLinola
ley of Greenway. -Mise Iretre Schr&e
der, who was visiting on, the ,Goshen
Line is home again.-Mrs.4' Weltlett
seen Sunday with her esus e -Mane
Fred. Sharpe. -Remember;' ' niasx
Tref on Dec, 21st, •
3Ir Jas, Zicler and hride`af
ryes. were visiting at the home • of
Mr. Albert Mooser an Sundayr-\k.
Frnat. Pickering, who has • been visit-
ing friends at Detroit far -•Ehe past
three weeks, returned home=last week,
-We are pleased to state ,hat. Mr.
Jas Barre is able to be nut .gain
after his recent illness, -Mr, Danielvis-
:Wile'Walker af Mt. Pleasant, Mich., is vis -
•e friends' in this neighbarbpc d,-
Mt Jos Doyle is attending the at
' Stec1:, Show at Guelph this -eelz.-
A number of the farmers ;n this
neighborhood are threshing their
bean this week, and report light
returns. -ales. John Walker and fam-
ily zee visiting friends at Landon this.
ar eel ,-.Hiss Gaffeney of London is
spending a few days visiting .ser- is -
to 4iiss Nellie Gaffeney af this place.
Mrs Wm. Sholdice, who has oeen
very ill far the past week. with visa -
mania , is a little better Mr. A. HS
Carpenter af Birmingham, .� Mich., has
returned after spending the- ;bast
week with his daughter, Mfrs: P. W.
Bice: A large number from - here at-
tender the play "Caste, • Suit ,m at
Lacer, by the Lucan Draziiatic Club;
Th!, proceeds were for the aelgian
relief fund. -Mr. John Seale's Want
daughter. Doris, is so ill that'ittle
hope is held far her recovery.. .
Stephen, far Naveinber,-Sr. IV., V.
Boyce 569, V. Davis 467, F. Huxt-
ablle 445. Jr. IV., E. Abbott 513, 1r 1.
Neil 411 M. Brawn 407,,•C. C will
343 t Connor 340, A: Hi.c `314, W
Huxtable 303. .Jr- III., G. i4lndrew S';;
M. Brawn 483, F. Elston . 444,
Breaks 420, B. Carroll 392, I. Essen
391 Jr II., A. Anderson 4L2, K.
Hicks 408..A. Canner 399. T. 'Mills
376 M. Hodgins 372, C.Culbert 239.
Sr Pt II.. V. Connor 197..; - S;
Foster 263, F. Huxtable 247, L, Han-
lon 241 A. Frey 235. Jr .,I., ,N ,;F--1
ter 200.-M, A. Hartan, 'teacher,
Mr Henry Willert shipp "„cavi
'af hogs from the Exeter s t • pan
The Ladies' Aid of the dit.theran
Church had a birthday surprise art
ty at the' Lutheran parsonage nMbn-
slay evening, it being the ocCasiofi' off
`Mrs. Graupner's birthday. It is treed -
less to
say that they all enjoyed them
Mr end Mrs. Ernest Rader attended
'th : wedding of Mrs. Rader's broth-
er at Zurich an Tuesday afternoon.
Ma David Pfaff is enjoying, frisk
ends.ends.these days, judging ,ti^hY a the;+l
.-Fiumerous customers.
Tnesday was poultry day, rri l: , the
-rim-chants here,
Mr Eli,' •
Heneffer of Zurich' •val,s 1n
t'.c village Tuesday.
..t r� reparted that one ' of '•floe -i `aits�
rtes., places here is likely to •.,laange
hand,, shortly.
Mit and Mrs, C. F. Finkoe iter ;and'
Mr. and Mrs. Rueben Gaetaittetacla
the funeral of the late John ' i hilt-
.beiner• at Credito last Saturday
!Cove dor
Is nasal breathing
impaired' ? Dom
your throat get
husky or 'clo„n ed ?
Modern science proves
that those symptoms re-
e sult from run-down health
Sniffs a; d vapors are irri-
tating and useless.
The oil -food in Scott's. Emulsion
will enrich, and enliven the blood,
aid nutritir a and assist nature to
cheek the inflammation and •;,;
heal the sensitive membranes, jw
Shun Alcoholic mixtures
and insist upon SCOTT" S.
'••• SCOTT & ism. tsse., ,F Cf 81710719.. Ofer...afo.:
Two weeks to Xmas.. Shap early
and often.
