HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-11-26, Page 4eitorrl'brtt
Sandere 8t Creech, Pr
Io advance $1.00 r yerdine d
in United , If- %Oro al
in adVance50e. per-PeP meet'
be citarged,'
Succession duties paid to. !he kerb-
vincial treasurer for the efei,e,c,0; Year
„just closed amounted to $1,20403; es
compared with $1,146,144 for 'he; tis.
eeal yew of 19124913, an itiereaSe; ors
over $141,000.
The happy faculty which the Tor.
den Government has of paying its
-debtas they matter° plaeFee:Ceoada
la an enviable position now in ehie
time at. stress without a treasury
or loan that matures. before' !.919,
'Tire Hon W, T. White 'rioneent'
.finance minister
armIn ament, in 'in men, in equipment,
in provisioning the army, the Allies
are 110AV in acivanee of Germany, al-
thou-gli three months ago ' - Germany
started in the war with a treniendeus
advantage in everything. Qoee /Lav-
ine avertaken the Allies wille satin
show marked superiority •
bu.sload of Sunday Sehool *vent:-
if4e attended the Townsblp Sunday
eiehoot convention ir Greenway on
,Tuesday. The day'e session .proved
eungessful mid -ill enjoyed the
ressee and special eiragram very
Ala Forgueon of the bank .itiff
tekett ill with an attaok cf apPendit-
ipes .or Sunday but is, progressing eave
or -ably His many frie.ads hope hi
indl: soon be Able to return to his
Mr Paris Anderson tete moved Leras
\fob his wife from, Allsa Craig end
is living in the reeidencce owned by
the late Henry Matz, Mr. Anderson,
is a nainter and paper -hanger hy
trade and slatinid well aere, We wel-
eOme both eato our midst.
Joe Woodall is all smiles these
days A. little girl has arrived at his
The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist
Church are busily engaged preparing
blankets and other materials .Eor the
-ed Crass work. This is a cause eve
eryone should assist arid do his orl
her part for the good and welfare of
the :000r chap who is at the irront
fighting for his King and his country.
How many of us would like to go
aux on duty just. now?
Garnet Rau, 'who has been West :or
number of years, has returned home
to, a few weeks' visit.
In the by-election held tO 'rat the' Chas ZwIcker made a business trill
to London on "Oftenday,
vacency for West Hamilton in the
- -- -- i , -Nfirs Hugh Girton lett-here for Chi -
Legislature caused by the efevatioa Of:nee> an Monday. Ms. and Mrs, Herb
Ron J S. Hendrie tto the of ficeelefeekt:Eiabereactionneattiect her as cor 'as
lieutenant -governor, MayoreAllerneefeceeet,,/
Conservative, defeated Walter% ,m. Heartier" has, moved uato
Rollo candidate a the indflierteredrethc farm .he recently baught :rom
labor party by a majority eor:39e:
Three hundred thousand 4410eI
the amount of the damage db by
the army worn-Canadaeee
past slimmer, according tair
ate given in Toronto ,at the
P?..beer Meevhinney exeothe 10th ton-
, H Either, P P, has sold us
!done and rigs to Nelson. Shenk.
Watce Nei. take same long drives
Our Decode were surprised to see
tyfisehe amount of snow which loll on
annual meting of the Entomolcigacal 5-unday night, A good 18 inches of
society of Ootezio by Mr. A:t'tee'lv.e_epeepet74' the beautiful fell and our snowplow
of Ottawa. Of this Ontario eyeeothee, ilea to be brought out to clear the
loser to the extrenie of $,259,,,009, , Three ,x,,,aike There has been pretty fair
remainder of the damage done was here this week.
Quebec, New Brunswick and Note', 1411- Bales of the Bank of Commerce
Scotia The pest worked its havOc, rnopen t the week end Niith friends in
Mr Fred Finkbeiner of Killarney,
For twenty years or as, long as the Man. and Mrs. Mninrch of Lockport,
Sun ca r. remember, day id and6'35; NY. are visiting relatives in •Dur
idst. "They are here also to see
their brother John Finkbeiner whois
at present very low. The end is
.very near and the release from his
sufferings will be a blessing. °then
members of his family have been
called home. • •
There is some talk of a chaeige in
our mails. It won't be quite, so con-
y enient as at present.
