HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-11-26, Page 8• X IE•. ,`. 1:0t4 ,. EXETER MARKETS. OH ANGED EACH WEDNESDAY wheat Itt,. . ... ... Barley, , .. » .' . , . , Buckwheat Oats, Peas... Potatoca, per bag Ray, erton..a Flour. per cwt., family Flour, low grade pep aw ;Butter.. ... Eggs, . , ,,. .a... Live huge, per cwt Shc,rt:e Per t oiu... Br+an Penton ..» •< 112 115 os 40 05 2 40 90 .90 75 400 14 00 14 00 810• • r 70 70 35 0 7 15 26 ,rtr 25 lei YOUNG PIGS FOR SALE. -20 pigs, see weeks old for sale, Apply tgz�;-W. Ogden. R R, Noe Centealia;, •' a' LICENSED AUCTIONEER Having taken out licepse for the. Cotunty of Huron I am.now en. a po- sition to conducts Auction Saler of all kinds. My prices will be . liberal. Consult nae when, in need of an auct- ioneer FRANK TAYLOR, : Crediton East, BARN FOR SALE. ---A £rams ',tarn 25x40 ft. for sale. Apply at this of#tee,? FARM HELP Often. in the spring. of the yeas farm help; is very diffi- cult to get either locally or from; abroad In the fall of the year there•. seem to be more hese than is re- quired It is sensible and better far both the farmer and the hired man to make engagements in the, rail of the year This gives the working man a home for the winter and this is important. This experience gets the man acquainted with the `arm and his horses, so that he can give much better ,service than if hegoes; in the spring a stranger. Secure your help now It is wise, it is charitable it is Christian. Write C. H. Sanders the'Immigaation agent at Exeter if you' waa.t help We are in a position to supply men experienced or inexpert tensed. NEW FLOUR & 'FEED STORE.— I desire to announce that 1 have op- enee. a Flour and Feed Store in F. Wood's Old Stand, opposite Post Office and will keepa full supply Of the best grades of .flours and seeds. I solicit your patronage. -SIDNEY DAVIS NOTICE CHANGE IN BUSINESS METHOD T fin' that I have to change my way of doing business. From September 10th al, meats will be cash; and all ,accounts awing me must be paid 'ley the 1st of October. Date' Sept. 8th. WM. RIVERS & Co, W.ANTED-To sent farm of 100 acree with good buildings for term of five years. Anyone having such apply at this Office. MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL. The council of the Corporation of County of Huron will meet in the council chamber, in the -Town of Gaderich on Tuesday, December ,lst at 3 o'clock. All accounts against the county must be placed with the Clerk before this date. DateJ at Gad:erich, Nov. 16, 1914. W. Lane, Clerk FARM FOR SALE Lot 7, Con. 1, Stephen, the trop- erty of the late Thomas Essery. Brick Haase, bank barn and frame barn. 3 good wells, windmill, good orchard about 8 acres of good hard- wood bush containing about 500 :su= gar maple trees. Soil clay loam, well drained and fenced. Farm in good state of cultivation, one-half mile front Centralia station. Possession can be given to ruit purchaser For terms and particulars apply to. GEO. G. ESSERY, • Centralia, Or GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers, Exeter 100 MANY CHftDR[N are ander-size, under -weight with pinched faces and poor blood; they do teat complain but appetite lags, they have no ambition and do not progress. Such children need the rich, medicinai ,riot rishment in Scott's E'nuttsion above everything else;, its pure cod liver oil con. tides nature's own blood -forming, flesh- btiilding•.fats which quickly show in rosy edieelis, better appetite, firm flesh and sturcli• frontes. If .yattr children are languid, tired When rising catch cold easily or find their studies difficult, give them Scatt'a rIc',*ilgil; it supplies the very food ele- :.euts t:.izat their systems lack. r • , •ct is Emulsion contains no harmful ;leo; a and. is so good for growing children fez's a pity to keep it from them.. 14-4. Scott & Bowae, Toronto, Ontario, •ta 'E\1; rf)j r Steps' are being taken, by the cit- izens•of Galt to niake the town a city The West Shore railway from God- erich to Kincardine will probably he inccu•p'orated in the Hydro Radial schen e for Huron. Four German publications have been prohibited Canadian mails — Staats Zeitung; The Vital Issue, The Truth about ,Germany, and -the Vaterland. The