HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-11-26, Page 3NERVJU *WOMEN
Can Only rind. Relief by •Ton-
ing the Nerves ,With New
Rich. Blond
The *moan who "iiies'to pieces''
over the least noise or excitement
soon fades and loses her good
look's. Dark rings appear under her
eyes, the lines about her mouth and
£oiehead deepen and lengthen, the
eyes become sunken, the face drawn
r and the complexion sallow.
The trouble is nervousness, and
if the strain is not relieved and the
nerves properly nourished, nervous
collapse and years of sickness . may
easily follow. Dr. Williams' Fink
'Tills s for Pale People will save you
from this dreadful affliction, These
Pills. make the new, rich blood th,gub
nourishes and ,tones the nerves and
banishes every trace of 'nervous -
nese, Mrs, Margaret Donley, Am-
herst, N.S., says: "T believe Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills savedme from
the'grave: I was talc -en down with
nervous prostration, and . for
months was'`. unable , to walk. I
recovered until i I was able
1 • �e
to go about, but there the improve-
ment ended. I was getting weaker
and weaker until I could just get
from the bed to a couch.. The least
noise. would set me trembling all
over, and often when I went to the
table I would leave it hungry and
yet unable to eat. Sometimes, I.was
taken with smothering spells '. and.
felt as if I was 'going to, ,die. At
other times I would be so nervous.
that I could not .hold anything,,iu
Illy hands. I was doctoring all the
time, but without benefit, and final
ly I made up my: mind I would try
Dr. :Williams' Pink • Pills. They
were the first medicine .that leave
me 'any relief, and I was soon able
to take a, short wank. I continued
using the . Pills, gradually gaining
new health and strength,' until I
finally felt as well as ever I did in
my life. At the time Dr. Williams'
Pills cured me I was living in Sack--
uck=viale, and my illness and cure as
known to everyone in that place,
and my friends, like 'myself, believe
the Pillssaved my life."
These Pills; are sold by all medi-
cine'dealers or will be sent by mail
at 50 cents abox or six boxes for
$12.50' by The Dr. Williams' Medi-
cine Oo., Brockville, Ont.
West Flanders.
The Province of West Flanders is
the extreme northwest, corner of
Belgium. The Province has an area
of only 1,249 square miles All tthe
fighting is in the northwesthalf of
this, so that there ' must be packed
in what would be a few townships
with us something like 2,000,000..
soldiers. The Province had about
700,000, inhabitants when the war
began, or over 600 to the square
miles. .When 2,000,000 soldiers are
added to these the -crowding must
resemble that of a sardine box. The
ancient city of Bruges is the capital
I of West. Flanders` Other import-
ant cities are Vervieres, Ypre,
Tolunai and •Courtrai.,
Messrs. Pigeon, Pigeon & Davis,
patent solicitors Montreal, report
that 133 Canadian patents were
issued for the week ending Novem-
ber 3rd, 1913, 83. of which, were
granted to Americans, 37 to Cana-
dians, 7 to residents ' of foreign
countries, and 6 to residents: of
Grease Britain and colonies -•
Of the Oanadda_as who received.
patents, 21 'were . residents of On-
tario. 9 of Quebec, 3 of Manitoba,
3 of British Coluinbia, and 1 of
Economy in War Time.
Little Diol;;—Papa, didn't.you tell
another we must a eenomize. •
Papa—I did, nay son. ,
'Little Dick -Well. 1 was thinkin'
that webby, if you'd get 'me a pony
1 wouldn't wear out so many shoes.
Minard's Linittlent Cure9, Diphtheria.
Intricate Mechanism.
"I don't` know how to take this
chicken apart," declared the bride.
"Weil, we, tackled an automobile
successfully," ;?said the young hus-
band, "We ' aught to be able tis
dandle a small job like this.
Where's the book of instructions?"
Minard's .Liniment Cures Carget In Cows.
