Exeter Advocate, 1914-11-19, Page 5DENTAL
Dr, Gl. F. Raul/BM, L.D,S., 'D.D.S,
lillertber os the B,C.D.S. of Ontario and
Honor. Graduate of 'f'orotnto. University:
Office -Over Dickson & Carling a lav
Orme. Closed Wednesday afternoons.
on. A. R. KINSMAN, L.D,S,{ D.D. ,
Honor 'Graduate of Toronto Univers• y
Teeth extracted without pain, or an9,,
bad effects. Office over Madman &:
Btanbttry's Office, Main Street, Exeter,'
Solle tors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Com-
m.ssi.onere. Solicitors for the Molaons
Bank. etc. -
money to Loan at lowest rates or interest
Offices-Madn-St., Exeter
L R. Carling, B.A,, L. H, Dickson
We. ,have a large amount of private
funds to loan on fawn and village prop-
erties at low rates of interest.
`Barristers, SolicI'tors.. Exeter.
Lite, hire, Accldbnt and Plate Glass
Insurance, Collecting accounts, and cont
ducting auction sales. Ester, Ont.
THE sole head of a family, or any
malt over 18 years old, may homestead
a quarter -section of available Domin-
ion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or
Alberta The applicant must appear
in perso t at the Dominion Lands Ag-
ency of Sub -Agency for the Dis-
trict, Entry may be made at any
Dominion Lands Agency (but not
Sub -Agency) on certain conditions.
Duties -Six months' residence upon
and captivation of the land ineach of
three years. A homesteader may live
within nine miles of his homestead cn
a f•401 of at least 80 acres, on certain
coniltions. A habitable _house is re-
ouared in every case, except when re-
sidence is performed in the vicinity.
In certain districts a homesteader in
good standing may pre-empt a quarter
section alongside his homestead. Price
$3 per acre. Duties -Six months resi-
dence in each of three years after
eannina homestead patent; also 50
acres. extra cultivation. Pre-emption
patent may be obtained as soon as
homestead patent, on certain condi-
A settles who has exhausted his
homestead sight may take a purchas-
ed homestead in certain districts.
Price $3 per acre. Duties -Must re-
side, 6 months in each of 3 years, cu-
ltivate 50 acres, and erect a house.
Wirth $300.
The area of cultivation is subject
to reduction in case of rough, scrub-
by or stony land. Live stock may be
substituted for cultivation under cer-
tain conditions.
W. W. CORY, C.M.G.
Deputy of the Minister of the Interior
N.B.-Unauthtarized Rupiication oI
this advertisement will 'i%o.t.be pard for.
a;ulati Pill for ween, $k "a box or threefort
$10. SWomen.l. at gel Drug Stores, or mailed to any
address on receipt of price., Ta¢ ScoBxLw, DRUG
Co., St. Catharines, Ontario.
Vitality; for Nerve and Ikaln; increases "grey
matter" • a Tonle -will }n' d you up. 53 a box, or
two for $5, at drug stores, or by mail on receipt
of price Tx2 SCOBELL DRUG Co., St. Catharines.
is a school with a continental repu-
tation. for high grade work and for the
success of its graduates,a school
with superior courses and instructors
We give individual attention in Com-
mercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy
Departments. Why attend elsewhere
when there is room here? You) may
enter at any time. Write for our
large free catalogue
D. A. McLachlan, Principal
Attend the Best. It always pays
TORONTO has a National reputa-
tion for superior Business and Short-
hand Education. Catalogue free.
Commence now.
W 5. ELLIOTT, Principal
. 734 Yonge ' St, Toronto.
is interested and should know
about the wonderful
II1aMWhirling Spray
Ask your druggist for
it. If he cannot supply
the MARVEL, accept no
other. but send stamp for Illus-
trated book -sealed. It gives full
particulars and directions invaluable
4 to ladies. WINDSOR SUPPLY CO.,Windsor,Ont.
