HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-11-26, Page 5• �. t DENTAL Dr. a. •P, . ROUI.SI.Cfi , L.D.S., DETISP ., Ketoheit'sst the ' lft,C.D.S. a Ontario Honor Grafi at., p$ TO.i'Onto nnigelf OftIce-Corer D!'cic , #& Carll ag'W hails ofrree. C[oaed „Wednesday aft none. DR. A, R. ICINSMAN, Eionor •E;raduate tar Toronto UntveiS DENTIST Teeth extracted without pain, or any bad effects. Oi'i,ee over GladMart 84 gtanbury's Office, plain Street, Ifixeter.• LEGAL DiCKSON do CARLING, BARRISTEiSl Sollctrors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Coir m winners. Solicitors for the Moleonn Bank. etc. Money to Loan at lowest rates of interest, orelcee-Marin-St„ Elxetur I. it. Carling, B.A. L,H. Dickson MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private ltcitore, P1 T. B CARLING Life, Fire, Accident and Plate Glass Insurance, Collecting accounts, and con -1 ducting auction sales. - Exeter. Ont.. rumba to loan on farm and village prop- , ernes at tow rates of intareet. GLADMAN &STAIN'S URX, Barristers, So ieter. SYINOPSIS OF CANADIAN INORTH. WEtST LAND " REGULATIONS „ THE sole head of a family, dr 11fl male dyer 18 years old, may homestead a• quarter -section of available Domin- ion `land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta The applicant must appear in perso v at the Dominion Lands Ag- ency of Sub -Agency for the Dis- trict. Entry may be made at any Dominion Lands Agency (but not Stub -Agency) on certain conditions. Duties -Six months' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader -flay live within, nine miles of his homestead cn a faa'ps of at least 80 acres, on certain con' ions A habitable _louse is re au&red°in every case, except when ie- siidence is performed in the vicinity. In certain districts a homesteader in good standing may pre-empt a quarter section alongside his homestead. Price $3 per acre. Duties -Six months resi- dence in. each of three years after =nine homestead patent; also 50 acres extfa cultivation Pre-emption patent may be obtained as soon as homestead patent, on certain condi- tions •A settler who has exhausted his homestead right may take a purchas- ed homestead in certain districts. Price $3 per acre. Duties -Must re- side 6 ,months in elf of 3 years, cu- ltivate 50 acres, and erect a. house wf rth $300 . 'lite area of cultivation is subject to, reduction in case of rough, scrub- by or stony land. Live stock may be substituted for cultivation under cer- tain conditions. W. W. CORY, C.M.G. Deputy of the Minister of,the interior 'N.B.-Unaut1iKYrized alubiication o1 thin advertisement ' WI11 hot ..be pad for. DR. DeVAN'S FRENCH PILLS bleeBe•' gulating Pill for women. $5 a box az threefor' $10. Sold at all Drug Stores, or malted to any address on receipt of price.., THE SCOBELL DRUG Co„ St. Catharines, Ontario. PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN. oral VVitality;for Nerve and Brain; increases "grey matter" ;a Tonle—wi11 build you up. $3 a box, or two for $5,at drug stores, or by mail onreeeipt of price. xic Scan=LL DRUG Co., St. Catharines. Ontario. CENTRAL Adi STRATFORD. ONT. is a school with a continental rents:- titian epu-tation for high grade work and for the success of its graduates, a school with superior courses and instructors We give individual attention in Com- mercial, Shorthand. and .Telegraphy Departments. Why attend elsewhere. wher there is roam here? You may enter at any time. Write for` our. large free catalogue D. A. McLachlan, Principal Winter term opens Jan. 4th. Decide, now to enter the Famous. ELLIOTT TORONTO, Ont. This School stands : without a superior in Canada. Write for catalogue . W J. ELLIOTT, PrincipaI 734 Yonge St., Toronto. • EVERY' WOMAN. is interested and should know abmtthe wonderful Marvel Whirling Spray Douche Aik your druggist for . it. If he cannyt supply the MARVEL, accept no other. but send stamp for Illus trated book—sealed. It gives full Particulawand directions indaluable to ladies wiNDSORSUPPLYCO.,Windsor,Ont. General Agents for Canada. RAND•TRUNK sYs E Double Track all the Way TORONTO - CHICAGO TORONTO - MONTREAL The International Limited L fade's Train of Superior Service -r Leaves Toronto 4,40 p.m. daily; rr raves Detroit 9.55 p.m. and Chicago 8,00 a,m ' MORNING SERVICE Leavet Toronto 8 x,m,,''arrives De - trait 1,45 p.m. and Chicago' 8.40 