`Little Jimmy was born with ..a
golden spoon in his mouth':" "Bet-
ter than that; his dad's a coal
Young Mr. 'Slpoonamore (who has
just been accepted)--` `But what will
our father say, darling? You know ia. doesn't like xne any too well."
`he Young Won:aerie •'(But you can't
expect me to use the ,exact language
in whidh papa will express. himself
when. he hears of :it."
Cork stipatian--- --- ---
is an enemy within tate camp. It will
undermine the strongest constitution
and"fi�t, ipthe most vigorous health.
It leads' to "indigestion, biliousness,
9rtlp'iire blood, bad complexion, nick
headaches, and is one of the most •
frequent causes of appendicitis. To
neglect itis slow suicide Dr. ort;e'e
Iridian Root 11113 positively mire
Constipation. They are entirely
iregetable in composition and' do not
sicken, weaken br gripe.. Preserve
your health by taking
Dr. Morse's AS
Irkdio. t Rock* Pills
'One -Third o`t` All the Poodstull's ice•
(hired Imported.
The question is` how hong Gere''
lnany can continue the struggle be-
fore starvation pinches ,her. Dr.
Carl Ballod, an eaninenja;'authority,
estimated that in 1912 Germany im-
ported 10,000,000 tons of;food .bin
in the fora of cattle, Meat, tallow,,
herring, butter and cheese valued
at $225,000,0000. According to hi
comeutation this Was one-third of
all the foodstuffs .required. The im-
portatiens are now Cut off, and
Germany must rely upon her 'home
production, which is manifestly in .
sufficient, • Austro -1 ungary has
beenthe granary from which Ger-
many has drawn a large portion of
her supplies, but this year Austria
has not enough food for her own
people. It looks doubtful if sup-
plies can be reoeived from abroad
in any appreciable °quantities. Even
if the foreign grain could be
brought to Norway and Sweden for
e w
the. use of Germany, it would he al-
most impossible to haul sufficient
quantities over the single-track
railroads crossing ing ru ge
d mount-
ains, Since virtually all the male
population in Germany has been
in the field =since before the harvest
tithe, there must be a great short-
age in the Germany crops.
From 150 to 25() Rounds Is All They
- Will Stand..
An important factor, in the wars
of•the ,present is the life of the: guns.
The heat generated by the powders
now in use is twice that of the melt-
iag point of steel, and consequently
guns wear out with great rapidity
from what is called erosion. This
soon destroys the accuracy of the
fire. The rifles carried by the in-
fantry are generally about .30 of an
inch caliber, or about the thickness
of a lead pencil, and they wear out
very slowly. Erosion increases rap-
idly with the diameter of the bore,
.ao that :• the big gunsoan fire at most
from 150 to 250 rounds, when they
must be sent to the rear and new
guns take their places. This ;puts
a heavy tax upon the transporta-
tion department, especially when
we rememlber how every day'brings
reports of "furious artillery duels -
A large per cent., therefore; elf the
field guns must beconstantly re-
placed by new pieces.
The use of motor carriages is also
a serious tax upon the transporta-
tion, and the workshops in the rear.
The motor is a, highly, complicated
machine, which must inevitably and
quickly get out of order in the
rough service of war and have ' to
be repaired.
The fall is the most severe season
of the year for colds --one day is
warm while the ;neat is we and
cold; and unless the norther is on
her guard the little ones are seized
with colds that may hang on all
winter. Baby's Own Tablets are
mothers' best friend in preventing
or banishing colds. They act asa
gentle'laxautive, keeping the bowels
and stomach free and sweet. An
occasional `dose will pi+event cold,
or if cold..does collie on suddenly
the prompt use of the Tablets will
quickly cure it. The :Tablets are
sold by medicine dealers or by mail
M 25. cents a ' box from The Dr.
"Williams' 'Medicine Co., Brockville,
Good Bye, Ohl Backache
! ervillrle Will Fix You
stiffness is Ru.bged.,Righ€ 'Out;; Every
Sign of•pain Disappears.
• Gee'wbiz---thin1 et it!