„Mo Chas. Kienzle is assisting Salo
Booill in his seed business.
The Crediton Telephone Office
;has been given a considerable amount
.of extra business of late. On account
of thc Centralia office being closer',
Crediton becomes the Central lorthat
village as well as the line foemerly
known as the Mount-Carma 8r Cal-
tralie Co. Our people have the, tel-
ephone facilities ' just -about right now.
- A horse belonging to Mr. Mathew
F:nkbeiner and driven by his srin,
Samuel Tan away in Exeter :vlonday
hae. wae captured before much dam-
aeo was done. .
14-2 Townships in 37 counties. ,
out the Globe has been blowirig
single tax squeegee, We were not
disterbeel till having stolen -the Prete
vincia: Liberal party, it purthe squee-
glee it the party's mouth and hong the
:single tax tom tam about its neck.
We hare been uncomfortable e --
ince. not because we feted ;that in
ona-time though we hope tq ie for-
ever land val nes will be appropriated
by tin state, but because the Liberal
party seemed condemned to incomPet-
ence.-The Weekly Sun. -
th o Decembef we purpose hated-
log neer for collection a i1t of
names of subscribers to the- Adept -ate
who oet-e for four years or over.„ We
have asked many times for payment,
bur our appeal has not been heeded
hence the necessity of the teopeSed
mixt step. With the largely increat-
,ed expense in issuing a newspaper it
is- impossible to Carry long- lists of
-those who are in arrearse.ae, one dol-
lar a year is too close a margin up-
on which to give 4 years credit. We.
have hesitated a long time ,o_oeler . the
_matter af asking the Court or-Ageney
-to look after these oveeclOrIenbscrip-
lions but the delay is only adding to
the difficulty. The names -of eoer-
.sone paying before D'ecembef 15th
will of course not be handed over,
othersvise they will have to go, and
the price will be $1.50 a yOr. We
heartily,thank the goodly number who
have settled and ask others to help
us in this squaring off carapaigeneThe
label' on the Advocate will show -tlite
-Five members of the fare
McLaren of Hibbert Tovt-risit ,
narrow escapes when their a me .vae
riestroyed by fire late on jday
might :The blaze brake a ter
they ,had gone ea bed, som trout
midnight and the house waotally
the house only with great
The house was of stone and oRee, loss
will be heavy. Neighbors ere tejeadly
destroyed, with all the coneenteik
Several of the children were
with measles and practically unabl
help themselves. Mrs. McLaren&
, 4
Rev. Bak.er of Woodham preached
we very able sermons in, aid of the
missionary cane. ii the church here
or Sunday last, Rev.. '3Iatchfoird do -
likewise on the Lucan eercuit.
'The few days of _beautiful sleigh-
ing has made things lively, but mikes
more snow comes soon we shall have
to return to the wheels again. .
The Ladies' Aid fowl supper in ihe
church here on Tuesday night was
one of the best ever. The evening -
was ideal and the crowds came from
Exeter and Crediton in loads'ntill the
church was packed to its!, utrost.na-
eacity. The supplies were. -abundant
aeri thf concert put on by home tal-
ent was of the very best The dad-
se.s eni. to be congratulated an their
succees, 'T.he proceeds amounted to'
aver $130.00.
_ .
Mrs Archie Nimmo who has been
visiting her sister, Mrs. Ed. sr.
h ,
left for her home in Detroit Satur-
day, --john Gill is the father of a
bright boy, which arrived an the 1.8th
-2& fine cow, purchased by Cyrus
4:rreee. at Adalp Allen's sale, has since
was sick and they maenaged to leave( a
providing for the hwillim pfaff
omelesi people tern- er-
'woo.ri moved here last vveek and is
n . ,
— •
'On Sunday evening a sudden .leath
occurred in Hibbert Townshp,i ib
John Dow aged about 65 liars wa
:curio dead in the passage way of ilia
.stable gr. and Mrs. Dow hado, doge
oht. milking and after sending e Mete.
Jaw into the house tie proceetied tai
‘2,1, on the chores, sayingnegare hee
I tank', be in in about half an hour.