Jackson Mfg rCo, at Clinton put in Saturday afternoon making ap• 60 blankets of overcoating cloths ined with shaken flannel as a gift to the Belgians. Mr . Samuel Hits, Usborne, has added another farm to his holding, which is now 450 acres—having pur- chase'' tlihe farm of Mr. W. Luker las, peek. )µor ffie first time irk 62 years the Rine. attended the funeral of a nae ttonel hero when King George on Thursday was present at the: funeral of Lorel Roberts. • In the adjourned 11lagistrates Court. on 'Saturday last the case of Joynt vs Lamont was reduced to that of conireori assault the defentant paying a fine of: 10 and costs. • The gee' ernment of South Wales, Au'siralia, ,proposes to buy all ;he wheat crop of the country at five shillings a bushel, to prevent any cornering of the crop in( Boyer -Vincent Show in the Opera House on Wednesday night of las+ week was fairly ,well attend,ecl, and• reports' state that it was above the average, 'being clean, bright and entertaining,. The annual meeting of the Huron Old . •,Boys of Toronto will be held i St; .George's Hall, Elm street .on, Friday evening', Nov.274h, at izp far •the• election of-== officers and the transaction of general business. Parkhill started out to make a con- tribution. of $3,000 tO the Patriotic b uid; .lout before the score, or more o::;corinnittee-men could get started at 'the work, voluntary subscriptions weze .receieed amounting to. over $2000:; The taxes in most niunicipalitiea are a little 'higher this year; but don't grumble .The people of Belgium would g1a-dly pay a few dollars in taves.if :they could call back. _nom the wreck and rued their . Farmer h antes', Tile -„Advocate is sending out a number ;ssf small accounts that ought to 71ave been paid long ago. If you receive. one. kindly give it youearly attenfirn .,In' these war times it is particillarlyinecessary to keep the money moving. "Coo ale,-” is the name of a pow- .. ea 'Wretch after being dissolved in wptE< 'and_ applied to a worand will imtnet]4tely slap the flow of blood. :lh a Swiss discoverer claims this for it and has sent large '.quantities teethe Germar, and French armies. Irr'a letter to The Advocate Dr. W J Knight g1it• of Calgary, Alta., a former Exeter young man, informs us that be has ;cnuatified as lieutenant in rhe ;�Yrin} :yleclical Corp, and is attached 'ta'1/ t ie'i-1 Ambulance, Calgary, and will go into Barracks there, where 'he will remain' for a month before go- tngl• to England. Hon -:Dr Pyne has announced the first award of scholarships .provided fc'r bv, the will ofi the late J. T.Car- ter of Sarnia, being three for each 'of eight western Ontario• counties, of e8100''? 60, and ,$40. In the County $L Huron the winners were J Gill- espie of 'Seaforth, Miss M. Knight c.f Seaforth G. Geddes of Wingham. • You kee,p abreast of the times when you read the Weekly Sun of Toronto, It is a farmer's newspaper, ani th"t means, market reports, edi- torial's special farming articles, ;•pec - Lel ,:departments for all the family, "atliar people's opinions," where the readers may say their say -and ccarnt- less., ,lest , of bright features of inter- est and importance to all farmers. Fiffy two weeks in the year the Surat is offet'he job. Do you' read • its Wireterenewing your subscription for thJ,s ,paper we will be pleased to take yQLrsebscriptio•n for the Sun. Goodnq For the' Xmas Shopper The Toy Firm is Busted, and we bav: a full and plenty supply. . We bye enuf to supply all. We invite ' everyene with ~alt their friends who read this to come to. this =tore Shap Early, It Pays. The War conditions make., no diff- erence • in our prices. Make this' store your. shopping place this Xmas Watch for spore store news text week PAwel .l's Bazaar Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest: groceries, fruits, spices,, teas, teas, cofee and every- thing in the grocery line. Call and see us. A trial as to quality will convin- ce. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould ,Opposite leetrielight Plant ;• ICRS' NOVEMBER FORECAST ,.regular storm period begins on the 28.th is (central our the 30th, and ettn"three• days into December. The torm! 