No more-stouta,oh dpsixg necessary
ta;cure your hilae back,
BBvery trace of lameness, every bit
of stiffness, every. sign Qfweakness in.
the back's muscles"'can be rubbed away
for all time to conte • by good old
No other liniment can do the work
so quickly, eau penetrate so deeply,
can bring ease and comfort ,to the
back -Weary sufferer tas. Nerviline in-
variably does.
, IBacitache isn't the only malady
Nerviline is quick to cure.. For lum-
bago or sciatica you" would go far to
find relief so ,speedy as Nerviline
'gives, For chronic rheumatism there
are pain -destroying properties in Ner
yil'ine that give it, first rank, The way
it limbers up ,a stiff joint and takes
soreness out of strained or rheumatic
muscles is simitly a wonder, "
If you have an ache or a pain any-
whe a 'ifhave k
r you l ve a sole back, a stiff
neck, a siff joint, a strained muscle—
if you have lumbago, congested chest
or sore throat, just. try Nerviline. Rub
it >
on plentifully—it won't t ells er it
P Y ,
can't do anything but cure you quick-
The large 50c, family .size bottle
Is the most economical, of course, but
you can, from any dealer, also get the
25c. small size of Nerviline, the king
of all pain -relieving remedies.
Amusing'.'Inoitteut Just Before a
Dinner Party.
The reigning Duke of,,Saxe--Mein
ingen, who •acceded but recently to
the throne is the Husband' of Prin-
cess Ohariotte, sister of Emperor
William. Both are ''' extremely
popular in ,their little : duchy, the
historic importance' of which is
quite out of proportion to itsarea
of a hundred miles, by ten. The
duchess is blessed.with wit, and the
duke, among other good qualities,
with humor 1 which he certainly ex-
emplifies in the relish With which
he is fond of relating the most un -
royal experience of his career.
At Ems, where he had accepted
an invitation to dine with a. local
dignitary, he once chanced • to
reach the corner near which his
hest's mansion stood, somewhat
aheadof tine, Dismissing his car-
riage, he paced up and down the
block in the dusk, enveloped in his
military cloak, that the other
guests might have time to arrive,
since etiquette demanded that all
should be present 'when heshould
appear. In the `dim light his -fea-
ea-tures were unrecognizable; the was
merely a tall, •soldierly figure. As
he passed the house in his stroll, a
side door was suddenly thrown open
and an enornlolnsly fat woman in
the cap and apron , of a cook,
bounced out, flung her arcus round
his neck, bestowed a loud, smack-
ing kiss upon his countenance, and
thrust .into his hands as she releas-
ed herself—he had been •stunned'
into • entire • passivity—a, large,
greasy parcel, smelling of ham and
"There, niy dear," she exclaim -
,ed, as she did so,, "we; have got a
:royal prince conning to dinner to-
onightt, T am driven off my feet! I
can't give you any more. Ooxne
to -morrow night."
She bounced in again as abrupt-
ly as she had bounced out, and the
duke, "realising. her mistake and
vastly-, enjoying it, continued his
stroll, 'alert for some explanation
of the ineident. It soon carie. A
soldier Appeared on the other side
of the way—;a melancholy and self.
effacing soldier; who eyed the. win-
dows of the house of feasting with
anxious expectancy; The duke
,crossed over, and addressing him as
One .Continuous,.: Endless Grave,
Says French Officers
That all is not glory and excite-
ment atthe front of a. battle lineis
graphically illustrated by the cor-
respondent of the, Scientific Ameri—
can, an officer of the French ori y,
who draws the following pen pic-
"All;along the ; roads and the
fields can be seen the vestiges of
numerous trendies. We have fought
here ardently for a month, : and
slowly,step by sstep,..we have forced
the enemy to retire.
"In, the north they have filled up
the ditches where the corpses lay
deep, and it now aright be consid-
ered as one ' continuous, endless
grave. Every -now and then an in-
sufferable odor -chokes you A sol-
dier, a horse has fallen there, and
slowly is decomposing. It has been
impossible to gather all the bodies
in .the vast trenches.
