HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-10-8, Page 5[1.1;t
Dr. G. F. RoxII,ASTON, L.D,s.,
Member of the R.C.b.S. of Oaatario ands;
)loner praduaty ot, Toronto 114liversity'4,
tinea -Over D9ckBO0 Caxiiaig'a lave
attice. Closed ;Wednesday attertsoone.
pet. A. R. KINSMAN, L.D.s„ D.D..$h
Honor 'Graduate fat Toronto Universltty`,
Teeth_ extracted without pain, or any
bad eerrects.; Offleee over Gladm'an
BtantrarY s Office,` Matin Street, Eieeterea
Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Oom-'
na;ssioners. Solicitors .f or the Molsons
Hank; etc.
Money to Goan at lowest rates of interest
Offices -Main -St:, Exeter
I. R. Carling, H.A. L. H. Dickson
have a large amount of private
to loan on fawn and village prop -
at low rates of ttntereat.
Barri titer s Solicitors. Dieter,
Lite, Fire; Accident and Plate Glass
Insurance, Coileetl'ng accounts, and con -1
ducting 'auction sales, Elxeter,.' Ont.
THE sole head of a family, or any
male over 18 years old, may homestead
, a quarter -section of available Domin-
ion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, or
Alberta The applicant must eppaar
in perso at the Dominion Lands Ag-
ency ot Sub -Agency for the Dis-
trict. Entry may be made at ' eny
Dominion Lands Agency (hut . not
Sub -Agency) on certain conditions.
Duties -Six months' residence upon
and cultivation of the land in each of
three years.. A homesteader 'nay live
within .nine miles of hie homestead cn
a fad of et least 80 acres, on certain
conditions. A habitable .house is re-
quired in every case, except when 1 e-
sidence is performed in the vicinity.
Incertaite disttiets a homesteader in
good standing may pre-empt a quarter
section alongside his homestead. Price
$3 per acre. Duties -Six months resi-
dence in each of three years after
earniraf homestead patent; also 50
acres extra cultivation. Pre-emption
patent may be obtained as soon. as
homestead patent, on certain condi-
A 'settler who has exhausted his
homestead Tright may take a purchas-
ed homestead .in certain districts.
Praice $3 per,. acre. Ditties -Must re-
side 6 menthe in each of 3 years, cu-
ltivate 50 acres, and erect a house
worth $300.
The aatea of cultivation, is subject
to reduction in. case 'of rough, scrub-
by or stony land. Live stock may be
"'substituted fes cultivation under cer-
tainn conditions.
W. W. CORY, C.M.G.
Deputy of the Minister or the Interior
N.B.-Unautherized publication of
this advertisement v+iill halt be' paid for.
krle ror
gulating Pill for women. $5 a box or three for`
$10. Sold at all Drug Stores, or mailed to any
address on receipt of price.. Tits SdOBELL Dave
Co., St. Catharines, Ontario.
Vitality; for Nerve and Brain; increases "grey
matter" ; a Tonic -will build you up. $3 a box, or
two for $5, at drug stores, or by mail on receipt
0 psi 1.e. TGE SCODELL Davy Co., st. Catharines.
is a school with a continental repu-
tation. for high grade work and for the
success of its graduates, a school
with superior courses and instructors
We give individual attention in Com-
mercial, Sharthaad and Telegraphy
Departments. Why attend elsewhere
wher there is room here? You) may
enter at any time. Write for our
large free catalogue
D. A. McLachlan, Principal
Attend the Best. It always pays
TORONTO has a National deputa-
tion far superior Business and Short-'
hand Education, Catalogue free,
Commence now.
W J. ELLIOTT, Principal
734 Yonge St., Toronto.
is interested and should know
about the wonderful
Marvel WDeaac1aehirifngSpray
Mk your druggist for
it. If he cannot supply
the MARVEL, accept no
other, but send stamp for Illus-
trated book -sealed. It gives full
particulars and directions invaluable
toiadies, WINDSOR SUPPLY CO„Windsor, Ont.
General Agents for Canada.
Thanksgiving Day
Gobcl Going and •Returning. Monday
October 12
Geed Going October I0aa142 •
eturn lktuit; October "^13, 1014
een all •statin ..in Canada east
of , Part .Arthur, ax d to J'Detro,t • and.
Port Huron !Mahe." Buffaie,' Black
Rock, Niagara Falls and Suspension
‘) Bridge, N Y.