Godfrey Nicholson and Eli e,ave-
soun had an auction sale: of Iive-stock
in taws: on Tuesday. Frank Taylor
acted as' auctioneer, Good prices were
realized. •
j H Holtzman is in Goderich this
week; acting as juryman,
:qrs. harry ; Seaver 1'eft for Pitts-
kla? .Pa.„ last . week to attend the
ftuii nal of her;sister-1n-law 1jrs. Wes„
iF alebeine;r. W e :extend to the be-
redved family our sympathy.
Mrs John Klump went through
critical operation on Tuesday and is
at the present .daring as, well ws can
he expected.
Jahn Cornis'h's horse broke loose in
,the Methodist church sheds ora Tues-
day' and before it was caught :lad
wireeked the buggy and harness' Dad -
-Wm Wein is wearing a big smile
le days, A little girl arrived at
}s home.
- Prof. .Thies, Fimkbeiner of Naper-
dile College„ Illinois, occupied the
aa'ulpit in' the Evangelical church last
$tu dao evening and preached a very
aloquera sermon to a large audience
...Council meeting was held in the
town. Hall on. Monday. Considerable
business was transacted. The last
meeting of 'the year will be !sold on
Tuesday, the 15th inst. atter -which
the several Candidates will be get-
ting in shape to meet the ratepayers
af the Township an Nomination, Day;
We are informed that Mx, Ira S..
Brarvx: of Edmonton, Allberta„ for-
merle of this plaace was married
in the West last week to iVii:ss Thome
on of Toronto. We extend to the
appy ,couple our hearty c.ongratul-
'an: and best wishes through life
Shortly before the marriage, Mr.
Yawn•. was tendered a banquet by
e- officials of the large department
store where he is engaged and byee.
me the recepient of _ •a handsome
wedding present. •
Rev Bowen, representative of Up -
ler Canada Bible Saciety, ' address -
l. cur people in the Ev angelical
Chutrc1 on Tuesday evening on the
rr crl of the society.
Aftei about firve years of suffer -
.i death relieved Mr. John Finkbein-
e froje pain an Thursday, the 3rd
hs.a at the age of 64 years. The de_
ease:: has been a resident of this
:liege and neighbarho-aid all his life
was haehly respected. Since he
e :-ed from the farm ha became af-
_ctea with nervous trouble which
ea:chei ani acute stage recently and
e scarcely knew what it was to nave
minute's rest. His remains were in -
erred in the Evangelical Cemetery on
atturday afternoon, the Rev. Becker
t" this village and Rev. Brown cane
eating the service. He leaves ' to
n..turn his loss, :a widow, two sons :
ohn and Jacob of Isabella, Man,; five
daughters : Mrs. Currie of Sebewaing„
Mich.; 1tirs. Miller of Saskatoon; Mrs..
Geiger of Seamans, Sask.; Edna. Le -
eel at home, besides several brothers
ane sisters. and to, whom are extend
the sympathy of the conimunity.
S 1YIr. Henry Shenk attended the Fat
c': Show at Guelph this week.
"'Thas Buckley, who, has been work
• , fo. Ed. Fahner left for England
Wednesday. Tam's friends gave him
a 'fsend off" before leaving.
On Sunday evening special oradua-
^.':t exercises in connection with the
Teachers' Training class . of the hvan-
gei.i•ca Church will ta.ke place. Rev.
•C. Berger of Cleveland, 'Ohio, will
be present and address the graduates.
:A` special musical program' has been
teenaged far the occasion'There is
Austria Hoc Stwinn.d 200,000 -
Men Alone 'h Border.
_ Y
Anti' -Italian: Demonstration$ Occur at
Various Places In '-Austria and.
Italian Workmen Are Insulted
and Disabled ---Austrian Troops to
the. Number of 100,000,A:reTaken
to Po1a. •
ROME, Dec. 8.—A Milan despatch.
delayed in transmission says:—
"Advices received from the Aus:
trian frontier and published yester-
day in the Secolo are that the state-
ment of Premier Salandra in the Ital-.
Jan Parliament Thursday had an lin-
mediate echo in Austrian' military
circles. •
"Friday might;` the'lcorrespondent
says the railway lines poured troops
all along the italian border and also
into. Pole, the Austrian arsenal on
the peninsula of Istria. It is esti-
mated that 200,000men were sta-
tioned along the Italian border and
100,000 at Isola.