'of� this period will not be .nore t1Sat,t stieVeloping in western sections ttsar: ng .th;e last two Or three days of hecinionth. All things point to, about the:same. weather for December ars' in November ,illi T �1iirAG©N DEMOLISHED, -On i~ tidy. northing last while Mr, Hew e,t i i ilk" man was on his rounds on Huron street, the wagon was struck by the freight train from London and fvas••co•mpletely demalisdted ;"Or; Ap;- ie t had gene into a hot eAnddu:t•- n .. y absence the horse walked on t r ..n, tLS�.. t, e. f _ t • and. •lzac. a aye r h t ack;.ivlacn M Zs" 1 glit engine , caught the '901 `oiti witl, the resuilt as stated above to- gether with the loss of considerable milk. • Four weeks from Friday will be Christmas Day A nominating con vention will be held by the North ,-Imran; Liberals at Wingham on Tuesday, December 8th About eight . or ten inches of anew fe.J; ot, Sunday ,night last acid Sleighs an 1 cutters have 'been in general rise since Mr and l4„lrs, James Frayne, - and daughter have moved to . town and are now camfortabiy settled in their home on Aimee Street, : We welcome theta to Exeter, Nineteen municipalities are listed foe Local; Option campaigns its Janu- ary; and; seven repeal eampai„nsl will come off, at the saine ht irate, i London -ant Hamilton have campaigns for li- cense ireductian. Inland revenue returns for the Dom- "inior, in 'October totalled $1,726,197 In the same month last year there were $4041,921. This indicated a de- cline in consumption of liquor, beer, cigars and tobaccos. • In a few weeks the municipal el- ections will be on. In the mean- time aaspirarl'ts will be getting , their ammunititfn ready so that they can tell the electors on nomination night who is to blame for the high tax rate, etc, Mis;•Deake, returned missionary from Japan W.M,S., will give an ad- ores- in James-St.ethodist` Church Exeter on Decembepc 2nd, at 1.30 p,m., and also in Parkhill efetho- dist Church on Friday, Dec, 4, at the saint hoot• Anybody who refrains from eating at least one apply a day is ,a traitor to hi. country, his family and himself He only befriends .the medical pro- fession .by his unwise abstinence. This is the opinion of the best 'auth- orities, and the experts. Members of the Masonic order, of Ontario, have opened a 'fund for; the relief of the distressed 'Belgians, to which every Mason in the province will be asked to . contribute the sum of one dollar. In .this way' it is ex- pecte 1 that a sum', of $40, 000 wip1 be raise t. The South Huron Championship Basebal, Cop arrived last week torn th. Spalding Co., and is a handsome onc, Ailsa Craig is the winner oe- cause of their defeat of the Exeter team in the last game: Herb Axt has the cup an exhibition for a -few , days prior to sending•:it to Ailsa. Me. William Sharpe of Clifton, who I've! here with his parents from -the wirte_ -of 1856' to "March 1870, :s a- mong the many Canadians •who, nave climber the ladder of success a -iia Unci, Sam's domain, he having, o een elect& to the office of represcnta-` tiv: • for Washington County, Kansas, be a majority o'f 1488 votes. Mr. Garnet R. Heywood •>'f town was on. Wednesday of last' week mar- ried ti. Miss Ella Witzel, at her home in Khiva, the particulars of which will be' found under the Khiva heading, Both of the' contracting parties , are welt and favorably known 'here 'and will have the best wishes of a host • of friends for a. long and happy wed- ded life . Mr and Mrs. Nelson Stanlake are moving to town this week. On • Tues - Oaf evening the. good. •preople of the neighborhood of their old home met at their' house and enjoyed a ;ew hours amusement. During the ecurse of the evening an address was 'ead and a handsome clock presented to then•, as a remembrance of the'.e aid f :en:Js. Exeter welcomes Mr. and Mes Stanlal_e to the town. The concert given by Mr. J. G. Jones Bible Class in James Street Church on Friday evening was an en- joyable affair, and a good crowd was present. Interesting paper; on the War Topics were given by Leon Treble Jae Davis and Hubert .Tones, solea were rendered by Earl South - Batt and Mr. Phillips, and . choruses by the • class Linden Harvey showed a number of his . illustrations of war scenes Mir. Jones was chairman and: gave a talk on his