Tickets now on Sate at all Grand
N, J, DORE, Exeter
Auction Sale
There tivi•11 be sold by public auc-
tie% .on Lot 6, Con, 7, Stephen, lg
Miles South of Creditors, on
THURSDAY, OCT. 15th, 1914
At .-,2 oeclock p, in„ • the following
property, viz.--
Horsee-hair grey matched geldings
se•" 3 sired by 'Miller;filly rising 3
sired d by Southport driving snare quiet
anal reliable; aged working horse.
Cattle -80 bead of cattle -20 dews
supposed to be in • calf,, three due at
New Yeasen 15 steers rising 3 years ;
22 yearling.; 18 spring calves, 3 ,Zars
roc' cows
Pig. and Fowl -11 fat hogs; 2 sows
due to farrow time of sale; 100 hens,
Implements -New Dearing binder, 7
ft cute• new Deering mower, 6 feet
cut; nee Deering seed drill, 13 is>ies;
new Deering disc harrow, 14 disc;
Massey -Harris cgltivator; new Deer-
ing hay rake, land railer, sod plow,
scuffler •Cockshutt plow; diamond har
rows 4 section and cart; wagon and
rack, wagon box, pair bobsleighs,
light wagon, 2 buggies, 1 rubber tire
Portland cutter, pine water
tank, fan-
nlnb hill, m11 cl stone,ne, set scales
wheel barrow, robes, bells, blanketsf,
3 doz. grain bags, doublet heavy liar-
nesst ,set single harness, set plow
harness ; forks, shovels, • whiffletrees
neckyake and other articles too num-
erous; to mention; 10 'eons hay; quan-
tity oat and barley straw to be fed
on, the place; quantity lumber; 4'
piles rails.
1I itsehola Effects -Parlor suite, 2
bedroom suites, sideboard dining -oom
chaiate table's -hanging lamp; nattrdss
5 streaen coal ,oil 'and wood ange,
stave coal;''2 hedroom stoves; :earn-
er tick rug,ntailet sets; .picture
frarnee 2 -qt. genes, 2 churns, ai'x.
pails arta cans and other! articles .00
ti,tttiigrou=. to me'rltian. _
Terns -A11 sums of $10 and under
cash.- suet that amount 12 .nonths'
credit at approved joint notes. 5
per.cent off for. cash on credit
amounts Rails cash. No ,reserve as
the proprietor has sold the farm.
Auctioneer Proprieto•
Auction Sale
• There will be sold by public auc-
tion, an Lot 9, Con. 1, Usborne, 13
miles South of Exeter, on,
• TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1.914
A: one o'clock; the following, -
Horses -Driving mare 10 years old
in foal to Lord of Manor; ,:arriage
marc rising 4, suitable far farm .hiv-
ing: yearling heavy draught mare, ;ir-
ed by Uncle John.
Cattle -Caw due in, Jan.; two+ Bowe
supposed to be in 'calf; 4 yearling
steers; 7 yearling heifers; 10 spring
calves •
Pigs -Brood sow due to farrow be-
innine' of Nov.; 2 brood sows due
last of itiar..
Also n1. mber hens, good Collie dog
1a; year.; old. .
Implememnts-7 ft. binder, 6 ft.
mover 9 ft. rake; 13 disc drill, -9
ft steei land troller, 6 ft. cultivator,
3 sectioai lever harrows, Fleury walk
ung plot• No. 21; Maxwell root pul-
per, (these implements are all new)
wagon hay rack, gravel box, set ,snub
le hannees. top buggy, road cart, cut-
ter wbiffletrees, neckyoke, new Mal-
otte seearator, new Daisy churn,
good cook stove, coal or wood, and
other articles too numerous to men-
Terms -A11 sums of. $,10 and"ander
cash; over that amount 8 months'
credit on furnishing approved 'oint
notes 5 per cent. per annum off for
-There will be no' reserve as •,he
proprietor has given up farming.
Proprietor Auctioneer.
There will be sold by public Rue-
tion or. Lot 14, Con, 1, Hay, 13, miles
South of Hensall, on
WEDNESDAY, OCT., 14, 1914
At. one o clock sharp, the following. -e.
Horses -.Pair first class matched
tneees draught; 2 fillies 2 yrs. old
agile,,. sucking colt, agric.; sucking
oat',eat/lege; farmers driving mare,
quiet 'and reliable;
Cattle -Caw Clue at time of sale;
cow- 'due in Dec.; Jersey: cow due in
each. ;Holstein, cow due nn• Mch ; Short
harp due in Mai.; 2 Polled Angus
C0WJ, dile in Mar.; 6 heifers, 2 yrs.
old. 5 steers, 2 years old; 5 yearling
steers and heifers; 5 calves; 3 Yark
sows with litter at foot; New Hamp-
shire saw, with litter at foot, 6 store
hags 135 lbs, weight.