*ether he failed to return in that tune
I in'er adopted daughter was egrit out
u• loxik for him and was herigfind
'Lae, 'his lifelese body. Hiseelfe -
TULLARTON-Mrs. Woe' CorniSn
aiel Tuesday morning, Nov.ed Oe egeel
55 years. Her maiden name was Testae
A. Brown, She is survived by, e" her
husband three sons and «wo
daughters. She Was a fineeweenaleand -
greatly esteemed by all who •oeineevo
eccupying Wm. Clarkson s house. -
IVIrs ,Marie Decker who has been vis
iting her sister Mrs. Edighoffer, ee
turned to Pigeon, Mich., Saturday. -
Mr I. Green of Thedford visited at
P Baker's Wednesday. -Mrs, P. 3ake
,ete was in Parkhill an business Thurs-
rhy.--Ners. A. Gravelle and Mrs. Fk:
Teateeatt visited at Thedford for a
tew days recently. -Mr. Angus -oat-
terson moved to his farm on the 16th
ot Stephert.-Miss Laura ,on
ited her aunt Mrs. Walper for a
Sew days last week.
Only the pen$1 mint Will' think void
4in; at the -time that he is payini4 the
, -
• ;Some persons (Isn't go far wrong be-
cause they are too slow to make much
hoildway. .
The.e are men who are born foolish
'ethers attain the same eonditioti by
failing in love.
'The successful man is the one who
icltriWfs when to lead triunes.
if we were given tredit for trying to
be f.t. OM I entree of us would sIli hayti4e;
. pay cash, ' , o . r'... ; , .r.,, •1..
.. .....• : i , t %.r:,(1.
motley he waists hi nd begin to ''
When a ate' liltfries' he i. as.. all 64'
vonst for a Innate.' eutinnissl
The areeidential taxed is no ta.:111f
g •
GermanI crrtbir
)(IMO $ js$Ons' and RIseiivis.'
rielgiati,Town Held by British Is Now
nauseaIn and Oermau ,Denerals
Are Believed To Be About to
Make Another Effort at Ypres to
Break Through Line Kaiser's
Soldiers Chafe Under Ldng Delay.
LONDON, Nov. 24.—The la.test ad-
viees from Franee say that the town
Of YPrUm
ea, Beigi, held by the Brit-
ish, and the eities of ll'aeims and
Soissons, in Frauce, have been sub-
jected to a heayy bombardment from
hostile artillery, and that Ypres is
In fia.mes. The public markets, the
cathedral and the belfry, the litter
begun in 1200 and completed in
1 3 0 4, are on, fire. Thie bonabarciment
is* believed to herald another tremen-
dous assault by the Germans in an at-
tempt to accomplish at Ypres what
,has failed at Nieuport, Dixmide and
else.. ere. •
The following official comnannica-
tion was issued last night by the
French War Office:--
"To -day, as yesterday, there was
cannonading in the north and in the
direction of Soissons and Rheims.
"In the Argonne there were violent
attacks by both sides whieh; lanwevet%
were without results."
The Freech Government fssued the
fallowing crmainuaique Mohday after-
s oon:— ' • • ' •=:.1 '
'Yes terday' was ma.rlfei...:* by a .vio-
lent artillery Ere. Tbe enemy direet-
ed bis attettion particulaily to he
town of Ypres, where e belfry, the
cathedral, the ac,:eta and a' tnimber
of houses were set on tire,. to Soissons
and to Ilk &Ins.
"In the Argonne' the day was char--
acterizad by very hot fighting. The
enemy delivered very 5.0 rites), attacks,
`Which were repulsd. in the Woevre
and the Vosges the situation is with-
out change."
The bombardment of Rheims and
So:ssons Is believed to ba an effort to
turn the attention of the Frenela from
the vigorous Campaign whieh they are
prosecuting along the Meuse, and on
the Lorraine frontier, where fresh
successes are being achieved daily by -
the armies of the republic. It may
also be -intended to cover the transfer
of Gs_•man troope from me Western
to the eastern frtnt. '
There is a recrudescence of activity
along the Belgian coast and British
warships were engaged yesterday in a
vigorous exchange with German land
batteries. The extent of this action
cannot be learned, but all . reports
agree that the Kaiser is evidently bent
on another try at ,Dunkirk." Heavy
guns have been mounted frona Nieu-
iort to Knocke„
a.and the entire popu-
lrtion ef the latter town:laud Zee-
brugge have been moved to Bruges.