"At• the same time, the coriespon
dent continues, anti -Italian' ) anifes
tetions took place at various points,
At Pragerhoff, Hungarian soldiers
spat in the faces.of Italian workmen:
Officers who witnessed 'these' attacks
did not interfere. At S'teinbruck oth-
er soldiers ill-treated and.: disabled
Italian workmen who - were'.. making
their headquarters 'in the•'station, `•
Eight battalions, of Italian:. troops
have been ordened.• to Libya; to the rein-
troo p>t there; sad, accord-
ing to the announcement, Yto be
ready for any aggression."
A11;'fhiA i:is C{FD.
King Peter of Servia Leads First Line
of Troops into Battle. , .•
ROME, Dec. 8.—Xing Fater of Ser -
via is in command of tlie-first„line of
his army, according to an official com-
munication. issued at=Nish and receiv-
ed here yesterday. .
The communication also states
that the Servians have been enabled
to resume the offensive against the
Austrians by the arrival of reinforce-
ments. ;
Heavy- losses' are •reported to"have
been inflicted on the invader . The
Austrian reply to this is that "thee
occupation of Belgrade,' necessitates
th regroupings: of Mir 'troops."
The political news.of the day as.the•
authoritative, announcement. from So-
fia that it was not considered possible
anything would intervene to make it
necessary for Bulgaria to ,change her
policy of strict neutrality until next
A despatch from Nish, Servia, to
the Havas Agency reports -that the
Servians, since Dec. 3, have resumed
a vigorous offensive. • The'.' Servian
troops on Friday, the despatdli says,.
pursued the eneiny's •right`P' afng as
far as the Kolubara river, and it was
there that the Austrians .abandoned
four of their batteries.
A despatch from Athens states that.
progress has been made.•toward an
understanding in the Balkan States
which will be satisfactory to the al-
lies. The London Telegraph - corre-
spondent at Athens understands that.
a basis has been reached for a rap-
prochement between Servia and -Bul-
The British, Russian and French
Ministers have visited Eleutherios
Venizelos, the, Greek- Premier, the
correspondent reports, and he'says
that the Greek newspapers declare
that the visits concerned . proposals
1.hat Greece should assist Servia. -
Portugal Is Preparing 4,000 More
Men For Service In Africa.:
LISBON, Dec. 8.—The Government
is preparing to send 4,000 'More
troops to Angola, Portuguese West
Africa. Two thousand men evere sent
in September, 500 marines in October
and another 500 marines are being
fitted out for departure this month.
It appears that .Germany has armed
great numbers of Portuguese. African
natives, which are commanded by
German officers and provided with ar-
tillery. The 'prevailing view in Por-
tugal appears to be that tha most
useful part 'Portugal can take in the
great war is in the Portuguese Afri-
can colonies and in aiding the Britisb
to carry the war 'into, the German
colonies which are contiguous -:'to the
a treat in stare for chose who Yi17 `Portuguese.
attend. On Monday evening a bail -
will be given in the parsonage
,bythe members of the class.
Mr and Mrs, Mistele and Mrs. ferry
of Detroit are visiting Mr. Ind Mrs.
Johrt Wind and Mr. and Mrs. Tohn
Schroeder. ,
t, Alanza Hodgins, our tax collector,
busy man thesedays,
taxes and receipting the cards,
Following is the report of Roo
II. S. S. Na. 5, Stephen. Names are
in ceder of merit, Pass 60` and hone
c{r;• 75 per cent. Sr. III., Honors, G.
Sims E Hoist, G Wolfe, L. Eijbee,
E. Braaui, A Sweitzer; Pass, P. Law-
san, A Benedict, 1. Finkbeiner, W.
APpletan Jr, III., honors, T. 'fad -
gins M Edwards, L. Kuhns W. Sims
Nl:, Sims ' Pass, S. Winer, 0, Guen-
ther and P. Matz' equal, R. Haist and
R. Gaiser equal, F. Eilber, F. Hill, S.
lCirig_ ,M Gaiser. Sr. II., H. Hill and
B. Hoist equal, Harald Taylar, Mary
Holtzman and N. Faust equal, V Bea-
vea:--Mildred I. Braun, teacher,
The fallowsng is the report of
R ens I S. S. Na.it 5, Crediton 'rhe
in e: are in order of merit, honors
75 an:: Pass 60 per cent, --Inter. 'fl.;
r, lin fns.',:i H. Seaver, M, Shenk;
Pass, L Kxx-;, tae Finkbeiner,. Jr. 11.