A number of pure bred Plymouth
reek hen.: and pullets; 10 tons• fitst-
clas; hay a quantity straw, half on
acre turnips, half an acre mangolds;
water trough,
Positively no reserve as the pro-
prietoi is moving into town.
Terms -$10 and under cash; 8
months credit on furnishing approved
joint notes, 6 per cent. per annum
off four cash on credit amounts..
J. R McDonald, Thos. Cameron,
Proprietor Auctioneer.
SEAFORTH-Donald McIntyre one
cf our oldest residents died on Friday
evening .as a result of a paralytic
stroke following a fall some titre ago.
He was a shoemaker by trade and
was 77 years of age.
Hon, J 0, Rea:urie has been ape
painted registrar of Essex. He will
assume hi:, duties in, a few clays.
Subjects taught by expertinstructora
at the, ri!.
Y, M. C. A, BLDG..
,Students assisted dta positions.s
. College
in session from Sept.
1st. Catalogtie
free. Enter any time.
J.171. Wedervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr,
PriddipaL .Chartetee escountant
l Iry Vice-erinetpal
Important vents Which Hay".
Occurred burinq tile Week. '
The Busy �.. 't iarld'ss Ra �� ii;
u ,n s pare -
fully Compiled and rut Into
Handy and Attractive Shape for
the .Readers of Our Paper -A
Solid Hour's Enjoyment.
The femora of Caradoo Township,
Middlesex County, ha'Pe'decided to of-
fer the Militia Dep rtment a gift of
20 horses mitea,* fer geryrposes.
The locomotive word atngston
has r iece vel ia b hr e the
British War Office through kOttawa,
for the supply of shrapnel shells for
large guns.
Sir Charles Johnston was .yester-
day elected Lord : Mayor of London
for the term of one year, beginning
Nov. 9, 1914. He hucceeds Sir
Thomas V. Bowater,
Official denial of tike eking of a
French warship by the I.u$ rian forts
C t ro-
ta was madeyesaY
erd by
the French Admiralty through the
embassy at Washington.
Queen's University opened to -day
and registration will fail short of last
year mainly because ofthe war. Many
science students have enrolled with
the Canadian engineers,
King Victor Emmanuel, aceom-
panted by Gen. Grandi, Italian_Minis-
ter of War, assisted in the military
manoeuvres held yesterday between
Bracelano and Viterbd, Italy.
A vote to•abolish the London, Ont.,
Board of, Control, which has, been In'
existence less than a year, 'will be_
taken "next January. ."-The "majority'
of.the aldermen are among those op-
posed to the present system.
Before Judge McDonald in the
county judge's criminal . court at
Brockville, Where he;elected •a- speejiy;
trial, Joseph Johnston pleaded guilty
to five charges of burglary committed
at' Brockville, and•,.was sentenced to
fife years' in prison.
TH U lieDAY.
Official advices from Mexico City
yesterday announced the issuance of
a decree annullieg all Milne titles
granted du:ing the Huerta adminis-
tr tion.
The St. Thomas City Council has
borrowed $18,000 from the surplus
funds of the local Hydro -Electric de-
partment for the purpose of continu-
ing local improvements.
John Lally, 69, for the past twenty
years lockmast r on the Cornwall
Canal, died of appendicitis at the Ho-
tel Dieu ir, Cornwall yesterday morn-
ing. He was not ill a week.
The Order of th ' Iron Cross, first
and second-class, haa been conferred
on Prince William of Hohenzollern.
His daughter is the wife of Manuel,
the former King of Portugal.
The. Canadian postal department
has placed a ban on The Fatherland,
a New York paper, which purported
to present anunprejudiced account of
the war, but was grossly pro -Ger-
Despondent because of his inabil-
ity to secure enough money to get.
married, Owen Nett, an Englishman,
aged 22, of Toronto, co:•amitted sui-
cide Tuesday night 1/ inhaling illu-
minated gas.
Chester Spearman, 62 years old, of
Richmond, 20 miles from Ottawa,
was gored to death Tuesday by a bull
on his own farm. Neighbors found
the mangled body in a field rear bis
home early yesterday morning.
• .,I?uwdet exploding yesterday in the
plant of the Pain Fireworks Co., at
Chicago; wrecked the building and
killed three persons. The structure
wassituated just outside the princi-
pal . business district of the city.
