HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-10-22, Page 4Your home mere a.nt Will backlip . our HYDRO RADIALS CARRY
guarantee °n this. sendidf ra nge. Ask to see
eto„da and let him demonstrate its
'•" many .exclusive features to
: 'ou. A N cClary dealer, in every town. 89
Made -in -Canada
Sold by T. Hawkins & Son
ry,1;5x eter Abtio.C(AL),
Sander, & Creech, Proprietors
lo advance $L00 per yeaty"in• Canada
'$L5t, in United States. If net paid
in advance 50c, extra per fear tray
he charged
• TOURS 1 -)AY, OCT: .22
GwendaIine, the 12 -year-old daugti-.
ter of A. C. Hodgins eras operated en
Saturday for appemdicitis•ard; 1d ac -
sate intestinal obstrructian Little
hope is •field out for `her;alee;.ov.:r r,
.1 -ler father, who is iii the, West, is
as yet unaware of his: daughter'a ser-
ious iilnesa,-Mrs. Arthur Waring nas
returned home from London, ,+where
she has been under the care of •a;
throat specialist for the "?acid few :lays
Mr. Brownlee of Detroit is spending a
few days with his mother.-Laca:n.
teachers, Miss Sproat and Miss Wile.:
lis ,attended the Teachers' Associa-
tion in Landon. -Mr. Roy :ianley >tf
Edmonton is home spending a month`
with his - parezits, Mr. and ifrs. , as,
Stanley He reports that the craps ',-
round Edmonton are better :than they
have been. in the last fifteen years.
The father is now seriously ill from
second stroke, of paralysis sustained
;.Oa Sattni•day.
What might have been a serious c -
We have a sound business peopos-
it%oa' for a reliable energetic sales-
man for this district to sell fruit trees
small fruits, flowering shrubs,etc. Pay
weekly, outfit free, .exclusive territory
of fruit and ornamental stock under
caltivatioen. We sell through our sal -
Sir Adam Reck Sweeps Eleven of
Thirteen MuctloipatitieS,
Cooperation In Stork County P'rojeet
Is. Assured. by Heavy ltilajorities
*oiled lF! or Initial Publicly -Owned
]Road--Newantarket and Uxbridge
Tottrnsltip Are Against --Returns
to Come Do Not Affect Result,
TORONTO, Oct. 20.• --With the ex-
ception of the town of Newmarket
and the Township of Uxbridge all the
municipalities along the route of the
proposed Toronto and northeastern
district Hydro -radial gavo substantial
majorities for the bylaw submitted
yesterday, which empowers their
municipal councils to enter into an
agreement with the provincial coin -
mission, for the construction and op•
eration of the road. According to
the terms of the bylaw each muni-
cipality will issue debentures cover-
ing the proportion of cost for which
it will be responsible, and, these de-
bentures will be deposited with the
commission as security in financing
the undertaking.
Sir Adam Beck does not anticipate
that it will be necessary for the munil
cipalities to make any actual pay
menta, as interest and sinking fun
charges will be amply covered b
revenue' received from the railway
and the sale of power along the rout
of the radial.
Now that the electors have endors%
ed the bylaw it only remair}p for th
esmezi direct to the consumer and municipal counelis'to give it the thin
,guarantee delivery of fresh, high reading and the commiss on:will the
grade trees. Our agencies sere valu- be free to start the construction 0
able by reason of the service we give
ani the volume of business done.
Established 35 years. Write
P.S,-Handsome catalogue on re-
quest either to applicant or those
wishing nursery stock.
Miss Quinton is visiting her sister
Mrs. Ellerington in Usbarne,
Alas Meredith of Landon is` the
guest of Mrs".?Geo; Essery.
Mr. and Mrs Wm. Hodgert; o,f 13s -
borne visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wes;
Hodgins on Sunday.
Mr. Alex. McFa11s has had his dwel-
linr beautified by a fresh 'coat pf
pair][ e.
Mr. Harold Dublan was holidaying
eau -ten was averted by the pvesen. a at his home here last week,
eel mina of :dr. H. MciFalls of r on -t' Misr' Simpson of Mooresville is.
