HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-11-12, Page 51
Dr. D. no, RCiTJLwAN, L,i).S„ ‘11D.11,
$f.m'ker of the B.O.S.A,of Ontario and
**nog Graduate of Toronto unlvetaity,
Chris. -'-over INokaon & Cariing'e law
office. Closed. 'Wednesday atternoone,
OM A. rt. I lliamaN, L,D,S., p.r,A,,
Honor •Gradusito pf ?bronco Univers y
Teeth., extracted without pain, or any,
• effects. Office over Gladmarl dE
Stanbury's Office, Main Bluest, Ifixeter•
,ab Solicitors. Notaries, Conveyancers, Coins
m:satonera. 'Solicitors ' for the . dolmans
Bank, etc.
Honey to Loan, at lowest: rates of intermit
Offices—Matt Exeter
I. R. CarL'nt,, H.A. , L. f•I. Dickson
We have a lamge amount. of •private
funds to loan on farm and. village prop -
antes at low rates of interest.
• Barristers, Solicitors. Eireter.'
Life, Fire, Accidbut and Plate Glass
Insurance, Collecting accounts, and coni
ducting auotton salea, — Exeter. Ont.
THE sole head of a family, or any
male. overl8 years old, may homestead
a quarter -section of available DoinL--
ion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or
Alberta. 'The applicant must appear
in perso i at the Dominion Lands Ag-
ency ot Sub -Agency for the Dis-
trict. Entry may be made at any
Dominion Lands Agency (but not
Sub -Agency) on certain conditions.
Duties -Six months' residence ' upon
arid cultivation of the land in each of
three years. A homesteader may live
within nine miles of his. homestead cn
a fwi of at least 80 acres, on certain
conditions A. habitable „house is re -
nuked in every case, except when ie,.
std ease is performed in the vicinity.
'In certain districts a homesteader in
good standing may pre-empt a quarter
section alongside his homestead. Price
$3 per acre. Duties -Six months resi-
dence in each of three years after;
earning homestead patent; also 50
acres extra cultivation. Pre-emption
patent may be obtained as soon as
homestead patent, on certain condi-
A settler who ha,s exhausted - his
homestead right may take a purchas_
ed homestead in certain districts.
Price $3 per. acre. Dirties -Must re-
si4 6 months in each of 3 years, cu-
ltivate 50 acres, and erect a house
worth $300.
The area of cultivation is subject
to reduction in case of rough, scrubs
-, by or stony land, Live stock may be
substituted for cultivation under cer-
taiat conditions.
W. W. CORY, C.M.G.
Deputy of the Minister of the Interior
N•B; U1iautihiorized publication •of,
this advertisement will snot be pea' for.
gulating P111 for Women. $5 a box or three for'
$10. Sold. at ail Drug Stores, or mailed to any
address on receipt of price,,,. Tse SCOREL7, DRoa
Co„St. Catharines, Ontario.
vitt and
Vitality Nerve and gain; increases "grey
reatter';afionic—will build you up. $3 a. box, or
two for $5, at drug stores, or by mail on receipt
of price, Tag Seonn u, DRUG Co„ St. Catharines.
is a school with a continental repu-
tation. for high grade work and for the
success of its graduates, a school
with superior courses and instructors
We give individual attention in Com-
mercial, Shorthand and . Telegraphy
Departments. Why attend elsewhere
when there is room here? You; may
:enter at any time. Write for bur
• large free catalogue
D. A. McLachlan, Principal
Attend the Best. It always pays
TORONTO has a National reputa-
tion for superior Business and Short-
hand Education. Catalogue free.
Commence ,now.
W J, ELLIOTT, Priucipal
734 Yo ige St, Toronto.
is interested andshould knout
about the wonderful
., , Whirling Spray
e k}'...M. &iuuohei
Ask your druggist for
it. If he cannot supply
the MARVEL, accept no
other, but send stamp for Illus-
trated book -sealed, It gives full
particulars and directions invaluable
to ladies, WINDSOR SUPPLYCO, Windsor, Ont,
Genera Agents for Canada.
Double Trackall the Way
The International Limited
O.aalada's Train of Swperior Service
Leaves Toronto 4.40 p.m, daily; sr-
rives Detroit 9,55 .p,m. and Chicago
8,00 a,nt
Leave; Toronto 8 a.m., arrives De-
-troit •1,45 p,n , and Chicago $.40 ram.