The crew of the steamer Selby,
slink by b. mine in the North Sea
while on a foyage from Shields to
Antwerp, was landed at Lowestoft
An official message issued at Buda-
pest, according to a Rome despatch to
the Exchange Telegraph Co., states
that Hungarians have recaptured Vz-
sok-Pass in the Carpathians.
The ratepayers of the Township of
Kitley voted down by a large major-
ity a bylaw to bonus the proposed
Gananoque, Arnprior & Ottawa Rail-
way to the amount of $25,000,
Prompt measures in procuring and
forwarding warm clothing for the
French soldiers for the winter is urg'-
ed by the national committee appoint-
ed to take oharge of that work.
Henry De Mame and Alton Heath,
river guides, residing at Thousand.
Island Park, were drowned in the riv-
er near Grennell Island,while malting
a crossing between these two points.
Starting in a shed at the rear of ,3,
building, fire did considerable dam-
age yesterday afternoon to a block
on Main street, Galt, owned by M.
Brock Wilkins of Toronto. The loss
is .$10,000.
Lt. -Col. T. G. J. Beuchon is listed
as "killed on the field of honor". in
the latest French easuality list. He
was one of the French leaders in the
campaign of the great nations against
China in the Boxer rebellion.
The coroner's jiver" at Montreal
yesterday bseaught In a verdict of
murder agal ist J. N. Lapres fey
shooting Jule Lavergne in the lat-
ter's photbgi`a'his studio WednesdaY.
spree lid it
wounded at
Notre Dame Hodp ital.
Hon. 1. DReid, Minister of Cup -
t m , has been appointed honorary
li , ten n -cgnel of the 56th Gr4n-
vil e, o 11..�' plat
Appli do 1 for extenslo,n o4 gee()
will be made tb, the Dominion Pe -
mep,t n t see i n byte Brantford
& a on E ctric Railway Co
quglieImo Marconi, inventor of
wireless telegraphy, has completed an
inspection of the wireless ' "stations
throughout Italy and reportsr,finding,.
thepa,Pticlennt, s,,
'' jinuel Atkins' came u t before
Ridge Roger' at Co'bourg yesterday
and wile sentenced to one year iii jail
On a charge, of assault on a young
girl under fifteen.
The death occurred in Brockville
of V. 11,, Marshall for many years
prominent in the colnmereia,l and
nannjelpal 146' cf WrOCIt7illg Iitt sietx
ed Ol8lit to s :in the 'Cita Coupe l%4
The .Corner -stone of a Carnegie
public library et Sterling, Ont., was
laid with lvlasonio ceremony In the
presence of 1,500 people. The
lage provided the site and received
a gift of $5,000 from the Carnegie
Alexandre Ribot, the French Min-
ister of Finance yesterday informed
the Cabinet that the financial situa--
tion on Qot. 1 was entirely satlsfae-
obo sshow ' by €In examination. of
#. o e of the tr asury department
and k
the Bank ''of France,
A Petrograd despatch says It is
Wm -0408,11y annelf14091 that Emper-
or William has left resl1su for Thorn
and Bromberg in art Prussia.
M. E hen
s Minof of
Y ,
ger Mate .
Luxemburg, has issued a proclama-
tion urging the people of the little
state to remain calm in the face of
Ger an aggressions,
Ward. Hamilton Bowiby, K.C., cele-
brated his 80th birthday yesterday in
$erlin. He is the oldest ccrownattor-
tigy in the Dominion of Canada, hav-
In he
g ld his position for 47 ye7,00ars.
The war is costing rappes $0,-
000 a day. Minister of Finance A.lex-
endre Ribot announced Saturday
that the outlay for the first 60 days
of the conflict had been $42'0,000,-
Among the speakers on the second
day of the American Bar Association
Convention in New York on Oct. 20,
21 and 22, will be Sir Charles `Fitz.
patrick, Chief Justice of the Canadian
Supreme Court.
"' 'Lieut. Harold Pearson, M.P., son of
Lord Cowdray, the noted oil finan-
cier;. who Was taken prisoner at the
battle of the Marne„ was later shot
and killed by a Getman sentry while
trying to escape:
Samuel Jones, farmer, ` of Percy
Township, was found dead by a
neighbor at his farm near Wark-
worth, Ont.,' Saturday. Mr. Jones
was' suddenly attacked by illness
while'in the fields,
Choosing a .term in 'jail in prefer-
enceao returning to -,the tramp steam
er i&skehall and serving under Capt.'