General Agents for Canada.
Double Track all the Way
The International Limited
C la's Train of Superior. .Service
'Leaves Toronto 4.40 p.rn. daily.; ar-
rive Detroit 9,55 pan. and Chicago
8.00 a.m
Leave, 'Toronto 8 a.m., arrives De-
gait .1.45 p.rn. and Chicago) 8,40 n.m,
st Train out of Toronto at .Night
lLeaves 11.35 p,marrives Detroit
a,nl and Chicago 3 pindaily, assuring
importalt' connections with princitzal;a
traial fox Western;' States and Patsfatlit
FOR MON' htAL "» - `"
Leave.: Toronto 9 am., 8.30 p,m, and
11 p.m. daily, Beath reservations, etc,,
at G T R, ticket offices
N. J, DORE, Exeter
A Nei hbor Told
Him T
o Take
a `fes i.
fir[• rote Ttst . Ih InNE1r$
If you want to know what Gin Pills
will do for you, just drop a ling to
Ivlr. D, A.yorke, at Belirock, Ont.
IIe will tell. you.,what"Gi;n Pills did
for him, a er badsuffered with
Kidney tr bie for 15 years. Here
is his letter;
"I suffered for about 10 years with
my Kidneys. j co -midget nothing to
help me. The pain trent all through
niy back and shoulders and down
the calves of,hy le. When I would
sit down for a iyjile, I could not
straighten up again until I would
walk a rod or Ettore, the pain was so
creat. Anel hbor advised me to take
GIN PILL I did so and six boxes
cured me, It is about two and a half
years since I quit taking them. My
back is all right; no pains and no
more backache. I thank GIN PILLS
for it ail -they are worth their weight
in gold." D. A. YORKE.
50c. a box, 6 for $2.50. Sold in the
U.S. underthe name "GIN O" Pills.
Trial treatment if you write 260
National Drug & Chemical Co.
of Canada, Limited, Toronto
• BRUCEIFiIELD. -A eery • quiet
wedding took places at thei manse in,
Seaforth Friday, when Mr. Fred
Burdg. of London road, was mited
an maarrage to Miss Harrisog>; :laugh-
ter of Mr. John Harrison; of Harwich
The Advocate and Toronto World
will be sent to any address in Canada
front now until Jan. lst, 1916 for
$3.25. This is •a remarkably cheap
offer and any person not getting these
paper•a should not miss this oppor-
Report of "5 S No.. 6, Usborne,-
Sr. IV. W Routley 88, V. Bell 78, M
Washburn 63, G. Delbridge 62, E.
Balkwill 54 V. Heywood 49. Jr. 1V.,
L Cornish 75, E. Horne 74, L. Johns
7 G Jahns 72, G Barnard 60. Sr,
III., R Smale 60,' F. Heywood 50, M.
Cornish 49. Jr. III., T. Creeryl 84, B,
Medd 72, C. Bell 51, F. `Routh}-•^ 44, J
Barnard 43 W. Heywood 30, M.Hey-
wood 20;0 Sx. II., M. Cornish, 53, R.
Jahns 49. E. Jahns 40, T. Heywood
35 R Delbridge 30, J. Wilson 30.;
Jr. II.. M. Jahns 81, R. Brock 80, EI,
Delbn-iclge 66, L.. Horne 62, C. Hey-
wood 44, F Horne 30, W. Bell 30; ,Sr
Primer J Ridley, 66, E. Carnish'-50, Ed
Eleywood 36, A N. Medd, 66, 'N.Rourt
ly 65 L. Heywood 64, Ti Johns 60, A.
Johns 56-, G. Johns 55, I. Harness 50
B„ W Johns 60, A.: Creery 50: I.
Harness 45, H. Jahns 45.