.don fie was cn his Nay, to visit his ; visiting her. sister, Mrs, John Demp-
parents here cn Sunday, the_ear axle se3'•
broke and let his car drop. He still
managed tc retain control of The i`ar
and guided it to safety over the grass
-Mr. John 1TcGrath, recently pro-
prietor of the Royal Hotel, has ac-
cepted a position in Toronto. He
intends. moving his family there this an Tuesday as supplies for the ,Brit -
week. -The ladies ief Lucas are, ,end- ish troops now engaged in the war
in= a bale of clothing for the Bel- Teere were 186 barrels of apples and
gian refugees. -Mr, Wm. Guilfoyle who potatoes and 125 bags of oats.
has been seriously ill for . a couple;,1 .A horse belonging to Mr. Jos, Law-
of weeks, is still in a precarious ::on- sem of Stephen while here on Tues-
-dition. say made a lively run, colliding with
with Mr, Jas. Godsave's fence and
damaging it considerably. The bug -
GRAND BEND gy was also somewhat damaged, but
=-a the horse escaped injury.
The Patriotic concert in the ,?gyres- The work of lowering the ditch
byterian church on Thanksgiving eve through the marshland east: of town
was well. attended. The proceeds a- is ltscgressing favorably and the con-
moltnted to $.50,50. -Miss Jessie and tractor i fr, Lawson, will soon have
Ida Webb and Mrs. Walter Nichols the job completed.
were around last week to all the farm
ers and villagers in this vicinity for..
the Patriotic fund. -Mr. John Baird Handicap For Some Industries -In -
has hired with Mr. Willett for a year. creased Activity For tilers
-lhr. Jermette is here visiting his son
Frank. -Mr and Mrs. Taylor of .Palo" •
est are visiting their daughter,Mrs, i'su1y, it is an ih-wind that blows
B. Bassenberry -Mr. Geo Oliver is nobody good. One Continent's
building a new house• -Mr. and 11Ir "do>t" is another Continent's `'up."
Walter England visited at P. J3akei s-
last Tuesday. -Mr. and Mrs. Jasenh 'The industries of Europe are, gener-
Gill arrived home last Friday; from ally speaking, at a sta::dstill, and
Ark dna where they have been ,sit •nat,t,3,s win be worse before they can
ins for a month, -Mr. Tiedenian who.
has been working in Lucan Visited' be better.
at his home here for a fes 'lays • The whole world is looking to th
The farmers of this vicinity; ire. busy -,`:North Amer;can Continent -to Ca.naet
plowing and picking apples .Mrs Dias
sot is the last' of the campers indalic' and the Unite -1 States -for much or
let: Tuesday fts provisions, machinery, t•>xtiles.
Boots and shoes, beverages, vehlci L
dement, brick. -earthsnwore.
The Patriotic Society in connection
with the ,Church is doing a good
work in preparing stuff to :end to
those engaged in the war.
Two well-filled cars contributed by
farmers and others left this station
GREENWA`.p • • --
V1rs Edwards,. Mrs. .Uieuis acrd- Miss-..goo•te. furs, glass garm itspap t•
Lillian were guests of .fig. 'Islatih
ewe, Denfield, last week. -Mr. 7t '
Woodburn has unproved. his ; '-ie .,
ence by putting a cement '.ouailation
under it -Mrs. Gillespie has returned
to Detroit after a week's visit with
her parents, ` e.;and Mrs, E 1' Pher-
son. -Mrs A:'."Golin, had -rhe iniifar-
turie tc. break her ankles out s re-
covering: Any; :one willing; t4` take,
part in the Patriotic Cosiciert' rto-v n
preparation will please notify.: ryas.
Emma McPherson, convenor at the
committee, -Rev. and Mrs. JeCtefs:a
of .Crediton called an Mr. tad Mrs.
A VI, Wilson, recently. Wood; . was;
received here last week ef the ud
den death of Mrs. Jos. Foster of Bay.
field. The funeral was held ea Sun-
day and a number of relatives= i'rom
here attended.
ser Forester and daughter, eta-
fre.l of Bay City, Mich,, visited ;i1r.'