trip to Europe, rhe scene ef the present great war. The 'third Sunday before Christmas -which this year falls on the " 6th December—is commended as Bible' Sunday.. that is, a day on which the Bible as a whole may be, ,considered and it, annual progress ;recorded, in the Pulpit the Press and the Sunday School. The approval of this idea at. the Convention of t'he International Sunday School Association at Chic- ago; in jure last, will,, no doubt, lead` to its early adoption in the scheme of Sunday School lessons, and this will be a long step towardsmaking the occasion a universal yearly Bible. Re- v:ew Day TRIVITT MEMORIAL 'BAZAAR The Ladies' Guild of the Trivitt .Memorial Church will hold their an- nual Bazaar in the Town Hall, on Fri- day evening. Dec. 4th. Fancy and useful articles for sale. Afternoon tea from .4 .to 6; also from 8 to 10 in the evening. Admission i3O 'ents: BROKE HIS LEG—Mr. John Grigg or town who has beets' travelling in the northern part of the County, met with an unftertunate accident at. Kingsbridge on Friday last by having hi: leg broken,. 'It appears he wee ,wal'king at the, time and his ;oat. catching in a piece of fence wire 11e fell to th•e: grpund. with the above 'e- mit. Mr. Grigg is; now confined to hie bei' at Xmgsbridge,'and :t will be some t,niebefore: he will. nave use the injured limb. VOLUNTEERS OATH Volunteer's who are accepted for the second contingent must take the following oath, which is administered by the . recruiting • officer "I do sol- emnly deolare that the above answers, are true and that Kam willing to ful- fil the engagement: , by rite nave ,rade, and I hereby engage and agree to serve in the Canadian overseas exiled itianare forcer and to be attached to any atm of the service therein, . for the 'tern: of one Year, or during the J.•ai'ttnkt 'etistieg between Great Brit a; ire ` andti"r'`e,frtithy, ?slieguIdh t1Sat war last longet titan for ane year and, for six nio2aths' after the-tcrniiiiatLan of that .War, provided .Hi's Majesty s1lc uld sa lair e •,require my service, ot anti, legally discharged. . Mr..P• Gillies''11rds in Leaden aver Sunday` .Mrs Ewell is spending a few clays. it1 Woodetack, • Mrs .T Cornish left Saturday for London to visit 'iter son • for a week, Msweek Wm Oke and. lady friend of Seaforth spent a ffewdays here Iasi; Miss Hamilton, teacher, spent Sat- urday and Sunday at her home in Gaderich .$ M1tii;, and Mrs. W. M, Blatchford of Toronto are visiting friends in :own at present, Mr. W. L. Talbot of Lpndon was in town Tuesday slaking.• handl with old, Exeter friends. Miss Mabel McTaggart has •:etu,.rn ed from a visit to Regina, Sask,, and. other parts of +the West, Misr Muxworthy and Miss 3eatrice Howey spent Sunday with the' f or•m-. eir's sister in St, Thomas, Mrs W, Hunter returned last week' from London, where she underwent. en operation for appendicitis,. Mr and Mrs. Becker of. New Ham- burg visited the latter's, parents, Dr, and Mrs, Browning, this week. Messrs L, H. 'Dickson and C. H. Sanders. were in, Ottawa a couple off days the latteip poet oft last week. Mrs Horton and dltutghter Airs, Homey returned •last week from a vis;i of some months in the. West., Mrs • Young of London visited r el- ativeq here daring the week, the guest of lt,Lr, and Mrs, W. J. lacer, Mir Albert Way and daughter, of Woodstock visited at Mr. Nelson Kes- ties last week, prior to leaving for the West to reside. -Mfrs: Ann Gardiner leaves this morning (Thursday) foe Blyth, where she will spend the winter with :her son, 1dr Peter Gardiner. The members of the Exeter Lodge. ai Oddfellows 'axe requested :o be presen'. in force on Tuesday night next when the initiatory degree will' be, exemplified. DRIVING HORSES FOR SALE.