HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-12-3, Page 8EX -1-1$ PER Ali V Ins'A T
RWAY 11110.134.BER
" Wheat .............a112
Barley ...444.4004.e..,0 65
stattekveheat„, 04 40.4404 65
Oats, 'st , 46
Peas 100
Potatoes. per bag . • . , . . 75
EAT, Pr 1., on-- , .., .— 14 00
MOur, JPI' cwt., family 3 10
Flour, low arade per cw 1 '10
Butter........... 0,41144. 2a
Raga— . .,.....,,, 35
Live hog*, per owt
Shorts raw ton... — ....
Bran nor eon . — ....„....
14 00
1 70
7 00
27 00
20 00
Don't worry over your XmaS Gifts,
See Follick's assortment of hen ‘oone.
Worries vanish, From 10c, upwards,
Specialist, will be at the, Central Ho-
tel, Exeter. on Saturday, December
IZth One day only.
FOUND—A metal parse on a chain
Owner can have same asa paying for
this •notice. Call at Advocate Office,
Having taken out license for the
Caunty of Huron I am now in a po-
sition to conducts Auction Sales of
all kind.s. My prices will be liberal.
Consult Inc when in need of an auct-
Crediton East,
FARM TELF.—Often in the spring
of the year farm help, is very diffi-
cult to get either locally or from
abroad ln. the fall of the year there
seems to be mala help( than is re-
quired It is sensible and better far
both thc farmer and the hired maa
to make engagements in the, fall of
the year This gives the working
man a home forthewinter and this
is important This experience gets
the man acquainted with the sarin
and his horses, aot that he •can give
much better ,service than. if he goes
in the spring a stranger. Secure your
hele now It is wise, it is cbaritable
it is Christian. Write C. H, Sanders
the Immigration agent at Exeter if you
want help We are in a position to
supply men experienced or inexper-
1 desire to announce that I have op-.
aged a Flour and Feed. Store in F.
Wood's Old Stand, opposite Post
°Hite arid will keep a full supply of
the begt grades of flours and reeds.
I solicit your patronage.
WANTED—To rent farm of 100
acre e with good buildings for term
of five year. Anyone having such
apple at this Office.
The Ladies' Guild of the rrivitt
Memorial Church will hold their me-
ntal Bazaar in the Town Hall, on are -
day evening. Dec, 45.. Fancy and:
useful articles for aale. 'Afternoon
tea from 4 tot 6; also from 8 to 10
in the evening. Admission 10 eents,
A short program, consisting of en ad-
aress by the Reastar, .Rev. D. W. Col-
lins. ea "Kitchner and the Present
Lane, William Street, will be ;pleas-
' ed to accept a few boarders.
Now Is the time to think about your
Christmas Cakes. Bring em along,
we'll bake sena— FoIlick's Bakery,
Phone 34a.
LOST.—A black backed gauntlet
last in or near Exeter on Friday
Nov. 20th. Findea- kindly return to
this ofifce.
Lot 7, Con. 1 Stephen, the erop-
erty of the late Thomas Essery.
Brick House, bank barn and frame
bean. 3 good wells, windmill, good
orchard about 8 acres of good hard-
wood bush containing about 500 su-
gar maple trees. Soil clay loam, well
drained and fenced. Farm in good
state of cultivation, one-half mile
from Centralia station.
Possession can be giyen to tuit
For terms and particulars apply to
Barristers, Exeter
The undersigned is offering for ,ale
Lots 35, 36. and part of 37, Carling
Street on which is a good storey and
half frame house, containing 7 looms
good cellar and kitchen. There are
also a number of choice fruit trees
on the premises and a good stable;
bar I and soft water. Everything is in
a good state of repair. Will be mid
reasonable. Call Saturday for par-
ticulars HENRY GOULD, Exeter
Tea & Coffee
For the choicest
groceries, fruits, spices,
teas, coffee and every-
thin.g in the grocery ime.
Call and see us A trial
as to quality will convin
Produce taken in exchange
Jas. Gould
, Opposite alleeteie light Plant •
because the entire system
becomes permeated with
injurious acids.
To relieve rheumatism 4,50otes
Emulsion is a double help; it is
rich in blood -food; it imparts
strength to the functions and sup-
plies the very oil -food that rheu-
matic conditions always need.