n.m, Train out of Toronto: at Night heaves 11.35 p.m. arrives Detroit, 8 km and Chicago 3 p.rn. daily, assuring • kap o±ta v connections, „with '. principal • trains fol -We`sterir'State's~a. _,Canada FOR MONTREAL Leave. Toronto o a.m., 8,30 p.m, and 11 pan. daily. Berth reservations, etc., at C T R, ticket offices N. J. DORE, Exeter WE'1 1r SENO THE, FIf3T few,doses of1,10: Pil(s',tef yOU `free -if youb vc any Iidtl ' °orilladderTrouble After you see how.,good they are -gat the $00, $ize;at your dealer's. National Drug St Cheniical CO. of Canada„ Limited Toronto STAFI?A,-A very severe electical storm ,passed over this vicinity last week doing considerable damage. Mr. TOs • Woirden ssuffere;d from the 'ef- fects of the storm, having, a cow, • a pig and a ntvmber of hens killed by the lightning. SEAFORTIi-L. Melville has dis- posesi ,of his residence in the , rear of the old fair grounds to ,Mr, W. W; Cowan. lately of Stratford, for $1,100. There is a comfortable house, barn and; four acres of land. Mr. Cowan has obtained a comfortable and cheap home Mr :Melville retains • possessidei until the' 1'st March; when he intends' replaying ;to his farm in Hullett.' -Protect the Heart dram Rheumatism R?dEUMA PURIFIES THE BLOOD AND THROWS OFF COMPLI- CATING DISEASES Weakening of the blood tissues by continued attacks of Rheumatism af- fects the heart and produces compli- cations which result fatally. RHEUMA puts the blood in condition to ward off other diseases and eradicates the Rheumatic conditions from the whole system Recommended for all forms of Rheumatism. 50 cents at W S. Cole's, This letter .will convince you of its great value, "For nine weeks'T was unable to work owing to my feet being badly swollen swollen Irom Rheumatism. I also suf- fered severe pains in the back. after using, two bottles of RHEUMA the Rheumatism has entirely left me." - H. Morris, Fort Erie, Ont. RHEUMA is guaranteed by W, S. Cole who sells it for 50c. a bottle. A ••POSITION FOR FALL AND "'WINTER --a-- We have a sound business propos- Woo for a reliable energetic sales- man for this district to sell fruit frees small fruits, flowering shrubs;atc . Pay weekly, Outfit free, exclusive territory OVER 60.0 ACRES.:'—se—r.' al frt if. and'ornamental st6Ckb1tti2ler ci,ltivation, We sell through ,our sal-• esmen direct to the consumer, y and guarantee delivery of fresh, e • high grade trees. Our agencies are .valu- able. by reason of the service we give an.i the volume of business done. Established 35 years. Write PEL EIAM NURSERY Co,Toronto,C?nt P.S.-Handsarrie catalogue on re- quest either to applicant or those wishing nursery stock, The Private Executor seldom ,gives the best of his time to an estate in his care, therefore it frequently suffers. Estates have been dissipated through inefficiency, • neglect and sometimes actual dishon- esty on the part of private in- dividuals acting as executors, This strong, 'soundly aged.Trust Company is alwairs available, ` never ill, • • never away. Its officers are expert in the management of estates. The faithful execution ' of trusts is their one concern. Consult us ' regarding the handling of your estate. All information cheerfully furn- ished. The London & Western Trusts Co. Limited 382 Richmond St., London, Ont. Sir Geo. Gibbons .S.C., President John S. Moore, Manager 5• BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND Subject's taught by expert instructors • at•the YM. G. A. BIOG.. ° .O`NDONy °ON lF, - Student3 assisted to iiesitions. Colleges' in sessibni from Sepb 1st. Catalogue tree, Enter any time. J, W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr, Principal • Ghartered Atcoantaat 10 Ince-Priodpal $.EJ:TOcs_.W;' l n. E f ,. fn ortak . Events Wh cit hjoxe,, Occurred Ourinqintit Wtek. dile y Weald's Happen;ugs C re - J y Compiled and Fut into• 4414 and Attractive Shape for tieReaders of Our Paper -,-A Solid Hour''s Enjoymf.ni. WEDNESDAY. Among the Russian prisoners cap- tured by the Germans at the battle of Kutno were the Governor of Warsaw and his staff, according to a Berlin telegram. A news agency despatch from Am- sterdam says thousands of German soldiers from the western battle front are passing through Cologne en route to Koenigsburg and. tho Bast Prus- sian front. It was officially announced at Christiania, Norway, yesterday that the disarmament of the