Stemma V. alliance; Pass, I Sweitzer
S l., Pts>, P. Winer, l i a teen,' T.
'dealer ran pi. E.iwards.'• J .l'. •'iiass,l G.
I Pen,. B. Shenk
as rs
L Ga.,se", � .,,...eneiti�'it, 'V', Edwards:y,
Ir. P.. 1., h `te s, V. Sims. A. Class
Pt 1,,, :1Slexec,:.A. Finkbeiner, E.
:T >tv :` F. Feist; 13, Class,
:T>,, ,,P, S c :.n. y :Vi S ,vel°Lei, Licit
` (",y'{:ie .I,• Redden. C� Leafs, ,,r.
-Mat!: :'.1 M. Miller, t..:1, 11sr -
Officers Are Believed To Be Planning
Simultaneous' Attack on Fleets'. ,.
ROME, 'Dec. 8.—The' Stamps, has
received' information from Pola tbat
two German admirals have arrived in
that town. It isa -
t w asserted th 't' er
a G
many and Austria are preparing' for
simultaneous action by theirr fleets,
'and ,"that when the "German ships
. leave the Kiel Canal the Austrian.
fleet Will come out of the harbor of
Two Destroyers For Germany.
COPENHAGEN, Dec. 8, — A de-
spatch from Norway declares ' that
Germany has seized two torpedo°boat
destroyers which were building for
Norway in Germany. The boats will
be added to the Kaiser's navy,
which, the despatch says, ."is greatly
in need of reinforcements."
xlup Warships Escorted Transports.
VANCOUVER,_ Dec. 8. — Letters
from New Zealanders say that' the
Nevi Zealand contingent, for service
in Europe lett the aouthern dominion
about Oct. 15 and that. the men were
carried in 12 transports, escorted, by
tish•bat le
,a. Bri h t sip anile tvto•ort>lisers
and a Japanese -battleship. r•
'I4 i er we'aSe1 vin To Mike Weave?'
�� e. UA
. ,tk T,E
� e
. � , I?A -� des °t
.Ee d� a cls
.IS .� r ..A p
Our school; I Aye' reopened vith a
'very small attendance, as the measles
seems to have crept tntoi almost ad-
er`y .orotic -iri the seclion,-Dr, iv1air
of He'ssall,wha has had an office in.
Staffh• as well, far a number of rears,
haseeold his „practice and will, locate
in ,'other qtr iters as ,obn as ` it j's
convenient, -The 'iu ntidy'meeting of
the Ladies'' Aid of the Methodist
church was -heldeat the lame of Mrs,
Win Jeffrey on Thursday last, -Mrs,
J. M ,Miller has gone: an a visit with
her sister who+ lives at Me.Lennan,
Algoma, -Mr, Wm, Sadler of !:Tamil-
tan was renewing acquaintances here.
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local,applicatlnus. as they ,•annot reach the disease
ed portion, of the ear. Them is only ,we way to cure
deafness, and that is by punstitutional reansdies
Deafness is nuked try an'ii iwue,l e.mdition of the
wu,:oual uhf erthe h:usi.a hiau Tube. When this
tube is inflamed you have a rumhline Sound or im-
perfect",hearing, and when it Is entirely closed, Dea(-
nessis the result, and unless the itiflanamation Can be
taken out. and this tube restored to its normal condi-
tion, hearing will be destroyed forever; pine cases
out of ten are cause l by Catarrh; which is nothing
but an inflamed condition of the mamma sustains,
We will give One Hwidr•d' Dollars for any case of
Deafness (ea ,sed by catarrh)' that cannot be cured
by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars free.
1' J. CHHENEY $, Co,, Toledo 0.
Bald by Druggists, 75c,.
Take Halls Family Pills for constipation • •
borne., for November, names in, order
of merit. These`wh;o missed one or
more 'examinations are marked with a
star. --V., K. Sanders*. Sr IV:, M.
Dougall..E.„Tann, C. Moir, 1, Mitchell?.
Jr. IV. R. Mair; :A. Dick* L. ,Oke ; Sr,
HI., 'G. Dew, A. Strang T. Dougall,
W Selves*. • Jr 111, . I'j Wood, E.Cud-
more TVI Nl;oir C ' 'L
Yde E. Mitchell*
i 1
P Hazris* Sr IL;' A. M "Moir; Jr,Il.
V. Diann, "C. Down. I,, J. Oke, M.
Moir, G Cudmore. Sr. Primer, H.