Scot's Emulsion has
helped countless thousands
when other remedies failed.
Refuse Inferior Substitutes.
( 90W,E TO.RON,” 0.
rfirliir 'Ur e' 'Or liorlUr‘Urieril
16.4111 10%...idruar..ASE,Ant-ifin .ser Jekrad
The very mild weather eta Thurs-
day made the snow disappear in a
The Ontario Provincial Winter Fair
will( be held in Guelph this 'ear
from December 5th to 10th.
II Brantford with a population of
but 23,000 can send 657 men to the
war hove many- should Exeter send?
I make the most of my enjoyments
and as for my troubles), I pack them
in as little compass as, I can for my-
self and never let them annoy others.
The Bravincial Secretary stated to-
day that before the first of next year
the old Central Prison will be handed
ove: to the wreckers and the last pris
crier taken to the new- institution at
The Advocate is sending out a
number of small accounts that ought
to have been paid long ago. If you
receive one kindly give it your early
attention. In these war times it is
particularb necessary to keep the
money moving,.
James St. Methodists celebrate the
52nd anniversary on Sunday ind Mon -
'day December 6 and 7, Rev. 'Jr. Bar
ber os. Listowel preaches on Sunday,
and Monday night gives his lecture,
"Six months in Germany and :ny es-
cape at the outbreak of the wars'
Mrs Nelson Peterson, of Barwick,
Algoma a former well-known resident
ea Exeter, was operated on at one of
the London hospitals a few days ago
for the removal of a cancer from her
breast and has since been taking the
X ray treatment .in that city. The
operation wa's a success, but very se-
ver( and Mrs. Peterson has suffered
mucli from - its effects. Her many
friends here will wish far her a
speeds recovery. •
The membershitp of the Methodist
churches in Exeter district is Main
Street,Exeter, 339; James St. Exeter
655: Parkhill .,209; Elimville, 233; Cen-
tralia 205; Ailsa: Craig 219; Lucan,
230: Granton 260. Woedhani, aSe;
Kirktor. 300. Their givings to
the Missionary society for this year
are. Main street,, $883; fames street
$1329; Parkhill. $465; Elimville, $618
Centealia, 4,369; Ailsa Craig $340;
Liken, $580; Granton, $574; Wood-
ham,. 1563 • Kirkton, $631.
Don't pull your chair three timesi
a day •this winter to a well -laden
table in a comfortable home and ina
agine you owe nothing. Remember
through the cold days and coldead
nights British and Canadian soldiers
are lying side by side in the .leath
bidder: trenches and the sailors of
the navy are ore 'duty an, the open sea
that yea. and your family shall ce sav
ed from the ruthless invader. salve '
of your plenty that these brave 'nen
may haye everything possible to ehield
them /TOM the perils and discomforts '
of, winter in the open.
Why do statesmen read the Weekly
Sun of Toronto? Because it is a
pane; with a reputation that is an-
queetioned. It is the Farmers' busi-
nese paper, and is watching farmers'
interests all the time. Aside, even
from its market reports which are ac-
knowledged to be the best in the
Dominion, it is a paper ,of weight
You should have it come to your
hame every .week: All .through he
long winter nights it will furnisha
wealth of interesting reading material
ai a thoroughly reliable character.
Thi e paper has special clubbing Ar-
rangements with The Sum. Let us
have your renewal and add the Sun
to your list of papers for 1915.
quiet and interesting event took
place at high neon on Monday, Nov,
a0th at the home of the brides par
ents Mr and Mrs. Henry Jachson
London when their daughter, Miss
Cora Phyllis Jackson, became the
bride of Mr. Percy James Gillies of
Exeter. The ceremony -was performed
by Rev H ,A, Graham in the presence
of only immediate relatives. The
young couple we unattended. Later
Mr, and Mr. Gillies left on a short
ttata and on their return, will reside in
Exeter The Advocate joins the
many friend.s in congratulations and
best wishes.
DEATI-1.—Aftee only a few weeks'
residence in Exeter the death took
lace at the family residence, Ann
'street on Saturday, Nov. 28th, of
Alice Edna Mawhinney, beloved wife
of Thomas M. Dinney, at the. age of
24 -years, 11, months and 12 days.