Harris, thirteen sailors were sentenc-
ed Saturday to 12 weeks in jail by
Judge Lanctot at. Montreal for hav-
ing "mutinied"•on beard the steamer.
The Earl of Minto, formerly 'Gov-
ernor-General of Canada, has left a
personal estate of .$800,000 and also
considerable real estate.
Among the wounded who have just
arrived in Paris is Col. Du Pity De
Clam He is well remembered as a
central ,figure in the famous Dreyfus
trial :
The -Prince of Wales' fund in Lon-
don has reached $15,0.00,000. and the
Princehas issued a letter expressing
his thanks for the Generous contribu-
tions ,.` -
Ref: Dr. J. B. Silcox, of Kansas
City, and formerly of Winnipeg, has
been .called to the pastorate of the
First" Congregational Church, Lon-
don (int. .. .
a .celebration in honor of the repub-
lic of -Portugal, which was proclaim-
ed on Oct. 5, 1910, were held in Lis-
bon yesterday. The Lisbon garrison
passed in review before the Presi-
By the failing in of the roofs of
two motor garages yesterday in Cal-
gary through the weight of snow, 30
automobiles were smothered in de-
bris and damage to cars and build-
ings is estimated to be $35,000.
Col. Sam Hughes stated last night
that he might make a trip to Eng-
land in November to see the Canadian
contingent in training. He leaves to-
day for a week's rest at Lindsay and
some hunting in Haliburton county.
U. S. Ambassador Morganthau at
Constantinople has appealed to the
State Department for additional
funds for the relief of Americans in
the Ottoman Empire. The recent de-
posit by the United States of $150,-
000 has been found inadequate.
Eitel Friedrich Has Family Faculty
For Evading Capture.
PARIS, Oct.,.6.-When the German
troops occupied Coulommiers they
took the chief officials of the town
as hostages for an indemnity of $20,-
20;000 The officials protested that it
was impossible to provide this, as all
the wealthy inhabitants had left. The
German general threatened to have
the hostages shot, but in the midst of
this scene a tall young officer entered.
Gen. •Von Kluk clicked his heels and
saluted. Then followed a short col-
loquy with the unknown officer, to
whom the general showed an extra-
ordinary deference. The hostages
were led out into the street and plac-
ed with their backs against a wall
while twelve soldiers covered them
with rifles. For nearly twenty min-
utes the hostages faced the muzzles
of the rifles, •not knowing when the
officer's sabre would fall, giving the
signal for their death. .
Suddenlyfrom above came the
drone, of an aeroplane. The aviator
descended. He brought bad news.
The British forces were approaching
in great strength. The `,O'erisians, for-
getting their` prisoners,' made a- dash
for their quartets, and half an : hour
later they evacuated ,"the town' ` in
something like a panI . Otic of the
first to leave was the tall young. offi-
cer to whom Von Kink had si}owu
such great deference: Mounted 'on a
fine horse, and striking to, the left
and right with his sabre, he f,,prced
his way through the terrified infan-
try. According to stories of German
stragglers whom the British topic
prisoners, this young man who wee
in a hurry, was Prince Eitel Fried-
rich, the Kaiser's second son.
litdiain -Troops in Africa.
LONl$) N, " Oct, 6. - 'That Indian
troops have,been sentto aid -the Brit-
ish fomes in capturing. the German
East African colonies wats..attm.1tt,0
yesterday. .
In an official st"atemefit issued 'by
the war bureau It "lv a ii stated that the
German Bast African forces were re-
peatedly repulsed with loss by the
British East African forces during
September; the British having been
reinforced by Indian troops,
• �' Fri ht ► '-
! I111� 5140 l Napoleoxi 441, Aman
ttlha, a ^Rea oto acli is
ppretty pure to be aoor lighter. Itis dl supe,
almost :impossible -for anyone, Mian or woman,
a'r digestion is poor, to succeed' in btrsineds or
000411y -or to enjoy11.#e„ In tablet.ar liquid form
pfr� Pierces
GQ lden Me� dical l iscovery
helps weak stomachs to strong, healthy action--
he s thorn to digest the food that snakes the good,.
rich,' red blood which nourishes the entire body,
the liver into activity -oils the machinery,
This vegetable remedy, to a teat extent,
very of
the human system so that those who spend their working hours at the desk,
behind the counter, or in the home are rejuvenated into vigorous health.