German. cruiser Berlin, which has put in at Trondhjem, a seagort of Norway, has been°commenced. The Italian Minister 91 Foreign Af- fairs, Baron Sonnino, has requested the Italian Ambassadors in the Euro- pean capitals to come to Rome to confer with him regarding' Italy's in- ternational policy, • The Britsih cruiser. Glasgow, which reached Rio Janeiro Monday after a trip from the Chilean coast, where on ;Nov, 1, she was damaged in an encounter with ;'the German squad- ron, is to ,undergo repairs As a result of the fall, of Klee - Chau ltltd' the hand 'Of this Anglo Japanese forces,_martial-.law now no longer prevails at Vladivostok. A telegram from there yesterday .states that the decree of martial law has,. been cancelled. The aeroplane has made its appear., ance in fighting in Southwest Africa for the first time. The 'British re- ported yesterday that the Germans are using an aeroplane for scouting purposes, and that it is flying over the British camp at intervals. i t , Y. Gen. Villa bas taken possession of Leon without the firing of a shot. He now is marching southward on Silao, en route to Mexico City. Ten inmates of the State Reform School at Marianna, Fla., are report- ed to have lost their lives yesterday' in a fire which destroyed the institu- tion. The death has occurred at Salis- bury of heart failure of Douglas Kirk- patrick Benham, a member of the Canadian contingent, who joined at Vancouver. One of the Austrian prisoners of war at Fort Henry was released on parole yesterday and left for Phila- delphia. He is in ill -health. Ten more' Germans arrived last night from Sar- nia. Yesterday afternoon police drag- ging in the Kingston harbor pulled. up the dead body of. Private F. Harrison, 33 years old, who had been missing from the ranks since Mon- day night. The German steamer Karnac was yesterday declared by the Chilean authorities to be an ,auxiliary trans- port. She was at once notified that she must remain in the harbor at Antofagasta until the end of the war. =--Gen. Jose Carbajal, a Carranza chief, was killed in anengagement near Puerto Mexico Tuesday, When with his troops, he joined Villa's forces and attacked Gen. Carranza, a brother of tho Constitutionalist first chief. The French Cable Co. announced yesterday that on and after Nov. 20 it, ,will be allowed to transmit mes- sages in certain specifier codes be- tween France and the United States, Canada and points in the West In- dies- and South America. FRIDAY. The Marchioness of Donegal, for- merly of Halifax, N.S., and a fre- quent visitor to Canada, is establish- ing a movable hospital in France. The Youngstown, Ohio, Sheet Tube Works and the Republic Steel Works have received immense orders for barbed wire from European belli- gerents. The new levy from the Landsturm. of the years 1870 to 1890 was begun In Vienna Monday. Four commissions are sitting and about 3,200 men are passed daily. Francis Dyke Arland, British Un- der Secretary for Foreign Affairs,' will meet the U. S. navy collier Jason, which is acting as a Santa Claus ship, on her arrival in England. Lord Kitchener has sanctioned the formation at Birkenhead of a batta- lion consisting of men between five and five feet three inches. It will be called "The Bantams' Battalion." Samuel Bonsfield, thought to be from Ingersoll, shot himself under the eyes in the headquarters of the 25th Brantford Dragoons yesterday. He was about to apply for enlist- ment. The barge R. C. McNeil, with 500 tons of coal aboard yesterday sank off Penfield Reef, Conn., in a terrific northeast gale. Capt. ,Fred. Pitcher and .,his crew wererescued with dif- ficulty. Dr. R. 3. Burdette, preacher, auth--' or and humorist, died at his home in Pasadena, Cal:, yesterday. He . had been ill for the greater part of two years and for the last week bad been in a state of coma. SATURDAY. Great Britain has prohibited the exportation of tea to all continental ports except those of the countries of the allies and of Spain and Portu- gal. A chair of Russian language and institutions will be established this winter at the Un1versity of Chicago by the gift of Charles It. Crane eV that city, it was announced yesterday s The fishing schooners Natalie? N@1r= son, Matthew_ Grier, Rosa Dorothea-= and .I{.ebecca Were tori° from their hii-;'• ci;pr!ag4•,dittriny, a ,gale at PrfncetoW.far ° Maas., and;,drieeen� ashore on the: iodest side of the harbor. The department of foods and mar- kets, designed to lower the cost of living by establishing auction Mar- kets in many parts of the state, was iNa ort .