Deceased had been ilI since last Feb-
ruary of chronic nephritis, and grad-
ually failed. She was confined to her
room only thtee days when the end
came She was a daughter of
anel Mrs David Mawhinney end was
barn ii' Stephen Township where he
eesielea ,until a few weeks agry, when
the family moved to Exeter. Nearly
five years age she married Mr. 'Sin-
rieyawha, with ode seri of Lour e ears
eurylaea and have the sympathy,
eat. eamtramity, The teittains, viere
inte.rretl' in the Exeter cerhetelie on
Menaey afternoon
Very raga weather has been eur
potion for a few days: past.
Watch our whedow, for plants! and
cut flowers. Osten taleen. Prices
right—E. A, Follicle.
Revs McAlister and Meetworthy.exe
changed pulpits on Sunday trier -lunge
the occasion being missionary , Sane
Me. Jas. Beverley this week our -
chased the Open, House Black and
will renovate the building and move
his furnitare business therein.
Dr. McGillicuddy has disposed of
the building at the rear of Isis awell-
ing to mr., cims. sneu, ‘y) -401'i§. Pain-
ing it and will use it as a chicken
Mr, Wes Lemport this week par -
chased the barn at the rear of the
Cornmarcial Hotel, from Mrs. Hawk -
sheer, and will move it to his prop-
erty near the foundry,
Alt R. D. Croft of Ailsa Craig has
purchased The Seaforth News from
Me. W. R. Veale and has taken over
the business, Until a few weeks, ago
ear, Croft was publisher of the Ailsa
Craig Banner.
The newly elected officers of Ex-
eter Lodge of Oddfellows are', a F.
G, Brae W. Martin; N,, G,, Bro. W.
Brad; V.G„ Bro. J. M. Sonthcott,
Bro R N. Creech; F,S. Bros W,
Johns Treas., Bro. E. Dignen,
On Friday evening of last week the
Menesetung Canoe Club paid a fare-
well tribute to their colleague, Dr, C.
E. Sale, who has joinedthe Second
Canadian Cantingent for actice service
as a captain in the 18th Battalion—
Goderich Star, '
A debate will be held in the lames
Stree" Chucrch on Friday ,night at
7,30 on the subject "Resolved ,hat
the pen is mightier than the sword."
Messrs J. Chittick and Leon Treble
take the affirmative and Drs, a.oul-
ston and Campbell the negative.
Ev erybody welcome.
The idea is being widely aurcul-
ated throughout Ontario of avoiding
municipal contests this year an order
to reduce the expenses—with a view
to. donating the money elections would
cost to the Patriotic Fund. The
idea is worth considering, but it is
impassible of management unless un-
When there's a little newsgtirring
an 1 they bear about it, some people
are kind enough to drop into 'the of.i
lice and give the .editon a little "tip"
Those are the kind of people we
appreciate and we are alwaya gaaeata,
"follow . up" `the "tips" if they, esre
worth while. Because aman publishes
a newspaper he isn't supposed to
kuow everything that's going on.
Lebanon Forest Lodge, A. F. & A.
Me elected officers on Monday night
as follows,—W.M., Bro. W J. Murray
S.D.. Bro. J. E McGillicuddy; f.W.,
Bro. N J. Dore; Chap., Rt. Wor. aro.
Rev. D ,W, Collins; Treas., V. Wors
Bro. 5. A. Stewart; Sec., Wor. Bro.
R N. Creech; Tyler, Bro. S. Sweet;
Auditors ,Bros. N. D. Hurdon and Jos,
Senior Installation will take place on
necember 28th.
Only three counties in Ontariq had
more entire horses enrolled this year
than Huron. They are Middlesex.,
with 158, Sinicoe 157, York 148;; and
HUM. had 142. The breeds in
Elueoet were Clyde 66, Percheron 9
Shire 10 „Standard Breds 14 -Hackney
2 Grades 41. In all 'Ontario there'
were 3201 stallions enrolled, of which
1312 were Clydesdales, 308 Percheron
and 237 Standard Breds.