Value of Rheums
From the Court
Judge Barhorst was Relieved . of
Rheumatism After Doctors Failed
I1 you have tried many other :eine-
dies and doctors' treatments for Rhea
matisn and found they failed, do no:
be skeptical about trying RHEUMA,
Read the testimony of Judge John Bar
horst of Fort Loramie, O. •
"After treatment by three doctors
without result, I have been cured of
a very bad case of Rheumatism by
using two bottles of RHEUMA. It
is now two years since` 1 used the
remedy and I am ,still ° as.;well .as -oyer,
Preciously, I was a cripple, walking
with crutches."
RHEUMA is guaranteed by W. S.
Cole who sells it for 50c. a .bottle.
;We have a sound business liropos-
itiar' for 'a reliable energetic sales-
man for this district to sell fruit trees
small fruits, flowering shrubs,etc. Pay
weekly, outfit free, exclusive territory
al fruit and .ornamental stock tinder
cultivation, We sell through our sal-
esmen direct to the consumer • and
guarantee delivery of fresh, high
grade. trees. Our agencies are valu-
able by reason of the service we give
an., thc volume of business done,
Established 35 years, 'Write
P,S.-Handsome catalogue on re-
quest ,either to applicant or those
wishing nursery stock,
Subjects taught by expert instructors
at the
ale -We _dee/
Y, M. C. A. BLDG..
Students assisted to positions. College
in session from Sept. 1st. Catalogue
free. Enter any time,
J. W, Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr
Principal Chartered Accountant
19 Vice -Principal
Important Events Which Have
Occurreq During .the Week.
Who Busy World's Happenings Ca
fully Compiled and Put
Randy and. Attractive Shape
the Readers of Our Pape
Solid Hour's Enjoyment,
Word is to hand that Police
John Cobden of the Brantford for
who'went to the front as a British
servist, has been promoted for br
ery in the field.
The London Daily Mains cot
spondent at Copenhagen says
hears from Berlin that prep
are being made at Potsdam for E
peror William's return.
James B. Ashman, of London, On
a native of South Africa, is getti
in touch with South Africans, Aust
lians and New Zealanders theougho
Ontario, with a view to organizing
battery of artillery for service
President Poincare yesterdayte
graphed the Emperor of Japan
congratulations on the capture
Tsingtau, to which the Emperor
plied thanking M. Poincare in t
i ate of the Japarese army for h
Andre Maginot, the French
assistant Secretary of War,
Gently received the military m
heroic conduct, has been dangerous
wounded during an engageme
Verdun. He is a sergeant.
French territorial army.
A proclamation issued by t
mans at Brussels specifically three
ens, according to a despatch
ter's Telegram Co. from Ams
to stop the distribution of food he
American relief committee among. to,
e -
who r
edal f
nt near
in t
he Ge
to Re
by t
led a
How h
be sub
Reports reaching Pekin from Har-
bin, Manchuria, set forth that Russia
is transporting her, European prison-
ers of war as far east as Vladivostok.
At Shannonville an evaporator, the
property of William Elliott, was de-
stroyed by fire yesterday. The build-
ing with macbinery was valued at
The ship Teltus, chartered by the
American commission for relief in
,Belgium, landed 1,200 tons of food in
Rotterdam yesterday. Three thous-
and tons of foodstuffs have been
rushed inland.
Certain points in. Friesland and
Groningen provinces, in the Nether-
lands, along the Ems and the Fris-
Ian Islands, have been declared in a
State of siege, in order to prevent ille-
gal exportation.
The London members of the Catho-
lic Benefit Society have decided to
fight the recent rate increase in rates
ordered by the executive of the order,
and have engaged counsel to take the
Matter to the courts.
Another bomb outrage committed
by Chinese revolutionaries occurred
Yesterday at Canton, outside the resi-
dence of Gen. Chi Kiang Lung, who
is in charge of the Canton district.
Thirteen persons lost their lives.
t In addition to two British ships,
Turkish officials have seized two
Dutch vessels at Smyrna. The Dutch
consul protested, but the Vali alleged
that the ships carried merchandise
belonging to enemies of Turkey.