Forster's son, Rev. Fr. Forster, :or
a fee days.,this week. -We are pleas;.-
ed to say that Mir.; Jas. Barry ie ' im-
proving after his serious llness, ,roti
pneumonia, -Mr. Peter Mcieahc 'II De-
troit is spending a few days sisiting
his brother, Neil Miclsaac of +ha i4tit
concession of 1V1cGiliivray.-Mins Cue -
rite of Ildertan is visiting iter 'pother
here, --Miss Smith 'of London I,
itilug .her uncle, Rev, Fr. F ors.er this
wceti -- frrs Casey 'and aon rice of
Lucan are- visitors at the irbine r>f
John Barry. -Messrs John Lenard and
M. gassett of Pa,r101111. a11ad on
fric,ntie here Sttn 1aya; ` •
Se f
` a tart! .Miss Mabel Straaser , the
xita.ughter, of Mr. H, 'W. St:asaer o;
title t tri was married at • Central
MellefelLs1 church.; Stratford, to Dav-
id P Marks of Stratfarr] 'l.hev will
reside fix Goderiieh
soap, tobacco, .wood pr'xlucts. a
much else. Clanada must get re-
to i set the demand made upon h r
We have continued prosp•^.rity ahs'
of ws- it`our manufacturer; and rn:r
•chests rise quickly to take advanta •r
of their opportunity.
the line. •
Some subdivisions hid not bee
heard from at a late hour last nigh
but these are not ':kely iq• make any
serious alteration it the result,
Evreoua,.ae'essi, Manufacturers ..
Leet week was 'Made in Winnipeg'
week in the Manitcbi capital, and
LtateadaeturVrs, retailers and citzens
geosenally co-or"rated is br'ng the
products of lora] industries befo e
:the public and to urge Winn'p2g
people to help bui:d up a libber and
beer city, by using goads -made in
local factories. The object' is a most
wonehy and commetulabla ane, and the'.
resse which has been made by the
c'teseme shows that western cities, as
W041 ah the older cities . of .the East,
etre developing a, civic pride and a
loefet patriotism that will be for the
geedof the community.'• --From
"Grain Growers Guide," May 27, 1914,
He Administers a Set -Back To Ger.
man Influence In Tt' key.
LONDON, Oct. 20.—A despatch to
Reuter's Telegram Co. from Petrol
grad says that the Constantinople cors
respondent of The Bourse- Gazette -
authority iy
au hority for the stateent that a!
a family council the Sultan of Tur+
key, in order to combat the dicta.
torsbip of Enver Pasha; Minister o
War and German influence • unexx
pectedly proclaimed the heir -pre,
sumptive to the Turkish throne, Yus•
sof Izzedin, Generalissimo of the
army and navy.
Prince. Yussof Izzedin is the eldest
son of the late Sultan Abdul Assiz.
Admiralty Provides Device , To Save
Lives. In Naval Disasters.
LONDON,Oct.. 20. That the Ad
miraltyy is fully alive to the necessity
of providing a mean; • for the crews
of warships that strike mines or are
torpedoed by submarines to escape
drowning,' 'since other warships ail
prdhiblted from going to their assist
anee, is shown by the announcement
y2sterday that the Admiralty is ar+
ranging for a general supply of swims
ming collars to be distributed to the
of icer[ and men of the fleet. The men
are' instructed that the collar shall NI
carried on their person when they
are awake and kept inflated' and near
each individual when he is asleep.
Detroit Pastor Acquitted. '
DETROIT, Mich., Oct. 20: Rev.
Joseph A. Cottam, former pastor o!a
the•:•Methbdist Episcopal Church in
Dearborn, near Detroit charged with
arson in connection with the burning
of his parsonage there last 'winter,
was acquitted yesterday afternoon af-
ter the jury bad deliberated on th
case twenty minutes. On the nigh
his home burned Rev. Mr. Cottam
wasto deliver . a widely advertised
sermon on "Why I am a Protestant.'.
The defendant maintained that per-,
sons of contrary religious views were
responsible for the lire. .
., ,U 3fLEY
(Iutetded for last week,) �+
Mr and 'Mrs, Rabe Bullard, .hfensall,
spent Sunday with relatives here.--Mr.