The management of the House of
Ra,eage are leaders in anion cultiva-
tion ant have every reason to eon-
gratulate themselves, if they are eo
disposed. On the three acres
cultivation they expended $373 ea:
seed aa' the crop realized $2514.00,
a, net return of $2514.60. The yield
has all been sold and paid for, which
also stands to the credit of the
shrewd management foe owing te the
falling off in the demand, a consider-
able aortion of the crop throughout
she cartaty eis still in she hangs of
the producers.
The death took place at the resi-
cleae.e of her son-in-law, H. Belback,
London, on Friday last, of a former
Exeter woman, in the person of ,'Vfary
F. Fanson, relict of the late Samuel
Fanson in her 58th year. Deceased
moved from Exeter to London tee -
era] years ago. The funeral was *seta'
to the G. T. R. depot, thence to Ex-
etee to the residence of Mr. Thomas
Houlden and from there to the Exe-
ter cemetery on Monday afternoon:
Mr. en:, Mrs. Fanson left Exeter six
yearn, ere and M. Fanson died in
June last. Two sons and two 'laugh-
ters survive— Gordon Samuel, nnd
Frana Mrs. H. Belback and Mrs. 5.
Nash all of Londoa.
The young Men's Class of again
Street Methodist Church will aold-
anniversary services on Sunday, Dec!
13th, when ,Rev. John Morrison of
Sarnia will preach at lla.m. and 7p.m.
At 2 o'clock he will address the
Young Men's class in the! class room
The choir will have charge of the
music, for the morning service. At
the evening service special music will
be rendered by a men's choir. All
the mer are especially invited sor the
aftarnoon Service. On Monday .ven,
;Decing 14th, at apm. Rev. Moo --
risco will give his celebrated ,ecture
entitle.: "That Boy". A musical pro-
gram will also bet provided, The
Monday night entertainment will be
under the- auspices of the League.
Admission 25 and 15 cents.
and family of the late Mr. and
Mrs Samuel Vanson, who have 'teen
Lai: to rest in the: past five months,
desire to express their thanks, so .he
friend e and Mr, and Mrs, alouldere for
their kindness in the hour of grief
and sorrow
wry storm period will develop and
ran its course on and toucbing the
5th 69.1 and 7th. The reasonable out-
look for this period is that rain, turn -
t' heavy sleet and tam, will pass'
croft, west to east, and that cloudy
mercurial, cold weather will continue
foe several days after the passage of
the star/ries 'Study your barometer
closely in con; ection with every
storm period.
Whe.svill Wear'this steel gray muffler
I ens knitting on to -day?
Will it be an Eriglish duffer,
Or a fighter from Bombay?
Wil( it be a Aelgian placlea,
Or a 'Frenchman debonair?
A Canadian may be lucky
For this extra bit to wear
Wrapping hint from neck to wrist-
Like the warm clasp of a friend,
May the find, it to his taste, an
Feel the tender prayer I send,
Reg Case is visiting his brother ace
at Ingersoll.
The Misses Carling are visiting in
London this week.
Jr..- Wm. Schroeder was in Brant-
ford on bueiness Friday.
Mr Mark Mitchell of London spent
a couple days in town this week.
Mr, Frank Handcock of the West
arrived here Friday to spe,nid the
Dr. Brown ing was called to Aylmer
att Monday owing to the illness, of
her sou Earl,
Mrs .Gunn returned to Winnipeg
last week after attending the tuneral
of her father, the late Mr, Colwill,
Reeve Taylor of Exeter Reeve
Routley of Usborne, Reeve Elliot &
Deputy Reeve'• Yearley ofStep-
hen left foa G,odericia Tuesday to at
tend the county council.
Manager a j. White of The Bank
of Commerce returned Monday ;tom
Toronto where he spent the' past ten
days owing to the illness of Mrs.
A goodly number, attended the Log -
ie Missionary Society Entertainment in
Caven Church on Friday last, when
an excellent program was given and
thoroughly enjoyed. Special ambers
were those of Mrs. Charles Wheeler
ef London. Me. Phillips was the ac-
The Huron Old Boys' Association
of Taranto held their annual ;fleet-
ing, Friday in St, George's Hall. The
fallowing officers were elected; Hon-
orary presidents, Sir John S. Wil-
lison, Sir William D. Otter, W. K.
McNaught and R. Holmes; president
Dr. W E. Struthers; vice-presidenaa
John 'Robertson secretary E:Floodys
finaancialsecretary, la. B,, gobble -
dick: treasurer R. Crocker.