"The roar of the cannon is heard,
in the north, however ; it is hardly
possible' td define exactly where the
shell: fell. . This morning my regi•
meat met on the road another regi-
ment, 'Well 1 What are you do-
ing?' we ask. 'Digging] And you':'
`The same --nothing but digging,'
"Alt the actualhoar the armies
oann be 6111,212041 in. bwct eategories•
One half is digging trenches in order
to fight and the other half is fight-
ing to di,g'trenches,
,lint the Thing.
"Oh, any Meryl' there ale some
spectaclesthiat one never forgets!"
Said a lecturer, after giving a gra-
phics description of a terrible itcci-
dent he laud'iwitnessocl, "I'd- tike
to know 'where they sells "'ern ' re-
marked an old lady hi'talle,€oirlience,
who is always mislaying heir glasses.
Let Them
For Themselves
You needn't take any-
body's word for the super-
iority of Post Toasties—
Get a package from your
Grocer, pour some of the
crisp, sweet flakes into a.
dish, ''add cream or " milk
and a sprinkle of sugar if
you wish.
Then be the judge of
The Superior
Corn Flakes
—made :froin the hearts of
the dines Indian Corn, dull•.
fulty cooked, seasoned, rol-
led, and toasted,
Toasties are /tot ordinary
"corn flakes," so remileniber
when, you want Superior
Corn Flakes. to ask your
grocer for
Post Toasties
Caneaian Postern Cereal :Co., Ltd„
Windeler. Ont,
Used exclusively arid Cuticura
Ointment occasionally will pro-
mote and maintain a clear skin,
free from pimples, blackheads,
redness, roughness and other
unsightly eruptions.
Samples Free by Mall
Cuticura Soap and Ointment said' throughout the
world. Liberal sample of enamelled free, with 82-p.
book. Address "Outtoura," Dept. IC, Boeton,U.S.A.
one soldier to .another, asked if his
sweetheart lived there. Receiving
an affirnaa'tive reply, he handed
over the parcel of food, and told
him he was erected on the mor-
"She . gave me something else for
you, though," the duke added,
smilingly, which I de not exaettly
know how to give you."
' Alas ! the unromantic lover was
not interested even to inquire what
it was—although probably he'knew.
"Keep' it! Keep it!" he called
hack, cheerfully, as he departed
with his Ilam and cheese. "I have
got. all I want for to• -day,"
So the duke kept it to himself ;
but the story he did not. He 'told
it for the first time shortly after-
ward to his fellow guests at the
dinner table, amid shouts of laugh-
Curious Salt Lake.
One. of 'the wonders of Mexico is
the salt -producing lake near Salinas
station on the Tampico divisionof
the I4exican Central- Railway, sev-
enty-twig} inil'es west of San Luis
Potosi. It niay we11- be termed a
two-storey lake, for at times there
is a lake of fresh water overlying
the salt lake, A water -tight roof of
green anal separates the fresh from
the salt water.
-How TedLost the Bear
They say a sore corn interfered wit& his
speed. shays apply Putnam Corn Ex-
tractor. For 'fifty years it has been curing
corns and warts. "Putnam's" never fails.
Ilse no other, 25o. at all dealers.
Editing by the Golden Rule.
A country editor wrote:
Cher, don't stopyour paper just be-
cause you don't agree with the edit-
or. The last cabbage you sent us
didn't agree with ne either, but we
didn't drop you from our_.,subsorip-
tion list on that account."
• f _
June 'weather : prevails in California, the
ideal Wintering place, reached comfort•
ably and conveniently by the Chicago
and North Western By.
Fora• splendid trains daily from the new
pa.eaenger terminal Chicago'• 'rhe Overland
Limited, fastest train to San Eranoiaoor
the Los, Angeles Limited, throe days to
Land of Sunshine, the famous San Fran.
deco Limited and the California Mail.