Strang, O. Wood, L. "Dunn: Jr.Pri-
mer, N. Oke, P. Harris. Average 'ate
tendance 25, number an roll 31.-E. C.
Case teacher.
Usbor.ne, for Novvember -IV,, ',fay
Ford 75, Ethel Kleinfeldt 71, Alberti
Bonner 70,•Laura] Hicks 63,:Roy Per-
kins 62, Arnold Ford 61. Sr. III„
Amy Fisher -71, -Oran Moir 16, Gordan
Perkins 70 Charles Fisher 67; Charles
Front 50. Jr. III.,• Violet Ratcliffeb:i
Russel' Ratcliffe 62; Sr., II., iElmore.
Kleinfeldt 74, Tam Yellow 67, „ieorge
Moir 57 Grant Ford 54. Jr. II., Percy
1VIcFalls 58; 'Fred •Ford- 44. -George'
Manson,. -teacher.
SCHOOL 'REPORT of, S. S Na, 2.
USBORNE„ fo r; the month of Nov..
Sr IV. -W Knight, J. . Hadgert, Jr.
Jeffrey, C. Jeffrey, U. Snell,
R: Williams. Sr. III.• -E. Tonight, R.
Pollen, W. Tuirnbull, E. Kay, N. :-Tun-
kin ' Ja-. III. -A. Rundle, M. Doupe,
I Williams. Sr,.. II. -L: Knight, A.
Jeffrey D . Armstrong G. Stewart.
Jx. II. -C Doutpe, A, Hunkin, M. Cot-
tle G McDonald, L. B. Kay, 1st Cl.
=S Pollen W. Allison, E. Stewart
S Francis. Sr. Pr. -C. Hodgert, W.
Allen. G. Knight,, V. Russell Jr. Pr.-
-C Campbell, R. TurnbtilI, E. Run -
Na an troll 35; average attendance
30.-M L. Coward, teacher.
Nor Yea of London preached in
the Methodist Church Sunday. -Mrs.
Scott of Beachville has been visiting
her sister Mrs. Sutherland, -Rev, R.
Hicks preached anniversary sernuans
in the Methodist Church ori Windsor
Sunday. -On Wednesday, Nov. 25th, at
the Presbyter -ion Manse, Regina, !Vous
Margaret Thampsan, daughter of the
late- Bernard Thompson, to f-Ienryi
Butterey of . the 0. P. P.. bridge staff
Regina. -Miss Maud Petty of Winni-
peg is home visiting her parents. -
W. Bureton and daughter of Roches4
N. Y. visited his wife's parents, Mr,
and Mrs. D. McLean. -James Clark,
who has been spending about three
months in the West in quest of neal-
tli: returned "home last week. -Wesley
Caldwell . wha is. Hensall's represen-
tative in the 2nd contingent was home
visiting his - parentsand his young
friends .presented him with a hand-
s�ale wig :s't .watch.
• Miss Maggie Germette was visiting
her aunt, Mrs. Steeper, last week. -
Mrs Ridley attended the funeral of
her cousin, Mr. G. Pollock, • in Drys-
dale last week. -A number from;, here
attended the funeral of Mr. and Mrs.
Ernie Luther's child at Grand Bend,
He ways burned to death, and much
sympatht- ir• felt for .the bereaved
paretAsSeSlr. and Mrs. R English
were in London last week, and • their
son Silbonirne, returned .with 'hem
for the week :fennel, -Mrs. " Walden of
Wesley visited 'kis. A. M. . Wilson
for a few days. -Mr. Stewardsoai l' is'
recovering from ,his recent illness.
Mr and Mrs.'Rathwell'"of Rayfield
were oasts ,of Miss *Winnie Sherritt
,fa,• a few days. -Mrs. Wallis returned
to. her
home in
pleasanr visit with friends dere.-The
stork left a son with Mr. and Mrs.
H Battram 'Nov. 28th. Congratula-
tions, -Miss Hattie Finkbeiner and
Miss Alice Gaiser of Shipka were
guests of Miss Gertie McLinchey on
Alex Sparks of Bigger, Sask,,. is
visiting -relatives 'here at .present. -Alf
Melicl and mother, ' Mrs. J. ,;vlelick,
are visiting friends in Michigen or
a few weeks. -Mr. Chas. Stelck, who
spent the past few years in Edmonton
is trenewing old acquaintances, in this
community,-ivlr. Fred Krauskopf has
sold hips farm on the Goshen Line
south to his son-in-law, M,r, Alex.