Sir Waiter Gilbey, known in equine
circles throughout the world, died
yesterday in London, Eng. He was
born in 1831.
Wm. 'Laurie, Government steam-
boat inspector, died soddenly yester-
day morning at his home, 20 Spring-
field avenue, Montreal, aged 69.
B. E. Aylesworth, aged 76, was
found dead in the cellar of his home
at Bath, where he had lived for many
years. He had a paralytic stroke.
Impelled by anti-British feeling in
Oklahoma, where he was working,
the Rev. Edward H. Beal has come to
Montreal to enlist for service in the
second Canadian contingent.
On the Grand Trunk, between
Guelph and Hespeler, three horses
Were killed and two others so badly
hurtthat they may have to be shot.
They got out of a pasture field on the
track. yesterday.
Lt. -Col. W. S. Hughes, of Ottawa,
inspector of penitentiaries, who will
command the 21st battalion for over-
sea service, was presented with a gold
wrist watch by the staff of the peni-
tentiary, where for many years he
acted as accountant.
The current issue of the Manitoba
Gazette contains notices of ten addi-
tional local option contests to be held
at the December raLnic'ipal elections.
Two of the number, Neepawa and
Deloraine, are towns. The balance are
tura' municipalities.
The provincial bye -election in Dun-
das County will tale-) place on Dec. 7,
with the nomination convention being
held as usual one week earlier. This
contest will provide a naw member to
take the seat in the House vacated
through the death of Sir James Whit-
A special company is to be formed
in the 16th Argyll Light Infantry,
Belleville, of sharpshooters from the
Civilian Rifle Association.
Unable to get a steamer to take
supplies to Belgium, the Belgian Re-
lief Fund Committee decided to sell
the vegetables to avoid loss,
Revenues from the Provincial
rartment of Lands Forests arid Mines
for the year just
closed are half .a
million below the official estimate.
Emperor Williain has offered . for
dale hie villa at Corfu, which cost
$5,000,000 to build. He is afraid
that if ,Greece joins the allies It Will.
11e confiscated.
Damage to the extent of 150,000,
and including •destruction of the fire-
fighting apparatus, was done in a Bre
I at Fort Georgy B.C., occasioned by
a Violent explosion,
The barge Ashland and Steamer
Hines had a disastrous voyage during
the gale and snowstorm on bake Hu-
son, losing masts and rigging and a
$15,900 deekload of lumber.
The United States ha.; adopted
more stringent rules regarding the is-
suance and use of passports to pre-,
vent the German secret service using
them to secure sate passage for spies.
The German Government bas con
sented to facilitate the departure
from Germany of British women, chil-
dren under seventeen, and men ex-
cept between the ages of seventeen
and fifty-five.
The Earl of Kingston leas been
wounded .in both thighs while on the
firing line at the front. He will re-
Up to Nov. 1 there were 110,000
Austrian prisoners of war talieil
through Kieff on their way from the
battlefront to the interior of Russia.
A German aeroplane e>icaped from
Tsingtau, the German fortified posi-
tion in Kiao-Chow; now in possession
of the Japanese, before the Germans
surrendered it.
William G. Huckle, one of the
principal witnesses in the recent in-
vestigation at the penitentiary has
finished his time and been released..
He was a detective serving seven'
years for extortion.
The schooner St. Anthony, Captain'
W. L. Gates, from St. John, N.B., for
Selma, N.S., with a general cargo,
went ashore in a gale Friday night
inside of Advocate Harbor. Out of
A crew of five only one escaped.
Major F. Hetherington, A.M.C., on
behalf of the medical faculty of
Queen's Universtiy volunteers' to raise
personnel of a stationary or general
hospital for overseas service from
staff graduates and students of the
The Hon. W. G. Mitchell, K.C., the
recently -appointed •Prot'incial'''Treas-
urer of Quebec, in succession to the'
late Hon. Mr. Mackenzie, left Satur-
day for Richmond' with several speak-
ers to begin his canipaign.fvr`election'
in that riding.