Last .Train tint of Toronto; at ';tight
. cages 11.35 pm, ' :arrives' Detroit 8.
a.nf 'a, s;, Chicg•o a 3 pin. 'daily, asstui ung
in porfi ii.. connections with pfincipal
train; for W'estcrr States and Canada
Leave, Toronto 9 ant, 8..80 p.m, and
p.m. drily. Berth reservations, etc,,.
at G T 1t, ticket offices
, J. 1)ORE. Exeter
If you;are baviu4 rouble with
your Bladder --with incontin-
ence or suppression of nrine
-_'burning pain --weakness or
pain in the back—or Stone in
the Bladder- take Gin fills..
They cure -50c.-6 for $2.61)
At dealers everywhere._ ess
Re•c'. Hicks attended the Provincial
Saoday School Association in. Lon-
don recently, -Mrs. Millson attended
the District Sunday School Conven-
onven-tion in. Ailsa Craig last Tuesday, -,
RoreGeiger proposed opening a drug
store in Zurich -Dr. Sellery of Toron
to; was here for a few 'days last week,
-Dr, Sam. Coulter left last week ;for
London, from 'Which' place he, will go
to Toledo to open a practice.
The death took place on Wednes
day of last week, Nov. ,4th' of Arthur
Blatchford aged 70 years, 8 months.
end the funeral took placefrom the
Methodist church to the Hensall Un-
ion cemetery on Saturday afternoon.
The late Mr. Blatchford resided in
this section as a young man :rigid later
moved to Dakota Where he resided
Eor over twenty years A few years
ago: he returned. to Hensall, He had
been ,failing •health for two years.
The concert given by Hensall Or -
any, Lodge for. the • benefit of the
Red Cross Society was very largely
attended, Short addresses were.de-
liv_eied by Rev. W. Doherty; of lien-
Isali. Rev ivh-. Collins of Exeter and
A. H Musgrove, M,P.P, of Wingham.
M• Musgrove stated that there were
ov er 7, 000 Orangemen with the -irst
Canadian contingent. The program
included solos etc.
The Advocate and Toronto World
will be sent to any address in Canada
from now until Jan. 1st, 1916 for
$3.25. This, is a remarkably cheap
offer anct any person not getting these
papers should not miss this oppor-
CLINTON-Much regret was felt on
Sunday when it became known that
Mrs Geo. Maur .of • Huron, Road, west,
had been called away. The deceased
was a daughter. of Mr. Rich. Baker.
of town and was married to her now
bereaved httsband about seven years
ago She leaves behind a family "el
six children, the youngest being an
infant only a few weeks old.
CLINTON-A happy wedding was
solemnized at the home ' of Mr. and
Mrs Thos. •Cardwell, William street
on Wednesday, Nov.. 4, the contract-
ing parties ;being Mrs. Eleanor Shore
of Clinton and .Mir. Jas. McLeod of
Downie township, Perth County.
Rheumatism and
's . Disease
Prot Budlong was Quickly Relieved
of Both afflictions by Using Rhei ns..:
If you suffer from any form ot
Rheumatism remember that RHEUMA
goes to work quickly to remove the
cause, not simply to relieve the dis-
tress, Many years' use has demon-
strated that it goes to the seat of .he
discasc and expels the poisonous ;nat-
ter through the natural channel; -
the kidneys, bowels, liver and akin
"For many years I was troubled
with . Rheumatism also with Bright's
Disease of the Kidneys I suffered
awfully. Tried many advertised rem-
edies. Alter using your truly re-
markable preparation RHEUMA; I
was fully ' cured." -Prof. C. J. Bud -
long Sound View, Conn.
Sold by W. S., Cole at 50 cts a
We have a sound business propos-
itior for a reliable energetic sales-
man for this district to sell fruit trees
small fruits„ flowering shrubs,etc. Pay
weekly, outfit free, exclusive territory
o[ . frust ' and ornamental . stock under
cultivation, We sell through aurtal-
esmeu. direct to the consumer and
guarantee delivery of fresh, high
grade trees. Our agencies are valu-
able by reason of the service we give
and the volume of birsiness done.
Established 35 years. Write
P.S.-Handsome catalogue on re-
quest either to applicant or those
wishing nursery stock.
Subject$ taught by expert instructors
' at the •
Y, M, C. A, BLDG.,
Students assisted to positions. College
in session from Sept. 1st. Catalogue
free. Enter any trine,
,r, W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr.