'Tilos Glenn has taken a position with
the Bash', of Commerce at Whitby.-
A yourie daughter has come to brigh-
ten. the home of Gordon Bolton. -The
faritter.• are taking advantage ;'of the
before oon weather
cold weathert sets irk n.
$100 'Reward $100.
rbe readers of this paper will be pleased to learn
that them is at leasi one dreaded disease thatseience
has been able to cure in all its stales, and that Is
Catarrh, Ball's Catarrhtiurc is the only positive
cure now known to the medical fraternity, Catarrh
beim a constitutional disease r+quires a con14titu-
ti9ual treatment: Hall's Catarrh Cure istaken in-
ternally, active directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system, therebydestroying the
foundation of the disease, and giving the patient
strength by building np the constitution and assist‘,
ing nature is doing ite work. The proprietors have
so much faith in he curative powers that they offer
One Hundred Dollars for any ease, that it fails to
cure. Send for list of testimonials
Addreea F. J. uOgif:77 .a CO., Toledo, 0.
Solei by alt Druggists', 75 cents,
Take lSell'eAllay Pdis for constipation.
Mrs John. Gasho, is visiting her par-
ents a' Pigeon,, Mich. for a few weeks
>V1is, Maranda. Brown, who is attend-
ing the Normal school at Stratford,
visite 1 her parents, Rev. and Mrsi
Brown. -W. H. Bender has moved, to
his new house, Mr, Geo, Witmer is
moving into the one vacated by Mr,'
Bender and Mr. Peter Koehler, to
Mr. Witmer's house, -Miss Mell Koeh-
ler visited her sister, Mrs; D. Studer
at Tavistock. -Mr. Arthur Truemnsr
of Toronto visited his parents, Mr.
and Mrs Herity Truemner.=Mrs. Oue
tette and Mrs. Mosseau"'of'near Walk-
ervil are visiting -their mother, Mrs.
John Rau Sr.,,who contineevery ill.'
The Patriotic Dance mentioned last
issue will take place int the hall 'fere
this. Friday night, • Oct. ?3rd. i he
ladie^ are .requested to furnish the.
lunch. The gentlemen will be charg-
ed 50c. a couple. Let everybody as-
sist in the,, good "work and elao:.liave a
good time. -The Blacksmith 'Asap here
has been. again opened for ousiness'
after being , closed for several years.
Heroic Boy Saves Girl.
BXtOCKVILLB, Ont., Oct. 20. --
Beatrice Daley, six years old, fell my
to the St. Lawrence river and was
saved from death by. 'Delaine Polow,
aged 11, who plckily. eds ,fx
the water, held the small girl ,WItfi
one hand and swam to.shore,
Prisoner (Ries To War:
• EXNGS,TON';,,O4t..20,-13Onabadier•
Boucher, why was serving a tertnein
the Central ter assaulting a little girl
was released yesterday to enlist for
overseas duty, Ile left here for Mont.
real to enlist.
Neuritis Follows
Crippled Nerves
Painful Effects of Chrinic Rheumal-
isni Quickly Routed by Rheuma.
If your nerves are all crippled from
attacks of Rheumatism, Neuritis can
easily get a strong hold on the nerves
This most painful disease is one of
the hardest known to expel, but
RHEUMA can reach it if given a
chance This testimony is positive
"Last March I was so crippled with
Neuritis in left limb I could walk
scarcely at all. Tried all remedies I
heard of and had two physicians. '.loth
ing did me any good until I esed
leHEUMA-$2.00 worth of your med-
icines surely cured me, -Mrs. C. E.
Hayes, Russell, Ky.
Such testimony should be convinc-
ing 50 cents of W. S. Cole, guaran-
Auction Sale of °m'
Thos. Cameron has received instruc
teens to sell a sale advertised hi oast -
ears' by Jas. Stanley, at the IVYetropoii-
tan Hotel, Exeter, on SATURDAY,
OCT. 24th. at one o'clock sharp :
75 • yearling steers and neifers; 12
steers 2 years old; a few farrow cows
The above is a good clean lot cf
cattle and will be sold without re-
,} Terms -12 months' credit an fur -
!shins; approved joint notes with 5
per cent . interest.