- Twelve or Fifteen; -reliable driving horses always on hand for sale, or exchange for heavy chunks. These horse are all thoroughly broken, as horses we have placed around here will show for themselves,,-G.J. DOW Exeter. • Large Mail Order House wants men everywhere willing to . work a few hours for ':20 weekly. Contract given Position permanent, Exper- ience unnecessary; Samples free. The , Co -Operative Union, Windsor, Ont, LOST, A black lackedgauntlet lost in or near Exeter, on. Friday Nov..20th: Finder kindly return ro this rfifce. CARD OF THANKS ablrs. Colwill and family wish to ex- tend their sincere thanks to the .nanyt friends for their kindness and ies.pect shown them during their recent sad bereavement, —o— SCOTCH ENTERTAINMENT -The Lagie Missionary Society will hold a Scotch entertainment in Caven Pres- byterian Church on Friday, Nov. 27. They have been fortunate in securing the services .of Mrs. Charles Wheeler of London whom to hear! once is to wish to hear again. Program ,vill be- gin at -8 o'clock. Admission adults• 25 cents; s dents. ti children ,n 10 en s. THE DOME THEATRE., -While; our new building is being prepared' for the moving picture shows{ we are located in the Opera House and on Saturday next we will have a special program For the next two' or three week we will be in temporary quar- ters, but patrons can always depend on a good show. Emergency Call are— The. Exeter Pati•iotie League have through Reeve John Taylor,, received a call to help in providing 300,000 chr+lere belts and 300,000 socks; and Field Marshall Sir John French has made a special and urgent appeal for the immediate dispatch of the belts. Woollen articles are the urgent •nec- essity at present, and the members of the -Patriotic League will devote, all their energies to supplying these for the present. Mrs. H. Hooper, Pres. TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE. The undersigned is offering for ale Lots 35, 36. and ,part of '37, Carling Street on which is a good storey and hall frame house, containing 7 rooms good cellar and kitchen, There are also. a. number of choice fruit trees oin the premises and a„good stable;. bar r and soft water. Everything is in a good state of repair. Will be bold reasonable. Call Saturday for par- ticulars HENRY GOULD, Exeter Tne' London .Advertiser Morning - Noon - Evening Fditinn $9,o0 l e Yersr. 1y Moil Ont. side City of l.' n•1tin , All the War News All Market Qnotations All Sporting News The Best Newspaper .Value tErn Untar`' �V�.BS Io Datittt`lr'T`through ). P,,.,t tltiiry or over your luted le use S:r,rr,e • Day aril 'Ptrhlirhed tea• 82,00 per ear. Ittiast :11 4,4 r NOTICE .. 'Regina Watches,' when' sold, withott an Ofrfic;a,l Guarantee,. and by other than an authoirized. agent, are lizble to be Second - Hand` Watches, taken in trade or procured,, in some other second-hand way. l am. the only authorizea Official Agent here,- and am the only one who can issuean Offiic. lal Guarantee which will be re- spected by otherOffielai Agents throughout Canada. .14 Lawson & Trick, aExeter D. L. & W. Serailion Coal Burns to awhite ash. All :sizes. Prompt delioe- ry ET�et W. . H. L -.... .t NOTICE During the holiday season everyone 'appreciates a good suggestion in re- ward to an appropriate Xmas. Gift. THE DOMESTIC VACUUM CLE- ANER is an ,ideal Christmas Gift for every woman' having a home. Call and: seeethein;.at our Store. ,We have other suitable Xmas. Gifts as well worthy of your inspection. ' R. N. ROWE. Embalmer and Funeral Director ' Phone 20a. Exeter North General Siore for Good Fresh Groceries Etc. PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE BUTTER, EGGS , DR.IED AEP1iE,ay"' DRESSED POULTRY AT MARKET PRICES H. Biering MERCHANT;` IIAY 'P.O. PHONE NO. 32 • �..h%�4.iiP�9SJ ristmas Shoppi'g Do, It Early I Xmas Only ' One Month. Away Now is the time to . do your HolidayShopping.' ' Don't leave e gave it until the last' big rush. We arejust filled right g t up with the good things for Xmas Gifts. Every >, one is looked after Big and Small 4 Old and Young: Come along and 1?uy Early and often. Gifts for the Ladies F'cy Hankerchief Gloves "' Hose° " Collars " Ties Scarfs Slippers Fcy ,Linens " Centre pieces . Aprons Table Linen Stamped. Bath Robes Silk waists Handy 'For Ties Gloves• Collats Mitts - Shirts' ' Suspender Ery,. oz. S. Coats Nieck Scarfs Umbrellas, Firs Bead Purses Hand Baga Needle Boxes Crochet Sets Sweater Coats Brush Sets The Men House Coats Over coats 8 Winter Suits Underwear Hats & Caps .4 Big Coat Specials 1 only $30 Coat for $20.. 1 only $20 Coat for $13 t only $22 Coat for: $14 1 only $15 Coat for $8 JONES & MAY Headquarters for the celebrated W. E, Sanfoiid•Cloth.ing