Principal xncaavi oeetocip`i tart
imQgprtant E,y+snts Which Have
Occurred During the Week,
The Busy :World's 8`appeicnngs Care,
innY Compiled and Put Into
Handy and Attractive Shape ; for
the. Readers of Our Paper ---A
Solid Hour's Enjoyment.
Emperor Nicholas left Petrograd
Yesterday for the front, accompan#1ied.
by Oen, Soukhomlinoff, the Minister
of V9'ar.
`Phe Australian Government has
Placed an embargo union wool, wheat,
and Sour, and on meat and coal, ex-
eept to the Mother Country,
The Niew Vandendag of Amster-
dam states that 10,000 German in-
fantry, all boys between 17 and 18,
left Liege Monday for Brussels.
Gena Carranza declares that he
would not abide by the action of the
Aguascalientes convention in naming
a Provisional President of Mexico.
The imperial Government has 'con-
seated to assist Australia with a loan
.of $100,000,000, This sum *ill be
advanced in. two instalments of $50,-
000,000 each, repayable in five years.
It is surmised in New York that
Charles M. Schwab's mission to Eng-
land is in' connection with negotia-
tions for the sale of war material,
including armor plate and heavy
Col. O'Grady, who died yesterday
in Winnipeg, went to Valeartier with
his regiment, but his physical condi-
tion .excluded him from active ser-
vice. On Saturday last he took a sud-
den turn for the worse.
The American steamship Massa-
pequa, chartered and loaded by the
Rockefeller foundation to convey
food supplies to starving Belgians
sifted for Rotterdam yesterday atter- •
noon with supplies worth $300,000.
TI'H hail).•% Y.
Toronto's- ” unemployed were esti-
mated at 20,000 by Mr: James Watt,
president of the Trades and Labor
Council, in an interview yesterday.
Divisional Supt. Boyd of the Grand
Trunk Railway was in SL Catharines
yesterday afternoon looking over the
several sites for a. station on the
western' hill.
Over 2,00.0 Swiss families have an-
trounced 'their readiness to adopt Bel-
gian orphans. Some 500 Belgian
widows and orphans already bave ar-
rived in Switzerland.
Rifaat Pasha, the Turkish Am-
bassador to France, according to 'the
Havas News Agency, asked for his
passports which were banded to him
at Bordeaux .yesterday.
The Village of Arden was visited by
a had fire yesterday afternoon, which
destroyed the Royal Hotel, the post -
office, a hardware store' and an im-
plement and carriage store.
An estate of $84,459.31was left`
by the late Dr. William Saunders,
C.M.G. for 25"years' director of the
Dominion Experim.ntal Farms, who
died in London, Ont., on Sept. 13.
A despatch from Tsinan, in Shan-
tung Province, China, says the Jap-
anese forces before Tsingtau, the
fortified "position of the German ter-
ritory of Kiaochow, have destroyed
36 German guns and captured 800
• The winter sailings of the White
Star Line steamer Olympic have been
cancelled, and yesterday the members
of her crew were• paid off.
Mrs. Catherine Roddy, aged 99, is
dead at the County of Hastings House
of Refuge, where she had been an in-
mate for over five years.' She was
born in Ireland in 1815.
The order closing the Chicago
yards, on account of the widespread
epidemic of foot and mouth disease,
Was yesterday afternoon extended to
eover all yards and pens in the state.
Jay Bennett, whose home is near
Marlbank, in Hungerford Township,
was in the woods shooting with some
companions, when he was shot
through the beast, death being in-
James Sowards, aged 64, coal mer-
chant, died suddenly of paralysis in
his office yesterday in Kingston.. He
had lived in the Limestone City all
his life. A wife, two sons and two
daughters survive him.
The Panama Canal is again open
to traffic. Col. Goethals cabled yes-
terday that shipping began passing
Wednesday afternoon through a
channel opened through the recent
landslides north of Gold Hill.
Orders have been received by the
military authorities at Kingston to
organize a new battery for overseas
duty with the second contingent. It
will be composed of 145 men, 126
horses and four 18 -pounder guns.
Luigi Rava, Minister' of Finance,
who held office in the new Italian
Cabinet, announced Wednesday, was
replaced yesterday by Signor Daneo,
until now Minister of Public Ins ruc-
tion. In the latter office Datreo is
succeeded by Signor Grippo. •
A despatch from Salonika says
that Ozograpbos, the former gover-
nor of that seaport, has addressed a
proclamation to the Epirotes, inform-
ing them of the annexation of Epirus
by Greece,
The British steamer .Italia of the
Anchor Line, bound. from New York
to Mediterranean ports has been de-
tained at Gibraltar. The authorities
there state that the Italia has contra-
band of war aboard.