M Cunningham and, E. Hodgson, Pro-
prietors; T. Cameron, .Auctioneer.
Auction Sale.
ALEXANDER LAIRD, General Manager ., JOHN AIRD, Ass't General Manage;
CAPITAL, $1'5,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000
Accounts may be opened at every branch of The Canadian Bank
of Commerce to be operated by mail,, and will receive the same
careful attention as is given to all other departments of the Bank's,,..
business. Money may be deposited or• withdrawn in this way as
satisfactorily as by a personal visit to the Bank. s29
•Incorporated 1855
Capital & Reserve $8,800,000
' at all Branches. - Interest allowed at highest current rate.
' 'Issued
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion taovernment.
N. D. HURDON Manager,
On • Lot 11, Con. 10, StePhen,, .sn
Wednesday, Nov. 4th, at 1,00 sharp-,
Horses -Mare 7-yr-oTd; ,horse -yr;
old driving mare'5 yr -old; iged mare
supposed in foal to Percheron Horse;
Gelding rising 4 -yr -old; ,xelding, ris-
ing 3 -yr -old; filly, rising 3 -yr.; Two,
sucking colts 1
Cattle -3 cows supposed o he in
calf; .1' fartow`'cove; 2 -yr -old heifer
supposed rto be in calf; 2 -yr -old heif-
er: 2 -yr -old steer; 4 spring calves.
Hogs and Pounitry—Brood ,ow due
to farrow in December; 19 store
prigs 3 months old, About ' 0 chic-
Implements, Etc, -Frost & Wood
Binder, 6 foot cut, nearly 'few; rosy
& Wood nearly new; mower;, horse
rake- - drill; cultivator; 'disc 'i.irrow,
set of diamond barrows; 2 -furrow
plow; riding plow; scuffter; lumbar
wagon; covered buggy; open buggy.
cart; pair bob -sleighs; cutter, gravel
box and pig box , combined; fanning
mill, hay rack; root . pulpery 1200 ,b,
scales water trough,; sugar kettle.;
Melott cream. separator; vheel bar-
row; gras:; seeder; stoneboat; :,et of
clouble harness set single ,'farness;
coal heating Stove with oven; 'fax
stone ; wire stretcher; 22 -foot lads
der. ,step•, ladder; Daisy ahurn;
cream freezer; freezer; number of tap oasis.
Number of 3 and' 4 inch tile; .tbout
ten tons of hay; forks, shovels, .hairs
ac ct other stadia. articles tete uulner-.
-r.,)uis'to -mention.
Terms: -Hay Cash,; any all ether er-
titles •: l0•. and ,under<..:cash ;, over 'hat
amount :11 .months, credit +will-: be gle-
es, on, •furniehin lisp stowed dint, notes
4cnc is on th ! G odes. will be Alcove -
ad off of credit- amounts :or cash,'
^ ything, will positively r,e " : old
as the Proprietor has sold nis'Carm
F ,bt Mawhinney E,S Plliilips
Prop Auct, teeter
Corbett -Miss Irene McLeod has
tingbox, pul per, 2 single buggies;
gone to St. Joseph Hospital, _.on light
rig cutter, 2 sets double harness
to trait for a nurse. 2 sets single harness, pig rack, wheel
barrow grindstone, emerystone, hay
fork. 300 fence slats, cedar posts,
sugar kettle, sap pails. and other
Auction Sale articles too numerous to mention.
A quantity of inangolds in pits,
Household Furniture, bedroom set;
1 bee mattress and springs, stave,
glass cupboard, kitchen chairs, 'eaf
table, carpet, pails, churn, washing ma-
chine arts', rubber bathtub.
Terms -$.10 and under cash, aver.
that amount 12 months credit, will be
given on furnishing approved joint
notes,or a discount df 5 per cent.
per annum off for cash in lieu of
notes ELI COULTIS, Prop,
There will be offered for sale by
public auction, on the premises, on
Tuesday, the tenth day of November
A. D., 1914, at 2 o'clock in the al
ternoon; the following property:-Be-
roperty:-Be-int; Lots Numbers 57 to 68 inclusive
in the• Village of Centralia, to the
County of . Huron, the property of the
late Joseph Marshall., On this 'at 1s JOSEPH WHITE, Auct,
a seeen-reamed brick cottage •with a
sunineakitchen, driving shed :end a
stable The buildings are all it good:
condition. The property is well
fenced and contains . a number •)f
fruit trees. This is a desirable resi-
dential property and is conn niently
situated. sons Nagainst the late Thomas Philisky Mc-
after.avin' an.