�by artr Glynn r at X• ;riiaj Ii, y' diddle-,.. sex Regiment, bas been appointed to eommalid the 14th Battalion, the 'Sl ova Scotia contingent,' and Lt. -Cpl. 'Grant Morden has been appointed se- cond in' eomniald of 'the ,advance're- mount depot. : Chatham, Mass, was swept' by a gale' yesterday, and although the Iire, savers' of the Chatham 'station were prepared to abandon the station when shingies as high as, the windows were torn loose by the wind, the Struet'dre Withstood the storm. The death occurred at his home in Brockville yesterday of James Bis - Pell, retired farmer, aged 80. He was eif the pioneer dairymen of east- ern Ontario and established in the 'T'oivnship of Augusta one of the first cheese factories of the Brockville dis- trict, MONDAY. Advices from ,Constantinople state 'that the Turks =have" confiscated the Aidan Railway, in British Smyrna.. • David Duncan, the well-known Jer- „sey cattle breeder at the head of East York Township, died on Friday even- ing in his 78th year. Prince August Wilhelm, •the Kais- er's fourth son, is reported to have fractured a thigh and injured bis face in a motor car accident. Col. L. R. Carleton, D.S.O., com- mandant of the Royal Military Col- lege at Kingston, has made an appli- cationto be sent to the front., On the occasion . of Pope Benediet's sixtieth birthday Saturday ctgany tele- grams and addresses of, greeting were received from throughout the world. Meteorites have fallen around East Bethany, N.Y., , seyeral nights re- cently.' .;They.e went deep inthe ground and the contact with the earth. was agcompanied by loud reports. The .American Federation of Labor at the end of its 34th annual .meeting at Philadelphia re-elected= all its present officers and voted to hold its next National Convention at San Francisco in 1915.' '• A despatch from Copenhagen says that. the auxiliary cruiser Berlin, which has been interned at Trond hiem, was bound for the Atlantic via Iceland. She is suspected of having been equipped for strewing mines. Frank James, one of the James brothers, notorious as highwaymen after the U. S. Civil War, was strick- en with heart disease, and was re- ported to be in a critical condition at the James' home, near Excelsior Springs, Mo. He is 73. TUESDAY. A casualty list dated Nov. 20, made public last night, gives the names of five • officers killed, eight wounded and one missing. The Marine Department expects that navigation on the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence will close much earlier ;.his year than last. Capt. E. J. Lovelace yesterday an- nounced that he vwouid relinquish the Liberal candidature of Lincoln Coun- ty, for Dominion House. He will go td . the front as an artillery officer. ..;'A. number of the Canadian officers at Salisbury .Camp were entertained by the Lyceum Club at a dinner in London, Eng., presided over by Lady Strachey, Cols. Dunfee and Hodgetts being the principal guests. The Cologne Gazette says it learns that Gen. von Hausen, aged 68, for- mer commander of the second army corps, who was cisplaced by Gen. von Einem in•September, has been sent to a sanitarium at •Partenkirchen. The London Board of Control yes- terday recommended to the City Council that the Dominion Railway Commission be asked to compel the placing underground of all wires in the downtown section of the city. French artillery succeeded Sunday night in .getting the range .of a cha- teau .south of Dixmude, where the German. General Staff wag installed. The French shelis compelled 20 offi- cers to run from the building in night attire, during a blizzard. :RAID WAS SUCCESSFUL. Aviators Seriously Damaged .Zeppelin Sheds After All. LONDON, Nov. 24. — It was an- nounced officially yesterday afternoon that the British aviators who, Satur- day afternoon raided Friedrichshafen, on Lake Constance, report positively that all the bombs thrown by them reached their objective and that ser- ious damage was done to the Zeppelin airship factory. Details were given in the House of Commons by Winston Churchill, First Lord'ofthe Admiralty. "Commander Briggs is reported to have, been shot down,". said Mr. Churchill, "and to have been