Michael Serago o4 New 'York was
eenteneed yesterday by Justice Davis
to serve .from" 20 years to life im-
prisonment in Sing Sing for the mur-
;der of William G. Martin, a Toronto
.milliner, last February. -
A fourth squadron 10 being raised
in'Lokldon, Eng., by 'Clog EdW,ard's
Horse to make good fossa -e sustained
by ',the regiment 14 the ftrieg' `line„,
'Ond hundred men from any of the
domi'ni'ons are; required. •
' be'tiarraitza• troops retired before
a advance. of 10,0.00 'Villa soldiers
after fighting twenty miles south of
Aguascalientes, according to an offi-
cial Villa report yesterday. Gen.
Leon eoinmanded the Carranza forces.
The correspondent of The London
Times is 'as sends tl4e
loa'lnlg ” uude'i' hui"rdayfsk`dta`tedram
credibly Inforcoe,I that, the *Geri:4,0
leeeee IA the sepreme `attack, on Ole
British between 'Ypres and Lille • are
'Well over 50,009."
The North German Lloyd Line
steamer Kronprinzessin Cecelie, ar-.
rived in Bonilla harbor' yesterday,
ending her trip from Bar Harper,
where she had been interned
since a few days after theoperiing of
the European war.
1<t is officially announced in Vienna
that there were 256 cases, of cholera.
A Galicia last Thursday. Qf . these,,
126 cases were in Prsemysl.
The nine-year-old on of Joseph
Perlcins, was accidentally shot by his
brbther, aged seven, at their father's
home yesterday morning, and died
shortly afterwards,
The body of Minghella. Michiele, an
Italian, was found lying In a ditch
'alongside the G. T. R. tracks. near
Kingston. Saturday afternoon. He was
'struck by a fast west -bound train,
An agitation is proceeding in Bri-
twin strongly baeked by trades union
bodies for the payment of a potl,nd
weekly to disabled soldiers,, sailors,
and widows of those killed in action.
Augustin Rodriguez, member of the
Huerta commission, sent to Niagara
Falls mediation conference last May,
wa$ arrested Saturday , in Mexico
City. The charge against him is not
The Petrograd Bourse Gazette's
,Warsaw correspondent says. that 21
persons have died in hospitals • there
during•the last:few days from wounds
received from German bombs dropped
"from aeroplanes.: +.
C. Duimxge, a nanager of London
branch ot the. united Typewriter Co.,
and one :of the best known breeders
of•white Plymouth • Rock chickens, in
Canada, died yesterday after.a long
illness. He was 44 years of •age.
Word has been received at King-
ston to recruit 'a . portion of the
heavy battery. The guns to be
used will be the 4.7 inch type. The
section to be organized here will con-
sist of lieutenant and 3,, men, be-
sides shoemakers and saddler's.
The Russians, according to a de-
spatch. received at Copenhagen, have
bombarded Kohlu and Suglu on the
coast of Asia Minor.
The military attaches of neutral
countries have been authorized by
the 'French Government to proceed
for the theatre of war operations.
The Massey -Harris • Company, •
which closed down the day after war
was :declared, throwing 1,200 men out
of work at Brantford, will start again
on a two-thirds stair.
Over fifty Italian reservists from
Detroit and vicinity passed through
Ontario yesterday to rejoin the colors
in -'espouse to orders from the mili-
tary authorities of Italy.
"Impressive in its solemn simplicity
was ` the funeral yesterday in Mont-
real: of Prof. G. R. 'Mines, of McGill
University, who died on Saturday
w$ii experimentip.g on himself.
Great Britain yesterday gave the
United. States official assurances that,;,;;
shipments of tobacco in neutral botf`'-'
toms destined to any -country in . Eu
rope would not be interfered with.
The sum of $10,850,000 was wit .,
drawn from. the sub -treasury at "':.;w
York yesterday for shipment to Ot-
tawa and other Canadian cities. All
but $500,000 of the amount was in
gold coin.
Lady Beck is donatin g500 cholera
belts no the 18th battalion of the se-
wed contingent, in training at Lon-
don, and the rest of the men will be
'provided for in the same respect by
the local Red Cross Society.
Mme A. Wein
THERE comes a time in every woman's
lif4 when she undergoes an important
change. This is a critical period, It is
e time when a woman needs her full health
and strength, For your, own sake ye
ehould anticipate this,
1!fltea: to the,
Dr. Piiercie's Favorite Prescription
The latest in med-
ical science is
container in Dr.