A German officer captured in the
Vic-sur-Aisne°region was found to be
bearing a document issued by the
German General Staff stating that -
the manufacture of shells has been
interrupted and instructed that artil-
lery fire be curtailed as much as pos-
Hostilities between the warring
factions in Mexico have ceased, pend-
ing the outcome of further peace par-
Wooden winter quarters for the
Canadian contingent are rapidly ap-
proaching completion at Lark's Hill,
Salisbury Plain.
The captain of a steamer arriving
at Callao, Peru, reported he had seen
the Japanese battleship Hizen and
the cruiser Asama 200 miles west of
the Peruvian coast.
The Montreal Star says: People liv-
ing along the border are becoming
gett$inely alarmed over the fear of
an invasion from Germans and Aus-
trians" in the United States.
Press reports from Brussels state
that a British aviator dropped a bomb
while flying over Courtrai on Satur-
day and killed fifteen German sol-
dier's and a number of Belgian citi-
Japanese troops yesterday, entered
the German fortified possession of
Tsingtau in the Kiao-Chow territory.
Their entrance was attended by var-
ious ceremonies, including memorial
services for the dead.
Charged with assisting German re-
servists in getting across the border,
a military' guardsman at Chippewa
has been arrested and jailed. It is
alleged that he received a rake-off in
one or more cases.
The British cruiser Glasgow, one
of the vessel's engaged with the Ger-
man squadron off the' coast of Chile,
Nov. 1, arived at Rio Janeiro yester-
day. The damage caused by the Ger-
man shell fire is plainly visible on the
New Arrivals at Fao Make Sortie and
Capture Enemy's Camp.
LONDON, Nov. 17. -It is officially
announced that since the occupation
of Fao, at the head of the Persian
Gulf, by a British Indian force, on
Nov. 8,.two actions have been fought
with the Turkish forces, who "on
both oceasions have been severely
handled and defeated after stubborn
The announcement continues:
"The first of these attacks occurred
early in ' the morning of Nov. 11,
when the Turks made a determined
attack on the British outposts. On
the fourteenth' further reinforcements
arrived -from India, and the following
day the Indians, commanded by Gen.
Delamain, sortied and attacked the.
Turks, occupying a post about four
miles distant, assisted by the sloops
Espiegle and Odin.
"The enemy's camp was captured
and many prisoners and guns were
taken. The British casualties were
two officers wounded and eight men
killed and fifty-one wounded."
Search For Survivors Fails.
VALPARAISO, . Chile, Nov. 17.-
The Chilean hospital ship Valdivia,
which has been searching theseas for
possible survivors of the British
cruisers lost in the engagement with
the German squadron off -the Chilean
coast on Nov, 1, arrived yesterday at
Taicahuana and reports her search
entirely without success. She found
nothing in the way of •wreckage or
boats from the British vessels. The
Chilean Admiralty announces that its
search is new over.
Deer or Wireless?
FARMINGTON, Me., No`v. 17. --
The 'alike of Montpensier, a brother
of , the Orleans pretender • to the'
French throne, .passed through 'here'
late Sunday night; ostensibly bound
tor it hunting .trip in the 1lraine
Bili •the rumor is current that he
is on a search for the German wire-
less station supposed to be secreted`.
somewhere in the forests of this
"',jkiBfil the food re aches, thestomach it is snblected to a Ieeculfar.
ehu n v nte t,
r O ithe m p4 O byh u C a
m s ul rw 1e of ai o
i1 i0
� ls'taC -�* Se
h e.
Ar. I`lerce.p• Medical Advfaer, page 46), da the "liver. kidneya�axld
skin, the blood is purified of its waste materials -these orgaos act
n as human filters, leaving the blood pure and cleats,-;ugleee fiver,
digestive tract and kidneys are clogged.