They were not allowed to rendezvous
in Holland, but were coerced in going
fo Bruges. This place is declared to
be garrisoned for the most Part by
German troopers suffering from. trifl-
ing wounds. Similar reports of •a
wholesale exodus fruna St. Nicholas, a
city of '40,000 people, between Ant-
werp and Ghent, eomes by way of
Holland. The German nailitary offi-
cials have ordered every 'One in the
town to move to Antwerp instantly,
where they will be provided with
quarters. The order is imPeratIve,
and is said to have specified. that no
one must remain in St. Nicholas.
• A despatch from Thielt, Belgiuna,
"There are, clear indications that
-General November" will take a lead-
ing parriii "the -operations along the
front by the Yeer river. .The days
at -cold wet weather have been f
„lowed by three days of frost over the
entire territory outlined by the cities
of Middalkerke, Thouroet,
Ronlers and Ypres, Much of this re-
gion is covered with stubble fields,
over which there.13 a coating:of ice.
niaking them almost impassible for
man or beast.
-"The German troops are living in
the ruins of two, scores 'of Tillages
and small cities. They are becoming
impatient at the delay and Are suf-
fering. from icy winds which pene-
trate the wiLdowless buildings in
which they seek some sort.of shelter.
They would prefer a general, attack
to -finish the battle, but any such sud-
den movement is prevented - by the
intindation along ..he front.
"The Germain are awaiting with
great hopes the arrival of engineers,
whose duty it w.11 be to find some
means a crossing the inundated ter-
ritory, but the methods which are to
be employed, if decided upon, are be -
ng kept secret"
:Russian Trans-Siberian • Railway
Crowded With-TrOop Trains.
*'PEKIN, Nov. 24. — Papsengers
,okuning to Pekin by Way, of, the
Trans-Siberian Railroad unite in de-
claring that there have been remark-
agle changes along this line of .travel
since the beginning of the war.
Vodka and . other intoxicants,
usually for sale at every swan sta-
tion, are now nowhere to be had. Al-
most every hour of the day and night
troop trains were encountered going..
westward, while ()thee trains carrying
crowds'of Austrian prisoners are mov-
ing eastward to Siberia. A telegra-
phic news serviee from the Govern-
tnent press bureau Is delivered' twice
a, day to every station along the line.
Mexian Outlook Better; ,
WASHINGTON, Nov. 24.—Anxiety.
Lor the safety of British atoinreenelt
subjects and their interests 1)141940ft
-Cat •brotight Sir • Cetile'Springefteeee
4:4tobLaritliAgr Yr.th'ihdaSadtit,
'big! the7tfrenefe ,Aaftt bassad Or; . to ,
thel Sfati6 tti'ebitittnfEStiteyeitertiai to
learn, what the AnteriCari Ofti'vernment
knew- of the eithatien in the`Metican
Capital. Reports to the State Depart -
meet showed tonditiona as having
e t reslier is on
and is; unitNe, te, •attend
to hiso duties. -A number 'of affles
44b'' helog held in the rieighborhood.--e
(r, Joseph Guainen lost, a valuable
maro i* death on Monday :este t
Heywood-Viritael-ahe* home of
Md. end Mrs. 'William Witzel was 'The
scene oiS a -Pleasant event ,,ou Wednes-
day lest ,Nov. 18th, when their datigh
ter, Miss Ella, ovas tinited in marriage
to Mt Crarn'R. Heytvood of Exeter
The Ceremony was performed by Rev
Becket of Crediton, in the presence
of •only a few relatives and eriends.
Thr bride, who was given' away '
her father, was' becqmingly Joessed
L n nay) Noe. ceremony over aR
sat down to a suinptuous waiding
dinned to which all did ample justice.
The young couple were liberally : e -
membered by their friends in the way
Ot. Nvecidling gifts, and they will 'lave
the best ,wieltee o•f a host Of friends
fee- their f attire happiness and ',rose
"verity The happy couple nave -tak-
en up their residence in Exeter.