Previously acknowledged 902.27
Miss Vosper 1.00
Rev. Collins 1.00
Ed. Goodison, Sarnia, -.1.00
Al. J McDonell - 5.00
Wm Fletcher
James: Street Church, Young
elep's Class
Tea Room Nov. 28
$ 957.32
k‘ VA 1 Iv •I'C'
Regina Watches, when sold
without an Official Guarantee,
and by other than an authorized
agent, are liable to be Second
Hand Watches, taken in trade
- or procured in some other
second-hand way. •
I am the only authorizea
Official Agent here, and am the
only one who can issue an Offic-
ial Guarantee which will be re-
spected by other Official Agents
throughout Canada.
Lawson & Trick, Exeter
D. L. -8r W.
SCII1111011 Coal
Burns to aiwhite ash
All sizes. Prompt delivery
W. H. Levett
During the holiday seasou everyone
arareeiates a. good, suggestion, in area
Ward tp an appropriate Xatasa Gift.
ANER is an ideal Christmas Gift
for every woman haying a fame. Call
and see therraat our Store, .We have
other suitable Xmae. Gifts as well—
Worthy of your inspection.
Embalmer and Funeral Director
13.1f0.4e, 20a.
Exeter North
General Store
for Good Fresh
Groceries Etc.
PROljUg :1;4.1c4N IN-EXC1-1,A.NOE
Mail Contract
SEALED TENDERS addeessed to
the Postmaster General, will be re-
cei ved at Ottawa 'until noon, on Fri-
day, the 8th .day oa •Jatsey„ 1915
for- the can, veyance of His Majesty's
Mails, on a proDoead. Contract fax
four years ,twenty-four times per
week each way, between Hensall and
Street Letter Boxes and Railway Sta-
tion from the Postmaster General's
pleasure 'next.
Printed notices containing further
information as to conditiOns of prfa
posed Conti -act may be seen and
Maras foams of Tender may be ab -r
teased at the Poet Office of liensall
and at the office Sof the Post Office
Inspector London.
Post Office Department, Mali Ser-
vice Branch, Ottawa, 27th Nov. 19142
Auction Sale
-At Lot 3, Concession 1, McGillivray
1 1-2 miles south of Centralia, an
THURSDAY, DEC. 3rd, 1914
at 1 oclock the following
3 aew mach cows; 3 cows duel in
January and February; 4 cows duein
April; 1 farrow cow, 3 yearling
steers. 3 yearling heifers, 11 spring
calves, I'. carriage mare rising 6 years
old supposed in foal; 1 geldingf 5 yr
old; 2 aged horses.
Terms -10 and 'under cash; over
that amount 11 months' oredit on
tarnishing appro ved joint notes,
with 5 per cent added. 5 per centj
per annum off for cas.
Positively no reserve.
Wrr, Quinton & T. Austin, Peorise
Frank Taylor, Auctioneer
The London Advertiser
Morning Noon Evening
Edition $2,0 pt Year by Men Ont.
side City of London
All the War News
All Market Qnotations
All Sporting News
The Best Newspaper Value
In Western Ontario
Delivered throught vow P t.t Claes
ot over yam. Rural Route aarne
Day aft Publibed for
$2.00 per year.
Xmas Only Three Weeks
Now is the time to clo your
Holiday Shopping. Don't leave
it until the last big rush. We
are just filled right up with the
good things for Xmas Gifts. Every
one is looked after Big and Small
Old and Young. Come along and
buy Early and often.
Gifts for the Ladies
Foy Hankerehief
Fey Linens
." Centre pieces
" Aprons
Table Linen
Bath Robes
Silk waists
Bead Purses
Hand Bags
Needle Boaes
Crochet Sets
Sweater Coats
Brush Sets
Handy For The Men
Ties Gloves House Coats
Collars Mitts Over coats
Shirts . Suspenders Winter Suits
Fey. ox S. Coats ' Underwear
Neck Scarfs Umbrellas Hats & Caps
4 Big Coat Specials
1 only $30Coat for $20 1 only $20 Coat for $1
I only $22 Coat for $14 1 only $15 Coat for $8
Headquarters for the elerated, W. E. Sanfoisd Clothing