Pierce's Common
Sense Medical
p 1 !Aides�*softly 1 dg
or Dr. .Pt rc.'s lnr
1r. .lioteJ tiffele
has been • •roeoriiuiended for over forty years as a
tonic for woine'n. It is helpful in the equaliza-
tion of the circulation of the blood and in regu-
lating the action -of the bowels, Nervousness
and low spirits disappear, Happiness and con-
tentment take their place,
Sold ,In tablet or liquid form by Medic' ine
Dealers --or send 00 cents for aampie box
• • CRQMARTY -Mr. Neil Gillespie by lib two sisters, attended .the fun-
received a telegram informing him of era' there on Monday,
the death of his uncle,. Mr. Geo. Gil -
Denver, Colo. Deceased was
well and favorably known by the old-
er people Here, as he often visited
hj,s relatives in• this vicinity. The re-
mains were brought to Teeswater for
interment, Mr. Gillespie, accomipanied
Mitchell, Nov, Z -Aeroplanes have
been seen on several occasions of lite
passing over the town, and reports
have ireached here of the appearance
of the air machines In Fu'llarton, Lo-
gan` and Hibbert, These flights have
cau'se'd considerable excitement.
Trusteeships Often
Mi?� 31 may -
ayLast T hr o u '.; 'h
have every +Confidence•
the friend whom you
appoint, as 'aIle original
Many LifetimesLS:OFnof his Busse
This strongTrust 'Company iulfils its' duties
far more effectively than it:possible in the ease 'of a private execu-
tor. It its ever on the ''watch in the interests of its clients and
through its Officers and Management it feels the pulse of the finan-
cial world as no private individual Can.
ca or write for full information.
SIR GEO. GIBBONS, S.C., President JOHN S. MOORE, Manager
Seven British. Dreadnoughts On Way
to Pacific, Says Rumor..
PANAMA, Nov. 10.—Panama 'Can-
al officials and members of the Lega-
tion here say they have no informs
tion concerning the report that seven
British Dreadnoughts were in the At-
lantic bound west, possibly with the
intention of proceeding through the
Panarna Canal to Pacific waters.
Col. George W. Goethals, governor
of the 'Panama Canal zone, says he
has heard nothing from Washington
relative to the use of the canal by
'Die whereabouts of the German
warships in the Pacific is unknown
Glasgow In the Straits.
SANTIAGO,Chile, Nov. 10.—Tile
British cruiser Glasgow, which ti0s
engaged with the German squadro,
in a- battle off the Chilean Coast on
Sunday, Nov. 1, and the British trans-
port Otranto have passed Delgada
Point Light in the Straits of Magel-
lan, bound for the Falkland Islands,
a British possession. to the east of the
•extreme southern point of South Am-
erica. , ;
This information is contaixted in
advices received here by the. Admir-
•alty from the navalauthorities•in the
Straits of Magellan, who said .they
had •seen the Glasgow and Otranto
passing through the straits toward
the Atlantic,
.fall Warship at.H. onohulu.
HONOLULU, Nov. 10. -..After re-
ceiving word that the Gerarlal} gun-
boat Geier had been -interned here
for the•duration of the var,•the Jap-
anese battleship Hizex)yhich has
been keeping a watch for the Geier
outside the harbor enteredthis port
yesterday for fuel and provisions., tin-
der the neutrality regulations the
Hisen. is privileged to remain 24
Carranza•Wtthholds Guarantee.
Admin-istration officials admitted last night
that the Mexican situation had again
assumed a delicate aspect.
Gen;,'Carranza has partially fulfill-
ed theWashington Government's re-
quest '
e -quest' for guarantees before with-
drawing the American troupe' from,
Vera ;Ortiz; but his decree does' not
satisfy the Main point asked for by
the United States, that Mexicans who
served the American Government
during the oecupation of the port, be
not punished subsequently for such
service. ,.
Just the Beverage fqrthe busy man:
rests the nerves and ensures sound sleep.
If not sold in your neighborhood, write
lee Special arrangements for direct shipment to
private consumers.
RIR-., • ., 52
Every Bell Tele-
phone is a Long
The Acme
of Efficiency
..OU can ' attain the highest
point of efcienY c in your
business by a systematic
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If you have never given
the TELEPHONE as a business
producer a proper opportti kty
Ask "Long 'Instance" for rates.
The Bell Telephone Co.