Dr. '`tierce's Golden
Medical Discovej
is a stomach, liver and kidney tonic --by assisting
the stomach to assimilate, the liver to filter, the
kidneys to act -the poisons are removed, the red blood
corpuscles are increased and one feels light, fresh and active
instead of logy, dull and heavy, The "Discovery" stimu-
lates the stomach, increases aokon of heart and arter-
ies and is a most satisfactory sliiorative in blood -taint of any charaeter.
The refreshing influence of w11 .tract of native medicinal plants has
been favorably known for over, turfy years, Everywhere some neighbor
can tell you of the good it has done.
Sold by all medicine dealers in liquid or tablet form; or send 50 one -cent
stamps to Dr, Pierce, Buffalo, N Y.,and a trial box will be mailed you.
Wks H. Rupp, was called to Detroit
owing to the serious illness of her
sou, Mr Henry Rupp.- Mr. Walter
Steele has purchased 75 acres of land
from Mr Sol, Martin on the Babylon
line and gets possession next Spring
-Mi Win Klapp has rented the dwel
ling acctdpied by Mrs. Eliza Truemner
who intends to spend the winter with
relatives in Detroit. -Mr. and Mrs. jos
Amax of St. Clemens, visited the
latter's parents, Mr. and , Mrs. F.
Krauskopf, last week. -Rev, C.Schultz
and wife :of North Easthope, yisited
relatives in this section the past
week. -Mr. and Mrs. Lena Kipper re-
turned from Biggar, Sask., and have
rented Mrs M. McCormick's ltousc.-
John Brennerman left last week( far
Pigeon Mich., where he ha4 secured
a position as blacksmith.
There passed away at hishone. on
Monday„ Nov, 9th, a highly respected
resident in the person of Justus Mel -
ick at the age of 71 years and
days, after an illness of about two
years He moved here from iris ?arm
an the Branson Line many' years ago
and has wan the respect, of all. For
two years he had been in failing
health and far the last year was
practically helpless. Besides his wife
he is survived by twol sons and three
Spankd'tg does not cure chladren of red
`+vettegtg. There is a co•netlttltional cause
for .this trouble, Mrs. M. Summers. Box
W. 840. Windsor, Ont„ will send free to
any mother her successful home treat-
ment, with full Instructions. Send no
money but write her ttaday if your
children trouble you BY thin way. Don't
blame the child, ttie chances are It
can't help it. This treatment also cures
adults and aged people troubled with
urine difficulties by day or night
The Logical
The individual ap-
pointed to administer an
estate is forced to give
Administrator touch trus and attention
to his trust. The anxiety
is ceaseless, the danger
of mistakes through inexperience is great.
Why burden your friend with onerous duties that can be better
performed by this Company? The fees are no greater and the
management much more capable than can be expected of any pri-
vate executor, however willing.
is the logical administrator to appoint. Its sole business is the
careful, efficient fulfilment of every trust :committed to its care.
Call in and consult us.
SIR GEO. GIBBONS. S.C., President 4 JOHN S. MOOR, Manager,
The very best for use in ill -health and convalescence
Awarded Medal and Highest Points in America
at World's Fair, 1893
Just Sit Back
and Think.
Is business quiet i' Then study the pos9i-
bilities of your telephone. Just now it can pre-
vent business slowing up and at the same time
effect some real economies.
.As a salesman, the long distance telephone
Is unequalled. It 'enables you to get in touch
with customers and by a wise word dispel their
uneasiness. You can keep them posted on
prices and possibly dissuade them from curtailing
their orders. In countless ways your telephone
can help you.
Study the possibilities of your telephone your-
self. Its use in your business may be different
from its use in other lines* and the saving in
travelling expense, time and labor is a great factor.
Every Dell Telephone is
a Long Distance Station.
The. Dell Telephone Co.