Illustrated folders describing the great
Oallfornia Expositions, and " also, giving
rates and full particulars, will be mailed
Promptly on application to B. H. Bennett,
General Agent, Ohicago A North Western
gy., 46 Yorke 81,, Toronto, Ont.
"Do you think this poem .otf mine
will liver "It ought to. It's the
good that die young,"
Minard's. Liniment. Cures Distemper.
01d wood is hest to �b.urn ; old
wine to drink; old friends to truest;
and old atitihors. t•o read.
Some people cast'their bread
upon the waters, expecting it to
come back toasted.
The only time a man' nears per-
fection is uvhen he, Makes a perfect
fool of :himself. '
ED. 4,
1i'1:'.1TREY • D,O011 l).
Gratitude Ought to IIftYeKelnt item
Out of This, War:
For centuries Turkey has play1'c1
a sinister , palrt in the affairs • of
Europe. Wily„ barbaric and' ob
nate, the Ottoman Empire has held
its own on the Bosphorus, even
when • the whole of Europe wanted
to, be rid of the intruder.
If it had not been for England's
fear of Russian designs on India
the unspeakable Turk would have
been obliterated three -quarter's of
a century ago. Gratitude for con-
tinued existexiee ought to have kept
Turkey out of this war, even had
there been no other motive, As it
is, with Russia, France and Great
Britain 'arrayed against it, the
Turkish Empire is °boknd to fall.
There was as time when the sol-
diers of the Sultan . were mighty.
warriors, but that day has gone by.
And Germany has to Large a con-
tract on her hands in other direr,
tions to be ableto sane
her latest
_-_ rIr
What the Trouble c
1i n 1 Was.
One clay, as two ehildrelt were
playing, their mother gave them an
orange between them. She said to
the little boy, "Now, be sure you
give your sister the lion's share."
On returning their mother was sur-
prised tosee the 'little girl crying.
She asked what the trouble was,
and she heard that the boy had eat-
en al ,the orange. "Well," said
the boy, turning to his " mother,
"you know lions don't eat
Wheel a Wolilan Suffers
With .Chronic Backache
There is Trouble Ahead.
Constantly on'their feet, attending
to the wants of a large and exacting
family, women often break down with
nervous exhaustion.
In the stores, factories, and on a
farm are weak, ailing women, dragged
down with torturing backache and
bearing down pains.
Such suffering isn't natural, but it's
dangerous, because due to diseased
The dizziness; insomnia, deranged
menses and other symptoms of kidney
complaint, can't cure themselves, they
require the assistance of Dr. Hamil-
ton's Pills which go .direct to the seat
of the trouble.
To give vitality and power to the
kidneys, to lencl'"aid to the bladder and:
liver, to free the blood of poisons,
probably there is no remedy so suc-
cessful as Dr. Hamilton's Pills. For
all womanly irregularitiestheir merit
iswel1 known,
• Because of their mild, .:soothing, and
healing effect, Dr. Hamilton's: Pills are
safe, and are recommended for girls
and women of all ages. 25 cents per
box at all dealers. Refuse any substi-
tute for Dr. Hamilton's Pills of, Man-
andrake and Butternut.
Not Taking Her From Him.
She—I'm afraid poor papa will
miss me when we are married.
Be—Why, is your father going
away 7
Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, eta
No Dividing ,Up.
Dr. Pillem—Are you going to call
a 'conaultts+tioil1
Dr. Hous—'I think not, I don't
believe the pati xit- has any more
money that I need myself.
Minard's Liniment Co., Ltd.
Gentlemen,—In Jaly 1905 I Was thrown:
from.,%road machine, injuria my hip and
back badly and was obliged to use a
crutch for 14 months. In Sept. 1906 Mr.
War. Outr dge of Laohute urged me to try
MINABD'S LIN• TbrPNT, which I did with
the most eatiefaetory reeulte and to -day
I am as well as ever in my life.
Yours sincerely,
Ready -Witted.