Terms -Tem per cent on lay of e y claims or demands
sale, and .balance, in 30 days there -
Further particulars will be Laughlia. in his lifetime- of the Town -
made known on day of sale or may .:bc ship of Stephen in the County of Hu-
roti Physician, who died on, or .about
had an application to
Gladman ee Stanbury B. S. ' hillips the Twenty-sixth day of April, A.D.
Barristers, Exeter, Alia, Lxc1ai 1913 are required on or before the
Soles far Adliiini.stratrix First day 91 November, A. D. 1914
to send by post prepaid or to deliver
to The Canada Trust Company, 446
Auction Sale !Richmond Street, London, Ontario,
the Administratrators of the Estate
OF FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS of the said .-Thomas Phillisky Mc -
t Laughllin their names and addresses
There will be sold by, public auc- t and full •particulars in writings, of their
oaf Lot 3 .Con. 6, Usborne, 2 miles t claisn..c and statements,. of their ac -
South of Elimville, on, '.' counts duly verified and the nature
THURBDAY, OCT. 29, '.914, the securities, if any, •held by them.
at one o'clock sharp,-• lac
AND TAKE NOTICE that after -the
Horses -1 mare 7 yrs. old, sups to be ,said Fust, day of ,November, A. D,
in foal: 1 mare 3 -yr -old reliable driv- 11914 the . said The Canada Trust
ing mare 9 -yr -old; aged horse, three . Company will then proceed to
sucking colts, distribute the assets of the said de -
Cattle -2 'cows due in November, 3 ceased among the persons entitled
caw, due in.March; 1 cow due in Ap- thereto, having 'regard only to the
rill 7 yearling steers; 5 calves. claims of which they shall then have
Pig=. and Hens -1 sow, 11 shoats; a had notice and that the said The.
number of hens and pullets • Canada Must Company will not ,be
Implements -wagon and box;; pain liable for the said assets or any part
sleighs; Massey Harris binder .'iearly thereof to any persons of whose
new; McCormick mower; sulky rake claims they shall not then have re -
Massey Harris hay lloader; hay. rack; ceived notice.
s1 iding .rack, manure spreader; disc.; Dates'. at London Ont, this First
cultivator. seed drill; roller, set har- ,:day of October, A. D. 1914.
rows 3 walking plows; 2 gang 'plows MEREDITH & FISHER ,
lriding plow; set scales 2000 lbs; 1 . Barristers, Etc.,
fanning, mill with bagger; gasoline en- • Liars, , Ont,
gine; cream separator; grinder, nut- Solicitors for the "Administrators
NOTICE is hereby given pursti n
to Statute in that behalf that all per -
e -tee
Buyers to Share in Profits
1 Lower Prices, • on Ford Cars '
Effective from August 1, 1914, to August 1,'1915
and guerantted against any reduction during that .
TOURING CAR .... $590
RUNABOUT .:.....540 -
TOWN CAR, ...... 840
In the Dominion of Canada only
FURTHER we will be able to obtain the maxi-
mum efficiency in our faotoryroduction, and..
minimuGist in our pur � + i p
p ch sing rttrd sales depot t
rents IP we can re toh ,cn outputs of 30,000 cars be
tw'bn the above dates.
AND should we reach this production we agree
t i pay, tee the buyers share, from $10 ter $60 psi. •
c •" r It t
r1 ono ottrlu n
t ( tI. gist 1, 1915) to every retail
` ;: 'bilyerwvvj , purchases it new Ford ear between
August 1, 19L4 Atli Auguste, 1915.E '
;For further p erticui_ire regarding these"low' prim- ,
_to and prnlr,:,.OA, inn plain, see the netregt Ford '
. Branch or Dealer. - , .,. ; . , .
Get particulars. from Wes. Snell, agent,-