Voisin who has taken possession. -Mr
Jacr1 Haberer has sold a strip of
land off, the ,north side!, of his crop.
e1 tl •t0. Mr ..Louis Kraft,who will'
have a haiadso•me new dwelling erect -
god rpt gut.,, -V4.. F. Hess.
1 1+listtk e?y
f1161°4'uugh 1-
declares that Srwiaiitende
a o t -d a r
n, iT
yedea-At `the city of Detrot1.a ��t,
a quiet wedding "took' when
"4:s- Y est became the bride, of Mr,
Lane Faster of the blind Line, 'The
ilili;a y couple have returned flit ,ettic
chowe an the groom's fine farm.
elude a separate peace with Austria,
With the fall of Belgrade Servta's
chief resistance has been broken, the
Vienna newspapea asserts.
'SIR EDMUND 'WALKER.,G•VA..LL.D.,r'r'eeidenk.•
ALEXANDER LAIRD, Generali Manager JOHN . AIRD, Aas't General, Manager
.. .00 000 RESERVE • FUND 1 R 500 0
CAPITAL. $15 0 (j ! $ ! DO
The Canadian Bank of Commerce extends'to Farmers ever
facility for the transaction of their banking business, including
the discount and collection of sales notes.. Blank sales notes
are supplied free of charge on application. S25
pcorporated 1855
Capital & Reserve
TRAVELLERS. CHEQUES .... : • !ii•• • . Issued
at all Branches. Interest allgwed at highest current rate.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion: Government.
N. D. HURDON Manager,
From Now Until
End of
the Year
All •Lines_ of •Furniture
Embalmer & Funeral Director
"No more headache for you ---take these"
Don't •
just "mother" the headache without removing the cause.
Take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They not only cure
the headache but give you a buoyant, healthful feeling because they
tone the liver. sweeten the stomach and cleanse the bowels. Try them.
All Druggists, 25e., or by mail
Toronto, Ont. 13
Has !Special. Qualities
A 'Perfect` Tonic
u•: C;
Ifnot sold in [your neighborhood, write
-` LONDON4.::
-CANADA . 81
Sys Lot 8; Con. 12, Tp.:,Stcphena,;'
50 acres half mule south' af•.lehiva,•
with : goad frame house, bank 'barn,
dai vc shed .and. other out buildings
-two spring '• wells -good land, well
fenced: and unclerdrained, with thirty
acres under cultivation. Apply la
R. R. No. 3, Dashwood; Ont,
Lot 7; Con. 1, Stephen, the .>rop-
erta Of the late Thomas Esscry.
Brick House, !unlit barn and frame
barn. 3'good wgg11s 'windmill,B • ood
orchaftl•``salian '`'`8 acites dfgond hard-
wood” b sh -ritsaining about 500 su-
gar Maga
, god,o
, well ell
;era ted•atld"-fencedle tT•ettoe good
§t 'ja .cit1tiSatton
from ,Centralia.
stn t
xP05ss do.ban d
Ven • � 4.
to riff
puschadef et ..i ,tev .' !t.i.
Far terms and Particulars -apply to
Centralia ;
Barristers, Exeter
The 'annual meeting for Nomination
af; Candidates foir offices of Reeve,
Deputy-- Reeve and three Councillors
far the ' Municipal 'Council of
is:traa far the ensuing year will be nald
in the Town Hall, West McGillivray
ve o, December
Hahn,. 28th, 19'14, at.
clock; „ .
Polls if required will bee aEia
pol on
Manclay the 4th day of January, 1915.
at 9 0. clock A.m. and • continuer mail 5
o'clock p,m. and no longer, in the se-
ve,rat palling •sub-divibions of the said
township as follows, -2,14o..1 ,Morgan's
house on Lot 12, 3rd Concession, las
Nell, jr. D. R.O• ; No, 2 Cueningham's
house lot 14,,2nd Con, A. Cunningham
Dna• 3
P erre s( house on lot l5 Cora
11, Mates
1ierce 'N0 ,
4, eamcrop
;Schott Houise,:Seatio;t 8, 'Wnti•)Arest;
8;:41'e0n•ItIall,t-iJ,.'0 i5rutranond.,
-No, 6 Taylor's Sebool House, Sec, 12,
Thos Mclnns; No. 7, Nichola, !louse
opt lot 8, Can. 22, Andrew Grieve,
I, D, Drnt»tno•n4,
notching O!'flcer,