Ras brought relief to many thousands every year for over forty years. It can
relieve You and doubtless restore to you your former health anden . At
least You owe it to yourself to give it a trial. Sold bYMedicine Dealers o sr end50cfor
blather of Tablets -Dr. Pierce's Invalids' siotel &Surgical Institute, Buftalo,N.Y.
You can have Dr. Purce's Common Sense Medical Adviser of 1008 Pages for 310
School Report for September,. -Sr.
IV. V. Bell 77; W. Routly 67, E.
1 M. s W�t<lablurn 61, G. Del •
bridge 58 ' V. Heywood 57; Jr, IV., L
Johns 88, E, Horne 83, G Barnard 50
L. Cornish 44, G, Johns 37; Sr. III.,
F. Heywood 65, R. Smale 48, M. Coe -
;ash 33: Jr. III., T Creery 66, C,Bell
52 B .Medd 51, F, Routly 44, W.Hey
wood 38, F. Skinned- 33, J. Barnard 30
M. Heywood 29; Sr. II., R. Johns 58
E. johns •55, M. Cornish; 54, T. Hey-
wood 29 R. Delbridge 22;' J. Wilson
20; Jr II„ F. Harne2 47, C., Heywo eel
39; I. -R Btroc:ls 90, M., Johns , 840;,;
Horne 72 W. Bell 57, H. Delbridge 1.:9:
Pfrime '-13., J. Ridley 80, E. Cornish 60:
H .Heywood 40; A., N. RautIy 80;
1. Harness 70, L. Heywood 65, G.Johne
60 N. Medd 59, A. Johns 56, T.johns
46; C M. Bell 70, A, Cheery 65, W.
Johne 64_ I. Harness 50, H. Jahns 40
G. Wilson 10.
Me. Christopher Miller of the <'14th,
Cotn is seriously ill at present, iMrs..
Wg;9;a of London is visiting with her
parents Mr. and Mrs, John Hildebrand
-Misses Alveda and Selma Weseloh
of London visited their parents, Mr.
and Mrs, H. F. Weselah.-The marri-
age tool place of Miss Elizabeth,?
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kraus-,
kapf. to Mr. Alexander Voisin ,at St.
Boniface church, on Oct. 6. -Mrs, D.
Gottschalk of Bad Axe, 'Mich., is
visitant; bee mother, Mrs, A. Lehman
-.\$7 • George Hess of Detroit is
spending his holidays at the home of
his father Mr. F. Hess, Sr. -Mrs,
Chris Gascho and daughter of Mich.,
are visiting with the farmer's parents,
Mr, and Mrs. M. Kercher.-Messrs. W.
0; Robinson, J. A. S'urerus and R. M,
Geiger left for Toronto to attend
Victoria College. -Mr. and Mrs. H.
1VIagel en,cl son: Eiiuer of Detroit re -
newel old acquaintanceshere fox a
few days. They were farmer t esi-
dents of. Zurich.
,".if you are troubled with •weak, tired
feelings, headache, backache, bearing
Sown sensations, bladder weakness, cons-
tlppation,;catarrhal conditions, pain in the
3ides.regularly or irregularly, bloating
or .Unnatural enlargements, sense of
falling or misplacement of internal organs,
nervousness, desire to cry, palpitation,
hot flashes, dark rings under the eyes,
or a loss of interest in life, I invite you
to write and ask for my simple method of
home treatment, with ten days' trial
entirely free and postpaid, also references
to' Canadian ladies who gladly tell how
they have regained health, strength, and
happiness by this method. Write to -day.
Windsor, Ont.
Address: Mrs. M. Summers, Box.. Bao
The Logical
The individual ap-
pointed to administer an
estate is forced to give
much time and attention
to his trust. The anxiety
is ceaseless, the danger
of mistakes through inexperience is great.
Why burden your friend with onerous duties that can be better
performed by this Company? . The fees are no greater and -the
management much snore 'capable than can be expected of any pri-
vate executor, however willing,
is the logical administrator to ' atppoint. Its , sole business is the
careful, efficient fulfilment of every trust :committed to its care.
Call in and •consult us.
SIR GEO. GIBBONS, %C., president 4 JOHN S. MOORS, Manager
s I
LOCAL OPTION -Residents in the local option districts
can legally order from this brewery whatever they
require for personal or family use. Write to
Canadian Factories
will be enabled to run full time only if we all
buy "Made -in -Canada" goods every time.
Toasted Corn Makes
is the only food under the name KELLOGG,
that is "Made -in -Canada." All others are im-
ported and do not help Canadian workpeople,
Your money spent on "Made -in -Canada"
Goods, remains in »this country an helps