Row'S ThisP
We offer 1.)14e nundred Dollart. Reward tor any ease
Catarrh that' cannot be unted. by Catarrh,
Cure, ,
F, J. OusSeve 094 Toledo. 0, •
We chi Undersigned have knowu F. J. Ohaniy too
the last 15 year, and believe him perfectly 'honorable
in all business Drausskt:tions and .finaneially ablate
ferry out any obligations load° by his Arm
NAT tomm. Bssa
, ,CoXstNROS, Toledo, 0
Hall s Catarrh Ourie taken internallY,,,aoting di
redly on the -blood stid mucous surfaqes of the
systern. Testisamilalwsent free. , Price The.' per bot•
tie. Sold by-allpriteeiste
•'talks Hall's 10,apail v
Rev J. H. and Mrs. Grenzebach have
oeturned tti,' their, home here, after an
extended visit with relatives in Ta.v-
istock 'and ListoWel. .
MT, Thos, McMillan, ,the .Liberal
nominee for South- Huron, was in ihe
village one 'day last *eel coking tip
his workers. •
Those on the sick list this week
are Miss Finkbeiner,. Miss dal's, Mr.
Leslie Goetz, Mir. Louis .Kleinstiver
and the infant child of MT. and :vIr's
Thos Kitilppl).
Has anyone seen Kelly lately ?
Those taking the Teacher's Train-
ing will write on their first examina-
tion on Wednesday evening.
Mr Fred Gossman is visiting Iriendi
in Port Huron this Week. • .
It is reported that shortly Lhe, ,ved-
ding bells will sound outin the vil-
lage again.
The fall of snow Sunday night and
Monday morning is sufficient to 'rake
good sleighing and ,for the, time being
the wheels have gone ,nto the...trey.
ells. Lily Stier who is working in
London spent Sunday at her 'tome
heee retorning to London 'Monday.
Miss Lovina Koch is at iler 'tome
Mrs R. Peart of Rockwoodl is -As-
iting undee the parental -oof -of P.
*Hern.-J, T. Hem and R. Taylor lost
a valitable horse a piece last week.--,
The recent fall of snow) oas ;nade a
nice bit of sleighing. -Mrs. R. Hicks
is stilt vezy lohv Mottle home of J.
Andrews. -Word ,has been received
• from' the Belgian consul (at fialifaxi
of the safe •arrival of the clothing
sent by the people in this vicinity.
MT Frank Couighlin is .411 miles at
the, arrival of a gul-Mrs. James/ 0'-
Rour1f a London is spending a few;
days at the home of her mother, Mrs.
Eller. Barry, near Rhiva.-Mr. Daniel
Morrison of Detroit, formerly cif this
neighborhood is visiting his cousin;
Stephen Morrison. -Mr. Patrick Glav-
in returned home, after spending a
fee weeks visiting friends near oea-
fortle-Miss Carroll of Detroit is
spending a few weeks at the home of
b.et cousins Carroll brothers. -Mr. J.
Guinn-- lost a valuable mare on Sun--:
day, death being due to indigestion.
-On Friday evening a number of the
neighbors called at the home of Jere -1
miah Barry. Khiva, and entertained
themselves to a. dance. All report a
ood tinee.-Mr. Matthew Regan spent'
a 1 ew days at Toronto',
thiS week. -
Mr. Frank Lavin of Seaforth is spend-
ing a few days at the home of Pat-
rick Glavin. -.Mr. Jeremiah Campbell,
has purchased a new phonograph.
"Jerry" will furnish some nusic d'or'
the young people Of the aeighbor-
hood .
St, James Anglican Church was the'
•scene of a pretty wedding Wednes-
day at high noon When, Miss Lulu
Simpson second daughter of Mr
and Mrs. John L. Simpson, .became the
bride ot Mr. Harvey Laughton, a local
business man. The ceremony was per
formed by Rev: Wm. Lowe before
a large number of friends and relat-
iv es. MT and Mrs. Laughton left en -
the eVening train for a trip to Detroit
and Chicago.
- The .death to* place at the home
of her son, D. D, Revington, con, .2
on Thursday November 19th of
Mrs*. W Vy, Revington. The funeral
took place horn the son's residence
Orn "Saturday- afternoon.
La et week word. Was received here
of the clew th at beltad. Utah, of Me.