First pedestrian to snap who has
ivat bumped into him) — Clumsy
,Second pedestrian —'hat's your
name, is it 1 Mine's Brown,
Full flavored and
Perfectly cooked
make delicious
a•saws ro.a saes,
S o i Etided Ebyyedps
to Sun, y Boland Mind
quickly relieved by' Murine
s fE elardy.NoSmarting,
just Eye Comfort, At
Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Murine Eye
$alveinTub es25c. For Beek of the Eye Free ask
Druggist, or Mud's Eye Remedy Co., Chicago
Ile Got the Cheapest.
Old Hiram Pinchon was . a born
trader, and a penny pincher -be-
sides. He was never willing fro
pay the price of anything he want-
ed, and all the shopkeepers at the
village dreaded to see him enter
their stores.
Ono day he did a little trading at
Nelson's shoe store. He tried on tl,
dozen pairs of boots, but could find
'nothing that was not too expensive.
Tell he guessed he would get a pair
of rubbers. He rejected .a pair that
east a dollar, and 'another that
oost sixty -Ave cents. Finally the
clerk brought him a pair far fifty
mate. They seemed to fit well
enough, but Hiram was still dissat-
"Hain't ye got any rubber;, that
STJT; 48•—'14. are cheaper t" he asked
It tc vAwBQts•, Ninety Colborne Strella.
Fruit, Stook, Grain or Dairy r
arna, M rite H. W. Dawson. h#raopUtoa y
�r 'M
(',+f tioror St. Toronto.
W. DAWSON, Colborne St:, Toronto,
l C Ycrk County. Stationery and Book
Business in connection..Price only $4,000.
Terme liberal. Wilson Publishing Corn•.
nano 73 We -t Adelaide Street, Toronto.
internal and external, cured with-
out ram by oar home treatment, Write
us before too late Dr. Bellman Medical
Co., Limited. Collingwood• Ont
New and Second-hand, for ' heating
and power purposes. Water
Engineers and ,Shipbuilders.
7sa. St. James • St., Montreal
Write for information
MORON own egos ipso' '••itene•
• ie REjfs AND GIRL. •
■ m,, • This ring ia anexact a
duplicate of an 18k.olid •
hvd ring nagnd uwias
any monogram desired. •
• Tea can earn tide beau- •
act ring in less duo
• an hour. lust simply
1.1„,n.. sell 24 packages of our -assorted picture ppost N
cards. Eacb package contain. 6 cards, which •
• .you sell for mar 10e. A fres coupon given •
• with .etch package, will make your ✓friends. •
• bay them on eight. Don't Walt a minute. bet •
• order right now. You ocean* money tmtil you •
• bive:veld
old the cards, then send na the mosey w
• , yon have receired (52.40), w`o send you this
sing. oognved, by rotura mail. Asir for our big •
• catalog of premiums. Address
OeiK 1.0 .G •
Machinery my For Sale
Engine, shafting, belting, pulleys,
etc. • from large factory for sale.
Wheelock engine, 18 by 42, complete
with cylinder frame, flywheel, bear-
ings, etc, all in good condition.
Shafting from one inch to three
inches, pulleys thirty inches to
fifty.; inches, belting six inches to
twelve inches. Will sell entire or
in part.
S. Frank Wilson & Sons,
73 Adelaide Street West, Toronto.
Take a
each meal
TheFarsta Co,
Toronto WI. Sold Everywhere
"Buy it for
"No, sir," declared the irritated
clerk, "we haven't. That pair
you've got on is the cheapest, poor-
est, most no -account rubber there
34 made "
made bought them,
•She -••Ain 1 the first girl you ever
hissed . Ile Why-•-•e:r--tI don't
know. Your face seems. familiar.
You wil find relief in Zan -Ouk I ,
it eases the , horning, stinging
pain, stops bleeding and brings
ease. Perseverance, with Zanu
Buk, means cure. Why not prove
this 7 d71 ZPItp'oiota cnd Mores: -
60o box.
ALA. ,9PekigttR So