taken wounded, to a hospital, as a prisoner. The two other officers, Flight Com- mander Babington and Lieut. Sippe, returned safely to Frenchterritory, althoughtheir machines were damag- ed by the fire ofthe enemy.: They report positively that all of the bombs reached their objective, and that ser- ious damage was done jo the Zeppe- lin factory. "This flight of 250 miles, penetrat- ing 120 miles into Germany across a mountainous country,, :under difficult weather conditions,' constitutes, to- gether with the attack,ka Yine Teat of arms." 1 Another Raid Made. . BERLIN, Nov 24. Tile•=British aviators who attemlited'to destroy,the Zeppelin headquarters at Friedrich- shafen on Saturday are •said •here to- day also . to have:=Made' ade' an attack on the buildings at Mahzell, to -the west of k'' riedrichshafen,' which are used icor the housing of dirigibles. The attack Was without results. Jamaica Capler ?as Cirt • ,LONDON, Nov 24.,— The official Information bureau 'announced yes- •terday ;that a message Irons the Gov.., lern.or-General of Jamaica .,declarea.; _that these -was interruption an fide ea- liie oomptaAlictiop ma,ic °ear- 1 =.iii. • ugust :th s, e } r Vi i h Bart y =ins. » A, . ..,. s:P.fl . �. 3l a k.� .-lI i.the,•time via vtbli0).li t tq,;bo• dt a to an • eartt gtiake.•r.". , • it is tow known that the Jamaica cable was cut by hostile ortrisers on Aug. 3 at 6.40 a.m., before the de- claration of war, - s, Matte 4,f fpm ,n he �t 1 enioy perZi t• filth and strength. lust as strong and he . y, as rasa-. .. , . ., r 1>a rno n view of the ?MCt# l*t't sshe who brings into the world the afspring, q Ivo Aka can be etrorig and healthy. Don't ream* yourself life, If golf suffer, frglna headaches, backaches, nercousnt ss, low spirit, lads of ambition, or have lost all hope of lawns: well again -its more than an even chance that you Will speedily regain your health if you will try %r. Pierce's Favorite Prescri tiara (In Tablet or Liquid Form) This famous remedy is the,result of years of patient research by a physician who has inade women's ailments a life study. Since its introdnctUon-more than forty years ago -thou. sands of women in every part of the globe have testified , to its wonderful merits. You, too will find it beneiliiaL Tryitnow, Your dealer in medicines will supply you or yeu can sepd 50 one -cent stamps for a trial box. Address Sar. nem, Tnvaiid s' gote1, Buffalo, N.Y.. ' »Xt P$Qrcc'y "penal i" chefs rrg<wte stomach, Uverebowels. ST MARYS.-j, 11. Maughan', a ,lta- the result of injuries. . tie of St. Marys, and brother of George Maughan of town, having te- moved to Owego,. New York', where for some time he war general, :uana- ger of the Owego Bridge Company shot himself in' the head on Tuesday • night and died late on Wednesday as' , • The Advocate and Toronto World will -be sent to any address in Canada feckn now until Jan. 1st, 1916 for $3.25, This is a remarkably cheap offer and any person not getting these paper: should not miss this . oppor- tunity J Many, women'with disfigured complexions never seem to think that they need an occasional cleansing inside as well as outside. Yet neglect of this internal bathing shows itself in spotty, and: sallow complexions -as well as in dreadful headaches and biliousness. It's because the liver becomes sluggish, and waste matter accumulates which Nature cannot remove without assistance. The best CHAMBERLAINS TABLETS remedy is Chamhgrlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, which stimulate the liv er to healthy activity, remove fermentation, gently cleanse the stomach; and bowels and tone the whole digestive system. Sure, safe and reliable. Take one at night and you feel bright and sunny in the morning. Get Chamberlain's today -druggists 25c., or by mail from Chamberlain Medicine Company, Toronto 15 Not a Useless Intoxicant, but a WHOLESOME BEVERAGE with dietetical and medicinal uses •- MADE AS GOOD AS WE CAN MAKE IT'= If not sold by neatest wineand spirit merchant, write / JOHN LABATT, LIMITED LONDON - - CANADA i3 Evef y.Bell Tele-, phone is a Long DestaneeStatiov, VOU can attain the highest point of efficiency in your business by a systematic and consistent use of, the LONG DISTANT .TELEPHONE. 11 you- have : never given the Tzursugsit.,as a b producer a proper' oppo t ity BEGIN NOW. Ask "Long ,;askance" for , rates. •