Ezra Reith who left her with his
family .ia Feb, la,st to work on the
tench of Mr. F: The re-
mains were bronght here for intermerit
.c,ite,Thesday I SC.
faSept HolpitaleigintIOrt,
undertveot an operation fatetieveeks
eeeo 'We are ,Pleased to sty she is
reccesorog nicely, but it will "le Wine'
time, before she will enjoy her Lor
mer gi health,
- SIR EDMUND' WAKER. C V O,LL D.. D.C.L.. President'
ALEXANDER LAIRD; General Manager JOHN AIRE). Ass't Clenierta 1Vfa4ager
• CAPITAL $15 000000 RESERVE MK $13,500,000
•iPtereSt at the current rate is allowed on all deposits of $1 and,
.upwara. Careful attention is given to every account Small accounts
are welcomed. Accounts may be opened and operated by mail,.
Amounts may be opened in the names of two or inore persons, with-
drawals to be made by any one of tliemor by the survivor. , S21
In cOrporatci 1855
Capltal & Reserve
TRAVELLERS CliE0tJES ,,• • • • •"••,:.:• L • 7%.'";:•
at all Branches.' Interest ellhwed at highest current rate.
Agents at Exetei fCer the Dominion Go.vernment.
N. D. HURDON Manager,
I know a woman's trials.
I know her need of sympathy and help.
If you my sister, are unhappy because of ill -
health., and feel unfit for household duties social
lileaStlreS, or daily employment, write and nae
Just how you suffer, and ask for my free ten days'
triat of a home treatment suited to your needs ;
with references to Canadian ladies who gladly tell
how they have regained health, strength, and
happiness by its use. I want to tell you all about
this successful Method of home treatment for
yourself, my reader, for your daughter, your sister,
or your mother. I want to tell you how to cure
yourselves at home at trifling cost, and without
aid from anyone. Men cannot understand women's
sufferings; what we women know from exper-
ience, we know better. than any doctor; and
.thousands liave proved there is hope even for the
hopeless in my method of home treat:neat. If yoti.
suffer from pain in the, head, back, or .bgwels,
feeling,Of weight and dragging down sensations,
falling or displacement of internal organs, bladder
' irritation with frequent urination, obstinate r
• constipation or piles, pain in the sides regularly
or Irregularly, bloating or unnatural erdargem:rts, catarrhal conditions, dyspepsia, • extreme
nervousness, depressed snit -its, melancnoly, deslre to cry, par .of something volt about to
happen, creeping feeling up the spine, Palpitation, het Pashas, weariress, sallow complexion,
with dark circles under the eyes, pain in the left treast or a general, feeling that life isnot
worth living, I invite you to send to -day for mycompiete t n days' treatment entirely free and
postpaid,to prove to yourself that these ailments can be easily and surely conquered at your ovrn
home, without the expense of hospital treatment, or the dangers, of an operation. -W4t.„.3,-:;"
everywhere Are escaping the surgeon's knife by knowing of my simple method of 1175iite
treatment, and when you are cured, my sisteF,s shall only ask you tO pass the good word along
to some other sufferer. 1‘72.- home treatment Isf orall,—young or rld. TnAl th••rs of Daughters,
I will explain a simple treatment which speedily ar.d effectually cures green -sickness
(chlorosis), irregularities, headaches, and lassitude' in young women, and restores- them' to
plumpness and health.. Tell me if you are worried about your daughter. Remember it costs you .•
nothing to give my methOd of -home treatment a complete ten day's trial, and if you wish to
continue, it costs only a few cents a week to do so, audit does not i Med ere with one's daily work.
Is health worth asking for? Then accept my generous offer, write for the freetreatment suited
to your needs, and Iwill send it in plain wrapper by return mail. To save time you can cut out
this °Isere Mark the places that tell your feelings'and return to me. Write and ask for the free
treatment to -day, as you may not see this offer again. Address:
- MRS. M. SUMMERS, Box • 840 - WINDSOR; 0111p1R10.
• Auction Sale
Christene Rothaerrnal, Of the Village
Dashwood, County of -• Huron,
• widow,- deceased. •
• NOTICE is hereby given pursuant
to Statute in that behalf thatall per-
• sane having any clairns or demands
1. against the said Pauline ChristeneRo-
thaerinal who died on or about the
ninth day of August; A.D. 1914, are
required on or .before the 5th day cf
December A. D. 1914, to sent by post
prepaid or to deliver to the ander-
signed, .Dickson ,se Carling, Solicitors,
Exeter: their names and addresses
and full particulars in writing_ of their
define and statements of their ac-
couhts duly verified , and the nature
,of the securities, if any, held by them.
AND TAKE NOTICE Shat after the
said Fifth Day of Deeembere A. D.
1914 the Executors iTill-then proceed
to, distribute the asseis of said de-:
ceased among the •persons • entitled
thereto, having regard only to the
claims Of which they shall then have
had notice and that the said The
Executors of said estate will not be
liable for the said assets or any pert
thereof to any per -ions' of , whose
claims they shalboneet theh have re-
ceived' notice '• ..-
1Dated at Exeter this 18tlr day • of
Novgrribti 1914. 1• -
• Barristers, Etc.,
' - " • Exeter, Ont,
an Simcae Street east, EXETER,*
SATRUDYA NOV. 28, at : 1.30'
o"clock sharp, the following,-
• 1 Agric mare 3 years old; le agric
ultueal horse 3 years old; do egrtc.
team •
1 '.kasieyellarris Binder; 1 Bainturri
ber wagon, nearly new; 1 ay rack
wag,ne nearly, new; 1 grain drill; 1
disc: 1 walking plow; 1 '-two'-furrow
plow. gravel box, 2 pairs of ,sidieS; 1
se toll double harness nearly. •Ifil,ve, 1
set single .harness; 1 grind stele '1
cart , 1 DeLa•val cream Separat r.
Ten Acres of Land --The ltisd ii sit
nate on the east e,nd of Lot 6, Con.
2 Stephen, about half mile Xiern Gen
traria, with good gravel road4.leedhlg
in al. directions. On the peeetises
a good frame house and frami :been.
If parties so desire the land ;will. be
"Rid without the, buildings. 'There is
a.gol siPringy:Well and good fonhard
4110. -'-Or latiaitti per cent of irur
base money on dayt;Of sale, !balance
payable en thirty days. S.tco lc; and
implements caih.
THOS.- WELSH.• B",S1131-111;1,,IPS
Prop. Aug.
Mrs Barnet Swafford of Canadian,
Texas is visitioA at diet home Of her
aunt; Mrs , C,yrus Colosky oftown.-
Mrs A Faust 'arid" her san, Mr: 1..6.S7
Faiths! ,of Stratford, left ani Saturday
for Naperville, Ill, where they were
called on account of the illness of Mr.
Milfree' Faust -Mr. and Mrs, Rudy
Schw-artzentruber, Mr. and Ma, 'Dan-
iel Gin,gerich and Mrs. /act* Ginger -
tell are visiting friends and relatives
in Huron County, Mioh.-Last Friday
everting a large number of neighbors
and friends, gathered at the home of
Mr John Decher, Sr., to celebrate the
birthday of their son, William. -Mr,
Jacob Haberer attended the 13ee
Keepers Convention 'held at Toron-
to. -Mr Thos. JOhnaton, jr:, of the
townline, Stanley, has, rented his farm
to Joseph Oeicin Sr., ofe Hay ..owit-
shit. 'for anAgrin of tWo years, Mr,
Johnston retains the, use of the dwel-
lingoeNewsNras aseceev_e ,here from
Ditil,,t4i>1 -tWdbitt,,A,,,.,;„ Airy kuou
`Or This -to,wri.'''DedeaSea" ''as'"'• ,vell-,
known,. having :lived' with his parents
until Oa young Man, when he/ ,ieAt f,,qr.
the% VinteictStat es, , , ',..'• r74• F.
Ready for Xmas
• „
The Advocate Ls making a specialty
or wedding invitations -:complete sets
with nate paper, inside' envelope, and
ontside or mailing envelope, all to
match. We carry all the popular
lines of paper, and we print them
with eithel the ever standard script
type or the Old English type. Girls,
if you are thinking of gettingAffl4fried
rialyoucoursa;naideleasy-esth,wheyweilml hmak apkgppyoedu
the question. If you are married,
thee will • make you feel like getting
matried all over again. Our visiting
rfls laoreteda
type styles tasty
t itfso
MA meet expensive engraved cards
you ,ever lookedate
marriage of their youngest laughtet
Edna M., to Mr. George M. McKenziet
son: of MT. and Mrs. McICenziie, sr,, of
Cr.:atm They will reside in To-tont°